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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10797929 No.10797929 [Reply] [Original]

Why you all hate 2000s sonic games? They're still damn fun, I never got to play 06 but it also looks fun as fuck

>> No.10797932
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>> No.10797938
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i dont hate sonic, i just enjoy laughing at his terrible games and the mentally ill people who enjoy them (or rather pretend to)

>> No.10797943

Anon, it starts like this and then you start gooning, and then after the gooning you start taking estrogen, and then a dick flies up your ass. You don't want that right? Turn back now k' bud

>> No.10797945
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>I suck playing certain game
>Game is terrible

>> No.10797948

to be fair, you need a fairly high IQ to enjoy sonic 06

>> No.10797956

Sonic is peak manchild adhdcore
t. adhd manchild and I love that blue son of a bitch

>> No.10797964
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I don't think they're hated, it's more that SEGA during their hardware era was so cool that there's more to discuss about those than the Sonic games that came after that. I liked Heroes and Shadow growing up and I still like the Advance games, but as an adult I prefer SEGA CD and Dreamcast.

No, we can talk about them here now.

>> No.10797981

Because I wasn’t a child in the 2000s

>> No.10798408

The reason I can't stand Sonic Adventure is because of long delays between dialogue lines. No one talks like that and it's extremely fucking annoying to me. Yes, some other games have this problem as well (Silent Hill 1), but that doesn't excuse it. Oh and I played this game on a Dreamcast using an original disc, so this is 100% Sega's fault.

>> No.10798413

How is it adhdcore if the game constantly expects me to watch long cutscenes where it takes a few seconds between one character finishes speaking and the other character starts speaking? Games like SoulCalibur or Dead or Alive fit that moniker much better because their philosophy is literally zero time wasted.

>> No.10798428

The newest Sonic game I've played is Sonic 06 and it is fucking terrible. I've heard the claims that Sonic Boom was worse, but I just can't believe it.

>> No.10798480

>Adventure 2
Okay, but annoying
Never played, but sounds annoying at worst, meh at best
Played demo, looks glitchy as fuck and not fun, also not retro

>> No.10798487
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I was just replaying Shadow the Hedgehog and reminded why everyone shits on this game.
I actually loved it as a kid but as an adult I simply don't have patience for it's repetitive missions where you have to tediously search and destroy every enemy or look for hard to find items.
The camera might as well count as an enemy since you'll be fighting it half the time, especially during the later stages.

>> No.10798492

Advance games and Heroes are alright, the rest are fucking garbage. Adventure 2 and Rush 1 are considered good but I hate them
>06 looks fun as fuck
You owe it to yourself to give this game a go just to see how legitimately bad it is. It's bizarre that such game even exists. Counting all of the Game Gear shovelware like Blast, 06 is hilariously awful even by Sonic standards

>> No.10798579

Typic braindead millenial

>> No.10798610

'06 is legitimately terrible and incompetent, but managed to be fun anyways because it's basically Sonic Adventure 3. Heroes is less of a technical mess, but boring as fuck.

>> No.10798659
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I don't, fuck you, I just 100%ed SA2 for the first time minutes ago

>> No.10798690

i honestly like all of the 3d sonic games, they are plain fun and thats all i want from my vidya and i dont care that the story is retarded

>> No.10798695

sonic boom is just a generic thq action adventure game with a sonic skin so no its not worse than 06, some people say its like shitty ratchet anc clank (i wouldnt know i havent played it)

>> No.10798697

who gives a shit about that?

>> No.10798698

i did that like 4 years ago, i 100% adventure 1 and 2 ahhh best summer i've ever had, the inner child in me was so happy about this since i could never do it as a kid

>> No.10798705

and yes i realize how sad my life is ok?

>> No.10798718

>Why you all hate 2000s sonic games?
The last good sonic game was Sonic 3 & Knuckles

>> No.10798720

why does it fly up your ass and from where

>> No.10798921

Nothing wrong with that anon - I left Pyramid Cave and Crazy Gadget for last because as a kid they drove me fucking nuts. Going through and ass-raping the entire game for myself for the first time was super worth it - I can say I love SA2 without any asterisks now, it feels like.

