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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 403 KB, 1264x1658, GBA-2001-Nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10786520 No.10786520 [Reply] [Original]

Don't worry, this ain't no Nintendo-bashing thread (them n*ggaz got me back with the Switch, which is a beast of a system) so this is more about their lack of appeal in that late 90s/early 2000s period. Anyway, for me, it was around when this piece of shit came out. It was already kind of uncool to be a Nintendo mark in that era since PS1 had such a great run, and PS2/DC were the cool new systems, but at least the N64 had wrestling bangers out the ass (No Mercy, Revenge, WM2K, etc) and all its dope shooters.....but my god, the OG GBA was such a waste of $$$. No backlight, still relying on AA batteries, just a glorified handheld SNES with rehashed old games & the worst Pokemon gen so far. I remember MK Super Circuit being one of the few decent games on it, and yes, SM World, Yoshi's Island & Mario Bros 2 were still technically good games on it (despite being lazy ports). This ain't a Nintendo bashing thread, just pointing out how much they lost me as a fan during this period. Had zero interest in the Gamecube, and thought very low of them as a company. It was ALL about the PS2 at this point, and a few kids bought into the Xbox/Halo hype as well by late '01. I think there was one nerdy girl in high school that had a Gamecube or something but she was the only one I knew who owned the system.

>> No.10786556

I don't see why I should have any less respect for them now than I ever did. They're a company who makes things I frequently enjoy.
Any childish miscomprehension about them being a kind of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory of video games was a mistake on your part. I was never that person.

>> No.10786603
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Probably the Wii, though as an adult I tend to prefer SEGA, Sony, and NEC stuff in general. Nintendo should've jumped on CD-ROM's around the time of the SEGA CD and TurboGrafx-CD, or at the very least partnered with Sony instead of Phillips (lol). As a result we got the N64, which is still alright, but no where near as good as the Dreamcast, PS1, or (to some extent) the Saturn. I never hated Nintendo, but once they made the Wii things kind of started going downhill. The Wii U and 3DS were the first Nintendo systems I had no interest in getting what so ever, and by the time the Switch came I had already gone back to playing exclusively retro games. They still do cool stuff occasionally, like the NES Classic, SNES Classic, and the Game & Watch handhelds, but aside from that they're not really the same company anymore, sadly.

>Any childish miscomprehension about them being a kind of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory of video games was a mistake on your part. I was never that person.
What does this even mean?

>> No.10786614

The GBA is not that bad imo. I mean when you think about it, it didn't really have any competition at all. No backlight kind of stinks but they did fix that with the SP. It has more than SNES ports as well if you like Castlevania, Mega Man Zero games, Sonic Advance etc.

>> No.10786790

>No backlight, still relying on AA batteries
You stupid motherfuckers parroting youtubers are insanely annoying. But hey, let's totally play pretend. Ok, Nintendo adds a Game Gear style backlight screen to the GBA! So increase the total size of the unit due to the full sized, power draining bulb it will need. That will of course require a sizable change to the hardware and cost more to add the bulb. Ok! One Backlit GBA! for... $120 roughly? That's fine. But wait! You wanted to get rid of those heckin gross AA batteries! We're slapping a wholesome internal batter pack in it! That's probably another $20 to the MSRP. Game Boy Advance! $140-150, possibly more considering sourcing new components/hardware revisions. Games might go from $20 to 30 as well to try and recoup costs. Don't forget that integrated rechargeables were still pretty bad quality in '00/'01, so enjoy your AGB battery being subpar -and- puffing up like a PSP battery in a matter of years.

>> No.10786964

OP is retarded, but this argument assumes that the GBA SP didn't literally come out like two years later and cost significantly less than 150 bucks. Which it did.

Fucking retard. God this thread is gay. Fuck all of you.

>> No.10786969
File: 2.24 MB, 1411x1080, burger mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when they put a disgusting burger in Super Mario All-Stars

>> No.10786974

nintendo is one of the few video game companies i still respect.
they produce interesting hardware and quality games.

