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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 298 KB, 560x800, Ts1box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10696468 No.10696468 [Reply] [Original]

This was the only good one.
>weapons feel great to use and are actually effective unlike the ridiculously bad guns of TS2
>fastest movement speed
>consistently runs at 60fps unlike TS2 that hovers around 30 and TSFP that drop into the teens
>story mode has a reason to be replayed more than once because the levels change based on difficulty and additional rewards are unlocked depending on how quickly you beat the levels, unlike TS2 where difficulty just cuts the levels in half on easy and buffs enemy health on normal/hard and there are no timed unlocks
>by far the best multiplayer maps in the series
>cool game modes like 4 team CTF, escort and last stand that TS2 and FP got rid of in favor of 5+ different variations of deathmatch
>art style is actually good and looks like a higher fidelity version of GE/PD instead of the retarded JNCO jeans and pop-eye arms Y2K gorillaz garbage that started with TS2
>best mapmaker tilesets
>best cheats
>coolest characters and best babes
TS2 snd FP added nothing to this series except "objectives" which are nothing more than destroying some object or flipping a switch, along with a bunch of unfun shit tier challenges/arcade leagues that are just regular arcade matches with a time or score limit, at the cost of good weapons, fast movement and pleasing aesthetics. TS2 and FP are ugly as fucking shit and suck ass to play. TS1 is the real spiritual successor to GE/PD, not the "heir apparent" Gendersplitters 2 with its sex-changing protagonist Sergeant Riddick who they, for some reason, thought was a good replacement for based alcoholic, titty-ootling Captain Ash that gave exactly 0 fucks in TS1.

>> No.10696498

>piss 2
No thanks, not playing anything on that garbage box

>> No.10696505

I didn't even know what framerate was at the time, but looking back at it, how fast it ran was definitely what made it seem next-gen. I doubt Quake or Jedi Knight were even close to that fast on the PC I had, though I wasn't paying attention. And compared to N64 shooters? It is literally 3x times or more as fast.

>> No.10696512

>I only play games on a purple purse or a sportsball box
Good, you don't deserve ludo. Lern2emulate btw you retarded fag.

>> No.10696519

TS is unironically a faster game than Quake in general. Not only was it 60fps in 2000, but the default movement speed is crazy and the weapons are basically all automatic.

>> No.10696530

>Mommy where Lintendo i only Lintendo faggot

>> No.10696627

TS1 is a shipped beta.

>> No.10696634

Timesplitters one is a fine tech demo at launch, the missions are hot garbage compared to TS2. I still play TS1 and Street fighter ex3 which are really fun launch titles that don't have the depth of their sequels or contemporaries.
>But it's faster than quake
Sure but it also a very bare bones game built around a one player experience of fighting bots.
>But I just need to make this stupid contrarian take
You could just say, "I know TS2 gers all the love but there is some cool shit about ts1 too" but that wouldn't give out as many baited (yous) would it.
>Replying to this shit is what fucks up the board
I'm as guilty as OP

>> No.10696641

OP is a poor fag who only got TS1 from the bargain bin

>> No.10696648

>stupid contrarian take
What's stupid is that you're too much of a retarded hivemind NPC to take one look at TS2 and realize how vastly inferior it is.
>quite possibly the gayest art style known to man
>unanimously worse weapons
>movement speed cut in half
>removed game modes and mapmaker features
>b-but le heckin extra challenges and prettier menus and muh contrarians!!!1
Kill yourself retard.

>> No.10696650
File: 3.19 MB, 2452x1732, fuglysplitters-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10696656

Babe wake up, new contrarian hot take just dropped.

>> No.10696663

I actually started the series with TS2 and I've 100%'d all 3 games, I'm just being honest.

>> No.10696681

Ooh someone's touchy that their stupid opinion got called stupid. Was it a hard night alone on valentines day and you decided to take out your angst on the board?

