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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10792591 No.10792591 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10782123

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

Quickstart torrent (IWADS etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake 1-3 FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/







OUR SRB2K SERVER (Kart Game in Doom), more info here:



>> No.10792594
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/Vertex Relocation/

Ad Mortem Guns (DECORATE): https://files.catbox.moe/ihv4l4.zip

=== WHEN IT'S DONE ===

=== NEWS ===
[3-20]/arena/ is back in a new home

[3-19]Sewer Jam for Quake 2 Remastered is Out!

[3-17]Anon remembered that Freedom exists and it was updated

[3-17]nugget 3.0 released:

[3-17]Speedmappack 228 for Quake released, 18 maps all using vanilla gameplay and textures, no Copper whatsoever

[3-16]CLASSIC MARATHON will be released for Free on Steam soon!

[3-16]Doom 2 in City Only Released

[3-16]Wrath entitites file has finally released. Mapfags can now make new levels.

[3-15]Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition makes CQ3 playable without ZDoom

[3-14]Quakespasm Spiked updated, now a dozen times faster. Can play any map at 60+ fps.

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [dd-mm] date bracket)

>> No.10792598

Small PSA for this thread:
Give your condolences to revae, his father who taught him how to love doom and mapping has passed away this monday.

>> No.10792631

hope shit gets better for ya, man

>> No.10792680
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What's a good source port of Blood for a first time play-through?
I hope you fare well, revae, I know what it's like to lose a loved one especially if it's in the same house.

>> No.10792695

nblood, buildgdx, raze, notblood are pretty much all fine
the only way you can really go wrong is with fresh supply, it's got problems that can't be fixed because of publisher bullshit

>> No.10792703

even now that the publisher bought the dev they still won't patch it

>> No.10792709
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I guess were done then, GGs
God damn that code is disgusting, good to know those hooks exist, though.

>> No.10792713

be sure to make the video files work. there are some cutscenes. one should play before the first level.

>> No.10792768
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GGs and hopefully it will be some help least

>> No.10792780
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>I suspect that the reason I'm so fond of old architecture and weird monsters is the fact I was first exposed to shareware Quake as early as 3 or 4 years of age, and would replay it often. Now, I see places like the lamp-lit castle hallways in Amnesia: The Dark Descent and think "huh, that's kinda cozy".
That's an interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing it. I was 12-16 when I first played Quake myself, and back then I didn't even like it near as much as I do. However I did grow up with games like House of the Dead with their axe wielding, chainsaw arm zombies, so it always pleased me to see enemies like the ogres in Quake. Still not sure why I enjoy the aesthetic as a whole so much.

>> No.10792787
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>> No.10792868
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Videos are working; it took me a few tries, but I finished the first level on Well Done.

>> No.10792872
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well done

>> No.10792897
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Mods asleep. Post Your Custom Title Screens.

Bonus Points if they work on DOS or DSDA.

>> No.10792917

My deepest condolences man. I'm glad he was able to affect your life so positively.

>> No.10792959

>[3-19]Sewer Jam for Quake 2 Remastered is Out!
Lmao, that idiot Doom-Shakalaka reused his audio track (track39.ogg) and video (doom.ogv) filenames from the N64 jam so you can't just drop it into baseq2.

>> No.10792983

I'm sorry, revae, it must be terrible

>> No.10793004
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Alright so that took like 20 minutes.

>> No.10793048
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>> No.10793071

>Try out new Quakespasm Spiked
>Can't run big Mjolnir maps
Guess it's mostly meant for multiplayer but still disappointing.

>> No.10793078
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>> No.10793098

Damn, hope Revae is doing alright, it’s never easy to lose a family member.

>> No.10793151

My condolences Revae

>> No.10793169
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>> No.10793202

Still his map is fucking great

>> No.10793205

Would it be possible to make Ogres able to adjust their aim depending on where the player is?

>> No.10793219

God no. The first half is especially bad, since the ladder physics aren't suited to the way they're being used, and it's far too easy to go the wrong direction and end up with no ammunition or weapons.
The good maps are Dash Through Sewer Trash, Waste Treatment 201, and Bio-Energy Plant. The worst level is Shambo.

>> No.10793224

RIP grandpa of viking doom may you frag in valhalla

>> No.10793226

his map made me feel that i was playing a proper remake of the old aliens doom into Q2, and i am talking about HH labs.
I wish someone could port AliensTC into Q2 and make use of the remastered stuff

I think Chris Holden is eager to share or release STAND Source code if he wants it

>> No.10793229

Fuck, I'm sorry for your loss dude.

If it's any small comfort, because of him, you've inspired a lot of people to try their hand at doing stuff with Doom.

>> No.10793363

Sorry for your loss revae, thanks to your pops we got the greatest Doom TC of all time

>> No.10793383

Is there a way to sell stuff to the merchant in Deathstrider?

>> No.10793404

Yeup. Drop the stuff in front of them. It’s good for refunding weapons you’re no longer using.

>> No.10793434

As anon said, drop stuff at the merchant's feet. Gotta stay close though. Plus it only works for items with a base price of $250+. Refund percentage is laughable but it's better than nothing. Don't forget to remove the upgrades first.

>> No.10793446

>you have won! Your victory enabled humankind to evacuate earth and escape the nightmare
>you are the only human left on the face of the planet
>you sit back and wait for death, content
>but then, earth control beams down message from space
>slowly and painfully you get up and return into the fray
Didn't expect scythe.wad would give me feels.

>> No.10793461

That’s just the default Doom 2 text. I bet it’s been awhile since you’ve last been through it.

>> No.10793462

that's just the vanilla text

>> No.10793468

Is there a bind I can make that ‘radios’ the merchant to follow me, or do I have to be near them?

>> No.10793475

There's a setting in the menu to make them follow you on a hoverboard. If you're playing someone that can do magic, Mass Recall will summon the merchant if you don't aim it at the floor. You can also pick them up with Shift + Use, carry them wherever you want, and put them down again by holding crouch for a second.

>> No.10793501

When using the hoverboard, look at them and hold Sprint for about a second while both of you are standing still (safety measure to avoid toggling it by accident) to switch between "follow" and "stay". Distance is irrelevant.

>> No.10793506
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My condolences, Revae. Sounds like he was a great person and father, which makes it all the more heart-wrenching. May he rest in peace.

>> No.10793524

Oh shit I'm sorry, should've looked it up before posting.
Yeah, I think it's been like 6 or 7 years since I played original completion, I didn't even recognize small parts from icon of sin wall sprite in one wad recently. Besides first two levels only thing I really remember from Doom 2 is a giant crusher map with a lot of lifts, not even sure why.

>> No.10793537


>> No.10793590
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When does it get good?

>> No.10793592

It's gud. You aren't yet. Git gud.

>> No.10793608

I am gud at quake 2 but this expansion so far is just boring encounters and really butt ugly maps.

>> No.10793617

How are you playing it? It’s solid but has a real dark sewer start, and KexQ2 gives you a flashlight.

>> No.10793620

xatrix rushed with this expansion since redneck was in development so...

>> No.10793627

It's a little undervalued post-remaster, a lot of the changes the remaster made to enemies were introduced here.

>> No.10793630

it looks like these are coming out of his crotch area
is it me or making posts on this site is getting more and more tedious? I swear the captcha was much faster in the past and I made less errors - damn, got one trying to post this

>> No.10793664

Playing it on the remastered steam version. Dont really mind the flashlight and how dark it is, that just hides how ugly the maps are if anything.

>> No.10793693

>posting is more tedious
>ip count is gone
This year is going to be quite a ride.
It doesn’t look as good as Xatrix’s Redneck Rampage maps but they felt more functional. They would go on to hit a sweet spot with Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

>> No.10793715

what should i grab for gog games before its over

>> No.10793719

Thanks to Kinsie, that MetaDoom map is finally playable as "CultistRage" PK3.
Next time, I should do that proper PK3 formatting myself.

>> No.10793739

before whats over?
is gog gonna shut down?

>> No.10793745

gog is fine, different site

>> No.10793748

Fallout Tactics. So fucking underrated compared to the rest of the games.

>> No.10793769

does FO:T still work online after Gamespy shut down? I remember playing it during the NY sniper thing in the early 2000's. also discovering how utterly broken voodoo is. gets less broken with points limits, but still

>> No.10793783

I have no idea, I played single player and it was pretty challenging for me, coming from FO and FO2.

>> No.10793834
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>> No.10793881

i wish one of this guys could show up, even on reddit of all places and say that they have the source code saved and they are uploading to github.

i think one of them still works as a guitarist to a band

>> No.10793884

With id1 progs (vanilla gameplay components) no. Mods have made this possible for years however. For Drake, all ogres are Z-aware of the player. For Copper I believe it's a flag you have to set, ditto AD and progs_dump 3.

>> No.10793898

The entirely mission-based structure kinda screwed it, which is a shame since the engine was really good.

I wonder if anything ever came out of that GZDoom-based Fallout 1 game.

>> No.10793912

>load into level
>monsters: 0/900+
do you skip the level? or do you delete the wad entirely, knowing that the developer is a lazy hack?

>> No.10793915

i dont play slaughtershit albeit

>> No.10793916

I smile and load Russian Overkill.

>> No.10793917

I accept the challenge because I'm not a faggot who uses Doom to steamroll things.

>> No.10793953

It gets undeserved shit, but I think it's fun.

>> No.10793957

wut mod?

>> No.10793956

Anemic and lethargic posts.

>> No.10793970
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Currently a demo, still in the works. Has two episodes and a hidden remake of Hexen 1 within it

>> No.10793978

I play it first and then decide how I feel about it.

>> No.10793993

I can never ever remember which addon is which. Is it the Antonov's one or it's about those fucking piece of dogshit imbecile ceiling turrets?

>> No.10794002

It’s the first one. Ground Zero has the satan turrets, The Reckoning has the nightmare beta brains. The remaster nerfs the GZ turrets but turns every brain into the beta brain from TR.

>> No.10794030

Just beat Wrath. Holy shit, what a thoroughly average game. You're telling me it took them nearly half a decade to finish it?

>> No.10794042

delete immediately, but yours is an exaggeration and it never happens.
i'm fine with one, two "big levels", but a lot of them are lazy garbage

>> No.10794057

I think everything about it is above average myself except the combat because of the limited enemy types. I just want them to return to the game in a year with more enemies and the whole game remixed.

>> No.10794068

>You're telling me it took them nearly half a decade to finish it?
The “3D Realms curse” doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon, but I’m marginally interested in the fact that an old Quake mod dev (the guy who made the mod Quoth) seems to be in charge of things now.
I still don’t have much interest in the game though, haven’t even made it through the “demo episode” yet.

>> No.10794071

I made a post many threads ago about Kell and Wrath; he must have taken over for episode 3 because I feel none of his influence here in episode 2. And episode 2 isn't bad, I love Egypt and I love Serious Sam, it's just like I said in that post, enemy encounters blend together.

>> No.10794075

>decided to use the least optimized and most literally homosexual Quake port
>hired newfag Quake 1 trenchzoomers who can't into the Quake 3 map format because you actually have to model things in a way that makes sense and is optimized
>claim to be indie, but sign up with one of the biggest griftware nostalgia bait publishers in existence that keeps jerking them around with dumb ideas and shitty pay
>Darkplaces is so fucked that making a Kex-style wrapper makes the framerate unplayable, so they have to simultaneously make a Unity Engine version of the game for consoles (which still isn't out and will probably just be cancelled)
>promise multiplayer, announce it's cancelled at the last minute, and leave those wondering why to find that the player model isn't even fucking animated
I'm shocked the game even came out, honestly.

>> No.10794076

i thought it was good, but yeah there were like 5 enemies short for how long the game is
also, does anyone know what outlander difficulty does in comparison to hard mode?

