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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.10763290

why people play precision platformers? do you guys actually having fun?

>> No.10763329

Platforming in Tomb Raider is just cozy af. Every missed jump is completely your own fault, and there's a real feeling of suspense when you're hanging on a ledge above a huge drop and if you let go of X you're dead. There are literally zero other games that do these things the way Tomb Raider did, not even the later games in the same series.

>> No.10763410

The game "Jusant" does something similar. Not /vr/ however

>> No.10763437
File: 3.80 MB, 600x336, 1703297782486032.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically it's about exploration and traversal as a puzzle/mechanic. Very exhilarating.

Funny I was just thinking of Jusant (and climbing games) a few minutes ago while playing. Really want more games that nail this kind of feeling.

>> No.10763620

I didn't realize how retarded the avalanche cave in Tibetan Foothills actually was.
>get ambushed by a faggot with a skidoo gun
>once you get the skidoo gun for yourself, most people would naturally switch over
>it's actually a trap because it's impossible to backtrack to the cabin with it
Why the fuck would they design it like this

>> No.10764714

also not /vr/ but check out Peaks of Yore

>> No.10764728

Damn that looks cool, wish I could run it

>> No.10764748

Why do you need the gun? You can just run the goons over.

>> No.10765001

It's the exploration that's engaging for me. The precision platforming is just a means to an end.

>> No.10765045

has it occurred to you you don’t actually need a 24/7 general about this

>> No.10765048

but how will he earn his shilling shekels if not

>> No.10765060

It's the idea of introducing a neat toy to the player, only for it to be completely useless in reaching the next area. Don't get the point.

>> No.10765061

When /ksg/ still exists, I think any game deserves a general

>> No.10765067

has it occured to you that maybe you should be throwing a tantrum about the many various other threads on /v/ that aren't even about videogames instead of whining people DARE to keep discussing videogames in this vile cesspit of a board?

>> No.10765080

Tomb Raider has a wild amount of custom levels, with new ones uploaded weekly. You can never run out of classic TR. Someone uploaded a level today about the VCI Labs https://trcustoms.org/levels

>> No.10765084

you use the evil skidoo later in the level to shoot the two skidooers down

>> No.10765090


everyone should watch these they are really helpful for speeding up your play. the walk to running jump tip has changed my play a lot

>> No.10765107

Thanks for this. I'll save these for when I start achievement hunting since I like figuring things out as I go during first playthroughs

>> No.10765229
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I'm watching this Finnish speedrunner, who supposedly holds some world records, doing his first blind playthrough of Sabatu and it's infuriating because on one hand he's just breezing through the difficult jumps and avoiding split second traps like they're nothing but on the other hand he gets completely destroyed by basic puzzles he doesn't already know, instead of just slowing down and paying attention he's just stubbornly trying to brute force them like a complete retard, even his chat kept calling him out. Speedrunner brainrot is so odd.


>> No.10765371
File: 44 KB, 514x536, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas, please save me two hours of browsing the archive and tell me, now that the remasters are out, what is the definitive version of these games to play?
At some point this board convinced me to download some Polish release of these games on PC, but I also remember lots of people saying the PS1 version on an emulator is the way to do it, since it's the only version with proper water effects or something?

Also, controller or keyboard?

>> No.10765450

Once Remastered is patched, probably that one. Until then: TR1X, TR2Main, TOMB3, TOMB3, TOMB5 gives you the most content, but not every PlayStation specific effect is always ported over, though most usually are. The TR1X guy is also working on TR2X, so there's that as well.

>> No.10765482

What's the deal with the patch. I kept seeing mentions on /v/.
And thanks for the tip.

>> No.10765572

Long story short, deadlines meant that certain graphical affects weren't finished for system wide release. Epic store version accidentally shipped with an in progress patch which should be released this month. You can find epic vs steam videos on YouTube to see the difference. They're pretty substantial in places such as showing moving water and fixing lighting issues.

>> No.10765628

Oh, but that's just for the remade graphics, right? I kind of prefer the old look, so I wanted to play with that turned on.

>> No.10765635

You can do that as well if you want to go straight in. Classic is fine.

>> No.10765648

What about controls? IS gamepad mostly better?

>> No.10765685

Remastered features the PlayStation quick switch shortcuts so as good as PlayStation there. Also some moves from 2 and 3 got back ported, but those are on fan ports as well. If you want no nonsense, the remastered will likely be the definitive versions in the end.

>> No.10765989

I swear, Sabatu's levels are all better than the originals, but the first section in Peru, the complete overhaul on those levels is just beyond amazing.

>> No.10766017

100%, Peru benefits the most and I want even more, such a joy to rediscover it like this, it gives me such a TR3 India/SP vibe. Peru is more outdoorsy so it's quite suitable to opening it up and the original was still tutorial mode so it had a lot of unexplored potential, whereas by comparison Greece already had bold level design concepts and remain more indoorsy so less room for him to go nuts, so it's more about finding ways to twist them up rather than fully reinventing them.