>> No.10786985

Their franchises just started getting stale for me. How many times can you see Mario characters before you start to tire of that universe?. Same with Zelda and the rest of them. It doesn't help that recent entries were above average at best. Couple that with their brutal takedowns of fan projects, anemic hardware, broken controllers and arbitrary paid online scheme, and you have yourself a passable company. Ironically, I find myself enjoying SEGA's old arcade games a whole lot more. They scratch a particular itch that Nintendo simply doesn't anymore.

>> No.10786986

not even Game Gear has bulbs. it has fluorescent tubes

Would LEDs have been an option for the first iteration of GBA, or were white ones still months away from viability in that application when the design was being finalized?

17 hours on a pair of AAs was great, and the design of the terminals made them painless to change. NiMH packs were plentiful for anyone who didn't want to constantly buy disposable cells. i got one before i even finished my launch game

>> No.10787018

The GBA was great. Learn about the enter key, you monkey.

>> No.10787020

Oh God what. op is one of those weirdos who likes the wrestling games

>> No.10787029

>them n*ggaz got me back with the Switch, which is a beast of a system
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.10787039

>OP is retarded, but this argument assumes that the GBA SP didn't literally come out like two years later and cost significantly less than 150 bucks. Which it did.
Anon, look at the technology available at the launch of the AGB model GBA. Look at the cellphones, note the screen sizes, how many were backlit, how many had color screens. Now, look at the cost of said phones. The SP only happened because there was a pretty gigantic breakthrough with screen tech and LEDs.
I used bulb because had I said tube I doubt OP would have understood what I meant. LEDs were neither financially or technologically a viable option for the original model of GBA. It was years off.

As for AA batteries, I still prefer them in my devices. I make a point to buy stuff like tech that runs off a 2-4 AA batteries if possible. I've got Chinkheld emulators, an e-reader, MP3 players - not to mention my original GBA. They were good twenty plus years ago, and now the modern, improved versions are even better. Integrated, non-easily replaceable rechargeable batteries are stupid and wasteful. Planned obsolescence that idiots happily bought into.

>> No.10787042

Around the Wii U era and 3DS when they started doing DLC. No, I dont care if they do it "the right way", i never wanted to see them do it at all.

>> No.10787049

Nintendo doing CD in 4th gen would have been a detriment. We know now the snes cd was worse hardware then the sega CD as far as non CD enhancements (music, fmv). They got way more out of using special chips in their carts.

>> No.10787061

There were do it yourself internal backlight kits available for sale for the original gba when it was on the market and they didn't cost that much.

>> No.10787068

Same, though its more a "lesser of evils" relationship I have.

>> No.10787075

low self-discharge NiMHs are great and it's a shame so many people won't use them because they can't look past upfront cost.

Sony has been good about putting JST connectors on their batteries instead of soldering them

>> No.10787080

>Brooooo! Nintendo betrayed the gamers maaaan!
They're the same company they ever were. I don't like everything they do, but they make a lot of fun games. That literally has never changed.
What changed, if anything is your perception of Nintendo being the "gods of gaming", because you were a stupid child at the time.

The Wii was good by the way.

>> No.10787087

>Sony has been good about putting JST connectors on their batteries instead of soldering them
I wish that the PS3/4 controllers were like wireless Xbox controllers that were AA/removable battery pack style.

>> No.10787089

Not that anon, but there definitely was a time in the Wii lifespan, like 2 or 3 years, where it really felt like they had abandoned the typical games they made to chase more casual fare. The last couple years of its life they started pushing out more stuff that felt like what you would have expected on the gamecube.

>> No.10787092

Around the time they stopped generating new IPs in order to guard the IPs developed by their aging once-creative minds like a dragon jealously guarding its hoard.

They have functionally paralleled the rise and decline of Walt Disney Co. in half the time. They even have their own (mediocre) theme park to boot. I see Nintendo adults in the same vein as I see Disney adults, truthfully. The former's still more acceptable for now, but they'll get there in time.

