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File: 232 KB, 1000x1302, Spyro1_Sparx_Gnorc_Wizard_Bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10783536 No.10783536 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the Spyro The Dragon trilogy?

>> No.10783543

my favorite soundtrack of all times

>> No.10783574
File: 41 KB, 427x288, Toasty Sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Toasty's theme in Spyro 1.

>> No.10783590

Move over Mario

>> No.10783595
File: 102 KB, 1059x596, Spyro_ThingstoDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall it's awesome. But just like Crash I think the games kept getting worse with each entry. But that's just me and my 'simpler=better' autism. Like I enjoy SMB1 more than 3. I know most people think Spyro 1 and Crash 1 are the weakest in their respective trilogies
1 - masterpiece
2 - great
3 - just good
Those overworld themes in 2 are just something else

>> No.10783605

I always appreciated how the dragonfly is your health indicator, its immersive and I wish more games tried stuff like that.

>> No.10783607

>But that's just me and my 'simpler=better' autism
I understand what you mean. I too enjoy the simplicity of the original Spyro the Dragon game.
The later games just shoved more, and more minigames and it kinda got annoying to playthrough.

>> No.10783610

only played the first two
pretty colors
tight controls
good tunes

>> No.10783620
File: 2.25 MB, 3840x2160, RVEdJvJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get over how amazing the skyboxes are in the PS1 Spyro games. It's one of the major things the reignited trilogy fucked up.

>> No.10783632
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Love his PS1 model, so fucking goofy.

>> No.10783672
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I like all three games a lot. I think I have a pretty standard opinion on the series, similar to >>10783595

>Spyro 1
The first 3D platformer I ever owned and is my favorite out of the trilogy. Has the best music and level structure. I liked how it was purely an exploration game and the main challenge was figuring out how to reach distant areas. Getting a brief cutscene every time you rescued a dragon was a great reward system too. Gave a you a nice grandiose feeling every time. And nailing egg thieves was very satisfying.
>Spyro 2
Has my favorite home world, Autumn Plains, and pretty good levels. Since they changed up the level structure to focus on objectives over exploration, the levels lost a bit of that sense of wonder that carried the first game. But it still had great art, fun mechanics, and feels like a good time without over-indulging in mini-games like in 3. Nice reward for 100%.
>Spyro 3
It still plays well in general like the last two, but they just went overboard with all the mini-games. Had some cool boss fights at least. For whatever reason, I find the levels in the second half of the game to be way better than the first half (with Lost Fleet being a big exception). Game is a mix of highs and lows: Fireworks Factory, Frozen Altars, Haunted Tomb, and Dino Mines were some of the best levels in the series, while Lost Fleet and Enchanted Towers are some of the all time worst. I couldn't stand those awful skateboarding race sections and putting that yeti race at the end of the Super Bonus really soured my final impression at the end. But, still more good than bad overall.

>> No.10783714

definitely my favorite
Stewart went all out on that Toasty track
the music of Spyro really has a nice sense of progression

>> No.10783724

Really solid and fun games to try to 100% despite that their base quests are too easy.

1 is the best, it has the best atmosphere of exploration and this isn't drowned out by tons of minigames.

>> No.10783739

Spyro Reiginited Trilogy is the best way to experience the Spyro games because the old ones have different art direction that doesn't match that of Spyro Reignited Trilogy which is the definitive version for obvious reasons

>> No.10783746

Low quality bait or legitimately retarded poster, take your bets.

>> No.10783758

>the art direction of the remake is shit
I defeated that ouroboros statement, I struck its weak spot with my sword.

>> No.10783837
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>> No.10783842
File: 13 KB, 300x225, fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just looking back at the list of levels for each game, there really isn't a single level that I roundly dislike in the first game. in the second game, I find Zephyr and Robotica Farms to be a drag. In both of them, I don't like the color palette and every task and enemy is a complete chore. But I would say they are still both leagues better than Sgt Byrd's Base, Lost Fleet, and Enchanted Towers in 3. Byrd's level an Enchanted are both ruined by Byrd's tedious, drawn-out gameplay, while Lost Fleet is brought down by a large number of slow and unfun segments
>multiple submarine minigames
>repeatedly having to dive in acid pools to search for collectables because of the short invincibility time limit
>multiple skateboard racing rounds, again with collectables on the track
>multiple shooting distant vultures with a slow canon segments
combine all of that with an uncharacteristically boring music (on either version) and a badly clashing color palette and you get hands down the worst in the trilogy. for me at least. then again, I've occasionally heard others saying that it's somehow their favorite. What would you guys see is your worst level out of all 3 games?

>> No.10783853 [SPOILER] 
File: 893 KB, 1280x720, TreeTops_PS1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there really isn't a single level that I roundly dislike in the first game

>> No.10783867

Tree Tops is difficult to master, but when you do, it's the best level in the game.

>> No.10783870

lol that's a fair
I forgot about that one

>> No.10783874

supercharge is really fun

>> No.10783884

I never did lmao, I never 100%'d it as a kid. As an adult I had to use a guide for one jump that requires you to follow a specific route, remember that remote island with the crystal statue? I'm dumb and just couldn't figure out how to reach it on my own. But when you know all the routes, yeah, it can be pretty fun

>> No.10783904

The Spyro 1 commercials were something else.

>> No.10783926

Yeah it's about going off the expected path and changing course part way thru, I thought it was really clever and fun. Like classic game stuff right there, even when you do find the right route the window for landing is really tight.

>> No.10783939

>their base quests are too easy
thats actually a good point
where tf are all the autistic difficulty hacks for spyro?
>REEEE its hard to hax0r PSX
fair enough
itd still be neat tho

>> No.10783959
File: 565 KB, 860x587, fuck off you cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since spyro threads are usually thinly veiled stewart copeland appreciation threads, might as well post this

you guys ever listen to klark kent?
its what made me realize stew wrote basically all of my favorite police songs
and you can already hear the seeds of the spyro OST peeking through, some 20yrs early

>> No.10783968

Spyro thread? Time to post this gem again.

>> No.10783974

Oh yeah, I can hear some Spyro-lite beats in this song. I never listened to copeland's work outside of Spyro, so it's cool to hear this.

>> No.10783980

Video games made me realise that people are not born equal after all. DSP beat dozens and dozens of video games and he still struggles with basic video game logic, completely unable to adapt. I know people who have thousands of hours in games like TF2 and still suck. I've always been baffled by this. Tabula rasa is a meme

>> No.10783983

klark kent is fucking hilarious
if you look it up hes got this whole schizo explanation of the characters backstory. iirc hes a CIA experiment that can send and receive coded messages through interpreting piano parts or some hilarious nonsense. which is even goofier when you realize his dad actually founded the CIA and he was like hardly even joking

also notable how spectacular of a multi-instrumentalist as a kid. idk if he was even 20 yet and yet hes every track on that whole record

>> No.10784006

better than the buzzcocks
crazy this was the first time the police ever appeared on live tv.
even crazier to think the police, one of the biggest 80s bands period, was the BACKUP idea at this point

>> No.10784075

The toms say 'pussy' in Japanese btw.