>> No.10766031

Yeah, they aren't built to think on the fly, they just memorize. Just think back to what happened to Cosmo.

>> No.10766681
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>> No.10766768

>do you guys actually having fun?
No anon, we play it because it's bad and we're not having fun.

>> No.10767405

It's so over without the buddyposter

>> No.10767581

am I really that important? you guys can continue making the threads without me, I know you can

>> No.10767584

the only reason I didn't make a thread today on /v/ was to observe how much traffic this general receives

>> No.10767732

I just reached the Lost Library, how far am I in TR4? 1/3?

>> No.10767786

I never heard of this source port. Is it better than openlara?

>> No.10767798

Yes, open Lara just gained more traction because of the GBA port.

>> No.10768296

Lost Library is around the halfway point in TR4

>> No.10769198
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>> No.10769292
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>> No.10769416

I own a GOG version of the TR games. How do I apply the nude patch?

>> No.10769495

Holy shit does this work?

>> No.10769510

The Mother 3 info was the actual joke.

>> No.10769896

Nailed it. The locations are also usually gorgeous. It's not just abstract shit like in Mario. They tried to make it look like real places at least somewhat.

It's a comfy series in general, at least the old school ones. Climbing, shooting at rare animals and stealing valuable artifacts from niggers. Whats not to like?

>> No.10769913

Holy shit, that's a lot of levels

>> No.10770089

I like this place more desu, /v/ was just too many idiots trying to troll and annoy people who just wanted to talk about TR1-6

>> No.10770246

i'm not even halfway through yet the lost library is my least favourite stage in any tomb raider already. complete cancer

>> No.10770267
File: 425 KB, 657x398, trapdoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck was i supposed to know this? maybe the forced tutorial could have taught this?? fuck this game

>> No.10770363

That's the power of a good and simple level editor

>> No.10770801

does anyone else find the wording "modern controls" disrespectful? as if the original ones be "dated"? it should be renamed free movement. hell, map "modern" controls to the analogue stick and the original to the d pad instead of putting it in the menu.

>> No.10770890

Was annoyed by how hard it is to see pickups in the remaster, went back to play the OGs while waiting for the patch and now I see even Core made the same mistake with TR3 when they 'upgraded' the graphics engine, pretty funny. At least you have flares.

>> No.10770895

Modern controls also does silly things like making crouch and sprint toggles. I don't get it.

>> No.10770906

For some reason the ps1 game didn't show the items you picked up in the corner. The demo for 3 still had it.
Also TR2 also had hard to see items on purpose which the remaster made visible.

>> No.10770934
File: 2.48 MB, 2560x1440, TR1X 2024-03-06 22-36-18 original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair they do blindsight on occasion

>> No.10770951 [DELETED] 


>> No.10770968
File: 83 KB, 903x704, 1701851347768207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's up


All Games:
>Added missing HD textures
>Updated textures under ladders to no longer be impacted by camera movement
>Updated lighting in certain dimly lit areas
>Resolved textures that would occasionally disappear depending on camera positioning
>Reworked pickup items in dimly lit locations to be more visible

Tomb Raider I:
>Fixed image sizes so paintings were no longer cropped in Lara’s Home
>Resolved partial missing door in the Egypt level
>Updated textures on key pickups to be more visible
>Updated lava textures to not be transparent when viewed at certain angles

Tomb Raider II:
>Resolved a crash that would occur in the Home Sweet Home level
>Updated hitbox for spiders in the The Great Wall level
>Updated misplaced secrets in Golden Mask levels
>Snowmobile no longer rides backwards when firing in Modern Controls
>Updated door handles to include proper textures in Diving Area level
>Updated HD molten gold texture in the Kingdom level
>Updated snow camouflage in HD mode in The Cold War level

Tomb Raider III:
>Updated quicksand textures in HD mode
>Waterfall no longer disappears when switching the levels in the control room of Nevada Desert
>Gem is now visible in the Furnace of the Gods level
>Secret level All Hallows now triggers properly
>Skybox details are now visible in HD mode at beginning of Shakespeare Cliff

>> No.10771524

Yeah, a hybrid mode like that would be great. I want fluid controls on analog stick, but keep precision on dpad.

>> No.10771536

>still no level select
>HD textures for the shotgun in TR3 are still the generic pump action with wooden furniture

Unplayable garbage-trash.

>> No.10771607

Do you even know what modern means?

>> No.10771613

TR4: PC or duckstation and why?

>> No.10771623

PC, simply because of the loading times.

>> No.10771632
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TOMB4 on for the exclusive expansion.

>> No.10771636

I dont really mind that

isn't that just a shitty level? not even made by phil, right?

I should have asked: which is best in terms of atmosphere and lighting, because 3 is better on PS1

>> No.10771642

who designed the times?

>> No.10771692

TOMB3 and TOMB4 seem pretty close to PlayStation. Sorry for the random Polish man.

>> No.10771776

>isn't that just a shitty level? not even made by phil, right?

It's actually better than most of the levels in the full game.

>> No.10771805
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>> No.10771807
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>> No.10771810

Eh, close enough.

