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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 104 KB, 703x513, RetroArch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10786295 No.10786295 [Reply] [Original]

post retroarch stuff
>what your archlook
>what archsettings do you have
>best archcore

>> No.10786347
File: 135 KB, 300x225, 1693086814674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Hylian CRT

>> No.10786425

Mm, looks tasty

>> No.10786461

Retroarch is not retro. The first release was in 2010.

>> No.10786573

it is not even installed and never will be

>> No.10786578

True, but it's the only way to get decent shaders, which are the second best thing to an actual crt.

>> No.10786619

Best CRT-royale settings? it looks like shit at default

>> No.10786653

Or you could just use an actual CRT like someone who isn't retarded?

>> No.10786665


>> No.10786682
File: 1006 KB, 1366x598, Altered Beast (Japan, USA) (En) (Rev A)-240110-235226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what your archlook
>what archsettings do you have
I use the XMB UI, and drivers that fit my old laptop, I haven't tinkered much really.
>best archcore
Genesis Plus GX Wide. I just can't believe how good it is at making my Genesis ROMs actually widescreen without stretching, incredible work.
I use crt-easymode-halation.glslp with a few parameters changed to look how I like it, though I often experiment with different shaders.

>> No.10786813

Not OP, but i guess he's talking about the menu options like XMB and Ozone.
Also, been playing Boktai recently and i'm glad Retroarch has a manual option for it so i don't need to use a patch.

>> No.10786936
File: 445 KB, 916x848, retroarchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder there is NO alternative for the features and customization of RetroArch, and you WILL be missing out if you get filtered and can't figure it out (you only need to learn it once; RetroArch is same across all devices/OS).

People use RetroArch for:
>the ability to save unique bindings/core settings/video settings/shaders for each core/game; literally anything at all you can change in RetroArch, you can save on a per-game basis
>better audio/video sync, input latency, and audio latency than standalone emulators
>huge selection of shaders and filters, and the ability to tweak all parameters of these shaders
>lossless recording at exact resolution and refresh-rate for every core/game (vastly superior to OBS); also input recording implemented for every single core
>rollback netplay for worldwide co-op or PvP games
>cores that are up-to-date with standalone and you can update all of your cores with a single click
>some cores that are only on RetroArch or are more up-to-date on RetroArch
>dozens of hotkeys that you can bind however you want and remain consistent for each game/core (or you can have unique hotkeys just for one game/core)
>VRR, BFI, and sync to exact framerate (to play games at the exact framerate of a game, e.g 54fps for Raiden FJ, or 61.68fps for TGM)
>top-notch CRT support with CRT Switchres
>1000 save states for every game with screenshot previews and undo save state/undo load state
>MAME core has save state support, rewind, & run-ahead for ALL games, even those with no save state support in MAME standalone
>RetroAchievements support
>UI and settings layout is consistent for every core so you don't have to learn dozens of different standalone UI layouts
There is no reason to use anything else for Gen 5 or earlier (plus GBA, DS, and Dreamcast).

>> No.10786962

Actually mapping inputs still sucks monkey balls (especially when you wanna map keyboard keys) but other than that I agree

>> No.10787034
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, Jan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like shaders that add dot crawl to 4th gen games

>> No.10787051
File: 2.10 MB, 1071x846, Dragon Quest VI - Maboroshi no Daichi (J) [T+Eng.90-2_NoPrgress]-240318-234334 - Kopie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill issue

>> No.10787447

>runs on xp
>ports of pre 2000 emulators

>> No.10787505
File: 1.27 MB, 1922x966, 1710820703086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what your archlook
Do you mean menu and theme? I just use the XMB UI with a static wallpaper (picrel). Oh, and the snow effect, it's nostalgic for me.
>what archsettings do you have
Not much deviation from default. Mainly latency settings (vulkan video driver and max swapchain images at default, plus game mode enabled, since I'm on Linux). I hide a few menu entries I don't use and enable my favorite hotkeys on my controller.
>best archcore
All of those which can provide a close experience to the actual consoles, like (but not limited to): Snes9x, Genesis Plus GX, Beetle PSX, Beetle Saturn, Mupen64Plus-Next, mGBA...
After all these years, I always come back to a slightly tweaked preset of crt-easymode (slang version) I put together. Simple and effective for me, decent results across different systems.

>> No.10787546


>> No.10787707
File: 57 KB, 220x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am to retarded to make my own theme
>fucks up every time I try to use shaders

>> No.10787726

Anyone else have a dedicated PC for playing retrogames on in their living room? Why have a big TV and not use it?

I use paid Launchbox and have about 16k games across however many systems. I use two wireless Xbox one controllers. I like the glsk filters, but I do use 2x scanline for 2600,. sometimes play in black and white for the feels. The green Gameboy filter is good too.

>> No.10787734

I just use my newest, old laptop as a media box for everything. Fuck using a shitty remote on a shitty TV with shitty ports of shitty streaming apps. If I want to watch something I usually buy it physical and rip it, buy it digital drm free, torrent it or just fuck that thing in particular (I don't need to consume products in which I have to pay for the privelege to have it taken away from me at anytime).

