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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 207 KB, 250x347, Megaman3_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10766535 No.10766535 [Reply] [Original]

Why are zoomers hating this game all of a sudden?

>> No.10766559

Unfair difficulty is the modern term for nes hard

>> No.10766604

No? What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.10766607

they've always whined about games that aren't content treadmills

>> No.10766626

Aww... poorfag wants to buy the game for a cheaper price so he tries to make people think it's a bad game.

>> No.10766630

Imagine falling for this BS

>> No.10766642

Boomer here and I didn't like this one at all because 2 and 3 had better music and the bosses and power ups felt a lot similar to those games as well. Came out pretty late on the NES lifecycle too.

2=3>1>4, didn't play the rest.

>> No.10766648

Sometimes I wish my parents got me Mega Man 4-6 so I could have nostalgia for and enjoy the inferior entries anyway.

>> No.10766691

4 is objectively the best mainline game.

>> No.10766712

4 is an amazing game. I don't know wtf you're talking about.

>> No.10766725

first off, music was a downgrade from the last two games, not really debatable, but Cossack 3&4 was good, but why tf was one of those an auto scroll level? Also skull shield was pretty much lead shield and quick boomerang was that ring power up, I think there was another robot that had flashmans power, I can't remember, not a whole lot of original. Coolest thing was that little box that runs around and throws shit at you, he was p cool.

>> No.10766735
File: 214 KB, 510x546, 1656804843416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 and x were the peaks and the only games i revisit

>> No.10766762

2 is great but I don't agree with everyone making it sound like it makes every other classic game worthless
I agree that X is peak though

>> No.10766861

How old were you when your parents bought the game for you?

>> No.10766867

Do zoomers even know what Mega Man was?

>> No.10766926

2 is fucking terrible. X is good. Neither are close to being the best vames in their respective sub-series.

>> No.10766930

3 is my favorite since it has my favorite controls.
I love that slide. Don't really care for the charged shot they introduced in 4.

>> No.10766985

You mean Mega They/Them?

>> No.10767031

>Neither are close to being the best vames in their respective sub-series
It's hard to say which is the absolute best in Classic but in the X series the only game that comes even close to X1 is X4, with X2 in third position. The rest of the X games are not worth playing

>> No.10767358

The reason Zoomers hate the game is a few year ago, some Youtubers skimmed the TCRF article, saw all the cut content from the game and decreed it to be "UNFINISHED!" and made a bunch of 45 minute videos about "CAPCOM'S UNIFINISHED MASTERPIECE: MEGA MAN 3"
To be fair you can kind of see where they are coming from, the fight with Break Man before Wily's castle doesn't make any sense, the Doc Robot stages are obviously last minute filler added in...even with that taken into account the game is still a masterpiece and a top 5 game across the entire Mega Man franchise. And NOBODY who played the game back in the day thought "Oh gee whiz Capcom charged us all 40 dollars for a beta! How dare they??"

tl;dr it's Youtuber cancer

>> No.10767465

The game lags like hell without patches and the Doc Robot stages, while a cool idea, are in execution really pitiful content to extend the game just as you said.

Obviously it wasn't a huge issue back in the day but its shortcomings are fairly obvious to anyone playing it now. I don't think it's the worst game ever and it has a lot of appeals of its own, but it's definitely one of the more flawed classic entries. But 2 is more flawed, and that's due to outright poor design decisions rather than it being rushed, and is thus the worse game. Not that many would agree with this take.

>> No.10767474

I'm sorry but this is dogshit overanalysis. You think Mega Man 3 LAGS? What the FUCK are you on? Something like Mega Man 4 is much less "flawed" by your standards but its a much less fun to play game.

>> No.10767491

>You think Mega Man 3 LAGS? What the FUCK are you on?
Yes? The constant inconsistent slowdown during normal gameplay that only gets even worse during shit like Wily 1 is one of the biggest issues people have with the game.

>Something like Mega Man 4 is much less "flawed" by your standards but its a much less fun to play game.
To each their own I guess. MM4 is indeed my favorite classic game, but I could totally see it not being someone's cup of tea. The charge shot is definitely overtuned in it which is a fairly big flaw in and of itself.

>> No.10767509

Mega Person

>> No.10767561

The funny thing is that we've known about all the cut content and stuff for decades. I remember first reading about it on Mechanical Maniacs back in the day. And my thoughts were simply "My favorite game could have been even better? Neat."