>> No.10787115

lmao the switch is fuckin gay as hell. they should have continued the new 3ds line and made a new console instead of making some piece of shit that isnt good at either.

gamecube i lost a lot of respect because the games were shittier than their n64 counter parts with a couple exceptions. Also the small discs were fucking retarded.

wii i actually really enjoyed and thought it was a great system even though it was underpowered it had good unique fun games. Wii u was alright and switch is straight up shit. Games are way too expensive for rehashes and shit

>> No.10787117

>Hates the GBA but loves the Switch
faggot spotted

>> No.10787120


And that is not even counting the train wreck that is the Wii U. Though from the sounds of it that anon probably enjoyed it too

>> No.10787126

>They have functionally paralleled the rise and decline of Walt Disney Co. in half the time. They even have their own (mediocre) theme park to boot. I see Nintendo adults in the same vein as I see Disney adults, truthfully. The former's still more acceptable for now, but they'll get there in time.
This basically hits the nail on the head, at this point complete with not even having most of their original team members like Yamauchi, Gunpei Yokoi, Iwata, or Reggie anymore. They are literally not the same company we grew up with, I can't see how anyone could think otherwise, unless of course they didn't actually grow up with the old Nintendo.

>> No.10787173

>No backlight
Because it would make the battery life horrible. What you would want is frontlight. While it doesn't look as good as backlight, it uses much less electricity and still makes the system very useable under sunlight. I don't understand why nintendo didn't include a frontlit screen for the original GBA.
>still relying on AA batteries
Li-ion was still expensive back in 2001. Battery tech progressed quickly.
>a glorified handheld SNES
You are clearly retarded.

>> No.10787176

Mario Galaxy was an early release, and is one of the best games on the system.

>> No.10787178

Honestly, when they lost Rare. Idc about any "oh they lost the talent, it wasn't nintendos fault", it was still a major loss of ips and a unique game design perspective that added more flavor to Nintendo as a whole. It would be like losing HAL or if GameFreak stopped collaborating with them, each dev group brought something interesting and Rare was their western studio take on "Nintendo games".

>> No.10787179

Yes, it was, but it was unique among a bunch of "Wii __" type games.

>> No.10787182

The Wii U was also good
>Had one of the best Mario games, and the best Donkey Kong game
>had Pikmin 3, and Splatoon
>has two of platinum's best games
I pretty consistently had a good time playing Wii U games. I haven't even played all of the ones I want to. I never played Xenoblade X properly. I never played Captain Toad. I never played Yoshi's Woolly World.

>> No.10787185

I mean, if you want to produce a complete list of Wii games from the first two years, there will be plenty of good stuff there. It's a console that has a lot of games in general.

>> No.10787197

Yea but i think the point of anon was a lot of the releases were a lot less "gamer" type games then their cube and n64 output. They most certainly spent time and resources chasing the casual, non gamer types that could have been spent on something their core fans desired. It was a course a case of "Nintendo gonna Nintendo" and do what they want, but there was a lot of pissed off tendies after the Wii hype died off and it became the grandma wagglin her arms system.

>> No.10787214

>a lot of the releases were a lot less "gamer" type games then their cube and n64 output.
Even that is kind of debatable. The N64 gave us Mario Party, and the GC gave us Animal Crossing and Warioware.

I pretty much have ceased believing in the separation between "casual games" and "hardcore games" anyway. It was a marketing gimmick from the 00's, designed to prey on adolescent insecurity.

I mean, I had an Xbox 360, and a lot of those games they were touting as "hardcore" weren't particularly hardcore. They had guns and blood in them, sure. They weren't mentally taxing. They were easy and stupid.

>> No.10787216

2009 looks like it was a really shit year for the Wii and first party releases. Bunch of cube re releases and casual playerbase stuff. There was Sin&Punishment out, but in japan only. That year seems to line up with the period of time I remember feeling bored with the system.

>> No.10787218

2009 had Muramasa, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.10787223

Might have been, i think thats the year i got it. I was more referring to Nintendo's output.

