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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 44 KB, 686x386, the face of an analogue pocket fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10765749 No.10765749 [Reply] [Original]

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r (embed)
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, official Anbernic store, official goRetroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality. Just avoid the RG Nano
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

>How do I get games
Google: tiny best set

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 200$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Things I need to know
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up on your computer, throw them away, and buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering, specially linux devices.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.
- No one cares if you're fresh from /v/.

>Previous Thread

>> No.10765782
File: 887 KB, 1198x915, 1635873288831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought an RG35XX a month ago
>stock firmware sucks
>MuOS still in beta
>Garlic 2.0 still in beta
>Koriki still in beta

>> No.10765815

>he fell for the vertislop meme

>> No.10765821

>get miyoo mini +
>install allium
>everything just werks and it looks beautiful

>> No.10765849
File: 139 KB, 1170x1156, 1636311676397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needs two hands to play vidya
>he can't play his vidya while driving

>> No.10765860

the duality of man

>> No.10765863

you're gonna get in a car accident anon, focus on the road. your shitty jap rpgs can wait.

>> No.10765880
File: 147 KB, 1080x1111, 1633125441502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traffic moves slower than running speed in my area. If I don't have something to keep my brain active, I'm gonna straight-up fall asleep while driving. I've had multiple close-calls with it before I got a handheld, and I don't want it to happen again.

>> No.10765895

How does it compare to onion? looking at the screenshots seems pretty but seems like still needs some development

>> No.10765908

obviously onion is better but I just wanted something extremely simple that I can pick up and play and it does exactly that. I don't give a shit about tinkering around for days anymore.

>> No.10765961

You were doing pretty well last thread but I see you are back to making sure everyone knows you as "the anime girl images guy"

>> No.10765971
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, F8D1A41E-27A3-4FC4-9636-E8E5D9C26F03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think I’m gonna buy it

>> No.10765984

I don't understand why this device is so controversial here

>> No.10765987

>looks like an unfinished 3d printed prototype
>$250 shipped and it can't even play ps1
>downfiring speakers
what's not to hate?

>> No.10765995

it's always out of stock though

>> No.10765996

Take the bus or walk

>> No.10766000
File: 563 KB, 2886x2894, 1646697171409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna get stabbed or catch COVID from a homeless guy

>> No.10766005

Move to somewhere that isn't LA/San Francisco or stop being afraid of random people, whichever is more appropriate for your locality

>> No.10766014

You're going to kill someone if not yourself you fucking retard. I'm baffled your brain has let you live long enough to get to this point.

>> No.10766019

>You're going to kill someone
he lives in LA so good.

>> No.10766021
File: 20 KB, 347x403, a346a5ad56beebfe7c4012c4412d98bac4715befr1-347-403v2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he lives in LA so good.
Kek fair enough.

>> No.10766024

NTAs but I have never seen it in stock on their website and I've been casually poking my head in since I heard about it, what, 5 years or so ago now?

Do you have to have some fucking refresh script that notifies you when the order button becomes visible?

The longer I wait, the more I hear, the more alternative solutions come about, the less I want one.

I think most of the contention has to do with analogue as a company. Supposedly they're a shit company. I don't know what causes that opinion but that is what gets propagated. They are also pricey for what they do, no doubt partially due to FPGA tech but I don't know that that explains all of it.

On one hand, they play games (that you have to buy separate adapters for if you want to do more than GB/GBC) that they support, completely natively which is neat, and there's only a handful of other items on the market that can claim this besides original used hardware.

On the other hand, practically, even the cheapest chinkhelds can handle GB/GBC games with ease through emulation due to the low hardware cost and developed market behind emulator handhelds.

The controversy is twofold in my observation:
1 battle is between people who like and want the device and think 250 isn't that bad and are willing to wait, vs people who don't want to support that company at any cost
The other battle is between fans of FPGA arguing against emulator users with the "no practical difference" vs "playing natively is inherently better" camps.

That's what I see. I originally wanted one pretty bad but the longer it sits on the market again the more alternatives begin to come out. Not that similar emulation wasn't possible when it was released, I've been emulating GB and GBC games on my DS since 2013 or so.

>> No.10766035
File: 127 KB, 626x572, When the A1 Unicorn drops her D-pad in class next to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point the only handheld I could want is a Retroid Pocket 4, but I'm holding out not for anything better, but because once I get one, that's it. No more excitement over seeing what's new with designs and ergonomics and gimmicks. GKD's Pixel and ZPG's A1 Unicorn and following handhelds all being a complete bust was just such a disappointment. I don't even want a Miyoo Mini Flip or Anbernic Flip because they're going to have fucking Miyoo Mini + specs but cost $80+, fuck that.

Maybe I'll look into the GameFrog Color and paying out the ass and back for a proper Lao-Zang LG Wing, but at this point both would just be novelties.

>> No.10766042

>I don't know what causes that opinion
They aren't powshitty or retroon

>> No.10766046

is it weird I prefer the design of the RP3/3+ over the RP4?

>> No.10766056

It's an over-priced product for consumers, not gamers. Its popularity comes from pushed Tiktik marketing, like with the Miyoo brand. Their latest batches are available for hours after release, it's not as rare as Amiibo were, but you should hang around time of release (which is announced well in advance) to guarantee one, if you actually want one for some reason.

Most of the people that defend it to the death are people who don't own one but covet having one. Actual owners of it around /vr/ do praise it but don't pretend like it's the second coming of Christ like most Analog Pocket fans do.

There isn't so much hate for the company behind it as there is disdain for how incompetent and ignorant they are from all angles. They truly are trustfund kiddies with a lot of money and no talent, and are only capable of making trendy products like bluetooth shoes and 5G sunglasses that aren't even built well, but at first glance have that "modern Apple aesthetic." I would sing an entirely different tune about the device if the shell had some simple, basic modifications to it to make it a proper handheld (like the fucking back cover not properly holding the fucking cartridges). Feels no different than the dozens of Google products, like Google Glass, that is shoved out and hyped up by consumers having something new to consume.

>> No.10766062

A little. That Start/Select placement is pretty dumb.
It's actually the opposite issue for you. We have no brand loyalty here and openly ridicule those who do, while Analog Pocket fans (like yourself right now) try to turn it into a brand war, because brands and consuming are all you understand. People might prefer some branded chinkhelds over other ones, but nobody's a boot-licking loyalist trying to recreate the console wars like you're being.
The majority of the people here happily recommend the R35S and R36S despite them ripping off Powkiddy and Anbernic directly, with the R33S ripping off Miyoo. Retroid's next with their R##S-H.

>> No.10766065
File: 125 KB, 1000x1000, R50S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And don't forget the R50S!

>> No.10766068
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, 1705141714368854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sticks on top
Let me guess; They're going to release a proper version a month later called the R60S after people panic buy the R50S version.

>> No.10766069

It isn't.
There's two or three people who shill it while everyone else believes it doesn't do enough to justify its price tag and therefore won't buy it.
You'll notice that the only "discussion" that comes about is from the troon posting their threadly "d a i l y r e m i n d e r" post, and someone else asking why it's controversial.
There is no controversy.

>> No.10766072
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, Game Consoie R50S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this thing copies the Powkiddy RGB10 MAX

>> No.10766074

> if you actually want one for some reason.

Nah I'm good. I have multiple multiple ways to play 2D games. Probably a dozen. I did pick up the new FPGBC kit which is on order, but that was:
1) Available when I wanted to go get it
2) Like 1/4th the price

>> No.10766076
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, RGB10 MAX 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And by that I meant the RGB10 MAX 2.

>> No.10766079

Anbernic Arc-S or the 35xxH?
Narrowed it down to one of the two

>> No.10766081

I swear if it was the same in every way including price but it didn't have a cartridge slot, you people would be sucking its dick

>> No.10766084

pay a little more and get the black arc-d

>> No.10766085

Start button position was secretly kino

>> No.10766086

Do you really like Sega, or do you really like GameBoy in terms of aesthetics and ergonomics? Only issue with the RG35XX-H is that it uses the old shitty RG35XX d-pad instead of the new + one.

>> No.10766092

Then you have borderline personality disorder and are grossly projecting your fabricated scenarios onto real life, which is not healthy. We would hate it even more if it didn't have the cartridge slot at all, the cartridge slot is one of the only two fucking reasons it's worth getting at all.

>> No.10766095
File: 303 KB, 578x469, 1689634553694820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you perhaps completely fuck up what you were trying to say here? What does this even mean?

>> No.10766101

He's probably confused because people are always complaining how poorly designed the cartridge slot on the Analog Pocket is, believing it means everybody would prefer none at all. When in reality, people want a BETTER slot design, not the entire fucking baby thrown out with the bath water.

>> No.10766103

Kinda wish I did this desu. I don't know why, but I'm finding i kinda prefer android on these handhelds even though I hate the fuck out of jewgle.

>> No.10766109

Ya well now Analogue Pocket has a dilemma for their business; Do they just produce the same product forever in different colours so that anyone who wants one can eventually get one, or do they introduce a new model with much needed improvements, causing a divide between their current fanbase who will either consume it for the sake of collecting or will feel jaded and alienated that THEIR Analog Pocket is now outdated and not the best one? How many new customers will now be interested in an improved model, if at all? Making an improved model could just fuck up their entire business model of just making the same product slowly forever with just colour variants being the only thing new.

>> No.10766110

For me personally, yes I would prefer no slot, but my real issues is that I hate every else about it outside of the FPGA chip.

>> No.10766114

Considering the Analogue Pocket market, they could totally get away with making a slightly different model every year like Apple does with iPhones. They will covet the new models just because they're new and perceived by default to be superior.

>> No.10766117

That's what I meant
I've never played any Sega systems, I just want something for casually playing older games on the sofa and at work.

Was interested in the ARC primarily because of the better ergos

>> No.10766118

Analogue Pocket Advance which is the form factor they should have went with in the first place

>> No.10766120

any 3DSChads in

>> No.10766123
File: 418 KB, 1360x600, Dream Horislop Handheld Mebernoid RG 66V 3.5 inch ver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is somebody going to make this already

>> No.10766126
File: 636 KB, 1800x1100, Dream Horislop Handheld Mebernoid RG 66V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this is going to be monkey paw'd and end up with an RK3566 or some shit

>> No.10766129
File: 367 KB, 1000x1080, Dream Vertislop Version Mebernoid RG 65P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse!

>> No.10766132
File: 361 KB, 1500x700, R35X+DS size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10766136
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>> No.10766139
File: 261 KB, 860x600, Powkiddy RGB30V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10766143
File: 24 KB, 648x528, rgb20sx-the-upcoming-vertical-handheld-from-powkiddy-v0-ci79x0dwp0kc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously tho I think Powkiddy lives off of selling meme devices at this point when they realized they couldn't compete directly.

>> No.10766158

>Couldn't do down thrust in Minish Cap
>while seeking for gamepad for phone came across handhelds
>Go to the Aliexpress
>See shit ton of handhelds dif shapes and forms
>Anbernic, powkiddy, m17 itc.
>Which is better
>5AM "i don't need sleep i need answers"
>12AM "maan I'm loosing grip on reality"
>Sleep for 3h
>Buy powkiddy x39 pro
>1day later find out, that this shit don't have N64 and suck in Ps1 games and have 0 hopes of playing Ps2
>Find Anbernic RG351P on your Polish amazon (allegro) for like 90$ and buy
>feel so stupid that you let your hopes get over common sense and researcher spirit

>> No.10766170
File: 273 KB, 1000x1000, Game Consoie R26S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10766208

It's a meme that works tho. The RGB30 singlehandedly got people talking about PICO-8 AND 8:7 NES and SNES with its aspect ratio alone.

>> No.10766218

still triggers me when people throw nes in the 8:7 pile with snes. it's supposed to be 16:15, same as PCE.

>> No.10766259

What's the best vice grip to get for Android?

Right now I'm thinking it's between the Razer kishi V2 and the Gamesir X2S. Leaning more towards Gamesir because the Razer has joycon sticks. I want something that I could just leave attached to my phone at all times, compact and pocketable (big male jean pockets). I have a Galaxy S20FE rn (with a case, not too thin, nor too thick just average) but I might upgrade to a Zfold eventually at some point down the line. Either way I'm looking for a somewhat authentic feeling DS/3DS experience. So maybe something that could clamp onto the sides S20FE in portrait mode? Definitely gonna need an extra cable to go with either one, foldable or not.