>> No.10794084

Dude, they sperged at Civvie's video because he literally broke off the character to shit on 3dRealms and Slipgate hard.
Pretty much all of it was Friedrich and 3DR's fault

>> No.10794101

>hired newfag Quake 1 trenchzoomers who can't into the Quake 3 map format because you actually have to model things in a way that makes sense and is optimized
Anon that's not nearly the problem. The problem is in order to see any lighting changes you have to recompile the entire map. They handicapped themselves hard when they decided on using a Quake 1 based engine instead of using Unreal to mimic the Quake 1 aesthetic.

>> No.10794104

Oh cheers that’s where I first got the news, thanks. Uncovering all this fun old Quake stuff, Quoth might be my favorite of the “gameplay mods” (although I spent the most time/had the most fun with the Drake version of that cotm map anons mentioned last thread).

>> No.10794107

>using Unreal to mimic the Quake 1 aesthetic.
I can't think of a single Unreal 'boomer shooter' that actually captures Quake 1's aesthetic. They all have a plastic sheen to them and feel like shit.
Also, they could have gotten around the lighting compiling issue by either cutting the maps into multiple BSPs (which would also help optimization on Shitplaces), or simply not making such tiringly fuckhuge maps. Since they're using the Quake 3 map format, they could also just light the BSP in Blender.

>> No.10794110
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You're preaching to the choir. I like Wrath, more than most of you I reckon. Sure they could have made maps smaller, sure they could have done this or that or not gone to 3DR, none of that matters when it comes to the GAME, and the game lacks more enemies to facilitate more interesting combat scenarios. I'm on the third map of episode 2 and they're still giving me zombies (which pose no threat because they don't throw parts of themselves like Quake 1 zombies) together with other enemies.

>> No.10794125

I've heard that neither 64-bit Macs nor any version of Windows after XP Service pack 3 (or maybe Vista after basic) can natively run UT 2004.l due to the game's unusual coding and heavy reliance on hardware accelerated audio. How much of this claim is true?

>> No.10794130

One way to find out.

>> No.10794136

Cool, thanks /vr/os

>> No.10794146

Wrath's levels all feel like they're balanced for sword starts, even in E2 and 3 where you have a full arsenal from the last set of levels.

>> No.10794165
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Would Wrath be better if it was just a map pack for Quake? With Quake weapons and enemies (maybe add 1-2 guns at most), for any modern Quake source port (they already have enough fancy graphics features)?

>> No.10794173

if I have no idea what to expect I might check some of the other levels if they also have a 1000+ count
a couple big levels are fine

>> No.10794174
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I think so.

>> No.10794182

some of the levels look cool and have memorable set pieces
the first half was a bit of a slog
>tfw finished with maxed out powerups and over 70 tethers
I did die a couple times tho before I got used to the way faster projectile speeds

>> No.10794185

there are a lot of BIG rooms with flying enemies that spawn very far away and a lack of sniping weapons would be a pain
and no, the lightning would not be enough

>> No.10794242
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>> No.10794248

It worked up to Windows 8.1 without the need for compatibility modes last I checked, but I may have installed some unofficial memory increaser. Can't remember.

>> No.10794312
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I could enjoy a smaller or focused roster if I find the enemies enjoyable enough, and some personality goes a long way.
I’m not feeling much from fighting these guys. I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt for now, maybe I’m just not in the mood.
Whatcha playing it with?

>> No.10794327

Anyone willing to share the Sigil 2 Thor music for the wad? I never see it uploaded here, I must missed it.

>> No.10794342

Rest in Peace. His influence is felt throughout the Doom community.

>> No.10794363

currently stuck on MAP23 (Demonology) of Going Down. missing two orange skulls. one in the bedroom and the last one I don't know

>> No.10794372

Runs on my Win10 system without issue or compatibility mode fuckery.

Now UT99 that's a different kettle of fish, I had to do a whole lot of fuckery to get that to stop stuttering.

>> No.10794384

Ok thanks.
How about Unreal GOLD?

>> No.10794432

For the bedroom one, check the automap
The other one is probably in the pillar room since that's the easiest one to miss.
The others are in:

Spider mastermind room
Dining room
Hidden passage behind the library

>> No.10794494
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Lol what?

>> No.10794530

Kiwi Farms released a map pack. 17 maps, meant for ZDoom-based ports.
A few are the mappers' first attempt at making anything.

>> No.10794531

yeah I grabbed a demo that showed me the remaining one
the pillar room is nasty because you have to look up, which doesn't really work unless you use the opengl renderer or think to turn around
the bedroom one is just.. a secret. opposite an evil eye though so maybe I was just a bit slow in the minds

>> No.10794537

>only way to access the final boss is to enter a password from the game into the dev team's webpage, which has probably been offline for the last 13 years
yeah, it's sovl

>> No.10794538
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Is TSPG down or something? Every single BYOC server in the US is just gone.

>> No.10794541

The lolcow website? Huh.

>> No.10794545
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One million hours in google search engine

>> No.10794547

Yeah. It took them a while, but they still got it done before 94 Protons.

>> No.10794550

The Last map was never finished
if someone reverse enginers the DLL for Remaster, the Guardian should be the last boss.

>> No.10794574
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It's all pretty good but it's all the same which gets boring fast. All the criticisms people have about Quake 1 (it's all brown and spongey) are far more accurate to Quake 2 where the only real difference is how many of what enemy you're fighting in a given brown and orange techbase or cave.

>> No.10794627

I've not tried it but I assume it's the same as UT99 with the game by default running too quick.

Still fixable though, and obviously nobody should feel bad for pirating it since you can't even buy that shit now.

>> No.10794631

>first post in they're already noticing shit about David Newton

>> No.10794657
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Quake 2's colored lighting really sticks out after playing traditional Quake 1 maps, and there's brightmaps for all those colored panels now.

>> No.10794701

I mean, SA forums actually ran for cacowards last year with an ok mappack, so I guess lolcow forum users all like doom quite a lot.

>> No.10794709

>>10792591 Could you guys recommend me some modern D∞M 1 WADs? I already played Si6iL and it's sequel, and want to see how other people mix things up with the first game.

>> No.10794719


>> No.10794725

>D∞M 1
Playing them with Freedoom?

>> No.10794726

Double Impact is really gud.

>> No.10794727

Hell's Bane
Alpha Accident
No End In Sight
Solar Struggle
Double Impact
Lunar Catastrophe
CH Retro Episode
Doom the Way ID Did
Wonderful Doom
Fava Beans
The Ultimate NMD
The Classic Episode
PhobosDeimos Anomaly

>> No.10794739

If there's a Doom 64 why isn't there a Doom 128 yet? It's been like 50 years.

>> No.10794750

Doom 128 is a thing, it's been around for years.

>> No.10794793

I enjoy it because I'm not a fag who has limited taste in only tight corridor maps.

>> No.10794794

Doom 256^64 when

>> No.10794798

lmao how are bitch-made posts like this are still made to this day

>> No.10794801

doom 720 when

>> No.10794802

I STILL think that the ship at the intro screen to TNT Evilution comes off as a knockoff USS Enterprise.

>> No.10794805

DooM 512 when?

>> No.10794810
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Because they're either baiting with something that always gets replies or they're just bad at video games

>> No.10794812

I was given a test build of Doom 4096. No, I won’t provide a download link

>> No.10794815

Look at how many powers of two I can name!!!
Doom 2147483648

>> No.10794835

We made that already.

>> No.10794851

I go
>"999+ monsters? Wow, this is gonna be great, I bet this wad comes with a huge fucking map full of cool megastructures, just like that entire doom 1 into one map wad."
And then I get sad when it's just hordes spawning in sometimes instead of a whole new world.

>> No.10794858
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>> No.10794870

>>10794725 No.
>>10794726 Do you mean FreeD∞M? If so, then I already played it.

>> No.10794871
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Any .wads with lolis?

>> No.10794872

Oh right, I forgot Ralphis and Rottking donated Double Impact to FreeDoom. Yeah, you've already played it, so maybe consider something else (but it's worth experiencing with its proper textures and music desu).

>> No.10794882
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But Q1 has colored lighting since 2001...

>> No.10794885

Ad Mortem has gremlins, flying kind too

>> No.10794887
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Gremlins isn't the Cute & Funny I had in mind.

>> No.10794893
File: 903 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240321_222251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long overdue but I finally beat Ashes ep 1 (main+dead man walking). It's good stuff. Especially loved the FAL in DMW.

On to Afterglow now, any quick tips to know for that one?

>> No.10794901

Don't waste scrap on pistol upgrades, it'll never surpass the machine pistol. Musket, machine pistol and pump action shotgun are the holy trinity of guns.

>> No.10794915

I guess I didn’t regard those as “traditional Quake levels”, more comparing the original campaigns between the two games.
I suppose Quake 2 truly becomes grey, brown, and orange when you play it through the software renderer. For Quake 1, even with low textures, all the colors they chose for the 64 port were nice.

>> No.10794920

Both Q1 and Q2 enhanced versions introduced new lighting in original campaigns that wasn't in the original game. In Q1 it's not so good.

>> No.10794924

Should probably emphasize that I meant only the 9mm. The .45 revolver's first upgrade is actually extremely good.

>> No.10794931

Noted. I guess scrap is more important in afterglow then?

>> No.10794937

Angelic Aviary

>> No.10794942

Aye. Weapons can be upgraded for 150 scrap a pop and those are almost always worth the investment.

>> No.10794962

It's like if /pol/ tried to make another wad.

>> No.10794971

neat. thanks

>> No.10794976

Good times.
Headphones warning

>> No.10794978

That actually came from here btw.

>> No.10795042

That was all Scroton, he was a /vr/trooper too

>> No.10795065

You guys got any good tutorials on using Trenchbroom?

>> No.10795082

Are you totally novitiate?

>> No.10795095

What, like separate from Dumptruck's series and anything else easily searchable on Google?

>> No.10795118
File: 1.07 MB, 320x240, 1687001969880914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey original newsposter/thread baker, take care of yourself. I know there are other thread bakers now and newsposters, but I'm sure the original is still around. Take care of yourself man.

>> No.10795207

I gotta be honest, anons. It's quite relaxing to make simple props for my mod thing in Milkshape 3D. Just sitting in silence, meditating in my mind and making a simple model is really nice after a long angry day.

>> No.10795212

I haven't sat in silence in quite some time, I love music too much, but I have a similar sentiment for mapping and listening to music anon.

>> No.10795297

List of Retro FPS games that would be objectively better if the enemies did more (yet consistent) damage and the player switched weapons faster;
>1. All of them

>> No.10795302

Sounds like you should play QUAKE

>> No.10795325

My condolences. Rest in Peace Revae's pa.

>> No.10795331

I haven't been here in a small while aka three months or so. Any good wads / Quake stuff / good throwback FPS released in that timeframe?

As far as Wads go I'm looling for something with a techbasy feel and 8-10 map episodes.

>> No.10795332

Check the newspost you goof. Quake 2 just got a sewer jam.

>> No.10795376

>map forces you to 2-tap 100 cyberdemons in a row, one by one, in duplicate arenas
>while dodging their rockets pixel perfectly on a narrow platform
>with them standing at the end and on the edge of said platform, to where hitting them with a point blank shot knocks them off
>so you have to prefire at a very specific range, and then chainsaw switch to negate the knockback while closing the distance in time
the future of doom mapping

>> No.10795436

Touhou Doom: Embodiment of a Cyber Devil

>> No.10795445

Are you supposed to see the white lines of secrets on the map before you find them in doom, or is this a qol thing source ports have?

>> No.10795448

Why is there so much shit talk about Wrath's lack of enemy variety, yet so much praise about Doom 1?
Doom 1 has even less enemy variety, and the only threatening enemies are shotgunners and cybers.