>> No.10771825

Duck has some flickering texture and some warping here and there even with PGXP
PC still has shit draw distance of PS1 for some reason
PC skybox in the last screen also looks worse in-game
Duck has better contrast even if lighting looks more crude, PC looks washed out
Duck has some cropped borders because it uses a custom aspect ratio
PC probably faster loading into cutscenes

>> No.10771967

Emulation also incurs a bit of input lag, so that's also a factor.

>> No.10771990
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x2160, 1697091662833872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really bummed out, I can't decide which version to choose. PC definitely feels smoother to play but I prefer PS1 visuals.

>> No.10772057

You should learn English before questioning other people. This post is abhorrent.

>> No.10772270

The tomb4main patch fixes bugs and add visuals from the psx version.

>> No.10772283

That's what I'm using in those screenshots. It doesn't change the lighting. It just has some minor tweaks like making Lara's shadow or the HUD more PS1-like.

>> No.10772309

Just needed to turn off "volumetric fx" in the setup launcher.

>> No.10772759

the point i couldn't kill the turret and had to look in a guide and find out that only the revolver can kill them and not the crossbow was the moment i gave up on trying to do the game walkthroughless

>> No.10773345

idk why I have shitload of aliasing in TR4 but none in TR3
only way to get rid of it in TR4 is enabling filtering but it looks like ass

>> No.10773357

What are you using to play 4?

>> No.10773360

tomb4 in op + tried dgvoodoo and reshade

>> No.10773363

You can't force msaa?

>> No.10773569

Modern controls seem usable now.
They certainly make the combat centric sections in Unfinished Business decently fun. And you know what, even the platforming has become exciting again, since the level design isn't Sabatu tier at all.

>> No.10773573

forced msaa 8x in dgv but still looks bad in-game
oh well, "lookin' good"

>> No.10773578

Why not use virtual super resolution and play at 8k or whatever?

>> No.10773828

why has seemingly half of tr4 levels game-breaking bugs? in poseidon temple the pit didn't flood when i had placed the tridents, i had to look up a guide which told me to kill the skeletons of the level to fix it. jesus

>> No.10775220

So now that Saber is splitting from Embracer, and Aspyr realised a shit remaster of Battlefront 1/2, does our girl Lara still have a chance at 4-AoD Remaster?

>> No.10775368

Who knows, the remasters are not off the table still. The Saber CEO had said that they will be working closely with Aspyr on some "current and upcoming" projects. Whatever that means. Also, allegedly (the source is TR Forums, so they might be biased), the Embracer CEO is quite satisfied with how the remasters turned out, both in terms of sales and general buzz.

>> No.10775407

buy it again guys

>> No.10775427

I bought it 3 times already. What more do you want?

>> No.10775474

I'm starting Chronicles today. What am I in for? I heard it's short and easy and the settings, Ireland, Rome and Russia look fun. It can't be THAT bad?

>> No.10775484

You'll probably get bored, then ragequit when you run into a game-breaking bug in the VCI levels. I suggest looking up where to safely save before starting the final level, and find someone's backup save just in case.

>> No.10775493

It's a glorified expansion pack for TR4. Very short, quite half-assed, buggy and kinda tonally inconsistent. There are some decent ideas (Ireland and Russia are cool, I guess), but some other ideas (stealth sections and what not) are fucking abysmal.
It has this "just shove it out of the door" feel to it.

>> No.10775498
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>> No.10775615

she said "If I was you", it's WERE. they already botched her character, she's supposed to speak like an educated woman

>> No.10775747

how are you supposed to defeat the gargoyle heads in trajan markets? i used all my revolver shots, nothing happened, i reloaded and placed the two circles while using medpacks and got through

>> No.10775859 [DELETED] 

Duckstation version has no volumetric fog effects.

>> No.10775868

Duckstation version has no volumetric fog effects.

>> No.10775874

The boss? Just shoot it until it dies

>> No.10775878
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Yeah I got it, thanks. Didn't realize because you can only disable it via the setup (need to launch the exe by adding "-setup"), but not in in-game settings. I'll redo comparison screenshots later maybe.

The volumetric effects look terrible.

>> No.10775883

>The volumetric effects look terrible.
They don't, but feel free to use whatever cope you need to pretend the PS1 version is completely superior. Because, as we all know, there's around 3 screenshots that objectively look better than the PS1 version simply because of the volumetric effects, such as:
>hallway with the tree trunk and hole in ceiling
>pool area with statue spitting water
>swimming in the cramped corridor

>> No.10775915
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>> No.10776028

you can play as lara on a wheelchair on pc, so that wins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=805vzo8OZGo

>> No.10776037

The PS1 version is garbage, just play on PC

>> No.10776238

i just beat gallow's tree, will beat the rest tomorrow. so far chronicles is a great game. i don't get the hate at all. it's comfy

>> No.10776384

Dreamcast and Windows look the best.

