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10687956 No.10687956 [Reply] [Original]

Does Ted Woosley deserve the hate he gets?

>> No.10687963

no, he put in effort when it wasn't sought or expected

>> No.10687967

anyone who invests enough emotionally into jarpig stories to know the names of the people who translated them is a faggot. these stories are glorified saturday morning cartoons that only exist as an excuse to have the video game. grow up.

>> No.10687978

With just 30 days to crank out the whole script and having it sent back multiple times in that span, it's a fucking wonder it turned out as decent as it did. I'm sure most of his errors and would have been caught if he had a few extra weeks to review the script and play through the game a few more times, but 30 days, man.

>> No.10687990

He only gets hate from people who are entirely ignorant. He put out good translations under extreme time constraints. And they aren't filled with horrible nerd jokes like Working Designs games.

>> No.10687993

The only people who complain are some 4th generation millennial weebs who weren't even born when the games were released. It's astounding how people now can't even begin the process the idea that not only was it rare to even get even a mainstream RPG but even rarer to get one without constant grammar mistakes.

>> No.10688014

Nobody hates Ted Woolsey, people hate developmentally stagnated retards who refuse to move on from a rushed, text box limited script from when they were 6 years old and insist every ancient mistranslation and random joke be carried forward in every Final Fantasy release thereafter.

>> No.10688135

This, for the time period and enormous amounts of constraints placed on the guy his work was fucking exceptional. I don't necessarily agree with his translation philosophies, but I highly respect the work that he did regardless.

>> No.10688369

But enough about FFT

>> No.10688398

I think it's fine. Pretty much readable and I get a good idea of the plot.

>> No.10688428
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>learning the names of people who made things is le dumb

>> No.10688432

>learning the names of people who made things is le dumb
Yes. Grow out of hero worship.

>> No.10688443

No reason to not included an old and new script options. If the original version if the first exposure for many and said piece of media gets re-released, there is no reason not to expect that original content would be brought forward as it was originally presented to that region of the world. People always want remakes/HD versions of games to include the original version, no reason not to allow the option for scripts as well.

>> No.10688459
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>Do you have any books by Steven King?
>Fuck you, faggot

>> No.10688472

He doesnt get hate. Dont let the extremely small number of hypervocal trannylators fool you

>> No.10688474

Some wack ass localization is not the original version

>> No.10688495

feel free to honyaku suru your own baajon of the geemu if such chiisana differences bother you so much, autist-kun

>> No.10688498

Fuck off retard. Nobody is programming a toggle to put all the NTSC-U gameplay bugs back in either.

>> No.10689164

Some of the parts in this game are cheesy or awkward, I don't know, didn't think much of it, interesting enough to keep me going and I've probably only beat maybe 7 or 8 games like this, including earthbound and gen 1 and gen 2 pokemon as a single game each.

>> No.10689226

Replaying FF3 right now. The amount of boomer dadisms is through the roof.

>> No.10689930

A product of his time, and as far as I'm aware, ironically actually some of the better translations of the era? At far as I'm aware his extra additions aren't shit politics, memes, Working Design tier garbage, aren't too numerous either and most of them are actually script addition rather than removing something, aren't they?
Otherwise it's fine to acknowledge his previous work as a "of the era" thing and even if you like it, it's fine to say the stuff he added are things that shouldn't be done anymore today

>> No.10689941

Ted Woolsey wrote cripts full of soul.
Compare thayt to the Alundra translation to learn the difference.

>> No.10690007

if Ted Woosley is a man, yes.

>> No.10690048

No. Who hates him? Everybody loves him.

>> No.10690335

It is to an entire region/generation of people who had their first exposure to the game via it.

>> No.10690352

Considering there have been re-releases where the devs specifically wanted to include the accuracy to the original, bugs and programming quirks included, regional changes are not beyond inclusion. Some shmup collections even include either the original Japanese or international releases/localized versions as options to swap between.

>> No.10690360

There are some script removals. The most egregious example is how he obscured just about everything having to do with Locke's personal quest for the "legendary treasure" that would revive Rachel in the WoB. There's also some mistranslations and, of course, censorship. Still a pretty bang up job considering the constraints he worked under.

>> No.10690389

Censorship, and a level of mistranslation is par for the course during the era when they were this rushed and apparently used excel back then with the script not necessarily being in the right order (how the hell are you supposed to work properly like that?)
I was more referring to Working Design tier of messing with the text significantly because they really wanted to insert shitty jokes and references to the level where anything that was possibly said before is entirely lost

>> No.10690706
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One thing to remember is that, much of the time, he wasn't even the only translator working on the game. He's been Miyamoto-ized in the zeitgeist, and as far as I'm aware, he is the only game translator who has reached that level. That's..impressive, to say the least, and that's part of the reason why I think the quality between games is hardly consistent. But regardless, it's always the biggest idiots who have the loudest voices, and always have to be screeching about him, and always make fools of themselves and never fail to actually not know what they're talking about. It's like moths to a flame. There are very few who have a hand delicate and respectful enough to touch these games, and they're usually overshadowed by the narcissism of the hatedom. Fuck these retards, they are cancerous and never deserved better.

>> No.10690738

Arcade collections for things that have never been commercially available are a very different scenario than new versions of a game they've resold the ROM of multiple times The problem with FFVI in general is every westoid asswipe has his particular idea of what's nostalgia and what should be fixed right down to insisting it's FFIII which is why there's about 100 different romhacks.

I'll make this point even clearer: new releases of FFVI should not be targeted at people who already played FFVI, they should be aimed at the best possible, most accurate experience for new players. Otherwise save the effort and just sell a ROM collection again.

>> No.10690757

Why are you so venomous? You're talking about an old video game localizer, it's not as big of a deal as you feel it is

>> No.10690856

That there's even anything to censor in Final fucking Fantasy on the Super Nintendo makes me lol. Kid walks into a pub and gets a drink? It's soda! IT'S SODA GODAMMIT! Meanwhile the same kid in 1994 is plopped in front of the TV for 8 hours a day and freely exposed to beer commercials and the parents think nothing of it.

>> No.10690940

>apparently used excel back then with the script not necessarily being in the right order
sometimes still happens even now btw
though it's just as likely to be JSON as literally Excel these days.
there are even some services out there for indies where you pass in a list of text keys and the EN translation, and volunteers provide other languages, having never even seen the game

>> No.10690960

>sometimes still happens even now btw

More like it's the norm. Only really story heavy big budget games have the luxury of having the translators play the game. Most games, they pay some company which specializes in the matter, company which has tons of employees and maybe 2-3 of them will translate several languages at once, and by that I mean first run it through AI and then check/correct the mistakes (while the AI learns from what is being corrected). This isn't new either, the translation business has been using AI long before all the recent talks and advances about it.