>> No.10787762


>> No.10787787

I don't know why people act like it's so hard to figure out. Took a complete Luddite like me only a quarter hour to figure out on my mobile. Creating playlists was like three taps, and now everything is on the front page of the app for me.

>> No.10787789

I use the switch lookalike theme. I use the crt guest advanced shader for consoles. I use PSP color shader for GBA.

>> No.10787891

based emulation and retroarch enjoyer

>> No.10787913

casual retroarch user trying to use vsync (for black frame insertion) but cant get it to work correctly
whenever I enable vsync and NOT freesync setting in retroarch (regardless if i have freesync enabled in drivers or not) the fps uncaps. when vsync is off it stays at the normal monitor refresh rate. It goes completely uncapped 2000+fps and games go super-speed.
I've tried gl/dx11/12/vulkan and they all do this, tried disabling freesync, but I don't think thats the issue as this also happens windowed

>> No.10787924

>cores that are up-to-date with standalone
Beetle Saturn is still on mednafen 1.29 and Grandia still has laggy FMV's, which was fixed in mednafen 1.31

this is a well known problem since FUCKING 5 YEARS

>> No.10787931

Why did updates suddenly slow to a near stop over the past few years? It's like twice a year at this point, and not as big as they used to be.

>> No.10787935

Buddy it literally does everything for you, all you have to do is take the time to navigate the sub menus

>> No.10787951


Try this for 1080p RGB monitors:

#reference "shaders_slang/crt/crt-royale.slangp"
crt_gamma = "2.400000"
diffusion_weight = "0.000000"
bloom_underestimate_levels = "0.800000"
beam_min_sigma = "0.115000"
beam_max_sigma = "0.285000"
beam_spot_power = "0.010000"
mask_type = "0.000000"
border_size = "0.000000"
border_darkness = "0.750000"
border_compress = "3.000000"
interlace_detect_toggle = "0.000000"

And this for 4k RGB monitors:

#reference "shaders_slang/crt/crt-royale.slangp"
crt_gamma = "2.400000"
diffusion_weight = "0.000000"
bloom_underestimate_levels = "0.800000"
beam_min_sigma = "0.115000"
beam_max_sigma = "0.285000"
beam_spot_power = "0.010000"
mask_type = "0.000000"
border_size = "0.000000"
border_darkness = "0.750000"
border_compress = "3.000000"
interlace_detect_toggle = "0.000000"
mask_triad_size_desired = "4.000000"

>> No.10787976

> crt-easymode-halation.glslp
Ma man. I overdo halation and diffusion because I like the bloom effects on white and neon colours. I use super Metroid’s intro as a base and go from there. Good times had by all: ie. Me

>> No.10787980

I'm just happy to be playing old educational games with my kids by installing Windows 98 on Dosbox-Pure through Retroarch
They love Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body and Busytown

>> No.10787985


>> No.10788057

>RetroAchievements support
Not a plus anon, if anything else it's a minus for supporting a good idea runned by the most "discord mod" people ever.

>> No.10788190

Care to explain why/how?

>> No.10788241
File: 163 KB, 1200x1200, 1710854276456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else have a dedicated PC for playing retrogames on in their living room?
Yes. I have an office PC next to my TV, with a wireless mouse to control it and a USB controller for using within RetroArch. I leave the computer on the floor, on top of those wheeled bases (pic relates).

>> No.10788243

What causes a retroarch shader to be more taxing to the system compared to another? I want to have a relatively simple CRT shader but they all look similar to me

>> No.10788246

The amount of modifications to each frame and how they do it. Just pick whatever you're comfortable with and which can run on your machine.

>> No.10788325

Because development itself has slowed. Unfortunately the lead dev is a massive sperg that can't help but fuck with code to meet some retarded standards that he has, often without consulting the other devs, and it ends up breaking shit and they have to go and fix it. This often leads to friction and eventually they get fed up and leave, and said dev ends up saying good riddance and don't let the door hit you on the way out. This has happened numerous times with numerous talented devs, so at this point they're down to a precious few contributors. Only shader development remains healthy, and wouldn't you know it, that's the one area the lead dev never touches.

>> No.10788391

Just look at this:
Over 2500 open issues. Now, to be fair, a ton of those are old as fuck and are probably no longer relevant, but the fact that so many issues were never followed up on by the lead dev or the others on the team and they just kept piling up does not look good, and of course going through them now is probably too daunting a task. RetroArch has gotten so huge, with so many features, that working on it is almost akin to working a full time job for free. There's a reason only the lead dev "works" on it full time.

Honestly, at this point I'm just hoping someone makes a decent alternative. I still use it because it has a lot of features I like that other emulators lack in one package and I'm well used to how it functions, but something always seems to break and development slowing down doesn't help matters. Ares kind of looks promising, but it's much more focused on core development (rightly so at this point, I'd say) than on feature set.

>> No.10788417

I don't think there will be any RetroArch alternatives soon. Current devs in the scene have this beef with Daniel (RetroArch's "maintainer") and wouldn't incorporate any of its rival's features purely out of spite, as if it was conceding that their product was inferior. In fact, those alternatives try to differentiate themselves from RA as much as possible. Things would be better if emudevs had maturity beyond a pre-teen.

