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File: 186 KB, 268x371, X-Men_Legends_II_-_Rise_of_Apocalypse_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10745975 No.10745975 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughs on this game? How does it compare to MUA, what's the best version etc?

>> No.10745976

Imo it's the best of the trilogy (I don't like counting MUA2, it did too many things differently), and I wish it had a modern PC port because the old PC version can often run like ass.

>> No.10745989

I have zero problems with the PC version's performance, its real problem is the shitty controller support that leaves you with no "back" button in menus, and the fact that for SOME reason the PC version only has 4-way movement instead of true analog.

There's supposed to be a big modded update coming from MarvelMods sometime this year that fixes all the problems and adds a bunch of new shit. Too bad we will never get a great game like this again.

>> No.10745991

>There's supposed to be a big modded update coming from MarvelMods sometime this year that fixes all the problems and adds a bunch of new shit.
One can only hope, right?

>> No.10745994

I like emulating the PSP version simply because of the extra characters. I know there are mods to add them in the PC copy, but they're not the actual characters and just approximate recreations based on old characters' models and movesets and don't feel the same at all.

>> No.10746678

so am I just better off emulating it then?

>> No.10746690

Old games used to have some semblance of depth. Legends 1/2 had stats. Gear with stats, level trees with multiple skills. Each game it got more simplified and dumbed down. Gaming as a whole this kept happening but it's super observable with this series and into MUA.

MUA3 is just embarrassing with how dumbed down it is

>> No.10746713

MUA3 is just a half-baked Musou game.
XML2 was better than 1, but after that it was all down hill.

>> No.10746825

Sounds to me more that you just like xmen over other characters

>> No.10746830

Have you played any of the games, retard?
MUA clearly has simplified mechanics and stripped RPG features compared to XML2, and MUA2 goes even further into making it basically an arcade beatemup. MUA3 is literally a Musou made by Koei.

>> No.10746849

>and MUA2 goes even further into making it basically an arcade beatemup
Which I would be fine with if they went all the way and it was basically a remake of the oldschool 6-player X-Men arcade game. But they want to have it both ways.

>> No.10747491

the pc version looks the best, has the most/best characters, but plays the absolute worse. it was programmed to play like a click to move rpg like baldurs gate. even if you use a controller you are stuck with 8 way directional movement instead of full 360 degree, it really fucks up landing projectiles and combos. plus the interface is cluttered with click to move rpg game crap, but you can fix that by opening the ui assets in gimp or ps and erasing the useless crap.

MUA is better, but legends 2 is still a really good game. it has a bunch of tedious buying and selling gear nonsense, but the danger room challenges are really good and more challenging than mua's.

I still enjoyed playing it on pc, but if I ever replay it'll be on my ps2 or via xbox emulation

>> No.10747710

We just gotta wait for that mod for pc then

>> No.10747936

I didnt like that sites mod for mua so I am not gonna bother

>> No.10748652

Thinking of ordering X-Men Legends 1 and 2 off Ebay right now. Wish me luck.

>> No.10748916

for what system?

>> No.10749425

PS2, but could do Xbox as well. I have my PS2 set up right now so a bit easier.

>> No.10749774

Am I the only one who had trouble emulating MUA? I could only get it to run on PPSSPP

>> No.10749936

i loved xmen legends. however, the plot was kinda ass, and the roster was kinda weak.

xmen legends 2 felt like a very real step up from the first one. it was way less gay than the first one focusing on magma so much. its been forever since i played it though, but i remember i felt like it was just better in most/all regards.

mua did a few things a little differently if i recall, but it was still pretty good. i think the levels were better/cooler, and maybe the story too. i think thats the game that added picking up temporary weapons, like asgardian swords or heavy signs and stuff. i think it had a couple of quirks like that that i didnt much care for, but i recall enjoying it. not sure if i enjoyed it more than legends 2 though.

also, i feel like i remember iceman being absolutely busted in all of the games. something about passive bonus damage, as well as shotgunning enemies at point blank with a fan of ice spikes. also wolverine was great in all of them. cant really comment on other characters because i remember iceman and wolverine just outclassing them so hard. i just made sure that i had the other 2 slots with utility abilities, like heavy lifting, flight, or welding (so you can collect all of the good stuff).

>> No.10749957

>xmen legends 2 felt like a very real step up from the first one. it was way less gay than the first one focusing on magma so much. its been forever since i played it though, but i remember i felt like it was just better in most/all regards.
It helps that the story is basically just an adaptation of the late 90s storyline The Twelve with a bit of Age of Apocalypse thrown in.

>> No.10750075

I wish 2 had Jubilee. she was so much fun in 1 at max power. turned the game into a shmup

>> No.10750159

Apparently the PSP version has 4 characters that aren't in any other version, one of which being Cable.

>> No.10750248
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Well, wish me luck Anons. I wanted them when I was a teen but lacked a PS2, and I grabbed cheap copies this morning. I actually already own MUA Gold on the 360 that I should give a try again, as I briefly tried it before but did not get far into it. City of Heroes is eating all the hours of my life fuck. I don't even read comics anymore or watch modern capeshit.

>> No.10750317

The 90s had some great runs and that's what XML2 draws from for its story.

>> No.10750359

>The 90s had some great runs and that's what XML2 draws from for its story.
Nice. Late eighties and nineties comics were my thing. Well any I could get my hands on, be it the 00's or classic four color cbr/cbz files from the 40's issues of stuff like Batman. I tried reading new stuff but gave up when I realized that comics stopped being about heroes/villains and became team up soap operas, with old lore and backstories shit on for shock value. Stuff like finding out that Wolverine, Cyclops and Jean Grey were in some weird poly relationship, or Marvel pushing out countless "new" takes on classic characters/legacy versions was a pretty big red flag and rude awakening that scared me off from modern comics.