>> No.10696684

You must have never played these games to think TS1 has good models

>> No.10696696

the weapons in TS1 are basically a continuation of the goldeneye design approach which is to make enemies die in 1-3 hits, which makes the combat very fast and all the weapons feel deadly. there are no outright bad guns in TS1, even the basic pistol fucking melts shit. then you get to TS2 and it's like they said "how can we make the weapons less fun?" and then proceeded to cut all the weapon damage in half and reduce the firing speed. TS2 feels spongey as fuck compared to TS1, even the basic enemies like take 2x-3x as many bodshots as they did in TS1. then you get to arcade mode... oh boy. some of the 5 star bots with high vitality take 20-30 shots to kill, and that's if you can even hit them which can be nearly impossible at long ranges with certain weapons like the plasma autorifle because the projectiles are so slow that the enemy can just casually walk past them. this combined with slower movement and clunkier controls just makes the game feel likes aids to play, where TS1 had a very buttery feeling.

>> No.10696697
File: 52 KB, 640x480, perfect trade off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future Perfection

>> No.10696702

TS1 models are colorful and mostly realistically proportioned. TS2 models are csrtoonish hyper exaggerations with retarded parachute pants legs and obese bodies. You are fucking retarded if think TS1 doesn't look way better than TS2.

>> No.10696709

>calls you a virgin on 4chins
Stop talking like a woman.

>> No.10696717

TimeSplitters 1 has models that someone could make with less than a month experience in 3D modeling.

>> No.10696719

and TS2 has models that look uglier than your mother's filthy asshole.

>> No.10696728

GoldenEye is literally photorealistic.
TS1 is extremely stylized, just with fewer polygons and lower detail textures than 2.

>> No.10696738

Ah yes, as we know, more polygons means more power for JNCO jeans. Clearly the devs were just waiting for advancements in 3D graphics, otherwise they would've given all the TS1 character clown shoe penis tip limbs too.

>> No.10696741

lol, the image that broke TS2 cucks. saved.

>> No.10696759

You guys realize this is literally the same guy that made the TS2 thread last week right? He's been doing this for years. He alternates between TS1, 2 and 3 and says "X TS is the best" with a laundry list of reasons and baits fat guillible retards into arguing with him, which we can do because he has legitimately played all these games and knows a lot about them. He even posts stuff shitting on TS just so he can respond to himself for le epic win, he literally admitted to it last thread. I don't know why he does this but I find him fascinating. He might actually be more mentally ill than auster or the floigan guy.

>> No.10696760
File: 644 KB, 767x1160, 1 million hours in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what point does contrarianism just become mental retardation?

>> No.10696762

>posts a nigger next to a white woman
water is wet

>> No.10696767

His image honestly reminds me of those schizo comparison pics where they try to show that two images of the same person are actually different people due to supposed ear lobe, nose, and eyebrow differences that literally don't exist.
TS1 is stylized and not realistic in any sense of the word. You can like the way it looks better, due to preferences, but you can't make claims that don't exist.

>> No.10696773

>i-it's just personal preference bro
>TS2 doesn't look gay and retarded, JNCO jeans ans gorillaz used to be cool bro
lmao you can lie to us but why lie to yourself?

>> No.10696785
File: 683 KB, 767x1160, 2 million hours in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually hard to find good renders of most characters.

>> No.10696795
File: 71 KB, 767x1160, te529xvbxy081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like shit

>> No.10696801
File: 1.15 MB, 2000x2995, MV5BMTM4OTMwMzkzM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTAyODAzMDE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When does contrarianism become outright retardation
In OPs subject?
>By the way op you must have loved revolution 60

>> No.10696816
File: 3.35 MB, 673x411, 1668630918585708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is Brianna wu, makes sense

>> No.10696823
File: 340 KB, 1796x1266, Milkbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that looks worse about this ia polycount. TS1 is a fucking launch PS2 game. the art style and proportions are 10x better. if you think this retarded shit looks better than TS1 you should be gassed

>> No.10696824

You have genuinely terrible taste in art. Anyone can make models on the level of TS1, they're dogshit.

>> No.10696838
File: 246 KB, 667x574, Beetleman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone can make models on the level of TS1
you keep repeating that like a retarded child, but it doesn't change anything. TS2 models are more advanced, no fucking shit, it's a newer game. the art style is hilariously bad though. it's all awkward chubby characters with fat legs and eyes that are 10 inches apart. i shouldn't even post some of the other eldritch abominations from this game.

>> No.10696845

What the fuck am I looking at

>> No.10696850

peak aesthetics. if you don't 'get' this, you have no artistic taste, chud.

>> No.10696856
File: 406 KB, 1280x720, TS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've officially passed the mental retardation threshold.