>> No.10777235
File: 694 KB, 720x717, 1605625315158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some beers and forgot saving halfway through opera house and now I fucking died at the very end

>> No.10777681

>woman driver moment


>> No.10777684
File: 137 KB, 300x300, 1679818727552225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will consider buying the remaster when it's on GOG

>> No.10777704



>> No.10777713
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>outsold by MSX Metal Gear

>> No.10777762
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>> No.10777779
File: 1017 KB, 1276x706, imps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the little imps are chronicles haters seething that i am playing and enjoying their worst enemy

>> No.10777784

You can like a game without going /v/-tier defensive

>> No.10777834


>> No.10778203

never mind VCI headquarters was a disaster holy shit. never touching that part again

>> No.10778343
File: 3.03 MB, 498x318, Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness Lara laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, there it is

>> No.10778452

Thinking about making a video defending all the worst levels for clicks. Give me your worst levels.

>> No.10778870

Are we supposed to move to here from /v/ then? Why not /vg/?

>> No.10779013
File: 567 KB, 720x763, 1683164581222979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flamethrower guy focuses me and i unavoidably get set on fire and die before the minecart even stops
>there's no fucking water anywhere to douse myself even if i had the crystals to spare
i fucking hate TR3 NG+

>> No.10779023

patch on good old downloads when

>> No.10779027
File: 18 KB, 916x143, 1692252127202176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good level set
lmao what if we made a bunch of levels just like the first half of natla's mines the most exciting TR1 level
>russian level
first level is good, rest of a clusterfuck of backtracking and a dumbfuck, short as hell swimming level
>VCI headquarters
more like Red Text Alert lmao

>> No.10779061

>clusterfuck of backtracking

palace of midas is regarded as one of the best levels ever and has a ton of backtracking for players who don't know or forgot the sequence. both the levels in the submarine are fun as hell.

>> No.10779092

Rome is fine but too short. It's over before you even realize it. I agree with the others though, and despise vent crawling outside of stealth games.

>> No.10779115 [DELETED] 

>I've asked GOG for a refund since I could not agree to the legal agreement that the game tries to force onto you before it even lets you get to the menu. I can't agree to it. The developer wants you to waive all your rights and have a say in how you do or don't mod or use the game.

>For a DRM free release this is completely unacceptable, and you cannot use the game unless you agree.

lol. I will say one thing, though. The EULA should probably be put up for the purchaser to read before they decide to buy, especially if it's saying what I think that user's implying.

>> No.10779351

/vg/ is really gay and weeb, /vr/ has retro autists who sometimes post cool TR stuff

>> No.10779419
File: 1.15 MB, 1119x819, 1707347403785610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah the patch did THIS???
it's like a whole new game

>> No.10780587

Who is the king of the TR fandom? GFrom, Steve of Warr, Troye, XProger or Sabatu? Stella's the queen obviously

>> No.10780591

Footi is another contender for the throne

>> No.10780629


>> No.10780647

i'm thinking based

>> No.10780650

>he even voiced it
That's dedication

>> No.10780653

man tomb raider is a lot better with health bars. i can't count the amount of times i thought an enemy were invincible because i couldn't tell whether i did damage

>> No.10780657
File: 60 KB, 196x200, Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 06-25-05 GOG Games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no updated installer from gog-games
Yeah, I know I should buy it...

>> No.10780726

>the Embracer CEO is quite satisfied with how the remasters turned out, both in terms of sales and general buzz.
Get ready for more AI slop. I guess we wouldn't get the rest if these didn't sell well. We were doomed either way.

>> No.10780769

>he's still here
Are you paid by CD or what?

>> No.10780801
File: 381 KB, 1270x708, andeancaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this level lived up to the hype of sabatu fr fr. beautiful and decently challenging, although i got through without using a medpack. but i only have three small ones right now

>> No.10780975
File: 246 KB, 1337x695, villageof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you're stuck when you keep finding secrets instead of progressing the level

>> No.10781016

>deaths 2
damn gg

>> No.10781142

If Lara Croft were such a huge cultural icon in the 90s more known than the Pope, how come the Simpsons never had a reference to her? Was she only a star in Europe?

>> No.10781351
File: 1.66 MB, 2560x2872, tomb123 2024-03-16 19-03-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TR2 has too much bullshit combat
>TR1 Unifinished Business: Hold My Beer
Should I skip?

>> No.10781386

The Simpsons were about American culture first and foremost.

>> No.10781461
File: 702 KB, 1305x674, trsabatuqualopec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally beat Peru. I only used one medpack and have like fifteen small ones and five big ones, but I saved a little over a hundred times. Yeah...

Can't wait to continue tomorrow.

You should skip, leap and jump through the obstacles through those two amazing Tomb Raider experiences

>> No.10781535

Just started TR4. What do the enhancements linked at the top of this thread do? Should I play those rather than the vanilla steam version?

>> No.10781638

widescreen with proper aspect ratio
bug fixes
increased draw distance
new settings menu with lots of options
ammo counter
added support for the "times" level

I died way more than you lol
I'm clumsy and easily lose patience so a lot of stupid deaths
how "experienced" are you?

