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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10772741 No.10772741 [Reply] [Original]

What are your go-to mindless games? Games you load up on your handheld when you're watching something or talking on the phone?
I've been using Umihara Kawase, but I'm sick of it. I used to use Castlevania, but it's too hard.

>> No.10772757

What multitasking sorcery are you talking about?
When I watch something, I watch something. Games later.

>> No.10772764

How can you possibly be sufficiently stimulated by your average retro platformer or whatever to not need a YouTube video or a podcast in the background?

>> No.10772768
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>Games you load up on your handheld when you're watching something or talking on the phone?

What the fuck? Absolutely disgusting. Stick to shovelware mobile phone games if you want to do this, do not teint retro games with these filthy playing practices.

>> No.10772771
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Mario, Tetris, Donkey Kong, usually whatever I can find and play in a few minutes on this thing or my Brick Game handheld if it's light enough

Not him. I only do it when waiting for something to load

>> No.10772773
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Elasto Mania

>> No.10772775


>> No.10772776

I’ll shiny hunt in Pokémon usually

>> No.10772787

To elaborate further, generally I beat a game first before I shift it into mindless mode. So it's mostly games with satisfying movement that I play this way, never anything that involves reading or puzzle solving.
>Genesis sonic
>Streets of rage 2
>snes Aladdin
>Super Mario Bros 3 and SMW
Sometimes I try to use harder games in this fashion, but they don't work as well. The difficulty makes them more distracting.

>> No.10772791

You can play cartridge rerelease on easy mode.

>> No.10772810

Maybe by playing games that are better than your average retro platformer?
For that matter, he probably listens to stuff that's better than your average YouTube video or podcast.

>> No.10772831

>or talking on the phone?
A friend of mine does this to me and I have to constantly repeat what I'm saying because he's distracted by his game. It's super annoying and I barely call him anymore

>> No.10773437

Lately it's been pinball - galactic pinball on that new vb emulator for 3ds, and jaki/devil crush on pce. I like pinball but the wait time after losing a ball kills me. Listening to a podcast is perfect because it helps me stay calm with the pacing.

A grindy rpg is good too if you dont need to read too much fucking retarded plot

>> No.10774817

Try Umihara Kawase Shun, it's a lot deeper than the first one.

>> No.10774824

Liero, C-Dogs...
fuck off >>>/v/tards

>> No.10774920

Beat it already. I prefer the first one, Shun feels sluggish.

>> No.10774932

Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed.

>> No.10774979

Squablo thumplo: tibia under woltyty

>> No.10774995

>Games you load up on your handheld when you're watching something or talking on the phone?
wtf? people do that?

>> No.10775110

maybe it's like an ADHD thing or something, some people got weird buzzy brains

>> No.10775129

OP, are you seriously asking us for a digital fidget spinner? Just search Amazon for "fidget toys adults" and you'll see how strongly the market has you covered already, without any need for video game involvement.

Or, like, just play one of the eight billion match-3 puzzles that have descended from Candy Crush. Or any other tap-a-lot-to-win cellphone game. There are SO MANY of them. And it's not like Candy Crush is an especially bad game. You really don't need to be dragging poor Umihara or Simon Belmont into this attention management problem of yours.

>> No.10775131

Tetris. Alternatively: Seek ADHD medication.

>> No.10775164

I refuse to believe you fags are too old to do the multitasking thing that every single zoomer and Gen alph does by default.
>low intensity media like twitch streams
>audio only media like podcasts or YouTube essays
>rewatches of good shows because you don't want to sit through shitty ones
All appropriate situations to play a platformer or something else without dialogue in the foreground.

>> No.10775167

What's the purpose of creating this entire environment of shit you aren't paying attention to and don't care about when you can just focus on one thing worth your time? The only time I ever recall doing this is when I used to work a shit office job and would have to sit on pointless company calls for hours a day, I'd just play a basic game and keep my ears open for my name. But even then I was frankly 90% focused on the game. I'm 29 if that matters

>> No.10775173

I leave this board because it's so shit, come back, and this is the first thread I see lol

and of course, thank you for making me wait a whole minute for no reason to post Hiro AND then make me do retarded captcha. What a shitty website.

>> No.10775198

This is fucking mental. It's not that we oldfags aren't able to do that, but that sounds like a dystopian midwit consumer hell, fucking Brave New World. And you're bragging about it?

>> No.10775201

>What?? You don't watch Twitch and Youtube video essays when playing games? That's impossible!
>I refuse to believe anyone here could be older than a zoomer!
Is this bait? What you described isn't normal. Or at least it wasn't until zoomers were born.

>> No.10775217

Imagine the genetic trash that typed this drivel out.

