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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10763624 No.10763624 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10763628

you don't need another bullshit handheld.
enjoy what you already have

>> No.10763631

It looks awful

>> No.10763680

Junk that will break in two months

>> No.10763686

It’s too small and uncomfortable, get the powkiddy rgb 10 Max 3 instead.

>> No.10763689

Weak argument

>> No.10763691

Enjoy paying 500% more than you actually need to

>> No.10763695

>no real arguments
Just get it OP

>> No.10763703

But is it wrong?

>> No.10763719


>> No.10763723

If you don't plan on using it it's a waste of money, I got an anbernic that still running over 2 years later, it's great for Pokemon but I don't play much else on it.

>> No.10764118

I do tend to use it at least five times a week. Have plans to travel and I'm getting bored with ny my phone.

>> No.10764152


not retro and you couldn't even emulate ps1 with that controller setup

>> No.10764159

You'll buy it, realize its limitations and start eyeing up another one.

>> No.10764164
File: 21 KB, 400x400, s-l400 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a GB300 instead

>> No.10764171

Do it. OnionOS is fucking great. Just make sure to buy a grip.

>> No.10764528

You probably have a psp/vita collecting dust and it's a better product of this chinkshit.

>> No.10764578

It has a Chinese battery inside of it. Ticking time bomb.

>> No.10764582


>> No.10764585

im selling my Miyoo Mini v2 for $400

>> No.10764670

you will hate it
then you wont stop shitposting in \hhg\ until others suffer the same fate as you do

>> No.10764729

the miyoo mini's greatest strength (portability) is negated by the display being fragile as shit. unlike the game boy line, the miyoo mini needs to be babied, which in my case defeats the point of it.
can't give it to your kids, can't go around with it in your pocket if you do anything remotely physical.
80 bucks is asking too much imo.

>> No.10764750

redpill me on Chinese batteries

>> No.10764806

They're fucking dangerous

>> No.10764815

>10 yuan have been deposited in your account

>> No.10764897

better to spend a bit more money for RG35XXh

>> No.10764941

total chinkshit death

>> No.10764979

to be honest, I believe that the quality of the board would increase tremendously if we banned chinkshit and emulation discussion altogether.

>> No.10765035

Didn't receive send again, chud

>> No.10765109
File: 168 KB, 565x552, 1695631441735769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the point of emulation was to use hardware you already own?

>> No.10765668
File: 340 KB, 720x1332, Screenshot_20240310-132907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slop as well? Has good views though always ask for other opinions.

>> No.10765745

Just get the Retroid Pocket 2S for that price.

>> No.10766564

The point of emulation is to play video games how you want to.

>> No.10767263

For many poor children it is

>> No.10767269

the point of emulation is to play video games.
where the hell did you come up with that idea?

>> No.10767292

It’s uncomfortable to play on.

>> No.10767498
File: 65 KB, 938x740, 61b7aPuSTML._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10768067

Looks nice

>> No.10768128

Whats with all these shills on /vr/ advertising chink shit emulators?
>b.but it plays /vr/ so its retro
>talks more about the shit product than the actual /vr/ games
Doesn't this fit more along the lines of >>>g or >>>v ?

>> No.10768132

Too bad there is no way to do that, unless everyone reports these threads as offtopic, but then the shills would say its "technically is retro!" Which is just bullshit, its all an ad campaign instead of actual vr talk

>> No.10768147

>the point of emulation is use use your dad's PC you didn't pay for

>> No.10768938
File: 74 KB, 367x350, Chinman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't that apply to playing on any kind of hardware?
People weren't buying new computers to make emulators, they used the computer they already had. Why buy a new computer to use emulators when it's clear you already have a computer?

>> No.10768951

More chinese crap that you'll be interested in for a day or two then will leave to collect dust. The battery will probably explode. If something goes wrong then good luck getting a refund or replacement. Just play retro games on your PC or laptop that you already have.

>> No.10768971

It's chinaslop. If you don't know the implications of that, you are retarded and bad with money.

>> No.10769052

>Doesn't that apply to playing on any kind of hardware?
No. You've clearly never been to a hardware store.
>People weren't buying new computers to make emulators
When do you imagine that was true and who do you imagine it applied to? Many people buy new computers to emulate and have done for many years. I'm afraid you're projecting your poorfaggotry far too much.

>> No.10769078

Been using my rg35xx for a year now with no signs of slowing down.

>> No.10769343

All rechargeable batteries have a limited life span. When they get to the end of their lifespan they bloat and then explode violently with a chemical reaction that burns super hot. If the battery is punctured this chemical reaction can also happen if the battery is punctured, even if the puncture is as small as a pin prick. This is the default for rechargeable batteries everywhere and China is notorious for producing poorly made products, ergo it is more likely to happen faster with Chinese made batteries.

>> No.10769352

Weak, until the motherfucker breaks and you're railroaded into buying another one that will break in a never ending cycle.

>> No.10769391

>Retroarch shilling again
shit emu, shit bloat.

playing DOS games with tiny ass buttons is stupid.likewise for arcades.

might as well a tablet PC.

