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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, iflhayk4pjb81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10695919 No.10695919 [Reply] [Original]

>Stretched screen
worse crime against retro video games

>> No.10695929

Worse than what?

>> No.10695953 [DELETED] 

I wish ESL posters were banned on sight.

>> No.10695967

I paid for the whole screen so I'll use the whole screen.

>> No.10695971

ok this might be a bad example
but as a kid i did enjoy flipping between modes on the fly
there were a handful of carts i had that didnt look TOO bad
also stretching orchids killer instinct sprite made my peepee hard

>> No.10696048

> he doesn't have an SP where you can change the aspect ratio
that's a you problem. cope.

>> No.10696056 [DELETED] 

/v/ is a majority of central and south american sub-humans these days

>> No.10696061

That was a feature of the original GBA too.

>> No.10696062
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>> No.10696064

Who cares?

>> No.10696072

>t. >>10696062

>> No.10696076

it was? oh that's good to know. never had one because the screen was shit. when sp came out i bought that sucker on day 1. well then, op truly is a dumb fuck monkey that needs to be gassed.

>> No.10696101
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The amount of people who play 4:3 games stretched to 16:9 is honestly baffling for me. How can you not notice or care that all proportions are completely wrong? Are all these retards even sentient?

>> No.10696103
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>> No.10696109


>> No.10696114

They're the same retards who can't differentiate 30fps from 60fps

>> No.10696119

Not necessisarily, on chinese emulation platforms like GOTVG and QQ, all the Chinese play in 16:9, because a lot are younger generation who have only experienced these games with emulation on modern monitors, so when it isn't widescreen they they the game is fucked up, lol.

It's all about the first experience, they think it's supposed to be widescreen because they're from an era where 16:9 is the standard.

>> No.10696125

> be me
> early 2000s
> helping people move to digital tv while they're still using 4:3 screens
> set it up nicely. correct aspect ratio for everything
> come back to one place soon after about a complaint.
> they turn on the tv
> picture is stretched out and wrong
> "those black bars are annoying!"
> "is there any way to make it look less wrong but without the black bars?"
so many people out there are 100% retarded.

>> No.10696129
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Yet when they're exposed to top and bottom black bars from movies, they like it because it's "cinematic"

>> No.10696130


>> No.10696134

im on a phone anon and cant be fucked to correct it

>> No.10696140

last night at the arcade bar, some of the TVs had pan and scan 4:3 stretched to 16:9, with motion interpolation on, so it was triple shitty

>> No.10696141

>How can you not notice or care that all proportions are completely wrong? Are all these retards even sentient?
But how can you not notice or care that the word is completely wrong? Is this retard even sentient?!

>> No.10696156

>Yet when they're exposed to top and bottom black bars from movies, they like it because it's "cinematic"
usually yea. they get so used to watching movies that way over decades that when they begin watching them in their proper aspect ratio it seems completely wrong to them so that means everyone is wrong, including electronics manufacturers, because they have no idea how to use a modern television and refuse to accept that tech moved on without them.

>> No.10696162

My dad would buy full screen DVDs and it drove me absolutely nuts.

>> No.10696178

That's almost impressive, as if done on purpose. But you just know it's a combination of shitty understanding of settings and retarded defaults.

>> No.10696195

because the phone is all i've ever known...

>> No.10696204

And yet most of the people complaining ITT are probably CRTfags who play all their old 8-16bit games stretched to 4:3 and who will tell you that's how it's supposed to be.

>> No.10696209

8:7 stretched to 4:3 is a legitimate and intended way of playing (S)NES games. That's completely different than stretching 4:3 to 16:9

>> No.10696218

I find it endearing. I played through the whole game like this.

>> No.10696245

Most normies don't care, and some even think it looks better that way. In the mid-late 2000s and early 2010s, people stretching 4:3 shit to 16:9 was inescapable.

>> No.10696257

OP"s stretched anus made a terrible thread.

>> No.10696265

Is there anything you faggots WON'T complain about? Jesus fucking christ. You bitch about minor graphical changes to games re-released on modern hardware, while you refrain from bitching and complaining about all the graphical glitches and low framerates that were present on the original hardware.

FUNFACT: God didn't these, regular-ass programmers and nerds did.

