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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1070980 No.1070980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Retro vidya confession thread. Let the shit commence.

>I have never finished a Legend of Zelda or Metroid game. I managed to get halfway through both LoZ:aLttP and Super Metroid before losing interest in both games.

>I personally feel Diddy Kong Racing>Mario Kart 64

>The first time I have ever played Perfect Dark was on the XBLA rerelease (though I've played Goldeneye N64 since it's release)

>> No.1070986

>op confesses that he doesn't actually have bad taste, he's just young

>no one is surprised

>> No.1070992

What was the deal with that kid again?
Was he a 40yo midget or just a really ugly kid?

>> No.1070997

>I loved DKC2, the 1st one is shit.
>Oracle of ages/seasons is the best zelda game
>No RPG will ever watch the genius of the Mother Series
>Ocarina is nothing more than nostalgia goggles
>Never played a Metroid game yet I own a couple

>> No.1071000

I've been into video games for a ling time, I was a kid in the 80s, loved Nintendo, between the games I owned, the games my friends owned, and the games I've rented, I've pretty much played all the well-known games in the NES library, and a few of the obscure ones. When NES emulators first became popular I jumped on that shit immediately and have played almost all the games I've never had a chance to play when I was a kid.

HOWEVER, I have never played Mike Tyson's Punch Out. Not even a round. Never even threw a punch. No real reason, I didn't avoid it intentionally, I just never got around to it. And once emulation came out, I was much interested in games I had only ever heard rumors about, like Fire N Ice and Bubble Bobble 2. And then going through the SNES library, the N64, Sega, NeoGeo, etc. So I still haven't gotten to it.

At this point I figure I might as well just hold out and never play it.

>> No.1071003

It's OK Mike Tyson didn't even play his own game until recently.

>> No.1071032

Sega Megadrive>Super Nintendo

Why? I do not find attractive the snes library
plus I like more arcarde type games i never
got interest in rpgs but it does have some
excellent games like Super Punch Out and
Super Mario World

>> No.1071071

I never really liked the Sega lineup and have never played a Saturn game.

I felt that most Genesis games had terrible audio, with only a few exceptions(Games like Golden Axe took good advantage of the sound chip. It's got great drums. Also anything Technosoft ever, fucking great guys.)

I didn't like Streets of Rage 2's music as much as I should have because of the beeps that really stuck out in some tracks. I think the SOR remake music is straight up better all the way through.

I think Contra 3 is better than Hard Corps.

>> No.1071075

I've only played maybe 7 or 8 games in total for Sega consoles. I was a Nintendo kid.

Looking to start collecting some soon once I get some money.

>> No.1071092
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I own over 300 games. I've played maybe 1/5 of them. I've beaten less than 5%. A good deal of them are still in their original packaging, some bought as far back as 97'. This doesn't even include my Steam games, which adds another 350 onto the pile. Same statistics there too. The worst part of it all is - I can't stop buying new ones.

>> No.1071096


your pain... I understand it.

>> No.1071107
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Same here. I can't really get into most SNES games and I just like the Genesis much more.

I think mode 7 looks terrible.

Also looking back I can say that the PS1 is better than the N64, even though I had the N64 at the time and didn't get a PS1 until 2005.

I haven't completed Final Fantasy VI or VII while I have completed Final Fantasy I, II, III, IV, V, and VIII.

I feel that most JRPG series are just mediocre barring a one that I like.

I like Road Rash 64 as in it is among my favorite racing games.

I sort of regret having my cousin play Ocarina of Time because it really isn't a special game and nostalgia really clouded my perception of the game. We could have been playing more Perfect Dark multiplayer.

>> No.1071159

I have never played a single Ultima game.

>> No.1071176

I have never gotten past the Quick Beams without Flash Stopper.
I cannot bomb-jump in Metroid to save my soul.

>> No.1071186
File: 116 KB, 640x447, _-Alien-Storm-Sega-Megadrive-_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo will never have a game like Alien Storm, that game is pure sega feels though. I grew up with super nintendo and played mostly sports games or sanic with my friend on his genesis. Genesis became my favourite console after I got one 5 years ago. Like Herzog Zwei SUPER NINTENDO DO YOU EVEN HAVE A COMEBACK FOR THAT. I know sega aint got no fucking comeback to act raiser but Herzog got multiplayer so you can get way more hours out of it. Like i dont wanna hear WELL SEGAY HAS NO SUPER METROID DERP. Both consoles have their strengths and are equal in greatness I am just more drawn to the genesis now because I like action games more,.10 year old me would have preferred RPGs and the SNES though. To actually think the quality of games on one console is better than another is delusional its just which types of games you prefer.

