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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10706652 No.10706652 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like new devices to play retro games with, perhaps in new and exciting ways? I know some people have multiple monitor set ups on their PC's so they can browse FAQs or walkthroughs, or watch a movie while gaming. I was always hopeful that dual screens would catch on with handhelds, it offers many of the same possibilities with portability.

>> No.10706657

I unironically play mostly of my retro games on Wii U, PS2 or 3DS nowadays

>> No.10706982

I use still use my PsVita for emulation. It's very comfortable. Plus it's gotten a lot of PC ports like Hollow Knight and Tomb Raider

>> No.10707058

I play on my phone, most of the time. It's nice to have a way to take a quick break and have some fun when I'm working on something. Handhelds often have games designed for 'long car rides' so a couple of megs for a game has hundreds of hours of content.

>> No.10707680
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>Do you like new devices to play retro games with, perhaps in new and exciting ways?
Yes, it's objectively a good thing as old hardware dies and demand grows despite a smaller supply, newer hardware helps keep this hobby alive and introduces people to it who might've otherwise avoided it due to the prices of original hardware.

I really like these emulation handhelds, though I stick to my old smartphone as a controller was so much cheaper for me, and the smartphone was in my room laying around getting no proper use, it just works and emulation is really a God sent.

>> No.10707707

It's a struggle to decide. On one hand I do love my dedicated gaming devices (I've got the RG35XX right now which is awesome) but on the other hand, I always have my phone on me and I always charge it so being able to transform it into a gaming device on the go is tempting.

>> No.10707717

3DS has nice buttons and good built-in emulation for anything 8 or 16 bit, as well as a ton of homebrew emus and homebrew shit in general
retarded dpad placement, but at least the one it has is decent

>> No.10707763

I'm spoiled for choice as I've kept all my old consoles, and each of them has a way to run backups. I usually have my Steam Deck with me at work and I'll play it when there's some downtime. I also have roms loaded onto my cellphone.

I personally don't see the point in buying a dedicated emulation handheld, since I have so many official handhelds that have homebrew on them, my Steam Deck, cellphone and multiple bluetooth controllers I've bought over the years when I was using my phone as a gaming machine.

>> No.10707834
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I'd just stick to dedicated to be fair, turning your main daily smartphone into your device for your video games isn't ideal as you get messages and calls, that kind of thing, I did it to an old one I've owned for a few years before getting a new one, so now it's a dedicated emulation station on the go, and that way I don't use my main device and its battery for things besides my actual work.

I feel that having a clear division between what devices are for work and which ones are for my play make both activities way easier to focus on without thinking of doing the other one instead.

>> No.10707907

>you get messages and calls
If you're one of those people who actually gets notifications for anything besides junk emails, slide down from the right corner of your screen and tap on the moon icon to silence notifications.

>> No.10707994

It's not really a matter of getting them or not, I do, but that's the thing, when I do, I want to look at them and, depending on what they are, if it's a very important matter, for example, I won't feel like playing anymore and I'll want to go and use my smartphone exclusively to deal with that. I feel that having a device just for my work and another one just for play's more comfortable.

>> No.10708527

>watch a movie while gaming
I used to do this but honestly it just sucks all the enjoyment from both of those activities and turns into a time wasting dopamine feeder with zero substance.
If a game is not engaging enough to be enjoyed without activating my almonds with something else playing on the background, then that game is simply not fun enough for me. And vice versa. I don't want to force myself to enjoy things.

>> No.10708739

You dont have one of those movies you like to hear quotes and quips from scenes, but you don't really need to rewatch it in earnest?
Like Breakfast Club, Forest Gump, or Total Recall?

>> No.10708764
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>watch a movie while gaming

>> No.10710059

You zoomers are literally braindead.

>> No.10710636

>Do you like new devices to play retro games with, perhaps in new and exciting ways?
Yes. I assume it's how sex-havers like to have sex in different positions.

>> No.10710638

Reminder that you can now get some custom scalers for GBA mode on 3DS which look less ass than the default.

>> No.10710640

Quips from 80s movies are a quintessential braindead millennial thing, though.
>t. GenXer

>> No.10710641
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If I had more time and money I would buy more

Last one I got was my PMP IV around Christmas time. Would be nice to collect more Famiclones and other retro handhelds but I've been overwhelmingly busy lately

>> No.10710645

>tfw you have plenty of money but no time at all
I average 2.5 hours of gaming per week.

>> No.10711179

I am Jack's rejection of social graces. I log off 4chan I play games.

>> No.10712693

Sometimes yeah, if I'm playing arcade games or a platformer. Not movies, mostly conspiracy theory videos about antediluvian history or documentaries about ancient civilizations.

>> No.10712696

Kek, yes this is true. I had to de brainwash myself from saying stupid shit I was inundated with as a kid. A whole generational lexicon manipulated by pedophiles in Hollywood.

>> No.10712770

sometimes i watch a movie on my little crt while i game on my big crt :)

>> No.10714329

I mean, what if it's an important message or an emergency? It's good to have them on I think.

>> No.10714786

>conspiracy theory videos about antediluvian history or documentaries about ancient civilizations.
A man of culture and tase