>> No.10696861
File: 620 KB, 767x1160, Overall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, TS2 is an ugly fucking game. TS1 had some retarded looking characters too but they were at least funny and charming. I always play as this guy. Who would play as Beetleman?

>> No.10696869

>here's one TS2 character that doesn't look completely and utterly gay as fuck
>*ignores the other 125 characters*

>> No.10696883
File: 51 KB, 640x448, 6545152-timesplitters-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TS1 is fucking SOVL

>> No.10696890
File: 31 KB, 720x480, impersantor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing as The King

>> No.10696893

The game being a launch title does not excuse such shitty models and mission design.

>> No.10696896

>not playing as The King on the Mansion multiplayer map with Peekaboo Jones as your only team mate versus a team of zombies to re-enact Bubba Ho-Tep
get on my level

>> No.10696908

you're mad that TS2 had ugly characters, shit weapons and a protagonist that turns into a woman. we get it bro.

>> No.10696918

Who actually gets mad when some contrarian sperg hatches a new tard opinion? It's every day in the current year.

>> No.10696921

>Who actually gets mad
you lmao

>> No.10696924

>contrarian contrarian contrarian
Holy fuck bro just go back to redd*t so you won't be triggered by anyone disagreeing with you

>> No.10696928

It's the perfect word for the spergs on this board who feel the need to tell everyone their entirely unique and not at all retarded opinion.

>> No.10696937

>your opinion is retarded because I say so
Me too man, me too.

>> No.10696945

The retardation in saying TS1 has good modeling is self evident.

>> No.10696959

>TS1 has good modeling
I like how you just keep pretending that we're having a technical discussion about "model quality" and completely ignoring the actual criticism which is that 99% of the TS2 characters are retarded homunculi with dick tip legs and Jackie Kennedy tier eyes.
>inb4 just repeats himself again like the rick and morty aficianado he is

>> No.10696964

>Jackie Kennedy tier eyes
holy kek

>> No.10697009

Must be a sad day in faggotville when you have to samfag your own posts

>> No.10697024

>everyone on 4chan is one person because i'm mad that you made fun of JNCO-splitters and sergeant reddit

>> No.10697036
File: 57 KB, 600x750, 20230621_EcommShoot_JNCO_KenM_1214_67e1ae74-dae6-4023-bac3-62013ea302c8_600x_crop_center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One copy of Timesplitters 2 , please.

>> No.10697074
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x896, TimeSplitters_SLUS-20090_20220902134647_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, TS1 is comfy as fuck to blast through on a rainy afternoon

>> No.10697079
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x896, TimeSplitters_SLUS-20090_20220905162143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10697093
File: 973 KB, 1280x722, Docks1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Docks... home.
TS1 maps are so fucking kino.

>> No.10697098

he looks embarrassed

>> No.10697105

he should be, he's buying TS2

>> No.10697118

TS1 story might be bare bones but it never gets old. There isn't a single bad mission and every one is pure shooting gallery goodness. TS2 drops the ball fucking hard after Siberia. 4-5 levels in the game are just kind of shit snd once you've beaten them, replays are just going through the motions
Yeah, no, fuck that. I'd like to actually play the game.

>> No.10697132
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x896, Planet X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the OG Planet X

>> No.10697135
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x783, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compound is a lovely timecapsule

>> No.10697143

Fuck does anyone know how to take good screenshots for PS2 games? Does pcsx2 have a free cam mode or something? Also a way of disabling the hud

>> No.10697150

literally just press prntscreen, there's also a built in capture feature. as for disabling hud i don't think so, just bump up resolution and crop it

>> No.10697192

Reminder that you can use the knockout/bagtag game modes in TS1 mapmaker to make story missions

>> No.10697214

>Game has objective
>Fuck that I want to play the game
Oh I get it, you're retarded. That's sad that your brain can only handle TS1 missions, which are literally
>There is 1 thing you need in this level, get thing and return to red circle.
That is every TS1 mission, run to one thing, pick it up, time zombies spawn and you run to the red circle on the ground. That's not playing the game, that's playing a tech demo of what could be a cool game, like TS2

>> No.10697228
File: 3.41 MB, 4656x2618, IMG_20240209_223607730_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's sad that your brain can only handle TS1 mission
There's nothing mentally taxing about running up to an object and pressing X bro. It isn't fun when you've beaten the game 30 times, it just becomes monotonous and boring.
>That is every TS1 mission, run to one thing, pick it up, time zombies spawn and you run to the red circle on the ground
In other words, gameplay. Shooting, movement, memorizing enemy positions, managing ammo and health/armor pickups, creating an efficient route through levels, fun. You don't get this because you're a shitter who probably takes 15 minutes to beat a TS1 story mission on hard. That's why you like JNCO splitters with its slow movement and slow weapons and objective-oriented gameplay, because you aren't good at video games and the idea of enjoying gameplay is foreign to you. Here's one of my times, second place world record. Let's see your times tough guy.