>> No.10795451

touhou isn't pixel perfect trash, its just trash

>> No.10795452

Doom 1 is 30 years old.

>> No.10795454

Factor the year of release of each game when you are making this comparison.

>> No.10795458

t. filtered
I don't think anyone is really praising Doom 1's enemy roster and disparaging Wrath in the same breath. A proper comparison would be Doom 2 and Wrath.

>> No.10795468

wrath's roster is fine
the enemies serve their roles
the wheel need not be reinvented
but the wheel needs rims
where my fuckin shambler and vore
you could do so much stuff with a vore in a game with that knife dash fuckin 90 degree snapping projectiles n shit and it'd still be fair and fun

>> No.10795469

>t. filtered
I play other shmups, and have cleared PCB on lunatic and have come to the conclusion that if you've played one touhou you've played them all. Also last post of offtopic bad games.

>> No.10795478

Doom lets you manually flag a line to be shown as one-sided to hide its true nature as a door/lift, but not everyone remembers to do so.
Outline of a secret sector itself, I think, is a port feature, but in any case it's not white.

>> No.10795484

>and have come to the conclusion that if you've played one touhou
What an awful and erroneous sentiment.
>Also last post of offtopic bad games.
Fuck off now it's the last post.

>> No.10795497
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Played a bit more of the Quake II sewer jam.

It's annoyingly hard. Not a lot of ammo or health, and a lot of insanely annoying enemy placements, including lots of fliers and zerkers. Often went back to my blaster to cheese enemies which is never a great thing. There are some nice arenas, using the platform as cover like its Apex Legends while the big flier boss gets stuck on it was funny.

The environments and areas are super nice and pretty cool so far. It's a shame that so it has the feel of a level that's only balanced if you know all the enemy spawns and secrets. Then again, I'm playing on nightmare difficulty so I'm getting exactly what it says on the label. Guess I've been away from the ultra annoying Nu-Zerks and fliers too long.

>> No.10795531
File: 3.30 MB, 640x360, quake2ex_spooksewer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have sure been some tight fights throughout this jam so far.
I’m liking it so far, dark cramped and evil compared to his goofy fun Bo-bomb map. It’s also when I had to stop using Q2Pro: I couldn’t jump on the box near the start and I couldn’t fit in the tunnels, but it does look better here so it’s not a big bummer.

>> No.10795532

Is there any reason to play Freedoom outside of novelty? It has new maps, right?

>> No.10795535

Depends on when you last played it for how big the difference is, the maps are pretty decent.

>> No.10795559

The real problem with BetaBrains to me is how inexplicably fucky the physics behind their extended mouth attack get - you can sometimes find yourself get gibbed from full health if they'd grab you from a high enough elevation or if you just got caught mid-jump.
The GZ BlackWidow boss 2nd stage's pincer attack also suffers from the same problem.

There is no final boss for Oblivion made unfortunately

>> No.10795563
File: 22 KB, 258x249, high quality Doomslayer art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a dev diary summing up all of the shit I've done with Doomslayer in GMOTA. I don't think there's anything I haven't shared with you boys already, but maybe some of you will still enjoy giving this a watch.


>> No.10795565

I saw one enemy in a Wrath LP that basicly cannot harm you in confined spaces because his main attack is to vomit a wide wave of gravity-affected blue orbs at a such high arc that ir will never pose any threat to you outside open arenas or a trench - any idea if that's an intentional design flaw of them, or was this game really this much rushed for release?

>> No.10795569
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>> No.10795570
File: 336 KB, 680x680, doomcringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you play FreeDoom by ripping out all the godawful sprites and sound effects, then facepalm as you force yourself through a horrible E1 with maps that are way too long for their own good, with miserable texture placement and alignment, only to be then greeted by way too many short maps. Also 90% of the MIDIs suck ass and the writing of the texts is beyond childish.

>> No.10795573
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, Q4inQ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this feels more aestheticly "Quake 4 remade in Quake 2" than the actual mod itself.

>> No.10795582
File: 29 KB, 812x462, Office job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TL;DR Got the dev diary out, shows off a bunch of shit I've done for Doomslayer and a tiny portion of Kustam stuff. Mainly the cool new flip reload I gave him and his new HUD.
I'm looking forward to revamping Kustam, though there's still some shit I need to figure out with him. Like some of his weapon upgrades, and how the ammo system should work with his staff. I'm thinking if I make it so you have to load bullets into the staff for a properly strong attack, I'll probably make it more ammo efficient compared to the gun (like you get a few attacks from a single bullet), the tradeoff being the pistol will always shoot explosive hitscans with self damage, making it less than ideal in close quarters.

I also need to figure out what I'm gonna do with smaller ammo gem pickups for him. Because I sure as hell don't want a single clip-tier gem to give him a full bullet if that single bullet can shithouse a small crowd of monsters. I might just add a little gauge down at the bottom that fills up in small chunks when you pick up smaller ammo gems, and when that gets full you get a bullet. We'll see. I got a lot of work to do, and I want to make damn sure I get this right.

>> No.10795593

anybody else tired of mods and want to play the vanilla experience again in DOSBox or is it just me? I've played a few megawads, I didn't finish most of them because the difficulty was ramping up too fast so I went back to some good ole UV in the DOSBox

>> No.10795645

Once I get around to it, I’ll post some shots of that example Q2 map made by Quakewulf that used converted Quake 4 textures. It looked awesome.

>> No.10795695

Watching any streamer play MyHouse is such a chuckle. Commentary boils down to :
>Dude it's so impressive this on DOOM engine
>Dude this game is like 30 years old
>Dude this is so creeepyyy

Desperately trying to pad the boring emptiness with forced faux-commentary I almost feel sorry.

>> No.10795703


>> No.10795706

I had a go at recording myself trying out the latest freedoom to see if it could be made into a video. I quickly decided on "no". I don't know how your average streamer does it. I'd be embarrassed to put such low-effort content out there. thank Romero we have decino

>> No.10795712

Reminds me of Civvie's insistence of not playing TNT Evilution. After playing a bit of it myself I fully understand why, it's just boring.

>> No.10795713

It's still fucking awesome to see it all coming together.
Don't forget the bandwagoneers going "it's saved Doom by keeping it relevant!",

I don't think it's all that good really, it's only really the presentation that stands out both in and out of the game, stuff like the encounter design (where there even is any) really isn't all that interesting.

>> No.10795716

>thank Romero we have decino
Eh, even he's awful at times, give him a puzzle or a not painfully obvious secret and he'll spend the next half hour running in circles and complaining.

>> No.10795720

that's just just his honest opinion about your overly ornery secrets

>> No.10795754

Is the Doom guy from Doom the same Doom guy from Sigil? If so doesn't that mean that he can't be the Doom guy from Doom 2?

Or is Sigil just fanfic/head canon? But if you consider it head canon then Doom 3 is fanfic as well.

>> No.10795759

Doomguy from Doom 1 is the same Doomguy from Sigil, and also the same Doomguy from Doom 2
Because Doomguy is you

>> No.10795770
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>> No.10795775

Sigil is just Romero's headcanon, Doom 3 is a different dude.

>> No.10795786
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I am factoring the dates, but even in 1994 people were complaining that the game was too easy on Ultra-Violence, to the point where ID added Nightmare!

From what I've seen in this board, Doom 1 is more favored map-wise over Doom 2, despite the new enemies. So I think it's still a fair comparison, if somebody can enjoy levels with simple hitscanners and projectile enemies, then they should be able to enjoy Wrath unless they have some kind of bias.

Oh yeah, homing attacks would feel so awesome to dodge with the dagger dash.

>I saw one enemy in a Wrath LP that basicly cannot harm you in confined spaces
Imps, cacos, hell knights, barons in Doom basically cannot harm you in open spaces
>was this game really this much rushed for release?
As rushed for release as Doom

>> No.10795794 [DELETED] 

what if a female plays doom, does she become trans doomguy?

>> No.10795795

>Why is there so much shit talk about Wrath's lack of enemy variety
Some people have actual criticism about the game while/after playing them, but there's also a certain degree of chasing the popular thing. In this case, the "popular thing" is trash talking 30+ year old company ruled by a cursed & younger team with some clearly talented developers, but sadistic decision makers and marketing department that was asking for all the shit getting thrown their way for years.

>> No.10795802

A big criticism of both Sigil wads is that Doom 1's enemy variety isn't great. Doom 1 is also much, much shorter than Wrath.

>> No.10795810
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, SO HERE I AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MyHouse is good, it being Undertale'd into having a bunch of bandwagon-ers and fake fans isn't gonna detract from that. Realistically speaking, what doesn't have a retarded fandom/userbase? It's not look the Doom community or even this general are all that great to begin with.
>stuff like the encounter design (where there even is any) really isn't all that interesting.
I think you're approaching it like a regular Doom WAD when it's more experimental and combat comes second to everything else. It's kinda like Yume Nikki being an RPGmaker game while having no RPG elements.

>> No.10795816

I didn't really like MyHouse all that much but I do admire how mechanically well put together it is. The teleporters alone are some of the best I've seen in a Doom map.

>> No.10795863
File: 156 KB, 600x450, Quaddicted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent the whole night playing Quake III Arena on hardcore, finally beat Xaero just now.

>> No.10795875

>From what I've seen in this board, Doom 1 is more favored map-wise over Doom 2, despite the new enemies.
/vr/ has only made one “vanilla Doom 1” project. The rest have been Doom 2.

>> No.10795879

Wait, which one was this or were they all through 2?

>> No.10795918

>Dude it's so impressive this on DOOM engine
desu there is a kernel of truth in there, given that I'll always be impressed when someone makes anything good out of Doom Builder. It's not like they'd know that, but still.

>> No.10795923

MyHouse is impressive if you haven't kept an eye on anything Doom-related since the last time it was in the news cycle. Which in all fairness, is where all of the bandwagoners fall into.

>> No.10795926

Pretty sure he means the actual maps of Doom 1 vs Doom 2, not Doom 2 as a mapping resource.

>> No.10795935

>think you're approaching it like a regular Doom WAD when it's more experimental and combat comes second to everything else.
Yeah but even then the stuff towards the end is just pretty haphazard and could have been done better.

>> No.10795938

What even was the last thing the bandwagon gang paid attention to? Something like Hellshots Golf or Thatcher's Techbase?

I know the latter got a lot of media coverage because the mapper had buddies in the shitty media cliques.

>> No.10795956

I was thinking Brutal Doom, but Hellshots Golf or maybe SRB2Kart would have gotten attention since then.

>> No.10795961

I might agree there but then I like Final Doom more than both, so I’d rather compare to that than Doom 1.

>> No.10795979

Hellshots > everything else mentioned. I like myhouse.wad, but hellshots is Fun™.
Just wish there were more courses.

>> No.10795986

>Just wish there were more courses.
He was working on a second set of them but the shit that happened to him happened to him.

It might be cool at some point to do our own courses for it.

>> No.10795987

New id retconned trashcanon

OK, thanks for the explanation Bill

>> No.10796003

Sorry for your loss, Revae

>> No.10796004

>OK, thanks for the explanation Bill
No problem, Ben.

>> No.10796013
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, q2n_battlefield (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally decide to try out the Quake 2 Remaster jams
>first level is picrel
D-Does it get better...?

>> No.10796016

The Doom Builder family of editors are genuinely fantastically good map making software, extremely flexible, straightforward, and easy to use. They are a huge part of why Doom has endured as an interest for sophisticated shooter nerds, and the vast majority of levels made for Doom in the past 20 years now are thanks to this fabulous software.

