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File: 83 KB, 1280x980, Metroid (USA)-221224-115247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10798938 No.10798938 [Reply] [Original]

If you skipped Metroid NES then you are quite simply a secondary.

>> No.10798965

I don't care
Having to farm health for 5 mins ever time you die is not fun or challenging

>> No.10798968

>dying at all

>> No.10798993

Did beat Metroid
Never played super metroid

>> No.10799076

Is Zero Mission a remake of this?
What's the key differences besides the graphics and music?

>> No.10799080

I played super metroid first so this 8bit piece of shit couldn't compare

>> No.10799081

ur so hardcore

>> No.10799082

The layouts are similar but it's basically a different game

>> No.10799086

The game can be beaten in 40 minutes. Just restart.

>> No.10799089

Give Super a go sometime, it can be cleared in an afternoon or two, and doesn't feel arduous like NES Metroid for the inclusion of save points, map stations, recharge stations, 8-directional weapon aim, crouching, etc.

It's going for 100% that might annoy first time players because there's a lack of QoL in that regard, no counters telling you collection completion per area etc.

For a first play through I recommend just playing the original vanilla release, and being aware that there is a point of no return at the very end of the game with a save room after that point. A lot of players fall for that by accident and it will prevent you from exploring for 100% completion after the fact.

>> No.10799092

I beat it for the first time last week. It's breddy gud.

>> No.10799093

I didn't have that game on my Famiclone.

Just like you've never had Battle City

>> No.10799097

There's "Super Metroid Redux" which changes the control scheme to match the GBA games, which would be the most people's liking. The vanilla controls definitely provide a unique experience and you need to get into a different mindset to appreciate them—Samus becomes less of a supersoldier and more an artillery piece. There were plenty of times where I simply elected to stand still and tank hits as I unloaded fire because the controls didn't afford Samus the agility I wanted... but perhaps that was the point? It's an interesting experience having to premeditate your selected weapon and make decisions about mobility versus firepower. I don't think I can recommend the vanilla game for a first playthrough, but I do recommend it for a later playthrough.

>> No.10799101

Redux has an optional GBA-style physics patch as well which I do NOT recommend. Super's physics are splendid

>> No.10799114

Or just save an energy tank in an easily accessible location for when you need it for the quick health restore. The one in the ceiling at the beginning of Brinstar is my go-to for grabbing it on my way to Mother Brain. Just make sure you have a password from before you picked up that energy tank, and you'll never need to farm.

>> No.10799226

As opposed to a primary schooler like you?

>> No.10799250

It's funny how much good shit is in Norfair. Generally playthroughs always go like:
>Long beam
>Fuck around in Norfair, getting screw attack and lots of missiles
>Kill the shit out of Ridley
>Beeline for Kraid
I like the wave beam but really you can just stick with the ice beam and screw attack enemies to get by.

>> No.10799272

but i don't want to be a secondary

>> No.10799338

>*screaming at top of lungs while mom with bags under her eyes takes another drink of liquor in the next room and regrets not getting an abortion*

>> No.10799449

this is what you wanted, right schizoid?

>> No.10799521

>playing mods of classic games before the original
ishygddt. The floaty movement adds to the feeling of the game and is more satisfying to control when you get the hang of it vs the gba games's simple movement.

>> No.10799527

>Norfair before Kraid
easy mode

>> No.10799534

my bad, I see that you don't have to change the physics.

>> No.10799539

I can't help it, I always get the screw attack as soon as I can, and I always just go for Ridley after that, plus Norfair is my favorite area in the game. The music and cool bubble environment are just oddly comfy to me. Also I forgot to mention collecting the high jump boots in that dumb list I made.

Maybe next time I play it I'll go after Kraid's fat ass first. But I ain't going down there without Varia.

>> No.10799634

What the fuck?? It's actually hard mode, Ridley is way harder than Kraid, especially if you don't go back to get the Varia suit. And he is even more challenging in the FDS version (which is my preferred way to play the game). Kraid is a joke as long as you get some energy tanks on the way to him and his lair is arguably easier than the Ridley route
You don't really need Varia for Kraid. Iirc 3 e-tanks should be enough but it's been a couple years since I played the game

>> No.10799651

I just prefer having Varia mainly as a safety net against those goddamn bugs that fly out of the pipes. That and I usually wind up catching a few of Kraid's spikes to the face, so the extra defense is nice.
I should point out that guy calling my route easy mode isn't too far off, I get Varia before dipping into Norfair usually.