>> No.10776436

What's the point of playing videogames at all?
Most games have bad, generic, slow-paced stories, or no story at all. Rather than sitting there paying full attention to a big jumble of tropes and ideas you've already seen before a thousand times, you can put on something that's actually interesting, new, or at least satisfyingly well put together in the background and pay attention to that instead. When you do this, the game become about gameplay (the one thing they're good at) and you don't have to feel like you're wasting your time with drivel. But, generally, after a while you hone in on games with gameplay you actually like, and can play those games for a longer time span without getting sick of them.
I think this is genuinely a generational thing. Both my parents and my millenial roommates will sit there paying complete attention to a TV show they admit isn't very good, like they're waiting for it to get better. Whereas, people my own age are skeptical of media by default, and don't feel like we owe it to shitty stories to give them a chance. It probably comes from not being forced to watch whatever is on TV.

>> No.10776443

If something doesn't grip you enough that you need to drown yourself with other stimuli while engaging in it then it's not worth playing and you also have adhd. I would say kill yourself zoomer, but not even zoomers are this retarded.

>> No.10776452

The gameplay itself is good, it's just the story and tedium packaging it that sucks most of the time. And alternatively, once you've beaten a game once, playing it again and again without paying full attention to it is an effective way to keep enjoying it.

>> No.10776730

prepare yourself: if you are able to do other things while playing the game and still succeed, the gameplay is shit

>> No.10776782

So you don't like Sonic 1 & 2 or umihara kawase?

>> No.10776790

I can see certain games being suitable for listening to music or podcasts or something while playing, but I don't see it the other way around. How can you pay attention to a podcast or watch a TV show if you're focusing on a video game? Wouldn't you just block out the TV show or podcast after a while? You mentioned people giving full attention to bad TV shows, but why would you even bother watching a bad TV show to begin with?

>> No.10776827

I don't watch bad TV shows, I was just giving an example of a generation gap there. Though, if someone else makes me watch a bad show with them, I'll get on my phone or play a handheld game to tune it out.
The way I think of it with podcasts and video essays, when I'm playing a very reflexive game without a lot of reading, the "story" channels in my brain are still free. Especially with a game I've already beaten, filling this space with an audio narrative doesn't really impact my ability to play the game, except for very hard parts of the game, which I'll just pause the podcast for.
This doesn't work for more story heavy games, obv.

>> No.10777192

Good choices, except SNES Aladdin...wtf?

Everyone knows the Game Gear version is the best.

>> No.10778357
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I've spend more hours playing master league than I'd like to admit.

>> No.10778405

>Umihara Kawase

C'mon now. Literally one of the best platformers ever made unless you have ADHD and need retard-mode overstimulation. The level design and mechanics are god-tier, it's just a game of skill and patience rather than gay pomp and circumstance Sonicshit

>> No.10778441

I agree with the sentiment in this thread but I'll offer a suggestion. Go find an MMO to play that has long grinds and repetitive content like WoW or some shit.
I honestly cant see the point of using a game like Super Mario World in the way you describe. If I want to play Sonic or DKC or whatever I want to play that game I don't want or need a podcast or audio book playing.
But for an MMO where you are picking herbs for a few hours to get your skill up or some other situation then I can see the usefulness of something else going on.

>> No.10778628

>if someone else makes me watch a bad show with them, I'll get on my phone or play a handheld game to tune it out
is that what my zoomer nieces and nephews are doing when i show them stuff? they ask me about video games and cds in my collection but then i show them the game or play the album and in 15 seconds they have a phone out. they even watch youtube and tiktok with the volume on, while the game/music is on too. i thought they were just disrespectful shits with media-addled brains but is it simply them hating the game/music and being too afraid to admit it?

also i mostly play rpgs and grind a lot for fun and put on music sometimes if the bgm isn't great (tales games for example don't need help, but some old nes/famicom games do). i understand you a little bit but don't know how you can stand podcasts and video essays. i've never found a good one in all these years. they're all low effort with poor research, proclaim opinions as fact, are biased, and overmonetized+fake like 99% of youtube. wouldn't you have more fun listening to some jazz bands like miles davis or bill evans than getting some retard's propaganda shoved down your throat?

>> No.10778694

I listen to history podcasts and video game essays. The only current events podcasts I listen to are Blocked and Reported, Mad at the Internet, and JJ Mcullough, all of which are more about culture war drama than politics.
But I don't really listen to music and play videogames, since games have music anyway. Generally I listen to music while I'm reading or walking outside. I have a pretty much constant stream of podcasts and YouTube videos on otherwise. I also don't like discussion podcasts with a lot of dead air, I only listen to scripted stuff with a decently high information density.
It definitely makes me worse at games, but for this type of gameplay it's not about winning. That's why I usually save it for games I've already beaten.

