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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 107 KB, 1000x1500, MmUtYTk4NS00MmZjLTgzYmYt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10711703 No.10711703 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this game. All I can honestly say is "meh".

>> No.10711731

This isn't /v/ OP, you don't need to bait to get replies to avoid getting archived.
Reminder to learn japanese and play Mother 2 to enjoy Itoi's actual writing style and the faster menu.

>> No.10711745

>Does anyone else think <well received and liked old game> is actually BAD???

Are we going to do this every day?

captcha: WARG

>> No.10712031

He didn't say it is bad, he said it's just kinda there. OP is right.

>> No.10712142

Kill yourself.

>> No.10712152

Congratulations. I truly envy your ability to not enjoy things.

>> No.10712190

Don't forget to tell everyone how you used 3x emulator speed to skip through the game, never bothered to talk to the NPCs, cheated when you lost, etc.

>> No.10712191

Why the anger?

>> No.10712292

You called into question the game that defines his entire personality that he may actually try to play someday. Quit it.

>> No.10712406
File: 414 KB, 1060x938, D045F527-6616-480F-8CD2-D7BE5116E00A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if “Earthbound” had a genocide run?

>Be Ness.
>You’ve learned about this exciting power called PK Rollin after defeating a bunch of attack slugs and black antoids.
>You’re very excited to use it.
>You see an enemy approach you, so you try to attack it.
>But no one came.

>The Titanic Ant goes down in one hit thanks to your strength, as do the members of Onett’s Finest.
>You make your way to Twoson and place a call at your hotel to SAVE, but you hear a strange voice.
>“16 left…”
>Wondering what this means, you try out your newfound power on every single enemy you see.
>Just when you think you’re about to snag in one more kill for the experience, you look behind you to see what other enemy attacked you.
>But no one came.

>After getting the girl and doing the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, you find yourself face to face with Giygas himself.
>You’ve learned an ability that can diamondize any enemy 100% of the time and you have lots of PP left to diamondize Giygas and then some.
>You focus on him and try PK Flash Ω!
>Before you stands a giant wall made of the most pristine diamond where Giygas once was. Giygas has been defeated and the world is saved… for now.
>Your neighbor, Porky Minch, decides to get while the getting’s good and flee.
>Defeating Giygas fills you with an insatiable need to diamondize even more people and objects.
>You contemplate whether it’s worth it to erase this world and move onto the next.
>But since when were you the one in control?

>Out in the distance, you hear a faint voice.
>“Y-You need to take care of the princess. It will be an arduous task to do, given that you already have your son to take care of, but the safety of our kingdom is of paramount importance.”
>“I will be fine here, but it is more important that you board the white ship over there.”
>“Just leave me be. Soon I’ll be—”


>> No.10712446
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>> No.10712486
File: 53 KB, 697x604, Earthbound Anti Piracy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be the player.
>The game has seemingly frozen, so you try every single button combination you can think of, but the screen turns black and you hear the classic "Game Over" sound from "Super Mario Bros".
>That can't be good.

>The screen turns into something more dramatic after this.
>"Piracy is No Party! It is a serious crime to copy video games. Please refer to your instruction manual for more information."

>The game just hangs here, forcing you to reset.
>You load the game and your save files are gone.

Wat do?


>> No.10712638

for a dq clone it's one of the best, so i still like it

>> No.10712772
File: 704 KB, 1170x1370, 2E3E87A6-8E94-490E-83BF-24A0CCFED406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why “diamondized” enemies only sometimes disappear from the screen? If I use PK a flash Ω, the enemy disappears from the screen, but if Poo glares with his eerie eyes as a result of using the Mirror command, the enemy stays on screen.

Could this perhaps be due to enemies not being programmed to be diamondized properly, especially if they have no vulnerability to PK Flash?

>> No.10713629

I'm not reading this autistic shit.

>> No.10713671

thats all your mom said too

>> No.10713712


I agree. The gameplay isn't very good.

>> No.10713875

Compared to what other RPG?
It's just classic DQ with the ability to see enemies on the map instead of random encounters. It's not bad at all.

>> No.10713881

The DQ games are more fun to play. They’re more balanced and the dungeon design is much better.

>> No.10713887

The rolling HP meter and overworld enemies with the first strike system made it pretty engaging to me. Trying to heal before someone's health hits zero or when the screen is crowded with enemies and you're trying to hop between battles getting first strikes is fun.

