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10749587 No.10749587 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Johto so fucking confusing to get around? How did you guys not get lost as a kid? I just beat goldenrod gym and have no idea where to go. In Kanto it was pretty straightforward at least.

>> No.10749617

Just walk around lol

>> No.10749628

go to the flower shop, then go north and water the 'tree'

>> No.10749642

Damn buddy.. sucks to be you. I dont think its confuaing, in fact, its too direct, the routes should be longer.

>> No.10749678

That's what I was wondering about, someone was saying something about a flower shop then ran away, but I didn't see what they said because I pressed A by accident, thank you anon.

But while we're talking about Johto, why is the level curving actually bad? I thought that was just some competitivefags bitching but even on a casual playthrough it feels like every pokemon you fight is underleveled. I love Johto but damn.

>> No.10749683

You're grinding to the point the game gets easier. Grind less = harder game

>> No.10749686
File: 392 KB, 640x480, Whitney_Miltank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wasn't running away from any encounters, I didn't really sit around and grind. By the time I got to Whitney my fire starter was level 26 and I don't get the hype with her

>> No.10749747

You seem experienced, is that accurate?

>> No.10749751

Yeah gen 4 was my first gen (zoomer I know)

>> No.10749763

I dunno what else to tell you, it'll get harder later but you're well prepared for that, so. Don't worry about getting lost.

>> No.10749808

english isn't my first language, so I looked up a walkthrough

>> No.10749847
File: 133 KB, 750x350, 1694636334005619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low IQ players like op are why the series maps eventually degenerated into stuff like pic related, nowadays they're just pure uninteresting open world slop

>> No.10749859

desu I remember missing the flower shop on a replay.
It's not hard to miss when you're just going through the game and not checking every building and talking to everyone.

>> No.10749907

I liked exploring around, even if it meant using 8 HMs and most places being dead ends with a consumable or TM for a reward.
Gen 3 (R/S/E);was the peak with that wrecked ship, the secret bases, the shoal cave, the Braille puzzles and diving through trenches.

>> No.10751523

I know this place like the back of my hand

>> No.10751547

Holy shit please be bait
nobody can be this retarded

>> No.10751574

fpbp, OP is a fag and doesn't know what play is

>> No.10751589

It's literally a straight line, how can you get lost? It looks curvy but certain areas are gated off by Sudowoodos or not having the right HM that you are corralled into going the correct way. Holy shit literally how do you get lost?

At most you can choose to go to Route 42 or 38 first but ultimately it makes no difference.

>> No.10751597

>Why is Johto so fucking confusing to get around? How did you guys not get lost as a kid?
Because the game forces you to go in a straight line thanks to obstacles in the way.

>> No.10751601

Fuck off Tourist.

>> No.10751801

Gen 3 was the most soulful and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.

>> No.10751823

The poke roster was awful tho

>> No.10751894

It was the last gen where catching them all was actually fun though. At least, it is fun to imagine, with all the various games to trade from. I never actually did it.

>> No.10751898

Zoomers and their reliance on Google Maps eh

>> No.10751902

its called you buy the strategy guide

>> No.10751947

I got it for free for re-subscribing to Nintendo Power. It was a great guide too, had all the move charts, etc.

>> No.10751973

It's nice but 2 has it beat on day/night transition.

>> No.10752019

i got lost in gen3 once...

>> No.10752040

I was 4 or 5 when I first played silver and while I never had this problem there sure are a lot of areas which aren't mandatory but I spent a lot of time on thinking they must have been more important than they actually were (Mortar, Ruins of Alph, Dark Cave).
In Red/Yellow at a similar age I remember doing some stupid shit like spending a ton of time trying to navigate rock tunnel because I didn't know about flash.

>> No.10752406

There is a decent amount of optional content around the various routes but yeah that shape is just shit.

>> No.10754758

Get good

>> No.10754797

Most regular trainers in GSC are under leveled cannon fodder & the game really enjoys shoving mandatory fights against them down your throat. E4, Gym Leaders, & Red are the only fights that can be difficult.

>> No.10755995

how fucking retarded do you have to be

>> No.10756480

I finished the game when I was 5 and could barely read.