>> No.10778697

Castlevanias, Contras, shmups, platformers, whatever. As long as its a game I've played before I can go on auto pilot. Often I can end up doing better on auto pilot then I do at times if I actually give effort. "Don't think, feel" is real, especially when playing shmups for me

>> No.10778714

tetris, super dodgeball, roguelikes, math riddles, etc...

>> No.10778920

lol, man you're rude.
You could always voice that you're no interested in stead of being a passive aggressive cunt sitting on your phone.

>> No.10779560

All vidya is mindless

>> No.10779982

Multitasking is for animals that need to survive in the wilderness. You're not an animal, you're a human being. Allow yourself to enjoy something without putting background noise on.

>> No.10780413

How about randomizer hacks? They often strip out the story and have QOL streamlining it so only pure gameplay remains.

>> No.10780420

Literally all of them, video games require almost no effort or thought.

>> No.10780616


>> No.10780617

end of discussion

>> No.10780701
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The concept in OP post is absolute ridiculous nonsense so I'll just interpret it as "what's your usual games to play for 5-10 minutes and relax".
And that would be any launch title for NES or early arcade port from that era.

I love booting myself some Ice Climber or Mappy to have a quick fun when I'm not in the mood to play something long.

Why is it vital for zoomers to consoom tons of information junk into their brain every minute is something I do not really understand, but I guess that's what's having always having internet on the go does to you.

>> No.10782665

Unironically Solitaire for Windows

>> No.10784040


It's not multitasking if you're only completing one of the tasks. The game isn't worth playing unless it's worth playing with all your attention on it. Moreover, if you play it with only part of your attention on it, then you aren't successfully playing it. You are doing only one task - that of listening to an audio presentation - and using a digital fidget spinner to keep part of yourself distracted and thus occupied at the same time, for some reason. If you can't stand to put all your attention on the audio, then you are flawed and you need long-term improvement. And in the meantime, you surely can find something useful to do while you listen.

Listening to podcasts etc. while you're lifting weights or preparing a meal you've prepared a hundred times before is awesome. It's a crutch to distract you from the tedium of your main task and it elevates you into a better state. You really are doing two things fully. You don't need to pay all your attention to washing dishes or whatever. That's not worth attempting, so distracting yourself with something superior (that doesn't interfere with your ability to perform repetitive physical work) is a great idea. But games aren't a tedious job that you need to finish. You don't "need" to finish any of them, ever. If you're at least slightly sane, you're trying to finish them BECAUSE THEY ARE GOOD. If they're good, then they deserve your full attention. If they don't deserve that, you should drop them.

Nevermind what idiot kids might or might not be doing. They are behaving according to the explanation above, or they are making a mistake. It's not surprising that kids would make a mistake like that because all kids are stupid. It's likely that you're exaggerating how prevalent this behavior is among them. Regardless, this is how things are. You respect yourself a little and at least use a literal fidget spinner, or you respect yourself a lot and treat your ADHD, or you continue to try, and fail, to "multitask".

>> No.10784062

>Whereas, people my own age are skeptical of media by default, and don't feel like we owe it to shitty stories to give them a chance. It probably comes from not being forced to watch whatever is on TV.

No. You're an arrogant fool who imagines that a smart person somehow can't possibly come up with interesting thoughts and feelings to experience while consuming a low-quality creative work. Yeah sure, "turning off your brain" and watching some random episode of Two and a Half Men or whatever can be a stupid waste of time, and that's what these people do sometimes. But an actually interesting person will watch the stupid show and have interesting thoughts about it... or will simply refrain from watching it at all. Just be more interesting dude. It isn't only a game's responsibility to keep your perfect unchanging mind satisfied. Find something interesting about the thing your numbed, lazy, jaded brain tells you is just a jumble of familiar tropes. You could do it if you were better. Respect yourself, and try to get better. Or like, just stop playing the game.

>> No.10784094

>i thought they were just disrespectful shits with media-addled brains but is it simply them hating the game/music and being too afraid to admit it?

>You could always voice that you're no interested in stead of being a passive aggressive cunt sitting on your phone.

Seriously. This dude is lecturing older people about how it's fine and respectable to be afraid of silence, to be uninterested in your own peacefully unfolding thoughts, and to be incapable of taking the lead in a social situation that CLEARLY calls for you to communicate your feelings to another person. It's understandable to be crippled and weak in these ways, yes. But it's not virtuous. If it's the way of a whole "generation", then that generation has a problem that needs fixing, not a positive quality that obsolete old people need to be taught to share in.