>> No.10766342

CHADa DAMAGELYcorrupted your mind.

>> No.10766343


>> No.10766348

how his sd card to get doing wii era and under

>> No.10766349

big meant

>> No.10766350

Despite the tiktok shills, its still a chinkheld.
Kishi 2 or the gamesur g8. For potrait mode ds, a bettrr option would be a cheap bluetooth controller like the flydigi wee2t or the m8. Only problem is dealing with extra bluetooth lag

>> No.10766363

This is /vr/? Why not just use your gameboy?

>> No.10766374

Because gameboy sucks and has no games?

>> No.10766440

>some chink product
>all discussion in thread isnt even /vr/ related
>"lol gameboy sucks"
Why is this allowed on /vr/? Is it a containment thread?

>> No.10766474

>GameBoy is the only retro handheld?!
>You're... playing PS1 and N64 games on handhelds?? NOT RETRO!!
>None of this is /vr/ related unless you're talking about the GameBoy and its games!!
The GameCube and PS2 are retro consoles, and they're what these handhelds are now trying to run affordably. Fuck off, kiddo.

>> No.10766493

Tbf, 6th gen disscusion sucks ass on /vr/ and its not like these threads talk about it that much anyway.

>> No.10766495


>> No.10766498

NTA but I think it's more like, being on /vr/ and saying gameboy has no games is like being a music buff and saying the beatles have no good songs, or a movie buff who thinks there's no good black and white movies.

It's such a broad, core selection of retro gaming as a whole, I think it's fair to question why you'd be on a /vr/ thread if you dislike so many.

>> No.10766502

Vertikino CONTROLS these threads. Chinkheld? Ver t is the best. Jap? Vert is the best? Korea snd america? They have NO verts, that's why they lost!

>> No.10766507

>chink handheld
>nobody in thread discusses /vr/ games
>calls me kiddo
Lol. N64 and ps1 are good consoles btw

>> No.10766508

I mean, I can understand him in the sense that 90% of Game Boy games were just cut-down ports of SNES games on inferior hardware. I honestly think handhelds didn't gain their own identity until the GBC era.

>> No.10766510

>nobody in thread discusses /vr/ games
That's because the new op removed the old op format. I only think the gameboy sucks for its formfactor and chinkhelds would be better off if they dropped that completly.

>> No.10766530

There's a lot of shit on it for sure, but no games? Mario Land 1 and 2, Wario Land 1, Links Awakening, Pokemon Gen 1, Kirby's Dreamland 1 and 2, Metroid II, GB Donkey Kong, cmon.

>> No.10766538

Someone should take one apart and replace the body with a gba.

>> No.10766539

>Mario Land 1 and 2, Wario Land 1, Links Awakening, Pokemon Gen 1, Kirby's Dreamland 1 and 2, Metroid II, GB Donkey Kong, cmon.
Literally the only Game Boy exclusive you listed was Pokemon. That's my point; it's mostly just demakes of SNES games because the idea of playing SNES games on the go was as foreign to people back then as the idea of playing PS5 games on the go is to us now.

>> No.10766545

X19 might take some time to appear. Upon hearing it would be a good idea for the device to be comortable, the enginer pretty much want "Why didnt I think of that!?"
Mario land 1 is kinda ass. The wario games are golden though.

>> No.10766549

What's it like living with 75 IQ Mr "completely different games in the same series are cut down ports"?

>> No.10766553

Also Kirby was originally a Gameboy game, the NES game came after, so even by their own logic I don't know what they mean Pokemon was the only "exclusive"

>> No.10766557

I'm sorry, are you talking about exclusive games or exclusive franchises? Pretty retarded to demand the latter.

>> No.10766569
File: 423 KB, 591x735, 1605907844746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me that, if given the choice between the full-color NES/SNES version of Mario or Metroid or Kirby or whatever, and the green-and-light-green Game Boy version with a weird aspect ratio and more gameplay limitations, you would ever choose the latter? At the time ,when that was the only option, that made sense, but in the age of chinkhelds, when you can play full-on SNES games with zero compromises, why would you EVER play the demake?

>> No.10766580

Because they aren't demakes dumbshit. Please tell me what specific game Super Mario Land 2 is a demake of.

>> No.10766589

Do you think Minish Cap is a demake of Windwaker too?

>> No.10766603
File: 223 KB, 1536x2048, 1606761422020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario World 2, duh

Minish Cap is a GBA game, which is around the time where handheld games differentiated themselves as their own thing, so I don't get how that's relevant. Meanwhile, Link's Awakening is absolutely a demake of Link to the Past. Why would you play Link's Awakening when you can play Link to the Past on the exact same chinkheld nowadays?

>> No.10766619

I just got one about a month ago. I've beaten several games.that have haunted me since I was a kid on it. It's almost flawless. R and L buttons don't have a great position, I wish it could do one more generation of games, but whatever's. The dock and the pocket are such a fantastic combo. I use a DAC and run it to a CRT. I have the 8bit do arcade stick and an m30. Its a great little setup. For a guy like me who spends more time looking at vr than actually playing games it's great. I literally can't recommend it enough. I understand the appeal of traditional emulation but the pocket is just too easy to use, very little setup, games run mostly flawlessly, no need for runahead or bios files, the updater makes everything seemless. I use it more than the mister.

>> No.10766627

Damn, you actually baited me, good job

>> No.10766635

>dac into CRT
I’m interested. What’s the video quality like with this setup?

>> No.10766646
File: 28 KB, 599x456, CW9RfJ1WEAAYITl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10766651
File: 265 KB, 932x1204, Powkiddy ODT -Operation Dogfucking Transformer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copy this, Chin. And make the top surface edges rounded.

>> No.10766663

Why dont people just diy a handheld and make it whatever way they want? Thats much cheaper and itd be more /vr/ than this.

>> No.10766667

gameboy is the best.

>> No.10766672

ADHD the Handheld

>> No.10766679

Genuine question, how can I make a good DIY handheld that can run GameCube for under $150

>> No.10766690

Coming from a MM+ which is a better upgrade? Retroid Pocket 4 Pro or Anbernic 556?

I'm mostly going to use it for PSP, Gamecube, and PS2.

>> No.10766692

Assuming you want to keep the Miyoo's portability, the RP4 Pro

>> No.10766696

DIY handheld’s aren’t cheaper at all, and 95% of the time they’re ultra shitty especially if you’re a poorfag with no clue what you’re doing.

>> No.10766709

Pocket 4 Pro easily. The 556 is more comparable to the base pro, but I'd even pick a base pro for the sake that Retroid has better controls and size.

>> No.10766723

Dude, at some time around i was able to configure Ubuntu server without GUI, but i don't have a slightest clue, how i would create such stuff. First of all tech away, we run into body creation, and most people aren't enthusiasts of creating this shit and spending shit ton of time calculating everything. Also, dude wdym "more /vr/" it's literally stands for "retro games", not for "electronic DIY engineer with time budget of an unemployed friend". Nuh uh

>> No.10766740
File: 2.26 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20240306_115022_455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems to be fine, I actually haven't had any issues AFAIK with lag and stuff. I have a cheap DAC that was listed on retro RGB website. Apparently mileage may vary because the same product may have different internals. Mine seems to be working good so far. I was holding out for the analogue DAC but apparently it doesn't even have pocket support yet but it's coming allegedly. I have a GBS control that I cannot get working for the life of me. I mean I've beaten a few NES games on this setup so it can't be too bad, graphic quality great.

>> No.10766748


I now have my ps1 mini hooked up to.the same setup with an AV switcher and a DVD VHS combo. I just have to figure out how to get rid of the overscan on cores that don't support it.

>> No.10766763

>Also, dude wdym "more /vr/" it's literally stands for "retro games",not for "electronic DIY engineer with time budget of an unemployed friend
>in a new chinkshit general ran by shills.
at least the diy involves the real console.

>> No.10766830
File: 93 KB, 864x900, Eloy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An actual novel, and useful rotating screen for vertical tate mode and DS.

>> No.10766838

Depends on what you want. Rp4P is more powerful and has non fucked sticks, but the screen isn't that great and even now there's still QA issues with the trigger springs breaking.

556's biggest selling point is its oled. It's hard to go back to retroid and even ayn after playing on it. But anbernig quality control is ass and its not as powerful so you'll only be playing gc and ps2 at 1-1.5x.

>> No.10766840

Explain why you prefer sticks over sliders.

>> No.10766842

They spelled "colors" wrong.

>> No.10766845
File: 453 KB, 2048x2048, 548378A3-37E0-4BB2-81A6-1BC4BBD3DFC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder

>> No.10766848

Jfc anon you pick one you like the looks of and watch videos and talk about it on /hhg/ then rinse and repeat until you find one that's right, that's the process. Don't impulse buy. I almost went with some vertislop before /hhg/ talked into the RK2023.

>> No.10766851

Using a 1440p screen exclusively to play GBC/GBA games gives off the same vibes as those people who buy $100k, 8 foot tall pickup trucks just to drive around suburbs and strip malls.

>> No.10766853

>The GameCube and PS2 are retro consoles
No they fucking aren't, I don't care what the rules say.

>> No.10766857

You don't get to talk about overkill specs for old games when you're playing ps2 games at 6 times the resolution

>> No.10766865
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, super-mario-sunshine-super-mario-all-stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is 3D games can actually upscale, though. Super Mario Sunshine can be upscaled up to any resolution, but Link's gonna be 16x16 in Link's Awakening no matter how high res you render him.

>> No.10766868

>anime girl avatarfag pic
>garbage opinion
Better love story than Mario and Peach. When you have a chinkheld you can play every game, you finish one and want more of the same then there it is, feels great. Unfortunately you don't care about games but that's another issue entirely.

>> No.10766870

Sorry anon, but you're just getting old. Gamecube and PS2 are as old today as the SNES was when PS4/XBone came out

SNES (1990) to PS4 (2013) = 23 years
Gamecube (2001) to now (2024) = 23 years.

>> No.10766875

>spend every thread justifying your purchase by talking about the screen
>use a tv anyway
Anal Logshitters are the whole circus

>> No.10766876

This setup is genuinely retarded as fuck.

>> No.10766878


>> No.10766880

Shaders are the 2D upscale.

>> No.10766882

Retro doesn't mean a specific date, it's a moving period as time continues. The SNES was considered retro even in the mid 2000s.

>> No.10766883

So if SNES was retro in 2013, Gamecube is retro today.

>> No.10766884

Retro is retro and 6th gen isn't retro. By your logic, 4chan posters can be oldfags if they've been here a set amount of time rather than simply if they were here at the start.

>> No.10766885

How new? As in, how new are you, specifically?

>> No.10766887

Unironically yes. That's how old people work dipshit.

>> No.10766886

Genuinely, leave this board.

>> No.10766890

wheover said when something turns a certain age it instantly turns retro

>> No.10766891

>"Leave this place" the child told the adults at the bar

>> No.10766892

Imagining this person in his thirties working at a restaurant.

"Sorry sir, you don't qualify for the senior discount. When I was growing up, seniors were born in the thirties, and since you were born in the fifties, you're not actually a senior."

>> No.10766894

The definition of retro.
Once something is two decades old, it's retro, bitch. Note I said something, not someone. You won't "become retro" when you turn 20.

>> No.10766895

Newer than you, faggot.

>> No.10766898
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>> No.10766902

You will never be oldfags.

>> No.10766904

>Only people born before the year 2000 age
Okay kiddo

>> No.10766905

How the fuck is a console I played in elementary school "retro"? Sneedleleetledee

>> No.10766906

Imagine having so little going on in your life that you gatekeep the title of "4chan oldfag" just to feel some semblance of seniority over others.

>> No.10766908
File: 971 KB, 3538x2400, 414D018C-8026-4A09-901B-9D2AFE6C5395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time passes.

>> No.10766910

They didn't just stop teaching you how to read analogue clocks, they straight up never taught you the concept of passing time.

>> No.10766915

RGB30 + dot shader is all you need

>> No.10766918 [DELETED] 

The people in this thread trying to convince themselves that 24 year old video games still count as modern

>> No.10766923
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>> No.10766929

Time is a concept made up by humans.