Like, I don't think there's anything particularly technically impressive about using it because it's so very user friendly, so it's more just left to talented and creative design.
I think that what's more technically impressive is Doom mapping from the time before Doom Builder, back when Doom map editors didn't have a first person editing mode, and they didn't have built in Node Builders, or if they did they were fucking shit. Works like Memento Mori and Requiem was a fucking struggle for those people to put together, and I will forever respect their patience and dedication.

>> No.10796046

Yes, in fact this map is fun as fuck.
And the same guy did the best map in the Sewer Jam with is Specimen 42, which anon pointed above as >>10795531 >>10795573

>> No.10796052

>fugly map
Just make sure you race to the top at the start before the shitty koopa fucks everything up

>> No.10796053

Just wanted to say that i tried GMOTA and liked it very much. Still didn't try the Combined Arms but i am going to soon.
New Doomslayer looks awesome. Looking forward to the next update.

>> No.10796057

You put both a performative stutter and ellipses into your question and therefore I will not answer

>> No.10796092

Took me another glance to realize what this is based on

>> No.10796121

Militaristic tech zones in old shooters almost always have server racks and monitors placed high along the wall or hanging directly from the ceiling. The only assumption I can make from this is that some poor sap has to stand there and crane their neck to stare at a screen placed 10 feet in the air. It's no wonder why these places are so easily overrun, they seem to have been barely functioning beforehand.

>> No.10796138

Why would anyone need to constantly look at server racks?
And have you ever been to a train station or airport?

>> No.10796161
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>> No.10796167


>> No.10796176
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, quake000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying it wouldn't kill to have some of this stuff in more conventional spots. I'm not a demon or robot alien so I guess I wouldn't get it.

>> No.10796180

carmack locked himself in a hotel room and made doom 1 in two weeks

>> No.10796184

based sonic enjoyer

>> No.10796193

Wrath maps might drag a bit. I noticed this in the first real map I was in.
I was never bored, but I haven't played long enough yet to get bored. Could see that happening. It was very much arena to room to room to arena with not much to break it up other than general architecture.
But again, I'm pretty early into it.

>> No.10796203

It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.

>> No.10796210

??? realism is the least of the concern in map design. for all we care, those textures could be replaced by my ass. they're there just to make things a little bit less ugly, that's all. they do the trick

>> No.10796221
File: 175 KB, 300x393, 0A99BB40-F213-4F5A-A4EA-521732BC0110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Q2 those could be monitored by these guys. One of the expansions introduced some cute flying repair drones as well.

>> No.10796279

Marathon Eternal has to rank up there as one of the most pretentious things I've ever seen.

>The player character is now a super-important OC that has a "deep" backstory.
>One of your AI partners is miraculously a woman he had a relationship with in the past.
>Oh no! Your former girlfriend-turned-AI is now evil! Better jam in a lot of symbolism about love and relationships!
>The Marathon doesn't even slightly resemble what it looked like in the original game.
>Needlessly complicated time-travel plot involving ancient magical technology that was never alluded to before.
>Filled to the brim with pseudo-philosophical bullshit (bruh, what if the Jjaro were just as evil as the monster that can literally devour an entire galaxy?).
>Heavy use of AI-generated slop instead of hiring an actual artist.
>Heavy use of (pseudo-)Latin and Egyptian mythology, in a far-flung future setting light-years away from Earth (Your old human girlfriend is named Hathor!).
>If you make the wrong choice on certain levels, the game strings you along for two more levels before finally telling you, and then warps you back, wasting both your time and your ammo.

On top of that, the devs are trying to tie it to other popular mods, acting like it's so damn great it NEEDS to be referenced elsewhere.

>> No.10796298

Marathon fans being all the way up their own asses? Stop the presses.

>> No.10796317
File: 173 KB, 640x353, 1682820190628100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes to show the difference between actual talented writers and amateurs who need to use an existing setting as a crutch for their own writing.

>> No.10796402

I think you're just jaded mate
At worst it's corny

>> No.10796406

It's well put together, but what it does isn't particularly mindblowing from a technical standpoint.

>> No.10796434

>can't make a fun map for the life of me
wish i inherited my great grandpas mapping genes

>> No.10796438

Just make something, play it, and change the parts you don't like. Repeat until fun.

>> No.10796441

Just updated GZDoom after a year of running the same version. Why the fuck did they get rid of half the sector light modes? This shit is too dark.

>> No.10796447

>>Marathon Eternal
>>Heavy use of AI-generated slop instead of hiring an actual artist.
Isn't Eternal old?

>> No.10796495

What's your great grandpa's best Doom level?

>> No.10796501

Because drawing sectors and their nature thereof is still pretty doodoo and time consuming

>> No.10796510
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, TheNearSideofEverywhereLtuspropinquumomniumlocrum_0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's still being worked on, with the most recent preview build being released just two months ago.

The AI art was added fairly recently.

>> No.10796513

It got overhyped as fuck, and it doesn't do anything really new, but it's still an impressive and ambitious work.

>> No.10796518
File: 3.55 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoop, guess this map is an absolute no go for coop play, entry sends you thru a tunnel that smacks you down to 5hp before sending you to the intro area. Thanks to the weirdness of saving that doesnt let you respawn in anymore... guess I'll have to do this the old fashioned way.

>> No.10796541

>>If you make the wrong choice on certain levels, the game strings you along for two more levels before finally telling you, and then warps you back, wasting both your time and your ammo.
This is also based, because you can avoid almost all of these by immediately closing any Hathor terminal as soon as the logo shows up (at least, you could when I last played it).
It actively teaches you to immediately silence women.

>> No.10796542

did i got shadowbanned? where did all the very based and redpilld TSPG servers go?

>> No.10796543

It just works.

>> No.10796546

Sad he would want to taint this old project of his with ai trash.

>> No.10796548
File: 437 KB, 1920x1080, blood_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider me filtered, i finished hard games where i died a lot but i always enjoyed them, this hit scan spam with high dmg feels cheap and is miserable to play, i wont bother to continue.

>> No.10796550

They might not be the most realistic but it just looks damn cool and... techy. Like one of those monitor rooms in Doom 3.
In Masters of Doom they talked about how I think it was Tom Hall was making designs for a much more realistic military base style like filing cabinets and all and then in the end they threw his design in the trash and the ''techbase look'' became what it is now.

What particular examples you mean I'm curious?

I'm not saying MyHouse or it's fanbase is bad but that it was painful when people marketed it as way more than what it actually was.

>> No.10796551

from what i understand Blood is insanely dumb if you treat it like a standard FPS and is more fun if you enjoy throwing dynamite everywhere and letting it do all the work.

>> No.10796559

What’s the difficulty, and have you noticed the difference between Lightly Broiled and Well Done?

>> No.10796560

maybe, but im after doom games marathon and i wanted standard fps where i just run and shoot and Blood 1 punishes that play style super hard.

>> No.10796561

Don't remember what level that is, but blood it hard at first as you are learning how the game/enemies work. You will soon coast your way through the levels if you aren't playing on the hardest difficulty. Also I hope you are saving every now and then during the levels and not doing saveless.

>> No.10796563

Dynamite and Napalm is your friend
IIRC before that train car there should be a dual wield hidden somewhere
flares can also help a lot in thinning the herd since they can work as a makeshift rocket

>> No.10796567

>but that it was painful when people marketed it as way more than what it actually was.
Halfways a problem with it going way out it's intended target audience and halfway because it became pure bandwagon bait.

I saw some making out it had invented non-Euclidean mapping and others saying it had come up with a new, innovative trend of people mapping their own houses in Doom, both being painfully fucking wrong.

>> No.10796568

>full bundle of dynamite being thrown
He's on Well Done and getting fucked as you do when you treat Well Done like it's Doom UV.

>> No.10796574

Oh shit that will do it, Blood’s skill settings are skewed like crazy.
Consider trying it through NotBlood if you haven’t already.

>> No.10796585

Blood is constant quicksave/quickload dance.
I love the absolute carnage that Blood is with it's satisfying movement physics, unsettling physics and impeccable feedback from the weapons and enemies that are being mulched but it's hard. Consider dropping difficulty if you don't find the idea of constant save / load enjoyable.

I really really liked playing Doom only saving in the start of each level but that doesn't quite work in Blood. Unless you're almost speedrunner-tier skilled.

>> No.10796595
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just dont understand how to map, swear to god.

>> No.10796602
File: 1.13 MB, 3816x2264, blood train shootout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, then he's gonna have a bad time. Blood is a tough game by design and it's pretty fucking merciless on higher skills. For anyone else's reference, the highest skill is Extra Crispy and it's designed under the assumption that you're playing co-op multiplayer, you aren't expected to be able to beat the game on single player on that setting.

You're probably sick of it right now, but consider giving it another try on a lower skill level some other day. It really is a very exciting shooter where being highly mobile is key.
Jumping and crouching a lot helps confuse the aim of gun toting cultists, so you wanna get down low and then jump around, jump up, jump up, and get down.

You can go wild with saving and loading, but you don't need to.
With the original .exe you had that bug where if you loaded a save, damage scaling for difficulties got flipped, so hard basically turned to easy and easy essentially turned to hard, and one of the oldschool approaches to that was simply to save at the exit of each level and you'd then just try to do a level in one whole go.
This was totally doable, and in that situation it was arguably easier because you didn't have to contend with a sudden spike in damage scaling.

Thankfully, ports fix that bug.

>> No.10796606

i hated this map

>> No.10796610

Ok, I'm glad I'm not alone. I still don't understand the purpose of this black hole weapon? It just... does some damage and pushes an (one(1)) enemy away? That's it?

>> No.10796613

the introduction isn't bad, it gives some Horror look, but the moment you get to the sewers, the quality drops.
Also the Disintegrator is pretty much a weaker version of the Black Hole Gun, powerful as fuck as a single target weapon, but not as powerful as the Quake 4 one.

>> No.10796615

It has the highest DPS in the game, homes in on enemies, ignores shielding, automatically gibs, and applies large amounts of knockback. It's an alternative to the BFG for when you want a specific enemy dead immediately

>> No.10796627

I can see the appeal when dealing with some of these power shield asshats in areas where you know a medic is around, but in that kinda scenario... it feels like I'd rather just use a BFG and clear out the whole place.

I dunno, the damage just doesn't seem to be all that great, maybe if it one shot more things but it doesnt seem like it's at that level of power.

>> No.10796631

>accessible font
At least it's not Shambo.

>> No.10796729
File: 3.90 MB, 640x360, q2pro 001mp4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's an alternative to the BFG for when you want a specific enemy dead immediately
Also doesn’t step on anyone’s toes with its own ammo source, and its also fun to use. It adds to the nice variety of maps and gameplay I’m seeing in these Q2 jams.

>> No.10796751
File: 158 KB, 1200x675, 1682616009419956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomer here, got the quake 2 remastered gifted to me during the steam sale. finished the main campaign and ground zero but got too burned out to play the rest. it was really fun honestly, why do so many people hate quake 2's singleplayer?

>> No.10796752
File: 1.08 MB, 1366x768, q2_0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10796772
File: 980 KB, 1366x768, q2_0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10796781

Quake 2 was always regarded as competent, but it's the first time id released a new FPS that felt like iteration instead of innovation.
The industrial wasteland setting also grows tiring compared to Doom and Quake's progression. The burnout you experienced happens a lot earlier in most people.
Never mind the improvements to some of the weaker monsters made in the remaster, the berserkers in that screenshot used to be as harmless as Doom's pinkies.

>> No.10796791

Pinkies are mean when there's little room to move or there's lots of them. Or both.

>> No.10796792

and berserkers never had either

>> No.10796797

now little or large room, they fuck you up.

>> No.10796824

How'd you know it was me?

>> No.10796840

I find that hilarious.