>Spyro-lite beats

>> No.10784082

lmfao i was wondering what the significance of those was

>> No.10784157

>I know people who have thousands of hours in games like TF2 and still suck.
i've seen this in every online multiplayer. it's so common though, that it makes me wonder how much is it due to inherent lack of ability vs people just not giving a fuck enough to ever think about the game in any depth.

>> No.10784196

its probably just that most players arent into sweaty tryhard bullshit. they just have to put up with it since most popular online games nowadays devolve into sweaty tryhard bullshit meta nonsense, given enough time

as for DSP specifically, imo its kind of a put on.
hes not some superstar player, at any game really, but ive also seen a TiHYDP of him clearing ninja gaiden 2 in a sitting. admittedly the easiest of the trilogy, but definitely not what id call an "easy game". he just sucks at nu-vidya, and knows more people will watch (and more importantly, give him money) if hes playing the hottest new shitty game and fucking up constantly and bitching about everything. its his whole brand.
so thats what he does: plays new games badly and whines
the internet is attracted to negativity

>> No.10784228

pure, unfiltered kino

>> No.10784234

no one says spyro 1 is the weakest. It's the best one although not by much because 2 is very good too

>> No.10784239

You can change the tone of so many games by just changing the skyboxes. It's a very powerful small detail

>> No.10784274

they're really good and they're the kind of games i'll replay every so often.

>> No.10784317

Whenever the seasons change, I boot up Spyro 2 just to listen to the hub world themes on repeat.

>> No.10784332

The whole PS1 trilogy has a great OST but factually the BEST track is Misty Bog.
If it wasn't, then they wouldn't have re-arranged it for the end credits theme

>> No.10784528

How come there are no level hacks for these games?

>> No.10784539

I want to pet that cute little purple boi as he falls asleep.

>> No.10784552

Making fully 3D levels. and actually making them good in comparison to the official levels is really difficult.

>> No.10784616

Nah I think you nailed it. I used to think 2 was the best combination of 1 and 3 but I think at the end of the day, 1 did it best. They're all good but nothing quite matches 1.
Oh wow I heard those Spyro drums immediately. Nice.

>> No.10784709
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>> No.10784746

As someone who does make difficulty hacks for N64 games, Spyro would be a weird one to attempt, due to how floaty and exploration focused its jump/glide mechanics are, which would mean that any attempt at making anything actually difficult would likely devolve into lame pixel perfect bullshit.

If anything, I'd want to base challenges around things like the first game's super charge mechanic, which is easily the most fun and creative thing in the series.

There are now

>> No.10784817

That thumbnail is amazing.

>> No.10785038

There are no decent hacking tools.

>> No.10785207

my fav anon ily

>> No.10785212

Spyro was for weird autistic kids whose parents wouldn't get them a dreamcast to play sonic

>> No.10785558

youre right that increasing the difficulty solely on the platforming might be hard to nail down
but i still think theres some ways you could increase the difficulty without it.
>change enemy placement
>slightly more/stronger enemies
>bosses take more hits/have harder stages/more underling mobs in the boss arena with you
>much lower amount of small animals to kill and refill health
>longer sequences of platforming
>more supercharge levels
>more cycle-based levels
>levels that force you to not use flame, or where you have to unlock flame by doing something so you can proceed further into the level
>much more sparse gem placement, with more of them hidden behind keys/puzzles/in hidden spots
>tighter requirements for the air balloon guy
then you could save the more bullshit super tight platforming crap for the last few levels

>> No.10786807


>> No.10786819
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>Normalfags were playing Dreamcast instead of PlayStation

>> No.10786821

When I replayed them a few years ago my opinion was 1>3>2. I'm overdue another replay though.

>> No.10786823

Why did you rank 2 dead last?

>> No.10786825

I was surprised too, I just enjoyed the minigames in 3 more. But 1 is king for the atmosphere and pure platforming.

>> No.10787628

I always look forward to replaying that level just to hear the theme. It's a pretty exciting level too, a lot of fun elements, and for once the enemies aren't complete push overs.

>> No.10788630
File: 40 KB, 1080x607, eahwx0vjnb241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10788632

Better than shartio

>> No.10788716

>cringe pic
thanks for proving my point

>> No.10788762

What do we think of EtD's music?

>> No.10788772

Where do you guys get pictures like these

>> No.10788805

Right here boss: https://cdromance.org/psx-iso/spyro-3-5-return-to-the-forgotten-realms-hack/

>> No.10788809
File: 86 KB, 640x640, 7526_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese Spyro looks so gay lmao

>> No.10788812

Spyro wiki has that for literally every level in the trilogy

>> No.10788816

Because romhackers are troons and lack the soul that the devs used to create Spyro levels

>> No.10788821

You shit on sonic in the same thread that you goon over spyro's boost mechanic

>enemy spam, boss sponge, and removing core game mechanics
I hope you never become a game dev

>> No.10788836


>> No.10788858

Ripto's rape was my favorite overall but the first one was the most creative imo.
>That world with giant women who used their husbands as weapons
Also, as a kid I couldn't finish Year of the dragon cause my copy sent you back to the fist homeworld when you were fighting the evil dinosaur witch, beat it like a decade later using an emulator.

>> No.10788867

>my copy sent you back to the fist homeworld when you were fighting the evil dinosaur witch
Stop playing hacked copies of the game/ using a PS1 with a modchip.

>> No.10788954

Spyro is just an old school walking sim, I have to imagine the target audience is old women or something

>> No.10788975

Spyro trilogy is better than Crash trilogy simply cause Crash 3 is more gimmicky

>> No.10788981

not even worth it

>> No.10789000

the comfiest games I've ever played, perfect for kids

>> No.10789001

Crash has actual gameplay

>> No.10789303

>He got triggered
Oh no no no sonicbros it's so over

>> No.10789458

from what little I remember is that it wasn't bad, but nothing stood out. O doubt he was very inspired to do his best work when he was playing the levels.

>> No.10789486
File: 243 KB, 335x367, fwoosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spyro 1
Pure platforming and exploration. No dumb minigames, no backtracking, just platforming. It had a lot of very large and open levels, mostly to emphasize the graphics engine letting you see things far away with no render fog, which was brand new at the time. It's simple and easy, but that's the beauty of it. It's just a fun and simple game where just exploring the levels and platforming is fun in its own right.

>Spyro 2
They tried to change things up by making all the levels revolve around completing objectives. Almost all the levels are way more linear. Not to say that Spyro 1 didn't have any linear levels, but in Spyro 2, almost every single level is very linear, and the focus on platforming/gliding long distances is gone. They also added in a whole host of minigames, most of which are tedious or boring or both. Also introduced forced backtracking, making you wholly unable to complete a level on the first visit, forcing you to come back later when you've unlocked the required powerup.