>> No.10766938

Imagine being this mad that you got called out for being an eternal 2016 newfag.
Even if you played gamecube and ps2 as a kid, they still aren't retro no matter what people here say.

>> No.10766945

That's the White spelling, niggy.

>> No.10766946

When will they be retro then?

>> No.10766951


>> No.10766952

If/when VR takes off maybe? There'd need to be some noteworthy innovation.

>> No.10766956
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Right now

>> No.10766958

I'd argue "modern" gaming's significantly different enough to make that distinction. Gameplay often has focus on online elements, we've made the gap between small and AAA releases absolutely massive, "games as a service".

>> No.10766959

So I GUESS the gamesir x2, uab c both the older and newer model have a use case; for flip phones? Rgc's last video about it made a little sense I guess. But personally, ive no flip phone, never will so it's whatever to me. I will acknowledge it's niche case use I suppose. But nothing beats the galileo G8. I will say this after like an hour or two of gameplay my hands cramp up a little but I feel like that's fair play considering the length of time and that a 3 or 4 hour sesh with no breaks is a bit much for me. I will also state that the X2 blue tooths are still fantastic and serve me well for my other handheld for gba and snes and whatnot.

>> No.10766960

Retro was coined as a phrase meaning "older" back in the 70's. By your logic, since the time period that defines "retro" can never change, then the NES doesn't count as retro.

>> No.10766963

Until media moves on from the early 2010s, the cultural meaning of retro will stay the same.

>> No.10766964

Weird how the GBA is also considered 6th gen, and yet there’s not a single person on earth who wouldn’t consider THAT a retro console.

>> No.10766965

"Who Cares?" I THOUGHT TO MYSELF AS THESE MFs DERAILED DEEPLY INTO THE WOODS. All I knew is that my Persona I playthrough had been lots of fun and while I dropped FFVI I might pick it up again later. Really come to appreciate games like super puzzle fighter and shmups such at times for when I don't have a lot of extra focus for something story driven.

>> No.10766968

We went from DVD's and flipphones to streaming services and iphones, how much more of a shift do we need

>> No.10766971

You're so close to getting it.

>> No.10766972

It only *looks* retro because it's a handheld, it came out in 6th gen so that's what it is. Do you call Undertale a NES game because of how it looks?

>> No.10766975

As old and basic as they are, the game and watch games are super fun time-killers. The galleries for GB/GBA are bangers.

>> No.10766980

We need games to not look like 6th gen but slightly smoother

>> No.10766984

If retro is entirely a matter of "vibes", then wouldn't half of indie games count, since so many go for those vibes?

>> No.10767003

You can't deny that major advancements had been made all the way up to gen 6 then things slowed to a crawl. After that only handhelds made major advancements and all they were doing was catching up to console gen 6.

>> No.10767014

I think you're mostly right, but I'd argue that slow started with Gen 7. The jump from 6 to 7 saw tons of advancements in things like open worlds, online, the standardization of things like digital downloads and wireless peripherals, and the jump from SD to HD. I'll grant you it wasn't a huge jump, but I'd argue it was as big a jump as say, NES to SNES.

>> No.10767032

"Retro feel" is as rerarded as "game feel".

>> No.10767042

I'd compare it more to NES/SMS to Genesis but I see your point.

>> No.10767089 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10767110

I’m increasingly bothered by the increasing amount of anime avatarfagging of this thread.

>> No.10767121

stop me from getting an FPGBC just to play dragon quest 3

>> No.10767130

Just play the remaster on Switch

>> No.10767142

The HD-2D remake is gonna come out aaaaaannnnnyyyyy day now.

>> No.10767143

i'm not sure how feasible a handheld fpga that can do up 5th gen is, or at least one the size of the pocket (i'm assuming this falls under "much needed improvements" since it's frequently decried as one of its big lacks), but you can bet your ass it would cost several hundred dollars

>> No.10767154
File: 90 KB, 1034x994, 1702007067741037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't buy a purple Odin 2
>you need the Pro model to get a different color scheme than black

Does this mean the base model never had alternative colors to begin with? Are they just currently out of stock?
I don't get it.
What was originally a 299$ purchase is rapidly approaching the 450$ mark (with shipping, taxes and this Pro extra) and I'm honestly not willing to waste so much money on this.
On the other hand, I do want the purple model. Do I need to wait for it to restock or something?

>> No.10767158

Either wait, get black, or get a Deck

>> No.10767161

>Man discovers the chink trap for the first time

>> No.10767173
File: 32 KB, 634x426, 1681581262864964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wait
>by the time they restock it, it's not on "sale" anymore
>it ends up costing like the Pro model on sale anyways

Wouldn't that be hilarious?

>> No.10767182

It's your choice to make

>> No.10767189

Theyve been better about it recently. Infact they were in stock all month last month, I almost impulse bought one because I had been waiting for so long but I sat on it for a couple weeks. They were still in stock as of last week and I pulled the trigger. Finally got it and love it the screen is awesome and worth the hype. The accessories are a scam though unless youre some faggot that insists on using cartridges, I just loaded up the sd card with cores and fullsets and called it a day.

>> No.10767237

Yeah I'm not willing to get scammed like that.
I'll wait and see if they lower the price.

>> No.10767248

Is the ARC-D/353PS my only options for actually comfortable to hold handhelds before I start to get into the $150+ range?

>> No.10767250

Works great for me.

>> No.10767253 [DELETED] 
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i don't like when he opens with a video of his face
for a so/yboy he's kinda scary

>> No.10767257

You play the first levels of Contra and Street Fighter a billion times and see how mentally well it leaves you.

>> No.10767260

The RP2S is decent with the grip, there might be a cheaper grip on etsy though.

>> No.10767262

I have a miyoo mini plus, it can handle DS games surprisingly, though obviously only one screen, pixels not scaled perfectly, and a little frameskip. Is it worth it to try and mod my "new 2DS XL" for playing original DS games?

>> No.10767271

Still waiting for that clamshell handheld.

>> No.10767274

What's the best horizontal handheld for 2D systems?

>> No.10767301
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>GameSir is a real company name

>> No.10767303

absolutely, 3ds family consoles are braindead easy to hack

>> No.10767326

Hhg FEARS the 66
He looked better without the beard. Still better than the other two faggots.

>> No.10767331

Eta dpad tested that dreamcast street fighter close to 1000 times and you don't see him complaining, Assuming he's not ai
The x19, the retroid flop 2 or the miyoo flip?

>> No.10767335

RK2023 or RGB30

>> No.10767338

Ayaneo, actually

>> No.10767352

Yeah, 3ds series are extremely easy to hack and install games on, there's even a pirate eshop to directly download games to the console

>> No.10767354

I asked here for a rec to get a secondary handheld while I'm at work. I went with the Powkiddy V90 and I love it so much bros. It's small and it's absolutely perfect for what I need, plus the removable battery is great. I only play GB/C Pokémon romhacks tho.

>> No.10767368
File: 121 KB, 1200x675, tangled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sticks are superior to d-pad in every situation and should always placed on top.

There, I said it.

>> No.10767375

For systems that handle 6th gen and onwards just fine, sure. For rk3566 and under, why even bother?

>> No.10767392

I just bought the black. I'm pretty sure the original run was only ever offered in black so you have to fork up an extra $70 if you want the pro. Personally I just went with the base because the pro is equivalent to a refurbished lcd deck and it no longer makes sense pricewise.

>> No.10767395

It plays better in any case. Retards get obsesed by d-pads when arcade and half of old machines did use sticks.
D-pads was just a way of saving cost and increase durablility

>> No.10767410

Arcade sticks and analog sticks aren't even the same thing. Just split the difference and use the powkiddy a30

>> No.10767443

Why did you get the dock if you already have a mister?

>> No.10767451

It's ironic how sticks have slowly been phased out even though it made a big jump back during the rise of the FGC. Everyone plays on pad or hitbox nowadays. I'm don't really play fightan vidya, but I suspect that means sticks were never that good designwise.

>> No.10767490


Thanks for the input. Are most PS2 and GC games good out of the box with it or do i still need to tweak them? Mostly going to play RPGs in it.

>> No.10767547

Well they lost me then.
If the base model had the transparent variant too, I'd buy it. If the Pro model had no transparent variant, I'd buy a black base model.

By requiring me to pay 70$+ for a different piece of plastic (which is probably even cheaper than the base one, let's be honest) they fully alienated me as a customer. They basically set up a scenario where I'm a fool no matter what I buy.

>> No.10767557
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I agree. They're being massive jews. I only bought it because I don't think black looks that bad even if I prefer the other variants and this is basically my "end game" device meant to last forever. My next handheld will probably be a umpc so I can play PC games too, but only once they stop sucking ass (Deck is too large/heavy and rog ally has really bad battery).

>> No.10767571
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RP4P? You'll be able to play pretty much everything upscaled 2x with no tweaking. Although I think someone said there's that 1% of sports/racing games like Gran Turismo 4 that don't run perfectly.

556 can also run most games, but only at 1x to 1.5x. There may also be issues on the harder to run games so you might need to do some tweaking like frame skips.

I'd recommend watching this guy's streams if you want to get an idea of how the emulators run on each handheld. He doesn't play through the entire games obviously, but he does take requests and you can get a good idea of the capabilities of each system. I like watching him because he's an autist that is willing to stream for 1-2 hours at a time.


>> No.10767574

I wouldn't say that sticks are dying, it's just that a lot of people have switched over to hitbox/leverless, as it's better in some circumstances.

Anyways, unless you're in the top 5%, controller choice is really just preference.

>> No.10767624

Are you retarded niggers really still shilling the PS2 on ARM bullshit?
It's a dead fucking emulator.

>> No.10767631

>What is nether2sx

>> No.10767643

Any news about the flipflop yet?

>> No.10767651

It helps retro gay corps advertise...I mean review the chinese brick that is mailed to him

>> No.10767656

What part of not in development anymore do you not understand?
phone apps completely break when google decides to fuck with android or a chink gpu driver does weird shit.

>> No.10767657

Same, I feel the same way about Retro Dodo too

Just show us the handhelds, not a face

>> No.10767668

>Arguing whether Sixth gen is retro or not
Jesus fucking Christ, it's like these past two or three threads have been a dedicated /v/ daycare. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.10767723
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what's the closest thing to Dark Souls I can get running on this sumbitch?

>> No.10767726


>> No.10767752

>Don't care about trackpads or backpaddles. Rarely used em when I had the Deck.
Not only that makes me doubt you ever played one, I question you having used backpaddles at all. They're life changing.

>Steam Deck struggles hard with modern titles. Everyone will tell you its weaker than the Ally.
Only once you go beyond 15W and with terrible returns, Deck and Ally are not significantly different in raw performance even then.

>It's just a simple case of downloaded an .exe/zip file then running the launcher. Can't do that on the Deck without additional steps.
Yes, you can, the overwhelming majority of games require no setup at all. Windows is a frankenstein stack of desktop, taskbar and several different software, the fact you spend less time on desktop under Linux is ridiculous.

>Ally works right out of the box.
It doesn't.

>Once you set up steam big picture and armory crate, it is infinitely more a "console-like experience" than the Deck will ever be.
Even Allyfags will tell you Armory Crate is terrible and recommend Handheld Companion and others. I distinctly recall early adopters outright uninstalling it and the failed attempts to debloat Windows.

Zoomers are social addicts despite having no social life.

Switch Dark Souls at 15fps crashing on bonfires.


>> No.10767754

>PS2 is dead on ARM
>now Switch is too
>Emulation Station can't even get on a store
I'm about to just get an x86

>> No.10767761

>Emulation Station
The android version is dogshit, I will stay on daijishou

>> No.10767763

There are much better reasons to go x86, Android ES-DE is still going on patreon or whatever, but yeah, emulation on x86 will always be superior.

>> No.10767768

I don't get the "omg, it plays le real catridges!!" meme. So what? I have GB cartridges lying around too and I couldn't give less of a shit about the slot. Are people to dumb to download a GB romset? What do they think is on the cartridge?

I could at least understand it if the analogue was a carbon copy of real hardware in terms of form factor, design etc. But it is anything but. At that point who cares if it plays physical carts?