>> No.10796871
File: 3.91 MB, 640x360, quabombomb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10796912
File: 3.87 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tiresome fucking bitch. Wanna dupe my powerups and summon infinite jackass adds with your infinite ammo, two can play that game. Too bad you're a negative infinite IQ moron that never learned how to aim thru a gap.

I guess it could theoretically be possible to do the fight normally but even with an adrenaline I feel it's not enough, unless I figure out how to juke every plasma sweep and keep her from summoning more shit.

>> No.10796913
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit thanks bro. Finally a map where there's a guy to talk to that's not insane marine #243. Also lmao at the conveniently placed stack of barrels going up.

>> No.10796974

What do you guys think about sizeable optional sections? Assuming they give good rewards but don't progress you toward the end of the level in any meaningful way.

>> No.10796978
File: 375 KB, 2560x1351, kW1KzBw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this not a secret

>> No.10796980

The music is great though. Swirls, Leela, Rushing and their reprisals are fantastic.


>> No.10797002

Small correction: The latest Eternal preview was released earlier this month. I had gotten it confused with the latest version of Aleph One, which had released back in January.

>> No.10797067

Whaat that looks cool.

>> No.10797130

Now I want to see Super Mario 64's levels recreated and realized as Quake levels. Like as a full set.

>> No.10797137

I think greatest reward for optional section is that section being interesting visually and from gameplay perspective, while having a bit of theme going on (that's different from the rest of the level), if it's cool enough I won't complain even if I lose more ammo/health than I get from going through it.

>> No.10797179

>the latest version of Aleph One, which had released back in January.
>adds true surround sound options
Incredibly based, gaming seems to have forgotten about this in general.

>> No.10797182

Not many people care about it to be quite desu.

>> No.10797183

Any tips for mapping outdoor areas in Quake? Can't get them to look organic...

>> No.10797190

Imagine not owning a 7.1 headset. Couldn't be me.

>> No.10797195


>> No.10797223

Quake 2 was one of the games in the first wave to be a 'modern' fps in the sense that it had a more consistent environment that you could and often would, backtrack through to fulfill objectives in other areas.

But Half Life really imo blew that 'genre' out of the water when it released in 1998 with it's compelling setting, and importantly a lot of world interaction like buttons, carts, trains, light switches, microwaves and Quake 2 is in this weird in-between where it's neither Doom / Quake 1 but not really Half Life either.

Also I also replayed Quake 2 base game twice recently, before and after the remaster and it loses steam massively in some parts where the backtracking is the heaviest.

Quake 2 is at it's best when you know where you're going and not stuck wondering where you need to go.

That said now I need to go and finish the expansion packs of the remaster.

The improved berserkers are way more fun to fight. Same with Medics they are actually a threat now. I did an experiment in the original version to see how long it took for medics to resurrect a tank and I had to basically lead them to the enemy. If I wanted to kill the medic it would've been easy. In the remaster they actually work like supposed.

>> No.10797254

Please seed the quickstart archive torrent, I'm trying to download it.

>> No.10797257

I've got 1mb per second myself anon.

>> No.10797259
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1700385545865388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warspasm, Bile Plant
>"The Silver Keycard is now accessible!"
>No idea where the fuck to go
>Low on ammunition
Now I remember why I haven't finished Warpspasm

>> No.10797260

Mine doesn't even start, I thought there were zero seeders.

>> No.10797262
File: 20 KB, 1009x100, 1686361623770386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You summoned us.

>> No.10797267

it's working now, thank you anon!

>> No.10797276

>Another has joined the fray
Why don't you Doomfags post in the thread

>> No.10797298

Done. Thanks for the seed guys. Much appreciated! :)

>> No.10797301

Look up Half Life terrain tutorials and basically just do the same thing.

>> No.10797302


>> No.10797318

>Imps, cacos, hell knights, barons in Doom basically cannot harm you in open spaces
That's because it was originally impossible to strafe, turn and run at the same time before mouelook was the standard feature of modern Doom(2) ports, the scenario I am mentioning is more like not making the Q1 Ogres able to aim downwards in a spiritual sequel to AD.

>> No.10797336

The pistol IS the sniper weapon. It's just useless for beefed enemies.
I'd say Wrath arsenal is more engaging than Quake, the mace is an interesting approach to a BFG, most of the late weapons are conceptually quite clever. I don't think it would mix well with Quake.
Doom has a more interesting encounter design. I think it has a better balance too. Wrath design needed enemies with more mobility but you can't do much with the AI with that tech.

>> No.10797387

The mace is fun, but kind of really busted because it can one-hit any enemy with the melee strike. I never even bothered to use its alt fire.

>> No.10797393

Can you link to a post from the archives?

>> No.10797397

NTA, I can't even say "learn how to use archive" because there's nothing to learn. Stop being a lazy slob.

>> No.10797401

thanks janny

>> No.10797451
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10797475
File: 3.59 MB, 800x450, HUD stuff and heat gauges.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been setting up more of Kustam's HUD stuff. I'll need to play with the numbers under the hood to get the meter gain and decay feeling right. I'll also need to set up the new feature where I'll check how much heat the player has and convert it into ammo when using the meditool.

All this shit and also needing to figure out what to do with smaller ammo pickups, as I really don't want a single clip tier red gem to give Kustam 1 unit of his ammo, seeing as it hits like a fucking truck.
and man that old meditool sprite is going to get a bit of a much needed update alongside Kustam's hands.

>> No.10797502

what was the mod again? i must have asked 3 times now

>> No.10797513

That's GMOTA.

>> No.10797517

>he doesn't have vital information readily readable wherever he looks
lmao look at this singletasking faggot

>> No.10797532

>try to make level nonlinear
>end up with a bunch of optional areas and a level that takes 5 seconds to complete if you skip all of them
It's over.

>> No.10797537
File: 2.64 MB, 2679x2892, IMG_20240322_145228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have time to actually map, so instead I have drawn this highly detailed schematic for a future map.

>> No.10797541

What is the best megawad objectively?

>> No.10797545

You can make normal sequence of 3 keys, but push locked doors further away.

>> No.10797546


>> No.10797548

not even the best IWAD

>> No.10797554

Alien Vendetta.

>> No.10797563 [DELETED] 


>> No.10797571 [DELETED] 

epic internet buzzword man

>> No.10797576
File: 43 KB, 319x307, 1690427902300989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find secret level in a wad
>before loading into it the wad runs a custom bat file which downloads an entirely different wad and launches a separate instance of doom with the first map of that wad loaded
>can't continue playing the first wad until the second one is beaten

>> No.10797594
File: 974 KB, 750x600, 1702292396839129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wad runs a custom bat file
wat. this sounds like a major security issue

>> No.10797608

You'd be surprise how many people just download these wads with a version of GZDoom and .bat files and just run them without even having a look at what they do.

>> No.10797625
File: 35 KB, 825x345, thisisstupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I've been doing is the dumbest shit possible because I'm fucking tired of testing random spawners.

>> No.10797632
File: 47 KB, 345x405, 1695596910164556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making up a goofy scenario here.

>> No.10797638

>What is the best megawad objectively?

>> No.10797648

Chex Quest

>> No.10797693

Am I blind or new nugget/woof removed automap color settings from the game and it's only editable via config now?
Also the music got few times more quiet, volume 4 in 2.3.1 is louder than volume 15 (maximum) in 3.0.0

>> No.10797698

What map is this? If it's the Abandoned Mines it's just trollmero not making it muh outside area. Great, fun map though.

>> No.10797702

no such thing unless you determine for us a criteria

>> No.10797713
File: 3.14 MB, 1792x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good doom wads released in the last 9-ish months?

>> No.10797742

Eviternity 2

>> No.10797786

Simply incredible lol

>> No.10797835

NTA, but that's Refueling Base. If I remember right, it was originally a Hall map made for DOOM 1.

>> No.10797856

What am I looking at here? A rocket that explodes into ssg's? Explodes as a bunch of shots from a ssg?

>> No.10797858

>A rocket that explodes into ssg's?

>> No.10797863

It's as stupid as I thought, that's great.
Do you have it in action?

>> No.10797883

There's nothing to really see, it just hits a floor and drops ten SSGs in a small area.

it's just for testing shit that randomly replaces stuff without having to hammer the console or bind spawning buttons and spam them.

>> No.10797897
File: 552 KB, 2100x1490, GEDjLMfbkAAQfZO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons here with Deus Ex level editing (or any unrealed game editing)? I'm looking to start making fan missions for this game. I have pretty decent Doom editing experience and made a few maps that people enjoyed, but pretty lacking in brush/"true 3d" department - I only did two test maps in trenchbroom but it seems harder to me.
How difficult it is to setup everything and edit in DXed? I see you need a lot of fixing to get it working on newer systems, is it viable in windows 10? Thanks in advance

>> No.10797915

I'm still learning, please pardon my enthusiasm.
This happens with Cyberdemons too? They fire a volley of rockets into a wall or whatever, and then there's a bunch of ssg's wherever they hit?
It could be a fun to fuck with in a map, like the only way to get a certain weapon is to dodge rockets in a weird room and run to where they hit while dodging more.

>> No.10797926
File: 109 KB, 900x1000, jcnsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn my stupid ESL ass, I meant level editing experience*

>> No.10797927

It doesn't replace the rocket so, no, it just uses it as a base to inherit from.

>> No.10797959

Blaz getting anything new/tweaked or is he basically complete?

>> No.10797990

Anyone play kfdoom yet?

>> No.10798000

Only the first episode. I liked a couple of the maps. Uncle Jersh's Day Out was the standout for me because I like city maps.

>> No.10798010

it basically happened in between 1 and 2 and is the same guy in all DOOM games other than 3.

>> No.10798041

I quickly got bored, it just comes across as trying too hard with the edgy shit.

>> No.10798057

Not a big fan of KFarms, seems like a huge sociopath gathering, but what do I care honestly - I liked how they added flair to all the default textures by changing "poison" for "HRT" or all UAC logos into their own logo
>Uncle Jersh's Day Out was the standout for me because I like city maps
Yeah, I like that one too, very nice initial city setting and a the rest of the base with various mixed settings, good gameplay, a bit of a troll for pistol starters at the end, overall good fun, great map
Didn't play a lot esle but the Axe wound one was also a nice short and sweet one, very good in visual sense and gameplay was also nice and not too challenging. The HRT labs one was a promising newbie map (looking very squareish and basic but I can see the author had good ideas).

>> No.10798098

Worth a playthrough if you've got nothing better to do. A lotta really basic maps but they avoid dragging on for too long. I'll echo what people are saying about Uncle Jersh's Day Out, damn good map.

That depends heavily on the thread and subforums. Most of the people there are just a bunch of weirdos who like following and gossiping about dumb people on the internet, though I'm not saying that there aren't any sociopaths or complete spergs out there.

>> No.10798124

Yes to both. The volume problem is with FluidSynth only I think, and you can fix it by cranking up "mus_gain" in the config.

>> No.10798218

Are you supposed to fore a pistol start after each intermission screen (aside from the secret level ones) in Doom2?

>> No.10798227
File: 1001 KB, 1920x1076, e548f364-8f36-43cb-81a9-155d7717ff0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here played Bloodstain? Was the first usermade WAD I ever played and I had a miserable time with it lol
Especially the later levels, don't remember any details just that it was absolute aids, waaay above my skill level. I'm going through it again right now and I'm having a lot of fun, when Du Hast started playing in map 07 I was grining like an idiot, really curios about the later hell levels i hated so much now.

Do you still remember your first custom WAD? Have you revisited it?

>> No.10798242

Not really. The episode length would be pretty awkward.

>> No.10798246

If you want to,
All maps are designed to be possible to pistol start

>> No.10798258

I love Bloodstain. It's comfy.