>> No.10713896

Which DQ games? There's many.
I never thought of EB as "unbalanced", what do you mean exactly?
As for dungeons, again there's many DQ games, some are good dungeons, some others not so much.
I feel like in EB most dungeons were really short though, and linear, so yeah DQ has overall more intricate dungeons.

>> No.10713923
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>> No.10713937

As a little kid, Earthbound was the first rpg that clicked for me, and I got lost in the world. I'd tried Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior on NES but I was to young and didn't get it. Maybe you had to there, zoomerino op.

>> No.10714093

You'd be surprised how many fans are like this with other series.
Most RPG fans are like this. Most FF or DQ fans never played the earlier games, for example.

>> No.10714106

> it's an old overlooked game treated as an underrated gem by modern gamers stop saying bad things about it!!

Are we going to do this every time?

The world of Earthbound is at least creative and made with love. The gameplay itself... eeeeeh

>> No.10714131

>The gameplay itself... eeeeeh
It's DQ with enemies on the map. Not bad! Unless you don't like RPG turn based combat to begin with

>> No.10714132

Thankfully there are re-releases with mobile phone tier graphics and Quality of Life Improvements such as maxing out your stats with a button or rewind to render those old janky games playable!

>> No.10714240

>Most FF or DQ fans never played the earlier games, for example
no shit buddy, youd have to be 50 years old you have played all the DQ and FF games when they were new.

>> No.10714305

Life hack: you can play games in the years AFTER their release!

>> No.10714362

Did you make a high resolution version of a snes anti piracy screen you fucking autist?

>> No.10714410


>> No.10714543

I never used status effects in any of my playthroughs.

>> No.10714548

Not even diamondizing Carbon Dog? I’m pretty sure that he’s vulnerable to Flash in his first phase and can be diamondized into his second phase.

>> No.10714553

Its unreasonable to expect children to play 10+ previous games before playing the new shiny one. Personally I think they should but its not realistic. Theres a difference between a Final Fantasy fan having only played 4 games in the series vs an Earthbound fan having only played super smash bros and undertale.

>> No.10714643

I beat it once after about a decade of trying, gettint burnt out every time. Forced myself once and I'm never going back again. Probably helped that I could watch reruns of rockos modern life while playing but man it's a chore game.

>> No.10715340

I assumed bosses are immune to status effects like in most RPGs.

>> No.10715408

Kids with pocket money have always bought older games from bargain bins. That's how I got my Gameboy Pocket in the 2000's

>> No.10715417

I finally played it and beat it last year. I really liked everything about it besides the overarching story which was shit, but the characters and interactions with NPCs were full of soul. Inventory management was just too cumbersome especially late game. Unless you have a guide and know what you should use, stash or bring along its an all trial and error. I get how it’s balanced around limited inventory which is good, but it’s so much insulate text to move items around. If that was fixed I’d probably play it again because it was charming and pretty difficult with good battle strategies.

>> No.10715439

I’m about halfway through I think (at Fourside) and it’s feeling kind of “meh” to me too.

There are peaks of pure greatness, but they’re quickly washed out by terrible decisions (several hours in and still can’t fucking revive my party mates outside of a hospital) and outright tediousness (can’t cure the fucking mushroom status outside of hospitals and have a long slog in full of between towns).

Compared to the other RPGS I played (Square SNES/Playstation games, early Pokemon, Elder Scrolls) this is by far my least favorite

>> No.10716147

>getting filtered by mushroomization
maybe stick to putt putt saves the zoo

>> No.10716170

The rolling HP feature is really cool and adds tension to battles where if you're fast enough you can save your party members who are technically dead, if you're smart you can avoid grinding all together by using strategy (i.e. it actually rewards not mashing A the whole time), the way encounters is handled is great because you either choose to get into a battle or you fail to avoid the enemy and the fact that battles are automatically finished if you're a high enough level really reduces the tedium of a game like this. Combined with the charming aesthetic and dialogue, as well as the surreal twists and turns the game takes. Earthbound is genuinely one of the best JRPGs of all time. If not the best JRPG.

>> No.10716178

He's never played it anon. Or if he has, he didn't get very far.