>> No.10767774

I just need a steam deck not designed for gabe newell's hands and I'll be golden

>> No.10767792

yes obviously I don't mean actually the real dark souls

you're a bad person

>> No.10767793

time to shmup!

>> No.10767796


>> No.10767809

I'm about ten years past the zoomer mark but you are right about the no social life

>> No.10767810
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Cheapest way to portably play PS2 games?

I'm having a really hard time finding a way to play childhood PS2 games :c

>> No.10767813

At that rate they may as well throw Android on it and turn it into a phone.

>> No.10767815

RP4 PRO but you will regret more sooner than later how small the screen is

>> No.10767837
File: 92 KB, 407x405, ding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be a D900 and a D1100? I don't know what the difference is. Also:

Can you play while it's plugged into the wall?
Does it run the games at 30FPS or whatever they're meant to be? I'm retarded

>> No.10767848

If you need a frontend for your bingbing games you need to kys
just fucking use retroarch like a normal person
who gives a fuck what the menu looks like
play the damn game

>> No.10767853

Anbernig's x86 handheld was a failure, so maybe retroid or ayn can do it?
Standalone BITCH! What? Simply opening an emulator that just werks is too much for you? Lmao! You were legit born retarded.

>> No.10767858

Ayn already has an x86 handheld, the Loki.

>> No.10767861

I noticed this tends to happen in /vr/ when the gamefuckboi gets slightly insulted in any way. These past threads have been a tad more hectic lately in general though.

>> No.10767869

The Loki is amazing but quite expensive

>> No.10767882

Dude, PS2 was 24 fucking years ago, this shit is older than most of the Tide capsule eaters, anyway, go fuck yourself

>> No.10767890

Maybe a phone with a telescopic controller? The moto g stylus 2023 is 80 on tracfone and has a snapdragon 6 gen 1. Only good for light switch shit, but great for 6th gen.

>> No.10767901

>There seems to be a D900 and a D1100? I don't know what the difference is.
The D1100 has a slightly but noticeable performance on ps2 and GC games

>Can you play while it's plugged into the wall?
I you are not going to play anything too demanding as to avoid overheating, yes

>Does it run the games at 30FPS or whatever they're meant to be? I'm retarded
Take a look

>> No.10767908

>There seems to be a D900 and a D1100? I don't know what the difference is.
Pro is faster, non-Pro is about RP3+ level. You care about PS2, you want the wiggle room of the Pro.

>Can you play while it's plugged into the wall?
Yes, but that's bad.

>Does it run the games at 30FPS or whatever they're meant to be?
When you set them up correctly (and there's no chip/driver oddity getting in the way introducing glitches or somehow hindering performance, though that's rare). Keep in mind PS2 development on Android is currently dead, though its current state is decent.

Also listen to that guy and check retrosizer before deciding, it's a small handheld for today's standards.

>I'm retarded
Don't feel bad, the guy below you is worse.

Nah, they need bulk orders to make it affordable and no one seems concerned about matching inputs, I assume that's what anon meant by namedropping the Deck.

Speaking of which, did you guys hear Ayaneo backpedaled completely on HoloISO (which they previously announced as actual SteamOS)? Funny stuff.


>> No.10767913

>Are people too dumb to like my personal preferences?
I guess?

>> No.10767916

You tell us, you paid extra for that. As I recall, you couldn't even load roms for months.

>> No.10767919


>> No.10767930
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bloodborne ps1 demake

>> No.10767958

I don't know who this guy is but the thumbnail is legitimately funny to me. Every time I see it I giggle. Thanks OP

>> No.10767969

how much space for Odin should I get doing wii and under

>> No.10767971

No clue but make sure you use *.rvz files and not bin and cue or something else

>> No.10767994
File: 105 KB, 1200x675, goggles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it a matter of preference when the cartridge slot literally does nothing?

>> No.10768017

Is it actually the full game or just some meme shit?

>> No.10768023
File: 47 KB, 894x597, 51q+a4QUABL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading about the shoulder buttons on the Miyoo Mini + and it kinda makes me regret ordering it now. Are the buttons trash quality or just in an uncomfortable position? How shit will it be to play say Wipeout XL or CPS2 fightans on a MM+?

>> No.10768026
File: 35 KB, 972x555, steam deck, the most pocketable portable handheld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deck is too large/heavy

>> No.10768029

>racing and arcade fighters
wew lad. the only genre slightly passable on vertislop is jarpigs.

>> No.10768032

>Are the buttons trash quality or just in an uncomfortable position?
They are very uncomfortable to use

>How shit will it be to play say Wipeout XL or CPS2 fightans on a MM+?
Quite miserable

>> No.10768034

Well shit.

>> No.10768038

Zelda Twilight Princess lmfao

>> No.10768046

You don't get to have opinions on things that came out before you were born. Inb4 you larp as being older than 18.

>> No.10768049

>how is it a matter of preference
Because your whole post was about how you personally do not understand the AP's appeal, not a list of objective faults and reasons some specific alternative is better.

>> No.10768052

The year is 2024 and people are still buying chinkhelds without analog sticks to play systems after SNES.

>> No.10768053

If you're buying a vertislop you're doing so for mainly 2d platformers and rpgs. You must be some kind of masochist to want to play stuff reminding analog sticks or triggers.

>> No.10768060

What chinkhelds? I can count stickless chinkhelds with one hand, we need more of them if anything.

>> No.10768063

This, so much this

>> No.10768065

the "objective fault" is that the slot is utterly useless, hence my inability to understand why people obsess over it. it could be completely decorational and it wouldn't make a difference - why is it so important to stick an additional piece of plastic in there.

I have an AP and I get the "appeal". but the slot ain't it.

>> No.10768082
File: 247 KB, 485x597, 59AF42D2-49F5-41E6-8926-CA218D82E3BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10768121

it's mostly the position

the inner ones are much more comfortable to rest your fingers on so they're serviceable enough for snes/gba etc, can't say i've ever tried to play games that use all four

>> No.10768141

Its from Mainland China, though.

>> No.10768172
File: 1.99 MB, 4000x2000, Handhelds 2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you with handhelds with two thumbsticks on the bottom, are they even usable? Seems like that would be terribly uncomfortable.

>> No.10768176

On the topic of Android PS2 emulation being kill if you check the Android Emulation reddit you will see why, the most insufferable user base on earth.

Reddit usually has the hecking toxic positivity but all of them are insanely negative and ignorant about even basic shit

>> No.10768181
File: 768 KB, 3357x2611, 8C6D5C1E-37C7-4409-9958-9161A8970E56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find my vita quite useable. Although, I’m thinking about modding a switch grip so it’s more comfy for longer sessions

>> No.10768198

It's not great, but I can deal with light gameplay on the 353V. I'll take that over a 3DS situation where the d-pad is completely unusable without a grip.

Hate to be the devil's avocado, but that's just anything involving phones at all.

>> No.10768205

I think most people that get invested enough to play dual analogue get a grip

>> No.10768220

Good. Android emulation is for zoomers and casuals with phones, always has been and always will be.

>> No.10768223

>game gear micro
Alright, what’s the deal with this little shit. Is it actually playable? I use my gameboy micro fairly frequently.

>> No.10768230

>if you check the Android Emulation reddit
Good thing I have never done and never will do that but you do you

>> No.10768236

I'm thinking about hunting for a good L2/R2 grip for my Vita 2k. A 1k grip if I get a 3G Vita to mod as well I guess.

>> No.10768238

Nah I don't think it is unfortunately. Shame because it does look really cool. A Powkiddy Q36 probably works better as a GG Micro that is actually playable.

>> No.10768253

It's true. ANY phone related subreddits except blackberry and dumbphones have the most bizarre retards I've ever seen
L*nux lost. Keep coping.
>Leh zoomers
Android chinkhelds were SHILLED before you were born, russ.

>> No.10768259

Best one is the hori grip, but you probably already know that. It’s retardedly expensive and has been for years and years.

>> No.10768269

Sadly yeah. I've got a sizable physical collection, so maybe a Hori is worth the cost. I'll check Ebay.

>> No.10768271
File: 523 KB, 2048x2115, 1687723886120443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, I see no issue

>> No.10768294

Steamchads, we know what we're wearing to go out today.

>> No.10768302

Seriously though, you don’t really play your game system in random public spaces, do you? I could see it on a plane ride, or in the train or something, but outside of that…

>> No.10768305

You only emulate game ROMs that you've purchased and own, right?

>> No.10768317
File: 288 KB, 400x471, 1569987199744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You only emulate game ROMs that you've purchased and own, right?

>> No.10768323

Another Switch family pass member, I see.

>> No.10768327

I don't even play games, I just buy devices and tinker with them. Games are for children.

>> No.10768338

>10 unnecessary inventions

>> No.10768342

>censoring Linux
What's your problem. You say they lost,but HOW, nignog?

>> No.10768348

>Says he has a "games, at least the electronic ones are for children"
>goes to a vidya board.
Boy are you a compulsive hypocrite.

>> No.10768350
File: 214 KB, 1536x2048, woohoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my first chinkheld, the R36S. Looks pretty neat.
Feels ok on my limited playtime on the R36S.
Every single one of them!

>> No.10768356 [DELETED] 

Just because you're a boy it doesn't mean everyone else here is, kiddo.

>> No.10768361 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 485x597, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't think the pocket has any appeal, personally

>> No.10768367 [DELETED] 

You are WRONG, shitbag darkie.

>> No.10768369 [DELETED] 

So you admit you were bullshitting when you pretended it wasn't about preference or personal taste

>> No.10768376 [DELETED] 
File: 753 KB, 1170x1391, 6EB0889A-AA4E-497E-A3FE-16962D7676B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it angers and confuses me that others want something that I don’t want.
strawberry ice cream isn’t my favorite

>> No.10768381

Kings field
Not the full game but shockingly good, dev was making bloodborne kart but A
Sony DMCAd it

>> No.10768389

neat, what cores can you play on it now? I've said this before but I kinda like the idea of only playing cartridges I find at garage sales and second hand stores.

>> No.10768394 [DELETED] 

he is ex-military

>> No.10768397

I play one handed on the bus.
I'm disabled & banned from driving, people really, really refuse to move out of the accessibility seats. I would really rather be reading and I used to but it's a waste of time carrying an ebook or a book around.

>> No.10768405 [DELETED] 

>it angers and confuses me that others want something that I don’t want.
Yeah, we can see that.

>> No.10768409 [DELETED] 

O really?

>> No.10768429
File: 2.29 MB, 2583x4032, 1708960596328197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll bite the bullet and get my 1st tablet, a telescopic controller to go along with it, and the other things I need to make it more like a laptop or desktop when needed, like a mouse, keyboard, adapters, etc. My main hobbies are drawing and video games/emulation, so it just seems like the perfect all in one solution for me going forward. Does anyone here use a tablet with a controller?

I'll probably go for an used Samsung one that I'd grab for cheap if I can find good offers, 4GB RAM should be enough for the stuff I want to emulate afterall. What's the IPEGA PG-9083s like, anons?

>> No.10768448
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Sometimes, but I keep it all small and sleek.

>> No.10768468

yes retired at master chief for naval intelligence.
Why are you mad janny? Not allowed to talk about russ?

>> No.10768481

Why was Russ pic post and my question about him being military deleted?

>> No.10768503

The only playable handheld in this nano handheld family, like the FunKey S, RG Nano, and Game Gear Micro, is the GKD Pixel. But they're all very expensive, run on teensy little 1:1 screens that are impossible to read text on outside of GB and GBC RPGs, and they cost twice as much as a $40-50 handheld that can play every game they can, infinitely better, in a GameBoy Pocket form factor.

>> No.10768547

Any good CFW for RG35XX Plus or stick with latest ofw?

>> No.10768551

Hopefully Garlic OS will come, and ArkOS head Dev will change his mind or jump off a building for someone else to lead.

>> No.10768570

Weird post to delete. He talks about it a lot.

>> No.10768581
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>every post critical of the analogue pocket is mysteriously gone

>> No.10768592

Playing my babby games on the flight to my second ski holiday of the year was one of the most pleasurably autistic moments of 2022

Get a Lenovo tab m10 plus 3rd gen
Has an actually good screen, a headphone jack and msd slot, and is cheap right now

I have been looking at tablets for a while and am probably going to buy one if I can't snipe an S7+ on eBay sometime this week

>> No.10768595


>> No.10768613

Janitor or maybe even one of the mods could be an analouge freak.

