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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10692751 No.10692751 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best rpg on NES?
Anything close to Earthbound?

>> No.10692753
File: 166 KB, 768x1440, Metal Max.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of FF/DQ series, my top 3 is

>Metal Max
>Megami Tensei II
>Lagrange Point

>> No.10692769
File: 200 KB, 766x1440, Sweet Home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you just have a fuck ton of really high tier games

dungeon crawlers
>Might & Magic
>Megami Tensei
>Bard's Tales
>Wizardry trilogy
>Shadow Brain

DQ2/3 clones
>Glory of Heracles 2
>Jubei Quest
>Ninjara Hoi!
>Shell Monsters Story
>SD Gundam Story Knight Gundam Legend

DQ1 clones
>The Magic Candle
>SD Keiji - Blader

>Sweet Home (Adventure/RPG)
>Dream Master (Adventure/RPG)
>Just Breed (RPG/Tactics)

>> No.10692778
File: 283 KB, 488x540, 1647447703920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more pics

>> No.10692791

It's not the best on the NES, but I find Destiny of an Emperor really addictive. It's not complicated but I was hooked on it and beat it. It has good music and fun numbers go up gameplay.

I think FF1 is the best RPG for the NES, personally.

>> No.10692803

Upload all these to a wiki page somewhere. It just needs to be done, don't let your autism go to waste. What if Beethoven didn't upload any of his music to a wiki and only performed it at his local bar for 6 people to hear? We wouldn't be able to enjoy any of his beautiful music today if he did that

>> No.10692808

I had to drop Sweet Home. The character switching is so tedious. Not only do you need to switch characters, but you also need to split your party up, so you’re backtracking, unable to progress, and covering the same ground multiple times, all while hitting random encounters.

>> No.10692815

Dragon Quest 3 is better than Mother 1. Honestly I would only play M1 with mods. Crystalis is my favorite RPG on the system, despite its flaws it’s very innovative with a great story.

>> No.10692823

lol this. make tumblr or some shit so I can just scroll and watch

>> No.10692829
File: 115 KB, 768x1392, Lagrange Point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upload all these to a wiki page somewhere.

Anything specific in mind? /v/ recommended games doesn't seem to have collages
Also the real Beethovens are the people who made these games

>> No.10692842

Name a game where a plot important smith/mechanic NPC isn't crossing their arms, hefting something over their shoulder, or holding a wrench/hammer/tool.

>> No.10692851

honestly fuck wikis they're ad-riddled if you don't pay for hosting
make a neocities or some shit

>> No.10692887

That's not even a very good one. FF1 is much better. So is Crystalis.

>> No.10692910
File: 129 KB, 768x1200, Radia Senki - Reimei Hen (Chronicle of the Radia War).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neocities looks alright, reminds me of all internet pages, I'll check it out at some point

>> No.10692914
File: 100 KB, 767x1200, The Bard's Tales - Tales of the Unknown (J).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10692925

Uncharted Waters

>> No.10693037

>Anything close to Earthbound?
Yeah: Mother.

>> No.10693249
File: 40 KB, 770x772, 1699106369726872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get your windows to be red like that

>> No.10693335

I have to go with Sweet Home. It’s got a great presentation, good sense of danger, an enjoyable enough battle system, and nice puzzles outside of combat. Outside of that and the first three Final Fantasy games I haven’t played many RPGs on the NES though.

>> No.10693345

It's a romhack called Mother 25th Anniversary Edition stick with the unmodded original version of Earth Bound, aka Earthbound Zero and EarthBound Beginnings: all you have to do is keep your thumb off of the Run button to keep it enjoyable

>> No.10693454

Damn. I like the window being thicker at the borders and the bold text better, but I guess I'll just keep on going with EB Beginnings as-is.

>> No.10693518

Final Faggotry sucks

>> No.10693530

>Still no translation for Metal Max 2 SFC
There is a special hell for fan-translation trannies who keep ignoring original versions for shitty remakes

>> No.10693536
File: 2.42 MB, 804x2000, Metal Max 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, it hurts. It's one of my favourite JRPGs ever and the remake doesn't compare.

Anyway, the game works decently using Retroarch's AI translation tool, coupled with the FAQ on gamefaqs for item names.

>> No.10693545

Forgot the name, but there is that one Tecmo game that almost feels like a "Tales of" game, if done as a top down Zelda action when you and your party enters combat.

>> No.10693547

I'll never understand how people like that romhack.

>> No.10693591

>Retroarch's AI translation tool
Didn't know this was a thing.
Does it use GPT or something?
Can you post an example of how it looks? Like how does the font look and stuff?

>> No.10693650

Radia Senki >>10692910

>> No.10693682
File: 679 KB, 2438x1508, shittranslate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a thing since before GPT so no it doesn't use that, I don't remember what I'm using, but you input the url in the settings so probably it can work off several programs.