{spoiler]FUCK I LOVE ALIEN STORM THOSE ALIENS TERRORIZING THEM KIDS HAHAHAHAH FUCK, sry bout the filter it was google image result. Requesting GIF of children being terrorized on level 2 cutscene[/spoiler]

>> No.1071210
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Have not beat Zelda 1 yet. Got halfway through and just lost interest. Don't think it's a bad game but I don't know it didn't really keep me invested.

Still haven't beat SMB3. Screw the last world. I don't want to farm p wings cause that just feels like cheating.

I didn't play Earthbound as a kid, so now as an adult I can enjoy the characters, the plot is decent, the art is really snazzy, but I cannot play the game. It just feels too dated and it can't hold my attention like RPG games used to. If it was all I had to play back in the day I would have eaten it up. Not a bad game just not for me.

I still prefer the Megaman Series over the X series. People say X improved Megaman in every way, I think it did take the series somewhere new but not technically superior. I guess I like the simpleness of Megaman 1, 2, and 3 a lot more than any of the X games. So I don't hate the X series, I just prefer the original.

I've only beaten FE7. I want to go back and beat all of the other ones that came before but I just can't get motivated to do it. Plus now Awakening has my undivided attention where I'm grinding the parents to ensure powerful offspring. Someday I swear I will beat them all.

Back when Harvest Moon 64 came out I got it and was instantly entranced by the world. I spent most of the summer waking up every day and booting the game so i could wake up in the game and say good morning to my wife Elli. I would actually talk to her and looking back I was pretty disturbed I guess. I made it to year 24.

>> No.1071262

>I always thought Donkey Kong Country's graphics looked like shit, even when it was a brand new game
>Majora's Mask looks like a rushed DLC and it never really impressed me aesthetically or story wise
>The Sonic games after Sonic 2 just became a tired concept and they didnt get better until about Sonic Adventure came out
>Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 actually are my favorite Sonic games
>Mario Kart 64 isnt all that great and I owned it when it came out

>> No.1071267

>i've never played diddy kong. never intend too. marrio kart is superior!
> i've never beaten a metroid game
> i'm never gonna play perfect dark because quake is superior. and PC mastery!!

>> No.1071279

>Nintendo will never have a game like Alien Storm


>> No.1071287
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>Metroid and Metroid 2 were both terrible
>Zelda was also terrible
>The NES had a shit library

>> No.1071302

>The Sonic games after Sonic 2 just became a tired concept

I totally agree, Sonic 3 is totally uninspired and feels like a HUGE step down from 2. Sonic and Knuckles is better but is just still a Sonic 3 and a 1/2.

My confession?
I think metroid is over-rated as fuck as looks like shit

>> No.1071307
File: 516 KB, 1593x1011, Batman Forever [EUR].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my fave Megadrive games.
It gets unfairly shit on by people who haven't played it and just parrot other critic's harsh opinions on it.

>> No.1071312

I like how these "confession" threads always turn into "my non-mainstream opinions" threads.

>> No.1071316

I agree 100%

>> No.1071320
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>> No.1071325

It was horrible if you played it with a 3 button controler.

>> No.1071339

>Ocarina is nothing more than nostalgia goggles

God yes, that game is so dull and dreary. I didn't even enjoy it that much as a kid, when I was a huge Zelda fan. Now it's just unbearable.

>> No.1071351



Troll, or just completely clueless?

>> No.1071361

>I personally feel Diddy Kong Racing>Mario Kart 64
there are people who disagree?

>> No.1071369

Metroid is bleh at best, never played 2
Zelda 1 has aged badly and is completely fucking cryptic for no real reason other than "muh exploration" (even though it's less of that and more stopping at a shop every 5 minutes for more bombs to test every wall)
the NES definitely had some good, timeless, games

>> No.1071371

I do. I might not have 10 years ago but while replaying them both now, MK64 has much smoother controls, looks better, has a better soundtrack, better track design (some bad ones, but not nearly as many shit ones as DKR), I prefered MK's powerups and battle mode.

If you replay Diddy Kong Racing after having spent years of playing more modern gen racing games, the steering sensitivity is absolutely unbearable.