>> No.10788459

Ares at least has just incorporated librashader support, which will make it capable of running all of RetroArch's shader, so there's that at least, and they're not at all opposed to incorporating more such features, it's just not a priority for them. Other devs like Stenzek, though? Yeah, they're not much better than Danny.

>> No.10788467

I hope things get better. I like RetroArch just as much as I dislike Danny. Either an alternative showing up or Daniel leaving would be good news.

>> No.10788483

why would i waste time setting up this app like a cuck when i can just play everything in a web browser?

>> No.10788509


>> No.10788556

When someone who cares about it and has the chops gets around to it. This is ultimately the problem with RetroArch's approach to cores. Since they're often based off of existing standalone emulators with no prior connection to RetroArch, it often falls upon someone else that's familiar with the original codebase that's also willing to keep up with any changes and updates to the originak codebase, and those people are in short supply. Now, there are a few exceptions to this, such as the SNES9X devs, who have no beef with RetroArch and in fact maintain the core alongside their standalone, as well as Genesis Plus GX, which has no standalone outside of the GC and Wii. For most other cases, though, the original devs have nothing to do with the core, and in some cases are actively hostile to it.

>> No.10788620

For me, it's crt-royale-ntsc-svideo in the presets folder

>> No.10788687




>> No.10788705

I feel you, anon. I'd love it if RetroArch had an ares N64 core (hell, fucking BIZHAWK has one, though it's experimental), but the truth of the matter is porting a core requires you to:
1. know the original codebase
2. know how libretro works
3. know how to port existing emulators into libretro
4. have enough care and free time to maintain AND update the core to keep up with upstream changes
5. deal with Danny and his spergouts
6. do it all for free and without expecting much in the way of thanks.
I hope you can see now why core development has stagnated as of late.

>> No.10788725
File: 954 KB, 1920x1063, ra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>what your archlook
Of course XMB, no distrection just a simple background with a custom font.

>>what archsettings do you have
Balanced for the best autistic look and feel, nothing too much upscaled

>>best archcore
everyting based on mednafen but i also like FB Neo

as simple as possible, don't like to waste resource on this, something that keeps the pixel blury and a nice scannline shimmering.

>> No.10788735

Wasn't the last core they tried to get to work pcsx2?

>> No.10789169

pcsx2 runs like shit in retroarch

>> No.10789183

I believe so. Some time ago they tried to rebase it with more up-to-date code, and apparently it works quite a bit better with a software mode and Vulkan renderer, but it needed a bit more work still. Unfortunately the guy behind that rebase pretty much up and disappeared. I wouldn't be surprised if Dannyboi chased him away like everyone else.

>> No.10789204

>with a software mode
What are you talking about, there is no option for that.

>> No.10789220

There is a software mode in pcsx2 brah

>> No.10789235

Yeah, but not in the retroarch core.

>> No.10789241

This is in the rebase that was WIP. It didn't make it to the main core repo. You can see it here:
There's even a compiled core if you want to try it, though it doesn't have all the latest code changes, unfortunately. I think someone in the libretro forums managed to compile it with all the latest code, though.

>> No.10789270
File: 19 KB, 366x364, Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 17-58-49 Mednafen - Releases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beetle Saturn is still on mednafen 1.29
Maybe because the Mednafen team themselves still consider 1.31 as unstable and the RA team doesn't want to use unstable cores?

>> No.10789372
File: 889 KB, 245x180, 1698530351532325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years ago

>> No.10789378

so, in the actual core of current system is factual no software mode. I stand corrected.

>> No.10789395

Does retroarch support diagonals yet?

>> No.10789405

No, that's not it. The libretro guys put out unstable cores all the time. The truth of the matter is no one who can do the job cares to do so.

>> No.10789410

They all hate Grandia and don't want it to work on retroarch.

>> No.10789412

So is it literally just a coincidence that Bizhawk also uses 1.29?

>> No.10789421

Bizhawk is forced to use stable versions since it is used in the le ebim speedrun community.

>> No.10789427

Danny hates Grandia
Danny lost 80% users just now

>> No.10789435

so you're saying it's good

>> No.10789441

can't even run grandia on saturn, pathetic.

>> No.10789472
File: 577 KB, 1421x1204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried to use a dolphin bar with retroarch?
I have followed multiple tutorials but I never get the same results, sometimes the screen gets upside down and sometimes the background never appears

>> No.10789545

Do you mean to *create* an entire theme from the ground up? Or just customizing an existing RetroArch installation?

>> No.10789574

make one entirely new

>> No.10789676

>only way to be sure setting is changed, saved or applied correctly is to hand edit the config file.
average Retroarch experience?

>> No.10789679
File: 617 KB, 960x720, rgui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does RGUI have to look like such dog shit? Wtf is the deal with the checkerboard pattern that you can't turn off? Jesus Christ how fucking hard is it to just give us a black screen with plain white text.