>> No.10750360
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>Stuff like finding out that Wolverine, Cyclops and Jean Grey were in some weird poly relationship,
Hey that still gave us some great moments like pic related right after Jean died and Scott immediately rebounds on Emma Frost.

>> No.10750369

>Hey that still gave us some great moments like pic related right after Jean died and Scott immediately rebounds on Emma Frost.
Anon my dude, I want spandex clad mutants beating the piss out of each other generally. I don't want General Hospital with X-Genes. I know X-Men is a pretty drama focused title though, so I can get that's why some people prefer it. That said if I want drama porn I would read something without superheroes. Drama is a tool of the writer, not a cheap filler like corn syrup. I know when Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson were split it felt wrong for sure. Fuck, I hope I don't summon the /vr/ Spider-Man sperg who posts the same cheesecake images/comic panels and was talking about jacking it to MJ and Aunt May recently in another /vr/ thread now.

>> No.10750386

Well for the most part I've only read some of X-Men, I'm mainly a Spidey guy and have read the entirety of Amazing SM from 1963 to present

>> No.10750390

Are you the Anon who raves about Spider-Man vs the Kingpin?

>> No.10750727

Juggernaut is fucking busted, nightcrawler is glitched for infinite teleport frenzy, and Iron Man + Motion Amplifier + Repulsor/Gamma Bolt = Annihilrape. So broken, and oh so fun

>> No.10750862
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Magneto with the exploding spikes devastates entire rooms

I know people complain about "balance" these days, but I like how half the characters will let you twist the game around your dick and the other half will basically give you a Very Hard mode.

>> No.10751362

Jesus christ zoomie, just play the games. Xl2 is the peak

>> No.10751369


The best Brotherhood character is Toad with one very specific setup.

>> No.10751373

And unlike XML1, it never makes it so characters only have 1 type of damage they deal which means we no longer have the situation in the first game of "mental characters are useless in the endgame because you keep fighting sentinels who highly resist mental damage"

>> No.10751384

See here's the actual problem with Magma, it's that there was stretches of the game where she's just wandering around the X-Mansion solo which means the other players are just waiting for player 1 to finish up the Magma shit.

>> No.10751401


>> No.10751423

It's fun to have something to keep up with since you were a kid. Same reason I still read One Piece, I've been on this ride since 2003 and I'll be damned if I don't see it to the end now.

>> No.10751431

Reading spidey
Telling the internet you've read 63-Present
>Big Gay

>> No.10752084

XML 1 and 2 shipped. Hyped. Probably should hold off from playing MUL 1 until XML arrive and I play through them, right? Or do the games not have any narrative link? I did hear that some people who started with MUL had trouble with the mechanics and gameplay of XML 1 and 2 being "dated". Which feels silly to me, but what do I know?

>> No.10752168

I think Legends 1 is straight up an alternative universe from the others iirc, but considering XML2 and MUA were also both made by Raven I choose to believe those 2 in the same continuity.

>> No.10752185

They're separate. Nick Fury in Sam Jackson in XML2 as is the case in the Marvel Ultimate universe, but it's classic Nick Fury in MUA games.

>> No.10752458

Out of curiosity what characters are "bad"? I remember playing it and not having a hard time without looking up any guides. IIRC my team was
>scarlet witch
And it was fun. I know certain costumes / character mixes give special bonuses but I never dug too far into that. I know Colossus felt pretty weak and I ditched him early

>> No.10752828

I've played this game too many times. All of those characters except for Rogue are really good. Basically in these games the offensive characters are the best, most of the tanky characters aren't good.

So characters like

mid, a bit better but he's still a tank so not good

he's the only good tank character, his damage is a lot higher than the others

Some of the other already powerful characters like Magneto even have a defensive shield anyways.

As far as the other characters who are just average
Storm got nerfed a lot

The rest of the characters pretty good to just OP.
Gambit and Bishop are two of the most busted in the game, Energy Fury is glitched and does a shit ton of damage.

>> No.10752836

I would highly recommend either playing Ultimate Alliance first or not at all. It's so much worse than X-Men Legends in every regard that you might burn yourself out on it and not want to play through Legends 1 & 2, but if that doesn't happen then you get a nice improvement when you jump to Legends.

Ultimate Alliance is horribly shallow and repetitive and really ugly. If you have a brother or someone I'd recommend doing it co-op. That's about the only way to make the game tolerable.

>> No.10752845

Good to know, thanks Anon. Guess I'll pop it in my 360 tonight.

>> No.10752859

Others will probably shit on me for my post and it's honestly not a BAD game, but by yourself I think it will get tiresome. Hope you enjoy it anon.
I need to get a new copy of Legends 1. Mine stops working in the final stage.

>> No.10752872

there isn't single fucking metric in which Legends is better than MUA

>> No.10752893

Who let this moron use the time machine? Now we have to listen to this 15 year old retarded argument again.

>> No.10752901

The gameplay and RPG elements are much better. The only thing MUA has going for it is Spider-Man and the bonuses you receive for pairing up specific teams. MUA is streamlined Legends. Quantity over quality. It feels much cheaper than Legends as well.

>> No.10752902

More customization
Deeper RPG mechanics in skills and stat allocation
Better gearing
Better stages
Better story
Better roster
Better music

Fuck off marvel shill

>> No.10752919

Colossus is by far the worst character in the game.

Juggernaut can still do a lot of damage with that one single hit move. Just not "clear the screen" damage

>> No.10752927

Does anyone remember Justice League Heroes for PS2 DC's copy of X-Men Legends?

>> No.10752929
File: 185 KB, 424x318, I can smell what I'm cookin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I gave all my Sentinel damaging gear to Cyclops
>any mission against them he just 1-shots them from across the screen

Nothing like that can happen in MUA

>> No.10752934

That game was actually really good but they fucked it up by not letting you choose characters whenever you want.