>> No.10690969

And why cant it be both? It's not like space limitations are an issue now. There is absolutely no argument against appealing to both old and new players with both an old translation as first used when the game was presented in a particular region for historical value and those who prefer that version, and a new updated version that re-does the translation to correct anything deemed as a mistranslation. Games have already done this. If we want to treat the preservation of games as anything worth giving a shit about, we cant pick and choose what is and isnt historically relevant pieces to keep maintained. Plenty of re-releases of films offer multiple revisions and cuts as presented in different territories. If a company just wants to go through with the easy route and re-release an older rom, fine, that is the option for those who want to just play the game, but if its one of these situations where a re-release is meant to be a "definitive" edition or apart of a historical compilation, it should preferably have the option for multiple revisions.

>> No.10690981

>And why cant it be both?

Because they don't give a shit, people need to realize that all the "remasters" "ultimate editions" etc are just marketing bullshit and they'll find the next marketing bullshit next time they re-release the game. Their goal isn't preservation, they see old games as a mean to make quick easy money, and therefore will make the lowest effort possible they can get away with while trying to give a reason for people to buy it again while applying current market trends for the new people. See mobile phone tier UIs. That's the market. That's the re-release.

Why should they care, you bought it anyway.

>> No.10691018

It already is both. You already have a 100% perfect consumer release of SNES NTSC-U Final Fantasy III, it's called SNES NTSC-U Final Fantasy III. It isn't a Star Wars fans begging for a BD of the original theatrical cut situation, or wanting the horrible TV edit of some anime included on the home video release so you can rewatch it at original quality, you have always had permanent access to what you want.

>> No.10691050

Historically different translations don't hold that much value. How many old great translations can you name me? Classic Books are translated better as times goes on. Nobody cares that much about older translations. It's not that original translation is useless, as new translators are getting help from older translation, but nobody cares about mistranslations. This is only used as argument in gaming for games that weren't translated very good to begin with.
If you ask me at this is an obsession at this point for the sake of it. At that point just play OG SNES version. A new release can't help you.

>> No.10691065

I'm a purist but Woolsey's translations are fun. What's funnier though is you'll encounter people who take his work as gospel. I remember getting into arguments with certain people on Gamefaqs over the plot of FF6 or Chrono Trigger and they would point to a specific line of text a character says as if it were the die hard word of God to support some silly fan theory they had regarding the plot, completely ignoring that it was probably just made up for the English release anyway. Fun times.

>> No.10691069

Only weebs care about 100% accuracy. Where's the post dissecting what the japanese script says here >>10687956 ? I bet it was some shit like "You're his brother? So Nanda....,Tsuyoi wa! So desu ne!!"

Sometimes the japanese script is shit. I'm glad for memelators adding spice to it.

>> No.10691071

>So Nanda....,Tsuyoi wa! So desu ne!!

>> No.10691478

The names are literally in the end credit, mongoloid

>> No.10691537

Just this. Literally this.

>> No.10691563

>they aren't filled with horrible nerd jokes
I can see that he actually removed Square's nerd jokes.

>> No.10691565

Nah, Ted is hated the same as any other modern translator these days. Because he changed the script. The circumstances don't matter to them.

>> No.10691578
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the intro, as well

>> No.10691603
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>> No.10691704

Considering the limitations he had to deal with, no. But that doesn't mean his decisions should be carried over in the future either.

>> No.10692278

Honestly, there's no way Final Fantasy VI is getting rescripted again officially unless it ever gets an overhauled remake ala FFIVDS. The game's beyond "claimed" and if SE moves forward or sideways they know they'll get some sperg mad that they (coincidentally) copied them. Why do you think they gave up on restranslations?

>> No.10692417

they never addressed that terra should have had so much mental trauma that she would've been catatonic and pushed around in a wheelchair like cloud was

>> No.10692419

Wut, there's a whole portion of the game where she is completely out of it and is unable to join because she can't comprehend who or what she is.

>> No.10692464

You ever consider the possibility that maybe Cloud was just a little bitch?

>> No.10692481

King James Bible.

>> No.10692495
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You were saying?

>> No.10692502

It's Stephen King, retard.

>> No.10692518

I actually remember reading a fanfic around 2000 where Beavis and Butthead were literally those two guards. Only thing I remember about it is they somehow end up in the Blackjack, wherein Setzer asks if they want to play craps, and Butthead chuckles and goes "he said craps".

>> No.10692798

That's the only thing that came to my mind as well. Modern translations are still using parts from that as it's a very poetic as translation.

>> No.10692819

>no, he put in effort when it wasn't sought or expected
Correct. Nobody sought or expected shitty jokes and constant liberties to make a good story sound like a trashy early morning cartoon. He should've kept it to himself.

>> No.10692820

>these stories are glorified saturday morning cartoons
If you knew the names of the people who translate them you'd know why you've been gaslit into thinking this. Ted Woosley and Working Designs are literally the people who turned them into that.

>> No.10692824

>knowing his name
Grow out of hero worship.

>> No.10692826

His work is very entertaining. I do not worship Japanese people and I do not consider their writing to be sacrosanct. I also like Working Designs.

>> No.10692828

>shit politics
when the fuck were politics ever added in a translation? politics and religion were always removed from translations, not added.

>> No.10692831

you're trying too hard
you don't have to worship shit or consider anything """sacrosanct""" to not want to be talked down to and have other culture's art filtered for you by people you don't know, but I guess you're comfortable being treated like a baby and fed slop thrown into a blender instead of a real meal

>> No.10692832

That's not Woolsey's translation. His version doesn't even mention bears, which makes Sabin referring to himself as one later a completely random non-sequitur. He winds up making no sense because he didn't translate the scene accurately to throw in one of his random modern day refs.

>> No.10692834

lol novel bait

>> No.10692836

holy based

>> No.10692838

The Japanese writing is slop and Woolsey’s writing is Cajun seasoning that gives it taste.

>> No.10692846

I also hate it when sequels to movies keep saying some quote that the first movie got famous for.

>> No.10692858
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> Fantasy is le Bad

>> No.10692859
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>be Wizard of Oz fan because of the books
>books never had any of the "it was all a dream" framing
>MGM film casts such a long shadow that nobody will ever adapt Oz without it being the movie or making winking nudges to the movie
>infinite eternity of "Oz is just a dream" remakes of the first "book" (they only watched the MGM movie)

>> No.10692873

4/10 got me to reply seriously the first time at least

>> No.10692874

If it makes you feel better you've convinced me to give the book a read.

>> No.10693082

Not in the modern times

>> No.10693095
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Did anyone ever play his game?

>> No.10693318

Based and clearpilled.