>> No.10798296
File: 51 KB, 900x900, 1654026096621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you still remember your first custom WAD? Have you revisited it?
It was probably Community Chest 3, DUMP3 or BTSX - I would definitely revisit cc3 and DUMP3 (foregone destruction from cc3 and felt from Dump3 are somehow heavily ingrained in my memory - those two maps are the reasons I love using the gothic banners and those vanilla bookcase/painting adjacent textures in my maps, and one of the reasons I started mapping). Many other maps from DUMP3 were really enjoyable - the hub map with urquan music, that panic room one, bouncy castle, the quake1 styled, and many good tech base ones
BTSX I felt was really boring, but it was my first contact with a map pack that has so many well made custom textures and HUD graphics that play well into eachother and the style is preserved through it, kudos for that - though that was also one of the reasons I found it boring - would probably not revisit
I was tainted by playing mostly community packs in my early doom playing years and ever since I find eclectic map packs like the /vr/ ones and DUMP the most fun to play, I just love it when all levels look and play so different from eachother.

>> No.10798367

Sounds like fanfic, definitely a retcon but he doesn't have the authority to change the Doom story anymore.

>> No.10798370

Played it with demonsteele if i remember correctly.
and my first .wad was BTSX.

>> No.10798378

>Do you still remember your first custom WAD? Have you revisited it?
Return to Phobos, yes.

>> No.10798401
File: 12 KB, 320x200, TITLEPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my first custom WADs was Whispers of Satan. I think I only ever played the first 3-5 levels and just kinda dropped off afterwards.

>> No.10798404

>apparently Q1 Copper mod has coop-only monster spawns like in Doom
Is that true?

>> No.10798405

Ancient Aliens got me into custom wads essentially
It sounded really cool

>> No.10798409

>Do you still remember your first custom WAD? Have you revisited it?
I remember playing a Doom gore WAD way before Brutal Doom was even a thing. All I remember was that it was made by "Happy Chainsaw"
As I recall, it used some sort of weird patching system that directly overwrote the graphics in the IWAD. I have not revisited it since there are better options available these days for gore in Doom.

>> No.10798429
File: 762 KB, 800x450, good enough.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty happy with where he is right now, though I did go back and give his normal sword attacks a trail effect.
I think the only thing I want to add to him at this point is being able to grab the fucking sword with the chain after you throw it and I cannot for the life of me figure out a method that'd play nice with Zandronum, other than doing some seriously fucked shit like making the dropped sword a monster that sits there and does a melee attack on players that gives itself to them if they get close enough.

I'd rather not do that because not only is that fucking stupid, it might cause weridness online.

>> No.10798462
File: 3.12 MB, 2200x1600, WRATHFontIssue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone had an issue with glitched/non-working fonts in WRATH: Aeon of Ruin? Did you manage to fix it and, if so, how exactly? It's supposed to be smaller, not large and wide.

>> No.10798474
File: 56 KB, 1331x926, subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got enemy mini-subs working in Malice: https://files.catbox.moe/cwvwyh.webm
They're about what you would expect, but there are a few neat things about them -
>when close enough, they'll stop approaching and start circle strafing you
>if too close to other subs, they'll attempt to move apart
>if hit with a lot of damage at once, there's a 50% chance they'll spin out of control briefly
>torpedos can be shot and can collide with each other
>enemy torpedos only home on subs, not swimming players, and have less homing power with lower difficulty
I'm not sure if there's enough room for them to work very well in vanilla Malice maps, but they should be fun for mappers to play around with.

>> No.10798545

>first custom wad
Uhhhh probably Scythe. Or NeoDoom.
First TC was Zen Dynamics I think.

>have you revisited
No and I don't think I will.
I've become too infatuated with Plutonialikes.

I will give it a try. Used to hang out on KF at a certain point in time and have a deeper involvement. The most fun outside of CWC was probably the Parkourdude91 saga. That was good shit.

>> No.10798626

I am hoping somebody will eventually make a ''job horror sim'' of the Doom 3 marine's job without the whole facility imploding in demon invasion.

I just love the UAC military/industrial feel and would love to go on patrols in the dark corridors with a flashlight and a gun occasionally bantering with the mechanics / machine operators and looking at security cam feeds to spot any unusual activity. Then grabbing lunch from canteen on those portioned trays and a cola from the vending machine.

>> No.10798627
File: 10 KB, 758x485, UDBError.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having an issue with UDB
I defined a new thing in zscript using inheritance (so only the parts I want changed compared to the original). Specifically the "FloatingSkull" so that I can have another decoration with a new appearance but the same size otherwise. I don't want to overwrite the original floating rock so I defined a DoomEdNums in MAPINFO to give the new one a different editor number. The resulting pk3 loads without errors in GZDoom but when I try to actually add the new thing in UDB (open map -> load resources) I always get this warning as soon as the map loads
I searched online and saw I had to add gzdoom.pk3 as a resource (with the exclude from testing option marked). I did it and the warning is still there. Is this an issue with inheritance or is there a step I'm missing?

>> No.10798646

Like the others said, you can if you want to, every level is designed to be Pistol Startable, but the game is meant to be played progressively too, that's not an oversight.
If anything, the oversight is that Pistol Start and Fast Monsters aren't a pair of toggles you activate on the Difficulty Level screen, so you could choose on the fly.

Bloodstain is one of my favorites. I think the first custom levels I ever played was Ghostbusters Doom.

>> No.10798660

>you can shoot-down incoming torpedos with your pistol
Neat, never knew this!
Can you try fixing the Barracudas to pose an actual threat? They seem to have the same AI as the Rotfish despite being almost 7 times longer than them, and sometimes they refuse to gnaw your extremities unless their entity model start intruding halfway into your own model.

>> No.10798670

Really? Because scythe is still pretty good

>> No.10798674

>Neat, never knew this!
This is new actually. Seemed like an obvious feature to add, and should make deathmatch more balanced since subs now have a larger and separate health pool from players.
>Can you try fixing the Barracudas to pose an actual threat?
I'll see if I can adjust their attacks and behavior. Unfortunately they're still just going to be a bit awkward due to their length + square hitboxes.

>> No.10798685

I ask in order to know if that's a common way to emulate the episodic inventory clearing D2 doesn't provide like D1 did so that you won't keep cheesing thru everything with just the DBS and the chainsaw & RL you got from secrets in Map01
I am pretty sure that the GBA version of Doom2 did this to you anyways

>> No.10798724

Have you placed your custom DoomEdNums in the MAPINFO?

>> No.10798734
File: 22 KB, 825x282, MAPINFOEditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless I used the wrong syntax, I should have

>> No.10798743

Is the TEUSkull included in the zscript lump?
Is the DoomEdNum 300 already taken by something else?

>> No.10798749

I got ezquake and it works on my like 7 years old forgotten Q1 install

how do I connect to a server with this thing?

>> No.10798761
File: 5 KB, 918x140, Zscriptskull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The include is there in the main zscript file
For the number 300, I used this as a reference https://zdoom.org/wiki/Standard_editor_numbers

Nothing else is defined beyond standard Doom 2 things

>> No.10798763

>Nothing else is defined beyond standard Doom 2 things
What about the things in gzdoom.pk3?

>> No.10798775
File: 3 KB, 286x112, 21111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a bigger number beyond the standard editor numbers I linked above, still nothing

>> No.10798793

Can you show the actor definition?

>> No.10798815
File: 29 KB, 785x420, teuskull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, hoping I used inheritance right

>> No.10798818

When you reach MAP12, do IDCLEV12, and when you reach MAP21, do IDCLEV21.

>> No.10798820

Try to fix the typo in the zscript file and see what happens

>> No.10798826

Well I got fired, I'm planning on playing at least 20 doom maps each day, for a whole year (thats 7300 maps in total)
recommendations aside from the ones listed here https://doomwiki.org/wiki/List_of_notable_WADs?

>> No.10798836

ah, the .zs instead of .zc
Unfortunately nothing changed in UDB even after fixing it

>> No.10798838
File: 1.44 MB, 1366x768, infinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10798841

Play all the /vr/ wads.
100-400 Minutes of /vr/
2048 Units of /vr/
Ad Mortem
512 Lines of /vr/

>> No.10798845

What is that?

>> No.10798849

i think i still have this, it was never finished at all

>> No.10798850
File: 425 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240324_012409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to say fuck it and tried to spawn the new thing on a map near the player start even if UDB shows it as a question marks and gives me the warning
What the fuck? It shows no problem even with a type of 21111. What's UDB problem then?

>> No.10798853
File: 693 KB, 1366x768, q2_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinity: The Kai'Ren Threat DEMO


>> No.10798857

Did you reload resources after the changes?

>> No.10798862

>Do you still remember your first custom WAD? Have you revisited it?
Diet 32-in-24.I went straight into random WADs on the idgames archive when I started playing custom WADs a few years ago, and I regularly replay it.
Some Crappy Theater is a standout for me, but there are plenty of other fun ones like The Birdman of Texas and McDonald's Grease Processing Plant.

>> No.10798863
File: 535 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240324_013006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Even closed and reopened UDB. I even added the original floating rock near the new one to see if both worked. I don't get it really. UDB doesn't like it but it works in-game so I guess my problem is solved? Sorry for wasting your time anon

>> No.10798870

You can always spawn stuff without having a doomednum or anything; those are strictuly for UDB to find and place when you're mapping - which means that if you weren't planning on placing that thing in a map in the first place, you wouldn't have needed to do anything of this.
It's still mysterious.

>> No.10798873 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 386x393, point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you go about adding your own point entities into a wad for Trenchbroom? Specifically with the 3d models...

>> No.10798875

>Scythe is still really good.
Yeah but I want to play more new stuff. Still need to plow through the rest of Quake 2 mission packs.

Looks interesting, kimda systemshocky.

>> No.10798878

nvm figured it out lol

>> No.10798890

>found an error in a map of my mod that I last touched two years ago and don't know why it doesn't work or why I made the change I made since an older version of the map works correctly
There's a year between the two, and the latter is clearly the more advanced version, but I still don't understand why I made those changes.

>> No.10798892
File: 1005 KB, 1920x1080, milous gladiator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fun. I'm currently putting myself through some Milous missions. It's reminding me a lot of Shan's weird stuff so I'm thinking I'm going to like it.

>> No.10798915

>Playing Abysm: Dawn of Innocence on GZDoom
>Reach sunken city
>FPS drops to 1
wtf am I supposed to do

>> No.10798917

Switch to one of the other rendering modes and pray. Failing that, maybe report it to the dev and see if there's anything else to do.

>> No.10798928

Man, the last year and a half have been crazy for me. I dropped out of this community for a while, and now I come crawling back to help me cope with the death of a family member. Just beat Quake on nightmare, going through expansions. It's time to get back on the Doom train as well. What's the best recent wads that'll take my mind off of things?

>> No.10798945


>> No.10798947

Wishing you all the best, bro

>> No.10798972

30 Years With Doom is largely pretty good.

>> No.10798987

Headless Chicken is pretty fun.

>> No.10798991

Eviternity 2

>> No.10799015

>Eviternity 2
>Headless Chicken
Doubt it, fuck birds and whimsy humor
30 Years With Doom
Maybe, a bit too long to judge

>> No.10799176

>seems like a huge sociopath gathering
Anybody who takes pleasure in seeing other people suffer the way KFarms does is indeed a sociopath.

>> No.10799220

>a bit too long
You don't have to play .wads in one single sitting, personally I tend to work my way through a 32 level megawad in roughly a week or so.

I haven't finished it yet however. It's really good until about MAP09, which was quite shit, but the map which comes after is by Lainos so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be good. I have not played a level designed by him which I did not thoroughly enjoy.

>> No.10799245
File: 57 KB, 582x317, 5frdsr5tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, they did that. I should give it a shot and see.