>> No.10752936

Ye Zatanna was pretty fun in that game iirc

>> No.10752938

I remember renting it to play with my brother and being mad it was just two characters per stage and you couldn't choose who you could be. I'd like to go back to it now because I don't recall anything about the gameplay.

>> No.10752959

>Gambit and Bishop are two of the most busted in the game
And Iron Man

>> No.10752973

Knock on wood but MUL feels a bit more fun on this attempt. No stupid quips or cinematic cutscenes outside of the intro cinematic so far, just beating the piss out of Ultron Warriors as Cap.

>> No.10753000
File: 344 KB, 1140x465, XL2_Tier_List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replying to my post-
Here's my take on a tier list after playing the game a lot back in the day.

Just threw it up quickly but I thought I may as well rank the rest incase it's helpful to someone. Technically some characters are probably B+ or C+ but I didn't want to bother with that.

>> No.10753001

You're a gay retard if you didn't just play MUA as a Fantastic Four game

>> No.10753028

This is better than the Super Soldier Serum!

>> No.10753035

Fine, fine. No Whedonesque/modern style ironic quips, or political hot takes. Feels like playing a comic book. Really it feels like an update on Captain America and the Avengers, which was probably my favorite arcade game as a kid. I also really like the bits and pieces of lore I've found. Adds to the game for sure.

>> No.10753040

Alright you convinced me, I'll grab the PC version and wait for the big that fixes things. Is the myabandonware copy safe?

>> No.10753043

What should be noted here is you bring either Bishop or Gambit but not both because their buff uses the same animation and thus doesn't stack.

>> No.10753050

>constantly rails over whedon quips
>basedfaces at spiderman and deadpool
explain why I shouldn't find this hypocritical

>> No.10753058

>>basedfaces at spiderman and deadpool
Spider-Man was at his best when he was an angry nerd and Ditko was involved. Deadpool was cool for a few minutes when he fought and beat Wolverine in San Francisco when I was a kid in the 90's in the comics. All over some ex of his who was a blue chick. Besides, Whedon is a shit writer thanks to his absurd obsession with changing scene moods like a manic depressive having a bad day.

>> No.10753070

That's true but Gambit especially is still really good and has a lot of other good skills. I'd have to think about it but without Energy Fury I'd probably drop Gambit to high A and Bishop to middle B.

>> No.10753079

I threw the NoCD on VirusTotal and of the like 60 scanners, only 3 said it's anything other than 100% safe and one of those 3 was Zillya, a notoriously bad AV. So yeah, if nothing else I'm gonna say the NoCD is safe.

>> No.10753118

Well, managed all but five of the Stage 1 Trivia questions. I've grown rusty in my old age.

>> No.10753128

so basially I should be playing with kb+m on PC?

>> No.10753181

3/68 still means it's possible. I really wish that it didn't come out in the age of SecuROM and all that other shit that straight up is incompatible on modern PCs.

>> No.10753264

Also I had it refresh and it came out 6/71. That's a bit more concerning.

>> No.10753623
File: 62 KB, 480x480, e0c0962bcbebc7e88c40bfe5d75a6de1--jean-grey-red-queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the PSP charcters are sadly half baked. The modded PC versions of them are honestly better aside from having reused models and animations.

>> No.10753702

Why Iron Man? He's a guy in a metal suit, not a mutant. They should've added in Spider-Man since he occasionally hangs with the X-Men from time to time and sometimes mistaken for a mutant.

>> No.10753742

I played it as a Spider-Man and Venom buddy cop adventure through various marvel locals.
>Spider-Man and Venom go to Hell
Out of context this sounds fucking funny.

>> No.10754042

You have to keep in mind false positives. I'm not saying it can't happen and you shouldn't be cautious, but myabandonware is also GENERALLY considered one of the safer sites out there.

>> No.10754207

They probably couldn't license Spiderman back then
Hulk didn't appear in MUA and many other games back in the 2000s because of licensing issues as well

>> No.10754223

It was fun, just wish it had a PC version with a modding community

>> No.10754228

Deadpool was pretty broken in MUA

>> No.10754341

He's broken in every game, except MAYBE MUA2.

>> No.10754367

I'm guessing the 7th gen version of MUA 2 is the better one?

>> No.10754371

Yes but at the same time, of all the games in the series that is the one not worth playing.

>> No.10754375

We got Hulk later as dlc along with Venom and a few other dudes.

>> No.10754441

I appreciate the NPC dialog options changing depending on which character is currently active in MUL. Cool stuff.

>> No.10754470

Ok I installed the PC version, 2 giant problems
>this game doesn't even have 8-direction movement with a controller, it has fucking FOUR direction movement so I have to turn with the camera
>Is there a mod that lets me display what buttons press what with actually controller buttons and not just the keyboard command? I'm constantly pressing the wrong buttons as a result.

>> No.10754521

Yeah this might not be happening. Someone 11 days ago asked the MM youtube page if there's any updates and they were like "yeah we'll have to ask the project lead, irl stuff got in the way"

>> No.10754548

>Is there a mod that lets me display what buttons press what with actually controller buttons and not just the keyboard command? I'm constantly pressing the wrong buttons as a result.
Bind your keyboard controls to the secondary slots and bind your gamepad controls to the primary slots. Then the game hints will refer to your gamepad rather than keyboard.

>> No.10754830

You must be new to the modding scene, shit gets delayed all the time because these are literally just some randos doing it for free in their spare time. For a 20 year old mostly forgotten game at that.

>> No.10754842

I guess my team got by because I had two of the best characters in the game. What makes Rogue so particularly shit? I remember her being really useful because she can lift heavy objects and fly, which I don't think anyone else in the game even gets. I thought she did pretty good melee damage too and her AoE attacks seemed good but maybe the game is just not that hard and having two S tier characters made it not so noticeable

>> No.10754847

No characters are shit, there are just busted comps that way outstrip everything else like Nightcrawler's teleport glitch or the fucked coding on certain buff moves.

