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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 79 KB, 1440x792, RETROARYAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10756794 No.10756794 [Reply] [Original]

Peak comfy.

>> No.10756798

I love RetroAryan.

>> No.10756819

>dark mode

>> No.10756842
File: 430 KB, 1300x731, snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Nintendo Switch

>> No.10756849


>> No.10756878

>why yes, I have a very narrow taste in retro games
<inb4 STOP BEING POOR!!!!1

>> No.10756881

legit almost thought i saw Reptar

>> No.10756883

>flat design cancer

>> No.10756952
File: 40 KB, 500x700, Screenshot_172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10756958

That reeks of corporate bland dysfunctional interface. And the reason for that, is because it really is. You should be ashamed of it, Danny.

>> No.10756961

It's comfy because I have all of my games in one single program (which I can also control with just my gamepad)

>> No.10756980

i got filtered by RetroArch the first time i tried to use it years ago. i assumed i needed to download libretro cores elsewhere and then manually load them into RetroArch

it's all i use for most emulation now

>> No.10756983

For me is glui with subtitles disabled. Sleek and clean.

>> No.10756984

Ares does that, only better and without a shit interface

>> No.10756998

Awful UI. Mario Picross and Panel De Pon take up less space than the rest of the games, some boxes are wider than others, highlighted game isn't even highlighted properly, I could go on.

>> No.10757498
File: 560 KB, 1368x742, RetroArch XMB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peak comfy.
It's nice... but to me the peak of comfort would have to be the XMB, I loved it on both PSP and PS3, RetroArch's no different, it feels nice to use.

I like the Switch's home UI, but this selection one here? Not so much... it feels like I'm not seeing a lot, but I'm still overwhelmed by what I do see.

NTA but, in my experience at least, with my 10 year old potato laptop, Ares takes a lot more to just run, RetroArch's just easier for many I think.

>> No.10757513

oh boy a shitroarch thread

>> No.10757589
File: 16 KB, 960x720, RGUI RetroArch Menu Interface1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not rgui

>> No.10757681
File: 32 KB, 416x321, 9uko2fDJgEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full romset

>> No.10757691

Same but I made my background blue

>> No.10757746

sterile and soulless

>> No.10757756

Would be perfect if you could disable the checkerboard background and frame. What's so wrong with a solid black BG and a basic file list?

>> No.10757759
File: 35 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mydgtgw8b41qh8rq6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a boring design...

This is peak comfy to me

>> No.10757767
File: 33 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean something like this? You can change all that in the interface options.

>> No.10757768

No one's going to post the RA Desktop mode?

>> No.10757863

RetroArch has all the design appeal of a blank room with a TV and a wooden barstool.

>> No.10757881

>shitty UI
>it's le comfy xD

>> No.10757905

What do you gain from being contrarian about everything?

>> No.10757925

I just saw somewhere that you can customize Retro arch extensively to make the UI into whatever you want basically and there are several themes that completely change it for the better.

I hate Retroarch UI but if I can make it better it obviously has the most utility.

>> No.10757970

I hate it. I love that it seemingly does everything, but I just wish the UI wasn't menus buried within menus. I just use standalone emulators.

>> No.10757996

press f5

>> No.10758008

I prefer XMB.

>> No.10758114

I vastly prefer RGUI, but sadly RGUI changes something about the video rendering that causes games to stutter or even play at the wrong speed if you're using a monitor with FreeSync/GSync. I refuse to turn off FreeSync because of the extreme reduction in input latency that it affords me. :(

But god, RGUI on the Wii was flawless.

>> No.10758118

>paying a monthly fee for emulators that don't even compete with 20 year old free emulators

ZSNES has more features than NSO. Nesticle is probably a better experience.

>> No.10758131
File: 410 KB, 1024x896, 1701729888762218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's

>> No.10758145

ZSNES looks nice but it's got some weirdness in the usability department. I remember using it on an old 1280x1024 (i think?) CRT, and the wide font made a lot of game names get cut off in the ROM selection window. Sure it's easy to get around but it has little quirks like that.
Outside of emudev politics, RetroArch is genuinely unwieldy to use. I'm pretty seasoned with it but it's still much slower to navigate than pretty much any other emulator UI I can think of, and controller mapping is still a big pain in the ass for certain consoles. It's also got a lot of unmaintained cores so it requires some implicit knowledge of what's outdated and what's not.
And shader customization is still broken due to a bug that's gone unfixed for over a decade which I'll always be always be salty about: If you customize shader parameters and then add another shader (or postpend a shader preset), all of your customizations will be reset to default and there's nothing you can do about it. You have to set everything back one-by-one every single time you add anything.

RA has alternative UIs, but I'm not fond of RA's XMB knockoff and RGUI sadly is broken when using FreeSync/GSync. The alternative UIs also don't address the controller mapping problem, they just reduce the spacing between listed items at best.

