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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10753081 No.10753081 [Reply] [Original]

Was this the first truly bad sonic game?

>> No.10753085

No. Sonic 2 on Game Gear was first.

>> No.10753095

Never played it. My parents wouldn't buy me a game gear because it took way too many batteries.

>> No.10753096

every sonic game has been shit since rad mobile

>> No.10753103

Doesn't look like sonic spin to me

>> No.10753104

Nah, Sonic R is fine. Especially the PC port which adds a bunch of stuff. Just play it like a racing game and you'll be fine (use the accel and sharp turn buttons)

>> No.10753107

Spinball is fine too. Not every Sonic game has to be a platformer, even if those are usually better

>> No.10753110

what about sonic blast?

>> No.10753114

Blast and Labyrinth were both worse than R yes. Still not sure if I would call them truly bad though

>> No.10753154

I've had fun with Labyrinth. It just needed a better execution, the screen is too small and everything looks same-y.

Blast is ok except water level which sucked ass but I can't exactly remember why.

>> No.10753179

>only 5 maps
>no multi-player
>no reverse button (but there's 3 buttons that do the same jump for some reason)
>shit draw distance
>bizarre map layout
>bizarre soundtrack
But nah it's fine tho

>> No.10753190

what does the R stand for

>> No.10753194


>> No.10753197

>no multi-player
Yes it does.

>> No.10753202

You're right my bad I never played the saturn version only pc

>> No.10753205

>be sonic
>lose in a foot race to knuckles
>to fucking knuckles

>> No.10753386

Sonic got too cocky

>> No.10753407

>But nah it's fine tho

>> No.10753456

Were they afraid you'd shove them up you ass?

>> No.10753465

The title is a hidden message. There's a cipher for it but it that was lost.
R=R though, C=E, but N and I=G. Can't remember the rest of it.

>> No.10753483

>>bizarre soundtrack

How can you not like can you feel the sunshine?

>> No.10753503

>>bizarre soundtrack
Yeah that's a good thing

>> No.10753505

NTA, but why was that unrelated question the first thing on your mind?

>> No.10753509

Rendered and Racing, sort of like how the DS in Nintendo DS stands for both Dual Screen and Developer's System.

Both of these explanations are official, iirc.

>> No.10753529

maybe he handicapped himself to make it a fair competition?
I agree that racing go-karts makes more sense

>> No.10753541

>no multi-player
>there's 3 buttons that do the same jump for some reason
You didn't play the game

Also if you think five maps is bad, try Manx TT Superbike which only has like two and is still generally considered good.

>> No.10753795

I'm always thinking about shoving batteries up my ass.

>> No.10753846
File: 20 KB, 1200x1080, G-Sonic ~ Sonic Blast (World)-1-221207-222319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the first bad Sonic game was Blast. It has no redeeming qualities.

>Blast is ok except water level which sucked ass but I can't exactly remember why.
It was a maze but underwater.

>> No.10753849

Sonic 3D Blast.

>> No.10753998

It's only unrelated if the answer is no. Anon said his parents didn't want him to have a gamegear because it took too many batteries. This could mean they didn't want him to have access to too many batteries at 1 time. What are some bad things people can do with batteries? They're not lithium so they likely won't explode or catch on fire. They're not D batteries so you can't throw them at Santa(only a concern if you're in Philadelphia, if you're from there you'd probably want your kid to have as many as they wanted though), they're not 9volts so you can't stick them to your tongue. They're mostly harmless AA batteries, you don't want to puncture them or let them corrode and rupture. Your biggest concern with what not to do with them is probably putting them places they don't belong. My immediate thought is a garbage disposal, but if anon is old enough to reach the garbage disposal they should have taught him garbage disposal safety and what bot to put down there. The next simplest solution would be putting them in his body, but they're larger than a crayon so that means it wouldn't be the nose or ear. That leaves 2 paths big enough for the battery to enter, the mouth and the butt.
anon's parents didn't want him to have more batteries
I assume they wanted to limit how many batteries he had access to at any given time(like how some shotguns can fit 7 shells after a slight modification but come from the store with the ability to only hold 4)
This seems like an issue related to safety.
How does keeping anon at 2 batteries instead 6 keep him safer?
Well if he does do something stupid it'll probably be putting them in his body.
50/50 which path it is, basically a coin flip
Batteries taste like shit though, a kid wouldn't want to eat them.


>> No.10754185

Fuckies Island was worse

>> No.10754354

Back to /pw/ ya manlet nerds

>> No.10754383
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I'll agree that the 1st boss was BS, especially due to them making it harder despite it already being 10x harder than on Master System thanks to the Game Gear's resolution... anyways, once you get past it and manage to do it consistently, it's still quite difficult, but a fun title with good design in most areas, good controls, looks and sound, it's not superb, but not bad at all, that's too harsh...

