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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 223 KB, 1200x1093, MAMMY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10781812 No.10781812 [Reply] [Original]

>Jack of all trades
>Master of none
why is MAME such a clusterfuck of a shitpile?
how is this disorganised insanity in any way acceptable?
this is the history of gaming goddamit, it needs to be saved.

>> No.10781816

>history of gaming
they're just kid's toys anon

>> No.10781817

MAME also emulates gambling machines for adults.

>> No.10781820

How is this not impressive?

>> No.10781834

MAME is not a single emulator. It's a collection of numerous emulator cores held under a single client. The idea is that if two emulated machines share common electronic components, it's possible to reuse code from existing core inside MAME. That's how MESS came to be, after devs realized that they can emulate platforms other than arcade machines with existing code, and that's why MESS was eventually merged into MAME, dropping the initial concept of being an arcade emulator and turning into a project to emulate everything.

>> No.10781838

There's something about arcade games that feel fake to play at home.
I would only ever bother if I was out somewhere and there was a cabinet. That cabinet could have MAME on it, I wouldn't care, but the being outside part is what matters

>> No.10781842

mame emulates over 16,000 arcade machines, slot machines, mechanical games and tries to cover every possible arcade board ever conceived.
name a more impressive undertaking. take your time

>> No.10781848

there should be some kind of separation. it's retarded to bundle so much of that other shit when 99.9% of the focus is on the videogame end.

>> No.10781863
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You could use Arcade64 or another fork.

>> No.10781865

What's the lore behind the Al Jolson version of MAME?

>> No.10781873

The thing is, videogames is no longer the focus of MAME. They dropped it a decade ago when they merged MESS into MAME.

>> No.10781891

I only care about Arcades, should I use MESS over MAME?

>> No.10781894

The thing is, you can't collect arcade cabinets like you do with cartridges.

Well, you can if you have a lot of money and some kind of apartment with a lot of outlets around but still, your free space is strictly limited.

I would love to have some of those in my possession, but that way, I'll be sleeping on top of said cabinet because my room is fucking small.

>> No.10781896

MESS is dead and it was specifically created for NOT arcade hardware. There are forks like above mentioned ARCADE64 which remove most of emulated platforms, leaving only arcade video game machines.

>> No.10781906

So you're telling me that emulation of actual games sucks because they decided to focus on pachislop and other gambling machines instead? Fuck this shit, gambling should be made completely illegal in every country.

>> No.10781910

Well no what I'm saying is not about owning cabinets. It's about playing a cabinet outside, in a shopping mall or something. That's the arcade experience. Maybe MAME could have a background noise option or something (I'm kidding). Can't beat going outside and touching things, even if it's an arcade cabinet instead of grass

>> No.10781912

Al loves his Mame

>> No.10781918

Well, that's another issue because someday you wouldn't be able to play arcades at shopping mall. They're decreasing rapidly and eventually will be put out of business entirely.

A movie theater near me had bunch of cabinets just 5-6 years ago. I remember there were House of the Dead, The Simpsons pinball (a good one), some cowboy game with a gun and a huge screen, racing cabinets etc.
Now there are none. In fact, the movie theater itself is closed to indefinite time due to financial problems. The building is now rented by some shady sellers shilling you fake brand clothes.

>> No.10781923

They're also an important part of history and need to be preserved.

>> No.10781931

it's open source, people work on what they want. it's not like the pachislot people would be working on Daytona USA or something instead

>> No.10781934

It isn't.
You just don't know how to use it and refuse to learn how to use a computer.

>> No.10781939

I want to play classic arcade games, not have to grasp the hidden complexities of 1980s motherboard chipsets

>> No.10781996

Machines made to scan boomers out of their money aren't worth preserving, get real.

>> No.10782004

Have you ever actually played one? Give it a try and you'll understand how fun they are and why they were popular.

>> No.10782008

it's a bit of a mess.

>> No.10782010

Well, sorry you got scammed. Yes, once I spent 5$ on a slot machine, them realized I could have spent that on a game that would have entertained me for hours instead
>b-but, pretty flashing lights!
I have a TV at home.

>> No.10782019

I used to play on Raine in the late 90s. It's like if MAME didn't suck but it's only for Taito roms

>> No.10782036

All you have to do is learn how to use a computer.
It's a good life skill. Try it.

>> No.10782086

how many gigs of a mame romset is taken up by casino/quiz/pachinko shit?

>> No.10782101

every arcade game i care to play works well enough with self-contained "ROMs" and very old MAME cores so what's the issue?

Also, MAME is not for stealing games, only documenting their hardware.

>> No.10782256

another day on /v/r

>> No.10782351

I've always pronounced it like "maim"

>> No.10782376

I unironically do this. Gambling addiction without the damage.
my mom used to manage a bar and couldn't find a babysitter so she'd take me with her in the morning and show me the machines. I'm nostalgic even for the service menus

>> No.10783015

>mame hate thread
is it already that time again?
fuck mame, FUCK retroarch
the only thing good about either of those programs was that they forced me to buy the real hardware instead

>> No.10784276

There is this guy who already pruned MAME from all the bloated shit and left only the working games:


He even has a build with Arcade + MAMEHB for hacked and homebrew games, if you're into that.
Just read and download what you need.

>> No.10784331


>> No.10785459


>> No.10785475
File: 124 KB, 653x523, 1687793250600695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to use it, anon

>> No.10785481

>tfw just want to try out and play arcade games

>> No.10785983


>> No.10786049

Nah, retroarch is amazing. It's only mame that's a pile of dogshit.