>> No.10697254

he doesnt have any times
hes dilating harder than sergeant cortez on his first mission

>> No.10697256

>Here's one of my times, second place world record
Can't even get WR in a game only he cares about.

>> No.10697263

>y-you're retarded you can't handle pressing X in front of an object
>w-well you're shit because you're only the second best in the world!!!
Cope lol

>> No.10697267

Objectively speaking, nobody will ever care about your times.

>> No.10697275

I think you're missing the point: I'm better than you at video games.

>> No.10697283

people as obnoxious as you should be euthanized at birth. take a shower you incel faggot.

>> No.10697287

Kys timesplitters/gaylo/half life spammer

>> No.10697290
File: 343 KB, 1833x849, 1707190620271022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the characters
Lotsa big booba bitches

>> No.10697291

How would this work exactly? Are they going to create a special DNA scan that tells them whether or not somebody likes TS2 in the womb?
>Sir, we've detected thag the fetus does not like TS2 and does not find Sergeant Cortez stunning and brave
>Call the shot.

>> No.10697294

You aren't even close to WR lmao shitter.

>> No.10697297
File: 60 KB, 1200x630, cheezburger-image-415750.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this? You're nothing. I will choke your fucking face.

>> No.10697302

>I have second place world record
Uhh and this makes you better at video games... how exactly?

>> No.10697307

People were setting sub 43 seconds a decade ago. You aren't even in the top 100. Contrarians always suck at the games they claim to like.

>> No.10697316

>here's another grainy youtube video from 14 years ago
Wow I guess that means you don't suck at video games after all

>> No.10697319

>Contrarians always suck at the games they claim to like.
kind of like how you suck at TS2 and got BTFO'd by somebody you called retarded and your only defense is to post yt vids of other people better than you?

>> No.10697320

You're the one who acted like you're hot shit for a time that wouldn't've been impressive at any point in human history.

>> No.10697324

TimeSplitters 1 is fun but it really does feel like the beta/early access version of TS2.

>> No.10697332

When was that? You literally said I was "retarded" because I "couldn't handle" fucking mission objectives, then I show you proof of my time that I even admit is not first place and you starting shitting your diaper like you have been for 2 hours because in addition to liking the gayer half of the Timesplitters series, you also got showed up on your own shit talk and now you're crying like a little bitch.

>> No.10697336

>When was that?
When you said it was "second place world record". lmao not even close.

>> No.10697341

You're right, it's actually better than second place, because second place is a guy 50s longer than me.

>> No.10697348

Nobody posts their times on that site mr. huge fan.
You'd be rank 14 if you recorded it.

>> No.10697352

>nobody posts their times on speedrun.com bro
>real niggers post their times on a dead random TS fansite with no proof
The thing is, even if I was rank 14, that would still make me significantly better at video games than you could ever hope to be. You're coping hard brother.

>> No.10697357

The game itself never had a big scene since it sucks. Which makes it all the sadder that your time is so pathetic.

>> No.10697358

>your time is so pathetic
But I'm much smarter and better at video games than you, so wouldn't that make you even more pathetic?

>> No.10697360

>But I'm much smarter and better at video games than you
That remains to be seen. I don't name myself the second best at something with no proof and then decry others on a website for doing the same thing.

>> No.10697365

>no proof
You must have missed the part where I actually posted a time, backed up as second best in the world according to the biggest speedrunning website, that you then handwaved because you're mad and missed afternoon dilation.

>> No.10697369

Screenshots aren't proof. Definitely not living up to the whole smarter thing.

>> No.10697371

>ackshually, you didn't even get that time, you faked that low resolution cell phone picture taken off a TV
Lmao you sad little man.

>> No.10697376

The reason video evidence is required is because anyone can make numbers appear in a video game score screen with minimal effort. You don't even have to use cheats, you can just edit a save.