>Spyro 3
Pretty much doubled down on the changes Spyro 2 made. The levels are now very VERY linear, and in addition to more minigames, we now have a cast of alternate playable characters that are all slower/more boring to play than Spyro. At this point the devs admitted they were running out of ideas, hence why the minigames are blatantly ripped off from other popular PS1 games at the time.

Spyro 2 and 3 aren't bad at all, they're just noticeably worse than the first game. If we ever get a proper "Spyro 4", I'd really want it to be based around the first game, but I highly doubt that will happen since the 3rd game's formula will appeal more to normies.

>> No.10789524

Spyro 3 is circular, not linear.

>> No.10789558

Same thing. The point is moreso that the levels aren't wide open and explorable like in Spyro 1, they're all straight-forward and linear, just a basic path to the end of the level without much room to go off of that path.

>> No.10789587

>forced backtracking, making you wholly unable to complete a level on the first visit,
People parrot this about Spyro 2 all the time. If you play through the levels in order and buy the abilities off Moneybags as soon as you have the option to, there are only two levels in the whole game you actually need to backtrack to, one of them being the first level Glimmer.

>> No.10789659

>It had a lot of very large and open levels
Only the earlier ones.

>> No.10789668

You don't even need to backtrack in Glimmer. It's possible to take the flying power-up from the outside and very narrowly make it onto that ledge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYHIjRbZ5xE See 11:08.

>> No.10789815

Guess you learn something new everyday.

>> No.10789919

All three are amazing.
It's tragic we'll never get another one.

>> No.10789976

>You shit on sonic in the same thread that you goon over spyro's boost mechanic
lol wut? you must be confusing me with someone else, I dislike both.

>> No.10790015

Do high res scans without the scan lines exist?

>> No.10790019
File: 16 KB, 427x300, 07d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pause the game and pres Square Square Square Square and Circle when you start a new file.

>> No.10790031
File: 419 KB, 1280x720, 11 - LNIBAW6 - Crystal Glacier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but at lower res

>> No.10790639
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As a kid I was a fan, still enjoy the thought of playing it. Actually playing it is a different matter entirely, I have no clue where to get roms.
RIP romNation

>> No.10791575
File: 19 KB, 267x282, Blu Spy has new intel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vimm's Lair

>> No.10791593

Rip qualityroms.com that was the first rom site I used. I remember romnation.net and the porn ads too kek

>> No.10791636

>without the scan lines
Fucker, the scan lines gives the picture more soul.

>> No.10791651

Best video game Trilogy from my youth. I hope they make a Spyro 4 sequel to Reignited but don't Troon it up.

>> No.10791771

>tfw you don't need to worry about romsites shutting down because you have a friend named Vimm who has literally every game

>> No.10791775

Yeah let's just hope it doesn't take dozens of hours to 100% and also doesn't feel and look like it was made by an AI. It would really suck if your favorite childhood trilogy would get such a sequel

>> No.10791935

He’s a character. Great for interviews. I noticed on the last Beato interview he said he never plays the same thing twice. Sting also said that in his Beato interview. Then he goes on to say he’d be a terrible session musician. I disagree. He recorded his drum parts pretty quickly in the Police. A great session player plays what’s best and moves outta the way.
Anyways I’m fond of https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C7q1kGeszXo&pp=ygUSa2xhcmsga2VudCB0aHJpbGxz it has a good crunchy 70’s guitar sound and a surprisingly good bridge solo. Copeland will tell you he’s a failed guitarist, but on this track he’s pretty good. He’ll also tell you he’s not a great songwriter, but that’s because he wrote in Sting’s shadow, which is a really unfair comparison. Stew’s a perfectly fine songwriter.

>> No.10791938

Wait till you hear about Skylanders

>> No.10791964

So I don't know what Vimm is but I will say thanks to the board and the people responding to me. I appreciate the guidance. Honestly, it's refreshing.

>> No.10791968

No one who doesn't have nostalgia for these thinks much of them, in my experience.

>> No.10791976

Yeah, figured it out. I'm stupid at times.
I don't know how the hell I missed your post. Thank you kind sir.

>> No.10792002

I love the art direction in these games with my whole heart.
Especially the skyboxes.
Posted these in another thread a while back.

I can't find the one for Spyro 2 sadly.
I think it's been taken down.

>> No.10792015

Thanks for the links. Nice to have some new wallpapers.

>> No.10792020

While pretty empty skyboxes fill me with this unknowing dread. I'm not sure why but they do.
>not just yours everyones

>> No.10792039

>let's just hope it doesn't take dozens of hours to 100% and also doesn't feel and look like it was made by an AI. It would really suck if your favorite childhood trilogy would get such a sequel
what are you referencing here

>> No.10792041

crash 4

>> No.10792042

was it really that bad?

>> No.10792069

Tawana is a dyke and Crash is a gibbering idiot

>> No.10792093

>Crash is a gibbering idiot
Isn't that the norm for Crash?

>> No.10792248
File: 79 KB, 1048x740, guuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't go full retard until the PS2 games. He was always wacky, but never depicted as a complete idiot in the og trilogy. Twinsanity leaned most heavily into this image, but to me this one segment at the very end of TWoC's intro where he points to himself always sticks out as unusually dumb looking.

>> No.10792423

It's okay, many dreams were crushed when Spyro Enter the Dragonfly came out.

>> No.10792485
File: 170 KB, 640x903, it all comes crashing down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went so wrong, bros?....

>> No.10792525

there was just a bunch of things that went wrong that fucked the game.

>> No.10792529

well, since you asked, there is a nearly 2 hour documentary explaining all of that in painful detail, complete with developer interviews.

my takeaway was that the main thing that ruined development was having two separate studios, one that made all the assets and one that did the programming and level design. there were lots of communication issues between the two, and the asset makers ended up making objects that were too expensive for the game's engine, so that's what tanked the framerate and caused the numerous bugs. on top of which there was a host of other issues. docs really good though, definitely worth a full watch.

>> No.10792536
File: 723 KB, 960x720, SCUS-94425_2024-01-18_21-09-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luckily i still have the link for 2's

>> No.10792547
File: 425 KB, 676x634, ecnh5qqbev1c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 2 hour long video
Normally I don't watch shit that long, but I'm make an exception since it's about Spyro. Plus I really am curious about the dev cycle of this shitass game.

>> No.10792551

>Stewart Copeland, composer of the previous three Spyro games as well as Enter the Dragonfly, stated he started to feel a "divergence" with Universal Interactive, stating "I remember the team came in to create the promotional materials for Enter the Dragonfly. They showed me an ad they had, which I didn't even recognize as Spyro. It was country and western-themed, and I think that's where the divergence happened for me. We were not on the same page any more."
sad times

>> No.10792553

Absolutely based. Thanks for sharing this!