>> No.10696271
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I sniggered

>> No.10696284

t. me on the school bus
>"Hey anon can you catch this lugia for me? I know you have one and I don't want to lose it"
>Switch screen back to original aspect ratio
>"Why are you playing like that? It looks so bad that way"
>Intentionally lose the lugia
And I'd do it again, fuck you Richard

>> No.10696442

Can you guys not run the transformation in your visual cortex to change ratios on the fly no matter how it is displayed? Wow, feel sorry for you.

>> No.10696467
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That's why I just use an OG Game Boy or GB Pocket for OG GB games, GBC for GBC games, and Micro for GBA games.
The SOVL remains intact.

>> No.10696472

there should be GB/GBC homebrew that's designed to be stretched when played on a GBA

anamorphic widescreen bitches

>> No.10696508

every GBA model lets you toggle the aspect ratio

>> No.10696514

Read his post again illiterate

>> No.10696517

I know but personally for OG Game Boy I want that Dot Matrix anyway

>> No.10696564


>> No.10696603

illiterate and insecure lol

>> No.10696747

No because im not schizo.

>> No.10696754

Welcome to maaaaaaarrrrriiooooo kaaaaaarrrrrttt.

>> No.10696821
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They really, really don't.
>visiting cousin and a mutual friend of ours that he's rooming with circa 2011
>friend has a PStriple which they mostly use to watch Netflix
>notice he has it connected to their HDTV with fucking composite
>obviously looks like total shit
>blurry as fuck and everything is in 4:3 stretched to 16:9
>friend goes out and about, I stay in
>notice they have a DVD player just lying around and an HDMI cable next to it
>figure friend just doesn't know any better and I'll do him a solid
>hook the PS3 up with the HDMI cable and set it up to output at 1080p
>looks far better now
>friend comes home, I turn on the PS3 and tell him what I did, ask him what he thinks of the image
>he shrugs and says he doesn't notice anything different
>one day moves the PS3 to his room where he has his own TV, later puts it back in the living room
>he hooks it up with the composite cable again

>> No.10696837

kek showed his ass

>> No.10696848

Looks like an improvement for the multiplayer split screen mode. Wish we had this for Phantasy Star Online offline coop mode 20 years ago.

>> No.10696859

I've been playing video games for 30 years
I care deeply about them
I stretch games
I don't like black bars
but my brain adjusts to the stretching easily
most games before hd tvs were stretched anyway
often in slightly different ways depending on the tv manufacturers
so I stretch
and I'm happy

>Are all these retards even sentient?
yeah, autists often have a hard time understanding how other people might have different opinions

>> No.10696874
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Normies literally just don't care. They don't have an eye for it and if something niggles in the back of their head as "wrong" they dismiss it.

>> No.10696875


>> No.10696886


I believe you're old.

>> No.10696894


>> No.10696898

You say that like we already don't know.

>> No.10696914

stretching it doesn't cause the game to display the views side by side

>> No.10696936

There's turbo autistic shit like obsessing over color grading or trying to find the CRT filter that makes you feel like a 5 year old again but this is simply a case of putting your shit in 'Watermelon Vision'. It's just so blatantly fucking goofy looking.

>> No.10696940

Derailing, but both Funimation half assing or completely misunderstanding what they're supposed to be doing with their DB releases + legions of mouthbreathing western fans who have zero standards has resulted in some truly bad releases

>> No.10696947

Backwards compatibility looks like absolute shit on gba with those ips screens. Threw mine in the trash

>> No.10696950

It's actually amazing how there's literally not a single truly good DVD or BD release of the single biggest anime series out there. It's not even just a Funimation thing. Toei themselves fuck it up every single time, too. Goes to show you how low standards are when a series has this much mainstream appeal, I guess.

>> No.10696973

Oh but it looks good on op's image. Must be one of those high res kits that can do a nice pixel grids and get the scaling right. Or one one of those "ita" screens.

>> No.10696991

Press the right shoulder button, anon…

>> No.10697042

Ah, just like I remember it.

>> No.10697062

It's mind boggling, I would actually probably pay good money for a proper release but they seem to be getting worse with each one. There's a recent French release that actually uses the broadcast audio (sourced from fan tapings I think) that looks pretty good.