LIke, I'd absolutely love to have whatever Protoman's cut dialogue was, all 8 of the MM2 robot masters with their actual sprites and movesets on modified versions of the MM3 stages, whatever the 2nd Player functions were suppose to be, and Rush Drill. But 3 is still great on its own. I have a feeling that, if Megaman Powered Up 2 hadn't been cancelled, we would have gotten all of that stuff in the eventural Powered Up 3.

>> No.10767742

the boss robot weaknesses don't work out into a single closed circuit, so you have to fight 2 of them with just the blaster instead of 1

>> No.10767759

MM3 has a lot of lag, especially hardman stage.

>> No.10768509

I don't hate it but they should had an intro cutscene involving the creation of Rush, and text stating Wily's false 180 degree turn being part of his plans.

>> No.10769038

Disgusting specist hate speech violence.

>> No.10769143

>You think Mega Man 3 LAGS? What the FUCK are you on?
When was the last time you played Mega Man 3, anon?

>> No.10769309

Top man and snake man are easy as fuck with the blaster. Magnet also. So you have three different points of entry: top shadow elec, snake gem needle, or magnet to hard. Literally easiest mm game.

>> No.10769314

You played the PAL Mega Drive Version.

>> No.10769323

WTF are you snorting?

>> No.10769556

MM3 is already the cheapest MM by a fucking mile

>> No.10769602

That would be MM2.

>> No.10769919

MM9 mogs the nes games and is the goat

>> No.10770074

>a top 5 game across the entire Mega Man franchise
The problem is that there isn't even 5 good MM games.

>> No.10770092 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 520x767, 1697487942532808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh gee whiz Capcom charged us all 40 dollars for a beta! How dare they
Ok but how is this acceptable literally just because it's an NES game? Shit like this would have everyone making fun of the game today
>old bad new good so cashgrabs are good if they're old

>> No.10770217

2, 3, 4, 9, 10, X, X2, X4, BN2, BN3.

>> No.10770243

Last year, I probably play it every other year minimum. I have NO idea what you nerds are talking about with "lag." Stop watching fucking speedrun autists!

>> No.10770275

They hate everything that isn't 7 ft tall with enormous pecs apparently

>> No.10770419

>this isn't really even debatable
Your subjective taste isn't objective reality pseud faggot

>> No.10770459
File: 32 KB, 600x688, Caddicarus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because picrel said it's the worst one

>> No.10770898

Your emulator is very inaccurate then. MM3 is notorious for slowdown and flicker.

>> No.10770930

Where are you seeing these so-called zoomers express this so-called opinion?

>> No.10770979

I don't use an emulator lol come on now.

>> No.10771026

I don’t know. I’m a zoomer and Mega Man 3 is actually one of my favorite games of all time.
I got into Mega Man in high school around the time he was announced for Smash 4. 3 was the first Mega Man game I managed to beat, so I have a lot of fondness for it. It’s also one of my most beaten games ever, I have beat the game around 100 times because Mega Man was my major obsession in high school. Still play 3 at least one or twice a year now. The only thing I dread each play through is the Doc Robot stages.
I’m assuming some got interested in Mega Man via Smash 4 or Ultimate. Or alternatively, the Mega Man Legacy Collection releases.

>> No.10771037

J's reviews did a video on it

>> No.10771039

2 is dogshit and overrated

>> No.10771050

Zero taste, get out.

>> No.10771061

Because it looks like an unfinished beta compared to MM3Revamped.

>> No.10771654

I'm fucking 45 and I never heard of people hating on the Doc Robot stages before current year

>> No.10771684

Are the zoomers in the room with us right now? Can you point to it for me? What's your shoe size?

>> No.10771690

Where do you even see this?
MM3 is great but I have to skip the 2 Robots every time

>> No.10771704

zoomers hate anything that doesn't basically play itself

>> No.10771772
File: 244 KB, 1254x524, 38132c88d8e5611ef7545ad593af63d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retro game


Hey anon, check this shit out.

>> No.10771806

Mega Man games are bad because they're too easy. Item farming + no time limit is terrible design.

>> No.10771824

>if I do this thing that makes the game easy then its too easy

Never got that kind of complaint. Just don't farm you fucking retard, that's boring anyway.