>> No.1071387

>people who only know consoles & console games don't know much about gaming

>people who only know pc gaming don't know much about gaming

>people who disregard any videogame genre are pretty stupid

>you have to be able to appreciate every genre to get my respect. goes for other things in life too, by the way.

>people who have experienced both 90s and modern shooters and still prefer the latter are fucking stupid.

>people who only play new or newish games are stupid (so a large part of /v/ is pretty stupid)

>people who only play old/retro games are stupid

>people who discard games due to 2d and/or old graphics are stupid

>people who don't appreciate twitch FPS are stupid

>people who can''t appreciate shmups are of limited intelligence

>people who are too impatient for slower games and (hardcore) strategy games are of limited intelligence

>people who dislike online gaming are stupid

>people who only play single-player games are stupid

>the threads on /vr/ are mostly about nintendo & sega & pc. which is sad. are you all ignorant of the many other systems? no, you only know what you already know.

>people here only discuss games that have at one point been (fan)translated/localized to english. do you, at all, care about the many untranslated (retro) games? many untranslated games can be enjoyed without understanding foreign text

>you are ignorant if you don't explore new consoles and genres and foreign retro games

>people who only play sports games are stupid

>people who play a game for 5 minutes and decide that is not for them are stupid. do they not know that some things in life can grow on you?

>people who buy games but don't play them and work 100% while complaining the don't have time to play them are stupid. work less, or don't complain. it's up to you to design your work life balance

>> No.1071390


>if you're not open-minded, my respect for you will be limited.

>ps: same goes for music. film. books. theatre. people. everything in life. i.e. if you disregard all b/w movies because they're b/w, you're ignorant.

final boss:

>if you're lazy and don't explore by yourself and always wait for things to be served to you (by hollywood, youtube videos, friend suggestions, etc, my respect for you will be very limited.

>> No.1071440

>>Majora's Mask looks like a rushed DLC
Well, they did have only one year and a smaller team to make it so that's understandable.
That being said I completely disagree with you except for Sonic. Fuck Sonic. It never appealed to me. The only Sonic game I ever player was Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for about two hours and it bored the shit out of me.

>> No.1071460

I only ever played it with a 6 button.
Playing Street Fighter 2 with a 3 button is horrible too.

>> No.1071468

I can't enjoy any games of the pre SNES/Genesis era. They are just way too raw and bare-bones for me.

>> No.1071474

Most of these really shouldn't be considered unpopular opinions, in fact I think a lot of them aren't.

>> No.1071475

Donkey Kong, Metroid, Zelda and Chrono Trigger are always out from my SNES' favourite games list, I don't like them so much.
I think that the Phantasy Star Series for SMS/Genesis are really boring rpgs.
Personally, Top Gear series was never good to me.

>> No.1071483
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>I find 8-bit Mega Man games very unenjoyable and unentertaining
>I never played Tetris until I got it on my 3DS
>Pokemon Pinball was the best Pokemon spin-off

>> No.1071485

I been collecting ever sense I was in middle school, I have nearly 3500 games, from Atari to Commodore, to NES and PlayStation 3.
I have a lot of classics like the original Harvest Moon, Earthbound, Ultima I - IV, Wing Commander, etc. but I don't play them. It's not that I don't want to, I really do, but every time I get up and try to make an effort to play them I just get sucked into the lazy-zone and just watch Netflix.
It's a disgusting habit that I can't break. :/

>> No.1071491

Have you at least tried mega man?

>> No.1071496


>> No.1071502

I did but it does nothing for me. Thing is I even owned a NES and loved to play with it, but somewhere along the line I became completely disenchanted with the software. Something just stopped clicking with me but I can't put my finger on it. It feels like I'm missing out.

>> No.1071505

I've never played a final fantasy game and I have no desire to

>> No.1071507


That's a weird way to spell pokemon puzzle league

>> No.1071513

>Never finished any Mario, Sonic, Metroid, DK or Zelda game aside of Super Mario Bros.

>> No.1071537

I don't understand 95% on this board.

C64 masterrace.

>> No.1071545
File: 625 KB, 362x480, cantstandja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bagging about not doing things
>The thread

Fuck you idiots. I've never swam in space.

>> No.1071543


Did the C64 have any good games that didn't have better versions on other machines?

>> No.1071542

you play some piece of shit non /vr/ sonic then hate the series.
get the fuck out

>> No.1071549
File: 39 KB, 488x640, laser_squad_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know, I never owned any other machine of the era. Played Nintendo about 5 times.