>> No.10754952

idk I thought Colossus sucked pretty bad and it looks like he actually does. Dude is just so sluggish that he can't even really be a tank because everyone else gets to the fight before him and gets aggro

>> No.10755052

>What makes Rogue so particularly shit?
She's actually glitched and does less damage than she's supposed to.

>> No.10755058

Who the fuck is that supposed to be between Wolverine and Deadpool?

>> No.10755060


>> No.10755067
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>> No.10755072

Oh my bad. Then where's Angel on the list? Also Sabretooth and Pyro, though their movesets are identical to other base game characters

>> No.10755079

Angel is only a mod characters, not in any of the official releases

>> No.10755082

Oh right, he's an NPC in the game that I think gets turned into one of the Four Horsemen. I've had him in my game for so long that I forgot that.

>> No.10755087

>Iron Man + Motion Amplifier + Repulsor/Gamma Bolt
I remember doing nightmare Sugarman in like 2.7 seconds, I really doubt motion amplifier was supposed to apply to anything other than normal attacks.

>> No.10755101

No it's meant to be broken because you have to gather shit the entire game to get him

>> No.10755212

I wish XML2 was easier to mod. I don't get all this "herostat" shit

>> No.10755230

I guess it would suck to go through nearly the entire game and then he's just flying cyclops.

>> No.10755252

This is honestly my favorite type of game. The template could fit so many settings the potential is crazy, but I don't know any other games that really do it. AI Party Diablo.

>> No.10755267

Especially since Cyclops sucks in this game.

>> No.10755774

wasnt silver surfer a bonus character, or ng+ character or something in one of these? i think i remember finding out about him only after beating the game, and never found out if he was actually good or not.

>> No.10755796
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>He didn't google cheat codes to unlock every character at the start of the game

>> No.10755919

That's MUA1 and it's for completely every danger room mission

Yeah so I asked on the Marvel Mods discord since if anyone would know why that's the case it's them, and the 4-way movement is because of the controller you're using. According to this modder
>You can have 8-direction movement but you have to use specific controllers. As far as I've been able to tell so far, PS3 and Xbox 360 controllers will work for it, but PS4 and Xbox One controllers are 4-direction only.

>> No.10755981

MUL is going well, Anons. Atlantis kinda sucks just because swimming feels weird Pour one out for Captain America, he was the first defeated hero on my team.

>> No.10755990

Next world after Atlantis is a piece of dogshit so be prepared for that. Luckily though it's the only stinker in the game.

>> No.10756065

>and never found out if he was actually good or not.
Silver Surfer is hilariously, stupidly OP. Which I mean, he fucking better be considering he can wield The Power Cosmic

>> No.10756076

>The 90s had some great runs
In what fucking universe? The 90s was a fucking low point in the company's history compared to what came before and for a little while after too. That was the era of Liefeld, of Wolverine and Punisher being crammed into EVERYTHING because of their popularity, of absolute shit storylines because of the last vestiges of the CCA still being held onto by Marvel.

Hell, part of the reason the X-Men '92 cartoon is so beloved is because it was just straight up better than what was coming out of the actual comics out of the time, instead choosing to adapt some of the best X-Men stories as close as the networks would allow. Which is why goddamnit, I'm feeling a little hype for '97. I am not immune to propaganda.

>> No.10756107

Nta but next is Mandarin's castle where you fight Fing Fang Foom, right?

>> No.10756159 [SPOILER] 
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Yes but you fight Fin Fang Foom earlier on the Helicarrier. You're probably thinking of fighting picrelated.

>> No.10756927

Oh, right. Some of the stages kinda blend together for me.

>> No.10756934

Fatal Attractions was great
Age of Apocalypse is a god tier run
Zero Tolerance was fun
Generation X was high quality

>> No.10756947

I will grant you AoA of those 4, but I should also note that it was an anomaly considering the quality of the decade. Something as a Spider-Man fan I will also say applies to the Clone Saga (until near the end where even that started going to shit because they tried to milk it)

>> No.10756954

So an update on this, someone managed to get a PS4 controller to work with 8-gate function by forcing it through DS4, so I assume the same can happen with a Series X controller, which is what I use.

>> No.10756994
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How can this be...

>> No.10757038

Every decade or "era" usually just has one stellar story that carries the rest on momentum.

>> No.10757089

Except the 80s which has an insane number of good arcs.

>> No.10757130

xmen has the same problem a lot of comics do, high durability is so much stronger than basically any other power short of telepaths and magneto, simply because of the reality of surviving continual danger, hurts suspension of disbelief. storm, cyclops, jubilee, etc. they're way more interesting power wise but they'd inevitably catch a stray rifle bullet within a dozen outings.

>> No.10757141
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I mean, the whole reason Juggernaut is so dangerous is that so long as Cyttorak is empowering him, he more or less is incapable of dying.

>> No.10757169

That ass is no longer canon.

>> No.10757170
File: 858 KB, 1174x700, perhaps coping too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magneto joins the X-Men for an arc
>the writers have to YET AGAIN contrive a reason to nerf him because Erik is just way too fucking powerful to be on the good guy team if allowed to actually use the full extent of his powers

>> No.10757180

It was only canon in like 2 scenes of the entire show to begin with because AKOM couldn't consistently animate for shit.

>> No.10757185

They were busy in the 90s. X-Men, Simpsons, exo- squad. Probably more than I'm not aware of

>> No.10757186

That episode of Batman TAS that was so bad that DC dumped them as a company because the episode had to be entirely re-animated.

>> No.10757194
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Disingenuous retard apologist.

>> No.10757197

The vast majority of those shots are not of her butt, I never said she wasn't hot.