>> No.10771846

>Item farming + no time limit is terrible design
Animal crossing, harvest moon, etc. begs to differ, your criticism lacks nuance

>> No.10771910

anon 3 has always been my favorite but it absolutely lags and has issues. The devs themselves have long said it was an incomplete mess that got pushed out the door, calm down

>> No.10772205

So you're playing one of the ports then. Try playing the original NES version on an actual NES.

>> No.10772330

The thing I never liked about 3 (besides the lag) is that the doc bot levels are significantly harder than the Wily levels. Throws the whole rhythm of the game off.

>> No.10772643

>megaman game

>> No.10772668
File: 315 KB, 1600x1106, Rockman3_FC_box-3435853895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the US mega man covers are so goddamn repulsive. who unironically likes this shit. the rockman covers are so much more soulful.

>> No.10772676

Yeah really

>> No.10772689

4 is a mess. Graphics are ugly and downgrade from 2 and 3, level design is boring, bosses are goofy, mega buster is janky (+ ruined the whole series either slowing down the gameplay or just being annoying), the whole game is totally uninspired.

Meanwhile 5 and 6 are actually good but no one gives a shit about them.

>> No.10772738

I don't really like 4 either and I'm always a little confused when people say it's the best one in the series. It's less rough around the edges in a lot of ways but it feels like it's going through the motions otherwise. It's hardly a bad game though. 5 is a nice rebound and 6 is legitimately pretty fun, if gimmicky

>> No.10772793

Mega Tran

>> No.10773057

Americans were fucking allergic to showing Japanese aesthetics on stuff until the 2000s anime boom.

>> No.10773069


>> No.10773082

The weirdest thing is when US illustrators tried to adapt the anime aesthetics into a western cartoony style. Mega Man being reimagined as Buck Rogers-esque pulp hero is one thing but starting with 3's art, he gets this unappealing cartoony goblin look. They start to figure it out by 6 it does still look kind of weird and much less appealing than the original Japanese art.

>> No.10773391

Mega Xir

>> No.10773757

>I'm too dumb to notice so it doesn't exist!
Many such cases, sad.

>> No.10773814
File: 44 KB, 747x420, maam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Ma'am

>> No.10774041

Not my job to fix your bad game design.

>> No.10774050

Never knew that zoomies hate this game. Got something to agree with them on. I played through MM 1-6 in 2018 and I thought it was easily the worst of the six.
2 > 1 > 5 > 6 > 4 > 3

>> No.10774059

People mistake 2 having ONE good music track with the whole game being good.
It's on the lower tiers.

>> No.10774064

> 2 and 1 first
Ah you're trolling.

>> No.10774163

I love those games!

>> No.10774217

Mega Body Type A

>> No.10774261

Harvest Moon has hard time limits.

>> No.10774427

Speedrunners have rotted your brain

>> No.10775565

Because a rushed game will be forever bad

>> No.10776252

The fact it's boring as fuck to "farm" is the punishment for doing it. Literally don't do it if it bothers you, dipshit. You never NEED to do it.

>> No.10776269

It's hard to properly evaluate the time period with the eyes of a culture that widely appreciates anime now. But the fact is, anime was this weird and alien thing in the early 90's and before to most non-Japanese. Only a few adapted Saturday morning cartoons slipped across the ocean and were redubbed (and often censored) for American eyes. Things like Dragonball, Samurai Pizza Cats, and of course Pokemon helped more people see it as normal.

>> No.10776272

Everything before Doc Robots is good, and some of the strongest Megaman gameplay to date.

>> No.10776379

>But the fact is, anime was this weird and alien thing in the early 90's and before to most non-Japanese.
Anime was dubbed to hell and back in Latin America, Spain, France, Italy, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Arabic speaking countries. Hell, the Arabs used to get the licenses for so cheap, they started to dub anime way before the Americans started to do this regularly. The one western country that aired anime as much as the Arabs was Italy. They needed a lot of anime to fill their channels.

>> No.10776429

Yeah, being weirded out by anime was pretty much only an Anglosphere thing. But he is right; before Nicktoons were a thing, dubbed and scrubbed anime made up half the cartoons on Nickelodeon. The two Koala shows, Maya the Bee, Mysterious Cities of Gold, Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics, Little Bits, Maple Town; all anime.

>> No.10776625

why are you idiots acting as if it was american culture to hate anime?

it was clueless executives that held those beliefs and refused to try anything that went against them. it's obvious from how successful anime quickly became once the floodgates were opened.