>> No.10781759

I'm also waiting for good old downloads patch and I'm growing impatient
maybe it has something to do with the fact that the patch is basically the weight of the whole game

>> No.10781794

i died a lot of times too but i always reload before the death is recorded

>> No.10781810
File: 2.24 MB, 2560x2876, tomb123 2024-03-16 18-57-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting annoyed by the lack of soul in the visuals. If it wasn't for 120 fps I would just stick to original.

>> No.10781814

Replaying Chronicles, I genuinly enjoyed Ireland and Russia.

>> No.10781823

how do you find the patched modern controls?

>> No.10781824

Give it a shot, but if it wrecks your flow skip it and come back later. It is rather short.

>> No.10781904

Enjoyable. Combat is much better and platforming is a nice change of pace. I like zooming around, not overly relying on the backstep method.

>> No.10782472
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I have a lot of reservations about TR3 so far, but this was kino

>> No.10782482

The Atlantis portion of UB is more combat heavy, worth pushing through for Temple of the Cat.

>> No.10783025
File: 1.31 MB, 2560x2880, tomb123 2024-03-17 11-27-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too happy about this fucking room. Silently opening a door after picking up a specific shotgun shell? Savescumming me got stuck for 10 minutes before looking it up.
fine I'll do it

>> No.10783118

what kind of psychopath doesn't pick up everything he sees before thinking?

>> No.10783129

The whole level has been teaching you to not pick up 2 shells, because you will use 3 and a medkit.
I still finished the Atlanta section with 2k uzi ammo and 75 shotgun shells which have been taken away from me for egypt.
I'm annoyed.

>> No.10783160

Can you get the no medkit achievement with New Game+? I'm planning to do a masochist run at some point.

>> No.10783187

If you didn't play through new game + with no medkits, pistols only, and no saving, you didn't beat the game.

>> No.10783213

i managed to do sabatu guideless until the beginning of francis folly. then i walked around for like half an hour and thought that the game was bugged, until i looked up a video and saw i was supposed to walk on the pillars that had a circle texture underneath. god i hate myself

>> No.10783219

Same here anon, don't feel bad. It's very awkwardly designed. You're supposed to recognize the sound but it's not obvious at all and it's goofy logic.

>> No.10783287
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but footi figured it out instantly. at least he was stuck for 13 minutes trying to find the passage in the wall

>> No.10783323

I thought it had something to do with the cracks in the floor and jumped onto them in different orders.
In hindsight it's a good puzzle

>> No.10783353
File: 449 KB, 1258x701, sabatuthor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this HAS to be a bug. i refuse to accept he put a fucking floating pushable block in the game.

>> No.10783364

Sabutu's level tend to be buggy at occasions, this one didn't happen for me

>> No.10783396
File: 392 KB, 1271x693, sabatubugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i loaded an earlier save, unlocked the door again and the block is still glitched. how do i activate moonjump?

>> No.10783407

Open the TR1X.json5 and enable cheats.
I just skipped the level.

>> No.10783426

i activated the fly cheat, how do i get back on the ground??

>> No.10783427

never mind just pressed the walk button. now i can play the game again!

>> No.10783431

how do you fly?

>> No.10783432

I posted about this earlier yeah it's a bug, use fly cheat

>> No.10783469
File: 478 KB, 1268x684, sabatuatlasjump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you supposed to do this jump? i tried the blue one for like five minutes until i gave up, then i managed to do the red one by not holding jump whilst running, but pressing it at the latest moment instead, did i discover a trick?
i typed D O whilst having enabled cheats

>> No.10783476

>how are you supposed to do this jump? i tried the blue one for like five minutes until i gave up, then i managed to do the red one by not holding jump whilst running, but pressing it at the latest moment instead, did i discover a trick?
I did the red one, but I don't know what you mean by "discover a trick", jumping at the very last step is a pretty common move and there are earlier jumps that require the same logic, no?

>typed D O
What is "D O" supposed to be? I just took a guess and typed "fly" in the command and it worked lol.

>> No.10783489
File: 312 KB, 1271x693, follyof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the levels of all time. can't believe it took me three hours

>> No.10783492

i mean usually you start running whilst holding down the button, but i think that if you press it on the edge instead she can leap further. i looked up the cheat and it said i needed to type "dozy", but she began swimming after d and o

>> No.10783557
File: 1.11 MB, 600x336, 1693426774989250.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, congrats. Between the puzzle and the bug, it took me forever as well.
Also that hallway with all the boulders was brutal.

Yes, it's weird you're just now figuring this one out because it feels to me like there were other jumps earlier that required the same type of "on the edge" logic.

I've always done the hardest jumps by manually pressing on the last step instead of always holding it down and it's just internalized reaction without me even realizing it, so I can't be more precise. I'm just surprised you got this far without realizing it?

What you're saying is bothering me so I tried it just now. And you can do it by holding down jump, BUT you have to press grab at the very last moment (like you can't even see it on the webm). So there are at least 2 ways of doing it.