>> No.10787225

platinum games are the most over rated bullshit bayonetta is alright but i could not possibly give a fuck less about wonderful 101

>> No.10787227

Wonderful 101 is their best game.
It's the only other game Kamiya directed, apart from Bayonetta and that one shmup.

>> No.10787279
File: 8 KB, 400x288, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the sweltering summer of 92 desu

>> No.10787282

Around the time of the Wii. My hot take is that they sacrificed aesthetics for innovative design and also shafted 3rd party devs and more experimental games/more story driven and rich games in favour of the usual Mario and Zelda.

In ethos, the Switch is more like the SNES in that regard, and I appreciate it for it. I hope they keep it up with the Switch 2.

>> No.10787330

When N64 Yoshi Island came out and it was just SMW2 with a new coat of paint

>> No.10787354

The Wii has several large scale JRPGs, at least one of which is directly owned and funded by Nintendo.
It's better than the N64 and GC, in that regard.

>> No.10787356

Starting with the Wii U and then now completely with the Switch (the name change from "Revolution" to "Wii" ALMOST got me, but I ended liking the hardware/software). At least Switch still has things on it that can be classified as games.

Nothing in the retro era or 6th gen "retro" era. All of that is pretty kino. I wish they had continued to really lean into the Dreamcast VMU thing they did with the GCN-GBA cable with the Wii & DS (outside of things like the Nintendo Channel downloads and low-effort Battle Revolution), but it was still really cool stuff back then besides that.

>> No.10787358

*almost completely (but basically completely)

>> No.10787361

>fake image
Kys attention-whore zoomie.

>> No.10787370

Splatoon is so mediocre. After having played S4 League for half a decade before, I tried the Splatfest demo and was convinced that I had played all the game had to offer. Definitely one of the worst Nintendo franchises (which makes sense, since it was created by one of the younger employees).

>> No.10787383

3D World looked like SHIT
NSMB looked like SHIT
NintendoLand was 70% SHIT
Animal Crossing Board Game was SHIT
Animal Crossing Plaza instead of a fucking game
Captain Toad sucks ass and fuck you for wanting to play that 99 cent steamworks garbage
Wooly World is better than Island minus aesthetics and it's not even bad with wooly

>> No.10787395

>N64 Yoshi Island came out and it was just SMW2
I wish Story was that good.

>> No.10787418

When I turned about 15 or so
Clear as day their business is forever aimed at 9-11yo's

>> No.10787678

kys tendie

>> No.10787687

Never. Fuck Sony, fuck Sega and fuck the faggot OP.

>> No.10787697
File: 44 KB, 1280x974, IMG_0859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but Sony

>> No.10787698

The Wii unironically saved a lot of smaller Japanese developers with a massive install base and low development cost

>> No.10787701

Japs love burgers and so do I
If you don't like burgers you can FUCK right OFF

>> No.10787709

>their lack of appeal in that late 90s/early 2000s period

N64 is good, despite its lack of variety, and GBA is one of the best systems ever. It was really the 8th gen when they were just pure shit.

>> No.10787716

literally seething

>> No.10787717


>> No.10787723

It never happened, they're the only ones who never stopped wanting to make video games.

>> No.10787730

Not him but there was literally nothing wrong with the Wii U. Good console and good library while it lasted, it only failed because Americans are fucking retards who, despite being surrounded by devices that can access the internet, were unable to comprehend that it was a new console because the name didn’t make that clear enough for them and they’re notoriously lazy.

>> No.10787731

>Around the time they stopped generating new IPs
when was that?

>> No.10787732

I really had no interest at all in anything between the SNES and the switch. I bought a very cheap N64 and Gamecube in their final year stock clearance prices and played the big first party games without any hype or fandom and came away thinking they were just OK and regretted buying the consoles

Now that nintendo has an apple tier brand of dunno if zoomers can even believe that, like oot was a religious experience for everyone that touched it

>> No.10787753

>consistently most expensive hardware
>focus on style over substance
>proudly boasted about having the most brand-focused consoomer base
>hardware designed around planned obsolescence
>bizarre pretentious adverts
Sony is the Apple of gaming.