>> No.10757619

In the Omega Base level, in the room where the player meets Bruce Banner, that room has completely breakable walls, the reason for that is that Bruce Banner would lose control and turn into the Hulk and the player would have to defeat him in a boss battle, then the Hulk would join the team. Much better than a 360 exclusive DLC, even thought the DLC characters were all pretty cool.

>> No.10757623

>never found out if he was actually good or not

He is one of the strongest characters

>> No.10757813

It was a rights issue, I'm just glad they managed to make it happen at all. It's wierd that they were able to wrangle the rights to Spidey, but couldn't touch Venom for a year

>> No.10757825

Magneto is like Iceman. If a writer extrapolates the logical conclusion of what they can really do, realistically only the toppest of top tier mutants can stand up to them.

>> No.10757826

Huh. Neat.

>> No.10757853

You can tell Raven was fucking hamstrung because of who they were allowed to have playable vs not. Marvel and Activision probably had to fight Sony tooth and nail to get Wolverine in the game since he was still an insanely popular character and X-3 came out in theaters that year (regardless of the movie's quality, it made a shitton of money so Sony wouldn't give up exclusivity that easily)

>> No.10757856

Sorry I meant Fox, not Sony. I forgot who owned what back then

>> No.10758867

Atlantis was boring as fuck. Valley of the Spirits later today. Toriyama's death being announced killed any desire I had to game, so I tiredly finished Atlantis and the QTE final boss fight.

>> No.10759932

Legends 1 arrived. Not to blogpost too much, but I'm honestly shocked at how different it feels in my testing the disk when compaed to MUL. Graphically it's hard to compare PS2 to 360, but the controls feel tighter, the art direction is far more interesting/charming to me, and it feels less floaty when attacking/doing camera movements. Odd stuff.

>> No.10759957

It is imo thoug the most limiting in design becuase Raven was still feeling things out and a lot of the little problems got ironed out in 2

>> No.10760137

Loved these games as a kid. Never played MUA, but one of these days I plan to go through all of them again.

>> No.10760141

Just say Dynasty Warriors. I know this is a Mongolian basket weaving forum, but we still speak English here and not everyone knows the moonspeak names for games.

>> No.10760372

Raven as a company has made such a strange variety of games. Heretic and Hexen, Star Wars Jedi games, ARPG superhero games, Soldier of Fortune series, Quake 4

>> No.10760751

And yet they were almost always good, which shows their talent as a devloper. Even some of their CoD games were really good, as much as I generally don't like milsim shooters

>> No.10760786

I gotta say, they picked some real obscure shit just so you wouldn't fight the usuals. I got to first boss and actually said out loud, "Who the FUCK is Grizzly?!" I've read the entire Claremont run and I had 0 memory of this dude.
Then I looked him up and he was a brainwashed mutant from Cable's Wild pack that was in 2 comics in 1992 before being killed off.

>> No.10760792

starting xmen legends, don't want the game given away, but are there any noobtraps or dumpstats I should know about?

>> No.10760797

You did, so shut your mouth and accept that's the name of the genre.

>> No.10760809

Don't waste physical stats on obvious nukers
But Focus is good for everyone

>> No.10760872

Had to Google it because I'm not a weeb.

>> No.10760880

Now you are :)

>> No.10760889

Don't make a team of all one damage type.

>> No.10760969

MUA1 is dumbed down compared to Legends 2, but not to a crazy degree. It's still fun in a semi-mindless, Gauntlet-like sense you play with your bros. MUA2 however is dumbed down to an insulting degree.

>> No.10760968

Nope, just someone with a little bit more useless information in my head.

>> No.10760984

It honestly feels like Marvel Future Fight is X-Men Legends 3.

>> No.10761014 [SPOILER] 
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Marvel Heroes was the true sequel to both series, too bad it got canned forever

>> No.10761038

Were you a mugga as well?

>> No.10761041

Of course. Wolverine/Cable main. Game was way better than it had any right to be.

>> No.10761051

Agility is actually kind of completely shit since hit chance is only for normal attacks and dodge also only affects melee. Later in the game a lot of the damage comes from powers and psychic so you will want more health instead.

The characters you think should be OP are. Play with friends.

>> No.10761052

Punisher/Cable main. The muggas on /vg/ were pretty cool aside from that one dude who begged his grandma to buy him Mass Effect Andromeda, proceeding to complain and cry about how bad it was on discord.

>> No.10761061

We are edgebros.
It's too bad Cable kinda sucks in XML2, and Bishop is only useful for his boost because gun skills are underpowered

>> No.10761063
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That's OUR word.

>> No.10761082

I mainly liked Cable due to GUN. I'm a very simple Anon. I see fancy powers and godly heroes but gravitate toward GUN. Also Daredevil, Venom and Future Foundation costumed Spider-Man.
Shush Mugga. Proper humans are talking here. I forgot how good Muh Phoenix is. The non-stop quoting of it in and out of Marvel Heroes was magical.

>> No.10761083

How's the PS2 version? I'll probably try RPCS3 first, but I might have performance issues with my PC. So I'm wondering if I'll be missing out much by playing the PS2 version instead in that case.

>> No.10761090

There's already a pc version you idiot.

>> No.10761107

I really liked MUA3 and thought it was a huge step up from the second game, which I thought was pretty mediocre, and easily the worst in the "series" . Not terrible or anything, but a big step down from the first

>> No.10761116

Also the people comparing it to a musou game are just confused I think, its not really similar except being a beat em up and having alot of enemies on the screen, musou games take place on large open maps, where there are several objectives to complete with scripted events happening, and often said objectives can be completed in either multiple ways or just completely up to the choice of the player. MUA 3 is a very linear beat em up with some light RPG mechanics

>> No.10761127

Is there a trick to unlocking costumes in MUL? Or criteria, I should say. I've unlocked a few for Cap, but I do not think I have any for anyone else. I also nearly exclusively play Cap, which might be the cause for the unlocks.