>> No.10789707

Oh, that's a bit complicated. The official documentation only mentions XMB themes, with rgui ones somewhere in the forums/website. Never seen nothing about Ozone themes. You could try asking here: https://forums.libretro.com/c/retroarch-additions/themes/30

Maybe. If you have settings > configuration > "save configuration/remap on quit" turned on, you're probably fine... unless you're using overrides, which you shouldn't unless strictly necessary. Those basically create another configuration file, and you could end up with multiple ones, so whatever you change may end up on a override file, but not on your main configuration.

There is this possibility. Just change the color theme inside of settings > user interface > appearance.

>> No.10789717

>Wtf is the deal with the checkerboard pattern that you can't turn off? Jesus Christ how fucking hard is it to just give us a black screen with plain white text.
You can change everything, even remove the checkerboard and border. Look at the options inside "user interface".

>> No.10789724

>There is this possibility. Just change the color theme inside of settings > user interface > appearance.
Thanks, I didn't know there were other themes you could use for RGUI. "Brogrammer" comes closest to what I wanted. The checkerboard of the default theme is an eyesore.

>> No.10789745

It was initially made for use with the Wii. I think the green border was to mark the overscan area on a CRT or some shit. Anyway, you can change everything about how it looks.

>> No.10789830

>Why does RGUI have to look like such dog shit?
Because it's for low resolution, low power consoles. It gets the job done, and I believe you can turn off the checkerboard pattern. There's a bunch of customization options for it lately.

>> No.10789872
File: 3 KB, 640x512, rgui b&w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I made a custom theme and got it the way I want it. Nice.

rgui_entry_normal_color = "0xFFFFFFFF"
rgui_entry_hover_color = "0xC0C0C0C0"
rgui_title_color = "0xFFFFFFFF"
rgui_bg_dark_color = "0x00000000"
rgui_bg_light_color = "0x00000000"
rgui_border_dark_color = "0xFFFFFFFF"
rgui_border_light_color = "0xFFFFFFFF"
rgui_shadow_color = "0x80808080"
rgui_particle_color = "0xC0C0C0C0"

Themes for RGUI are saved in RetroArch/assets/rgui/*.cfg

>> No.10789939

rgui was actually made to be the main user interface for RetroArch... at least, until something better appeared. However, when released in 2013, it was relatively a big thing, since it was the first gamepad-centric gui on PC and allowed cross-compatibility among many different devices. I think that was the kick-off for wider usage of RetroArch.

Pretty cool. RGUI and XMB have several customization options. Too bad the devs focused more on the Ozone interface because of the Switch's success.

>> No.10789949
File: 442 KB, 1440x1080, 1710904662074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you playing tonight? I've decided to finish Batman Returns (Super Nintendo) again.

>> No.10789980

No and It never will because it is an inferior product

>> No.10790051
File: 18 KB, 1024x896, borked rgui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, scratch that... it's still broken. For some reason you can't disable transparency if you use a custom theme, so it's completely unusable unless you use one of the shitty default themes.

>> No.10790065

Just learn to use git, edit the source code with your own defaults and recompile retroarch, bro.

>> No.10790124

Ok, I'm retarded. The first two characters of the color codes are the transparency level. 0x00 is fully transparent and 0xFF is solid. So I just had to change all of the color entries to start with that.

>> No.10790127
File: 4 KB, 391x224, 243624364326234643263246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your favorite game need more than pic related buttons? Yes? Oh my, we have a fake retrogamer here.

>> No.10790660

Where do you do this?

>> No.10790763
File: 65 KB, 470x470, shiryou sensen - war of the dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I don't really see a topic up on my question so I figure I'll ask here. How do I hack a rom to put a translation in? I could use a little guidance if anyone is in a helping mood.
>pic rel
>seems like cdromance changed since I used it
>trying to figure out how to apply the translation to the rom

>> No.10790774

CDRomance already has prepatched roms but if you want to patch yourself go to:

Depending on what game you want to patch you might need a different tool, can't really remember what you need but it goes like this: for psx patch you use xdeltaui, for psp umdgen and so on.
You have to figure out yourself how to use, not that hard.

Just remember, when a ESLtard like me can do it, you can do it too.

>> No.10790787
File: 97 KB, 720x835, How to download from cdromanceDOTcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm new to the whole emulation scene and I was given this image and did it once. When I try to follow the directions here it seems to have changed. I only just downloaded this image a couple weeks ago.
>game in question

>> No.10790823

Simple translations, like the one you want, can easily be patched by the online patcher on romhacking.net.

What you need is:
1. A compatible rom (same checksum)
2. The patch itself
Now, put each part in the patcher, start the patching, and it's done.

>> No.10790848
File: 1.79 MB, 320x240, 1568017125687 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so very much. Honestly, thank you.

>> No.10790849
File: 535 B, 256x240, Shiryou Sensen - War of the Dead (Japan) (patched)-240320-102801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, bad news. So I have the file and the .ips but when I patched it I just get a white screen. Obviously I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what. When I downloaded Dead of the Brain it was ezpz using the tickets on cdromance. Any suggestions?

>> No.10790861

Doesn't RetroArch do on-the-fly patching that doesn't require you to actually patch anything so long as the patch filename matches that of the ROM or ISO and it's in the same directory? Unless it doesn't work for PCE stuff.