>> No.10799665

>fake crt

>> No.10799680

>I get Varia before dipping into Norfair usually
Quite honestly this is the least stressful route, I like it too. But still I end up going to Ridley without the Varia most of the time because I'm too lazy to backtrack. Also Zero Mission makes you fight Kraid before Ridley so I guess we are usually doing the non-canon route?.. Lmao

>> No.10799681

>Also Zero Mission makes you fight Kraid before Ridley
Not true, there's a secret route that lets you fight Ridley first.

>> No.10799691

Didn't know. Googled it and apparently it was intended by the devs, nice

>> No.10799694

In my opinion, it's one of those routes that feels a little *too* intended by the devs. Zero Mission feels like that a lot. With a game like Super Metroid, there's an intended sequence of progression, but you can break that sequence and wing it if you like by exploring the environment and using your abilities. But in Zero Mission, you're either playing the intended linear route, or you're S S S S SEQUENCE BREAKING in all capital letters, and there's no in-between, the sequence breaking feels pretty artificial because you have to go out of your way to hit one hidden missile block or do a chain of autistic precise bomb jumps. I still like ZM and sequence breaking it is even fun but NES and Super feel more natural.

>> No.10799745

I didn't skip it, I dropped it because it got really boring.

>> No.10799909

I tried this controls hack (without physics changes) and remember not liking it. Can't remember why. I actually think SM is best with original controls on keyboard. You can set things up arbitrarily the way you want, so you can make the diagonal aiming buttons have a natural layout. Works best with a numpad though, RIP numpadless users

>> No.10799931
File: 776 KB, 1170x2051, IMG_6378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only secondary hands could have typed this post

>> No.10799937

>there are people who unironically take pride in watching cartoons properly

>> No.10799965
File: 2.00 MB, 2200x1602, Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 13-48-00 Super_Metroid_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game was designed around the SNES pad so playing it on something so remote from that like a keyboard is strange.
Not to dunk on anyone that grew up playing with emulators and keyboards, it's learning a different skill from the norm is all.

That said, Super Metroid suffers from the inclusion of a run button, and two dedicated aiming buttons.
The default control scheme is a bit unconventional, placing Jump on A, Shoot on X, and Run on B.
This is so you can hold down a run button and have full reach to both jump and shoot, but I never got along with this so I end up mapping jump and shoot to B and Y, with run on A since there's typically not much need to shoot whilst running.

The GBA entries with two fewer face buttons to work with, consolidated the control scheme by changing diagonal aim to a single button, and removing the item cancel and run buttons entirely. This is a lot easier to manage especially with not needing to always hold a run button to maintain speed. They also do away with super missiles being a separate inventory from regular missiles by making them a direct upgrade (at least for Fusion and Dread).

Also here's a little control quirk a lot of players might not know.
If you hold the item cancel button whilst pressing the item select button, the selected item will flash green instead of changing solid green. In this mode, a single use of the selected item will auto-cancel back to beam fire, useful for scenarios like needing a single super missile for a door, or a power bomb for any obstacles.

>> No.10800110

I've definitely played through it on gamepad as well. I just decided to try it on keyboard on a whim since I was in a tinkering mood. It's really great actually.

>> No.10800185

The issue is that the game plays like dogshit on a SNES controller despite being designed for it. I honestly kind of agree with the numpad guy that it's probably better that way. The SNES select button is too spongey and in a weird spot for something you'll have to be toggling through constantly. As you noted having a run button makes playing with your thumb awkward. Whereas suddenly with multiple fingers on legitimate keys, the control scheme makes some amount of sense.

This is why the control hacks are the best way to play on controller, but I do agree with many anons that you shouldn't change the physics. Not because Super Metroid's physics are particularly great, they've annoying and floaty, but because the game isn't at all designed around the janky failure to emulate the GBA physics that hacks try to implement. You wind up in a lot of weird situations where you have to get yourself unstuck and the physics, much like I said, aren't even the GBA ones anyways and feel like, well, a cheap romhack rather than a legitimate game design choice.

>> No.10800194

>didn't play every series in release order
Yup, that's a secondary.

>> No.10800327

Obsoleted by Super Metroid

>> No.10800351

Secondary mindset

>> No.10800889
File: 110 KB, 640x753, 1693213494643283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, people have been like that on the internet for about 30 years. This episode aired in 1995:

>> No.10800923

The fuck do you mean "skipped"
I'm not playing this shit in chronological order or something

>> No.10801058

Game's too obtuse for me. Tried mapping everything out, still couldn't tell where to go. Don't want to shoot explosives at random walls to figure out where to go next. Could use a strategy guide, but that's just cheating. Might just play Zero MIssion if I can't find a guide that doesn't tell me to pull some retarded technique to sequence break and get an item I'm not supposed to early on.