>> No.10716270
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, cover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes on autism site
>looks inside

>> No.10716316

Wouldn’t go that far but to add another pro the music is insanely good and high quality. I like how the battle theme changes a lot. I always thought standard jrpgs should go towards multiple themes for battle as tech improved. Last one I played was FFX and nope still one battle theme.

>> No.10716338
File: 122 KB, 946x720, GFFCnBtbcAEavRm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i.e. it actually rewards not mashing A the whole time

>> No.10716534

Earthbound isn't about the overarching plot, it's structured like a series of vignettes rather than a singular plot where every event ties into the next. The vignettes are pretty damn good on their own and each of them contributes something to the overall experience. Also the way the game gradually escalates into a globe-trotting adventure was pretty well done in my opinion.

>> No.10716546

If we keep replying, yes. Oh damn.

>> No.10717561


>> No.10717579

fuck off bot, this is at least the second or third time that i've seen you do this gimmick. I even wasted energy typing up an autistic essay for you a week ago on this exact subject and now I just want to punch you in the fucking face

>> No.10718163

I'd like to see your autistic essay, please

>> No.10718198

The "old" FF games in 2024 are 12 and 13. The "old" DQ games in 2024 didn't make it out of Japan. The good old ones are 30 years old and trade hands for more than what a new game costs.

>> No.10718212
File: 258 KB, 1024x1024, summers_by_shanehunt_dc7xker-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Soundtrack is the best part of the game

>> No.10718217 [DELETED] 

adult playing nintendo kids games = pedophile.

>> No.10718658

It probably has something to do with how Carbon Dog doesn’t exactly have to be diamondized in order to turn into Diamond Dog, but I’d prefer doing it anyway, since it’s weak to PK Flash. Turning the enemy into a diamond to fight its diamond form also just makes sense.

>> No.10718661 [DELETED] 

Are you referring to the excessive number of times characters “wet their pants”?

>> No.10719639


>> No.10719658

You had to be there. God I miss growing up in that era.

>> No.10719798

It was in the last topic retard. I actually tried once or twice to find it in the past few days, once before I even replied to your stupid ass and then again out of my own curiosity. But one, I couldn't remember if it this board or /v/ or something; two, each archive site is different and I couldn't be assed.

But you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. Gosh I fucking hate you.

>> No.10719893

Didn’t “Earthbound” not become a commercial success in the U.S. before “Super Smash Bros.” was released due to the former game’s poor advertising tactics?

>> No.10719902

I can’t be the only one who thinks that this could have been in “Earthbound”, or possibly even the theme to an obscure town that I missed the first time hearing this. https://youtu.be/m1SxYoBtqdI?si=rRuJ1dkUHih6R0jT

>> No.10719917

If you honestly played it and thought it was “meh” then you obviously didn’t play it right or went in with a preconceived opinion of it.
In which case your opinion of it is invalid.

>> No.10720015
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ya it stinks esp the archaic UI and inventory

>> No.10720021
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Reminder that the menuing is tolerable if you either play the Japanese version, or if you must play it in English, the EN patched M1+2 cart.

>> No.10720024
File: 3.39 MB, 954x320, 1684979202482782.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GBA version for comparison

>> No.10720029

Why is the English printing slower than Japanese? Japanese has more characters

>> No.10720035

Because Japanese needs fewer characters to express more complex ideas.

>> No.10720037

Because it's using a variable width font which looks nicer but requires extra computing compared to just having to load the tiles themselves

>> No.10720047
File: 3 KB, 876x322, 1697117617975937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese loads its entire alphabet into memory at once and can just display each character wherever it wants almost instantly because it conforms to the same 8x8 tile size (it's split across multiple tiles, but they're all the same relative size).
English uses a proportional font instead of fixed-width glyphs and has to fill the tiles on-the-fly by taking additional steps such as
>load the text
>fill the tiles with each letter, glyph-by-glyph, and calculate the width of the current one so it can position the next one correctly in the tiles (usually this is how proportional fonts are handled on these kinds of systems)
this takes forever in comparison to just having them all in vram ready to place anywhere at a moment's notice.
If it was a small amount of screen text printing slowly, such as dialogue, it wouldn't be noticeable, but for a mass amount of text getting puked out all at once, it's very noticeable.

