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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10709763 No.10709763 [Reply] [Original]

Post sequels that were better than the original.

>> No.10709769
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>> No.10709807
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>> No.10709808

super mario bros. 2

>> No.10709810

I love doom 2 but nah. Worse maps and the SS is too powerful to the point that you don't really need to use anything else unless you run into a Cyberdemon or Spider Mastermind.
It's better for WADs though, I'll admit that.

>> No.10709816
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I mean, obviously.
Also imo Spyro 2 and Crash 2 were much better than the originals.

>> No.10709818
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all correct

Mario 2 is much better than the hamburger level pack for mario 1. i usually didn't play it because i didn't like burgers or the fat kids who ate them

>> No.10709820
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This in every way, so much so it made the first one irrelevant.

>> No.10709824

Lacks Superman, can never truly be a 10/10 instant replacement of 1.

>> No.10709826
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>> No.10709827

I like X2 but I don't know, all the maverick bosses felt lamer than X1's.

>> No.10709830

Nta but Doom 2 maps are objectively better

>> No.10709838

I know it's not the first sequel in the series but is there really anyone that thinks Metroid is better than Super Metroid? Putting aside which one you like more, can you really say Metroid 1 is BETTER?

>> No.10709837

I've played this for the first time a couple of days ago and it really lives up to the hype. What a great game. Literally the only criticism I have is the sort of puzzle boss where you have to use the Crash Bomber. I beat it no problem because I've heard about it before so I knew I had limited ammo, but you can basically lose without even dying and have to kill yourself

>> No.10709840

Music is also better in X1. X2 is still great but it's not as perfect as X1

>> No.10709862

Finished it for the first time along with Doom and Doom 64 recently. Doom 2 > Doom > Doom 64. I would put D64 over Doom if it wasn't that ugly though.

>> No.10709874

Yeah but it has Bring the Noise, Guerrilla radio and powerman 5000

>> No.10709878

All great songs, still missing Superman.

>> No.10709881
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> if it wasn't that ugly

>> No.10709884

The most impressive thing there is having proper ceiling textures.

>> No.10709886
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>> No.10709923
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I don't like the way enemy sprites move and look in Doom 64. Feels like a badly made claymation. Also Doom and Doom 2 have that cool contrast effect, like when two walls with the same texture are connected at an angle, they are shaded differently. Doom 64 drops this effect which makes it look flat and low contrast.

>> No.10709948
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>Doom and Doom 2 have that cool contrast effect, like when two walls with the same texture are connected at an angle, they are shaded differently. Doom 64 drops this effect which makes it look flat and low contrast
This is what I mean

>> No.10709959

You guys going to post something on-topic or what?

>> No.10710045
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>> No.10710114

this frame rate is literally 20x what you would actually get on an n64

>> No.10710134
File: 752 KB, 2000x1985, IMG_1788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go

>> No.10710141

Let's be real, does anyone play on the original N64 ever since EX came into existence?

>> No.10710160

Wipeout 2097 > Wipeout

>> No.10710202
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>> No.10710213
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>> No.10710236


huh. I never noticed that before. now we need some autist to recreate 64 as a level pack for Doom 2

>> No.10710260

I’ve heard people say Metroid is better than Super because it doesn’t have a map which, they claim, makes it less fun to explore.

>> No.10710268

I refuse to dignify such a statement with a proper reply.

>> No.10710294

Not retro (yet).

>> No.10710310


>> No.10710335

What exactly do you mean? “Super Mario Galaxy” is better than SM64 in my opinion, so I don’t see how it is off-topic.

>> No.10710392
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>> No.10710396
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>> No.10710408
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>> No.10711781
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I don't even know if /vr/ contrarians can debate picrel

>> No.10711867

because of the super shotgun alone

>> No.10711893

That shit was Nintendo hard. I still don't know how I beat Dark Link at the end.
>clone of you, except-
>he has all of your moves
>he's faster than you
>he does more damage than you
>he has more hit points than you
>he can move in ways that you can't

Nintendo developers used to be a bunch of sadists.

>> No.10711916

Shenmue 2
Tomb Raider 2
Dead Or Alive 2
Virtua Fighter 2
Streets Of Rage 2

>> No.10711924

Same goes for Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. The first games are so bad there's no reason to bother going back to them

>> No.10711967

Yes, but whether or not people would go back to them, the fact that there are completionists out there willing to buy the first games, shouldn't be ignored. For example a friend of mine bought Street Fighter The Movie video game to go with his Genesis copy of Street Fighter 2. Why? Because there's no Street Fighter 1 game on any platform, it was arcade only. He also bought the live action Street Fighter movie to go along with his copy of Street Fighter 2 The Animated Movie.