>> No.10761143

to me X-men begins & ends with the 90s cartoon. outside of morrison's run everything X-men related i've tried to read has been either been boring, convoluted or just flat out dogshit.

as someone who agrees with you in that 90s capeshit almost killed the industry (which it still hasn't really recovered from) i'd be lying if i didn't say that there were 90s comics i liked. flex mentallo for example is probably one of my favorite comics of all time.

>Which is why goddamnit, I'm feeling a little hype for '97. I am not immune to propaganda.
i'm pretty hype because i don't think they'll be stupid enough to do a bait & switch with everything else being in flames at marvel studios. it's an attempt to restore some goodwill and making morph nonbinary isn't really enough to make me swear it off. i mean we're talking about a character that originally existed solely just to die in the first episode of the OG series.

>> No.10761150

For costumes 2 and 3 you have to get like 150 knockouts playing as that hero, for the 4th you have to do their Danger Room challenge (whatever it's called in MUA)

>> No.10761157

Thanks Anon. Guess I'll actually play as a non-Cap character for once.

>> No.10761268

So? I want to play the console versions. PC ports from that period are notoriously bad.

>> No.10761458

great aesthetics kinda just wish these were standard turnbased or rtwp rpgs. I don't really get much out of the team aspect when it's this streamlined. press l2 and cycle energy potions, kinda lame.

>> No.10761502

I have to say, the change of scenery to the Sanctum was unexpected. The small cutscene prior was quite nice as well. Raven put some work into Nightcrawler's animations in it Shame he jobbed to an electrified door after being pretty cool..

>> No.10761548
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Semi related, anyone play this one? Is it any good?

>> No.10761594

GBA version was.

>> No.10761697

MUA remaster port are all equal. The original PC MUA version was actually pretty interesting because it use the official alchemy engine version for PC

>> No.10761709

If you're gonna spoonfeed him you may as well post the link as well.

>> No.10761757 [DELETED] 

expecty heavy frame drops emulating the ps2 one

>> No.10761760

expect heavy frame drops emulating the ps2 one

>> No.10761826

All I was asking for was the differences between versions. You don't have to be an asshole, I figured the anon I was replying to knew the answer and could save me some time. There's no decent resource for seeing the differences between game ports. Its always a hassle finding the best version of a game.

>> No.10761916

>There's no decent resource for seeing the differences between game ports

From the original, the 360 version was the best looking and most complete (8 DLC characters including Hulk and Venom). But the MUA1&2 remaster they released a few years ago including the 8 DLC characters and the PS4/XONE/PC versions all have the same graphical quality.

>> No.10762192

>outside of morrison's run everything X-men related i've tried to read has been either been boring, convoluted or just flat out dogshit.
I would genuinely recommend the Claremont run, that 16-year stint of him writing Uncanny X-Men from 1975-91 basically defined them as a comic and we haven't had anything anywhere NEAR as good before or since. If you like X-Men '92 then you'll probably like the Claremont Run because that's where the show got like 90% of its plots from.

/co/ has regularly made the argument, and it's not unfounded, that the reason Marvel went to shit was because it was finally released from the grips of both Claremont as writer and Jim Shooter as editor in chief, and all the creatives acting like kids who can now do all the stuff dad said they couldn't do while living under his roof. Which gave some short-term profits but then tanked them after because they weren't producing anything actually good.

>> No.10762297

>can now do all the stuff dad said they couldn't do
with all the weird shit in the claremont run, it's hard to imagine what boundaries he set.

>> No.10762362

These games kind of fun for an hour or so. It’s kind of grinds.

>> No.10762537

>it's hard to imagine what boundaries he set.
Well shit like Spawn never would've happened under his watch.

>> No.10762646

Xbox > Gamecube > PS2

>> No.10762741

This seemed to be the standard in any game on all 3 platforms. The Xbox version was basically on par with the PC version, the GC ver looked a little worse but could run a consistent 60 fps, and the PS2 version both usually worked worse than the GC version AND had framerate issues.

>> No.10762745

>worked worse
looked* worse

>> No.10762752

is dolphin emulation of legends borked? I get a solid 60 in pcsx2 but only 40s in dolphin.

>> No.10762759

Yeah, Dolphin for some reason does not like that game, because it runs 60 on an actual Gamecube

>> No.10763116

For me it's ease of play/use. That said if Legends 1 and 2 are good, the Xbox versions are incredibly low cost, so I'd consider rebuying the Xbox versions for next to nothing. Shame they never made them backwards compatible with the 360.

>> No.10763157

Marvel and especially X-Men licensed games are still in a bad fucking state since Marvel pitched a royal bitch fit about their own decision to sell the movie rights.

>> No.10763608

i'd argue that marvel was never truly good to begin. their biggest strength over DC was always marketing & licensing. marvel was able to get people to care about the most niche stuff while DC is too afraid to not have batman front & center for most TV, movies & games. something that's going to kill DC when batman goes public domain in 9-10 years.

>weird fetishes like weight gain & ABDL are okay
>spawn isn't
i don't care how violent and "mature" spawn is this is dumb double standard. and i say this as someone who doesn't really like spawn.

>> No.10763613

>i'd argue that marvel was never truly good to begin
Marvel was at their best when they loved and were passionate about comics. When it was comics made by people who were into comics. Same with DC. They were losing money because comic fans running the show, but they put out some cool and good stuff.

>> No.10763618

You're right but they're literally made to be played with friends so that helps the games a lot. It's best to play multiple sesh since the games are too long for one go.

>> No.10763632

>Same with DC.
Ehhh I'd argue it was a massive misstep in the 1970s when comic fans started writing Superman because it's clear too much was influenced by what they thought Clark SHOULD be.

>> No.10763637

>Ehhh I'd argue it was a massive misstep in the 1970s when comic fans started writing Superman because it's clear too much was influenced by what they thought Clark SHOULD be.
I agree. It's a problem most brands/stories end up facing. Look at how hard Warhammer has been fucked thanks to hiring fan writers.