>> No.10693794
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Honestly, when was the last "big" Square-Enix retranslation? (I don't mean official translations of games that were previously fan translated, like Final Fantasy III 2D or Live-A-Live - I mean a REAL, honest-to-good retranslation of something that was previously translated.) Is it... Chrono Trigger on DS in 2008?
Sad state of affairs, isn't t?

>> No.10693809

Even Chrono Trigger for DS was mostly still Woolsey's writing. All Slattery really did was clear up a few issues and introduce new ones, same as he did for FFIV-VI for GBA.

>> No.10693813

Not really, they should focus on making new games that are actually good.
Then again, I just realized there are more good Bravely games than Chrono games. So I guess it isn't that bad outside of the terrible world of post X Final Fantasy.

>> No.10693825

>3 discs
never heard of this game before

>> No.10693876

He wasn't involved with GBA FFIV, which was really just an edit of PS1 FFIV, which was an edit of SNES FFII. He did the DS remakes, though.

>> No.10693891

He was also not involved with FFV Advance.

>> No.10693913

He was, but in a "support" role, whatever that means.

>> No.10693960

When did Rodimus Primal and the Relocaliars hey that's not a bad name for a band come into power? There seems to be a correlation between the rise of unofficial rewrites and the fall of official retranslations.

>> No.10694091

There's the anime, which also goes past the first book and (loosely) adapts the Ozma stuff. I appreciated that.

Man, I wish anyone outside of dedicated Oz fans remembered the weird-ass later books.

>> No.10694129

"of the era" =/= modern times.
And name a game that does it in modern times.

>> No.10694131

Oh absolutely. It's no secret that we in the industry hate fan relocalizers for taking away the freedoms that we used to have.
Story time: I was involved in the production of a retranslation once. It was roughly 3/4 done. We were very proud of how things were coming along. Then all of a sudden, word comes that a fan relocalization of the game was made. We didn't pay any mind to it, but management did. And then, we get the executive decision to scale back and basically cripple our retranslation. We were all stunned and disheartened by this. It was just some dumb kid who barely knew what they were doing, but management wasn't taking chances. We tried making our case, but it was sealed. There was data pulled out of thin air about how the winds of the market were changing and more nostalgia projected better sales now, but we all knew the real reason: let the fans squabble over it.
The one person caught passing notes to the foreign translation divisions in order to salvage our unbutchered work got fired and uncredited.

>> No.10694140

>post-ffx is le bad!!!
XII and the MMOs are good.
>inb4 screeching about muh mmos or muh not retro
Don't care. My words are objective facts and if you argue with me you are admitting to being a wrong and seething retard. Don't reply to me tastelet.

>> No.10694213

I can't follow the logic here. What about a different relocalization would lead your project to get fucked?

>> No.10694264

>Pretty much readable
If someone said this about something I wrote it would sting more than any criticism

>> No.10694306

Well he didn't write it, he translated it.

>> No.10694446
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>Kefka watched B&B and actually emulated the bad behavior of Beavis
Absolutely based

>> No.10694451

We barely saw the logic in it ourselves, but we ran a few theories over some beers at a private launch party. The best we figured is that it all hinged on us supposed/expected to be the "first" to do it. If we were the first to do it, it would've at least been a fresh take. The data we were shown probably wasn't fabricated. People want affirmation - there is a section of our audience who will necessarily see retranslation as an attack on their childhood. Marketing reevaluated the pros and cons and found that we would lose more of our audience in the current climate if the retranslation was completed and used as planned. It's not even that the kid was any good, but there was enough coincidental overlap that, for the first few days before we got the news, things suddenly got really chilly and we were getting a lot more direction about what we can and can't do - no doubt to lessen the comparisons. The timing really sucked, and we're positive that the kid was the catalyst. One of us asked, "why don't we just C&D this miserable cunt?" Said acknowledging the fan work would cause more problems than it solves.

>> No.10694464

I'm glad you have less freedom.

>> No.10694469

Baffling. Management truly is a mystery. Thanks for the writeup.

>> No.10694556

>The best we figured is that it all hinged on us supposed/expected to be the "first" to do it
This is why I despise AI/MTL entering the fan translation scene. Lots of retards devoid of skill are already cranking out garbage as fast as they can to "get there first" with reckless abandon. By the time someone else bothers to do a proper translation, IF they even bother, everyone would already have experienced the inferior MTL version with god knows what for mistakes/errors brought on by attention and clout seeking retards.

>> No.10694582

Tell me about it. Speedsubs for anime, for instance, have errors all the time yet they're what most users watch since they come out quickly. I've seen multiple communal grudges against characters form based on translation mistakes that can never be fully overcome even with much better jobs out there in the future.

I wish people weren't so quick to consume pure slop.

>> No.10694597

Incredibly shitty opinion, 5/10 have my (you) kind stranger.

>> No.10694668 [DELETED] 

>grudges against characters form based on translation mistakes

>> No.10694687

Anon, you can significantly change a character by misinterpreting what they say even in your own language.
Now imagine some retard in his mom's basement is racing to subtitle an anime episode as fast as they can watch the raw, favoring speed over accuracy, and not even properly reviewing their work.
You get one shot to put out a good product and to do it right, but most slop slurping retards will simply accept whatever comes out first and watch it, let it leave its impression on them that can never be undone, and wait for whoever is quickest for the next one. Translation mistakes can easily paint characters, situations, even whole works in a different light.

>> No.10694713

It could be worse. There are Dragon Quest fans who are still upset that those games no longer have ye olde English translations like on the NES.

>> No.10694729

As the other anon said, even a single line mistake, depending on where it is, can completely paint how a character acts to a viewer. It's astoundingly easy to wind up making a character seem like a cunt if you misinterpret them (and thus take that misinterpretation and mirror it across everyone who views your subtitle work).

>> No.10694742

Well I have hope for the future of Final Fantasy translations after the last FFXIV event had Yoshida make a half hour explanation of how they weren't going to arbitrarily reuse the German name for Pictomancer that was in FFVI not because it's a big deal but to present it as policy for all languages going forward. FFXIV is a particular example of the game having outright English only invented canon because of wonky attempts to keep parity to SNES era translations and carrying forward its own internal mistranslations.

>> No.10694960

Doesn't FFXIV still use the nes/snes era naming conventions for spells (like Fire 3 instead of Firaga), despite the fact that the mainline games (mostly) switched to the japanese naming conventions since VIII? Which came out 25 years ago?

>> No.10695145

That actually got toned down by DQ3, but then the series got new localizers and started cramming Ye Olde English everywhere they could, amkng many other incomprehensible accents.

>> No.10696068

That's not unreasonable, but anyone who's so much of a particularist that they want translation errors preserved is probably never going to play any remaster or rerelease anyway. They're just going to play the one version they like over and over.