That is their brand of humor. Certainly not for everyone, but the same could be said about HFFM, which I'm very fond of, yet which some would consider a violent hatecrime.
Of course, I have a feeling that KFDoom isn't going to be anywhere near as lighthearted and jolly, HFFM was all about juvenile ass and dicks humor, while honoring fun and cheerful dudes. I'd expect KFDoom to be a much more vitriolic affair.

I honestly think they're mostly bitter and jilted autists. There's a lot of shit people will say about them, some which is quite true, some which is like the modern day equivalent to Fox News calling 4chan the Internet Hate Machine some 18 years back.

>> No.10799260
File: 8 KB, 128x128, 670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any clue as to which WAD features this image?

>> No.10799308

>I honestly think they're mostly bitter and jilted autists
Being bitter and jilted is one thing, actively doxxing individuals who have nothing to do with you, harassing, and taking pleasure in all of this is sociopathy. Everybody indulges in schadenfreude, absolutely everyone, but those guys take it to another level.
>some which is like the modern day equivalent to Fox News calling 4chan the Internet Hate Machine some 18 years back.
Hating on something != active harassment.

>> No.10799352
File: 433 KB, 831x649, 1663414816361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often is rocket jumping used in Quake for secrets?
I've managed to find a few because of it, but there's usually a slipgate I could've used instead.
I'm moving onto The Realm of Black Magic.

>> No.10799368

You can attain every secret in id1 Quake without rocket jumping. I'm not sure about the mission packs.

>> No.10799370

In the original maps? Basically never, it wasn't an intended feature. You can use it to get to some secrets but I think it's only truly intended in one specific case where there's a teleporter and a slot on the ground that you shoot a grenade into to blast yourself up into the teleporter.

>> No.10799379

>really enjoy a certain group project wad
>suddenly it gets to THAT one asshole who's designs I hate
>second map is also by him
welp, it was fun while it lasted...

>> No.10799380

Watch your mouth, I might just make a scathing, burning screencap of your post

>> No.10799381

Come on, two maps? Just idclev them man.

>> No.10799382

Chex Quest Penultimate Breakfast

>> No.10799383

Armagon has one secret that directly acknowledges it (but you can jump up to it without a rocket)
And there's another later on that punishes you for doing it

>> No.10799386

name them

>> No.10799415

>You don't have to play .wads in one single sitting
True, and you could even skip a bad map if its quality is evident from the onset *and* you're not suffering from sunk cost fallacy. The thing involving big projects like this, is that people are bent on to fill all the slots within unavoidable time constraints -- either by inviting newbies to contribute or submitting mediocre maps from burned out inspiration. Play experience becomes akin to long forgotten freeway where you consider every smooth patch of the road a blessing. I prefer shorter ones, but something like DBPs come with their own problems.

Such places tend to develop when tard-wrangling goes out of fashion and general population indulges stupidity with degeneracy, so anon's earnest display of porn addiction and other decadent cravings (up to the heights of virtue even) could be considered in part responsible. From what I've seen though, big batch of kiwis are no less lamentable in their shallowness and hypocricy, not to condone plain malevolence either.

>> No.10799419

First one I skipped after getting fed up with it. Second one wasn't that bad, it was easier to navigate at least. Turns out guy made three maps in row though.
It's in the The Diseases, and Casualties this year being 1632 wad, maps 04 and 05. Map 02 was my personal favorite so far and maybe raised my expectations tad bit too much.

>> No.10799425

That's one long name. Anything in it to do with the 30 Year War or did someone just really like Eric Flint?

>> No.10799434

>That's one long name.
Long name was kinda the main reason why I got interested in it.
>Anything in it to do with the 30 Year War or did someone just really like Eric Flint?
I don't think so.
>The project is inspired by a list of causes of death among citizens of London in 1632, with each map being thematically based around one cause of death on the list, using only vanilla textures.

>> No.10799505

What the fuck is up with 94 Protons? Chop hasn't posted in a long time but I know he's not dead, he keeps changing his discord avatar.

>> No.10799509

You could play the standard WADS keyboard + mouse configuration in the original Doom executable in 1993, using the original setup executable. It is not a source port feature.

>> No.10799517

>I know he's not dead, he keeps changing his discord avatar.
Why don't you ask him then?

>> No.10799524

>Your message could not be delivered. This is usually because you don't share a server with the recipient or the recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends. You can see the full list of reasons here:
He's just in my DMs list.

>> No.10799560

Bloodstain is almost great. It could've been the modern AV if the author gave the gameplay another pass after getting some feedback. He just dropped the wad and disappeared.

>> No.10799570
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, twfmudasir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can see the full list of reasons here:
What did you do to him to warrant a whole "full list" anon?

>> No.10799582

That's just an automated bot response if you try DMing someone you can't. I could try sending a friend request but desu my post was more of a callout.

>> No.10799617

>Marathon Istoria
>Fire IADD at the end of Born Under Punches
>strafing is only barely fast enough to dodge its attack when it's halfway across the room, once it gets closer than that you're fucked
>it also has loads of health and is fast enough to dodge rockets
What the hell is the intended strat here? Sprint back and forth, take the occasional potshot, and pray?

>> No.10799642

>Pro ammo

good luck with the untranslated teleporter maze

>> No.10799713
File: 222 KB, 1920x1080, vlc_hRZtY3UOBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got frustrated trying to revamp punch animations so I made gib sprites. Gonna do some enemies and machine guns this week

>> No.10799716

Oh my god, is she okay?

>> No.10799719

Oh and if the punch animation thing is bothering you, have you considered giving her some sorta not-punching melee option? Like how Cate Archer uses a stun gun in N.O.L.F.
Lyda's kind of a small gal anyway, isn't she? Fisticuffs would probably be a less than ideal choice for her.

>> No.10799731

Ah fuck that's right, the stun gun was in N.O.L.F. 2, but my point stands: Could always give her some sorta melee-ranged weapon that doesn't require a swing animation. Could make her arsenal stand out a little more and be potentially easier to animate, win win.

>> No.10799737
File: 6 KB, 240x113, PUNGD0(tester garbage redo this).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh, she's not super small but I did want her to have punches, maybe eventually a kick. I was planning on doing a stun-gun-ish weapon for the chainsaw, but it's less NOLF 2, more Syphon Filter lighting enemies on fire type stuff I want for that.

Besides, this whole project has always been a glorified art practice for me, so a good punch cycle would be a pretty satisfying personal accomplishment, as silly as that sounds.

>> No.10799740

Totally understandable, I'm trying to think if there's any Doom mods that have a good noteworthy punch animation. There's the big haymakers I put together for Doomslayer in GMOTA, but I don't think a big sweeping punch would work here. If anything she'd probably throw a swift jab or a hard straight.

>a good punch cycle would be a pretty satisfying personal accomplishment, as silly as that sounds.
That's not silly at all, melee animations are good practice in kinesthetics and character animation. Wanting to improve is a good mindset.

>> No.10799757

I was considering Perfect Dark style quick jabs too, though maybe I can make it a bit more crunchy. I want to avoid NOLF1 "slapping the TV to make it work" slaps too.

This whole experience has opened my eyes on how weak old game melee can feel.

>> No.10799763

>This whole experience has opened my eyes on how weak old game melee can feel.
you're telling me, I assume a lot of it back then was the mindset of "Well the melee option should suck because you start with it."

>> No.10799775

I remember his BTSX E2 videos were pretty rough.

>> No.10799781

I like when Spectre does Dzoned videos and gets stuck. He just straight up opens them in Doom Builder and shows you where that impossible to find linedef is.

>> No.10799821

How bad was map04? That one's layout always gives me trouble even after clearing it several times.

>> No.10799852

Term's stuff has some punches he could look at. Hae-Lin in Iron Maiden armor + Shihong, Terrance from the Ranger, and Booster.

Maybe Pvt Stone. The Space Pirate.

>> No.10799884

Hae-Lin's power armor punches came to mind too, they're immensely satisfying (personally I think they're the crunchiest, most satisfying punches Term has made in any of his mods) but I'm not sure if those bone shattering punches would be a good reference for Lydia. Though Shi-Hong might be a good one to look at, I'm pretty sure some of her punches were a little more reasonable. Booster too, thinking about it. Space Pirate's also a save bet.

The punches from the Golden Souls 1 Remake are pretty snappy and satisfying too.

>> No.10799945

This looks dope, not familiar with it but I'm gonna give it a play.

My first custom wad would have been some Chad 90s shit like UAC_DEAD or whatever went on Maximum Doom and compilations like it (lots of jank, some occasional gems). Doom95 made launching custom wads simple and easy.

>> No.10799995
File: 1.04 MB, 1120x846, joe!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first custom wad was Ultimate Simpsons Doom if that counts lol. But if we're strictly talking custom maps. then it would be Memento Mori 1 and then the sequel.

I hated some of Bloodstain's third episode for featuring some bullshit traps at the very end, which really soured me when playing saveless.

>> No.10800080
File: 743 KB, 1920x1080, idk either.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, after this I'm looking to try those Soldier of Light Doom-styled Q2 maps.
>multiple gig downloads
>hundreds of maps
Now THAT scares me. Also don't know where to download it besides that one ru site.
Unrelated, but I've kind of missed how shooting feels through KMQ2/original exe. I've spent a lot of time in Q2pro and the enhanced port lately.
>Doom95 made launching custom wads simple and easy.
Figuring out I could use it to launch Chex Quest lead to my first realization of 'Doom modding'.

>> No.10800205
File: 781 KB, 1366x768, unseen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10800219

all i want is a autist decompiling the DLL and rebuilding the monsters using the remaster SRC

>> No.10800271

Bloodstain is gr8, a bit on the tough side so be wary of UV. The gameplay has a pretty heavy focus on you using level geometry for cover against enemy fire.

>> No.10800278
File: 785 KB, 2048x1152, Quake2_WeaponsOfRampage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of his old stuff is mirrored 3dShooterLegends, but the all of the virtual sadomasochism he made after that ZeldaQ2 mod is still exclusive to Playground,ru at the moment.
He's from Estionia IIRC

>> No.10800282
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dual hyperblasters

>> No.10800425

The one thing that gets me about MyHouse is the health and armor placement is kind of shite. Even if you know how linedefs work the few armor pickups are hidden behind interactable objects, and there's nary a medkit to be found, just some stimpacks and health bonuses here and there, so any "content creator" playing it is going to be constantly at 20 health juggling quicksaves, and think that's just what Doom is

>> No.10800447

Health starvation isn't a rare design choice.

>> No.10800468

I don't think it was at any point intended for the content bangwagon, fuck knows how they even get halfway through it without cheating or having it on a low as fuck difficulty.

>> No.10800490

Play it cautious as hell and probably on HMP or lower and it really isn't that bad. You gotta bare in mind that the average Youtuber doesn't treat picking UV and being a reckless fuck as the default way to play Doom.

>> No.10800513

Thing is that most of the bandwagon Youtubers hadn't played Doom before, so even HMP seems like a struggle for them, especially in the latter chunk of the wad where it throws shitloads of stuff at you.

>> No.10800519

Never got the appeal of MyHouse, or the appeal of "liminal space games" in general

>> No.10800552

>>10794727 Damn, that is a lot. Much appreciated.

>> No.10800557
File: 92 KB, 239x279, hanger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good part about myhouse is how the house itself transforms. The storytelling it tells is immaculate.
But the rest the wad outside of the house is just a bunch of shitty memes; liminal backrooms with shrek and shit.

>> No.10800576 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 342 KB, 640x480, q2_0009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10800610 [DELETED] 

Nice titties.