If you play the Master System version though, its there where thing become superb, they really did seem to have made the levels with a proper TV's resolution in mind and it shows, it's so much fun.

>> No.10754531
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I don't get the hate for Sonic 3D Blast, it's not as good as the titles that came before it, and it's by far the worst of the Genesis platformers... but it really doesn't make it bad objectively, it's bad in a relative manner to what came before it, on its own it's a decent 3D platformer focused on both exploring and collecting things, which was a 90's thing I guess, with SM64 and Banjo too, it's fun...

>> No.10754707

interesting theory, got any others?

>> No.10754906
File: 196 KB, 918x768, Sonic_R_SAT_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A C and Y all do the same thing niggie
lol it's because batteries were expensive and the game gear ate them like candy

>> No.10754914

Your asshole ate them like candy I'll bet.

>> No.10754915

All sonic games are bad.

>> No.10754921

Those were for charity, Anon.

>> No.10754923

I’m pretty sure that Sonic CD came out before this.

>> No.10754934

Psycho opinion

>> No.10755114

t. decrepit turn based boomer
is the og trilogy too fast for you?

>> No.10756823

Yeah several, not just about anon and his batteries though

That would have been my 3rd or 4th guess

>> No.10757005

OOGA BOOGA *sticks out tounge* blllllpllplpl

>> No.10757238

No, that game is soul incarnate, fag

>> No.10757243

>on its own it's a decent 3D platformer
....It's really not
The only cool things about it are the boss fights and the soundtrack

>> No.10757249

Sonic 3 & Knuckles > Sonic Chaos > Sonic 2 (MS) > Sonic 2 > Sonic (MS) > Sonic > Sonic 3D Blast > Sonic Triple Trouble > Sonic Blast

>> No.10757279

Na, that was definitely Sonic spinball. Id rather play sonic blast on the game gear than that trash. Its the Worst pinball game on the sega and worst sonic.

>> No.10757291

Any pinball game that runs at sub-60fps is automatically garbage, no exceptions.

>> No.10757535
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>....It's really not
I mean, I get not liking it, but there's nothing in it that makes it bad in my eyes, so I'd still qualify it as decent. It has good level design that's not too linear, nor too easy to get lost in, the goal's quite simple to understand, there aren't any bugs that I recall, if there are then they're not common, its main issue is that platforming with an isometric view isn't so easy, but most of the platforming in the levels is designed with that in mind I think, so it works well enough, especially if you use Sonic's spindash jumping when you see an opportunity, I don't think it's as fun as SA1/SA2, but it's fun too.

>> No.10757805

Sonic Spinball is not a pinball game at all, it's a platformer, but it's not like the regular Sonic games.
If it was in the SNES with Mario on Kirby on top of it, in their respective universes, you'd eat it all up.

>> No.10759890

First maybe but surely not the last.

>> No.10761076

Batteries are pretty phallic, and sonic fans are always fixated with sticking shit in their ass. Seems pretty appropriate to me

>> No.10762531


>> No.10762554

Both soundtracks are phenomenal, excellent prerendered graphics and for what it's worth the gameplay may not be the same as 2D Sonic but I wouldn't call it bad by any stretch. It's probably still my favorite game on Saturn next to Sonic R and NiGHTS... and yes I have played Batsugun, Battle Garegga, Radiant Silvergun, etc. etc.

>> No.10762563

Started playing Sonic since the Genesis.

>> No.10762572

>But nah it's fine tho

>> No.10762712

>but nah it's fine tho
That sums up the entire franchise

>> No.10765139

how so?

>> No.10765341

Sonic R was fucking awesome though, literally its only fault was that it only had so many levels (but every one had multiple different paths and unlockables).
The graphics were awesome too.

>> No.10765414

CD is a pretty poorly designed game.

>> No.10766738

He only claimed to be the fastest hedgehog. Knuckles is an echidna.

>> No.10767426

Exactly. Like how the Flash is the fastest man on earth but sometimes super man needs to he just as fast but he's an alien so it makes sense.

>> No.10767449

It was the only truly good 3d Sonic game.

>> No.10767504

You're not wrong but good is a little bit of an exaggeration.

>> No.10767505

I don't know why, but this kind of music always made me feel like I was molested.
Makes me feel dirty.

>> No.10767554

THey should have just kept with the Sonic R concept. Go the Mario Kart route with exploreable maps and missions and secrets. It would have been great.

>> No.10767564

you just posted it

>> No.10767827
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>> No.10767873

Pinball was a great budget game, the only reason people shit on is cause it was made by an american team. Sonic fans have this fanatical fury for hating everything that isn't "Segasonic" ie. japanese material, they've been arguing that shit since the 90s. Back then it was mostly the AoStH or SatAM vs. Sonic 1-2-3-K-Adventure, today it is Sonic 2-Spinball-R vs 1-3-K-CD-Adventure. Which is funny because the most highly respected Sonic games were usually done by western teams (Sonic 2, Sonic Mania).