>> No.10697076

Have any fans gone through the trouble of trying to piece together a decent release from the best available sources with edits where necessary?

>> No.10697103

I think they exist but I haven't done any proper research. The shortly lived "Level Sets" were actually a decent remastering and it's a shame they discontinued those.
I do know that fans managed to compile the original broadcast audio to the series. QRD - the master audio tapes to the Japanese version of the series were trashed before any DVD releases. The audio was recorded directly on the optical track, which is why the original Japanese version is such low quality. Fans noticed that their old VHS tape recordings of the show sounded better than the official DVD releases and began compiling them and have completed the series I think.
Fans have even sent the audio to Chris Sabat with the hopes they'd use the audio for future releases. He's acknowledged it but I don't know if there's any plans to use that audio in the future.

>> No.10697185

>Fans have even sent the audio to Chris Sabat with the hopes they'd use the audio for future releases. He's acknowledged it but I don't know if there's any plans to use that audio in the future.

Goo thing they didnt sent the original audio copies because FUNi would just trash em, and Sabat's whole ''hum huh well, well think about it guys, yeah'' was just mamby pamby PR, specially after what happened at Funi, hell even Discotek is in shambles now.

>> No.10697197

I always liked the japanese version better

>> No.10697203

I had to laugh when someone recently pointed out that Sailor Moon's red tone is a recent development because Toei can't archive for shit, and they got hit with a billion responses of zoomers going "BUT I LIKE THE PINK PICTURE IT'S AESTHETIC COMFYKINO IT JUST LOOKS BETTER THIS WAY"

>> No.10697206
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That's really weird but yeah I noticed the same with most people. When HD TVs started being sold en masse, in like mis to late 2000s, everyone was getting rid of their CRTs and getting them, but they were all displaying blurry, stretched shit at the wrong ratio, and most TV channels were still SD only. Nobody seemed to care, they were just happy with their new flat TVs.
It's weird.

>> No.10697278

That stupid fucking game art is burned into my cerebrum Jesus

>> No.10697281

Is this the famous bond burger?

>> No.10697285

Press R and shut the fuck up.

>> No.10697314
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pic related.

>> No.10697338

And at the same time those same normies will replace their current gen consoles for their pro versions because "it plays games in 4K" (and most likely have their entire setup configured to display games in 1080p)

>> No.10697394

Seed of might have done that. They color corrected everything by hand. Unfortunately, Bulma's hair looks turquoise instead of green. I'd agree turqouise is the correct choice. Doesn't mean I don't want green haired Bulma here and there. Other than that, it's pretty good.

>> No.10697830

No fucking shit.
The point is not having to squint to see it.

>> No.10697894

I wish that were true. Unfortunately, nobody here speaks Spanish or Portuguese, so a third-worlder is statistically much more likely to be from India or Nigeria.

>> No.10697904

The sad truth is that a LOT of TVs don't have proper scaling options or the ones they have don't work. I own one like that myself, it will always stretch to 16:9 no matter what's chosen in the options. Even many 16:9 CRT TVs suffer from this.

>> No.10697910

You didn't need to stretch it though, it was just an option.

>> No.10697935

I've never played the Japanese version.
Just recalled that the only reason I even have a Mario Kart 64 cart is because it traded it for South Park with a friend on some school trading day thing.
He had older brothers, I did not. We both made out well.

>> No.10697946

you don't gain any height though. it's just worse.

>> No.10697989

Press L or R, you ESL tard.

>> No.10698120

>digital tv while they're still using 4:3 screens
>"is there any way to make it look less wrong but without the black bars?"
Yes and no. You can make make it fill the screen vertically while preserving the aspect ratio but lose huge chunks on the left and right sides

>> No.10698128

I grew up with japanese MK64, for some reason the japanese version was half the price than the original in my country. I needed a Converter cart though (worked like Game genie), but it also worked with other JP carts and the odd bootleg cart on my US N64.
Other differences are that there's a narrator that announces cups and stuff instead of Martinet, and there's the sponsor brand mockups (Marioro for Malboro, etc) that were removed from the non JP versions. Pretty sure there's also some glitch that only works on JP ver.

>> No.10698130

Some people have very poor aesthetic sensibility, the one person I know who always plays 4:3 games stretched is like that. If you try to explain something from an artistic point of view it's like talking to a wall.