Some good arcade conversions were made, usually the best improvement was the music due the SID chip.

There was this rivalry between ZX Spectrum, but It's an unknown platform to me. Guess I'm not thet kind of historian.

>> No.1071558

Fuck you, man. Sonic is a piece of shit series and you should be ashamed for liking it you unsufferable manchild.

Honestly though, it really just doesn't appeal to me and I have no desire to try it out. It's a great series for you, I'm sure. That's all fine and dandy but I just don't care enough to give it a serious try. And that's OK, because there are still thousands of other great games for me to enjoy.

>> No.1071560

Never played the Zelda CD-i games or care to.

>> No.1071614
File: 31 KB, 668x374, 1377171070296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pokemon Pinball was the best Pokemon spin-off
PMD: Explorers of Sky is GOAT

>> No.1071745

>I only own roughly 10 games for the SNES, none of them rare or interesting (although I do have a few classics).

>I literally tore up the box to my Conker's Bad Fur Day as a kid too get to the game due to excitement.

>I haven't played a game for the current generation since Scott Pilgrim came out.

>> No.1071747

>I literally tore up the box to my Conker's Bad Fur Day as a kid too get to the game due to excitement.
I did that with like half my cartridge games
I had no sense of value for the packaging

>> No.1071763
File: 34 KB, 480x398, zeldafeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played through nearly every single classic Megaman game but I still haven't finished Ocarina of Time. Yet, I still claim LoZ to be one of my favorite series. To be fair I've based that off the Game Boy games, which I love to death.

I haven't beat Banjo-Kazoooie either, though I've gotten close to the final boss and I do honestly love the game.

But Pokémon Pinball was the best retro Pokémon spinoff, at least.

>> No.1071762

Get the fuck out you fucking Fagtenyearold piece of shit.

>> No.1071776

>more worried about if his SNES games are rare than classic and fun
>Conkers Bad Furfag Day
>bothered paying attention to Scott Pilgrim nerd blackface le so hip so funny XD

Go back to reddit.

>> No.1071781

You really can't fathom someone not liking sonic

>> No.1071782

-I don't like the sonic games.
-The only thing i hate from N64 is because doesn't have RPG.

>> No.1071787

My confession is that after the NES Mario turned into shovelware shit.

>> No.1071794

So SMW, SM64, SMS, and SMG are 'shovelware shit?'

SM64 practically invented the 3D platformer, how is that 'shovelware shit'?

>> No.1071796

There were plenty of 3d games before your kiddie Mario shit, don't be stupid.

>> No.1071797
File: 178 KB, 283x270, 1368580221639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best Mario spinoff was Mario's Picross and it is also my favorite puzzle game

>Up until a few years ago my experience with video games had been only portables

>Sonic Adventure is my favorite 3D platformer, with Mario 64 and Crash 3 coming close

>My favorite game is Super Mario World, I can find no faults in it

>The first Smash Bros is the best one

>The Megaman NES series is way better than the X series

>Old cartoons for video games (specifically Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and that Super Mario Bros show) were, are and always have been awesome

>I hate Kirby's Adventure with a passion

>> No.1071801

Yeah first-person shooters and dungeon crawlers, which are great. I'm talking about 3D platformers.

Also, basically all 3D platformers have a 'kiddie' aesthetic, and what's wrong with that aesthetic anyway? Are you one of those guys who will only play a game if it's mature enough? Why are you even here if you don't even like games?

>> No.1071805

Nice assumptions, autist.

>> No.1071808

>calls a game 'kiddie shit'
>makes 0 arguments regarding gameplay
It's the only conclusion to reach, stupid

>> No.1071813

Ok here's one, the game controls like a sloppy piece of shit. Mario is about precision and 3D had been done much better years before, Shitendo had no excuse to fuck up like that.

>> No.1071814

>the game controls like a sloppy piece of shit
except it doesn't, it's extremely precise
>3D had been much better years before
Not at all. The movement in SM64 is only touched by rocket jumping in Quake and Team Fortress.

Show me a pre SM64 game with even half of the free range movement

>> No.1071815

jesus just go back to your containment board

>> No.1071817


Don't worry, he's just a bitter nostalgiafag upset that other people are having fun without him.

>> No.1071834
File: 48 KB, 640x480, protoapproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario's Picross

Ma nigga. You played the sequel? It's in runes but that would only matter if you didn't know how to play. It's a great sequel, rather than just being a 15x15 puzzle it's four 15x15 quadrants, making a 30x30 picture in the end.