>> No.10697378

There's no way to eloquently articulate how badly you suck outside of pointing out you're a massive fucking loser for championing this shit game and shamelessly behaving this way, even anonymously. Thanks for making me feel way better about myself, I guess.

>> No.10697381

>ackshually, you didn't even get that time, you faked that low resolution cell phone picture taken off a TV

>> No.10697383

Screenshots are not proof and will never be proof, genius.

>> No.10697387

Just so we're clear then, the issue isn't that you're a huge faggot trying to wiggle out of being a low IQ shitter, it's that I posted a picture instead of video? How about a gentleman's bet, then: I'll record myself beating that time and upload it, but if I do, you'll call yourself a "a gay little sissy boy with a tiny pee pee and a bulbous anus". Surely I can't do it, so you have nothing tk eorry about. Deal?

>> No.10697391

Your original time sucks, it should be easy to beat.

>> No.10697396

>backs down like a beta
Lmao got'em

>> No.10697413
File: 536 KB, 552x835, Screenshot_20240215-163740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Free Radical
>see this
>"We've found the inspiration for our next game"

>> No.10697492

i was going to copy OP's post and change everything about it to match TS2 but as soon as i got to
>consistently runs at 60fps
i gave up. you might actually have a point OP. maybe TS2 is kind of a piece of shit.

>> No.10697658

Is this good. Should I buy a copy for OG xbox?

>> No.10697898

He has a sliver of a point.

...But TS2 is just so much more polished and has so much more content that... I kind of don't care? 30fps for a console shooter of that era is fine.

The art style argument is completely subjective. I can see what he likes about the TS1's style, and I can see what he dislikes about TS2's, and I simply shrug, because I like both.

>> No.10697951

You say that

>> No.10699420
File: 747 KB, 606x832, 1706804822801280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only person who agrees with OP is OP lol.

>> No.10700334
File: 211 KB, 600x600, 1389288606857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all these Time Splitters autism lately?
Can't we have a thread without pointless wars and shitposting?

>> No.10700379

People that wore jncos were 10x cooler than whatever this wannabe is

>> No.10700389

When It's posted on 4chan.

>> No.10700698

>still seething a day and a half later

>> No.10700754

TF1 is the unifnished beta of TS2.

>> No.10700804

i guess they finished it by removing the fun

>> No.10700842

I think you're right about objectives OP, at least to an extent. Objectives would be cool if they had a meaningful impact on the levels, but they don't. For example, imagine if in TS2's Siberia the player was given the option of destroying the communications uplink to delay the spec ops team that gets released later on; or they could opt to leave it be and save time/mines instead, with the tradeoff being that the spec ops would arrive sooner. However, that isn't the way it works. The uplink is just a meaningless object that you need to destroy so you can write it off your checklist of objectives. You have to wonder then, what exactly is the point of making the player destroy this uplink if it doesn't do anything? It's not like it's a challenge, you just throw a mine on it, it goes boom, and you get your little "objective complete" sticker. It serves no real purpose other than artifically extending the length of the level and tricking the player into feeling cool when it could have been so much more. What's even worse is that if you're playing on easy mode, a lotnof these objectives ARE optional... but they still change nothing in the level and you get nothing for completing them, so why even bother with the side objectives at all? Unfortunately this is the case with basically all the objectives in the game. I could almost forgive this "cinematic" approach if there was at least some skill or danger involved in completing them, but it's usually mundane stuff like "shoot the whiskey barrels", or "shoot the escaping UFOs". In this sense, I don't think TS1 lacking objectives is such a big deal. It has less gristle. TS1 is about moving fast, shooting faster, and solving the "puzzle" of how to make your way through each level and back again. I don't think TS1 would be a better game if it added some destructible objectives and flip switches just to make me feel like a secret agent man. Simplicity is beautiful.

>> No.10700850

Clean it up jannies

>> No.10701021

very good post.

>> No.10702736

You're completely right but TS2 is still the better game for 100 other reasons

>> No.10702743

I bought TS1 almost a decade ago to build up a small collection for my PS2, and as someone who never really played GoldenEye or Perfect Dark, I really hated the controls and never got much into it. I later tried out TS2 for Xbox and it was fucking awesome, especially with local multiplayer being fast-paced and easy to get in to. Not really sure why the first one seems to be remembered a lot more fondly.