But it's counter-intuitive, isn't she supposed to jump further when extending her arms instead of the opposite? Holy shit, there are still mechanical subtleties to these games I'm struggling to fully grasp. Maybe a speedrun anon can explain better.

Holding jump down in both jumps here in the webm, only difference is when she grabs.

>> No.10783603

>perhaps it's time to migrate back here
nigger you just clicked a link, it's not like you're traveling to a new continent. what's with you retards thinking this is a big move or something?

>> No.10783634

Are they all hostile in NG+?

>> No.10783670
File: 333 KB, 1264x691, coliseum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn cool webm

coliseum blew me away. biggest glow up thus far

>> No.10783696
File: 3.85 MB, 1280x720, TR3 Ledge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the Remaster fixed this ledge?
Apparently you're just supposed to hold on at the last millisecond.

>> No.10783701

millions were filtered

>> No.10783839

that's how it was in vanilla
you're supposed to land on it?
there's a similar part in tr2

>> No.10784104
File: 537 KB, 1265x693, sabatumidasboulder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you to whomever made that webm of this part in trials of midas, i dodged the boulder because of you <3

>> No.10784112

how about the second one

>> No.10784171
File: 310 KB, 1333x689, sabatutrials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i just find all the secrets of this giant level by myself first try? never mind my failure in the folly, i'm a tomb raider god.

>> No.10784172

You don't even need to dive. Pretty sure I just jumped on it.

>> No.10785282


>> No.10785352
File: 585 KB, 500x725, lara_with_popcorn_by_larahcroft91_deviantart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still alive, buddies?

>> No.10785550
File: 680 KB, 858x479, tr2snowleos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so strange how much tr4 actually regressed, it's like they took two steps forward two steps back.
>corpses disappear immediately
>ammo counter gone
>retarded cluttered menu
>lara doesn't say no when faced with an interactable object without the correct item, making players not know where to use the item they get later
>that flare glitch speedrunners use to skip the whole game
>all the damn bugs

>> No.10785564

>you can't back up in the vehicles
the jeep and bike felt absolutely horrendous because of this change. it made the vehicles go from a fun distraction to an extreme chore

>> No.10785575

You can back up with the bike but it's horrid slow and you can't steer I think.

>> No.10785581

the bike up-backing makes lara climbing sideways look like a shinkansen

>> No.10785595
File: 2.04 MB, 2560x2876, tomb123 2024-03-17 20-37-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some changes are nice.

>> No.10785665
File: 215 KB, 664x594, sabatushadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just exploring at my own pace
>suddenly shadow starts appearing

>> No.10785765

>corpses disappear immediately
That was good thing because sometimes you would be unable to see if the enemy dropped something.

>> No.10785771
File: 352 KB, 1322x733, sabatucistern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 of 5 secrets first try. MENSA here I come

>> No.10785784

>still no GOG patch


>> No.10785789

I'm here but this thread is dead as fuck

>> No.10785910
File: 485 KB, 3164x3164, Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness Lara denim shadow render by HenrysArts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think, buddy?
should i go back to making /v/ threads? will we be able to keep them alive?

>> No.10785916
File: 585 KB, 1205x685, sabatupierreboob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um... pierre is supposed to drop the key, even in sabatu's version, nón? did i find another bug??

>> No.10785921

yup i did. fuck. he didn't even say his iconic quote.

>> No.10786024

I'm game, trouble is they tend to surprise-die.

>> No.10786054
File: 1.28 MB, 819x1200, Angry Lara by Puczkosia on deviantart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's the issue, and unfortunately i don't have too much time anymore to monitor them so they're going to die early for sure...

>> No.10786068

yeah bumping doesn't work unless you get a new ip

>> No.10786328

Even though the controls are better, the quad bike sections have been ass as well. Interestingly the Kayak has been the most fun so far if you don't count the flying UPV (have they fixed that?).

>> No.10786334
File: 278 KB, 1125x690, sabaturuinslever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lever in ruins of khamoon looks oddly placed lol

>> No.10786394

>soulless gas

>> No.10786397

I've always wondered why supposedly dark caves get brighter at distance in some games like Skyrim. It's looks so shit.

>> No.10786409
File: 346 KB, 1307x687, sabaturuinskha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe how big this stage was. it felt like four barkhang monasteries together

>> No.10786503
File: 41 KB, 800x450, 1698633164920056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good progress anon, I took a break after Midas but I'll be back later... go on without me

>> No.10786910


damn, there are people whose full job is studying Tomb Raider Last Revelation lore

>> No.10786991
File: 482 KB, 1281x678, sabatutwoweeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sabatu created Peru in under two weeks? What the actual hell? Some of the best level design I've ever seen in a game (I've played over 300) just casually put together in half a month. And the whole last level in just a day.

Honestly because of people like this I don't respect game developers who bitch about "crunch".

>> No.10787065

Impressive. I wonder if he planned some stuff ahead though, what impressed me most is it's actually thoughtful and makes good use of deeper mechanics/gameplay subtleties.

