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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 109 KB, 566x800, The Bouncer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10705356 No.10705356 [Reply] [Original]

>game is 40 minutes of gameplay and almost 50 minutes of cutscenes
>gameplay is just smashing square mindlessly
How does a game like this even get made?

>> No.10705360

It's fun

>> No.10705364 [DELETED] 

>Look at me I just watched the newest Matt McMuscles video

>> No.10705365

Here's an interview

>> No.10705368
File: 3.96 MB, 572x442, Bouncer amazing boss fight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? Even the movement sucks.

>> No.10705372

Ask OP.

Anyway, last time The Bouncer was discussed on here it was some 80+ thread in which a lone schizo constantly went on about how it, as a game, assaulted his whole family.

>> No.10705376

Oh there he is.

>> No.10705386

There is nothing wrong with a beat em up being 45mins long.
What is wrong is the mentality that dictates all games must be X hours long, no matter the genre. This is what lead to the padded shit you see in modern gaming with fetchquest gameplay, skill trees, objectives and hundreds of words to say something that could be said in two.

>> No.10705439

Development hell, sunk cost, square after after the 90's. Your question is a simple one

>> No.10705446

this. i gotta soft spot for this game. i think it's the only PS2 square game i played/owned. i don't even know why the fuck i did get it. i thought the characters were well-done, but yeah it's a shame it was a pretty boring beat em up

>> No.10705461

That thread wasn't even about the bouncer but he became incredibly unhinged about it. Now he just goes around hyping up gotcha force as a hidden gem because he spent $800 on it.

>> No.10705464

>There is nothing wrong with a beat em up being 45mins long
This would be true if the game didn't have a pace of 1 minute of gameplay and 5 minutes of cutscenes.

>> No.10705468

>gameplay is just smashing square mindlessly
Why do you think they're called SquareSoft?

>> No.10705469
File: 3.89 MB, 516x360, Bouncer extreme polish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10705507

>How? Even the movement sucks.
I don't care

>> No.10705510

So this is the quality of PS2 hidden gems.

>> No.10705514

You might be the first person to say that about the bouncer. How does it feel?

>> No.10705603

Jesus I need to find that thread in the archive, that sounds like one hell of a thread. Square games always have a specific schizo tied to their games, like the FFVIII schizo that lurks /vrpg/ and /vr/.

>> No.10705606
File: 3.72 MB, 426x360, The Bouncer final boss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reverse search these webms if you really care. I saw someone actually include this mess in a collage of PS2 games and had to say something about it.

>> No.10705627

>How does a game like this even get made?
Because the graphics were mind-blowing after playing PSX games. That's about it.

>> No.10705818 [DELETED] 

So what if he did? Just means you sub to the guy too.

>> No.10705852 [DELETED] 

I love how you retards are always so up to date on the output of these "e-celebs" you claim to despise so much

>> No.10705858

Did people really dress like this in the 2000s?

>> No.10705893

Super Mario bros?

>> No.10705914 [DELETED] 

know thy enemy

>> No.10705916

Pretty much this. I rented The Bouncer in mid 2001 when PS2's started to become available. Graphics were nice, but the gameplay wasn't. Nevertheless was still glamored for a brief period of how pretty it looked.

>> No.10705921

Yes. Plus JNCOs

>> No.10705964

Jncos are disgusting. Dont ever bring them up again.

>> No.10705973

the fist of the north star game for ps1 was the same. and i loved it

>> No.10705975

arent the yakuza games the same? except they also add minigames

>> No.10706021

You have to beat this boring game multiple times and read the loading screens to get the full plot.

>> No.10706061

Quiet, zoomer.

>> No.10706065

Millenial. I have always thought they were hideous. Raves were full of uggos wearing them. Fugliest pants in existence.

>> No.10706150

Why do you think it was in that collage gotchaforcefan79?

>> No.10706536

Bouncer is like the opposite of that, it was one of those well known games that was only initially played because it was one of the earliest things that came out on the console and then was later ignored because nobody had any reason to care.

>> No.10706543

This game marks the exact moment Tetsuya Nomura was promoted beyond his talents.

>> No.10706546

Yup, it's basically the PS2's Star Wars Shadows of the Empire. Big fish in a small pond that everyone collectively agreed they forced themselves to like out of obligation.

>> No.10706565

Also the Squaresoft logo used to mean something to a lot of people back then still, which made it even more of a letdown

>> No.10706642 [DELETED] 

Is that the guy who loaned avgn a game?

>> No.10706650 [DELETED] 

Me and my high school buddies used to watch Two Best Friends Play all the time. It was actually one of the good ones. Matt did work in the games industry and is knowledgeable

>> No.10706656 [DELETED] 

No that's Jew country, I mean pat cuntree, I mean kike jewtri.... I mean Patrick contribution aka the nes punk.