Another sure sign of the same autistic argument is whenever someone brings up the mohawk quills or Greg Martins art, or if they get triggered if you say a single bad word about Yuji Naka. You can automatically dismiss anyones opinion on Sonic games on the grounds for being autistic fanboy ramblings if they bring up those.

>> No.10767961

Spinball is literally better than some of the "real Sonic games". Definitely CD. CD is fucked at the conceptual level.
Spinball is just a cool adventure pinball game. The worst thing about it is it maybe gets a bit unreasonably hard in the later stages.
For a game that was scraped together in like three months, it's kind of incredible, actually. A lot of love and talent went into it. It didn't need the amount of unique animations and assets it has. They could have gotten away with making a much crappier pinball game, and just slapping Sonic on it.

>> No.10768778

A lot of cancelled Sonic 2 assets were recycled for Spinball, that's how they could pull it off so fast. Toxic Cave had Hidden Palace graphics and The Machine was Genocide City. That's how they could get so much content in so little time.

>> No.10769164
File: 255 KB, 350x474, Mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it was in the SNES with Mario on Kirby on top of it, in their respective universes, you'd eat it all up.
Just because something has Mario in it doesn't mean everyone's going to love it.

>> No.10769408

That would be Sonic Labyrinth.

>> No.10771259

How many fucking Sonic games are there?

>> No.10771280

people shit on mario pinball for GBA all the time

>> No.10771907

A lot
Probably more bad than good as far as /vr/ games

>> No.10771945

>Definitely CD. CD is fucked at the conceptual level.

>> No.10772364

Sonic R is ludo
The only bad thing about it is the huge disparity in character balance, but honestly thats part of its charm. Not like people should be tryharding in a mascot racing game.

>> No.10772397

Not him, but CD is one of my favorites. The Time Travel function is definitely flawed and most people criticize it for its level design in general, most notoriously Wacky Workbench.

>> No.10772406
File: 2.86 MB, 640x308, sonic-cd-amy-sonic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Sonic 2 fans do not like Sonic CD. This is because their design philosophy is kind of at opposites, sort of. Sonic CD pulls from the Sonic 1 school of design, whereas 2 kind of laid the foundation for the 3K school of design. If I can compare it to anything it's sort of like the SMB3 vs. SMW rivalry or the Yoshi's Island vs. DKC rivalry amongst Nintendo fans.

>> No.10772412

rad mobile?

>> No.10773280

It's fun, just painfully short. It needed at least triple the courses. also my PC copy didn't have a working soundtrack which made it really eerie when tails doll showed up

>> No.10773317

sommeR of '92

>> No.10773434
File: 7 KB, 248x192, SonicTheHedgehog2-SMS-ReMastered-Mod-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end we all know both design phylosophy/schools mentioned here are wrong...

...Sonic was at its peak on Game Gear and Master System's Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 by far.

>> No.10773839

>look up "list of sonic games by release"
>click Wikipedia
>grouped by genre 1st
>wonder how much worse the 2nd result is
>sonic fan wiki
Holy Autism batman, at least I finally got the lost I was looking for, or rather 4 lists, because they group them by decade. You can.also group them by manufacturer. Every game that was released on Xbox by release date, then everything on 360 by release date, and so on. You want only mainline sonic games that came out on console, they've got that list too.

>> No.10774749

Sonic CD is my absolute favorite, so I'm surely biased, but I genuinely have no idea what the issues with time travel or WW are supposed to be.

>> No.10774764
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>But nah it's fine tho
That's right.

>> No.10774807

Sonic R is just okay, not good or bad. It's a fine racing game, but you see all of its content in about 30 minutes and the balance is hilariously bad.

>> No.10775785
File: 983 KB, 2048x1868, F8lEQnnXoAAoN_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to dislike Sonic CD too, it felt clunky and it didn't have a good flow like Sonic 2 had, so I beat it while I marathoned Sonic... but then didn't feel like playing it ever again... until I did, but I wanted to try something different... instead of playing it as if it was Sonic 2, going fast, spin dashing while going for the Time Stones, I decided to explore it and go for all the generators in the past instead...

It opened up unlike anything I had ever played, it felt like I was playing a completely different title and I loved it, exploring as Sonic, travelling back in time through all pinball styled levels... I love it.

>> No.10776091

How does spinning work? Is he building up speed like a flywheel? How do they do this while staying in place?

>> No.10776254

>bizarre soundtrack
soulless faggot detected

>> No.10776332

never heard this. What was added?

>> No.10776668