>> No.10792559

I watched the original upload a few years ago, I remember it being a pretty compelling video

>> No.10792585
File: 64 KB, 579x863, adult spyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good stuff

>> No.10793054

Only really played spyro 3 but the Speedways fucking blow. Races are essentially impossible unless you've been dying a bunch or intentionally lose the race a few times. It always stuck out to me how I race the same yet magically the other racers are half a lap behind where they were the last try.

>> No.10793245

that's just adaptive difficulty at work and the whole game uses it

>> No.10793257

One of my favorite PS1 franchises next to Crash Bandicoot. Full cleared all three multiple times.
They're just incredibly solid collect-a-thon platformers with exquisite atmosphere.

>> No.10793286

I hated those races a lot too. They are possible to win without failing them multiple times, but you have to hit nearly every blue star that's slightly off the track on each lap. Some of them are somewhat hidden, and finding all of them plus putting the route together takes a good amount of trial and error.

>> No.10793406

Lmao I have the opposite problem, I don't like the races because I just think they're too easy and nothing happens in them. You just fly for like 2 minutes and if you don't miss a star you win every time.

>> No.10793427

RIP Elora.

>> No.10793478

I only like the first one. The levels never outstay their welcome, the secrets are genuinely clever and its fun to find all the gems and collectibles. While I appreciate they tried to expand upon it with 2 by making the levels bigger and adding unique objectives, it just doesn't do it for me. Most of the level objectives just are not fun, infact many are downright annoying and go on too long, and they really made getting the gems tedious by scattering them around at seemingly random instead of the way they were smartly placed in the first game. I don't hate it, I do genuinely like a couple of the levels and I love the soundtrack but that's really it.

3 I do not like at all. It has the same problems as 2 but made a hundred times worse by the additional characters and over reliance on minigames that aren't any good.

>> No.10793529

Did ps1 games written in C use many different SDKs? Or what all was available to the devs?

>> No.10793549

Comfy thread. Reminded me that it's time for the yearly playthrough.

>> No.10793725

IIRC one of the devs said they used assembly for parts of the game, probably for Spyro's graphics engine.

>> No.10793887

Insomniac ditching the IP, basically.
>understood as a very young kid that Insomniac was "The Spyro Company"
>2002, Insomniac had sold the rights to Spyro to Universal by this point
>get a PS2, get given Ratchet & Clank since that was the new game from "the Spyro people" and my parents at least understood that Spyro was my favorite game at the time
>wind up playing Ratchet 1 and loving it (to the point where I'd say the PS2 entries are my favorite games)
>play Enter the Dragonfly
>be heavily confused why one game is dogshit while the other is good because I thought it was the same people
The wonders of not understanding what IP rights were at like the age of 7.

>> No.10793943

Started a new playthrough of Spyro 1 recently myself. It's such a charming game.

>> No.10793959

Thank you very much!

>> No.10794127

Universal always owned the rights to both Crash and Spyro, they just licensed them to Sony. Insomniac had run out of ideas of what to do with Spyro, so they just worked directly with Sony for their next IP.

>> No.10794145
File: 1.33 MB, 1600x678, Screenshot (758).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, no wonder EtD failed. When devs have this mindset, project are doomed to fail.

>> No.10794170

Universal had struck gold with getting both Naughty Dog and Insomniac to develop games for them. The relationship worked well in the beginning, because they were able to provide them with artists like Charles Zembillas to work on the character design. But Universal never truly valued what they had with these IPs and mismanaged the shit out of them as soon as the contracts with original developers expired. I'm not certain how well the relationship with Insomniac ended, but with Naughty Dog they were on infamously bad terms.

>> No.10794519

Extremely good take.

>> No.10794994

>real final boss of 3 just involves flying a slow UFO around without even changing music from the "hub" of the bonus world
they really phoned that fight in

>> No.10795147
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, eurocom logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a vaguely similar experience but with Crash Bash
>love all Crash and Spyro games
>check out Crash Bash demo on Spyro 3
>it's great
>imagine it being even better than CTR
>get game for Christmas 2000
>family friends over
>briefly play co-op
>it's a blast
>start single player
>first warp room is great
>clear everything
>boss is good
>next room
>huh? these are almost the same
>still good, fun times
>space bash rocks
>do warp 3 and 4
>nearly all the same levels, but not as good
>only new levels are even worse
>warp 5 has high requirements to unlock everything
>gameplay starting to get really frustrating
>power through it
>unlock all levels eventually
>they're the worst levels in the entire game
>have over 100%
>no secret ending
>read in a magazine that Naughty Dog are working on something called Jak & Daxter
>sudden epiphany about what all those unskippable logos at start-up really mean

>> No.10796493

You're spot on with Spyro, but you lost me with smb1>3
As great and revolutionary as smb1 is, 3 is one of the greatest platformers of all time

>> No.10796590
File: 200 KB, 900x1514, IMG_3114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauns were made for breeding

>> No.10796607

I recently set up my old PS1 for my niece because she saw the box art of Ripto's Rage on my shelf and thought Spyro was cute.

>> No.10796632


>> No.10796802

Based uncle. Your niece has a eye for quality.

>> No.10796826

nearly done with metalHead
how the HELL do I reach these gems? He never jumps high enough to make the flight over

>> No.10796828
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, 1711083477367889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit

>> No.10796836
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 1711158374507239_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc from the opposite end of a ledge

>> No.10796843
File: 14 KB, 639x75, 1687514817157081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took like 30 fucking tries but I did it

>> No.10796846

Good job, anon.

>> No.10796852

enjoy your slow downloads

>> No.10796856
File: 97 KB, 250x250, 1682192856157621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But my downloads are fast? That might be a issue on your end.

>> No.10796861

What ledge is this referring to, the one in Metalhead?

That glide always felt overly precise. Spyro 1 has a few obnoxious jumps but that one always took the cake.

>> No.10796886
File: 47 KB, 618x446, when do i press X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wasn't kidding

>> No.10796909

I hated the skateboard ones. Especially the super bonus world one. Holy shit fuck that.

>> No.10796947
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From that pic i always jumped at left of the whirlpool

>> No.10796950
File: 940 KB, 1331x1080, 1708163271574900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK tree tops

>> No.10796957

The rest of the levels aren't as hard, so the worst is behind you.

>> No.10796982

Haunted Towers is tricky, or at least it was as a kid

>> No.10797530
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>> No.10797887
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>> No.10797902

The first three comprehensively shred. I like Spyro 1 the best but respect other takes. I'd say my favorite aspect is the ethereal feel of the setting/visuals/soundtrack, but they control great and have memorable level design and characters too.

>> No.10797914

This. Solid post overall snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with an unnecessarily stated shit opinion.