>> No.10790903

Too new to RetroArch to know any of this. I recently started paying attention to other older consoles. PCE really spanked my bottom because it looks so superior to hardware of the time. I'm just a babby doing babby first emu stuff. Back in the day I just went to romNation and got all my stuff from there. I don't know if that fully makes sense but that's the cold hard.

>> No.10790912

Also OBLIGATORY apology. I'm just trying to check out these old games and might be derailing the thread a bit.

>> No.10790943

Is the rom correct? I mean, does it have the same checksum? Look inside the patch's page: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/3328/
It expects the file to have a SHA-1 value of F0640BC5B5F694BB493FB7DDB22976F5D98825AB. You can use a software of your liking to calculate the checksum and see if they match. Of course, that value is meant for the unalteted rom, *before* the patching. That's always your first step. You'd better search your roms from a no-intro set online.

After that, just use the patch gotten from romhacking.net or the author's official page, to ensure maximum compatibility. See if that works.

>> No.10790948
File: 9 KB, 253x238, stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mang, treat me like I'm retarded.
>pic rel

>> No.10790949
File: 11 KB, 291x139, 455424-giant_monkey_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I don't know how to check checksum. I'm a filthy casual who got interested in the consoles I didn't know existed or could afford as a kid in the 90s.

>> No.10790983

I use default for everything because I'm lazy.

>> No.10790990
File: 49 KB, 637x440, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, your image is old news. You can download the rom from the link you posted. Its alredy prepatched, no need to patch anyting ... just hit this big button

>> No.10791000

Then you need to search online for a software that can do checksums for you. There are plenty. In fact, romhacking.net has one: https://www.romhacking.net/hash/

Dude, a heads-up: it's not about being a retard, but having the will to look up things online. If you do your part, people will help you. Otherwise, they'll see you as lazy and ignore you. No one starts knowing, everyone had to search things at one point.

>> No.10791064

what is going on?

Didn't i just say it is alredy prepatched?

it is sometimes very strange how anons act as if some postings doesn't exist...

>> No.10791082

>>rollback netplay for worldwide co-op or PvP games
This for me. Would have never installed RetroArch if not for its incredible netplay implementation.

>> No.10791149
File: 11 KB, 1400x1050, home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*soothing menu music playing*

>> No.10791185

My reply wasn't to you.

>> No.10791242

your reply was to a case that was litterly solved by the fact that the rom in question is already patched, so no need for anon to go through the process for just one game.

>> No.10791291

Anon wants to learn, so I'm replying; if he gives up, I'll stop. Why are you meddling and getting angry? Unless you need people following your words as some sort of self-validation. Take it easy.

>> No.10791625
File: 1.66 MB, 1003x768, Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe)-240124-004002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love halation/diffusion/bloom effects too, I know it might not be what CRTs *actually* looked like, but I don't need shaders to be accurate to real life CRTs today, I need them to both look good and be accurate to my *memory* of them as I stood in awe in front of the TV with my video games and that glow in the dark living room, good times. You have good taste, anon!

>> No.10791635

Yeah, I'm dumb and I apologize about that. For some reason there was no "find links" button so I was just flailing around like a retard. I refreshed and found it. Thanks again. I'm still trying to figure out how to hack a rom though.

>> No.10791746

No problem, anon. It's part of learning. Did you manage to patch the translation you wanted?

About "hack a rom", do you mean applying a hack patch? If so, it's the same as the translation. If you actually mean "create my own hack", then it's a more advanced task, involving a basic knowledge of Assembly (programming language) and hex-editing of binaries. That's quite a leap for someone who is just beginning, but it's doable if you take your time to learn and practice.

>> No.10791748

>hack a rom
Yeah, I mean hack a patch. I don't know how to do it and I'm just kind of floundering but I'm trying to figure it out. I found the download, going to be playing it tonight.

>> No.10791768

RetroArch is capable of auto-patching. Just have the ROM and patch in the same directory with the same name, and it'll do it for you. The only reason to fuck around with manually patching a ROM is if you want to apply multiple patches to the same game.

>> No.10791770

>Anon wants to learn
No, he wanted that game in non-weeb language.

>> No.10791774

Enjoy the game, anon.
But remember, when you try to get into hacking gems, start at romhacking.net and find your way through.
What might help is to patch just for fun a game with a few bugfixes.
For example, final fantasy III (6) for snes or some mario game, there are shitton of hacks and fixes. Just applie what ever you want on one rom and call it "deluxe rom hack version 9" or something.

>> No.10791820
File: 148 KB, 344x287, yinglet deep thought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, I'll definitely do that.
Yeah I can't read moonrunes but I still wanted to learn how to apply fixes and translations myself. Seems prudent.

>> No.10791832
File: 4 KB, 129x205, xdhj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my rom hacking folder, i don't know what i am doing either so i keept everything related to that task in one folder. These are programs that do something which i don't know. I read the "how to" ini file that comes along with a hack (sometimes) or i just learn what the file ending is and what program is needed to aply a patch.
I download the game, the patches and put them in that folder and do the weird magic thing.
The only thing missing is the blood of a young virgin girl.