>> No.10763669
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It's why we got shit like fucking Joe Quesada and One More Day. It wasn't malice, it was fanboyism telling him that the Peter Parker he grew up with can't get married to Mary Jane, can't create his own webbing with mutate powers, etc. So all of that had to be reset.

Any excuse to post this, based Jim

>> No.10763720
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Agreed completely. You have to have good editors to wrangle fans, and Marvel dropped the ball for sure. Jim was a hero. Sadly most comics are not done by fans now, but by people who are more focused on "changing the status quo" or causing a shock to sell more comics.

>> No.10763915
File: 633 KB, 1264x1920, tumblr_o3qrjlg77b1r3j9f2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd argue that it's still fans writing books. it's just that they grew up on the non comic media of that character and/or want to leave their "mark" on the character.

pic related was a comic originally pitched by someone who never read an issue of batman but grew up with the BTAS & the burton films.

>> No.10763994

>by what they thought Clark SHOULD be.
what is that?

>> No.10764027

>/or want to leave their "mark" on the character.
They can make their own characters and stop being fuckwits that ruin good or decent things. Shit like that is why comics are unreadable now. Everyone has to push their sexuality/political alignment/moral code shit on established characters.

>> No.10764034

superfags want donner superman at the end of the day. or more accurately a hyper flanderlized version of what donner superman is.

the thing i hate the most about OMD is the that it's lead to the book being plagued with unnecessary relationship drama. there was more to spider-man pre-OMD than his goddamn marital status and i'm so sick of both marvel and spiderfags pretending otherwise.

i mean fuck, nu-USM is only 2 issues in and it's being herald as a "return to form" because of the marriage even though nothing has fucking happened yet.

>> No.10764039

A big thing was trying to make him a tv reporter, basically a minor celebrity like news anchors tend to be in their city. The problem is, and I know I sound hypocritical for saying this against what you greentexted, but Clark being big and famous defeats the whole "mind-mannered person you'd never expect to be Superman". It's not just the glasses disguising him, it's also how he carries himself.

>> No.10764091

i think it's cringey at times too (see ironheart, batman who laughs, etc.) but i see alot more value in that mindset when the alternative is shit like alan scott green lantern instead of space cops or dick still being robin.

taking risks & experimentation is why i've read/liked DC over marvel and the absence of such risks is why capeshit almost died after WWII.

>> No.10764092

What's wrong with Alan Scott? He was cool before they Iceman'd him.

>> No.10764113

Doom's Castle has interesting music.

>> No.10764127

space cops are cooler and more interesting and honestly i only really find him interesting as the hero gotham had before batman. the new 52 version was fine as an alternate take on the character but he shouldn't be the mainline version.

>Iceman'd him
my favorite part about him being gay is how they reconcile it. basically before he became green lantern watching his boyfriend die violently is what scared him straight/in the closet.

in the new 52 his boyfriend dies the train accident that gives alan his ring while in the current canon his boyfriend gets torn apart by a red lantern space squid.

>> No.10764134

>my favorite part about him being gay is how they reconcile it. basically before he became green lantern watching his boyfriend die violently is what scared him straight/in the closet.
>in the new 52 his boyfriend dies the train accident that gives alan his ring while in the current canon his boyfriend gets torn apart by a red lantern space squid.
It's virtue signaling for an old Elseworlds/alternate continuity idea. Really fucking stupid, but DC is not known for intelligent writing these days.

>> No.10764143

i agree since him being gay literally doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

in the current canon he still had female love interests while the new 52 version was more married to his work as a hero.

>> No.10764147 [DELETED] 

If it doesn't matter, then why do it?

>> No.10764158

200 posts in and I still don't know whether to pick the PC version or emulate the PS2 one

>> No.10764172

FUCKING MURDERWORLD! This has no right to be as great as it is. Makes up for the last two levels for sure.

>> No.10764180

Do Jade and Obsidian still exist in modern canon? It frankly cheapens Obsidian being gay is "Oh yeah, your Dad is now gay as well."

>> No.10764186

emulate the xbox one. more stable than the ps2 and has more content. dunno about the pc one though but I just assume it's worse.

>> No.10764196

dont know about xml2 but for xml1 the xbox version is definitely the one to go with if you can get xemu working(it plays decent on my machine), ps2 has an unsolved dialog skip bug and the dolphin version is all around bad.

>> No.10764202

The game's OST is pretty cool overall, the theme that plays on the Helicarrer, the Atlantis OST, the Doom castle

>> No.10764206

Of which game? XML2 or MUA?

I would go with PC for all because for XML2 you can get a "mod" that adds the PSP characters like Cable, with his official moveset and powers by the way, so it's not really a mod, just a port of his files from PSP to PC.

>> No.10764218

>but they're not the actual characters and just approximate recreations based on old characters' models and movesets and don't feel the same at all.

Not true. They're the official PSP files just ported to PC. Same for the "gold edition" mod for MUA PC, it's all the official animations, movesets and powers, it's the 360 models just weren't compatible with the PC version and back then the alchemy tools weren't available to public, so there no way to port them over, but these days all this has been fixed and everything is compatible with PC, every model, animation and moveset.

>> No.10764265

Try reading the thread or using google moron.

>> No.10764771

i believe they still do.

with rebirth and later infinite frontiers DC kinda just said fuck it with continuity and made everything canon* (which is how alan being gay in the new 52 carried over).

i don't really feel upset about it since it effectively saved us from 5G which was the final straw that got didio fired from DC and would've unironically killed DC.

>> No.10764821

I always liked MUA 1&2 but never played Legends. I started Legends 1 last night (emulating PS2 version on steam deck) and I'm able to pick a full party now. So far I'm running:

Any tips or pitfalls to avoid?