>> No.10768651

Let's see... SHIT standalone emus. Tend to look WORSE than android chinkhelds... Most are powSHITTY!

>> No.10768708
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>> No.10768803

Get the Surface Duo or a Tab S series

>> No.10768805

>"reading is a waste of time" said the gamer


>> No.10768810


@mods @fbi

>> No.10768881

Just get the RG35XX-H

>> No.10768962

Buttons aren't nearly what I want them to be, I want the phat DS's d-pad and buttons specifically and Anbernic's suck.

>> No.10768990

The Trimui Smart Pro’s buttons are actually pretty close to that in feel

>> No.10769195

While waiting for my RP4P to arrive, I'm building my ROM library in anticipation. I'm checking out some games on CDRomance since I would like to try out some more obscure games. Am I correct in assuming that for SNES, GBA, and PS1 games on there it's just a simple case of downloading the file and it can run in retroarch? Or will I have to go through multiple steps with patching ROM headers and stuff? If so I might not just bother.

>> No.10769205

There are a lot of pre-patched roms on CDR which I've always thought was based. All you need to do is extract the files. CDR got BTFO recently and had to move their stock elsewhere but it should be simple to get there I think.

>> No.10769208

from experience, some rom hacks didnt show up using a regular folder or file scan but would work if i manually loaded the content then favorited it (go go ackman for example). but i didnt bother tinkering because i just wanted to PLAY SOME FUCKING GAMES

>> No.10769210
File: 51 KB, 700x465, Psp2tvadapterback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a handheld that can:
>run old vidya, ps1 and n64 in particular (n64 optional) without pushing the hardware too much or stuttering
>have av-out, particularly composite or s-video; having some sort of av-out dock is fine too, preferable even
>can connect to a wireless controller like the dual shock 3, or a wired controller
>over 2 hours of battery life
>can play HEVC encoded video (optional)

I realize most of this can be done with a psp or a raspberry pi, sans the n64 stuff, but I'm curious if there's a sort of drop in replacement; some type of hardware you just buy, play on the bus, hook up to your CRT at home, put all your games on it and don't think about it anymore.
Pic somewhat related.

>> No.10769213

Imo just get a RP2S and an hdmi to composite adapter for it or something

>> No.10769282

I've seen SwitchRes get brought up to Linux chinkheld devs once, but they don't seem interested in the slightest. Simply converting from a modern res like anon suggests will look like ass.

>> No.10769296

Turns out the N64 core on retroarch works way better than the standalone emulator on android, wew lad

>> No.10769297

>SHIT Standalone Emus
Not exactly all of them.
>tend to look worse than android chinkhelds
How many?
Whatever, Handheld Warring Nignog.

>> No.10769302

Just get something with a digital video out and use a converter

>> No.10769306

Unironically a steam deck.
USB-C Display Alternate mode can natively carry RGB VGA, and from there you just need a VGA to SCART/Component adapter and CRT Emudriver.

>> No.10769317

Which chinkheld? That's not normally the case in my experience, sadly.

Are you sure it can do low dotclock from that? Interesting if so, just found a use for my Deck when it's retired.

>> No.10769372

That's been my experience too, with settings tweaks to get the most out of it that I can. The only problem I have on the 405M is I have to launch it from Retroarch instead of from Daijisho like everything else but PS2.

>> No.10769387

On a D1100 running Exagear or Winlator or some compatibility layer thingy? Maybe Prepare to die edition might work. I got it working on a toaster so who knows. The D900 could play Skyrim on the original Odin.

>> No.10769407

I'm surprised there's nothing to fit that particular niche, despite how many different handhelds are being made.
I own several converters from vga & hdmi to both composite and s-video and there's something about the way they carry over to a CRT tv that feels dissatisfying to me. I would therefore like to avoid that option. Unless there's "better" ones out there that don't feel that way...?
I usually use a pc with an older gpu that natively outputs s-video, as well as a raspberry pi 3 for composite. I generally avoid RGB, even though one of my tvs has SCART, because it makes the pixels too crisp for my tastes.
I was mostly wondering if there's something like a psp + psp2tv (old product), already put together. I've been considering to mod a raspberry pi, add a screen, battery and 3d printed shell + buttons to it, and using its regular composite out with a wireless controller for when I'm at home. But that would take a while and probably won't be very ergonomic, compared to something made professionally.
Sorry for the blogpost.

>> No.10769410

>Which chinkheld?
Odin 2

>The only problem I have on the 405M is I have to launch it from Retroarch instead of from Daijisho like everything else but PS2
Funny enough I can launch it from daijisho without any problem

>> No.10769419

Oddly enough the up counter has disappeared.

>> No.10769448

>Are you sure it can do low dotclock from that?
Well... theoretically. Maybe. You couldn't use CRT Emudriver though. You'd have to use some autistic esoteric xrandr linux based method.
I haven't tried getting a setup like this to work, although some people have allegedly done it. Maybe.

The easiest thing to do would be to pick up a cheap pc for your home setup and use syncthing to get saves on your deck or whatever handheld you end up getting.

>> No.10769472

Holy fucking sovl

>> No.10769491

>Funny enough I can launch it from daijisho without any problem
Rub it in why don't you

>> No.10769531

Why can't they make a chinkheld that just works? Every time I reasearch one I like I discover it has a flaw that would make it cumbersome to use.
>Pocket 2S: no heatsink, heats up on long sessions
>Pocket 4 Pro: shoddy quality overall
>RG35XX+: uncomfortable for long sessions, shoddy os
>RGB20S/X: (apparently) not powerful enough to play N64 without issues

>> No.10769538

get a steam deck, they're made in china

>> No.10769550



>> No.10769598
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Idk what to tell you man, I just setup the core and make daijishou launch it just like with NES/SNES/GBA/ARCADE games
The core i'm using is Mupen64Plus-Next GLES3 and the default player on daijisho is 129 - n64 - RetroArch - mupen64_plus_next_gles3

>> No.10769618

I'm waiting for the Powkiddy X86...

>> No.10769641

Pascal's wager?
Powkiddy seems comitted on making the x19 comfortable, but they seem just as comitted on keeping the chip a secret. I dont know either. It's cleary the t820 or another unisoc

>> No.10769647

how much space to get doing Wii era and under

>> No.10769662

Unfortunately what you're asking for doesn't really exist, since most of the people that use CRTs don't emulate, since they're going for "authenticity". What you're asking for is a niche of a niche of a niche

>> No.10769668

So it's pretty much settled that the FPGBC is superior to the analog pocket right?

>> No.10769681

I was just kidding

>> No.10769690

Two gigabytes

>> No.10769704
File: 74 KB, 564x562, Screenshot 2024-03-12 021354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 more days until it finally arrives
I just wanna play videogames while laying down...

>> No.10769734

256gb should do you as long as you aren't gonna iso hoard. That said, a good way to do the math is average GC game is 1gb, average PS2 and Wii is 4gb. It's not accurate but it's a safe way to estimate.

>> No.10769785

disgusting frontend tranny

>> No.10769789

stuff from here collecting as much stuff as i can https://vsrecommendedgames.fandom.com/wiki/V/%27s_Recommended_Games_Wiki

>> No.10769854

shoulders on vertislops are a meme to begin with so i'd rather them be discretely designed like the miyoo ones versus the autism hilt on the anbernigs as it's infinitely sleeker and more pocketable

the inputs on the miyoos are a strong suit but that's within the confines of what's achievable with a game boy-style layout yknow, expecting any bit of ergonomics to utilize those 4 back buttons regularly in play was a mistake though

regardless i do genuinely like the mini and mini plus

>> No.10769859

how much space for saves

>> No.10769861

Realistically no amount of saves should ever take up more than a gig. Keep in mind the average memory card for these kinds of systems was 8mb

>> No.10769863

Sorry, replied to wrong post

>> No.10769882


I've only had mine for a month or so but I don't have this issue. I also rarely run carts at all and just use open fpga. Worst thing about it are the R&L buttons being in a weird spot, volume power buttons being nearly identical and sharp seams on the plastic. That's as critical as I can be. Honestly, it's still a home run, I use my pocket more than my consoles at this point, with the dock it's incredible.

>> No.10769894

That first video of Ds2 is on a Moto g200 Snapdragon 888.
Similar to D1100 but scores vary though.



It isn't best optimized, but it could be playable. Ds1 is smaller too.

>> No.10769897

Can Odin 2 on the winlator play older pc games then? Like maybe Diablo 2 or Age of Empires 2?

>> No.10769930

Some of the chips involved have benchmark scores in the 30's and one here was using a SD 8 gen 1 , perhaps a little reductive but generally useful as a gauge.
d900: 43
d1100: 59 (The last vid in the first group is a SD870: 59 to give a similar impression of performance.)
SD 8 gen 1: 81 (DS2 ran smoothly, so should work on Odin 2:))

>> No.10769965

They work on dosbox on much weaker and less expensive devices, so Odin 2 should be no problem.

Even online in Diablo 2-

>> No.10769995

Do you ever use your chinkheld for stuff other than gaming?

>> No.10770001

nice self-awareness

>> No.10770010

What else would I use it for?

>> No.10770013

I sometimes use my chinkheld to look up hentai pics and masturbate if I don't have my phone on hand for whatever reason.

>> No.10770015

If it's android you could watch or listen to stuff or just browse the web

>> No.10770018

True, though it's usually more easy/comfortable to just use the phone for that kinda thing

>> No.10770023

Chinkhelds are cheaper so I figured some might have alternate uses for them, even the RG Nano markets itself as an mp3 player.

>> No.10770051

I can see why some would like to do that, but for me, the whole appeal of these little gizmos is the fact that they're dedicated game devices. The most non-gaming stuff I use with my retroid is discord, and that's mainly just as a quick and dirty way to move my screenshots off the system

>> No.10770162

Playing anything that requires frequent usage of back buttons on a vertical handheld is shit.
If you plan on playing such games, return that thing.

>> No.10770169

>can't even properly integer scale the one system it runs

i guess it's alright if you *really* need something that'll play carts on a budget, otherwise i'm not sure why you wouldn't just go full chinkheld at that point

>> No.10770286
File: 244 KB, 443x442, sf2000 colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still top dog when it comes to sub $15 cheap boys, I really wish something more premium had the EXACT SAME shell and buttons, just with a second analog stick. No, the rg353p is NOT close just because it vaguely has the SNES controller shape.

>> No.10770287

it does a 4x integer scale though?

>> No.10770293
File: 379 KB, 1222x850, SNES controller portables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issue overall seems to be screen size, the entire thing loses its ergonomics once you try to use a decently sized screen. But there's still other issues like the rg353p tiny baby buttons just being smaller, repainted Anbernic face buttons instead of the SNES styled ones with two concave and two convex.

>> No.10770296

>6000+ games
Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.10770368

i'm cool with android chinkhelds as then i use them as my casting device since airplay is shit

>> No.10770380

Got a problem with launchers? Simbitch?

>> No.10770389

which doesn't use the whole screen, that's what i meant by "properly"

i mean i get it - off-the-shelf parts, whatever, just flares up my autism a lot worse than if it were any old multi-system device

>> No.10770394

>retroarch settings
>screen size
Yep, it's retro gaming time.

>> No.10770645

I really want one but I don't have cartridge autism so it virtually doesn't offer me anything beyond the screen and better form factor than my MM+

>> No.10770692

I don't have an analogue.
I just got my FPGBC kit yesterday and built it.
I don't care about the practicality of playing carts vs emulating.
I bought it because I like bare metal, and I think FPGA is a neat technology.
Here I will list some of my points of notice:
Their case feels very good. From the outside, indistinguishable from OEM besides some of the color ways.
Assembly was very easy.
With the battery in, it feels damn near identical to a GBC in weight and balance.
Nice fresh cartridge slot lets even my grimiest oldest carts pick up on the first try.
There is some jank with the GBC core when using a GB game and doing the button combo pallette select. It seems to make the system go into a bootloop requiring a restart. GBC pallettes are unusable for me. You can still use the pallettes that you select from the OSD when in GB mode.
There is some whining coming from the speaker or headphones even at 0 volume. It might be firmware. I didn't notice it when I first tested it, before I updated to latest firmware.
The speaker is also vibrating at mid to high volumes. could be installer error. I will need to check my work.
It lacks IR LEDs and receivers so IR won't work. I have never used IR in 25 years so this doesn't bother me. Curiously there are holes on the PCB for the sensor and LED but no components populated.
It plays things well.
The screen is beautiful and I like the integer scaled mode with the pixel mask, looks very close to what I'd imagine an enlarged, backlit original GBC screen would have looked like.
7/10 don't regret this purchase. If it didn't have the couple of issues I mentioned above I would give it 10/10.