>> No.10797942
File: 249 KB, 1280x720, YMRmiBk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was terrifying to me as a kid

>> No.10797980

I can see why. They really nailed that classic hellish look with the art and music here. I remember the dogs badly catching me off guard as the game's first more dangerous enemy.

>> No.10798709
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, grfiYcj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10798748
File: 5 KB, 271x64, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try upgrading your dial-up, anon

>> No.10798751

If you just play through it casually it's mediocre/okay, but going for 100% completion is a nightmarish slog
and nuTawna is fucking shit

>> No.10798752
File: 64 KB, 555x563, the fuck you just say to me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had fun playing it as a kid, but was still disappointed that it only had 9 levels.

>> No.10798764
File: 27 KB, 514x536, 9871324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is exactly why modern vidya fucking sucks
they don't want to be creative and take risks, the soulless executives only want to use a safe, proven formula that will guarantee profits by appealing to the lowest common denominator
that and normies are happy to eat up garbage movie-games

>> No.10798785

All their men are trapped in stone, what was I supposed to do?!

>> No.10798794

Movie games are pretty much over, TLOU2 was their swan's song.
Nowadays it's all about grindy open world adventures with crafting, multiple endings and DLC.

>> No.10798904

kind of amuses me those dogs are like the only instance where the dodge roll is useful.

>> No.10798932
File: 334 KB, 1200x600, 1665004211047795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Free faun trapped in stone
>He shows you the song of their people
>There's a pig around
>Pig starts dancing

>> No.10799027
File: 332 KB, 380x496, Spyro-Mania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10799058
File: 1.12 MB, 600x443, spyro 2 dancing pig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10799069

>Spyro and Lara Croft
based hfoma enjoyer

>> No.10799071

Soul overload.

>> No.10799492

I like that theres no backtracking required, you can get all the gems in one go as long as you have patience and skill.
I never actually did a 100% run though cause theres a couple real tough levels, does it unlock anything special?

>> No.10799589

>does it unlock anything special?
Spyro with sunglasses
What more could you ask for?

>> No.10799703

>I like that theres no backtracking required
Only in 1 but holy shit I wholeheartedly agree. I hate backtracking in 3D platformers so much and I hate the fact that it's present in almost every one of them. SM64, Ape Escape, Crash 1-3

>> No.10799815

Even in videogames the worst areas have niggers

>> No.10799858

Spyro 2 is the best because of D-Jump sequence breaks. It's fun as fuck every time breaking levels and the overworld. Spyro 2 is also the only game where D-Jump would be fun in, if the others also had it. It would trivialize certain parts of 1 and wouldn't be useful in other parts, and you spend half of 3 in minigames or not playing as Spyro. Both 1 & 3 are designed in ways that would make D-Jump feel cheap or useless, where in 2 it almost feels like how it's meant to be played even when you're going out of bounds. If they filled out the geometry for OOB areas it would feel completely natural.

>> No.10799868

I kneel to you and my one other friend who still uses it.
Tree Tops was fun until I had to look up a guide for... the last few gems I think? Maybe a dragon too, can't remember.

>> No.10799881

Basically what every other anon has said. 1 is simple but rock solid, you can just 100% a level and move on to the next, 2 is still fun but tried to expand on the idea with minigames and objectives. The good part about this is getting a bit more life and humor to the world. 3 is alright but much like what happened with Crash, it spends too long on minigames and different characters and whatnot which can bring the whole thing down. Never tried the PS2 stuff but I've heard they're awful.

>> No.10799914

Whats d-jump

>> No.10799943

>does it unlock anything special?
yes, it unlocks a final-final level where you can fly freely, and also a different ending cutscene

>> No.10799947

It's simply baffling that we never got a Spyro game composed solely of flight stages.

>> No.10799950

>Never tried the PS2 stuff but I've heard they're awful.
Mostly, yeah. Every single game released after the PS1 trilogy ranges from "eh, okay" to "holy fucking niggershit this is terribad"

Enter the Dragonfly is awful; rushed out for a holiday release and is a buggy mess with only 9 levels
A Hero's Tail is honestly not bad, but it's just that: "not bad". The gameplay and level design are solid enough, but the alternate characters are boring/tedious and there's once again a glut of annoying minigames.
The Legend of Spyro series is just garbage overall. The first game is steaming shit, the second game is just shit, and the third game is a mediocre God of War clone with tons of wasted potential.

>> No.10799959

double jump glitch

>> No.10799992

So did you play the Spyro 3.5 Romhack where almost all of the eggs and some gems are behind d-jump and tricks and so?

>> No.10800003

>game built around physics exploits and forces you to use them
that sounds above my level of autism

>> No.10800035
File: 290 KB, 844x631, tip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to look up how to do the speedrunner tactics because I never used them before and use save states but I eventually beat it to credits.

>> No.10800108

Spyro 3 has D-Jump? Or is it the romhack that inserts it?
>>10799914 >>10799959
Yeah that's the full name. It's kind of a misnomer, I get what it means, "double the height of a regular jump", but it doesn't communicate that at a glance because of what we know of as a "double jump" in every other game that ever had a double jump.

All you have to do is headbutt in the air while not holding any direction on the controller. It doesn't work if you're holding a direction, so you have to line yourself up carefully before trying a jump.

>> No.10800301

I can't say for 100% if spyro 3 has double jump but the romhack doesn't insert tricks, just uses the existing ones. One of them is using the enemy characters to gain big air.

>> No.10800315

Spyro 3 does not have the double jump glitch, so this romhack must have added it back in

>> No.10800328
File: 296 KB, 634x810, 1626111347272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't but someone found a way to mod it back in with a gameshark code.

>> No.10800331
File: 504 KB, 846x634, swimair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's more likely I don't know what's the difference between d-jump and other jumps.

Also the Spyro 3.5 has custom textures and music, such as the pic I posted previously where there's snow and stuff.

>> No.10800337
File: 64 KB, 827x827, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all gameplay videos have some dude talking

>> No.10800343

Well not many people know of it probably but I'm one of the people who played it basically on release and didn't make a video.

>> No.10800983
File: 248 KB, 471x458, tree tops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they're not throwing banan--

>> No.10801025


>> No.10801026

wtf racist ...?

>> No.10801027


>> No.10801153

>only ever played 3
I wonder if that's why I never cared for spyro.

>> No.10801314

it's a common opinion its the worst one, so maybe.

>> No.10802156 [DELETED] 


>> No.10802273

It has just as much or more colorful magic worlds and content as 1&2 but I can see that it was starting to lose it's steam because there were more mini games and characters other than Spyro but I don't get how Spyro 3 is/was le bad. I can see how the PS2 games were mostly bad, I played one or two of them.