Last thing i patched myelf was densha de go for n64

>> No.10791840

and before i forget, fuck the checksum thing... just test things out, sometimes it works or not. And you can patch one game with different patches if you want.

>> No.10791898

Ay, between this thread and the other thread I asked questions in I have to say thanks to you guys.
>since this board is full of nostalgia
>remember when lurk moar newfag was the default response?
>like 2005 or 2006

>> No.10792228

Can you recommend me filters/shaders for nes, for snes I use a modified version of crt royale but it looks like crap on nes
Yes, I'm a newfag

>> No.10792484

I use crt guest hd for most things, but I have like 20 shaders that I choose between. Just go through the list and add some to your favorites

>> No.10792506

Guest-advanced-NTSC is very good IMO, if what you're looking for is to get back the old NTSC composite look you'd get on a real NES.

>> No.10792510

Ape Escape is my go-to test when I get a new controller.
If it can't play Ape Escape, I don't need it.

>> No.10792546
File: 2.33 MB, 1620x1080, 1710989005504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight's game is the Banjo-Kazooie for the Game Boy Advance. Pretty good, very concise. Has the pacing and overall feeling of Banjo-Kazooie, along with some improvements from Banjo-Tooie, plus a few of its own. It's one of the decent "demakes".

>> No.10792552

>the ability to save unique bindings/core settings/video settings/shaders for each core/game; literally anything at all you can change in RetroArch, you can save on a per-game basis
one of the best features, but managing them is a pain. Too easy to accidentally screw everything up

>> No.10792571

Anything below 224p looks like shit above a certain scale, regardless of the shaders you slap on it.
The pixels just get too big.

>> No.10792573

I feel the same way, GBA games just look like a mess at high resolutions. I use a border and zoom out on my monitor

>> No.10792595
File: 285 KB, 960x640, 1706063246117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CRT shader for a handheld game
Nigga what the fuck are you doing? If you're gonna use a shader for a GBA at least use something appropriate

>> No.10792606
File: 908 KB, 960x720, Pokemon Pinball - Ruby & Sapphire-240320-231857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>CRT shader for a handheld game

>> No.10792626

Sony Megatron or the Cyberlab variation of it if you have a 4K OLED HDR screen is the best right now
Just make sure to set your paper brightness correctly in the config file

>> No.10792646
File: 1.08 MB, 960x640, 1685111595182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, depends on the shader, resolution of your screen, how you have the dot pitch configured etc.
For example with a CRT shader you can actually make GBA games look really good pic related

Dude what the fuck are you idiots even doing?
Both look like shit
What is that? 5% mask strength? And 640/720p vertical? Are you emulating on some shitty notebook from 2007?
May as well just play unfiltered at that point

>> No.10792656

this better be a fucking troll post lmao

>> No.10792671

For quite a time, I've used all the combinations you mentioned and more. It looks bad regardless, handheld games were made for small screens, and even scaling down on a big screen seems wrong to me. Thus, I stopped caring and settled for the same CRT shader I always use. If this, God knows why, triggers you, there's always the option to not pay attention to my post. But I know that pointlessly getting mad is a beloved sport here, so feel free to carry on.

>> No.10792673

You can always spot the tumblr refugees because they refer to any amount of criticism, no matter how minor, as being "triggered".

>> No.10792683

You've read me like a book. I don't even know what to say.

>> No.10792739

If you can't even be bothered to conform to a 4:3 aspect ratio, why use a bezel/border in the first place? And at 640p, your mask looks like a blurry mess anyway.

>> No.10792745
File: 2.98 MB, 4137x3192, 20240311-112324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pic posted is not mine
I saved it from this board

The point remains
It is baffling how bad the shader pics posted here usually are

This is a real shader

>> No.10792754

Game Boy Player was a thing.
GB/GBC and GBA on CRTs were always a thing.

>> No.10792782

Not my pic
Image was probably downscaled
It still looks better than those weaksauce examples

>> No.10792791

buy an ad

>> No.10792804
File: 48 KB, 960x540, Mario Kart - Super Circuit-240321-010206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shader discourse is brainlet behavior
if there was an objective best choice, there would BE a choice, faggots
Wow, your shader even mimics an absolutely filthy screen.

>> No.10793415

>This is a real shader
lmao wtf is even this??
>b-b-but... muh phosphors... my besties at libretro forums think-
why do delegate a moderate amount of processing power to your gpu just to emulate an archaic technology? Crt shaders are for touching up the picture to make it better, not to downgrade everything to a smudged mess. Go get a radiation box if you're a fanboy, but have the balls to form your own opinion of what's best, instead of having your subjective values dictated by some nerds on the Internet.

>> No.10793421

Thank you for replying to your own bait. Appreciate it.

>> No.10793441

wait don't reply yet, don't think. Ask some nerd what's the best possible comeback. Having your own opinion is too much for you dumbass

>> No.10793453

that's a photo of a crt you fucking retard

>> No.10793460

lol no wonder it looks so bad. I'm relieved to know shaders haven't sink that low then.

