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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10701306 No.10701306 [Reply] [Original]

How's this for a top 100 for the Atari 2600?

>> No.10701316

Are any atari games even worth playing? Genuine question. I've always thought of gen 3 as the cutoff

>> No.10701320

not unless you have nostalgia for them

>> No.10701337

Everyone else in the thread can ignore these fags.

>> No.10701340

Could you answer my question?

>> No.10701341

Personally, I would add Bobby is going home, Lilly's adventure and Smurf Rescue

>> No.10701368

First actual productive post in the thread.

Any other suggestions?

>> No.10701374

Challenge and Airlock are also some nice and quick games. If you're into homebrews, give Halo 2600 a try

>> No.10701376
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>he added M*A*S*H

OP is a straight White male who has lots of sex with young plump virgin women.
Absolutely based.

Picrel is the shirt it came bundled with. Only the best games come bundled with a T-Shirt.

>> No.10701378
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Now post the in-game screenshots.

>> No.10701380

I deliberately left off homebrews. Most of those range from "not shit" to occasionally "really good", so I figured there was no real need to for a chart.

>> No.10701416
File: 31 KB, 640x480, centipede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got Radar Lock in there so I'm on board. I'd probably add Fatal Run or KLAX.
It depends entirely on what kinds of games you like to play. If you like arcade style, score attack stuff with simple loops, then yes. Think of 2600 "ports" of arcade games as unique entities; some are great, some bad. The unique titles range from phenomenal to the worst shit you've ever played. No other console has that kind of range. You're literally just blasting electrons at a screen and you have a joystick to do it with. If that sounds appealing, the 2600 kicks ass.

>> No.10701485
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>no Solaris
shit list

>> No.10701486

>no Solaris
shit list

>> No.10701502

I would add kool aid man
nta but if most of them are ports of arcade games, then why not just play the arcade games?

>> No.10701516

Yeah there are a few games worth playing. Pitfall is definitely worth it.

It’s no different than any other shitty game on your phone.

>> No.10701549

OK, that was actually an error, because I did have Solaris on the chart at one point when I was making it. I must have accidentally removed it. I'll make a new version at some point and fix that (plus whatever other changes are needed).

>> No.10701556

>kool aid man
>why not just play the arcade games?
Not that poster, but some of the arcade ports are worth playing even if you have access to the arcade versions. Whether because they're different or better or just because they're still really fun in their own right regardless of not being as good.

>> No.10702198

Solaris is definitely getting added. I can already see at least 1 that I could delete to make space for it. I'll try to post the updated version later today.

Anymore suggestions?

>> No.10702260

That's the point I was trying to make, the ports don't typically play just like the source material, they're unique unto themselves and some are fantastic as their own experiences. For example I greatly prefer 2600 Centipede with a joystick to the arcade version with a trackball. The 2600 version is visceral in a way that other hardware can't really duplicate.
If you haven't tried Fatal Run give it a go, also Plaque Attack is great. And desu the 2600 version of Crystal Castles kind of sucks, might be a good candidate to replace.

>> No.10702271

Can you stop being a faggot?

>> No.10702290
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I think this one should be there. I played it a lot. Did you try it?

>> No.10702318
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solaris aside, bretty gud list. i used to own a lot of these when i still owned a 2600.
>communist mutants from space
ma man

>> No.10702632

I apologize in advance for potentially opening a door to idiotic bickering, but: I like E.T. and although I haven't played nearly enough 2600 games to claim that it ought to be on my own top 100 list, I find it hard to believe that it isn't a better game than, say, Barnstorming. Yeah yeah yeah buried in the desert and all that but I think it's fun.

>> No.10703075

E.T. wasn't even the worst game for the 2600, but the market was pretty much dead at that time. Manufacturing WAY more carts than systems sold didn't help much either, I mean, what were they thinking?

Also I'd add Time Pilot to that list.

>> No.10703205

>100 games
Isn’t this too many for a console that was worse than the n64? How many games were released for the system?

>> No.10703245

Where is Secret Quest

>> No.10703309

There's about 2000 in the AtariAge rarity index, but that would include a lot of dupes. Wikipedia says 500+ titles, which seems like a low estimate.

>> No.10703475

My dad's work place had very old PC's that had an Atari emulator installed with hundreds of game so I played a lot of it and tried them all. Also years later I had Activision Anthology for the GBA. I played more Atari than most and I wouldn't be able to find 100 myself to compare my list with yours. You did cover all the bases though assuming homebrews and unreleased games were left out because there are a few notable ones. Also there are the historically significant games like Donkey Kong, DK2, Pac Man and ET. I'd even add Pac Man and Rampage to my Top 100 list because I remember playing them a lot and having fun with it despite the obvious flaws and there were not enough notable games. Also the Star Wars games were acceptable.