>> No.10720117
File: 102 KB, 500x500, FFP4xGsXIAILRNo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summon tails doll 360 blaze it

>> No.10720836

Where can I get this patch? I cannot find the one with M2 translated. I need to be spoon fed.

>> No.10720847

>What if “Earthbound” had a genocide run?
Good luck getting the Sword of Kings, then.

>> No.10720980
File: 41 KB, 512x446, 93248485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oooh I can't hold it Ness, help me!

>> No.10721271

I just played this part yesterday. After 30 years of playing this game I never saw this. WTF.

>> No.10721829
File: 25 KB, 901x406, 1706752621819193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expand the assets tab and download the first file, and you can apply it to a clean Mother 1+2 ROM

>> No.10721841
File: 124 KB, 739x949, not-much-of-an-earthbound-fan-but-i-remember-really-liking-v0-5tc0yvd2uo3b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723251

Why is Ness black?

>> No.10723365

It's a good thing Ness was around, this hoe would have pounded all the runaway five into the ground if left unchecked.

>> No.10724198

Earthbound is just Undertale but made in the 90s with a fanbase of pretentious milliennials rather than pretentious zoomers.

>> No.10724351

But it doesn’t have a genocide run like >>10712406 asks about.

>> No.10724957

His name's Darkness

>> No.10726748

made me smile.

>> No.10727048
File: 96 KB, 512x446, 1924863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like earthbound, unlike other RPGs talking to any npc may tell you something actually interesting.

>> No.10727357

Do NOT play Mother1+2, it absolutely butchers the music along with inferior graphics, just mod the SNES rom

>> No.10728010

Reminder that if you played Earthbound with that patch installed, you didn't actually beat the game.

>> No.10728037

DQ is ass

>> No.10729440

So do you want us to play it in a language we don’t understand where we have to confusingly navigate the game without much knowledge on what to do?

>> No.10729754

No, you retarded nigger, EarthBound is already officially in English.

>> No.10730040

I love that this sonb has waves and seagulls

>> No.10731637

NTA, but then which best to play Mother 1 then that doesn't use the ugly 25th anniversary edition?

>> No.10731653

I don't see a problem with the Earthbound Zero Neo Demiforce ROM which has been available for decades.

>> No.10731658

Original Famicom release. Not for filthy EOPigs, though.

>> No.10731708

Just play the Earthbound "Beginnings" prototype NES rom, it's literally how the game would have been had it released in the US. Not more, not less.

>> No.10732423

I got bored around fourside. I think my issue was playing games it inspired before getting around to playing the original itself. Once you get past the wackiness it's a pretty boring basic RPG. I'm sure it was wild back in the day to have a game like this though.

>> No.10732439

Everyone drops out either at the stupid pencil or fourside which is right before this game starts getting really crazy and out there.

>> No.10732845

Then what do you have against that patch?

>> No.10732868

FF1 is a boring slog

>> No.10732975

>learn japanese to play westaboo shit

>> No.10733143

This is pretty common. People lose interest after the USA theme subsides which is right after Fourside. Scaraba, Summers, and Deep Darkness fall into the classic RPG cliches of desert level, beach level, jungle level, etcetera. Hell, even most fanart never depicts Poo or anything after the Monotoli thing aside from the final boss.

>> No.10733210

>learn Japanese to see the west as viewed through the eyes of Japanese
yes, this is based. playing a troonslation that changes the vision from the eyes of a Japanese to those of a westerner automatically devalues the thing that makes Mother 2 special in the first place. In particular, Americans who understand Japanese are in a unique position to appreciate this work more than anyone else.

>> No.10733445

But isn’t Eagleland supposed to be an analog of England? I used to always misread “Eagleland” as “England”.

>> No.10733451

There's still the faster menu, EOP.

>> No.10733460

But it is hard to understand the story of a game in a language one does not understand, especially with “Earthbound” retaining a small number of cryptic features from its predecessor.

>> No.10733502

That is possibly the greatest gaming magazine ad ever made. Its scratch-n-sniff

>> No.10733702

I started playing Mother and I assumed all the complaints were from bitch made bitches but ho-lee shit is this game janky as all hell, crust city. That 5 or so frame input lag whenever you try and move from a standstill is crusty as fuck.
I have no shame either in saying I'm using an external map to navigate. I can understand the map being massive and freeform when you're a child and shitting your pants at all the discoveries you can make but get the hell out of here with that shit as an adult, I want to actually know where I'm going without accidently sequence breaking the entire game over my knee on accident.