>> No.10787329
File: 70 KB, 1192x670, gamer_grill_lara_croft_angel_of_darkness_by_hokubabe_deviantart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's been making levels since 2013 i believe? so it sort of makes sense, but still
he's definitely a cut above the rest

>> No.10787712

Any chance this collection gets a physical release?

>> No.10787986
File: 155 KB, 358x284, tr2wasitgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up.


>> No.10788401
File: 448 KB, 1313x707, sabatuobe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be autistic as fuck
>put my one working earphone (the other broke) in my mouth in full rage at the flower room in the end of this level requiring the most precise jumps possible
>after like 15 minutes of struggle i get through, take out earphone and it's soaked wet in spit, can barely hear sound through it anymore.

>> No.10788447

>be a kid
>have all the time in the world
like that

>> No.10788610

I want original camera with remaster graphics.

>> No.10788614

Holy fuck, Thames Wharf was miserable with remaster lighting... there was this part in the last big empty pool where flares did not illuminate the place AT ALL, and you couldn't see the ceiling grate to grab on unless you turned old gfx on...

>> No.10788773

I enjoyed Tomb Riader 2, but I really think the underwater/rig section felt rushed. They should have added another level between you getting the Seraph and Lara going back to the rig to steal a helicopter. it's a shame the rig/ship section was so short!

>> No.10788801

>calls out the AI textures
i'm thinking based.

>> No.10789101
File: 503 KB, 1486x793, 1703249045442706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10789110

buy an ad

>> No.10789147

i just skipped through bits of it, he calls xian the second best level, what's his first?

>> No.10789170
File: 344 KB, 1145x668, sabatuslideblock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst mistake of my life

>> No.10789173

the 'stery of course

>> No.10789203

Ugh... Hate it. Is it better than original?

>> No.10789260
File: 272 KB, 1317x687, laralava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Erm, did I just walk on lava? Is that a thing I can do now? That just happened!
it's far far bigger. honestly i'm kinda over how every level in this game has to be a two hour long treck, mines used to be a comfy break from the action in the original, it had pacing, here it's the same thing again. the level design is good, it just doesn't go well as a package...

>> No.10789332
File: 295 KB, 1317x680, sabatumines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this level would never end jesus fucking christ. i'm worrying that the last two levels will be four hour gauntlets each and that i will need two days to finish this

>> No.10789684

Egypt makes no sense, in TR1 they are under the Atlantean Occupation Government, mummies are just wrapped up flesh monsters. In TR4 it's the usual Egypt with gods and mystical enemies. Wtf my immersion

>> No.10790569

it's called Natla Technologies dummy

>> No.10790804

I must be shadowbanned on /v/, whenever I make a thread it just drops straight to page 10, none of the replies bump it.

>> No.10790982
File: 166 KB, 460x600, tomb-raider-2-artwork-lara-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, the same thing happens to me
the problem is that nobody posts in them and is unfortunately one of the two reasons why i stopped making them on /v/ - the other reason being a lack of time

i've failed you buddy, just like i've failed the rest of my larabros

>> No.10791008
File: 453 KB, 1079x1322, 1710949206847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> still barefoot outufits left undone
What's taking so long? I want to do my barefoot only run already.

>> No.10791032

That's why I need to take breaks... And I don't like Atlantis

It's OK buddy poster, I think everyone is just burned out from playing too much in the past few weeks

>> No.10791120

we had daily threads that reached bump limit for a month, that's way more than I had expected from /v/
obviously most people aren't going to be playing TR for much longer than that

>> No.10791161
File: 225 KB, 530x475, natlastack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl... natla's stack is a lot bigger than lara's

>> No.10791202
File: 1.13 MB, 989x737, sabatutr1end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10791210

It's easier to understand once you realize they're more like puzzle games than action games. You know that when you press a button, your character moves 4 grid spaces in that direction and two up. You try to figure out the sequence of correct moves to get where you want.
Manic Miner was the first game of this kind.
Tomb Raider is basically a willyvania.

>> No.10791230

i think i've solved tomb raider in my brain, i only got stuck thrice in this whole playthrough, in the start of the folly with the pillars, and the two bugs i encountered. i feel unstoppable. time to celebrate with frozen pizza

>> No.10791343

Pretty sure she's barefoot in the nude mod

>> No.10791412

>i think i've solved tomb raider in my brain
it just began...

>> No.10791417
File: 5 KB, 194x259, sojanøytral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are over 3k levels on the site

>> No.10791424

it's not over until you've completed all of them anon... you're not some kind of casual are you

>> No.10791459
File: 51 KB, 772x1024, 1708777763166266m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to cuck me so bad bros

>> No.10791471

Tasteless anon.

>> No.10791482

Why would she go adventuring barefoot? It makes no sense!

>> No.10791490

She lost them downstream and they're gone forever now.

>> No.10791503

She should just take off her boots when she goes swimming, and only get them back if she passes by that spot again. Same with her shorts though, that's what her leotard is for.

>> No.10791508

Man, Pokemon Arceus tech for swimming would be perfect.