>> No.10711982

Those guys can do whatever they want. Street Fighter 2 is objectively better than Street Fighter. It did get some home console ports, but for crap like the Spectrum and other Euro systems that were desperate for games

>> No.10711983

just so y’all know, sequel applies to third and fourth etc. in a series. not just the second game. a third game is also called a sequel

>> No.10712016
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>> No.10712090
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Oh whoops you said better and not worse in every conceivable way

>> No.10712206

I don't own a Genesis version of Street Fighter 2, but I do got both movies, the movie game and the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection which includes Street Fighter 1. The live action Street Fighter movie was autographed by Damian Chapa himself!

>> No.10712214
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I forgot to include this...

>> No.10712504
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>> No.10712519
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>> No.10712523

ew. You must be off your medication or trolling if you believe any ray man is better than 1.

>> No.10712536

The true Sonic 2!

>> No.10712606
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Eat less, you fat idiot.
Also I am wondering how burgers even came into this thread but you will not fuck with my burgers.
I agree that lost levels is better.

>> No.10712618

It has spiderman

>> No.10712619

Eh, I can't argue it. I still think X1 is better but there are things X2 did better. I think X3 could have been the best but they didn't have enough time to develop it.

>> No.10712630

>hello allison
>I wanna hold your hand
>I haven't been
>the same man since I saw you walking in
>let's have a toast to the girl in aisle 10

>> No.10712648

>we need a doom autist to something obvious
Already done or in process if it's feasible. If it's not they're trying to figure out a ways to make it feasible. Impressive fanbase, I'm sure the other reply is the Doom 64 pwad for Doom 2, not even looking at it. Not a huge Doom fan but I love those guys.

>> No.10712678

>I see you at my job
>You carrying yourself so well
>I made myself a promise
>Not to get emotional
>As I remain stable
>I take another glance at you
>If we were at the disco, whoa-whoa
>Then I would have to dance with you
>This isn't cool

I used to sing that to stupid sluts in high school. They loved it.

>> No.10712707

A dude I knew in high school kept begging to come over to my house to hangout with my friends. Turns out he knew I had internet and a cd burner and he just wanted to come over, download the soundtrack and burn it. Ended up being one of my best friends for like 15 years and a core member in my group of friends.

>> No.10712717

Dude that was the way back then.
My group of friends literally started because we had one guy who built PCs in high school.
We all started doing it.

>> No.10712719


>> No.10712720
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Only for Nintendo.

>> No.10712750
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here, I fixed it for you.

>> No.10712764
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>> No.10712765
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sorry, wrong pic.

>> No.10712774
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huge improvement over the original. bonks adventure is still pretty fun but this is a legit excellent 16-bit platformer
shame bonk 3 feels more like a lazy cash grab, doesnt even have the same director as the other bonk games. any graphical improvement went towards air zonk

>> No.10712776

Based Zelda sequel appreciatoors.

>> No.10712860

in Mario All-Stars for SNES, the little medal on Lost Levels looks like a burger. i always avoided it because burgers are gross and played Mario 2 instead because it's much prettier

>> No.10712893

Daytona 2
Gradius 2
Revenge of Death Adder

There are tons of sequels better than their prequels in my opinion, like metal slug 2, but I can see why someone could prefer 1.
Those 3 games I listed are absolutely better than their prequels.

>> No.10712930


>> No.10712938

This is pretty common in video games. Very few series peak with the first game.

>> No.10712939


The SNES Bonk was even better, much as I love PC Engine.

>> No.10712960
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Is it possible to play Sonic Jam via emulation? I just realized that they've been porting the genesis Sonic games since the 90s, and yet with Origins they still fucked it up. I've never played Jam but I also don't want to buy a console to play one game

>> No.10713496

Yes, you can emulate jam easily.
The decomps are better anyway.

>> No.10713501
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>Sonic Jam
Sonic Jam is one of the worst way to play classic Sonic (the worst one being Sonic 1 GBA)
Either emulate the Genesis games or as >>10713496 said, play the PC ports:

>> No.10713947
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This was never released outside of Japan but there's an English translation rom hack.

>> No.10713971

too hard
>inb4 get good

>> No.10714363

this, Marsella was the best stage.