>> No.10769403

>This is the default for rechargeable batteries everywhere and China is notorious for producing poorly made products, ergo it is more likely to happen faster with Chinese made batteries.

this and 1 model of Samsung phones.

>> No.10769460

worth mentioning to everyone complaining about the batteries that the Miyoo Mini Plus is designed so that the battery can easily be removed and replaced, so it's not like a lot of modern electronics where once the battery starts going south the entire device is doomed

>> No.10769693

>his hardware store has no display items to play with
You must live somewhere imaginary.
>buying things you don't need to flaunt your income
Poverty behavior. Don't forget to finance some flashy chains and rims while you're at it.

>> No.10769885

No one is talking about "display items" ESL Pics of the hardware stores in your favela sell video games as display items you can play with.
And you're projecting like a mofo. Someone spending money that's insignificant to them on toys they enjoy isn't "poverty behavior" poorfag. Crying because others do when you can't afford to is.

>> No.10769961

I would just buy a controller for my phone and emulate everything on that,

>> No.10769964

Idk ask >>>/g/

>> No.10770003

Why not the 35xx plus? Even the first 35xx is more powerful than the MM+. It can do N64 and shaders.

>> No.10770158

they put expired batteries in their electronics exports to get rid of them, now it's your problem

>> No.10771138

How's this RetroArch shilling? I think you're not being reasonable, anon... too obsessive, chill out.

I agree on the tablet though, way more useful than these handhelds, you can use a telescopic controller to make it into a handheld with a big screen, though it's not pocketable by any means.

>> No.10771354 [DELETED] 

Speaking of projection, I was originally talking about the choice to play on any gaming hardware because you want to and your response was "you clearly haven't been to home depot". You have the conversational ability of an illiterate and the spending habits of Emma Rouault.

>> No.10771361

Speaking of projection, I was originally talking about the choice to play on any gaming hardware because you want to and your response was "you clearly haven't been to home depot". You have the conversational ability of an illiterate and the spending habits of Emma Bovary.

>> No.10771376

most of those "10000 games" are probably shit, you could just buy a used kindle for less and download retroarch and some games you will actually play, and also you could read books on it and shitpost on /vr/ with it

>> No.10771921

>Speaking of projection, let me cope and project some of ESL
Please do. Few things are more entertaining than watch an angry little poorfag flail and fail after it's made a complete fool of itself.

>> No.10772009

The fact you think this conversation is about wealth proves your status obsessed poverty mindset. You changed the topic, you're describing yourself.

>> No.10772684

This "conversation" is me laughing at a poorfag who "thought the point of emulation was to use hardware you already own"

>> No.10772705

Convenience and comfort. Having all your favorite retro games portable is nice, doubly so if that portable form factor is nice and compact. And sure you can technically just slap a controller on your phone, but having a dedicated device is nice.

>> No.10773079

You've proven your status obsessed poverty mindset, well done.

>> No.10773135

This. Don't buy chink shit. Get a nice phone. You'll look less like an incel.

>> No.10773151
File: 724 KB, 3000x4000, tiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way that this is comfortable to hold with two hands for more than 20 minutes.

>> No.10773461
File: 146 KB, 850x478, __kuroki_tomoko_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui_drawn_by_j23__sample-e19fecfbc067144af2e6195c22aaeea0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not meant to be played, or to be comfortable, it's meant to look good on a photo for your next Reddit post with you holding it while on the title screen for Zelda or Pokémon.

>> No.10773483

It's a hideous soulless chink emulator that belongs in handheld chinkshit garbage shill containment thread, which itself belongs on a different board
Plus let's be honest, portrait oriented rectangle is not at all the optimal shape for a handheld and I'm guessing the shoulder buttons won't be fun to use. I'd go for something shaped more like a GBA like most decent handhelds made after the GBC are

>> No.10773825

You've proven your cope obsessed poverty, well done.

>> No.10774931

Feel better soon.

>> No.10775074

this. even a 3ds is better, despite being a headache for ps1. atleast the 3ds wont break for no reason.

>> No.10776023

Gib place to buy them, please.

>> No.10777956
File: 405 KB, 1434x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'd cost you around $100 to get a PSP in good shape, you'd be better of just buying a Retroid 2S for that kinda money, especially considering that PSP maxes out at SNES emulation (and not even great at it since the audio's real shit when you try it).

If you have a psp or vita sitting around it's not bad in a pinch, but it's not worth going out of your way to buy one just for emulation.

>> No.10777969

It will turn u gay :(

>> No.10778201


>> No.10778213

It's not a Game Theory Admiral

>> No.10778217

I bought one a week ago and have been pleasantly surprised with it. Great screen and color - pocket sized. I struggle with vision problems so I went with the Plus model.

I paid $62 for mine. MMP model

I don't spend more than 10 min in the bathroom, so it hasn't been an issue yet.

>> No.10778235

I hope that's a photo taken by a reseller, because collecting several different colors of the same handheld is a mental illness.

>> No.10778702

>collecting several different colors of the same handheld is a mental illness
Not at all. But overpaying for chinkshit is. And doing that multiple times is.