The final puzzle is sixteen 15x15 puzzles making a 60x60.

>Old cartoons for video games were, are and always have been awesome

Oh you are so ma nigga.

>> No.1071847

hate all video games

don't play video games

>> No.1071857

why are you here then

people who hate vidya usually go to /v/

>> No.1071934

>I fucking hate Mario games.
Like almost all of them. I know of the impact the games had on the industry, and I liked the first game when it came out. But after the first 3 I'm sick of his shit. 98% of the games are the same, but people keep riding his plumber dick like its going out of style. Its like call of duty. Nothing new is added with each new game. Just better graphics and tighter controls.

IDGAF. When I first played ff6 (before 7 came out) I just could not get into the story. Once kefka does his thing,the world is turned to shit, and you have to go look for your party members again I completely lost the drive to play. FF7 I enjoyed the entire time.

>When I play games on an emulator I use filters.
Blocks look good on crt screens, not on 1080p lcd screens. Filters make that shit look good.

>Also fuck keeping a CRT around to play games on.
Last one I had broke down and the cost to repair it cost more than a new tv. Games are a hobby not the reason to be on welfare.

>> No.1071957

Mario's Picross is the shit, my friend. If you've finished all the Picross games and need more, look up "nonogram" on ye olde Googles.

>> No.1071963
File: 871 KB, 570x740, wariosad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing new is added with each new game.
>tfw even though you disagree on the retro Mario you can't help but feel anon is true for modern ones

>> No.1071965

>>When I play games on an emulator I use filters.
>Blocks look good on crt screens, not on 1080p lcd screens. Filters make that shit look good.
filters are acceptable on some games
just don't put them on anything that has a lot of detail (i.e. obligatory Yoshi's Island)

>> No.1071970

Because Shitendo is fucking dead and Mario hasn't been relevant in 20 years.

>> No.1071983

Despite being born in 88 and playing console games all my life, I don't find graphics a barrier for entry. I hate when people say a game has "aged".

However, when playing old DOS games, it still frustrates me when there isn't mouse support. I can deal with it but it takes a little bit to get used to.

Also, I cannot into emulation/piracy so if I can't buy a game AND the platform it's on, I can't play it.

>> No.1071984


opinions cant be wrong but these are definitely opinions and I emphatically disagree with each one

mario changes slightly, just like every genre

both ff6 and ff7 are old now, ff7 was a major step back and the shark-jump of the series. only young people liked ff7. this is because they were young, not because it was an improvement

filters looks like clown vomit and are again, evidence that the player is young and doesn't appreciate each fucking pixel for what it is: clarity and style

anyone who still has a CRT is just a hobbyist, I have nothing against them

>> No.1071989

I think you need to play some Quake dude.. let out some of that frustration.

Oh, and imo Quake 2 was the best Quake and it was far better than every incantation of doom. People only love it because of it's ease of mod-ability. But you guys probably could admit that much.

>> No.1071994

I never cared for any Nintendo developed games. Mario, TLoZ, Metroid, etc. were never that interesting to me. The Mother series is trash and it has a bad sense of humor, but I really love the concept of Earthbound.

SMT is a terrible series that has good lore and nothing else. I still play them for the stories but they're extremely painful to play and the only reason they don't change their battle systems up is because Atlus is incapable of making a well designed game outside of the basic elemental press turn shit.

My favorite platformer is Rayman 1 and my favorite platformer series is Spyro The Dragon. I think they're classics that hold up to this day and are perfect in almost every way. However I think Ripto's Rage is the worst of the trilogy, and I never played Rayman 2 or 3.

I love Final Fantasy VII but the Midgar aspect has terrible pacing and makes it almost impossible to play because of how boring it is. I fucking adore the awful minigames that it shoehorns everywhere, and I really wish more games did it, even if it ends up not being fun at all.

Mainline Megaman is mediocre and every one of the spin-offs are better. Everyone that thinks the NES library is good (it's not) because of Megaman is deluded and has no taste.

>> No.1072004

OoT is just 3D LttP but worse

FF7 is just 3D FF6 but worse

>> No.1072020

So what games do you like besides Rayman 1 and Spyro series?

>> No.1072024


Some guy in Japan: "You know what Link needs? A commute."
The rest of Japan: *nods sagely*

>> No.1072027

I haven't heard this argument in forever.

It's still retarded.