>> No.10794434
File: 1.66 MB, 1152x768, Spider-Man - Mysterio's Menace (USA, Europe)-240219-161643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't uncommon to play GBA on the big screen, Game Boy Player for Game Cube is famous for allowing exactly that really, anon.

>> No.10794443

I'm going to be honest though, I used CRTs all the time as a kid and teen and never remember this harsh sort of crystallized pattern. I was surprised to pick up a CRT again recently, and it did actually have this, it's not super obvious but it's definitely there. Regardless, there are so many different types of CRT that affect the image in so many ways, so shaders are more just about getting an image that looks good and isn't harsh on your eyes rather than being a perfect recreation of a CRT. Also some shaders are meant for 4k and look bad on 1080p or lower.

>> No.10794468

>shaders are more just about getting an image that looks good and isn't harsh on your eyes rather than being a perfect recreation of a CRT
Thank you for your good sense. I mean it.

>> No.10794959
File: 1.62 MB, 1317x1080, 1711081008044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS1 version of Doom is pretty cool. Probably the best port for the retro consoles. It has some interesting lighting effects.

>> No.10794961

>never remember this harsh sort of crystallized pattern
Because you're not supposed to sit 6 inches from the screen. At a proper viewing distance, it blends together to form a coherent image rather than a bunch of obvious points of light, like a pointillist painting.
Somewhere along the line, people forgot that and instead expect every shader to clearly represent each phosphor individually. The truth is, even something like guest-advance at 720p can look close enough to a CRT at a proper distance. It's only when you inspect it too close that it falls apart.

>> No.10794968

GBA looks great in native 240p on a CRT via mGBA on Wii. I pity the sad fucks who will never experience GBA games this way.

>> No.10795050

Not just that. The sheer amount of light output by a CRT also obscures the mask pattern. The reason CRT shaders that make the mask too apparent look like shit to so many people is because most computer LCD screens are just way too dim. You need at least 700+ nits to naturally wash out the mask pattern through sheer light saturation, and only good 4K HDR panels are capable of that. Your average 1080p monitor simply cannot do that, so masks look like you just added a screen door filter over the image, which is why shaders have things like mask strength control, bloom, glow, and other such parameters to help compensate. A bright-enough screen doesn't need any of that.

>> No.10795145
File: 1 KB, 831x156, highly configurable interface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RGUI bros, how do I change the font? Or is that not possible?

>> No.10795718
File: 1.70 MB, 1680x1050, 843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10795758

Breath of Fire 3 and 4 have a modest, but such a comfy art. Wish I still had the patience for RPGs.

>> No.10795762
File: 2.83 MB, 1440x1080, 1703196725677425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my trusty custom guest venom is my go to for almost everything.

>> No.10795790

Metal Slug 3 is pretty good. Never finished it using the default Neo Geo AES 4 credits. I always lose when I breach the aliens' mothership.

>> No.10795804
File: 2.47 MB, 1440x1080, 0005_1071664941-240322-113621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10795909
File: 1.40 MB, 788x1050, futaribl-240129-010511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's soulless without bloom.

>> No.10795916

Cute Eruca.

>> No.10796154

What game?

>> No.10796230

Bloom sux

>> No.10796234
File: 949 KB, 1440x1080, 0005_1071664941-240322-114431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10796380

For reference, what's that shader, my friend?

>> No.10796716

Literally the worst of the mainline games, secondary.

>> No.10796987
File: 1.52 MB, 2880x2160, Dr. Mario (Japan, USA) (Rev 1)-240322-230231-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10797000

you can use reshade and config the crt royale shader for any other emulator or software you want, i like having the option of different presets with retroarch, but reshade seems more practical with both retroarch, ares and standalone emulators.

>> No.10797004
File: 723 KB, 1200x1080, 1711168668284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is V-Rally - Championship Edition, Game Boy Color edition. Simple and fun game. I played it a lot when younger, had a couple of those multicart with this game in.

>> No.10797026

Is Netplay on retroarch reliable? i will to play with friends later if thats the case, parsec was kinda annoying.

>> No.10797349
File: 1.73 MB, 1440x1080, 005-220727-085947-240323-071717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https : // forums.libretro.com/t/hyllian-shaders-and-presets/43743/123?u=hyllian

>> No.10797456

If you use a scanline shader, shouldn't you also have like an increased luminosity/brightness filter? Most of these are way too dark.

>> No.10797483

You should compensate, yes. Either with a bloom option or by using an HDR monitor.

>> No.10797485

You can certainly do that, and most shaders have parameters for it, but it's a very delicate dance. Increase brightness too much, and you risk blowing out bright colors and losing detail. You can also use gamma controls to get some of that brightness back, but again, you risk losing detail or messing with the colors. Then there's also things like bloom, which, again, use too much and you can blow out the bright colors and/or wash out the mask in a strange, artificial way. And ultimately, you're not increasing brightness so much as trying to get as much of it back. The best solution is to have the display itself be what does the heavy lifting, and most basic bitch LCD monitors are not up to the task. This is why HDR displays that can output at least 700 nits are the best for CRT shaders - they don't need any of that. They get the brightness up to an acceptable level all on their own, and the end result is much more natural than messing with a gorillion parameters.