The weakest portion of Spyro 3 is when you fight Sorceress two times and both of them are pretty anti-climatic fights tho. There isn't even any dialogue between Spyro and Sorceress which might be a design choice but even the fights are generic af compared to the middle game bosses.

>> No.10802306

>sorceress batlle
it was a pretty big let down since I was expecting an epic finale like with Ripto at the end of 2. When I saw her again in the super bonus, my first thought was
>OK, now it's the real fight!
only to be even more disappointed. The game had some pretty decent boss fights before her as well.

>> No.10802307

The devs outright admitted that they were running out of ideas (because "spyro doesn't have hands and can't hold things") so they stuffed the 3rd game full of minigames and alternate characters.

And yeah, certain elements of the game indicate that it wasn't fully finished at release, such as the original black-label release of the game recycling lots of music tracks in the 3rd/4th worlds, which wasn't fixed until the Greatest Hits re-release

>> No.10802309

gives me motion sickness

>> No.10802315

I’ve only played the first one, and I remember thinking that the sequels gave off an “imposter” vibe, like they were made by a different team or something. I think the cover art just looked generic to me. Is there any truth to that as far as its development goes? I heard they play pretty well.

>> No.10802317

What is Elora and Spyro's relationship and why was Elora never used after 2?

>> No.10802318

just wondering, how do people generally compare the bosses in 2 and 3 to the boss levels in 1? I know that none the actual bosses in 1 are much of a real fight at all, but I really liked each of their levels leading up to the fight.
>Dr. Shemp
were all really cool levels with neat enemies and very memorable atmosphere.

>> No.10802319

>why was Elora never used after 2?
she appeared in 3

>> No.10802320

>the only Legend of Spyro game allowed to be posted on /vr/ is certifiably shit

>> No.10802321
File: 48 KB, 672x500, spyro 3 elora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why was Elora never used after 2
did you mean to say after 3? you see her at the end of YoD

>> No.10802326

you can officially post up to the first two Legend games, since the second game came out on PS2 in late 2007. Although both are still certifiably shit.

>> No.10802329

Yeah, it's kind of silly you get two battles and both of them are the most generic and boring battles in the game. Even the middle bosses are better and more memorable so I guess they had to (re-)do the Sorceress battles while the game was one week from release or something, that's why there also isn't any dialogue or even cutscenes.

Yeah I know, and even if people say 3 was the weakest from the trilogy it doesn't mean it was a bad game per se. Some of the music tracks might have been mistakes tho because one boss battle had some sunny and funny track from one of the hub world iirc.

>> No.10802331

I agree, which is disappointing since apparently the third one is not.

>> No.10802332

>Some of the music tracks might have been mistakes tho because one boss battle had some sunny and funny track from one of the hub world iirc.
The sorceress fight in Midnight Mountain used the Sunrise Springs music in the original release of the game, yes
But I was referring to how certain songs were recycled, like how Evening Lake also uses Sunrise Springs music, and a few levels in that world and Midnight Mountain re-use music from earlier levels. These were changed to have new original music tracks in the Greatest Hits release

>> No.10802336

The third one is just okay/mediocre. It's what the first two should have been, but it's still just "okay", and feels like a cheap God of War ripoff with lots of wasted potential.

>> No.10802338

I will be the judge of that once I actually get to it.

>> No.10802347

I 100%'d it when it came out and that was my impression of it. The combat is okay. The level design is okay. The flying stages are okay. Everything about the game is not bad, not good, just "okay".

The biggest highlight of the game is free flight, but even that is kind of bogged down by the fact that there's invisible walls everywhere and the levels you can free fly in aren't all that large.

>> No.10802359
File: 304 KB, 791x563, Spyro2Epilogue_Elora_webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is Elora and Spyro's relationship
it looks like he's not as interested in her as much as she is in him

>> No.10802425
File: 108 KB, 1177x685, IMG_2341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainline AAA games getting released each year
We’re lucky if we get one game each console generation now. Sad.

>> No.10802468

>it's over

>> No.10802469

If you ask people born in 2009 then they will probably think we get AAA games every year.

>> No.10802475
File: 347 KB, 966x825, f l u f f y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dragon dick to pound your FLUFFY VULVA
it's so over

>> No.10802480

I didn't realize at first that she had her eyes closed because she was going for a kiss. One of the fracture hill fauns must have walked by.

>> No.10802523

Wtf, why are there literal dozens of videos dedicated to that game on the channel? Or are those just parts of the documentary? Watching it right now and I feel bad for the devs. Reminds me of Sonic X-Treme, EtD at least came out though

>> No.10802538
File: 272 KB, 1284x1326, IMG_2343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so?

>> No.10802624

Because they are/were the games of their childhood and they will think they are the greatest shit most likely until they are outliers. They will also think the remakes are the "definite editions" of the games they play and what not.

>> No.10802765

I think you missed my point, which was that developers used to shit out a game every year because the development time was shorter. Now it takes them five-seven years to make a single game, effectively only enough time for a single game a console generation. You catch my drift now, retard?

>> No.10802790

I get what you are saying now. I find it pretty ridiculous that even the basic 3/5 games nowadays have more often than not 5 year development times and huge budgets. Remedy is one of the examples from it, their games always take 5 years and are pretty mid, but they always had long development times. The only time they develop a game fast was Max Payne 2 after Max Payne 1 but that's about it.

>> No.10802842

the guy did a massive amount of research to get to the bottom of exactly what went wrong with EtD. along the way he did find a large amount of cut content, so he documented all of that in addition, as it was uncovered bit by bit.

>> No.10802853

>exactly what went wrong with EtD
I mean, isn't it basically summed up as "the game was unfinished and rushed out for a holiday release" ? What exactly is there to make a whole documentary about

>> No.10802858

It made me want to play the game myself. Honestly it doesn't look THAT bad

>> No.10802867

It's not a "bad" game by any means, it's just significantly worse than the PS1 trilogy and lacks content. The biggest issues are:

>levels are huge and open, but empty, not much in them
>bubble breath mechanic is pointless, just wastes your time
>only 9 levels in the game
>lots of bugs and glitches, mostly in the PS2 version

Outside of that, it's largely the same kind of gameplay as the PS1 games.

>> No.10802881

not quite. it wasn't rushed in a traditional sense. development on the game had actually started much early, with the earliest stages going all the way back 1999. the development cycle had so many problems in the addition to the typical crunch time issues. for one thing, the fact that they divided asset work and programming between two different studios seems to have doomed the project from the start. Check Six also just had a host of financial issues and terrible management, even by developer standards at the time. And then you also had Universal's dogshit corporate management on top of that. You really have to watch most of the doc to get a full appreciation of what kind of an unholy clusterfuck. It was an uniquely bad development environment.

>> No.10802896

although absolutely impossible given the game's reputation, I would've actually appreciated a remaster on it, because if you cleaned up the technical mess and intelligently re-distributed collectables throughout the given you spaces, it would be a fairly decent traditional Spyro game. A good amount of work would be needed, but I still think it's salvageable.