>> No.10703547

Yeah, homebrews were left off. Not because they aren't good though. I might make a separate chart for homebrews.

>> No.10703592

>the 2600 version of Crystal Castles kind of sucks

That actually was one of the games I was thinking of replacing. That and Raiders of the Lost Ark were both only on because of their apparent popularity. I can't say I can really vouch for their quality. Those'll probably be the first to go.

>> No.10703606

I'll give it a shot.

Not a chance. NOT. A. CHANCE.

I'll try Time Pilot. I'm only familiar with the arcade version. But, yeah, I'll try the 2600 port out.

Never even heard of it before. I'll try out that one, too.

N64 only has like 400 games. The 2600 has closer to 600, and that might be a conservative estimate once you count shadily published shit like porn games.

Yeah, most of that is duplicates. 500-600 is probably a conservative estimate. Then there are hundreds of homebrews on top of that.

>> No.10704701

What games do you think I should REMOVE from the chart?

>> No.10704812

I'd remove Dragster, and Kaboom needs a special controller that I'm not sure if it can be properly emulated.

>> No.10705208
File: 3.20 MB, 3560x2620, Atari-2600-Console.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse is fine for a paddle game like Kaboom (Wouldn't be great for Warlords type games imo). Also it's an incredibly fun visceral game, I think it's well deserving of a spot. Dragster sucks though, that's true.

>> No.10707093

OK, after this input + replaying a bunch of games, I'm gonna take off Demons to Diamonds, Dragster, and Crystal Castles. Any objections?

Also, what does /vr/ think about Krull, both Tron games, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Moon Patrol, or California Games? Because IMO those are kinda borderline. I'm not sure if they should be included.

>> No.10707529

>Because IMO those are kinda borderline.
Moon Patrol is a really good port, but I'm in agreement on the others; they're well-known but not actually that fun.

>> No.10709506

OK, I can leave Moon Patrol on then.

Is anyone really that attached to M*A*S*H? Because I think it's OK, but as far as I'm concerned it's one of the weaker games on the chart and if necessary I think it could be removed to make room for something else. This doesn't mean I'll even NEED TO, but I'm asking if anyone would really miss it or think it's particularly important that it be included.

>> No.10709517

What was the point of this gif

>> No.10709809

Why do you need exactly 100 games? Keep all you want. The whole collection are like 5 mb anyways.

>> No.10710027

I've been playing a lot of the 2600 lately and whenever I try to talk about it most people dismiss the system. But those people seem to not really have played much beyond E.T., if they even played that. So I figured that a chart like this would be useful for directing people to the best games on the system.

Also, just why the fuck not?

>> No.10710074
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No arguments. Anything I could think of off the top of my head looks to be there is there. Though was a little bothersome to go scanning around particular titles since they're not alphabetized.
I assume the list is just games contemporary to the console's run, if not its heydey (I don't think I see the likes of Solaris or Secret Quest.)

Yes. There are games worth playing.

>> No.10710132

You're new to the 2600 and just downloaded a ROM pack of hundreds of games, or bought the 2024th iteration of the Atari Flashback with 150 games ... now what do you play? That's what I see this list as. Keeps you from accidentally slogging through Froggo and Mythicon titles.

I liked ET too. But I was also introduced to it as a ten year old and didn't have the option to move on to another ROM if not amused in 20 seconds ... I didn't have Raiders of the Lost Ark back then, and I'm pretty sure I'd just brush it off these days unless I decided to sit down, read the manual, and make a concerted effort to play it.

>> No.10710191

I don't see Fathom, OP.

>> No.10710274

I didn't want to do alphabetical order because it's too much effort and also because I thought it was best if the order was purely random. And, as was mentioned earlier, Solaris was on the chart as I was making it and it was accidentally removed. I tried Secret Quest and don't really care for it, but if enough people think it's one of the better games then I can add it.

Fathom's another one that I don't care for at all, but I'll also add that if the consensus is that it's one of the better ones.

>> No.10710276

>Keeps you from accidentally slogging through Froggo and Mythicon titles.

This sums it up pretty well.

>> No.10710351

has anyone here beaten a real copy of adventure

>> No.10710414

The best 2600 game ever Aquaventure isnt even on here

>> No.10710505
File: 61 KB, 255x346, 1679345006976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good list, but it's missing Phaser Patrol and Dragonstomper

>> No.10710545

I'll assume this post is a joke.

Dragonstomper, maybe. But Phaser Patrol? I don't know about that.

>> No.10710553

WTF Aquaventure is great?

>> No.10710572

The fish shooting game?

>> No.10710804

Here are the ones that I'm currently considering adding. Thoughts?