>> No.10734898

No, it is referring to the bald eagle, the national bird if the United States. The game takes place in America.

>> No.10734904
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The first thing anyone should do when playing a 8-bit RPG is checking out the manual and map

Also had it come out in the US it would have had a walkthrough of at the very least the first portion of the game, as well as a list of items and spells

>> No.10734909

>that 5 or so frame input lag whenever you try and move from a standstill is crusty as fuck.

also that's just Dragon Quest

>accidentally sequence breaking

it's not really possible in a way you think it is except through glitches and exploits. Also areas will have high level enemies you probably won't survive

>> No.10734943
File: 657 KB, 853x480, 1679901084142392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>towns/cities all named after holidays
fucking cringe
Phil Sandhop was right to change all that bullshit in the official localization.

>> No.10734962

dude ellay get it lol

>> No.10735138
File: 244 KB, 1500x2000, IMG_9245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend just sold a Magic card to get this.
Was it worth the expense?

>> No.10735150

He got $500 for the card

>> No.10735173

>towns/cities all named after holidays

>> No.10735262

also here are some maps for maximum retro


>> No.10735296

>randomly listen to this song before playing Mother for the first time
>can't unhear it anymore in the game, this is the definitive version for me now

>> No.10736228

why does he have peanuts sheets is he a child?

>> No.10736868

I think it's his wife's.

>> No.10736873

Do kids even know about Peanuts anymore?
Anyway, Mother 1 is definitely influenced by Peanuts.

>> No.10737082

you're a fucking deviant

>> No.10737086


>> No.10737127
File: 2.56 MB, 512x448, 1681795386476873.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you played any English edition of Mother 2, you didn't experience the gameplay as intended.
>message speed: fast, mashing A to skip through battle messages as quickly as possible
>lose 26 HP from the desperation explosion of the Territorial Oak

>> No.10737129
File: 2.16 MB, 512x448, 1695239293912548.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>identical conditions, Japanese version
>just 15 HP lost from the desperation explosion
You did not get to engage with the game's mechanics properly because of how slowly and sluggishly everything in the English edition operates.

>> No.10737160

Interesting. It never felt like a huge hindrance but it did feel like I could've been reacting faster to things like that except the game wasn't letting me. I hope there's a hack or something to fix this. I've been wanting to replay it but it seems like a lot of people are talking about so maybe I'll wait. I'm not sure if I could play it now without thinking about the slow menus and dialogue.

>> No.10737740

But not understanding the language or what is going on may put one into even hotter water than losing just a few HP would.

>> No.10737754

The most dropped game of all time.

>> No.10737825
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That couldn't be less of my problem.

>> No.10737872
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play it again you obviously played it wrong

>> No.10737879

imagine playing the gba version with screen crunch and botched colours because you aren't NOBLE enough to wait for the sovlful menu loads

>> No.10739227

The only Japanese I know is “私は日本語が話せません”, or, “I don’t speak Japanese”. Though I do know about some of its grammatical features and its various writing systems, but I seriously don’t know the language itself, or at least I’ve lost most of what I’ve learned in infancy and toddlerhood.

>> No.10739864

Why is it worth $500, then?

>> No.10740370

Why indeed.

>> No.10740378

Earthbound is fun overall but there's parts where it really drags.
The monkey cave with the item fetch quest. The underground section with the 5 moles who all think they're 3rd best. The whole late game with dungeon man's desert and the swamp.
All very memorable sections but there's some tedious bullshit there.

>> No.10740390

I always thought Peaceful Rest Valley was an unexpected difficulty spike.
I guess it was more difficult than it was supposed to be.

>> No.10740619

I always felt the game was aware of the bullshit it did and that in some way it was part of a joke.
When I fought the piles of vomit and I didn't know what the fuck to do the first time, I was laughing my ass off because of how absurd the imagery would have looked if it was cartoon.

>> No.10741032
File: 204 KB, 444x432, 1650922502696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get Lloyd
>Level 1
>All his usable items suck shit and/or have a 1 in 8 chance to outright break on use
>Lloyd suffered damage
>Lloyd suffered damage
>Lloyd suffered damage
>Need to do this with two more party members in much more difficult areas of the game
Oh, I see now.