>> No.10696092
File: 573 KB, 827x860, dragon Quest soubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest IV DS had roughly two-thirds of the story removed in translation simply because they wanted to save on translation costs and thought nobody would notice.
The later iOS/Android port actually translates the entire script and is considered the definitive version of the game for English audiences. That was released in 2014.
There's also a fan project that ports that full script back into the Nintendo DS version, but it has a few bugs.

>> No.10696131

yes and no

he was under a lot of limitations and big time pressure so i don't blame him, he was a lot better than the hacks who did ff8/9

>> No.10696163

dragon quest translations are a crime against humanity, especially all the completely superfluous name changes, sometimes just to make a dumb pun

>> No.10696180

>play DQ in Japanese
>go to talk to my friends about it who played it in English
>find out that literally everything has such a different name that we have to keep looking them up to see if we're talking about the same characters, spells, locations, enemies, etc
>most of them aren't even close to the originals
I'm still the most pissed that サントハイム (Santheim) = Zamoksva, and they decided to give slavic names and titles to its people as well as neighboring towns for no clear reason, except when they just didn't feel like it.
I can't imagine how much of a pain in the ass it must be to translate/localize DQ games and have to continuously refer to glossaries for every little thing since transliteration is clearly out.

>> No.10696189

This sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me. Machine translations show a will to care about making the product more accessible and nothing more, and the only times I've heard about ego / turf wars bullshit in the fan translation circles was with the "proper" translations; and it's not like they aren't mistakes either (or making changes knowingly; or half-translating certain things in order to remain more "accurate", etc)

>IF they even bother
Exactly what I mean, if the "proper" translator don't want to do it because a machine translation was already done, then it doesn't sound like he cared about the product to begin with now does it? And if they weren't going to do it regardless, then the machine translation is always better than nothing.

If anything it sounds like you're afraid your "getting there first" and your "clout" is being taken away. And the other anon calling everyone but himself a "retard" doesn't fare any better.

This entire debate putting "proper" translations and MTL against each other shouldn't even be a thing and I doubt the other guys words when he claims to have translated games professionaly, only way that could be true is if it was a long time ago. Reason I'm saying this is because you buy any game now, chances are it used machine translations, the translation industry was one of the firsts to adopt machines long before GPT or any recent talk about AI was a thing. They use it and then proofread/correct/complete what the machine does; "MLT" and "proper" aren't pited against each others, they're complementary.

>> No.10696191

I was just thinking the other day how Chrono Cross makes like EVERY single attack name into a cornball pun.

>> No.10696220


>> No.10696267

>doing poor work just because you hold contempt for, or are simply indifferent towards the target audience
Then that person should not be engaging in the craft of translating entertainment media for others.

>> No.10696290

maybe youre the stupid one?

>> No.10696556

the target audience doesnt care. nobody but mentally ill autists cries about this shit.

>> No.10697304

>make a good story sound like a trashy early morning cartoon
Anon you are delusional.
FFVI is fundamentally on that level already. Sterilizing the script doesn't improve it substantially.
Nope. That's what they are. You're so feminine that you cannot tell the difference between a story's plot and dialog vs how you feel about it.

>> No.10697593

Final Fantasy games are Shonen plots man. It is a saturday morning cartoon you play.
AO3 was a mistake.

>> No.10697647

Wow, is that SOULFUL Mario SOUL PG?

>> No.10697728
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>Final Fantasy games are Shonen plots man
I'd disagree on this for the post-FFVI games. FF plots are lot more convoluted stupid messes from FFVIII and onward. Same goes for Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.10697775
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>convoluted stupid messes
Like I said. Shonen plots.

>> No.10697973

You didn't even finish reading the one relevant sentence he wrote. Or else you are literally too dumb to get his point.

>> No.10698003

hes a certified retard for many reasons but none greater than thinking ff7 would flop and making his own game instead

>> No.10699601

I parsed his point as "FF's 8 and on have convoluted mess plots, including Kingdom Hearts. That's why they are not Shonen plots like the earlier ones." So I posted that graphic to illustrate that "convoluted mess" doesn't contradict "shonen plot." What's your reading?

>> No.10701189

Ah, I didn't realize you were trying so hard to be clever for a trivial semantics dispute.

>> No.10701223

One of the gunvolt games and the type-0 port both use retarded nu-pronouns and games are starting to use less gendered language such as having body type a/b instead of male and female. If troonslators are emboldened enough to make these blatant revisions then it's guaranteed that they're playing fast and loose with the rest of the translation.

>> No.10701362
File: 10 KB, 205x246, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not/vr/, but the character with the stupid nu-pronoun in Gunvolt is a magical transforming/multiplying hermaphrodite that definitely has sex with itself. It's as close to being appropriate as it ever is to use a stupid made-up pronoun there.

>> No.10701407

they change stuff for absolutely NO reason, not to add anything to the game, not because it's too japanese or unfitting for an american audience, but for some random stupid dumbass idea in their head

DQ4 is the worst, also coincidentally the game where they didn't translate party chat(a majority of the text in the entire game) because they were lazy

everyone on that project deserves execution

>> No.10701510

The director said it was partially a budget issue because party chat took up such a large chunk of the text and square was trying to cut corners on everything because they didn't believe DQ would be successful enough. Party chat is also only available in the japanese version and people were able to find a lot of translated dialogue that was dummied out of the full release.

>> No.10701572

>he is the only game translator who has reached that level.

jeremy blaustein, particularly for snatcher and MGS

>> No.10701614

90% of all Japanese games from the 90s have iffy translations. Nobody really cared about this stuff back then.

>> No.10701629

100% of all japanese games(of any time) have iffy translations

>> No.10701637

i don't really care why, i honestly prefer breath of fire 2s notoriously awful translation with zero proofreading, editing, or punctuation and excessive abbreviations to fit text, over that piece of trash dq4 translation

i am dead serious

>> No.10701648

At the end of the day, the BoF2 translation while a complete mess has the *core* of a decent translation. It just got hit with the nasty one-two punch of space constraints and not enough time for more proofreading/playtesting revisions.

>> No.10702227

I don't care what you like or don't like but you shouldn't just pull shit out of your own ass to justify why you don't like something.

>> No.10702261

i don't need to pull shit out of my ass, this is a game that deletes more than half the text, renames almost every character, enemy, location, spell and ability, for no reason or purpose and also adds a bunch of cringey borderline unreadable accents to everyone

you actually get used to the zero punctuation style and occasional typo after about 2 hours into bof2, though the abbreviations are nearly undecipherable at times

>> No.10702274

His translations have that 90s boomer cringe-soulfulness that I find very endearing.

>> No.10702951

The only good version of DQ4 is the 8-bit original.