>> No.10698182

fucking retard

>> No.10698601

Dude I can promise you that we never had marlboro advertised in our games. It was illegal even then.
Nice to see the difference however.

>> No.10698763

You were right to betray him.

>> No.10698786
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>year bro, check out my sick emulation setup! I'm even running it on a real crt!

>> No.10698802

Kinda off-topic, but I had a similar situation. Hanging out with friend, go to visit friend-of-friend, end up at friend-of-friend's house alone for a bit. He says I can use his TV to game if I want until they get back. He has a 360 with your typical dudebro games. Call of doody is the closest thing he has to a good game, so I boot it up. WTF, these controls are unbearably laggy. He obviously hasn't turned game mode on on his TV. I turn it on, game now plays fine, sit down and play some solo campaign. They get home, friend-of-friend goes "hell yeah bro, love me some Cod, pass that controller I wanna get a few kills". He immediately notices that the controls feel different, and he hates it. I told him what game mode is and what it does, he says that he doesn't care, he's used to how it played before. He actually turned game mode back off and went back to the laggier controls. Like yeah, maybe I shouldn't have changed the settings on his TV, but it's genuinely baffling to me that anyone would actually PREFER the input lag.

>> No.10698810

I literally have no idea what you are talking about.
I took apart a game gear for the first time ever and saw the thermal paint, like...yeah it gets hot as fuck in there.

>> No.10698813

did you try mansplaining to him

>> No.10698819
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>at friends house
>notice his winamp is set to play back mp3s at 44.1khz
>set it to 48khz mode
>show him what I did
>"I don't notice any difference"

>> No.10698821

is it worse crim against retro video games OF ALL TIME though? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

OF ALL TIME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
OF ALL TIME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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OF ALL TIME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
OF ALL TIME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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OF ALL TIME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
OF ALL TIME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
OF ALL TIME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

>> No.10698873

Thank god you never did any of those things.

>> No.10698929

Slightly unrelated, but I have a theory that everyone has some degree of visual snow, but average people are reporting they don’t have it for more or less the same reason as people cannot feel a difference between composite and hdmi or can play undisturbed with the wrong aspect ratio.

>> No.10699054

Yeah, no. I think it should be obvious that if you take a 4:3 image and stretch it to 16:9, you're distorting it. Maybe it's something only autists like me care about, idk.

>> No.10699325

would actually be based if you could romhack the multiplayer to splitscreen into four 4:3 viewports horizontally arranged.

>> No.10699340
File: 24 KB, 350x262, 40838EEE-1F5D-4705-A574-1B8CCB6C25CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do me a favor and go start a 4 player split screen game of pso on GameCube on a 16 inch crt and tell me how easy it is to see anything. No one is claiming playing it on a wide screen monitor will magical line them up differently or increase the internal resolution, obviously it’s just going to stretch out the picture, but at least you’ll be able to see what’s going on.

>> No.10699485

digital displays make it more difficult to see what's happening with low resolution video games. the apparent resolution is greater on a CRT

>> No.10699518

As a kid I had a 16:9 tv and I played Wind Waker on that, Link looked just fine like that.

>> No.10699557
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>I wish ESL posters were banned on sight.

>> No.10699570

>source: dude, trust me.

>> No.10699590

try playing it on a 60 inch and report back

>> No.10699616

>As a kid I had a 16:9 tv
How old are you?

>> No.10701070
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>> No.10702004

34 this summer

>> No.10702023

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate the proper way to play with children's toys.

>> No.10702035


It's inescapable today. I tend to look up lots of old games on YouTube for various reasons and very many of the videos I find are tainted by this problem. I had to install a browser addon to let me correct the display of videos on the fly when needed.

At least the two biggest longplay channels seem to be run by people who are capable of perceiving the difference between a circle and an ellipse.

>> No.10702041


This problem spans all video-based media. The most prestigious of the very bestest of the best of Shakespeare productions that true smarties care about to the exclusion of all else will suffer from it. People with incorrect brains will want to see Widelet instead of Hamlet. Wheels on horsedrawn carts will appear to be ovals incapable of rolling, and these people will not care. But the perfectly refined aesthete should, and will, be driven into a righteous rage over their error. THESE GODLESS RABBLE MUST NOT TAINT OUR SACRED BARD

>> No.10702093

What addon do you use? I run into this problem sometimes too.