>> No.10742115

Why does everypony think the Valley is hard? The only thing that is remotely difficult is the exploding tree which can easily be avoided anyway.

Only Pippi, Ana and Lloyd join at level one. Teddy joins with a level in the mid teens and is exceedingly overpowered anyway.

>> No.10742121
File: 124 KB, 1242x1011, e01f08428d41354a69eaaab3e0d97ee0(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ness is cute. Cute!

>> No.10742197

The valley fucking sucks because I hate hearing the shitty ass beam sound effect from the UFOs/robots, and hate the mushrooms too. The trees are unironically the least annoying thing on the map.

>> No.10742252

The beam sound is GOAT. The mushroom are the worst status effect in the game. Still, it isn't that hard.

>> No.10742420

What was there to enjoy exactly?

>> No.10742431

Zoomers suck and I will always hate them until death.

>> No.10743042
File: 238 KB, 770x720, 1707058422844583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just finished this game. All I can honestly say is "meh".

>> No.10743732


>> No.10743743

Earthbound is a great experience tied to a bad game and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. Also, there's like a bajillion people who claim to have played it at release but it sold like shit so I know most of them are full of shit and just trying to fit in.

>> No.10743771
File: 2 KB, 256x239, EarthBound (USA)_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is interesting....

... however, the game has a msg speed option. Meaning that it is very much possible, even in the Japanese version, to set the message speed lower and indeed lose 25 HP in this case.

In fact, considering how fast the text is in your video, a slower msg speed is probably how most people played it (maybe only setting it to be faster to grind) because otherwise you don't even have time to read the text, as seen in your video (do I even have to point out how bad not being able to read the text is when you don't know the enemy?).

In other words you're full of shit and intentionally making this seem worse than it really is.

That tree explosion is just poorly thought of, in fact it's probably just meant to deal 26 dmg and the fact that the faster msg speed cuts some of it is an oversight. If you check the enemy stats, guaranteed, you'll find the value is intended to deal those 26 dmg, so that *is* the intended experience. You're either full of shit or stupid to make arguments like this.

>> No.10743819

>What if "Earthbound" had a genocide run?
It doesn't?

>> No.10743824

ummmmmmm u dont have to play EVERY game to be a fan of a series, itz ok to watch a playthough of ff7 and be a fan THAT way!!!!!!!

>> No.10743845
File: 16 KB, 222x227, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10744224
File: 3.68 MB, 512x448, Mother 2 Rolling HP - EN - Slow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right anon, I'll humor you.
>Text speed: slow
>lose 60 HP from the Territorial Oak's explosion in the English version

>> No.10744227
File: 2.38 MB, 512x448, Mother 2 Rolling HP - JP - Slow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Text speed: slow
>lose 29 HP in the Japanese version
As you can plainly see, the slowest text speed option in the Japanese version of the game only loses slightly more HP than the fastest text setting in the English version.
You. Did. Not. Engage. With. The. Mechanics.

>> No.10744268

Hm, it's almost as if everything you just listed happens in a desert. Hm, it's almost as if deserts are long, tedious, repetitive places in real life. Hrmery.

>> No.10744270

>noooo the game for literal babies is too hard the tree keeps bullying me moooooooom import me the easier version from japan!

>> No.10744273

What a shit defense. Every place in real life is more boring. By your argument, desert bus is a masterpiece because it really captures the essence of taking a bus to Vegas.

>> No.10744279

Oceans are another example in JRPGs when you first get the boat. It's silly to complain when a role playing game uses gamified symbolical representations of real life.

>> No.10744302

Underfags leave

Hello, dark Ness, my old friend...

>> No.10744313

Is today shit on Earthbound day on kikechan or something? /v/, /vr/, /vrpg/. It was of its time and was unique, at least initially for an snes jrpg and then became mediocre at the end. Nobody has ever said otherwise. Holy shit.

>> No.10744325

It's not particularly good, I don't know why smash bros fans want everyone to consider it a hidden gem classic, everyone has played it (and usually dropped it) at this point.

>> No.10744358

> I don't know why smash bros fans want everyone to consider it a hidden gem classic
It's only the minds of people who don't have their shit in order. It was a fucking game. It was overall mediocre. Who cares if nintendo manchildren want it to become a classic. People need to grow up on either side. Bigger things in the world to worry about.