>> No.10791549


am i coomer if i play levels just to flirt with level builders...?

>> No.10791558

Those pictures all look like they're from the 90s

>> No.10791574
File: 2 KB, 90x126, Kya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10791583
File: 31 KB, 89x127, misskroft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.10791716
File: 1.20 MB, 1306x617, legiovictrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to start this set from 2008, it's supposedly extremely difficult, but the creator seems high IQ, he is (was?) an Italian Latin teacher so I know I'm in for sovl and kino

>> No.10791731

You're in for gaudiness, retardery, and terrible taste. In fact it's already clear from the screenshots.

>> No.10791747
File: 1004 KB, 1270x760, legioseagirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started, it opened with a opening view of the ship, and as soon as I got control of Lara I had to shoot a couple of vultures with my Ice Gaze with unlimited magic ammo. Wtf is this outfit lmao

>> No.10791782
File: 108 KB, 247x387, laralegio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patrician outfit

>> No.10791784

Yep, checks out

>> No.10791857
File: 1.04 MB, 1277x761, legioshipinside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after a mandatory fake grab and an almost perfect timed run, i made it to the captain's room, and opera music started playing...

>> No.10792018
File: 70 KB, 1072x187, eric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is halfway through kek

>> No.10792118

that can be arranged

>> No.10793365


>> No.10793686
File: 973 KB, 700x392, 1690060562110992.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lara trying to bump the thread

>> No.10793950

it's crazy how patient tomb raider makes you. i just replayed sonic 1 and it felt like it went by like lightning, marble and labyrinth zone felt like peanuts compared to the hour long treks of TR. i think even my platforming improved

>> No.10794047
File: 510 KB, 1920x1080, TR1 Score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally beat 1 for the first time

Thoughts? I think it's not too bad. I just wasn't autistic enough to get all secrets.

>> No.10794209

that's great i couldn't find nearly as many. you'll have no trouble with 3 and 4's obscurities

>> No.10794243

There are so many literal boomers playing these that it's kind of surprising

>> No.10794284

Only missing New Game+ achievement for 2 and I'll be completely done with everything except 3, already dreading how this run is going to go.

>> No.10794402

The key is to use 'look' as much as possible. You need to have complete awareness of every room you are in and scan everything for potential blind spots.

>> No.10794572

How is the remastered trilogy?
Is it better than just buying the original trilogy on GOG?

>> No.10794584


>> No.10794602

Yes. I'd just pirate the gog versions afterwards for more level packs and such.

>> No.10794774

Accidentally bought TR Anniversary because I got it mixed up with the remasters. Realized my mistake too late but I figured I might as well keep playing. I'm in Egypt. Combat is bland and the QTEs suck but I'm enjoying the rest of the game so far. I hear it made a lot of changes to the levels so hopefully it won't feel too repetitive playing the original after this.

>> No.10794836

based retard

>> No.10795169

>so hopefully it won't feel too repetitive playing the original after this.
the originals are a totally different ball game, fren

>> No.10795827
File: 99 KB, 1192x670, negotations_tomb_raider_angel_of_darkness_lara_by_hokubabe_deviantart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10796029

I wish there could be a team that branches off made of people who actually love the classic TR games and will continue to build on the original game's story and gameplay style. At this point, I don't think anyone would even care if there are two versions of Lara. Look at all of the capeshit stuff normies eat up, with all of the retarded alternate universes

>> No.10796808
File: 147 KB, 1192x670, home_sweet_home_angel_of_darkness_lara_s_dino_collection_by_hokubabe_deviantart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it frustrates me that things like this even happen
i just wish that newer creators wouldn't change the source material entirely

>> No.10797325
File: 513 KB, 2880x3600, Tomb Raider 5 Lara portrait render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10797531

In Natla's Mines now. Still mostly enjoy it but damn the controls are kinda jank. Sometimes when Lara is on a pole and you press jump she'll jump forwards through it instead of backwards away from it. She'll regularly land on the edge of some platform and slip off it half a second later if you don't move her forward. You can hold the stick in one direction and start doing side flips and at some point she'll randomly decide to flip the exact opposite direction.

>> No.10797630

mediocre games

>> No.10797710

Mediocre games are more engaging anon. Hyper polish ruins games.

>> No.10798571

Never had that happen. Controls aren't precise like the originals but that's the case for any game that uses an analog stick.

>> No.10798860
File: 40 KB, 624x468, Level10_Obelisk_Khamoon_image066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of those might be a PC only thing, or something to go my machine specifically, I guess.
There were also a few moments when Lara failed to interact with some ledge or platform correctly. I particularly remember one of the blance poles or whatever you'd call them in Egypt, the one with the crushing walls trap (pic related). If I tried to jump on it just before the walls opened up, I would land on it but immediately slip off, and not in the "press the action button to balance yourself" kind of way. I guess because it wasn't visible at the time the game didn't fully recognize it as something you could jump onto.
Anyway, I finished it now. Janky in parts but still decent. Will play some other game for now and check out the remasters once I finish it.