>> No.10714389
File: 67 KB, 500x507, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winning Eleven '97 is such a huge jump from the OG Winning Eleven, I've never seen anything like it, Winning Eleven is just another football/soccer title from the time with little that sets it apart, at the same time its sequel essentially defined this whole genre forever and even modern EA FC or FIFA titles have it as its core, it was that much of an influence in the genre... I miss Winning Eleven.

>> No.10714409
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The quality jump is genuinely insane

>> No.10714419

Street Fighter received a Turbo CD port renamed "Fighting Street."

>> No.10714421
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Not many games scratch this particular itch since its so easily bloated, but I love it when every single ability and item you had in the first game is accounted for in the sequel and expanded upon with even more new shit.

Banjo-Tooie is really the only other example I can think of, and that one is bonkers enough to actually start you off with all your endgame shit from the last game

Makes for a nice continuity

>> No.10714841

Rayman 1 is good too, but 2 is a work of art. They managed to portray a dying world in a game for children without making it feel edgy or forced.

>> No.10715521

super bonk is meh
super bonk 2 is a big improvement and takes some of the good stuff from bonk 2, but no one played it, it doesnt even appear on best import lists

>> No.10715547

This shoop might be the worst thing I’ve ever seen

>> No.10715549

I been playing zelda 2 lately and yeah it's an improvement on the original in almost every way

>> No.10715551

I quit playing because of that song

>> No.10715563
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>> No.10715569


That's pretty much every sequel in the 90s, anon. 90% of developers/game companies understood a sequel should everything that made the first game a hit plus more AND better shit.

>> No.10715578

>If I go crazy would I still be your Superman?

>> No.10715579

warcraft 2

>> No.10715614


>> No.10715642
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>> No.10715663

This is what I call a bait.

>> No.10715671

>Sonic Jam is one of the worst way to play classic Sonic

are you talking about game.com or what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.10715672
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>> No.10716746

your are an faggot

>> No.10716795
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Duelist of the Roses is a huge jump in quality if compared to Forbidden Memories, and I grew up with the latter, so this isn't nostalgia talking, in FM you essentially have an ideal deck and it's a matter of bigger numbers winning, not a whole lot of depth, also lots of grinding. In DotR, in my repeated playthroughs I actually used different decks and strategies, and it was a blast to play.

It also takes more strategy in general to play, its field being the way that it is has so much depth and potential, I wish they had made more titles with this formula as it's both unique and fun too.

I'm still more of a FM fan due to nostalgia and it having a better atmosphere in my eyes, but both are excellent and fun even today, with DotR for me being a better CCG video game overall now.

>> No.10716816

ive played ZOE HD and i was too stubborn to take the diffculty back down. i really should play through these

>> No.10716847

nice grammar, fuckin’ nigger.

>> No.10716964
File: 11 KB, 220x329, Hitman_2_artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First game is the textbook definition of Eurojank to the point where actually beating the game should give you a lifetime award. The amount of stuff they refined in the sequel is astonishing, they learned from their mistakes (or, well, most of them) and vastly improved upon the first entry.

It is also a shame that this game, Contracts and Blood Money have been re-re-re-released but Hitman Codename 47 is forever trapped in its original 2000 PC form with unreal amounts of jankslop.

>> No.10717352
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Anon, I'm a sonic autist. I need to FEEL the genesis jank psychics and critique how they went wrong, so I can go back to playing the sonic 2 mobile port in peace.
I read that saturn emulation is worse than n64 emulation, and wasn't sure if it was that bad an issue

>> No.10718958


>> No.10719010

eh, the first Mortal Kombat wasn't bad, the second one was an improvement but that doesn't mean MK was bad in itself, unlike say Street Fighter.

>> No.10719170

statistically, most 2s are better than the originals. not all 3s are great though.

>> No.10719180

MegaMan Legends 2
Simon's Quest
Zelda 2
Mario 2 USA
Sonic 2
Mortal Kombat 2

>> No.10720515

Mk1 and tekken 1 aren't as trash as SF1 and mich more important to the games lore than SF1, but yeah they are objectively worse than their direct sequels

>> No.10720768

There's many where I really prefer the original to follow ups.
Final Fantasy 1 I enjoy much more than half the series. Though FF10 is certainly better than FF10-2
Kingdom Hearts
Animal Crossing (though the GC version is an upgrade of the N64 one)
Toejam & Earl