>> No.10802912

even just watching run on emulator at 60 fps and higher resolution makes it seem like a completely different and playable game. the ps2 version just feels nauseating to look at even after a few minutes.

>> No.10803000
File: 7 KB, 151x150, spyro 2 spirit particle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I thought was more neat about Spyro 2 over the other games was how enemies didn't give you gems, but defeating them was instead used to fuel the level's power-up. Also, since there wasn't a unifying enemy type like gnorcs or rhynocs, each level had its own unique creatures. They went back to giving you gems in Spyro 3, which was a bit odd, because in Spyro 1 it was explained that Gnasty Gnorc had turned some of the treasure into gnorcs, so killing them really just converted them back into the treasure. I don't think a similar lore explanation was ever given for why rhynocs give you gems.

>> No.10803036

Would it be better to play overclocked EtD in Dolphin or PCSX2?

>> No.10803056

im used to the playstation inputs and and dualshock controller for all spyro games, so im naturally biased toward playing it on pcsx2. although I think the GC might have less bugs since that's the default one used in speedrunning. probably can't go wrong with emulating either version. go for whichever is more convenient to run.

>> No.10803165

Yes, the GC version has less bugs than the PS2 version, also faster load times IIRC

>> No.10803997

>less bugs
It has "fewer" bugs you gnorcs

>> No.10804406

nobody asked, autismo

>> No.10804446

It needs 2/3rds of the game that was supposed to ship to be playable. Even if you ignore the bugs and the performance it's still laughably short and half-baked with new ideas.

>> No.10804450

Spyro's a literal child and the weird /ss/ angle the later two games hint at never sat right with me.

>> No.10804459

My only problem with 1 is that it kind of just feels empty. All the levels feel more like abstract art pieces rather than places anybody would actually live in. 2 and 3 did a neat job worldbuilding out the setting and I'm sad Insomniac ditched the franchise before their efforts could flourish entirely.

>> No.10804468

>Spyro's a literal child
nobody asked, twitter SJW

>> No.10804621

>doesn't even have the balls to (You) us
You don't deserve a fractured hills hebefaun gf, coward

>> No.10804639

I always thought he was a teenager, but he never shows interest in her anyway

>> No.10804640
File: 199 KB, 1400x1400, gib etd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EtD Remastered DLC Episodes 1 and 2

>> No.10804712

Now that you mentioned it, his voice did make him seem older in 2 compared to 1 when it changed from Carlos Alazraqui to Tom Kenny. I remember noticing the difference when it came out and thinking that it made sense because some time had passed.

>> No.10804876
File: 597 KB, 567x1024, comic296_zps6463473c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a literal child
Spyro is clearly a 900 year old dragon

>> No.10804890

I hate niggers and pedophiles. You can burn too.

>> No.10804894

Based desu

>> No.10804907
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know enough coomer lingo to know what “ss” means, so I’m going to assume they gave Spyro a Nazi arc

>> No.10804936

I don't give (You)s to autistic faggots

>> No.10804947

>I don’t know enough coomer lingo to know what “ss” means
Straight shota

>> No.10804967

Thanks, I’ll look this up on my Apple VisionQuest Pro(tm) later

>> No.10804970

Or you can just go o to /b/.

>> No.10804978

>Torching 6 million gnorcs in only 2 worlds? If only!

>> No.10804980

>it's autistic to hate child molesters

>> No.10804982

It's a shame they didn't release that game in Japan like the first one where Spyro has a stereotypical anime shota voice.
It'd have made it so much better. And it'd be a chance to fix the godawful camera perspective that's specific to Spyro The Dragon NTSC-J release.

>> No.10804989

No, but it's autistic to virtue-signal on 4chan where no one knows who you are and none of the other posters have any reason to share your opinions outside of their own preference.

>> No.10805018

Could you stop shitting up the thread now, please?

>> No.10805020

it's autistic to screech about pedos on 4chan of all places
now fuck off

>> No.10805028

Not my problem but sure, Spyro is portrayed as an immature teenager of sorts and even if he was "legit dragon age" he might not understand or be interested in relationships.

>> No.10805096

Well, in my defense: I saged that.

>> No.10805472
File: 39 KB, 1000x750, mrsparkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hilarious

>> No.10805627

>And who controls ze international gem supply? ZE (((RYNORCS))) OV COURSE!

>> No.10805727

>Tondemo Tours
>alludes to the fact that you visit lots of different worlds all over the place
better title than the original release tbqhdesu

>> No.10806957 [DELETED] 


>> No.10807106

Not retro, but I feel you anons would like to know this.
It's been confirmed that Spyro 4 is now in development.

>> No.10807116
File: 206 KB, 559x604, starecrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 minute video
>no actual confirmation, just "some developer said he heard something about spyro 4" and pointing to the article that says TFB is working on something

>> No.10808347
File: 242 KB, 1354x850, Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 7.09.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, the wait might soon be over.

>> No.10808356

>news outlets running with a rumor
of course

>> No.10808358

Is there actual any real confirmation of Spyro 4? Literally all I've found is what >>10807116 said, the article saying that TFB is working on a new game, nothing else.

>> No.10808384
File: 696 KB, 632x388, wwwwwwww.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insider claims

>> No.10808398

Rare to see someone who agrees with me about crash. Crash 1 was just so memorable, i think in part cuz of the ass save states making the game “harder” and thus more of an accomplishment to beat. With 2 and 3 you just kinda walk through it.

>> No.10808523

that's modern "journalism" for you

>> No.10808552
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The greatest hits music is in the data of the original black label release just not assigned to the levels it should be for some reason. The dev cycle must've been fucked for that to happen and 3 always felt like a messy game to me though I still like it. Not to mention this absolute banger of a song being present in beta builds but not the final releases.

>> No.10808554

jfc how does something like that slip past QA?

>> No.10808564

What if Spyro was on Dreamcast instead of PSX?

>> No.10808610

it would've sold far less and I would've never played it. but on the flipside, smoother textures and 60 fps

>> No.10809337

So what made Universal decide to do Crash and Spyro in the first place?

>> No.10809341

I hope they remember the epilogue this time.

>> No.10809371

Sony wanted more kid-friendly games on their platform because Nintendo was completely mogging them in that market.

>> No.10810007

What if Spyro was on the N64 instead of PSX?

>> No.10810058

it would have much less affine texture warping and much more blur

>> No.10810069

they would've also had to cut a lot of dialog audio to make it fit on the cart.

>> No.10810748

Tree Tops is peak level design.

>> No.10810774
File: 143 KB, 372x728, spyro enter the dragonfy OPM review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't look THAT bad
I got the same impression from reading this OPM review, before I had the game. Although the actual description of the game sounds harsh, as it should be, the score made me think it would still be alright, like on the same level as Wrath of Cortex (which got a 3.5/5). But this was definitely worse. Not to say TWoC didn't disappoint me, but it didn't have any of the technical problems that EtD, except for the long load times.