>> No.10703265

>misunderstanding anything
They know exactly what they’re doing
They milk consoomer retards who complain about their releases because those retards still buy them
They had perfectly fine 4:3 versions with none of the grain scrubbed out and they still put out that orange brick but look it’s in 4:3 nonsense

They are complete cunts and so is Toei

>> No.10703280

>It's actually amazing how there's literally not a single truly good DVD or BD release of the single biggest anime series out there. It's not even just a Funimation thing. Toei themselves fuck it up every single time, too.
There are so many anime out there with shit releases.
Speaking of Toei: They did a quicky and dirty rescan on Sailor Moon in the early 2000s without doing any color correcting that resulted in a pink tint.
There was a mini-meltdown recently by tumblrinas on twitter who only ever saw the later release and weren’t there in the 90s.

It’s fat tumblrinas mostly

>> No.10703289

Seed of Might is doing a color correction
Apparently they are done with OG DB

Wtf are you saying?
Bulma’s hair has never been green

>> No.10703294

you know you can play it in original aspect ratio, right?

>> No.10703295

>Try to find footage of some retro game on YouTube
>Video is of a 4:3 aspect game stretched to 16:9 with ZSNES-era smoothing filters applied to it

This should be a capital crime. I don't care if that's how some people for some reason prefer to play them, but if you are going to post footage of it at least don't massacre the video like that.

>> No.10703312

But setting to 48khz when the files are 44.1khz will just yield worse quality.

>> No.10703313

>Video is of a 4:3 aspect game stretched to 16:9 with ZSNES-era smoothing filters applied to it
Classic 2009 youtube right here

>> No.10703315

Brainlets should be lined up and shot

>> No.10703430

>Reverse engineered port with 16 player splitscreen support

>> No.10704352
File: 64 KB, 400x500, bulma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Never? I know you could argue that cels have changed color overtime, despite that turquoise they have chosen is much more blue than original color. Original DB had more greenish tint overall. Still it looks like they done a great job overall.

>> No.10704416
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>secretly replace all my dad's mp3s with flacs and wait for him to notice

>> No.10704427

Is this one of those "waiting for my dad to get home from buying milk" jokes?

>> No.10704841

Get outta here ya lil faggot
This should be a 40+ board

>> No.10704851
File: 56 KB, 499x498, 1706627340567435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swap out all my dad's gold plated video and audio cables for regular ones and wait for him to notice

>> No.10704960

That's because normal people have a life and game as a hobby while as you have no life and game as a way to fill the void

>> No.10706119
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>notices immediately

>> No.10706178

I stretch my games if I'm using a widescreen monitor. Just get a proper monitor with the correct aspect ratio if you care so much instead of looking at those disgusting black bars.

>> No.10706194

because they remind you of the void in your life created by your lack of a gf?

>> No.10706216
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For some reason I can't help but play GB/C games like that. I have a widescreen CRT I default to 4:3 but the GBA just does something to me.

>> No.10706253
File: 475 KB, 2500x2500, wii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still can't believe they shipped picrel with a composite cable and nobody cared. the most janky thing to ever exist.

>> No.10706276

I'm pretty sure they shipped the PS3 with a fucking composite cable rather than HDMI. I bought one in 2010, and I distinctly remember my dad cussing at sony for being so stupid as to include one rather than an HDMI cable.

>> No.10706295

You stupid son of a bitch

>> No.10706305


>> No.10706723
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>> No.10706738

You'd be correct. The Wii U was the first home console to ship with an HDMI cable standard.

>> No.10706829

what about... unstandard

>> No.10706832
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>> No.10707042
File: 129 KB, 1420x531, media_GDncWxGWwAAsJeX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Original DB had more greenish tint overall.
It's the same as Sailor Moon's pink tint
The green tint is caused by aging and improper storing and this affected Dragon Ball/Z(DB more since it's older). That's why you have Eath's sky looking greenish in original DB,
The whole point of the color correction was to fix that green tint.

Bulma never had green hair.