BMX Air Master
Dark Chambers
Dodge 'Em
Donkey Kong
Earth Dies Screaming
Fantastic Voyage
Fatal Run
Frogs and Flies
Ice Hockey
Phaser Patrol
Plaque Attack
RealSports Tennis
Roc 'n Rope
Secret Quest
Trick Shot
Worm War I

>> No.10711310


>> No.10712752

Is Dragonstomper ACTUALLY good or is it just "impressive for the system"?

>> No.10713065

I might try to do more than 100 and just have every good game for the system on 1 chart.

>> No.10713481

Video Olympics needs to be on the top 100.

>> No.10713520

>no Dragonstomper
you tried

>> No.10713560

Who won the game design contest?

>> No.10713569

Better question is if any of them are worth playing compared to emulating the arcade game they were mutilated from, if the only pacman game in existence was the Atari version it would be worth something

>> No.10713570

You've never been stuck behind a U-Haul in mid-Penn?

>> No.10713604

I still don't see how that game is actually worth playing. It's more a historical curiosity than it is an actual good game.

>> No.10713719
File: 219 KB, 974x688, playing-atari-2600-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter what boundaries you set up, nobody will be truly happy. Doesn't matter what your cutoff ranking is, you can make the "top xyz games." Somewhere out there is a guy with fond memories of xyz+1.

I say limit it at a hard 100, it's a nice round number. If people don't like your 100 selections, or demand their childhood game be included, then they can make their own damn list. But ultimately it gets people talking about their favorite games, and the newcomer can then take notes on what else to check out.

Limit it to titles published in the general time of its formal run ... so basically exclude the modern homebrews.

Have a mix of:
iconic titles
groundbreaking titles
technological achievement titles

But ultimately all, must be enjoyable. Double Dragon I'm sure is quite the programming feat, but I would not impress that game on newcomers.

Even better question is if the game is fun in and of itself regardless of its lineage.

Does it look and sound like garbage compared to the original game it was ported from? Pretty much a given with all 2600 ports. Is it a fun game, period? Then it's worth playing.

>> No.10713802

I never played ET as a kid but I played Indiana Jones a lot and ET can't possibly be more baffling than that. I couldn't have even told you whether I was winning or not. But it was fun.

>> No.10713869

The Atari 2600 doesn't even have 100 good games

>> No.10713932
File: 3.67 MB, 3188x2820, chart (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, how's this?

If /vr/ really thinks Dragonstomper needs to be on here then I'll add it. I'll probably replace Frogger II.

But in general this is still a WIP unless we actually do decide that this is the best possible chart.

>> No.10715212

I was fully expecting it to whip out of the next driveway like a bat out of hell.

>> No.10715497

Still don't see Aquaventure

>> No.10715618

Do you just really hate fish or something?

>> No.10715717
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Alright, I think this is going to be the final version unless anyone has any problems with it. I'm assuming that the one fan of Aquaventure is either fucking with me or he just has weird taste, but I don't think anyone else likes that game, so I left it off, but I added Dragonstomper since like three different people asked for it.

>> No.10716290
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>> No.10716345


I never heard of Aquaventure so I just watched the CGR video on it. It looks fine - maybe kinda boring, maybe fun, depending on how challenging it actually is (can't tell without playing it myself of course). Why do you talk about it like it's complete trash? Is Barnstorming really that difficult to surpass?

>> No.10716352

Those are the only covers on the site. I could have added a custom cover taken from google, but I didn't bother. It should still make sense. If it's THAT big of a deal then I can redo it.

>> No.10716727

BMX and fatal run are real nice, BMW was done by sculptured who did MK 2 on snes

Freeway is not very fun, I'd replace it with frogger 2
outlaw seems crappy, Ghostbusters is probably better
One of the funnest times I had with 2600 is multiplayer basketball laughing hysterically at how silly it looked but in a fun way

>> No.10716809
File: 3.69 MB, 3293x2820, chart (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, for perfection's sake, I fixed it and every other game that had a fucked up cover. If anyone notices any mistakes then just let me know.

>> No.10718832

Freeway is a fun 2 Player game. Outlaw is the same, even if it's admittedly one of the weakest on the chart. I think it works as is, but I'm willing to make changes if there's any real major issue with the current version of the chart.

>> No.10720113

If I was going to add Frogger 2 it'd be better for replacing Outlaw. Freeway is probably good enough to stay. If there's a REALLY good game that still isn't on it then I can add that in Outlaw's place.

>> No.10721448

What homebrews and unreleased games are worth playing?

>> No.10721986


>> No.10722036


>> No.10722098

If people wanna actually seriously put together a list of homebrews and unreleased games then I'm willing to attempt to make a chart of them.