>> No.10703342
File: 84 KB, 774x583, gohancloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd disagree on this for the post-FFVI games. FF plots are lot more convoluted stupid messes from FFVIII and onward. Same goes for Kingdom Hearts.
Kek no
If anything those are the real shonenshit
FF went from a top tier illustrator like Yoshitaka Amano doing promotional art and having his character art for the menus to a hack like Tetsuya Nomura ripping off Gohan’s design

>> No.10703358

I’m pretty sure FF6 was 2 months and Chrono Trigger was 30 days. Which is crazy since Chrono Trigger got the better localization of the two overall.

Some of the stuff is not his fault(e.g autistic playtester complaining about Tina’s name and Woolsey changing it to Terra).
Although stuff like Ozzie/Slash/Flea, Masamune instead of Grandleon etc. were his dumb ideas

Overall he is way better than 95% of American localizers. Just do to his writing/phrasing ability alone and how he was able to make the text sounds so good with how little text he had.
FF6’s translation completely shits all over the shitty garbage rewrites of FF7/8/9 for example.

Only American localizer I can think of that was as good as Woolsey was Markus Lindbloom who did Earthbound. Sadly he was a feminist faggot which did affect Earthbound’s script to some degree but thankfully not enough to completely ruin it.

>> No.10703379

>Some of the stuff is not his fault(e.g autistic playtester complaining about Tina’s name and Woolsey changing it to Terra).
The way you tell this story, listening to an autistic playtester for no reason sounds like his fault.

>> No.10703384

No. Do you hate the people that created dub scripts for old kung fu movies? It seems irrational to me, even if the job was sub par. Hell, it can be some of the charm if you aren't that triggered by changes that often result from the constraints the translator has to work within.

>> No.10703396

Nta and I couldn't care much less who translated these games. TW's name did come up a lot in gen 4, and was hard to miss as one of, if not the only Western name in the credits.

>> No.10703461
File: 36 KB, 512x224, 1634181510319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what would be the best possible version?
Doing a new proper translation with all og names, ripping the og assets from the og games, doing a new 2D engine, rebuilding them from scratch to run at any framerate/aspect ratio you want etc.

Like BigBlueFrontend did with his Final Fight remake and like he is doing with his Samsho2 remake(he even made his code open source
, that engine is so insanely flexible that you could easily rebuild Jarpigs on them if you put the time)

But don’t expect SE to ever do anything competent, let alone anything near that level. Even their new AAA games are a complete joke.
These are the guys who rejected Tomato/Clyde Mandelin when he applied for a translator job since they preferred hiring fanfiction writers instead only for them to recently turn around and say that they were gonna use AI to translate their titles from now on. It’s all about penny-pinching with them.
Did you see what they did with Kingdom Hearts remasters?
PS3 had horrible load times, audio issues(cannot hear seagull sound effects in the cutscene where Kairi talks with Selphie in KH2, some voice clips still don’t play).
PS4 was even worse with save crashing, physics getting fucked up due to 60fps and all sorts of issues. Only reason they fixed a lot of the issues is due to speedtrannies willing to be beta testers. And even then Luxord is still broken and there are still audio issues. And then they fucked up some things in the PC version when they ported the PS4 version to it.

And lastly, you are an idiot if you give them money by paying them for lazy ROM collections or shitty remakes like the Pixel Remasters and you deserve this garbage because you are the one enabling them instead of just emulating this shit for free.

>> No.10703543

>TW: Sometimes it was legal issues or concerns (as in having characters with the same names as those in, let's say a well-known movie or something), often it was because of comments from play testers. Before we released a product, dozens of people had played it. They were never hesitant to mention their likes and dislikes. They "hated" the name Tina, almost to a person! (I was surprised as well...). In Mario RPG I wanted to name a character "James Bomb" (i.e. The name's Bomb, James Bomb...) but that was nixed.

>You also have to remember that transliterated names have a variety of connotations and meanings in Japan, and sound quite different--sometimes better... (something like Masshu, not Mash). Also, since a player in the US might actually be named Tina (and in retrospect, Terra!), we tried to change the default characters so that there wouldn't be disappointment or confusion. Imagine if we had had a sub-character named Scott, and the purchaser of the game had gone and named the hero of the game Scott...two Scotts!

>I know some people got furious that the names were changed, but to be honest, the games were meant for a broader audience than the one which buys and plays Japanese imports. In fact, I don't understand why someone who reads enough Japanese would buy the US port! It's like buying a translation of a novel when you can read the original.


>> No.10703561
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Well after reading that bullshit now I actually do hate him.

>> No.10703625

How is it that unreasonable?? Seems you have hate issues, anon.

>> No.10703681

every interview this man has done is overly defensive damage control. has a lame excuse for everything.

>> No.10703706

Why not have an American focus group rewrite the entire fucking game for their sensibilities instead of worrying about trying to translate it if you're going to value them over accuracy and anyone who wants to play the actual game should just learn Japanese anyways

>> No.10703715

>Why not have an American focus group rewrite the entire fucking game for their sensibilities
Because most people aren't retarded binary-brains like you and understand concepts like proportionality. Making minor changes is literally not rewriting the entire game. They are different things and only a retard (You) would act like they are,

>> No.10703716

the tina name change is always the dumbest shit.
hanging gilberts name makes sense because there are only 6 characters allowed for names in ff4, so gilbert is too long... but tina ws just stupid

>> No.10703731

Not an answer retard.

>> No.10703759

Changing a characters name for absolutely no reason is unacceptable. There are many circumstances where it is absolutely necessary(ffx) but most times it isn't.

Why change Tina to Terra? uhh no real reason, just arbitrarily.
Why change Mash? Well it would perfectly understandable if his name actually was mash but the name in japanese isn't mash, woolsey is just lacking some knowledge in this case. It was actually bad japanism of the name matthew, it's totally understandable that he wouldn't realize or know this because even I don't understand why it is sometimes written that way, only that japanese people think so. It probably has something to do with how some other european language says it(usually when katakana gets weird that's why)

Actually i looked it up, it appears to be gaelic. looks like the anglicized matthew was also sometimes used for the gaelic name meaning bear, which sabin is compared to when he joins the party.
mystery solved i guess.

>> No.10703778

You obviously are because it has already been explained to you why 4 didn't have party chat but you're still saying it wasn't translated out of laziness despite the fact that they translated large chunks of party chat dialogue that are still in the game. If they were being lazy, they wouldn't spend time translating dialogue that would never see the light of day.

>> No.10703791

The interview made it clear names weren't just changed arbitrarily. Just because you disagree with the reasoning, which in itself isn't an issue we all have an opinion, doesn't automatically make it 'no reason'. Eg the Tina name - if testing indicates it is widely hated a smart developer probably would make that tiny change. Bigger changes like plot points have to be taken by case though.