>> No.10707047

>all the vhs tapes out there aged and turned green equally

>> No.10707104

Actually yes
The earliest VHS release of Dragon Ball is the Kidmark VHS tapes from 1996 which makes it 10 years after the 1986 japanese broadcast

Sailor Moon got its first Japanese DVD release in 2002, 10 years after its 1992 japanese broadcast

Both of these shows are Toei and both of them affected by tints due to the film stock aging and some particular paint dyes Toei used which ages badly.
This is why the characters skin in Dragon Ball/Z looks pink compared to original Japanese broadcasts. Toei used similar paints in both shows.

>> No.10707108
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1704640741019717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually yes

>> No.10707114
File: 214 KB, 1438x599, 1444337083365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Most VHS and DVD releases of shows were sources from shitty aging broadcast beta/vhs tapes. And yes, tapes can age like shit when they keep getting played for re-runs.

Look at how bad HxH 1999 DVD looks pic related.
Original cel left vs DVD in the right.

>> No.10707181

just stop anon your embarassing yourself

>> No.10707207

If only the GBA had a mode where you could change it to its orginal aspect ratio

>> No.10707329


>> No.10707497

I really remember the empty green skies during the Goku and Vegeta fight. It sticks out in my mind when I think of the show.

>> No.10707797
File: 23 KB, 1366x384, Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe)-240129-193659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm playing on a really big screen, I don't mind black bars, but if I'm playing on a smaller screen, especially if it's a very wide one, I prefer to have it stretched out a bit, as so much negative space bothers me more than the stretching, I might be alone in this, but my eyes adjust to the stretch in almost no time, I really don't see it as it being so much of a big deal like many here make it out.

4:3 to 16:9 is essentially 16:12 to 16:9, it's not a huge difference, as long as the stretch isn't just ridiculous like the picture I'm posting, that I did as a joke, then I really don't see the issue with it.

>> No.10708304

No anon. Bulma had green hair. Her hair was always on greener side compared to blueish side. I understand going with blue as it's technically the correct color. On the other hand you forgot to recolor Goku's gi to orange. Remember it was intended to be orange.
Don't use original cels for arguments like this. Just because some shows were from bad masters doesn't mean original cels had correct colors. That picture doesn't even have Bulma on it. It also looks like something from an official website, those are recolored. It's not like original cels have correct colors to begin with. They are also aging remember?
They didn't intend to remove aging of cels. They have changed hues for their liking for the most basic coloring schemes. As otherwise it would require artistic input, they interoperate colors in most basic colors. which destroys DB of it's original coloring. Of course it would turn out worse than Dragon Box.

>> No.10708312

>4:3 to 16:9 is essentially 16:12 to 16:9, it's not a huge difference
It is a huge difference. It looks awful. I can't play some games in widescreen because widescreen hack doesn't work on UI elements.

>> No.10708359
File: 787 KB, 1366x765, Spider-Man vs Kingpin (U) [!]-231011-153024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I get it, and if it doesn't work for you then that's alright, what I'm not getting is the thread in general having an attitude that it's a sin to do this and that the people who do it are retarded or don't care, it's a matter of preference, and to prefer black bars over stretched pixels doesn't make someone better or worse, it's a pointless discussion to have as it's way too personal.

I prefer the proper aspect ratio over stretching on most situations, especially if I'm playing on a big screen, but if I'm emulating on a handheld with a widescreen... it's too much negative space.

It's really the single scenario where I prefer to go and stretch it a bit, and my eyes adjust to it fine, if yours don't then that's also fine. Also, Genesis Plus GX Wide is a God sent and I love the thing.

>> No.10708368

~5 years ago every TV in every restaurant in my town had letterboxed content stretched to widescreen. Drove me nuts every time.

>> No.10708387

Wii is 240p though, composite is OK.

>> No.10708443

>it's a matter of preference,
It really is not anon. You're destroying the image. There's a reason people are so much against it.
>my eyes adjust to it fine, if yours don't then that's also fine
Your eyes can't adjust to wrong image. Image looks wrong. Your eyes can't adjust to a badly drawn picture. There's a reason badly drawn anatomy sticks out. Humans aren't wide as in 16:9. A picture is either beautiful or ugly. Simple as that.

Overall I don't care how someone on internet plays games, so go ahead of course, but it is wrong way of viewing it. There's no argument to be made here. It is absolutely not a preference.