>> No.10787756

Yoshi’s Story on the N64. Zelda TP and the Wii was my last straw. Haven’t bought a Nintendo shame since.

>> No.10788435

Bought it at launch, expecting another NES or SNES in the sense of having an strong support from Japanese third parties... and you can already imagine how bad this worked.
Quite easily the worst console I have ever owned. If we only count succesful consoles (no Jaguars and 3DOs), it's a very strong candidate for the title of worst console ever made.
I had no other option but to buy a PSX a year later, because I didn't want to spend a whole generation with no games from several of my favorite genres and companies. It also made me realize that I don't particularly care about Nintendo. They have some games that I like, just like most big companies have made something that I like, but overall I'm not that much into their products.

>> No.10788471
File: 34 KB, 1024x576, 19F49433-E976-44BF-AFAA-35C83F1BBABC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a game/console maker? Never. Nintendo’s handheld division does nothing but win. Their home consoles are all consistently decent with a good library of first party IPs.

As a company? About when they started copyright striking fucking everything. Copyright law is abhorrent.

>> No.10788481

Never. I've enjoyed their consoles every generation.
Those games were fun.

>> No.10788550

Zoomer here. I grew up playing xBox 360 and developed an interest in retro gaming from Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection. Nintendo was always considered the "kid friendly", "gay", "beta male", "womanly" brand, and it was considered embarrassing to play it beyond early primary school years, so I never had respect for them or played them much. This was solidified when I was convinced to "give the SNES a chance", and came away completely disappointed with the abysmal performance, low resolution, muffled sound, and puddle-deep games library compared what I was accustomed to on Mega Drive. I have since branched out and grown an appreciation for the PC Engine, Neo Geo, X68000, even the Amiga, as well as of course the PlayStation and Saturn, and the PS2 and xBox. You don't need Nintendo to have a fulfilling retro gaming experience, indeed, the best experiences are actually found elsewhere.

>> No.10788586

>The SP only happened because there was a pretty gigantic breakthrough with screen tech and LEDs.
Plenty of phones had backlit screens in 2001, zoomer. Go back to watching your shitty video essays about things that happened before you were born.

>> No.10788597

>Zoomer here.
You didn't need to type out all that spew after. That line was enough to know you have shitty oppions about retro games.

>> No.10788606

My opinions are congruous with my peers. This is how you're Nintendo consoles are going to be remembered. The era of mindless consoomer Nintendo shilling is over, old man.

>> No.10788609

You grew up with the Wii and 360. Your oppions on retro games are as valuable as used toilet paper.

>> No.10788628

Grandpaw sounds upset that the "timeless masterpiece" baby games he's been venomously defending his entire life aren't taking root with younger generations, and therefore, will ultimately not be remembered fondly. What a pity. Sorry but, it turns out, on an even playing field, removed from marketing hype and nostalgia, Nintendo shit just does not hold up. Maybe some day you'll be able to recognise this, but I doubt it, there's no teaching an old dog new tricks, after all.

>> No.10788650

>(them n*ggaz
Cringed right here
>got me back with the Switch,
Stopped right here

Choke on a turd OP

>> No.10788653

>Around the time they stopped generating new IPs

>> No.10788691

When the Switch came out.

>> No.10788706

this desu

If you're one of the rare people who enjoyed the WiiU but aren't a tendie, the switch is basically the dark age of Nintendo. Nothing but shit awful ports you already played, terrible hardware, and worse online you have to pay for now.

>> No.10788748
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I enjoyed the Wii U and I enjoy the switch. There are a shitload of great switch games out there.

>> No.10789115

Hey shit for brains, price the backlit phone compared to the GBA. Hell, do it and post here to prove how goddamn stupid you are. Backlit LCD screen existed - I never denied that. The problem was they cost a pretty penny and the screens were generally smaller compared to the panel on the GBA.

>> No.10789132

mid DS and Wii era when I realized they had abandoned pixel art and their first party games on the DS were mostly garbage when compared to the competition

>> No.10789382

I just think their fans are extremely annoying