>> No.10770737

that's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.

>> No.10770802
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>> No.10770807

Why does this guy have to put his face out there so much? Feels he's been doing it more often lately too.

>> No.10770813

i know rite

>> No.10770814

That's one of his only legitimate complaints though. Fuck the Switch stick clones chink companies all use, they suck.

>> No.10770824

This guy has tiny hands.
You cannot trust his opinion on anything to do with ergonomics, buttons or sticks. Sticks too short? Nah, his thumbs too short to work them properly.

baby should git gud at contra, his dpad skills are lacking.

>> No.10770830

He has a surprisingly large femoid fanbase for some reason. Don't ask me why.
This too. I remembered thinking of x18s was bigger than a 3dsxl, but it either the same size or slightly smaller. Everything looks huge when russ holds it.

>> No.10770834
File: 2.08 MB, 1296x2048, rg556 hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything looks huge when russ holds it.
camera settings and hand size definitely make a big difference in this regard.

>> No.10770838
File: 975 KB, 1069x726, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is he like this

>> No.10770841

one thing i wish this wiki had was all games for every system added up so we know how big each of the reccomeded libary are so we can make sure we got enough space https://vsrecommendedgames.fandom.com/wiki/PlayStation_2

>> No.10770843

>He has a surprisingly large femoid fanbase for some reason
How do you know this?

>> No.10770845

>Playing handheld, looks up at the camera, grins.
He wasn't always this gay...

>> No.10771019

>Do you ever use your chinkheld for stuff other than gaming?
Why would you want to? Gaming hardware is for gaming time. If you want to bust a nut or do social media stuff use a phone or PC.

>> No.10771053

>Gaming hardware is for gaming time.
>t. uses a cell phone for everything but calling people

>> No.10771071

>>t. uses a cell phone for everything but calling people
I don't use cell phones unless I have to make a call or text. Smart phones are shit that will help accelerate the downfall of humanity.

>> No.10771074

Not quite hhg but this is the hardware thread: does anyone ever play retrogames on the tv? What sort of hardware are you using for it?

>> No.10771081

Youtube has a new dumbass rule where the creators have to show their faces more. To prevent impersonations or some dumb shit.

>> No.10771109

Smart phones, like guns, are merely a tool. It's how the average man missuses them that's the issue.

>> No.10771115

I'll switch to watching jewtube videos or browsing the web on my X28 while playing in bed sometimes. I mean yeah I could just just grab my phone, but I'm already holding my X28 so why bother.

>> No.10771118

I guess this would be more /crt/ territory but I use either a PC CRT, a 14" portable or a 4k monitor & TV from my PC. I have an AMD card I can use for direct to VGA output but it's not needed anymore.
Current setup goes from an RTX GPU > displayport/VGA cable > VGA and SCART for the TV.

Otherwise it's just retroarch on a 4k monitor with shaders, when it's on my TV (55" between 1.85 > 2m away) I calculated out the percentage it would require for older systems to meet between 28 & 32" screens in each aspect ratio, converted them to pixel measurements and punch in the numbers appropriately. If I ever get bored enough I'll make a PNG overlay or something to mask out the black expanse surrounding it but it doesn't bother me so far.

>> No.10771132

Thanks, I'll ask around in /crt/ too.

Have you ever thought of buying a device just for retro gaming on the tv? Like these handheld devices but for the big screen?

>> No.10771142

>Have you ever thought of buying a device just for retro gaming on the tv? Like these handheld devices but for the big screen?
lol no

>> No.10771172

Why, when most of these handheld devices can connect to a big screen anyway? Especially kino for multiplayer.

>> No.10771181
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, Hyperkin RetroN Sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought about the Hyperkin RetroN because I like its funky 80s neon colours and the idea of just being able to slap any GB, GBC. or GBA cartridge into a small console and play on my TV without a GameCube or SNES set up as well. But not only is it ridiculously overpriced (like 300% most expensive than it should be) but the GBA playing doesn't even fucking work properly, so fuck it.

I'd still like to own one for free, but I wouldn't pay more than $10 for one, ever.

>> No.10771186

$82.99 USD for a new one doesn't seem that unreasonable, even if the GBA doesn't work properly without updating to cfw.

>> No.10771198

yeah nah that's super unreasonable.

>> No.10771229

You mean like a smart tv or a smart device box/stick that connects to an hd tv ?

>> No.10771235

>Smart phones, like guns, are merely a tool. It's how the average man missuses them that's the issue.
Guns are not designed to entice users to use them. Phones and phone applications are developed using psychological techniques to make people addicted and stupid sheep.

>> No.10771273

there's also Rumble, Vidlii, Bitchute, and Odysee.

>> No.10771284

You mean the original ip counter on this and some other boards?

>> No.10771350

>Guns are not designed to entice users to use them.
Anon, I...

>> No.10771419

Yeah thats the idea. My engineer buddy is working on building one.

>> No.10771425

You'd prefer playing off of cartridges vs rom dumps?

>> No.10771431

If you think that you have some serious problems, Anon. Guns are tools, not phone apps made to entice and befuddle. When I see or use a gun I enjoy it, but it does not try to rewire my brain to become a slave to the gun. I say this as someone who worked as a hunter safety instructor and a shooting range attendant.

>> No.10771457

>Guns are not designed to entice users to use them.
Gun owner here. You are such an impotent, underage child just mindlessly spouting bullshit online while unsupervised, what the absolute fuck is this retarded take of the century? There are entire industries around shooting guns because how exciting they are to use.

*To use, as a tool/recreational fun. Not as a weapon against other human beings, which is what I know your impotent child ass is going to jump to next.

It's why video games with guns are the most fun.

>> No.10771463

You are dumb as fuck anon. His point isn't that it isn't fun to shoot a gun.

>> No.10771476

Guns are enjoyable to use. They look cool, they sound amazing, they are a tool of power. There's not much that compares to firing one, or competing with one. I'm not arguing that by any means, Anon. What I'm arguing is that a gun is a gun. It might be visually designed to look cool by committee or designer, but you don't have companies like Glock or Beretta or even Hi-Point hiring addiction specialists and clinical psychologists to find ways to make it so you want to keep using guns to an unhealthy degree. There's no paid risk and reward gambling mechanic tooled to make someone look at a gun and go "Wow, I should spend all my money on a bunch of random guns in boxes!". There's not energy system that keeps you coming back every 3/6/9/12 hours and giving you free ammo to shoot. Meanwhile, phone are designed from the ground up to be addictive and harmful to the mind. Phones use things like constant push notifications to get your attention, to remind you that you can gamble for jpegs or whatever you might want.

>> No.10771495

I feel like people have been doing it more since before that rule was in effect, as mostly an ego thing.

>> No.10771504

>use friend's jewflix account
>jewflix makes it so multiple TVs can only access the same account if they're on the same wifi in the same house
>no such restriction on android jewflix
>can just hdmi out an android chinkheld to keep using their jewflix account
Feels good

>> No.10771532
File: 2.99 MB, 241x320, 35a85edf8db1cb138f709a299b54564e92584beb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone ocr and translate wtf max zhou is saying here?

>> No.10771547
File: 285 KB, 514x779, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the best i can do.

>> No.10771548

Just wanted to say. I love my led deck and I'm using it as a secondary desktop on it's dock as well. Plays Trackmania at 60fps and my jank ass Wizardry games. Does everything I need.

>> No.10771549

Maybe baidu translate?

>> No.10771565

This is what Baidu is giving me:
>You know how to make a handheld? Huh?
>“You have to Pee!
>Good Pee! Good Pee!
>You know Bo?
Also another translation
>Do you know how to make a handheld console? Ah? "I have to be willing to use urine!" Use good urine! Use good urine! Do you know waves? ?

>> No.10771569

I know this concept is foreign to you chink shills

>> No.10771589

Got a CRT oriented distro (GroovyArcade) running on an i5 4690k and R7 260x with a VGA transcoder to Component, it set itself up automatically, comes with a frontend that then loads the game on RA/GroovyMAME which then handles the resolution switching by itself, butter smooth. Can't imagine setting up the whole thing manually must be too hard, but again it depends on finding an output that does low dotclock, preferably VGA or DP over HDMI.

>Pocket 2S: no heatsink, heats up on long sessions
Don't get the complaint, can only imagine the anon from the other thread was running Beetle PSX or something. Probably a real problem for PS2 and GC though.
>RGB20S/X: (apparently) not powerful enough to play N64 without issues
Nothing RK3566 based can handle N64 comfortably, correct.

Either version of Dark Souls 2 performs a lot better than PTDE. Still don't think these are reliable for actually playing anything relatively demanding though, framerate is all over the place.

Started using my X28 again for VNs (don't ask, offtopic) and I'm reminded how weight distribution is more important than the weight itself, feels much heavier than my Deck.

>> No.10771593

You are crazy m8, X28 has (relatively) light weight AND godtier weight distribution imo. I also use mine for VNs thoever.

>> No.10771615

Why not just get one of those android boxes and use that? Nvidia does one, I think. It's like the Ouya but not shit.

>> No.10771618

So your entire argument was predicated not on phones, but on specific kinds of apps. Basically you're retarded, I don't play gacha or any of that shit on my phone and I've never been tempted to download something I wasn't already interested in. Maybe you are the one with a problem and are prone to getting addicted to gacha shit or something, with your aversion to phones being a defense.

>> No.10771625

>Basically you're retarded
No anon, you're the retarded one for not understanding what he was saying from the get go. Just admit you're asshurt because you were arguing against an argument that didn't exist and now you feel stupid.

>> No.10771628

>Don't get the complaint
For some reason people will feel their chinkheld heating up after 2 hours of PS1 and up or after like 45 minutes of GC/PS2 and instead of thinking "hmm I better put it in sleep mode and set it down in a position that lets the heat escape efficiently," they will instead complain that the device heats up and that it is the fault of the manufacturer after they decided to keep playing while their hands burn off.

>> No.10771629

That might be too high for what it can do these days. The onntv box is a better starter option.

>> No.10771634

>an argument that didn't exist
>"cell phones are bad because gacha games that I don't have to play exist and do gacha things if you play them"
Uh huh

>> No.10771639

I was just using it as an example, I don't know much about those since I don't use them.

>> No.10771643

Android is bloated and slow. There's much higher quality software available for plain old linux.

>> No.10771652

I don't know of any linux tv hookups aside from just using pc, I saw the Nvidia tv thing years ago and android is what I know so that's what I suggested.

>> No.10771667
File: 78 KB, 420x240, Drop it on a child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying it's so heavy you could drop it on a fucking child

>> No.10771670

>fuck it! Good pee. Do you know waves?
It's spiritual in a way

>> No.10771672
File: 113 KB, 757x531, 1704500864520793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man has gone mad with the world's entire inventory of the RK3566 chip, and he won't die until he uses all of it.

>> No.10771679

It's not just gacha games. Smartphones are designed to be appealing and addictive to people. The software is purposely meant to intrude into a persons life to get them to use it more and more. Phones are a big business market, and by making people more focused on their phones more money can be made by phone companies and the like.

>> No.10771705

And anyone with a modicum of self control is able to use one without throwing money at jpgs. Again, it just soujds like you projecting because you have debilitating adhd or something.

>> No.10771718

I like how you went from debating to just tossing insults out. This is not a hill you or I should die on, Anon. To change from this increasingly pointless bickering, have you played anything interesting or noteworthy lately, my dude? I've been playing Super Smash TV (SNES) on my GPi Case.

>> No.10771726

It's not an insult if I'm right. And I played Tactics Ogre at normal speed because I'm capable of relaxing.

>> No.10771753

Nice choice and I guess we just can not see eye to eye on the subject matter.