>> No.10786080

>27 years later people still get filtered by mame

>> No.10786110

as long as it dunt werks people will complain

>> No.10786141

MAME is kind of an annoying pain in the ass--that's why you just grab a MAME romset from the Pleasuredome and then plug it into Launchbox. You'll still have to screw around here and there with MAME settings and the config ini but it's basically problem free. Still, I think there is room for improvement, both within MAME and within launchers for it. It's hard for one or two programs to serve thousands of totally distinct masters, so I'm pretty pleased with it. The one issue I'm having now though is sometimes my gamepads will seemingly go dead in MAME without disconnecting from my PC. I wonder if it would help if I had MAME specifically look for the same hardware IDs all the time.

>> No.10786185

I find it hilarious how many people whine about MAME. They have clearly never tried emulating the PC-based arcade games of the 2000's and onwards.
First you gotta find a dump for the game you want, no easy to find torrent of everything here. Then you gotta hope the free version of Tecknoparrot works for it, or you need to go digging in Discord to find the jconfig setup for the exact dump of the game you have. Then you have to hope the game used the same video you did(NVidia or ATI), or didn't rely on any vendor specific features, otherwise it won't even run on your system. While I can't vouch for how Tecknoparrot does it, I know controls are hard-wired in jconfig, so you can't remap to buttons you prefer.
Meanwhile MAME is just: download most recent version of MAME, get games you want from pleasuredome torrent, try to play games. If they spit up an error message, download the .zip files it mentions and try again. If it complains about a missing CHD, get the CHD.
Hell, emulating most computers is more difficult than getting arcade games working in MAME. Outside of playing DOS games through DOSbox and ScummVM, you'll generally need to put in some effort learning about the machine you are emulating and the OS it uses in order to make use of the emulator. MAME doesn't even ask for that much, it just asks you to give it all the files it wants.

>> No.10786219

I never had a single issue with mame but I use FBA for almost everything instead

>> No.10786257

Let me know when Mame can emulate Crisis Zone and Daytona USA. Still waiting after 25+ years.

>> No.10786275

You'll be waiting until the day you die or we get CPU's with 20GHz single-thread speeds. Both have far too many complex chips in them for MAME to emulate at a playable speed with the way MAME is designed. Better off just using the Model 2 emulator and waiting for a System 23 emulator to appear.

>> No.10787715

I love to singa

>> No.10788180

Yeah, but sometimes MAME wouldn't even load up the game with all the .zips he asked for. Why? Maybe these are older versions or different region, you tell me.

It's 2024 and I don't like running around the whole internet to boot up some game. Call me lazy fuck or zoomer for that.

Meanwhile FBA doesn't ask you for anything extra. If it doesn't support a certain game - well, bad luck. But if it does - you're in for a good time.

>> No.10788216

>split set
>parent game contains all the duplicated files
>other versions only contain their unique files
>so you need parent+version
>this way is popular because it uses the least disk space
>but needing multiple files is a massive filter for most people

>merged set
>one file contains everything needed for every single version
>this way avoids the hassle of needing multiple files
>but you end up with a bunch of versions of the same game you probably won't want

>non-merged set
>one file contains everything needed for a specific version
>this way is the most casual friendly
>but it takes the most disk space by far
>which makes it a pain in the ass for distribution

>> No.10788298

>I unironically do this. Gambling addiction without the damage
Any recommendations?
I enjoy slots, especially anything with impressive bonuses.

>> No.10788367

>name a more impressive undertaking

Internal combustion
Splitting of the atom
Discovery of the Higgs boson particle
The invention of RADAR
The invention of LASER
Nuclear medicine
Eradication of polio
Eradication of smallpox
Miracle wheat

>> No.10788656

>Yeah, but sometimes MAME wouldn't even load up the game with all the .zips he asked for. Why? Maybe these are older versions or different region, you tell me.
Given I said to get the latest version of MAME and the latest romset from pleasuredome, sounds like the retard decided to go grab random roms instead. Because if you use the matching romset, you don't have games labeled green or yellow that just don't work for no reason. I know because I tried out every single game MAME supports about two years ago. If the game is marked green or yellow, it will run. The only way they won't work is if the required files are missing.

>> No.10788842

>why is MAME such a clusterfuck of a shitpile?
cuz its a project thats been around for decades

>how is this disorganised insanity in any way acceptable?
then go make your own emu that somehow emulates 1000s of totally different arcade cabs then, tough guy

>> No.10789081
File: 828 KB, 704x780, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1 - get the full set rom torrent (split or merged, choose one) from pleasuredome dot github io slash pleasuredome slash mame
Step 2 - Get MAMEUI 263 from mameui dot info
Step 3 - Configure MAMEUI 263

that's the minimum you need to get started with a clickable interface and the latest MAME technology

>> No.10789095
File: 122 KB, 1117x693, mameui64-263.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get the Extras torrent and configure it with MAMEUI (just have to set the directories) then you can have the titles, snapshots, trivia, artwork. All the bells and whistles.

>> No.10789282

You have the opportunity to lecture the zoomers, because school doesn’t teach them how arcades work. If they don’t know basic shit it’s all your fault, don’t complain later if all they know comes straight from youtubers.

>> No.10789297


>> No.10790010
File: 16 KB, 1185x1080, 1692508505245914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I found the exact one my mom's bar used to have, which is the Player's Edge Plus ones. I play Video Blackjack a lot. The init sequence is honestly really fucking complicated if you don't know that they actually documented it in the source code:

>> No.10791349

I have AIDS now from trying to navigate this website.

>> No.10791367

just admit that you dont understand it i also dont undestan