>> No.10797525

There are no good CRT shaders for Vita

>> No.10797621

Hyllian does a good job. Which of his presets did you use for your pics?

>> No.10797623
File: 1.75 MB, 1680x1050, bof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had the best mix of 3D and 2D graphics for sure

>> No.10797637

Get the last pack: https : // easyupload.io/63mkhq

and go to 1080p->aperture-grille->hyllian to get the preset crt-hyllian-pixel-art

>> No.10797642
File: 1.68 MB, 1440x1080, 10-Yard Fight-240323-064744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10797747

I agree. They blend together really well. I miss this style.

Thanks, bro!

>> No.10797804

no, especially how people selling CRTs are always using "i know what i got" to justify ridiculous prices

>> No.10797827

based take, thx anon, i like retroarch for its simplicity and interface, duckstation is nice as a standalone but retroarch gives a better universal UI, and of course the shaders

what do CRT setup do you recommend for 1440p? i mainly play PS1 and dreamcast

>> No.10797934

any nice wallpaper recommendations?

>> No.10798076
File: 364 KB, 634x713, 1601387633402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go with what ever you like, in my opinion use background images from animes:

when you got something you like, do the following; darken it, just take out the energy a little bit. See image.

>> No.10798083
File: 147 KB, 620x372, rzuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10798151

my queen!
thx anon

>> No.10798178

Just to complement >>10798076's advice, which is really good:
1. Get a wallpaper with the same aspect ratio of your screen (and, if possible, something that perfectly integer scales with it). RetroArch doesn't do an amazing job with wallpaper scaling.
2. You can granularly darken the wallpaper on the fly, inside RetroArch, using "settings > user interface > appearance > background opacity". No need to modify the actual image.

>> No.10798202

People taking a photo of their CRT with a phone are retarded. That's not what the human eye would see.

>> No.10798237

>user interface > appearance > background opacity

don't do that, it doesn't really darken the screen, it makes the image more transparent for when you go into the menu while gaming. keep it at 80% opacity or text becomes unreadable.

>> No.10798302

I think they changed that behavior, quite recently IIRC. On my machines, it darkens the background and the text doesn't get worse. Do a quick test with a newer version of RetroArch.

>> No.10798361
File: 798 KB, 1440x1080, allstars-1-240323-173909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10798371

>what your archlook
On desktop, xmb. On phone, glui
>what archsettings do you have
Mostly stock
>best archcore
Big bad beetle cores
CRT and handheld shaders

>> No.10798430

>Big bad beetle cores
Are you alluding to the Beetleborgs series?

>> No.10799048

how do you get the Sony TV frame?

>> No.10799052
File: 347 KB, 695x521, 1539996727710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, yes I am

>> No.10799320

>People emulating the CRT screen as it on the structural level are retarded
Please kill yourself

>> No.10799335

Do it right or play unfiltered or just use bicubic/bilinear without a shader you retarded pseud

Not a photo of a CRT
It's Cyberlab Megatron shader
This just proves how good shaders have gotten if people confuse them with actual CRTs

>it's not super obvious
Because the screen is small and you're wiewing it from a normal viewing distance

>so shaders are more just about getting an image that looks good and isn't harsh on your eyes rather than being a perfect recreation of a CRT.
No matter what CRT you are emulating you either use 100% mask strength or just play raw or use a bilinear filter
There is no point in using a CRT/LCD shader otherwise

>> No.10799340

>The sheer amount of light output by a CRT also obscures the mask pattern.
Only those with a ton of shitty blooming though. That's not a good thing since you lose perceivable definition.

The long-term solution is nearest-neighbour scaling to absurd pixel densities like 10000/20000PPI screen.

>> No.10799343

>GBA looks great in native 240p on a CRT via mGBA on Wii.
You have so much border space though.
You are better off emulating GBA with a 4K OLED monitor.
Though 8K/4320p would be much better for GBA since it 4320p/160p = 27x integer scale

>> No.10799347

Bloom sucks
It's a shitty artifact of bad CRTs

>> No.10799593

shaders add input lag

>> No.10799613
File: 512 KB, 559x430, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a photo of a CRT
Anon there's literally a smudge on the screen. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.10800091
File: 58 KB, 673x460, 1706229145278873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based /vr/ detective

>> No.10800095
File: 1.20 MB, 1680x1050, 334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10800678
File: 1.20 MB, 1440x1080, allstars-1-240323-174110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10800965

We get it, Papangu. It's a nice shader indeed, keep up your good work. If you want any feedback, try to focus your work on fewer points, since you're becoming like almost all current shader developers on libretro, just putting out a folder with tons of slightly altered stuff in it. Your main shader is still based, forget guest's and royale's stuff, it dilutes your own creations. A base shader with a few variations is more than enough to show your prowess. It might not look like it, but outside the "I need to make a real CRT out of my LCD screen" circlejerk, your work is much appreciated. When I set shaders up for casuals, your ones are higher rated then guest or royale. It goes straight to the point and barely need fiddling, just like the old times.