>> No.10776634

The truth is there were always weird animes that were difficult to relate to. I remember looking at the small selection in a video store near me, and there's definitely reason to think some people would be offput by it. But fine, corporations refusing to take risks exposing people to it is also a huge factor.

>> No.10776650

If you're playing any re-release it's emulation

>> No.10776763

To be fair, America was getting more xenophobic towards Japan in the 80s up until The Bubble burst and wasn't obviously going to be fixed any time soon. Kids and techies didn't care, but it was very much there.

>> No.10776826

The NES Megamans are pretty much all iterations on the same game, and are all good. I never got why people argue so much about them

>> No.10776941

They change pretty dramatically, even in control and feel. MM3 is the first NES game with really tight controls. MM1 and 2 float to a stop. 3 lets you more accurately control Megaman, even letting him twitch Megaman's foot to reposition more finely on a ledge. And of course there's the development of slide, and later charge shot. Minor additions? Or paradigm shifts? Someone intimately familiar with the games will think it's a big deal.

>> No.10777002

The charge makes a big division between 1-3 and 4-6. And even 2 and 3, the commonly agreed best, have severe jank like a boss that can softlock you if you don't have the ammo, or a gauntlet of bosses from the previous game (because a gauntlet of the bosses from this game wasn't enough).

>> No.10777219

It introduced obnoxious i-frames on bosses which ruined the series until X4 Zero

>> No.10777242

Nah those became a problem starting MM4

>> No.10777316

Limited moveset Mega Man sucked and the Airman memes were never funny, stupid jap.
Go make another rhythm game.

>> No.10778046

You probably like Mega Man 4 and 7 lmao

>> No.10778047
File: 23 KB, 624x160, Mega Man Is Now Great!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh reminder that Mega Man wasn't GREAT until the series started to SUCK!

>> No.10778161

>Graphics are ugly and downgrade from 2 and 3, level design is boring
Do you have any examples?

>> No.10778265

nta but I would say the graphics in 4 are nice with very large sprites here and detailed backgrounds. The graphics are probably the best thing about the game. The robot master levels are fine for the most part (though I don't like all the gimmicks) but the game is now built around the Mega Buster and many of the enemies (bosses included) take way too many hits. They rectify this in 5 and 6 thankfully.
The Cossack, and especially Dr. Wily stages are completely unmemorable and just not particularly fun to play.

>> No.10778891
File: 188 KB, 348x448, Skullman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got based Skull Man and Pharoah Man, that alone makes it superior.

>> No.10778898

But he wasn't wrong.
2 is repetitive garbage and 3 is a incomplete mess

>> No.10778914

Insane that /vr/ endorses shit takes like this. Fucking zoomers.

>> No.10778968

>when in doubt? blame gen zee
Get fucked, you crusty millennial piece of shit.

>> No.10778980

Every 2 faggot needs to get thrown into the streets and plapped dry.
The cult for this game needs to fucking retire, especially in Japan. Other Mega Man games exists.

>> No.10778981

So I'm right, you are a Zoomer. Don't you have Spongebob games to wax nostalgic about?

>> No.10778990

Just because nobody worship shitty airman memes anymore, doesn't mean they're zoomers.
Hurry up and post your shitjak so people can laugh at your pathetic hind.

>> No.10779004

Go to bed zoom zoom, I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about with Airman memes (probably more zoomer shit)

>> No.10779009
File: 272 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BODc1MWM5NzUtMGYxMC00NjIwLTg4MjktMDBkMzUyM2NiYjhiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MM2 is teh best because.... it's le hard!!!
Apologize to 7 and 8, right now.
It murks 2 so hard, it's not even cunny.

>> No.10779015
File: 33 KB, 540x360, aba08cdcd1ea8abcad61a405c02a0abbc1761775_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not even cunny
I mean

>> No.10779018
File: 28 KB, 727x475, spanish_guy__quot_el_risitas_quot__laughing_jockey__9752_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about with Airman memes
>exposed himself as a zoomer
The absolute state of 2 grifters.

>> No.10779953

Because it was dipshit. 1950-1990 Japan was the chinkshit of its day in NA. It started to turn a corner in the 80s with jap audio, video, auto, and industrial process. No one cared about Japanese shit in the mainstream until the 2000s


Zoomers inventing history are so stupid

>> No.10779983

"Hating" is a strong term. People are just pointing out flaws really. I don't know too many people who hate MM3 for its flaws, people usually resent the fact the game could've been even better if not for those.

>> No.10780123