>> No.10758149

Desktop interface has many missing settings and the RA UI still renders behind the desktop interface, it's just sloppy.

>> No.10758696

Have you reported that to their bug tracker yet?

>> No.10758753

Zoomer thread

>> No.10759075

It's impressive how much effort people did to polish this turd, how many skins it has now? 5? How many of them have a proper controller binding menu with images? 0?

>> No.10759080
File: 131 KB, 632x810, (((YOU))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to waste your time individually downloading each ROM and being dependent on the internet because... you just have to OK?

>> No.10759083
File: 19 KB, 400x400, EOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love censorship and slow menus

>> No.10759089

Mother 2 rom is right there blindfag

>> No.10759091
File: 42 KB, 626x417, (((YOU))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to pay for my online tendie subscription or download a gorillion different inconsistent programs... or else you are LE ZOOMER

>> No.10759102

>you have to waste your time individually downloading each ROM and being dependent on the internet because... you just have to OK?
Sad that you use that approach, normal people download a full romset and just extract a few good games from that to put in their playlist

>> No.10759105
File: 68 KB, 1438x1078, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not modifying it to look like ZSNES for maximum SOVL

>> No.10759141

>a gorillion different inconsistent programs
Retroarch being the biggest of them

>> No.10759165

There can't be inconsistency between programs if you're only using 1 program.

>> No.10759180

There's nothing "comfy" about retroarch at all. This is a strange new contrarianism, at least you're being positive about something, but it's still pretty ridiculous. It's one of the most jank and ridiculous UI/UX designs of all time. And it doesn't even snow.

>> No.10759191

>And it doesn't even snow.
That's actually a setting you can enable in RGUI THOUGH

>> No.10759197

Except retroarch is a front end for a gorillion emulators? All of which are mostly outdated versions of other standalone programs? Very inconsistent desu

>> No.10759208

how do you do this looks bad ass

>> No.10759214

The contrarian take is that 'retroarch is good' is the contrarian take.
Now go kill yourself

>> No.10759217

>The contrarian take is that 'retroarch is good' is the contrarian take
Contrarian take

>> No.10759223

>set theme to RGUI
>change all the colours to match ZSNES (I just used the colour picker on a screenshot of it to get the exact values)
>enable snow setting
Don't remember anything more specific than that because I set it up years ago but hopefully you can work it out

>> No.10759261

Yes, but having 1 front-end for 999 emulators makes things more consistent than having 999 front-ends for 999 emulators.
And who cares if they're "outdated" lol, if they work (without issues noticeable to non-autistics) they work.

>> No.10759272
File: 288 KB, 960x600, Big-Box-Arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>install launchbox with retroarch running the roms
why yes I do have a launcher for my launcher

>> No.10759295

>but having 1 front-end for 999 emulators makes things more consistent than having 999 front-ends for 999 emulators
Not with retroarch it doesn't. The program is a bloated mess.
>And who cares if they're "outdated" lol, if they work (without issues noticeable to non-autistics) they work.
>implying the cores don't run like shit and don't have compatibility issues solved years ago by their standalone counterparts
Yeah, totally not noticeable. Does Danny at least pay you to shill his frontend and sugarcoat its problems or did he just promise to be your bff?

>> No.10759310

I never noticed any problems and my computer isn't even that modern or high-range.
Maybe you should consider getting a computer from the past 20 years instead of the graphing calculator your dad used in high school.
Note that I'm talking about up to 5th gen + GBA, though. I admit that there may possibly be issues on emulators for modern systems, but it's not like those have a lot of games worth playing.

>> No.10759332

I've got launchbox premium but recently I've been using it a lot more, kind of like emulating on portable devices instead.

Wonder how launchbox android is going

>> No.10759346

>y-your computer sucks
Ok, three things, first there is no excuse for the program to not have proper optimization, hell it even had versions to WinXP, so that argument is trash. Second I can assure you my specs are way above the average, it doesn't change the fact that you get better performance in standalone emulators than in retroarch, you might not notice, but it's a fact. And third, if my PC was trash whatsoever, I assure you I wouldn't buy a new one just to play games made in the 90s, now THAT is some autistic tier reasoning.
>Note that I'm talking about up to 5th gen-
Good, then N64 cores in there are trash, some of the most demanding games run like trash and have graphical issues, regardless of configs or core. The PSX cores taken from mednafen are alright but the upscaling is poorly done and you get framerate issues that you don't get in duckstation, which also has a core that runs worse and has less features than the standalone counterpart

>> No.10759497
File: 71 KB, 1919x1050, agra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they added an auto scan for roms yet? I really want to drop a rom in the nes folder and being added automatically to the list, I could make a script but I'm lazy

>> No.10759613

No one notices that nerd

>> No.10759619
File: 2.52 MB, 390x373, 1709619088023308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