>> No.10708556
File: 267 KB, 1280x720, photo1708373346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to argue whether it's the correct and intended way of seeing the image or not because I agree with you, most of these titles were drawn in 4:3, 8:7 or 1:1 and meant to be played in said aspect ratios, but it doesn't mean that this isn't a matter of preference, with the way you say some things, lke "people are so much against it" and "your eyes can't adjust to the wrong image" makes this feel like a bigger deal than it really is, like a movement with both sides discussing something important to people in general, when it's really nothing at all to most.

I try to play everything in the proper aspect ratio or with 16:9 mods/cores if I can, I avoid to have it stretch pixels, but there are contexts where it's just what happens and there's not an issue with that, one example is Aladdin on Genesis, it just doesn't load up properly on the Genesis Plus GX Wide core, so I can't make it proper 16:9, and I'd like to play it on my smartphone right here.

I don't like touchscreen controls, so I use these telescopic controllers, if I don't stretch it at all, I'll get a 25cm wide device with less than 10cm of actual screen, it's too much negative space, now I stretch it so it's not so jarring... Aladdin doesn't look off to me at all, and I've seen his 4:3 sprite many times, your eyes can adjust to it and not be bothered, that's where preference comes in to it.

It's our individual experiences under contexts in which we play our video games, some feel more bothered by negative space and black bars than by having the pixels stretched a bit, some are the opposite, the ideal way is always to keep the OG aspect ratios, what I really don't get in this topic is the attitude some have on so many posts as if it's a sin to stretch these pixels a little bit to cover up more of a wider screen, and downright resentment, or at least looking down, on people who do, me and a lot of people don't think it looks wrong and can play like this, and it's fine.

Anyways, cheers.

>> No.10708609

>what I really don't get in this topic is the attitude some have on so many posts as if it's a sin to stretch these pixels a little bit to cover up more of a wider screen, and downright resentment, or at least looking down, on people who do, me and a lot of people don't think it looks wrong and can play like this, and it's fine.
I think it might be a primitive feeling of preserving society in someways? I was going to write something less aggressive first, then I thought I really am right on this. Why should I? People sometimes act towards certain things like this. Many feel the same way about colorization of black and white movies. Which again I would consider a good thing to be against. A bad example would be being against New Coke. Which made people refuse better recipe. I don't like taste of original Coca Cola. I prefer Pepsi.

>> No.10708634

I can see where you're coming from, I guess I've just become jaded and tired, gotten to the point where, after defending my views on every topic and seeing everything I took part in and chose a side in as important, it just got tiresome, so I'm just trying to enjoy what I like without being so bothered by everything else, if society crumbles at some point there's not much I can do about it.

I can say from my years on this earth that it never gets as bad as we fear, and never gets as good as we hope, so let's just pay our bills, keep our loved ones safe, and enjoy some thing in our free time.

We can definitely agree on one thing, Pepsi's so much better, I don't mind Coca Cola to be fair, its fine if there's no other Cola option, but if I can go and choose I'm picking Pepsi every single time.

>> No.10708653

>I can say from my years on this earth that it never gets as bad as we fear, and never gets as good as we hope, so let's just pay our bills, keep our loved ones safe, and enjoy some thing in our free time.
You say that because you're from a good country. It gets much worse trust me. In fact, I didn't think things would have ever become this bad. Unfortunately, I expect things to become much worse here. Hopefully I can leave this place before that.

>> No.10708714

I wouldn't call Brazil a particularly good country, though I'm sure it could be way worse, so I try to not complain, I guess what I mean to say is that, I do think we can put in the effort to improve our own lives, but in the grand scheme of things it's rare where we'll get to change the tides and get the results we want, we just have to hope, and it sucks because it's not our fault at the end of it.

I don't know where you're from, but I hope you can get out and get to somewhere better, it's no wonder your mind got used to fighting for it all, but don't, we're human and can't possibly keep up with everything we care about, so focus on all that's truly important, and know where it counts for you to fight and where your fight won't make a difference to the end result, that's very crucial.

>> No.10708794

Oh I agree. Thank you. I believe Brazil is better than us economically, but the issue is not just economy.
>it's no wonder your mind got used to fighting for it all, but don't,
They don't stop even if I do, but I agree it is pointless to fight. I don't have any power.
Best I can do is to get out of here.