>> No.10765412

>Talk to Bobby Drake.
Never forget what they took from us.

>> No.10765431

For XML2, the PC version lets you mod it.

>> No.10765436

the gambit system in mvlegends 1 has no reason to be as basic as it is. a lot of simple, non intensive options they could have implemented that would have significantly improved the game.

>> No.10765439

The biggest pitfall is >>10760889. Storm is god-tier is XML1, sadly not in 2 because in 2 her moves no longer clip through obstacles.

>> No.10765440

*sorry xmen legends

>> No.10765712

Would be cool except modding XML2 looks like a pain in the ass trying to track down some abandoned editing program and decompiling shit.
I only fuck with the all-in-one releases.

>> No.10766278

>MUL goes out of the way to have NPCs explain that Mephisto is not a demon.
>"Astral energy!"
>Get to Mephisto's Realm.
>Enemies are outright called demons.

Haha. Oh Marvel, you silly geese.

>> No.10766461

It's slipping my mind. In MUL, how do I give the command to have an ally stay at an interactive object while I go to another one again? I need to trigger two things at once but forgot since the game has you do it once in the beginning.

>> No.10766512

Why do you call it MUL? It's Marvel Ultimate Alliance, not Ultimate Legends.

>> No.10766574


>> No.10766654

you want to get at least 1 level of deep freeze (the freeze blast upgrade, level 15) for iceman. completely freezes enemies for 4 seconds, and then they move at 30% speed for 4 seconds after that. due to the length of the debuffs, its very easy to generate combos too. you dont really need more than the first level of it, because it barely changes the durations.
ice shards is GREAT damage. its only 3 shards for the first 5 levels, but the next tier is 5 shards, and the damage keeps going up. max level is 8 shards at 50-63 damage each.
you can combine this with the passive "point blank shot" for up to 50% bonus damage, and just shotgun shit to death (especially big things like sentinals and bosses).
coldsmash/crush gives you free passive bonus damage on your attacks. whats not to love?

however, if you just want him as a supporter/utility option on the team, dont bother with point blank (and arguably not ice shards either), and go for ice armor. at the 3rd tier (starting at level 23) ice armor applies to all allies for reduced incoming damage, and increased melee damage.

i wouldnt bother with ice tracks, and i would just use storm to fly for collectables.

also ditch rogue, she's shit. its been years, but i dont think theres anything super necessary for a super-strong character to do (like carry a super heavy object). even if there is, im certain that there is a better character to fill that role. wolverine can lift almost as much, and that team can destroy whatever object is necessary. i think storm can weld with lightning, so between flying and welding on her, i dont think theres much else necessary in terms of utility.

>> No.10766658

You'll hit a point really early on in the first team mission where the game starts throwing stupidly hard stuff at you. At this point I think they want you to do the tutorial missions. Doing those will help level you up.

>> No.10768005

Because I was focused on the game and less on proper posting last night. Games starting to feel a bit like a slog, sadly. The random globetrotting has my patience wearing thin, especially since the story is not all that compelling. Still, I'll finish it. On Asgard now.

>> No.10768608

I read a story about how the team behind this and MUA basically canned the future installments because Marvel fucked them over with clauses written in the contracts so they can buy them out for pennies on the dollar and take their source code; so they just filed for bankruptcy and took the source code with them as a final fuck you

Pretty funny desu

>> No.10768882

Well the team that made this is Raven so no, they were already under EA by that point.

>> No.10768884

Sorry, I meant Activision

>> No.10769979

Probably not this game studio or game series, as they still made MUA2

>> No.10770972

Daily MUL Blogpost, Day 9:
Growing tired of MUL. Game has went downhill with each new location. Not even throwing Cap's shield or doing Ghost Rider chain stuff is fun anymore. Still, I am morally bound and obliged to finish the damn game.

>> No.10771008

only limited continue game I've successfully beaten outside of mascot platformers is streets of rage 2 which is also pretty easy. I just get too bored of the opening stages.

>> No.10771128

finally tried the PC version and got a bunch of "alchemy" dll errors on startup
it's over

>> No.10772147

If MUL had better pacing it would be a lot better. But that's just the musing of an Anon forcing himself to finish it.

>> No.10772198

So, I apparently collected five Daredevil figures, the achievement popped but he's not showing up in my character list. Am I missing something here?

>> No.10772220

Are you at least experimenting with all the characters? That's kinda the appeal of the game, creating your own superhero teams. It's like playing with action figures as a kid. The combat itself is mostly shallow.

>> No.10772232

Somewhat. I'm annoyed that I apparently unlocked Daredevil by finding the action figures, but can not select him/he does not show up in the unlock list. Tried his simulator mission and completed it for the costume, but he's still not visible. I might give playing as the Fantastic Four a shot. Seems amusing.

>> No.10772302

What version are you playing? Have you tried using the code to unlock him? And I think you get special dialogue with Doom at the end of the game using Fantastic Four if you're into that.

>> No.10772339

360. MUL Gold Edition retail disc. Daredevil was fun in the training sim, but he never showed up in my actual roster. Maybe if I beat Asgard? I seem to be close to leaving the zone finally. The game bugged out while I was playing as the NPCs talked like I had already experienced the Weasel laptop info reveal acting like I had been told what happened.After talking to all the NPCs, I went to leave the Hall of Heroes and the cutscene played. I did not try codes, but seeing as I got the cheevo for it I guess using a code might be my only option. Shame. Seem to have three missing characters so far. Guessing Black Panther is one, since I've found some of his action figures as well.

>> No.10774573
File: 87 KB, 736x736, ad5c97ce88db54a65f1937c38a86373f--lee-marvel-dc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still playing Legends 1. Just got to Colossus, playing with a team of Wolverine, Jubilee, Storm, & Jean Grey. Loading screens are pretty sick. Does 2 have the same great character design?

>> No.10774889

Oh damn, Jubes looks good in that render.