>> No.10703821

>it wasn't arbitrary
>I picked Terra but then it turns out Terra has the same problem whoops
Sounds pretty arbitrary to me.

>> No.10703827

>In fact, I don't understand why someone who reads enough Japanese would buy the US port
Only thing that needs to be said.
Learn Japanese or die screaming and mad.

>> No.10703836

Because you can't read, apparently.
>They were never hesitant to mention their likes and dislikes. They "hated" the name Tina, almost to a person! (I was surprised as well...)

>> No.10703848

nta but woolsey is saying they didnt want to use common names
dont read in to woolseys garbage. its just him lying to save face as usual

>> No.10703867

True I was taking the earlier and stronger (to me) argument. I doubt he was lying on the focus group point anon. Where does him lying to save face come from? Was his grasp of Japanese poor or something else not just made up by an upset sperg?

>> No.10703889

Mash is actually just short for Masias in this case.

>> No.10703912

ok retard
It was arbitrary, there is no legitimate reason why it would bother someone and I doubt they had more than 10 or 20 play testers, just ignore them.

Secondly party chat wasn't translated because they didn't want to(or couldn't) do the work they were hired to do. That sounds like laziness to me, just because the boss ultimately okayed it means nothing. They were probably just happy to release the game at all. The other dragon quest games on the ds(which came later) are longer games with much more dialogue and they never had to toss the party chat to make their release(they also toned down the retarded accents and pointless changes a little).

Why are you such an autistic retard? Idiots doing bad work doesn't necessarily mean the translation is completely worthless, it just means it's low quality. Which to be honest is what you would think for older games that weren't expected to sell well, but just because there's a good reason for why they are shit doesn't change the fact that they are, objectively, bad translations.

>> No.10703921

2 different anons that you are replying to.

Don't bother going further, your opinion has already been recognised as baseless and worthless.

>> No.10703960

Every interview?
He barely did many interviews and this is an interview from 1997. You schizo.

>> No.10703970
File: 299 KB, 358x800, DrAgon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then they actually manage to top their own stupidity in DQ5 for DS. Yes, the all-powerful Zenith Dragon names himself "Dr. Agon", and talks exactly like Ned Flanders to boot.

>> No.10703973

>It was actually bad japanism of the name matthew
No it wasn’t.
According to the wiki it’s the Spanish name ’’Macias’’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac%C3%ADas
Masshu is a nickname/shortening of his full name.

Woolsey probably didn’t have access to original materials.
But even if he did according to his style he wouldn’t have named him something like ’’Matt’’

>> No.10703975

So on that token Sabin is not a bad localization all things considered.

>> No.10703981

The sad thing is that BoF2’s official translation is better than that fanfiction garbo on romhacking.

>> No.10703987

>I picked Terra but then it turns out Terra has the same problem whoops
Name one irl girl named Terra
Especially in 1994

>> No.10703992
File: 41 KB, 667x256, Screenshot 2024-02-17 221213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people were born as early as the 70s

>> No.10704009

Apart from Rachel the rest of the names aren’t too common
Duane = not too common by the 90s
Elayne = This name is usually spelled as ’’Elaine’’ in English
Maria = Not common at all in the Anglosphere
Leo = Same as Maria

The rest is schizophrenic babble. What face does he have to save? His face is hardly known. Also says ’’we’’ so it wasn’t just upto him. There 2 other localization member Weimin Li and Aiko Ito credited as ’’Remake Staff’’. Aiko Ito was later the localization director for FF8 and my god that game has one of the worst translations in gaming.

Square-Enix is also the company that turned down Clyde Mandelin of Mother 3 translation fame. They literally were requesting fanfiction writers to do their localization. >Write a story in which the descendant of a villain meets the main characters of a Square Enix title and no I am not making this shit up.

>Write a story from the point of view of a villain in a Square Enix title

>You are a character from a past Square Enix game. Magic makes you suddenly appear in present day Japan. Write a story from your point of view.


So to summarize: You anti-Woolsey faggots deserve FF7R with all of its rewritten dialogue, its useage of profanity where there wasn’t any in the Japanese version etc.

You still do not comprehend that he was one of the few decent American translators of JRPGs the industry ever had.
Probably because you project your hatred on retarded Woolseyfags unto Woolsey himself.

>> No.10704020

Only two of those are from the 70s and most likely had hippy parents.
Terra was an uncommon name back then and it is still a very uncommon name today.

Just because somebody names their kid Watermelondrea does not mean that it’s a common name.

In other words: Implying that Terra is anywhere near as common as Tina is disengenuous bullshit.

>> No.10704030

>He barely did many interviews
This doesn't contradict what anon said in any way.

>> No.10704034

Screaming and being mad can change things.
The fact that I'm doing it now doesn't mean that I'll have to do it in the future.

>> No.10704276

>Maria = Not common at all in the Anglosphere

preposterous. All derivatives of Mary are widely used.

no. Mild contempt, sure. But compared to the types that Working Designs did, especially for as long as they delayed releases?

>> No.10704471

>Implying that Terra is anywhere near as common as Tina is disengenuous bullshit
Of course it isn't. Ignoring the blatant goalpost-shifting this seems to imply, it's relatively uncommon nature fits TW's narrative of picking names that a user would be unlikely to choose. Honestly it seems very petty to me to get triggered by this one, but I have to assume some greater damage was done in the translation.

>> No.10704486

fpbp. I agree. I never knew who Woosley was until the internet hit. After I beat the game, I just shut it off. I even skip the beginning credits too. Does that make /vr /seethe?

>> No.10704585

Aww, little baby's gonna have himself a seethe over 30 year old games for 14 year olds. lil poo po diaper seethe, waaah

>> No.10704589

>some dumb american swine tries to have an opinion on "grorious nippon" culture
Keep my culture out of your mouth.

>> No.10704618

>Maria = Not common at all in the Anglosphere
>Leo = Same as Maria

>> No.10704623

Also more importantly those aren't the main character

>> No.10704634

Names don't have "correct" translations at all retard, they are just names. Holy shit the stupidity this topic attracts is mind-boggling. Why do anglos call Deutchland Germany? Why do chess pieces have different names in different languages?
Idiots who know nothing of language should spew opinions.

>> No.10705512

Countries have different names in different languages because someone decided what to call "that place over there" without knowing what the people over there did (specifically English adapted the old Roman name for the area and never changed when modern Deutschland became the nation there), they don't call Joe Biden, "Aoki Kenichi" in Japan because you wouldn't know he exists without knowing what he calls himself.

You smug ESL fag.

>> No.10705619

NTA and know several of both. There's more to it than just being a Western country. Good Catholic names there.