>> No.10744386
File: 239 KB, 680x709, 1706237074176616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10744479

It isn't a question of difficulty - it's a matter of the Japanese version being the definitive edition of the game. The developers clearly meant for certain things like the menus to be quick and light to go through since there's heavy inventory management, and clearly intended for the HP reels to run at specific speeds as part of the game's balance. Playing a version of the game that disrupts the tuning of these core gameplay elements is literally not playing the game as intended by the original developers.
It's clear that other games got far more respectful localizations that did not impact the gameplay in this way. Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, etc. You experienced those games according to the devs' original vision because the remake teams made sure their changes to accommodate other languages weren't going to have a negative impact.
EarthBound got fucked in the ass in comparison.

>> No.10744489

tl;dr skill issue

>> No.10744587

If I'm being totally honest, which I always try to be because I'm a good, honest person, I think you're trying to desperately justify learning Japanese.
I'm happy for you, I'm glad you're bilingual. This isn't the way to use your skillset.

>> No.10744672

Obviously you are not skilled enough to play EarthBound. Mother 2 is more your, haha... speed. Autism speaks; it's time to listen.

>> No.10744792

>skill issue
This meme needs to die. It's not funny and it's obnoxious. It's obnoxious, just like everything on this site. It's not funny, it's obnoxious. Just like everything on this site. You are all middled aged and not funny anymore.

>> No.10744856

Mother 2 is basically all hirigana and katakana right?
Shit it wouldn't be hard for someone to learn how to read that shit if its the case. You can probably gather enough context in what the fuck is being said if you used Google Translate if needed.

>> No.10744920
File: 46 KB, 251x518, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect edition
>menus are still laggy as shit
also porky is named pokey during the credits

>> No.10744926

im 19 and after playing it two times ive grown to really like it. after my first playthrough all i remembered was that i criticized the game for having poor guiding, uninteresting combat and only remembered that the game had humourous dialog. But after my second playthrough i understood all the subtleties of this game, and learned to appreciate a lot of other stuff like its modernity and innovation relating to its combat for example. cool gmae

>> No.10744934

the US version of earthbound fucks with the menus and creates lag between pages. This issue isnt in mother 2 and i guarantee you if there was no menu lag then all of those complaints from people would just be thrown out the window. i like menuing but FUCK that lag was rough at first.

>> No.10744984

desu all kana games can be more of a pain in the ass to read, even native speakers sometimes have their pace slowed down reading through them. it's not quite the same but it'd be like reading an english paragraph with no punctuation and no spaces between words. yeah it's doable for anyone who's not illiterate, it just takes a little more effort to parse

>> No.10745253

>I will post box art of an obscure 16 bit game with no comment. It will receive no replies and go to page 10.

>> No.10745295 [DELETED] 

>if the issue didn't exist, people wouldn't complain about it
Fantastic insight.

>> No.10745302

Developers are free to not put dogshit levels in the game. Nobody asked them to make it bad on purpose.

>> No.10745313

same. boring from start to 3 hours in when i deleted it out of boredom

>> No.10745317

>if the issue didn't exist, people wouldn't complain about it
Fantastic insight.

>> No.10745320

>You. Did. Not. Engage. With. The. Mechanics.
yes i did.

>> No.10745326

yikes guess it really was a skill issue lol

>> No.10746282

>Ness feet

>> No.10746614


>> No.10747048
File: 4 KB, 165x115, 287(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No scratch, only sniff

>> No.10747080
File: 8 KB, 155x275, FS-gxBSXoAErD9l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using fanhacks, ever

>> No.10747090
File: 13 KB, 261x193, 1561724588995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FaNhAcKs ArE bAd InHeReNteLY
Ok baby brain.

>> No.10747154


>> No.10748843

I beat the game though.

>> No.10748876

>autism site
Funny way of spelling "anime website".

>> No.10749124
File: 76 KB, 918x825, 1628951043664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Snickers... Not that anon you hate btw...

>> No.10749385

Is it scuffed too, faggot?

>> No.10749851

>Needing hacks

>> No.10749932

Wuddunt it be laik traying to read Inglisch if it wurr writtin laik thiss? Shakespeere and his cuntemporaries did sumthing similar becuz Latin wuz tha literary langwaj and Inglish had no standardizashun.

>> No.10751979