>> No.10798931
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The 2000s were good for Sonic

>> No.10799043
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Op here, damn most of you faggots have pretty stupid reasons to dislike 2000s sonic games, but I bet you don't mind those reasons in different games huh?

>> No.10799045

Because wrestling controls, camera, and clipping through environments isn't fun.

>> No.10799046

Finally someone with a working brain

>> No.10799068

Because I played them and hated almost every second of it. SA1 was ok I guess but 2 and heroes were just terrible. I bought 06 as a joke after hearing how bad it was, so that’s on me, but my god secret rings sucks so much fucking ass it makes 06 look like a masterpiece

>> No.10799127

I liked SA1 and 2. The Sonic Advance trilogy was great and I even liked Sonic Battle.

Never played any of the others except Riders which was...okay,

>> No.10799697

i did it by first completing the eggman/tails stages then rouge/knuckles and finally sonic/shadow, the chao stuff was a bit tedious though, love them but having to level them up so that they can win is not something i enjoy, i only like petting them and feeding them

>> No.10801476

Congrats anon, how many hours?

>> No.10801575

my favorite sonic games are the genesis ones and the adventure games though.
>I never got to play 06 but it also looks fun as fuck
it's really bad and people hate it for a reason. i understand when you want to give a game a chance but 06 is really as bad as people say it is.

>> No.10801821


No Millennial was born in the 21st century, anon.

>> No.10802151
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I did all of the Shadow and Eggman stages just for fun, then figured I could stand to finish Rouge's too so Dark was all done, then I decided to go all in and I just did all the Hero stages from left to right on the map basically, with Cannon's Core's last mission being the 180th emblem for me. It was super fun and I found I'm really good at and like the mech stages now.

28 hours and 5 minutes. Only issue now, this poster is apparently accurate. Now that I've done it all, I want to keep playing.

>> No.10802164
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I hate all Sonic games.

>> No.10802920

Complaining about Cameras in a 3D platformer is a skill issue.

>> No.10802951

Then the game wasn't enthralling enough to draw the player in to learn that skill.

>> No.10802976

Modern Sonic fucking sucks. Where is a Sonic Underground game already.

>> No.10804530

Their bad? Most games are stuffed with filler or novelty gimmick. Also 06 is actually worse then people say

>> No.10804559

Millennials were the edgy teens playing Shadow and all the other faggy SA games. You can start arguing about the zoomer demographic when discussing Sonic 06, but the franchise was already ruined before that. Millennials killed Sonic

>> No.10804761

Late milennials

>> No.10805047

>its no USE
>F U C K I N G

>> No.10805271 [DELETED] 

It is irrelevant if a nigger arrives earlier or later. It’s still a nigger

>> No.10805315

why would i want to deal with forced dialogue when the story sucks ass and the tech can barely render backgrounds much less moving mouths

why would I want "sonic but in the real world" at LEAST six times in a row

why would I want "gameplay variety" that exists for the sake of wasting your time (tails/robotnik in SA2, big the cat in SA1, all of sonic heroes)

why would I want instaboost pads placed all over levels (that cause jarring camera animations) when sonic was literally created to be momentum-based speed

>> No.10805353

After picking up the game again to finally beat the True Final Boss, I was humoring to try out each mission at least once... But man the controls are just way too slippery to be fun enough to go through the hassle.

Then again I followed that by going through all of Secret Rings for the first time, Shadow isnt so bad compared to THAT.
Man, I remember this artist. Hope he's doing fine.

>> No.10805358 [DELETED] 

Not how it works. Late millennials are basically early zoomers. They barely have any memories of the pre-mainstream internet world.

>> No.10805389

Sonic Advanced 1 and 2 were pretty good as well.
Fuck SA3, though.

>> No.10805473
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Maybe sonic is not for retards like you