>> No.10705671

No. All English localizations are well deserved because the audience are all children and/or mentally ill people. Anyone actually sane has already learned Japanese.
If you're still an EOP 2024, you might as well just accept whatever trash thrown at you. All of you guys are literally subhumans.

>> No.10706694

>In Mario RPG I wanted to name a character "James Bomb" (i.e. The name's Bomb, James Bomb...) but that was nixed.
genuine window-licking retard

>> No.10706704

An in typical Woolsey fashion, the joke he wants to make doesn't land in the final because it got rejected but he still attempted it anyway. So the boss says
>The name's Nello...PUNCHINELLO!"

>> No.10706854

why not just learn japanese instead of being a faggot online then? also, Tina is a fucking stupid name reserved exclusively for parents who want their daughters to grow up to become bar sluts

>> No.10706868

too common. also a ditz name. Terra is better
Marsh would have been better. Matthew goes beyond the 6 character limit and is also too common. Sabin was a poor choice, but better than being too on the nose with his ground-and-pound archetype and calling him Mash

>> No.10707014

Only untermensch learn Japanese. The only languages one should speak are English, Russian, French, Latin, and Arabic/Chinese/Spanish PURELY for work related purposes.
There is no reason to learn Japanese - culturally and artistically, everything they produce has no merit. There is also no reason to do business with a moribund island.
One who speaks Japanese is one who admits to being an intellectually malnourished manchild, and that includes those who are unfortunately afflicted with such a crude tongue as their native language.

>> No.10707097

Kill all localizers
Localizers are all evil subhuman scum, changing even one word from the original text always makes the result unreadable trash that has 0% in common with the original text. Localization should never be done, the only true form of translation is raw MTL output where no disgusting human being has had the chance to """improve""" it by making changes.
I'm not interested in whatever retarded fanfiction the subhuman localizer vomited out, I want the original puns, idioms, references, sentence structure and grammar untouched. I play Japanese games for their culture, not American politics, zoomerspeak and retarded memes.

>> No.10707140

Not an argument dumbass. It's perfectly possible to produce an accurate translation with as few changes, embellishments, and rewrites as possible, all without it sounding robotic.

But the amount of people that will deliver a product like that are very limited, even in the hobby space. Professional translators who do a good job are making way more money in better areas than translating video games or anime.

>> No.10707149

Fuck you retard, sounding "robotic", "stilted", "unnatural" or "boring" is a good thing. A translation should read like a translation, never like it was originally written in the target language. Any "translation" that changes absolutely anything from the original text is worthless fanfiction trash.

>> No.10707191

No he doesn't. If you're an EOP you have no right to complain. Learn Japanese if you like Japanese games so much

>> No.10707793

>In Mario RPG I wanted to name a character "James Bomb" (i.e. The name's Bomb, James Bomb...) but that was nixed.

>> No.10707821

>With just 30 days
this is the part thats wild to me
thats completely nuts

should he have kept his creative writing to himself?
probably but at least 3s translation is legible
2 frequently becomes nearly incomprehensible, so 3 was a massive step up imo

>> No.10707826

shit opinion
japanese people speak like fucking aliens

>> No.10708706

He's being facetious to try to make people who want straightforward, accurate translations with as few embellishments as possible sound unreasonable, that isn't his real opinion.

>> No.10708807

It is also possible that he is samefagging.

>> No.10710856

There is no translation of Tina from Japanese to English. Tina is not even a real word in English. It evolved into a name by way of being a diminutive suffix on other names and then a nickname eg Christina.
> don't call Joe Biden, "Aoki Kenichi" in Japan because you wouldn't know he exists without knowing what he calls himself.
People choose their own alternate-language names all the fucking time you idiot. Because there is no formal universally agreed-upon way to translate names from one language to another, assuming there is a "correct" way to translate a videogame character named Tina from Japanese into English is stupid.
>You smug ESL fag.
No, not smug at all, genuinely frustrated by absolute moronic takes on videogame translations. I hate how stupid you are.

It just does not matter that much. Tina would have been fine. Terra is fine. Basically the worst and most stupid thing you can do is try to "update" the translated name to something "more accurate" after a perfectly acceptable translation has already been universally agreed upon, as it was with Terra.

>> No.10710864

Yeah Chinamen calling themselves "Steven" because westerners are too fucking stupid to pronounce their name really gets across the place you're arguing from.

>> No.10711890

Some names literally are inappropriate or unpronounceable in other languages or dialects and must be changed. Also this helps address prejudice. Are you baiting or really an ignorant berk of this calibre??

>> No.10712347

How is Tina a ditz name?

His name is Macias not Matthew

>Sabin was a poor choice
I explained why that is not the case here
His full name is the Spanish name Macias
Which is why Woolsey went with the Roman reference and renamed him to Sabin

>> No.10712373

>but I have to assume some greater damage was done in the translation.
Woolsey’s translations for FF6 and Chrono Trigger are some of the best in all of Square’s games
Anti-Woolsey retards are such retards they blame him for FF4 and PSX FF5 games which he had nothing to do with

FF7, 8, 9
All of these had horrible translations
FF5 GBA even inserted references to SomethingAwful

>> No.10712376

Yes it does

>> No.10712383

Cope. Maria is a spic name.

>> No.10712386

>NTA and know several of both.
You know spics?
Back in the 90s there weren’t as many spics in the US.

>> No.10712409

>Tina is not even a real word in English. It evolved into a name by way of being a diminutive suffix on other names and then a nickname eg Christina.
Except not necessarily

>The word itself may have originated from Old English Tyne/Tyna/Tina, meaning river.

>Found in Old English as a component of the place name Tinanmuðe (“Tynemouth”). Possibly of Celtic origin, from Proto-Celtic *tīn (“river”), from Proto-Indo-European *teh2- (“to flow”).[1] Compare the river Tinna. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Tina#Latin

>> No.10712417

Slavs are subhuman


Somebody post that screencap from that anon from /biz/ saying to never learn Chinese

Oh and kill yourself mutt

>> No.10712425

The fan project needs to improve and iron out the bugs.

>> No.10712432
File: 7 KB, 628x58, ff8-I never cared much for Final Fantasy after X..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way, I do not care much for the Final Fantasy series after X.

>> No.10712439

>slavs are subhuman
But why?
Either way, I hope you both end up killing each other in a duel.

>> No.10712441

Except these are the exact kind of lame puns the Japanese make in their games.
And it makes sense in a game like Mario RPG.

>> No.10712442

>Tina is a fucking stupid name reserved exclusively for parents who want their daughters to grow up to become bar sluts
Are you that playtester from back then?