>> No.10801060

Where are you stuck? I've got a map of the game I made myself. Getting tips from other players is the authentic SOVL way to make progress in these kinds of games

>> No.10801074

Don't remember the exact point I stopped playing, been a year now. Last couple of things I can recall, in no particular order, is going down an elevator into some area with lava and weird creatures, going up to some alien statues, getting an ice beam in one of those halls connecting two rooms, and I think some weird grey area. Might have gotten some boots that made me jump higher too.

>> No.10801078

Sounds like Norfair. If you got the high jump boots then you were already right next to the shaft leading to Ridley. The shaft to the right of the Norfair ice beam has a secret bombable block that lets you go down to Ridley, although you should've already been past the secret block if you got the high jump boots.

>> No.10801112

>Getting tips from other players is the authentic SOVL way to make progress in these kinds of games
I like games with SOVL that allow you to complete the game without needing to buy a guide at a bookstore.
Games like SMB 3 or Sonic 3 & Knuckles can be defeated without a guide (getting the special ending is another issue entirely, but you can beat the game).
I couldn't beat Zelda 1 without a guide. That shit was fucking nonsensical.

>> No.10801898

>I couldn't beat Zelda 1 without a guide. That shit was fucking nonsensical.
There's no hope for you if you couldn't even beat LoZ without a guide. Everything it spelled out for you in that game within the game itself and with the materials that came with it.

>> No.10801904

Better atmosphere than Super Metroid. I aint gonna lie.

>> No.10801979 [DELETED] 

This doesn't really apply as is with video games, you can see people are too lazy to watch old anime because there is no difference in skill required to watch old anime vs new anime. All it requires is an open mindset for styles and tropes which don't exist anymore.
In the case of video games there is that, but not only: playing modern games and old games is a fundenmantally different experience, to the point that people who only know mode gaming don't understand it at all and have to invent stupid reasons as to why things were different and to come up with excuses not to play it. They can't comprehend skill based gameplay, or hunting for secrets and exploration being encouraged, having to put 2 and 2 together by yourself, and many other things. So it's not that they don't want to play it out of lazyness, it's that they literally can't comprehend it and play it at all due to how alien the design is to them.

And we already have a word that implies all of that: zoomer.

>> No.10801981

This doesn't really apply as is with video games, you can say people are too lazy to watch old anime because there is no difference in skill required to watch old anime versus new anime. All it requires is an open mindset for styles and tropes which don't exist anymore.
In the case of video games there is that, but not only: playing modern games and old games is a fundenmantally different experience, to the point that people who only know modern gaming don't understand it at all and have to invent stupid reasons as to why things were different and to come up with excuses not to play it. They can't comprehend skill based gameplay, or hunting for secrets and exploration being encouraged, having to put 2 and 2 together by yourself, and many other things. So it's not that they don't want to play it out of lazyness, it's that they literally can't comprehend it and play it at all due to how alien the design is to them.

And we already have a word that implies all of that: zoomer.

>> No.10802257

>Sonic 3 & Knuckles can be defeated without a guide (getting the special ending is another issue entirely
You literally just need to collect the emeralds which is as easy as ever thanks for the saving system

>> No.10802271
File: 240 KB, 960x961, metroid-port-super-nintendo-entertainment-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer here, played it back then and drew my own maps. About to do it again with the enhanced version.

>> No.10802278
File: 125 KB, 1138x1024, Metroid II - Return of Samus (World)-221220-175829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am OP and I am a zoomer, I flex on millennials and boomers who can't play real video games every day

>> No.10802292

If you asked sakamoto himself if he thought Metroid 1 was worth playing today he'd probably tell you not to. Gatekeeping a series based on if people have played the shitty prototype for it is pretty gay.

>> No.10802293

Sakamoto made Other M his opinion is irrelevant nowadays

>> No.10802341

Spot on. OP's zoomerism condemned him to speaking out of his ass. Embarrassing; we usually like to keep the post standard on this board above that of /v/

>> No.10802354

Why are you a big baby boy who cannot play real video games?

>> No.10802363

You can route the game in a way that you can use E-tank pickups as healing items. When I replay the game, I deliberately leave some E-tanks just so I can pick them up when I get to low health, such as the one near kraids lair in Brinstar. That I get after completing norfair.

>> No.10802373

I didn't beat it

>> No.10802387

You flex on no one, you are a child indulging in a child's hobby

>> No.10802395

I accept your concession.

>> No.10803019

I don't care, it's just not fun to play.
At least I didn't skip Metroid 2 unlike most Metroid "fans"

>> No.10803134

Based, Metroid 2 is good.

>> No.10803370

Just play the Famicom version so you can actually save and not deal with any of that.