>> No.10810781

I remember being mega hyped for it as a kid, just because it was a new Spyro game on the new generation of consoles.

It didn't disappoint me nearly as much as Shadow Legacy did.

>> No.10810782
File: 90 KB, 990x460, the purple putz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw here's where sparx calls spyro a purple putz. and just to clarify the score at the end is a 3/5.

>> No.10810820

EtD is shit, it has its merits but it's still shit overall.

Every level is just a linear loop, the levels are all too fucking big, most of the game is just wide open areas without any interesting platforming, and the collectibles are all spread out as annoying as possible. Some of the levels are also designed to be traversed one way only, which can be really obnoxious when going for completion if you suddenly realize the game up on the ledge behind you can only be reached by looping around the entire fucking level to get it. Some of the big levels have really bad checkpoint placement too (Thieves Den makes me rage quit over this every time I try replaying the game)

The enemy design is pretty weak too. Enemies are all either comically ineffective (even by Spyro standards), annoying to fight because you need to rely on a gimmick, or literal aim bots that laser you to death with no hitstun. The true final boss is also absurd.

The challenges all range between mildly okay to absolute nightmares. The breath mechanics are kind of annoying and the bubble breath is stupid but it's the least of the game's problems.

Personally the only things I can say positively about the game are that parts of it do still look nice, the music is overall pretty pleasant with a distinct style, and it does still feel like a classic Spyro game in terms of the bare minimum of design, just fucking awful. I don't think it's worth forcing yourself to beat but if you truly loved the PS1 Spyro games it's worth checking it out for a least a level or two to see how they ruined it and to see what's still there.

Also if you do decide to actually complete the game, do yourself a favor and clip into the final boss immediately. Beating Ripto once gives you Sparx finder and it's the only thing that made 100% completion tolerable.

All that said though, it's not as bad as Season of Ice. Fuck I hate Season of Ice.

>> No.10810872 [DELETED] 

>Beating Ripto once gives you Sparx finder shit, that's good to know. that clip is so surprisingly easy to do as well.

>Season of Ice
Irritating as hell game. I remember thinking it was cool just trying out the first level, but navigating the levels gets annoying fast plus trying to figure out whether it's safe to glide or not. Each level had a fairy where you needed to flame a large number of objects scattered throughout (just like in skill points), which reset if you died. In any other spyro game, this wouldn't have been a huge issue, but because of the controls and perspective, gliding was so fucked that it made these fairies absolutely hell. Also had the most frustrating bonus rounds out of any spyro game. Fuuuuck season of ice.

>> No.10810878

>Beating Ripto once gives you Sparx finder
shit, that's good to know. that clip is so surprisingly easy to do as well.

>Season of Ice
Irritating as hell game. I remember thinking it was cool just trying out the first level, but navigating the levels gets annoying fast plus trying to figure out whether it's safe to glide or not. Each level had a fairy where you needed to flame a large number of objects scattered throughout (just like in skill points), which reset if you died. In any other spyro game, this wouldn't have been a huge issue, but because of the controls and perspective, gliding was so fucked that it made these fairies absolutely hell. Also had the most frustrating bonus rounds out of any spyro game. Fuuuuck season of ice.

>> No.10811643

>All that said though, it's not as bad as Season of Ice. Fuck I hate Season of Ice.
The GBA games in general just kind of suck due to the isometric perspective. You can't see more than 10 feet in front of you and often times it's hard to tell if a platform at the edge of the screen is above or below you.

They tried to make the Spyro formula work on weak hardware, but it just doesn't. The view distance would have to be at least doubled in order for it to feel playable.

>> No.10811704

As bad as Ice is, Flame surprisingly fixes most of its issues. It's still an isometric platformer but it was actually designed to mitigate certain issues, like having a more active camera to see where you're going and having better and more varied level art to make it easy to remember where you are. Also you don't have to do shit in one life anymore and there's no stupid speedways. There's stupid agent 9 levels but they aren't even close to as bad.

>> No.10812098
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Gnasty Gnork))) is a simple creature...

>> No.10812225
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>> No.10812301

The reset if you died bullshit in Season of Ice reminds me how, ironically, any level with lava as its "death plane" is inherently a million times easier than any other level, because you just bounce on lava instead of instantly drowning in water or falling into a void, so you can actually recover from a mistake.

>> No.10812323

>is a master wizard and learned how to turn gems into warriors and found a way to turn dragons into statues on a world-wide scale.
>lives in a trash heap and used the materials available to create war machines like boats and guns and shit in a world that is dominated by fantasy designs and tropes, so none of the dragons ever saw shit like that before
>on top of that, despite his name and the world he is living in being considered the dragon's dumping grounds, the place is actually very clean looking.
he's a genius. gnasty gnorc is NOT simple, IS a threat to the dragon kingdom, but he is definitely ugly.

>> No.10812791
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The only thing I'll acknowledge from the remakes is the idea that Gnasty Gnorc is a beloved ruler who's cherished by his people.

>> No.10813382

Oh my God how satisfying it was when you got to chase this guy down and beat all your money back out of him.

>> No.10813425

>not having both

>> No.10813441

I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.10813443

>Gnasty Gnorc is a gnigger
how the fuck did Insomniac get away with this

>> No.10814881


>> No.10814962
File: 114 KB, 1274x1249, Ft6WZDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fug are these and where do they come from?

>> No.10815205

im sure most you here have already seen it, but just in case you haven't, here is the behind scenes interview Stewart Copeland gave on making the Spyro the Dragon music

>> No.10815214

I know that Grape and Cherry were used in one of the prototypes for Spyro 3, but I don't know much about the others.

>> No.10815603

Some anons here recommended Vimm's Lair, but CDRomance (with one Tampermonkey script to re-enable the download links) and the [REDUMP] Disc Image Collection: Sony - Sony PlayStation uploads on archive.org are also great options for PS1 games.

>> No.10816646
File: 97 KB, 1024x911, 1709002472423144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying 3 right now and im actually liking it more than I remember.

>> No.10817058
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>14-day sage limit reached
dang. pretty good thread though.

that's how I remember my last playthrough of 3. very much a good time with just the occasional thing I didn't like here or there.

>> No.10817168

>Spyro thread hitting bump limit
rare thing to see

>> No.10817290

I played the first game last week and was just bored and uninterested. Dont see how people could put this over Jak and Daxter or Mario 64.

>> No.10817303

I like that it's a laid back game that you can play late when you're tired. I get a similar feeling with jak and daxter, but with spyro things are even more relaxed.

>> No.10817308

it was a big deal when it was new, made me want a ps1. i've played it a few times and like it, but it was a bit slow to keep me interested for very long at the time.