>> No.10800615 [DELETED] 


>> No.10800650
File: 153 KB, 1235x619, doom wad tier list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10800674

>No memento mori

>> No.10800689 [DELETED] 

>bumhlole & booba not censored
>dat constant moaning ripped from random porno in the secret Tank/IM compartment

>> No.10800694 [DELETED] 


>> No.10800708

>secret pinups

>> No.10800731
File: 1.08 MB, 1366x768, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10800795

Iddqd.ru's brother site, (not literally)

>> No.10800803

Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, Hexen 2, Quake 1, Quake 2, or Half-life 1 but changed to have survival horror aesthetics and elements.

>> No.10800840
File: 2.17 MB, 966x1345, 1693793068725734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZeldaQ2 mod
>nearly just as big as his Doom stuff
Wow. So there's more. Goddamn. I'm just gonna focus on Milous' stuff for now.
You'll want to elaborate since a lot of these already have some degree of 'horrific' elements. Are you thinking of a less "mobile" protagonist/player character? Some degree of having to manage a held inventory of items, weapons, and weighted ammo?

>> No.10800848

With how many in-jokes and other mod references there are (the wad's literally called myhouse) Shrek feels like a reference to those 90s pop culture wads like simpsons doom or star wars doom or whatever. The wad feels like a big celebration of doom mods. The backrooms are definitely the worst part, but I can forgive it since you only get to go there if you try to cheat.

>> No.10801076

>the wad's literally called myhouse
it's kind of a shame how the wad has completely erased the "myhouse.wad" joke from the Doom fanbase lexicon

>> No.10801079

Yeah I recommend HMP for Bloodstain myself, especially if you were to pistol start. UV isn't insanely hard, but it can feel a bit tedious with the amount of enemy HP to space ratio, where as HMP felt more fun for me.

>> No.10801087

Beyond being a joke, it was a mapping trend for a fair while in the 90s.

>> No.10801124

eww no

>> No.10801132

lol dog I'm looking at that S tier and only one of those 5 sets is a slaughter set.

>> No.10801143

Even though the size of the file is large, the level itself is not that big.
Size: 51.35 KB

>> No.10801165
File: 499 KB, 644x800, 1614807520556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Forces is great and the usermaps are even better than the base game.

>Mfw I see a reference to the movies in a user map!


>> No.10801168

>only one of those 5 sets is a slaughter set.
You mean the other way around? Speed of Doom, Scythe II, and Sunlust devolve into slaughter and Sunder is slaughter from the very start.

>> No.10801174

Them having slaughter maps in them doesn't make them slaughter sets. 400 Minutes of /vr/ is a slaughter set too according to your logic.

>> No.10801189

>anything that makes you think about how to approach a fight or has more than 5 enemies is slaughter
go away

>> No.10801213
File: 34 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240324_214011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon wtf is this!! all 22 maps that came before this and all 9 that come after have automatically been invalidated this map is slaughter this entire wad is slaughter everything in existence is slaguhter slaughert rslau
>*collapses on floor and starts rapidly convulsing and vomiting*

>> No.10801260

>devolve into slaughter
It's okay for slaughter to not be your thing, but I really hate this phrasing, as it implies that slaughter is inherently low quality, which is frankly untrue.

>> No.10801293
File: 25 KB, 322x351, mongler of moldavia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom has 2942 monsters
>Thy Flesh Consumed adds another 1736 monsters
>Making a total of 4678 monsters in Ultimate Doom
>Doom 2 : Hell On Earth features 3769 monsters
>TNT : Evilution has 4880 monsters
>The Plutonia Experiment boasts a whopping 3061 monsters total (2777 without the secret levels)
>this doesn't account for Pain Elementals spitting Lost Souls, Arch-Viles resurrecting dead monsters, or the Icon Of Sin spawning endless monsters
Guess it's all slaughtershit, you spastic retard!

>> No.10801295

Now Anon. I don't like people getting their tits in a bind over monster dense maps either, but you know that's not a fair argument you're bringing up. Seeing as those monster counts are TOTAL across all of the levels.
And you know as well as I do that there's single maps out there that have high quadruple digit monster counts.

>> No.10801301

I think a lot of people's brains just shut down when confronted with a challenge instead of seeing it as an obstacle to overcome, and then they take it a step further by saying the challenge is actually bad design/unfair/slaughtershit whatever the fuck lol. I think the feeling of overcoming a challenge is way more gratifying than effortlessly shooting my way through an easy level.

>> No.10801315

>load ultimate doom
>4678 monsters
>load random single level .wad
>more than twice as many cyber demons

>> No.10801324

So don't play nuts.wad

>> No.10801334

Is there anything like Keeper for UaS-less HDest anymore? Keeper and TedTweaks are both outdated and don't work for keeping wounds/burns/blood.

>> No.10801339

In fairness there are some maps actually designed for humans that might come close to fitting his description, but you can count them on one hand and they're so niche that there's no way you would find them without explicitly knowing what you're getting into.

>> No.10801354

This version of keeper works for me for burns/blood, but not UaS's new wounds, it might work for stock HD wounds, but I always have UaS loaded, especially in multiplayer.
You should check that HDest-Community repo for updates to other things too.

>> No.10801357

you must love smashing your balls with a hammer if you put sunder, speed of doom, sunlust, and scythe 2 over aaliens, eveternity, valiant, and going down

>> No.10801364

I'd broadly put those in roughly the same tier of difficulty.

>> No.10801371
File: 71 KB, 736x736, 1fca4c15b5fe54bd4c77ee1e57927e67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HR2 in F tier

>> No.10801393
File: 507 KB, 699x337, more disappointing than my son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gzdoom's vulkan renderer still has some sort of shader/asset hitching completely absent in ogl
Doesn't anyone notice this shit? It's happened on multiple machines and GZDoom versions over 4 years for me.

>> No.10801398

>as it implies that slaughter is inherently low quality, which is frankly untrue.
Problem is it takes some decent level of understanding of encounter design and slaughter design to tell the obviously shit ones from the good ones, so a lot of people just assume they're all shit.

>> No.10801407

They usually go "edge case, lol, get a better system".

I gave up trying to get through to them the fucky nature of some of the input shit that could be fixed in half an hour but they just don't care.

>> No.10801456

I don't think Hell Revealed 1 & 2 are very good, I think that people view them too much through nostalgia, and that works like Alien Vendetta, Scythe, and Requiem stand head and shoulders above Hell Revealed.

>> No.10801457
File: 1.57 MB, 2560x1351, Screenshot_Doom_20240324_231505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Augur zenith is extremely pretty.

>> No.10801503

what's the problem exactly? been using vulkan for a long time. but i mostly play vanilla wads and with shit settings, most things disabled

>> No.10801537
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, vkdoom_Eperqq25nf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get what you mean, then this one should be fine. Yet only an experimental february version from github, version 0.9 is also broken not letting to change display settings and crashing.

>> No.10801594

Wtf is Scythe II doing in S tier? The new enemies are dogshit and suck the life out of every map they're in.
Wtf is No End In Sight in A tier? Didn't you play the last 2 episodes?
Hell Revealeds should swap places honestly, at least HR2 looks pretty.

>> No.10801645

based slaughterslop enjoyer

>> No.10801731

how does Fava beans fare in this list?

>> No.10801761

Fava Beans is identical and a bit derivative of Knee-Deep In the Dead, I imagine op would put it in B tier after Doom 1

>> No.10801790
File: 201 KB, 350x356, 1674438812371829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any TCs as good as Ashes?
also are there any wads or FPS games in general that are metroidvanias? something like Metroid Prime for example. familiar with Hexen or Heretic (I know it's one of those) but I've heard mixed reviews

>> No.10801794

>at least HR2 looks pretty.
Even for the time, HR2 was average looking. And the gameplay was far worse than 1 in a lot of ways, IMO.

>> No.10801795

Hell Revealed is fun, but only if you already know all the bullshit ambushes so that you're ready for them.

>> No.10801859

It's funny how when a normal 90's map has mandatory secrets it's called in poor taste. But when Hell Revealed has them nobody seems to mind.

>> No.10801872

>Yet only an experimental february version from github
the github prerelease tag has been published in february but the actual binaries are up-to-date with the latest commit

direct download:

>> No.10801882

Huh? Do the people making maps like that know what "secret" means

>> No.10802061

>better setups than Haswell, Zen 2, and Zen 3 with 970, 1060, 3060, now 4070 w/ 8-32gb of RAM over the years for Doom
lol it's definitely something fundamental with it, probably just good ol shader shit (the worst modern graphics issue by far) or is loading it in wrong
it's definitely worse with mods that use non-vanilla effects or assets, so that could be why you aren't seeing it so much. If it's cache related, doubly so as you're never loading in anything new.
Will try it and report back thanks bro.

>> No.10802064

>FastDoom has legacy graphics modes not in the original, like CGA and EGA; even wacky shit like text mode
>unlocked framerate on legacy hardware, runs at ~60fps on a Pentium 75
God I would have loved this back in the day. Pretty neat project.

>> No.10802079

Seems to run the new Moonman Doom without any stuttering, which is a pretty good new asset test. Neat, thanks. Shits out when I try Eviternity 2 though. At least with .9, maybe there's a way around it, will have to fuck with it more later.

>> No.10802081

>FPS metroidvanias

>> No.10802095

>eviternity ii still crashes even though I have the latest version of the WAD and the latest nightly of vkdoom
sheeeit. Dunno what to do now. In the transcord other people seem to have played iot.

>> No.10802129

There's this Half Life 1 mod made by a Eastern European sounding guy about Mars excavation and it looks quite interesting. Maybe you guys will like it too.


>> No.10802141

>CGA doom
lol, it looks about as awful as I'd imagine. too bad mom threw out our old 486SX-26, would have been interesting to try
I see it uses flat colored flats, but that still means you have to deal with multiple flats in a single column, unlike wolf3d that paints them all the same color. guess that'd look too horrible though - no way to tell slime from not-slime for example
I suspect it's possible to use raster tricks to get a high res HUD with the low res 16 and 136 color CGA modes. using some of the CRTC modes in 8088 MPH would also be interesting: https://int10h.org/blog/2015/08/8088-mph-final-old-vs-new-cga-gory-details/ https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=65371

>> No.10802190

>eviternity ii crashes vkdoom on another computer
at least it isn't a "my machine" thing, what the fuck

>> No.10802230

>fixes eviternity ii
dunno what it does but for anyone who gives a shit... fwiw seems to hitch though, so I don't think this really fixes my gzdoom vulkan issue. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.10802337

>works on one computer but not another
ok lol I'm fucking done; anyway points stands, GZDoom vulkan sucks.

>> No.10802471

In which ways? I've always seem HR2 as an improvement of what HR1 was. Both map design and looking. Even the OST is more iconic.

>> No.10802701

I have no reservations towards bitching about Hell Revealed's design.

>> No.10802741

Heretic and Hexen are worth playing if you've skipped them, especially if you're into the technical aspects of doom, raven soft invented a lot of features zdoom modders use on a daily basis like projectiles that travel faster than vanilla collision detection can handle
one tip to make hexen exploration less frustrating: switches aren't just hidden on arbitrary linedefs, they usually have a 32 unit wide indent that you can search the automap for
In my opinion Swim With The Whales conveys a metroidy feeling without modding the game, there are lots of optional BFGs, item caches, and shortcuts that skip parts of the map for people not UV-maxing. Just play it on HNTR and you can see what I mean and maybe actually beat it in under a month

>> No.10802746
File: 777 KB, 1920x1080, 1709425229769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurking past threads I missed-out on sometime ago on the archive - what am I looking at here?

>> No.10802759
File: 992 KB, 1366x768, spasm0012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure distilled ReBoot kino.

>> No.10802813

That’s also one of the maps from Alkaline. Episode Enyo is based off of the mod and I was testing compatibility for fun.

>> No.10802838

TNT Evilution's intro screen has a ship that looks like a knock-off USS Enterprise or USS Excelsior