>> No.10771786
File: 154 KB, 1100x1100, trimui-smart-pro-retro-handheld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what point did you realize that you couldn't trust Youtubers for reviews of these things? My breaking point was the Trimui Smart Pro, where out of the dozens of reviews of this device, only TWO of them mentioned the shitty internal back speaker with no speaker grills, and only ONE of them actually treated it as a negative.

>> No.10771794

Who the fuck ever "trusted" Youtubers? kek

>> No.10771797
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>> No.10771804

Mutahar no longer has his Analogue Pocket sitting on the table behind him. He now has two Switches, a Deck, and a PSP. Probably got tired of people commenting on how much dust it was collecting.

>> No.10771826

I don't trust youtubers or even other people. Waiting for my trim to arrive to try it out for myself.

>> No.10771842

When I bought an original Odin (lite) at the recommendation of every single YouTube reviewer I could find, only to boot it up and realize the input delay was so bad it was borderline unplayable (and this is coming from someone who doesn't have any issues streaming games). Looked it up to see if it was a settings issue only to discover this was a very known issue despite not a single reviewer ever mentioning the fact.

Sold it online the next day and used some of the cash on a 353V, cause I never wanted to spend $200+ on a potentially shit system again. I still watch reviewers, but mainly to get general feels for a handheld. I only make the purchase after seeing what actual users think on threads and discords, etc

>> No.10771874


>> No.10771875
File: 104 KB, 150x150, 1709882206380465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never trusted youtube reviews. I make a point to only use youtube for music, WKUK/comedy sketches or repair tutorials.

>> No.10771956

It's a shame we don't have non-shill chink posters here, I would like to know what they of him.

>> No.10771964
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Not highly

>> No.10771979

What would his boss fight moveset be

>> No.10771996

Ayn releasing a Loki 2 when?

>> No.10772124

Hello, cancelled.

>> No.10772280

Isn't there a speaker grill on the bottom right of the screen?

>> No.10772296
File: 178 KB, 512x474, 1612219161280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, that's not where you hear the sound come out of. A speaker grill is supposed to cover the actual speaker, so the sound comes out nice and clear. Instead, the speaker is at the center-back of the device, and the sound is SUPPOSED to echo around the inside of the shell until it comes out of the holes in the front (by then, distorted and robbed of all bass). In reality, the device sounds louder coming out of the TOP of the device than the front grills, despite the top having zero grills to speak of, so I have no clue why they designed it like this. They should've just made a speaker grill in the back so the sound would at least sound clear, if not pointed towards the player.

Man, is there a SINGLE pocketable 16:9 device with front-firing speakers? How can they fit front-firing speakers on tiny 4:3 devices just fine, but when it comes to 16:9, you need to go all the way up to the fucking Odin/Steam Deck just to get proper sound?

>> No.10772363

Let me guess, you need to hear the game you're playing?

>> No.10772367

If you’re implying I should use headphones, it doesn’t support bluetooth either

>> No.10772409

Is MSI Claw the Ally and Deck killer?

>> No.10772416

No, it's shittier than both

>> No.10772420

Has there ever been a "______ Killer" that actually killed the thing?

>> No.10772432

RP4P is the RG556 killer

>> No.10772458

The retroid flip was SUPPOSED to be the x18s killer, but it eventually did WORSE thanks to the shit hinge. The screens sucks compared to teh v3 black too.

>> No.10772467

Wasn't the Flip basically a clamshell 3+? Baffling that they managed to fuck it up so hard that it's barely remembered.

>> No.10772639

>He has a surprisingly large femoid fanbase for some reason. Don't ask me why.
He's well-spoken and attractive, that's why.

>> No.10772659

The point of youtube reviewers is you don't just take their opinion at face value, you analyze it with regards to what their usual preferences and personalities are to draw a mental comparison so you can add it to your own information map so you can more closely triangulate on what option might be the best for you. If you're just expecting to be told IS IT GOOD/BAD?? from a reviewer, that's some NPC tier thinking.

It's like when /tv/ gets mad at RedLetterMedia movie reviews, it's like, brah, you don't have to agree with them on the review, you just take what they thought of it and the points they brought up about what was good/bad and cross-reference it with the kind of people they are and what they usually like to inform a decision about a movie you may not have seen yet.

>> No.10772680

>If you're just expecting to be told IS IT GOOD/BAD?? from a reviewer, that's some NPC tier thinking.

Sadly that's what a lot of the thread boils down to. "This is the BEST handheld. Just buy THIS." or "Is THIS the new best handheld?" as if there isn't several different use cases

>> No.10772751

A lot of the thread boils down to people saying, "just get this devices that fits your criteria perfectly". Outside of the four or five faggots always saying, "just get a Steam Deck/just use your phone".

>> No.10772898

Make it horizontal so I can emulate Darius

>> No.10772908

>I have a cheap DAC that was listed on retro RGB website
>Mine seems to be working good so far
They all "work", the issue is the chip in them crushes colors. The games are perfectly playable but the image is darker than it should be, that's their only issue.

>> No.10772939

The claw is a sidegrade at best, a downgrade at worst. Problem is the Rog Ally regularly goes on sale for $400 open box or $550 new so there's literally zero reason to ever get the claw. Even if you don't think the rog ally the best umpc, it's still the best windows based handheld and any new competitor into the space should aim to be better, not worse than it.

>> No.10773038

The pic with the basedboy... did you use it ironically, right?

>> No.10773074

From the start when I was told 353V could do N64 and its d-pad was good. Once again when they hardly bat an eye at the RP2S just because it was a refresh despite how nice it is.

>Man, is there a SINGLE pocketable 16:9 device with front-firing speakers?
X28, but the sticks are broken and it has the slowest RAM of all T618s.

It's the Intel killer, thing is a stuttery battery eating disaster.

>> No.10773285
File: 218 KB, 1371x418, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok zoomer.

>> No.10773293

how can i make my PS1 save file of FF4 from PC work on my handheld? it's not working

>> No.10773296
File: 126 KB, 1152x595, hello, in test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing noone has posted it yet.

>> No.10773297

Plastic looks bad.

>> No.10773298


>> No.10773303


>> No.10773305

I won't believe them until they actually announce it's being put up for sale. I'll never trust them just on images and videos after the P60

>> No.10773316

Watch them only produce 500 units.

>> No.10773350
File: 1.68 MB, 360x640, t5ovif.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, looks like ass.

>> No.10773426

I see what anon's getting at with the trim, apart from the speakers most reviewers left out the early left shoulder button issue on the first firmware that was fixed and just about every one of them reviewed it in power saving mode leading to vastly different reviews. And it wasn't just "reviewers" either since even users here were getting filtered by config.
The microhanded darling reviewer of early units even has his review where he did the entire thing up on his channel in its entirety with only a comment mentioning it, hasn't revisited it and couldn't be bothered to film another.
How is the device? It's pretty good, better than all the reviews that were reviewing it in power saver mode, firmware updates have helped it a tonne but they're taking their time and there's no alternate OS yet.

There's times where you can't take anything from a review or even other users. If there's anything you can extrapolate and analyse from the reviews on that device, it's that you can't trust anyone.
OH NO! He's gonna kill a civ with his brick clamshell! Somebody stop him!

>> No.10773438

into the trash

>> No.10773459

>no analog sticks/sliders
I sleep

>> No.10773467

For what reason?

>> No.10773484
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My DSi XL came in!

>> No.10773494
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 33B95F45-FC0E-463D-8926-45E0877344D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost the pen for my dsi xl ages ago and I can’t find a replacement
It sucks

>> No.10773495
File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand fuck, it’s yellowed. Also, the stylus is scratchy as hell; good thing I had a third-party one from long ago. Also, there’s this weird flicker on the bottom screen that hurts my eyes, but I only got it to happen once, so not sure if that’ll be reoccurring or not. I also ordered normal red, not Mario red.

Honestly, I’m probably gonna try for a return and get the blue one instead. That was my 2nd most wanted color, and even if that one also has a yellow screen, at least the color will look nice, and maybe there won’t be bleach stains all over the top screen this time.

>> No.10773525


is there any reason to not just use a New 3DS and just emulate everything?

went through the glory of hacking mine last weekend and it plays everything I could possibly want out of a handheld of this size.

The only way to go from here is something like a steam deck which is way less portable.

>> No.10773532

it's not powerful enough for most things
I hate that Nintendo don't make real portables any more

>> No.10773539

>Aaand fuck, it’s yellowed.
If it makes you feel better, it was only a matter of time. All units are doomed to have a piss yellow tint. I've got two units from when they were discontinuing them in the 3ds era, the lovely tan/brown models and one's BNIB only taken out for maintenance charges and even its screen is yellowing.
Return it and get the colour you want, may/may not be better but at least you'll have the colour you were hoping for.

I'm okay with emulating on vertislop and horizslop but both? ewww. I've got set of 3ds grips too but it's never felt right to me.

>> No.10773541

>it plays everything I could possibly want out of a handheld of this size
GB/C/A and a little of SNES games?, also the ergonomic are just bad

>> No.10773557

>d-pad in wrong location, shit ergonomics and screens, entire screen sitting there unused, shit emulation power and software environment
Better questions: is there any reason to use it for emulation outside of being a faggot tendie fanboy? Hell I'd rather emulate 3DS games at this point on almost anything else than play them on an actual 3DS.

>> No.10773582

>it plays everything I could possibly want out of a handheld of this size.
Well I want to play SoulCalibur 2 on a handheld of that size and RP2S allows me to do that.

>> No.10773602 [DELETED] 

Too bad citra is no longer being developed (and isn't compatible with the full 3ds library). Jailbroken 3ds is king for 3ds (surprise, surprise)

>> No.10773662 [DELETED] 

too bad all the good games are playable and only kusoge remain

>> No.10773703

>it plays everything I could possibly want
>is there any reason to not
Sounds like you're all set, but look into Retroid Pocket 4 Pro for up to some gen 6 or the Ayn Odin 2 for the same but bigger and more capable if all you want is retro games.

>> No.10773719

What is the Switch Lite

>> No.10773721

trash, and hard to hack too

>> No.10773726

>the ergonomic are just bad
But enough about the piss vita

>> No.10773731

Mindbroken tendie.

>> No.10773739

Yeah you say it's hard to hack but what's stopping you from spending a couple hours working through it versus the endless hours of tinkering you guys do anyway

>> No.10773748

Dude, this is a chinkheld thread mainly. Nobody gives a fuck about your impotent, dead Nintendo/Sony fanboy war.

>> No.10773754

Is this opposite day? Chinkhelds just work with you flashing a card, homebrewing a console takes an entire day.

>> No.10773760
File: 3.84 MB, 3724x2714, 20240313_161915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody's sour they couldn't afford both.

>> No.10773763

>versus the endless hours of tinkering you guys do anyway
I only did this once with shaders for each console as I didn't want to use the same for everything

>> No.10773768

A phone posting zoomer WOULD think people need to re-do their entire emulation library every time, kek

>> No.10773851

Anon at least post a photo for the PS Vita PCH-1000 instead of this ugly shitty glossy device that is the PS Vita PCH-2000.

>> No.10773895

Lack of a soldering iron. Lack of skills to use a soldering iron. Lack of a modchip (that I will probably fuck up with my non-existent micro-soldering skills anyway). Only the first Switch revisions can be easily modded with just an RCM jig (and also have the shittiest battery life). All Lites are patched.

>> No.10773994

This gets better as you go too desu. Once you know which shaders you like for what type of games you can easily get that sorted.
My current process is generating a dot grid for a device and then using sharp shimmerless behind it to iron out any issues. Takes like 10 minutes to generate all the different devices and then <1m per console/game to use the correct overlay & shader.

You don't really endlessly tweak once you know what you like on what sort of screen etc.

>> No.10774043


>> No.10774110

What handhelds do the irish play?

>> No.10774117

Something with potato tier power

>> No.10774167
File: 195 KB, 1173x1173, 1710302821603910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Yuzu being kill is Emulation Station for Android still viable? Or should I just default to Daijisho again?

>> No.10774179

How bad are the speakers on Smart Pro? Is device worth it for 80 euros?

>> No.10774205

Vita beats out the 3DS, but both lose to their predecessors.
For the record, I'd go DS over PSP for that one, but that might just be because I used it way more.

>> No.10774208

It's fine and you can get them for $50 on AliExpress now. Don't listen to these pendants.