Results vary depending on the game, the font, the resolution... in the case of MM2, sometimes it gets confused because of the way the menu is setup (the different menu options on the bottom left), but most of the times it doesn't. The translation is pretty shit but most of the times it gets the meaning accross, here, "Cockroach" is actually not a mistranslation for instance, and we understand the man greets the player and asks him what he wants. "Batou Health" is a mistranslation though, it's probably "Batou's lab" or "Batou's workshop".

anyway it's easy to setup so you can try it out for yourself, it's not great, but it helps, and in the case of MM2 there is also an FAQ so the combination of the two works okay

>> No.10693696

For me the best rpg is Little Ninja Brothers. I'll never understand why it's so underrated.


>> No.10693718

>using the cringe hack

>> No.10693736

But it's good

>> No.10693756

btw, results are much better with modern games due to the resolution. I played Metal Max 4 this way as well (AI translate + FAQ) and it worked a lot better

>> No.10693779

He's one of those "if you didn't play it in the most inconvenient way possible, you didn't beat the game" types.

>> No.10693927

Your inferiority complex is showing lil sis.

>> No.10693941

>p-please mister slopdroid 2000 translate the moonrunes into barely-coherent babble for me :(
just learn japanese dude jesus it's not that fucking hard you probably already consume enough anime to shave months off of the learning curve without even realizing it

>> No.10693993

You didn't beat Mother. You beat some gay Mother hack made by a tranny, but you didn't beat Mother.

>> No.10694032

How often would you say you spend any given day thinking about trans people for no particular reason?

>> No.10694081
File: 65 KB, 770x772, 1705561903804485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went ahead and edited the font because the text is just too fucking skinny for my boomer ass eyes. This is much better.

>> No.10694105

>you said the t-word so i'm going to ignore the overarching sentiment of your post to show everyone how butthurt i am

>> No.10694113

You seem upset. I was only asking a simple question.

>> No.10694134

>i got the answer i predicted, now i'm going to pretend that you're upset for some reason

>> No.10694165

I didn't get an answer at all, and I'm not pretending. You were the one calling me butthurt with no basis so if anyone's pretending the other one is upset it's you.
do you have a favorite retro video game?

>> No.10694216

I'm in the process of learning. Will probably be good enough to fan-translate in a year. Give me a list of what needs translating and I'll keep it in a notepad for future me.

>> No.10694230

Ultima 4 is great, although the sound on the NES is pretty terrible.

>> No.10694345

Not him but Metal Max 2 uses compression for text so sadly it's not as easy to translate as some others

The Famicom RPGs I'd like to see translated the most myself are:
>SD Gundam Legend 2 and 3
Yes, they're DQ clones by Bandai based on a license. But the first game was translated and surpringsly good; and the Japanese swear that 2 and 3 are even better. They sold quite a lot back then.
>Dragon Ball 3
Hybrid RPG/Adventure, and only remaining text based DB/Z game untranslated on Famicom. Yes it's another licensed Bandai game, I just really liked DB2. I guess this one is mostly just me who cares though. On the plus side there isn't a lot of text
>Square no Tom Sawyer
>Hanjuku Hero
2 RPGs by Squaresoft, still untranslated. Tom Sawyer looks really interesting but will probably never be touched by the community though there is an unfinished hack that started long ago. Hanjuku Hero looks really fun but remains obscure in the west.
>Momotaru Densetsu Gaiden
I assume this one will be full of parody elements which either make it hard or fun to translate depending on how you look at it
>Famicom Jump 2
Yep, another Bandai licensed game. First game was translated 1-2 years ago. Dunno if they plan to do the sequel.

I've started translating Dungeon Kid myself. I don't speak Japanese, I only dab in romhacking a little; basing myself on someone else's translation. Not a great game but on the plus side it has very little text. Also in the back of my head I'm thinking of checking the localization prototype of Dragon Wars, I wonder if something can be done about it (it's unfinished and crashes)
If you're serious in your endeavour hit me up "in a year" or whenever you're ready

>> No.10694476

Well, play however you want, man. Unlike your simple font change that doesn't affect the gameplay at all, some people only like this series simply for attention and thus can't into its mechanics and style (hence their constant "QoL" mods like the gay "Easy Ring" thing), which is why I mentioned that.

>I've started translating Dungeon Kid myself.
Based. Please upload it somewhere here (preferably in our /hbg/ thread on this board, which acts as a hub for these sort of projects). Love anons like you and the Nekojara Monogatari translator. Now where is that Legend of the River King 2 SNES translation started by /vr/ anons in 2020?

>> No.10694769

Tom Sawyer sounds interesting to me, thanks for the list. I'll write it down somewhere and keep it in mind.

>> No.10694808

I played Lagrange Point not too long ago. I thought it was a pretty fun sci-fi RPG. It's also really pretty for an NES game.

>> No.10694879
File: 594 KB, 2000x1932, METALMAX (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10694884
File: 513 KB, 2000x1750, METALMAX (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10694889
File: 219 KB, 2000x912, METALMAX (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10694892
File: 844 KB, 2000x1142, METALMAX (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10695996

How do you translate without speaking Japanese? I'm up for helping you with what you're working if I don't need to know the language, I'm not even N5 level yet. I'm in need of a project to contribute to. As long as you're not a tranny.

>> No.10696235

Go ask 95% of the people doing translation projects on Romhacking dot net. They know all about translating without knowing the source language.

>> No.10696280

Do they do a good job? Or is it one of those things where people do it, but they're getting it wrong and just don't care?