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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10785418 No.10785418 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no bad retro RE games?


>> No.10785542
File: 20 KB, 220x220, re_survivor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now hold on a minute

>> No.10785570
File: 354 KB, 558x960, YXDIAxU7nRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no outright bad mainline retro RE games BUT
Good, as good as RE3 in my opinion actually
masterpiece but not as good as RE1 and RE2
fucking garba- okay it's alright, compared to other survival horror games anyway
masterpiece, I like it a tiny bit better than REmake but still less than the first two games

>> No.10785606
File: 115 KB, 512x288, survivor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello? this game exists you know
why it's missing from your list too?

>> No.10785612

CVX and 0 both suck by classic RE standards and are only tolerable because they are fixed angle RE games.

>> No.10785620

Well I said 'mainline'. Survivor is kind of dogshit and I haven't played the other spinoffs. There's also Gaiden and all that crap

>> No.10785621

If Mikami didn't produce it, then it's not canon

>> No.10785625

No no no you simply cannot like all of them! Educate yourself by watching some YouTube essay's

>> No.10785643

Nice try
Kinest of the nono's
Ludo kino
Which one was this again?
Could be worse
Shit and 5 was legit better and did almost nothing wrong.
Jewtubers like them all but shit on 5 though.

>> No.10785654

>no bad mainline games
>if its bad its not mainline
oh ok

>> No.10785709

Code Veronica is not a mainline game, it never was and never could have been because of the exclusivity deals with Sony and Nintendo.

>> No.10785716

It's on the GC/PS2 though

>> No.10785717

RE1 aged bad, it is an inferior point and click game for consoles. It has no personality, looks ugly, worst backtracking ever. I don't care if you grew up wit the game, it is a dated game.

>> No.10785731

>it is an inferior point and click game for consoles
That's not Clock Tower, RE is an action-adventure/'search action' game
>It has no personality
Now this is just false though

>> No.10785735

But enough about 2
Shatup. Clock is kino. Didnt play the other one's but who gives a shit.

>> No.10785736

survivor is on the ps1 does that make it mainline?

>> No.10785753

The guy writing the overarching RE2, RECV, RE0, RE3 and RE4 storylines, Noboru Sugimura, never intended a big battle inside some futuristic laboratory, his RE4 draft was about Leon infiltrating Spencer's castle. His overarching story was about Umbrella's founders in each game, RE0 being about James Marcus, RECV being about the Ashfords, and RE4 ending with Spencer.

In Code Veronica you're exploring this mysterious island, you find footage of these two kids feeding a centipede to ants, you meet this crazy guy called Alfred and learn he has a sister, Alfred is accusing you of attacking the island. See that? Mystery, intrigue, who is attacking the island? You eventually find out Wesker is the one attacking the island and he now has superpowers. Then you find out Alexia isn't even alive and Alfred has been going Norman Bates. Then you end up in the Antarctic and kill Alfred, but not before learning Alexia has been alive the whole time, etc etc

Code Veronica is fucking great. Take a look at the story of RE2. Leon: we need to stay alive. Claire: I need to find my brother Chris.

Shortly after RE4's development was rebooted once again the writers who had written for the RE series starting with RE2 (Noboru Sugimura and Yasuhisa Kawamura) left the series, although their departure was not related RE4's troubled development. When this happened, Mikami took over story responsibilities for RE4 and came up with a premise that was mostly divorced from the plots of the previous games.

>> No.10785806

>Clock is kino
Of course it is. I was just pointing out that that anon probably confused RE1 with Clock Tower because the former is not a point n click adventure game
>and RE4 ending with Spencer
Are you telling me that the Lost in Nightmares DLC in 5 also emerged from RE4's troubled development like DMC and Haunting Ground?

>> No.10785823


>> No.10786020
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>> No.10786657

0 is a badly designed game in many ways and the story is the worst in the series, but it's saved by the aesthetics

>> No.10786984

>Take a look at the story of RE2. Leon: we need to stay alive. Claire: I need to find my brother Chris.
You could reduce the story of CV the same way, as just "I need to find my brother Chris / I need to find my sister Claire."
RE2's story revolves around the outbreak of the main city after what happened in the woods in RE1, what caused the incident, and the web of corruption that underpins the whole city

>> No.10787436

Didn't play 0 but completely agree with you other ranking

>> No.10787443

who cares about mainline or canon. the game is excellent.

>> No.10787463

Re3 could've been a lot better if you get rid of all those lame mercenary characters and made you play with civilians and normal cops.

>> No.10787558

come on, the UBCS mercs were one of the best and most iconic parts of RE3. Carlos is funny and Nicholai is a solid villain

>> No.10787649

Jill and Rebecca working together could have been cool too. It would even make more sense that Rebecca would know where to go and what to do when Jill gets infected.

>> No.10788419

Nah, the mercenaries enrich the story by juxtaposing them with the STARs unit in Resident Evil 1 from a different perspective. There was no better way to integrate Umbrella's presence (and motivations) and you get to play as one of its soldiers, even if just briefly. Kawamura's script was top notch, IMO.

>> No.10788446

You forgot Gaiden

>> No.10789164
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RE0 was my least favorite cause it was basically you dealing with zombies while protecting your dumb partner, and that fucking grappling hook, but now I miss it....

>> No.10789196

Slightly more palatable dogshit
Soulless mockery of the original
At least they were trying something experimental, but it’s still bad

>> No.10789201

I always loved it and still do, young anime Marcus opera singing was always cringe however

>> No.10789470

Based 0 enjoyer. We are a rare breed.

>> No.10789561

I just remember the train, the scorpion boss, a frog jump scaring me, and fighting leeches with sunlight at the end. Certainly enjoyed it enough to finish it.

>> No.10789739

Not canon

>> No.10789742

Most retarded post ITT