>> No.10774218

>With Yuzu being kill is Emulation Station for Android still viable? Or should I just default to Daijisho again?
As long as you don't mind launching 3ds/switch games from their respective apps, personally I'll just stick with Daijisho

>> No.10774225

If it's your first handheld ever, you won't know the difference. If you own literally anything else with forward-firing speakers, like an RGB30, or even those mono corner speakers on stuff like the Miyoo Mini or the RG35XX, you'll hear the difference.

>> No.10774235

I'll add that the RGB30 has these weird dent shaped grills that dampen the speakers a little bit.

>> No.10774241

Speak of the devil: https://youtu.be/dTE9WyD59Bo

>> No.10774246

A lot of speaker grills have those to protect from dust. It's not so much the shape of the speaker hole, as it is that the speaker is directly underneath the hole itself, which makes the difference.

>> No.10774252 [DELETED] 

>personally I'll just stick with Daijisho
You will never be a woman

>> No.10774267

*Speaker of the devil

>> No.10774275

I have Miyoo Mini Plus and speaker is okay, not good not bad, but i am reluctant because many say speakers on Smart Pro are junk.

>> No.10774329

Niggerga, we both know the powshitty x18 is the only clamshell with good ergo's. Which is kinda sad when you think about it
Vita and 3ds not having skateboard games kill them. Prove me wrong. FUCK golf and football

>> No.10774330

Yeah that's what I was thinking about. Makes no sense to use it if I end up having to launch from different apps anyways.

>> No.10774331

>but both lose to their predecessors.
I don't know why someone would get a PSP over Vita when a hacked Vita with Adrenaline can play all PS1 and PSP games, its own native games and emulates some systems better. Vitas aren't much more expensive either.
Early DS models at least have the advantage of being able to play GBA carts natively. But it's not the cartridge slot that makes it possible, it's the GBA CPU it has on board. And while Nintendo got rid of it starting from DSi, every Vita includes a PSP CPU.

>> No.10774337

Wait, gharunner on dsi is emulation? That sucks shit

>> No.10774342

Oh, and let's not forget that even the "downgraded" IPS display on Vita Slim is much better than any stock TN displays that PSP models used (I think PSP Go might be an exception) and you actually get two analog sticks, which is a godsend for some games.

>> No.10774353

I think it's not strictly emulation, but it does have some incompatibilities, including one GBA game that I like a lot (Rayman Hoodlums' Revenge).

>> No.10774383

Retroarch has poisoned people's minds if you think having to launch each system from a dedicated app per system is a bad thing

>> No.10774394

Vita has no r2 or l2 though so it loses to the n3ds which is still the goat

>> No.10774407

It is a bad thing and frontends caused that, not Retroarch's abortion of an attempt.

>> No.10774416

Were those the first inline shoulders? Which 3ds games even use them?

>> No.10774424

3ds games?

>> No.10774429

N3ds then?

>> No.10774518

>Launching your entire game library from one app instead of opening each app individually is a bad thing
Let me guess, you use Epic Games Store?

>> No.10774551

Back touch pad usually operates as L2/R2.

>> No.10774571

>Let me guess, you use Epic Games Store?
People were buck broken by almost twenty years of Steam. Valve pissed in the pool enough that people think it is natural and fine.

>> No.10774585

Touch pads are pure cancer, the back is where I rest my fingers.

>> No.10774591

You also rest you fingers on the buttons.

>> No.10774592

And those won't register as being pressed unless I actually press them, retard.

>> No.10774593

Neither do the touch pads when resting on them until you move/push more finger meat onto them, kiddo.

>> No.10774606

Except that they do and that's one of many reasons why piss vita, despite having two analog sticks, is worse than the n3ds which has a slider and a nub.

>> No.10774617

>Neither do the touch pads when resting on them until you move/push more finger meat onto them, kiddo.

You realize this still sucks right? Nobody's sitting still like a statue when playing a game. Grip will tighten/loosen based on what you're pressing, your palms will subtly change position when you reach for certain buttons.

>> No.10774662 [DELETED] 

>>10774218 #
>personally I'll just stick with Daijisho
You will never be a woman

>> No.10774691 [DELETED] 

lol wat?

>> No.10774801

Buck breaking never happened! Tariq is a fucking lying cunt.

>> No.10774810

Touchpads and screens were a mistake for handhelds except the ds. Change muh mind. Back touch was still more retarded though
A slider is enough for some to think its shit. Everyone that likes the retroid sliders are legit shills.

>> No.10774853

There is nothing wrong with being a shill and I'm tired of pretending there is

>> No.10774867

>Buck breaking never happened! Tariq is a fucking lying cunt.
I meant more that Steam has done it to the last few generations of PC gamers. Just as how people who have never lived without a smartphone do not understand a world without one, those who have grown up with Steam think it's a perfect and reasonable solution, when it's actually a cancer that has ruined PC gaming. The DRM service gave ideas to other companies and now that digital only, GAAS shit has spread to consoles and film. Books might even be on the chopping block in the future. It's a nightmare for the rights of the consumer.

>> No.10774875
File: 37 KB, 200x173, GameSpy_-_Official_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo steam ruined gaming people don't understand what it was like before

>> No.10774881

Damn the Valve seether is back in action with his shitty LARP.

>> No.10774886

An online matchmaking service provider is not a locked online DRM client. When Gamespy shut down people figured out how to circumnavigate it in many cases. If Steam shuts down it's gone. You can grab pirated games, but contrary to popular belief Valve does not have to strip DRM from the games they rented to you and give you said games. If Steam changes Steamworks or their online matchmaking service? They have zero obligation to devs who find their games do not work with it. Giving one, single company a draconian level of control and authority over gaming is a mistake. Happily letting said company kill off physical games was even worse.

>> No.10774890

I would agree if retroid makes a flip 2 with a good hinge or that lg wing alternative

>> No.10774895

>Happily letting said company kill off physical games was even worse.
This shitty larp is getting old already desu
very stale

>> No.10774906

Feel free to go to any local big box store and record yourself buying a new, non-old stock/modern PC game. Now look at the magic of being able to buy console games with ease. It's not larping, it's pointing out that PC gamers nourished a terrible, cancerous entity that has poisoned gaming.

>> No.10774909

t. Gabe

>> No.10774943

I think my favorite thing about the modern era of retro handhelds is the competition. It really feels like all the modern consoles of the past 20 years are basically the same thing with just like, a dozen exclusives each to separate em, so it's honestly kind of exciting to see companies actually trying to one-up another, introduce new gimmicks, satisfy different niches. Picking a system actually feels like something special and not just "keeping up with the latest gaming box"

>> No.10774948

Looks like all the same shit to me.

>> No.10774953

Same and since they basically have varying degrees of the same multiplats, it really is all about the hardware and price which is easier on the consumer rather than each device or company having exclusives locked to their consoles.

>> No.10774956

I don't know why people go on about physical when the best way to preserve your games is digital. It's also much more convenient. Sure you could buy digital games off of DRM platforms if you want, but you don't need to. It's like saying physical is shit because some games need a download before you can even start playing.

>> No.10774957

Is it worth keeping any of the preinstalled apps on RP4P?

>> No.10774962

>It's like saying physical is shit because some games need a download before you can even start playing.
I mean...

>> No.10774964
File: 88 KB, 640x480, ffviii moral dilemma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want my apps
>don't want google play running shit in the background

>> No.10774997

What that anon says, if it's your first or you're not acutely aware of the difference it won't mean anything to you. It's still a good little system that's capable enough with a lovely screen.

There's a bass loss but it's not the worst, speakers on the cheaper handhelds are shit anyway and struggle to recreate bass tones. It would work better if there was a channel for it similar to those phone stand amplifiers that were all the rage in '08. If you really, really, really cared about the speakers and wanted something in that form factor you could always try and pick up a cheap vita.
The thing that stands out the most to me with it is that it's a bizarre decision to put the speaker holes/grill down there, like was said above they may as well have put them on the back or the top or anything. You could also maybe mount the speakers yourself too.

>let's not forget that even the "downgraded" IPS display on Vita Slim is much better than any stock TN displays that PSP models used (I think PSP Go might be an exception)
Every standard PSP screen was shit, even the replacement ones are shit.
However, you're right, the Go screen is absolutely amazing, god I love that handheld but I fucking despise the control ergos. I used mine docked most of the time or only played stuff like disgaea & tactics ogre on it.

>Retroarch has poisoned people's minds if you think having to launch each system from a dedicated app per system is a bad thing
I don't mind RA and I don't mind standalones. I do have a problem when it's linux and the config files are in a home directory, that's a pain in the ass to edit but I'm no linux guru.

>> No.10775058

What systems do you refuse to emulate?

>> No.10775059

If you can look at a Miyoo Flip, a Retroid Pocket 4, an Odin 2, and an Anbernic 405V and say it all looks the same, there's an issue there

>> No.10775061

All the flips look the same, all the verticals look the same, all the horizontals look the same.

>> No.10775062

"You need physical media for preservation" always came off as funny to me considering how there's no medium where that's true. It all degrades, rots, wears down, etc over time.

Everything that's survived for decades did so through heavily spreading and redistributing it through every means possible. Movies, music, literature, it's all copies of copies. If you wanna read Great Gatsby you don't go on ebay and hope you can find a book printed in the thirties, you find a new print, or just download it online.

We "need" physical media to "preserve" games because video games are the only mass-produced artistic medium where it's industry norm to only make a handful of pressings, and then just never distribute it again.

In reality, it's not neckbeards with a $20k collection of dusty carts keeping old games alive. It's archive websites, rom distributors, emulator developers. Physical media's not for "preservation", it's for collectors who like having shelves of games. But for people who actually care about keeping these old games accessible, it's digital keeping it all afloat.

>> No.10775063

Odin 2, Steamdeck, and RG35XXH look the same?

>> No.10775134 [DELETED] 

Ahhh, Russ is a Navy boy, finally it's all coming into focus.

>> No.10775150 [DELETED] 

This isn't a new thing, it was known for a long time.

>> No.10775165

You kind of disproved your own point though, video games do need physical preservation but in the form of rereleases, not the "le 40 year old rotting cartridge" meme boogeyman. Also just like books, only the most influential games should be preserved while the shovelware dies in obscurity only to be mentioned in niche youtuber videos.

>> No.10775168

I don't disagree, but at the same time that's more of an ideal scenario. I agree that, ideally, the good games would be always officially available through re-releases. But I'm talking more about what the situation is, and more or less always has been; The blockbuster franchises SOMETIMES get re-releases, and then the other 95%, both good and bad, are left to rot.

Major studios have gone through great lengths to prove that they can't be trusted to preserve their games, so as the situation stands, online archives are the only real preservation we have.

>> No.10775170 [DELETED] 

lmao can you imagine begging to get recruited as a jannie just to cope and sneethe in one thread on one board all day long every day of your life
you will never be a woman trannie jannie lmao

>> No.10775172 [DELETED] 

see you in 30 seconds trannie jannie ;)
btw it sure is nice for me how the ip count doesn't update anymore ;)

>> No.10775174 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 329x427, Neck-vein-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average anon
>"Uugh I'm so sick of trannie shit, I wish they'd all kill themselves so I'd never have to hear about it again
>Also average 4chan if they go more than 5 minutes without randomly shoving trans shit into unrelated conversations

I hear you faggots whining 10x more than transshitters, talk about the goddamn video games

>> No.10775180


>> No.10775186 [DELETED] 

>idpolitics discorder wedges his way into position of authority
>uses it to interfere with threads he doesn't like
>shrieking totalitarian abuse of power "THAT'S OFF TOPIC! YOU CAN'T SAY THAT! YOU NEED A TIME OUT!" every 5 minutes
>total ignorance of 20 years of 4chan culture
>"w-why do you keep bringing up trannies huh y-you're even more annoying.."
Weak ass cope and you know it.

>> No.10775197 [DELETED] 

Lmao even. 4kek culture is just reddit 0.9 before kekddit 1.0. You cant even talk about bestality here with retarss screeching at you.

>> No.10775385

You see this? >>10765749
It clearly states. "- No one cares if you're fresh from /v/." for good reason. For somebody who pisses his pampers over how only he knows how 4chan operates, you bizarrely have no fucking idea what a general thread is.

>> No.10776215

psp has no games