>> No.10706679

it's not very good and it revolved around the analog buttons on the ps2, which a lot of people might not understand are even there

>> No.10706802

sequel when

>> No.10706837

The Bouncer is a spiritual moment shared upon a generation of players. Few who played it at the time would call it a favorite, but it was a rite of passage, a game destined for only those in tune with the emotion engine and its earliest most ethereal days to uncover. Anyone coming to it past what the PS2 would become simply cannot understand it. It came out in a time when the PS2 was at its most primordial. All the more reason why a game that is ultimately nothing special still resonates to this day.

>> No.10706843

>everyone collectively agreed they forced themselves to like Shadows of the Empire.

>> No.10706852

Just a delusional guy trying to console warring an unrelated thread. Ignore and kill.

>> No.10707150

If you like Bouncer try Crimson Tears it's pretty good -imo ^-^

>> No.10707265

>Because the graphics were mind-blowing after playing PSX games.
They weren't
People were aware of Arcade games and this shit looks worse than Soulcalibur on Dreamcast

>> No.10707272

>Few who played it at the time would call it a favorite, but it was a rite of passage, a game destined for only those in tune with the emotion engine and its earliest most ethereal days to uncover.
John, go back to working on your videos

>> No.10707418

The game is nothing special, but I bought it at release and was AMAZED my how good the graphics were at the time. This and GT3 were a huge jump from the PS1.

>> No.10707908

same devs, kakuto bijin wulong and ergheiz are their best stuff

>> No.10708046

The versus mode is actually more fun than the story mode. You obviously need friends to make the most of it but it definitely added a lot of longevity to the game for me. The Captains mode is actually a lot of fun and what we played the most of.

Every boss / character that isn't a background mook is playable and has access to all of their moves. It is actually kind of a cool thing that every character actually plays by the same rules as the main cast, with a movelist, inputs, et-al. Obviously some characters are not nearly as fleshed out as Sion / Kou / Volt with their total moves but overall it is fun.

>> No.10708183
File: 3.35 MB, 673x411, 1668630918585708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody ever had to force me to like shadows. I still play it once a year.

>> No.10708245

VERY nice hitstop on display here.

>> No.10708293

The 4 player deathmatch was fun.

>> No.10708302

>a rite of passage, a game destined for only those in tune with the emotion engine and its earliest most ethereal days to uncover.
This reads like a pretentious English class essay of "write about whatever topic" to fulfill the word quota.

>> No.10708309
File: 256 KB, 568x319, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10708346

>40 minutes of gameplay
That's being really generous.

>> No.10708398

I got a hacked xbox 360 and was trying RE6 and it was literally a movie
I blame Playstation for this cancer

>> No.10708413
File: 47 KB, 640x475, memories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cutscene merges into gameplay
>child me doesn't understand
>fucking drown
Anybody else fuck that one up?

>> No.10708436

Wasn't the PS2 case black instead of blue? This thread is making me pick up a copy on eBay and I want a legit one

>> No.10708470

Not for this game but yes.
>Return of the King on the PS2
>Watching intro cinematic
>Gandalf is just standing there and getting hit
>Keeps getting hi while nothing happens
>"Man, this cinematic sucks. Can I skip th...oh it's gameplay."

>> No.10708638

Is that the guy who drove into a parade of people in Wisconsin to own wypipo and then tried to get "a (uh) Uber"?

>> No.10710130

>get The Bouncer with my PS2
>has dual audio
>FF10 comes out
>fuck yeah!!!!!!
>shitty dub
>into the trash it went
To be fair, though, I'm trying to play it on PC with Japanese audio and it's still bad.

>> No.10710174

Same, I was pretty blown away by the intro when I first booted it up. And even though they're pretty plain especially by todays standards, I fucking loved the UI and its sound effects. I can still hear the little "doop doop. Beep" sound on the main menu in my head

>> No.10710456

They weren't, arcades were still running whatever machines they had running from 1995.

>> No.10710461

it was a tech demo for the ps2

>> No.10710464

>playing with weeb voices in the 2000s instead of dub chads
what was it like growing up without a soul?

>> No.10710603

>not being able to read as an adult
What's it like hearing Dr. Sbaitso read my message?

>> No.10710945
File: 149 KB, 500x500, unknown72736e359e4d1b1aa63e480237abd2a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A typical playthrough of a Ryuu ga Gotoku/Yakuza game is about 30 hours. If you want to play through the full story of the game and overcome all the challenges that number can very easily balloon up to 100-200 hours, more in some cases.
You can criticize the series for many things, but "too little content" is not one of them.

>> No.10711061

Soul calibur on dreamcast isn't an impressive game visually, it's just an improved port from the arcade which is basically a modified ps1. Even doa2 looks better.

>> No.10711206

I think he was referring to the fact that Yakuza is heavy on the cutscenes vs gameplay. I've had my wireless gamepad go into sleepmode plenty of times between cutscenes when I played them on Xbox

>> No.10711283

Why is he obsessed with zippers and chains

>> No.10711349

Looks cool.