>> No.10712453

Too bad the translation is a trannylation with goofy accents and rewritten script

>> No.10712463

>Final Fantasy III
Was officially localized with the DS version so it does count

>Live A Live
That was yet another rewrite
Plus it was censored in both Japan and the US

The fan translation was faithful to the original script
The localization of the remake rewrote the entire medieval chapter into a shitty love triangle which it never was

>Even Chrono Trigger for DS was mostly still Woolsey's writing.
Not true at all.

>> No.10712469

But the character's original name has nothing to do with bombs nor does he make puns when he introduces himself.

>> No.10712493

He is a bomb, that’s the idea
Super Mario RPG in Japanese has a ton of puns and references to pop culture
All the psychopath thoughts for example are references to Anime and Japanese pop music and commercials and other misc. JP pop culture which non-Japanese wouldn’t understand

Even Punchinello’s Japanese Name Pepatto is just an anagram of Papetto(Puppet)

>> No.10712495
File: 19 KB, 480x446, YiTBR2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only ever problem with Woolsey was what he did to Faris in Final Fantasy V.

I get why he did it, but it's so dumb that it just takes me out of the experience.

>> No.10712498

Breath of Fire is weird too because he had four letter name constraints and a lot of characters already had 4 letter names already but he changed them for no logical reason at all (Deis into Bleu, Danq into Karn, etc). I guess we're lucky he had the 4 letter limit though-- if it was 5 he might have went "oh his name is Ryu like dragon, let's call him DRAKE"

>> No.10712505

Im all for accurate translation, but it is hilarious how so many weebs dont get that japs fill their games, maybe even more so then the west, with meme-y, reference bullshit.

>> No.10712506

Woolsey didn’t do 5

I will defend Danq -> Karn
Karn is a cool name, Danq is a weird name

Deis isn’t even supposed to be Deis but Dis/Deece so they NEVER got that right

Also for BoF1 he only had 2 weeks iirc and BoF1 was also only a 12mbit cart too

>> No.10712515

He's named after a basketball shoe. The Dunk.

>> No.10712521
File: 584 KB, 790x628, tootsiepop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no I don’t think that is a valid argument when you have something like Twewy or Neo Twewy traslations putting leftist propaganda and twitter memes in those games.
And for a retro example the infamous Tootsie Pop line from Working Designs where in the Japanese it was just a normal line with one of the characters saying how can such a huge city float in the sky.
Even Woolsey is guilty sometimes(Kefka self-help book, Kefka son of a submariner, Magus you got whacked because you were weak etc.) but he never was anywhere near as offensive as Working Designs and many other localizers out there.

>> No.10712524

Like i said, im not in no way standing up for modern trannylations, but weebs acting like all jap scripts are these amazingly written pieces of fiction is really funny. I just want something that matches the original intent of the creator.

>> No.10712530
File: 96 KB, 259x385, Aerith_Gainsborough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but then they went and named their next heroine after the Earth.

>> No.10712539

i'm tired of pretending like this is bigger than it was.
i still managed to enjoy Silver Star Story just fine back then.

>> No.10712545

Also I looked it up and his name is suppoed to be Danc and not Danq like in that shitty retranslation of BoF2. Still weird but not as much, the Japanese name is ’’Danku’’ so it could be romanized in many ways like Dank or even Dunk.

>> No.10712564

Maria is a common name in all romance languages and all the languages that were influenced by it, including english.

>> No.10712568

A proper translation is more enjoyable.

>> No.10712603
File: 1.39 MB, 2480x6528, shitrewrites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but weebs acting like all jap scripts are these amazingly written pieces of fiction
But they don’t?
They just want a normal translation and not somebody else’s fanfiction.
Just look at what happened to the medieval chapter of Live A Live in the remake for example. They rewrote it entirely into a shitty love triangle.

No, this thing has been going on since the 90s
Most Americans seem to think translation is a job that is beneath them, most of them are also wannabe writers

>> No.10712620

Only thing worse than meme localizations are simps like you that defend them

>> No.10712626

Maria is a spic name.
Mary is the English equivalent.

>> No.10712659

For JRPGs, the game is an excuse to have the story. If you don't think the stories are good then you don't think the games are good because it's a story-driven genre.

>> No.10712676

>For JRPGs, the game is an excuse to have the story.
Except that’s hardly how it was in the 80s and early 90s.
Plenty of them were grindfests with minimal story.

>> No.10712689

everything was Wizardry and Ultima back then.

>> No.10712726

Computer RPGs sure
Console games didn’t have the necessary input nor the necessary storage space often time to have a deep role playing experience like Ultima so they simplified the gameplay into grindfests and dungeon crawling

>> No.10712739

Ultima 7 is on the snes.

>> No.10712741

Yeah I suppose the line was FF6.
Prior to that, gameplay could still be the focus (like FF5), but after it story set pieces became the main draw and the gameplay became mindless connective padding.

>> No.10712742

How so, really? What is so "trannylation" about putting back removed features?

>> No.10712792

Has anyone who actually reads moon runes reviewed FF fan translations? I never go for them over the original translations because I don't know if it's an actual improvement.
Really I just want vague dialogue cleared up a little, grammar corrections where applicable, and whatever original jokes accurately represented (comparable turns of phrases and the like)... Just a general cleaning up.

>> No.10712795

Yes but it was dumbed down and is not as good as the PC version

>> No.10712803

Why are you here?

>> No.10712872

japanese RPGs too, because those are the games that introduced them to the genre.

>> No.10712889

The official DQ localizations are awful

>> No.10712895

>Yeah I suppose the line was FF6.
Not sure I would say that.
There were plenty of RPGs which started to lean more heavily on story before that. DQ5 was pretty story-centric(and a brutal one at that) and the same year as DQ5 there was Tengai Makyo 2 on PCE CD which had fully voice acted anime cutscenes and was the most expensive video game to produce up until that point.

>> No.10712897

Japanese Computer RPGs were similar to Western Computer ones though

>> No.10712908

Oh they can be, sure, but not at equal levels.

>> No.10712923

Shut up autistic robot. Maybe actually read something written natively in English for once.

>> No.10712929

Stop replying to yourself, troll

>> No.10713085

and what influenced them, again?

>> No.10713146

it's not a dream in Codename STEAM but that's not retro.

>> No.10713191

Indeed it's not, but its a huge shamw that it's another ip with insane potential that Nintendo will let rot along side the corpses of Eternal Darkness and Startropics.

>> No.10713372

It's Latin (ie Italian). Too stupid to even get racism right.

>> No.10715050


>> No.10715181

>Has anyone who actually reads moon runes reviewed FF fan translations?


>> No.10715218
File: 47 KB, 180x235, 1682157499361380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>critical analysis by tomato
>who immediately turns around and commits the exact same gaffes in his own work