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10691632 No.10691632 [Reply] [Original]

Soon, all retro game re-releases, remasters and remakes will come with disclaimers such as this one, and that will shape younger audiences' notion of retro.

>> No.10691639

They could slap this on every piece of media and I’d have absolutely no problem with it if the content was completely unchanged in return.

>> No.10691642

what about the ones where you shoot russians and nazis
those are still okay, surely

>> No.10691645

Can't be outraged when you don't care what happens, sorry

>> No.10691650

I'm outraged at the portrayal of Italians in Mario games

>> No.10691659


>> No.10691702

Looney Tunes Golden Collection is dope

>> No.10691715

what was racist in Tomb Raider?

>> No.10691717

funny accents, tribes, etc

>> No.10691720

By adding a disclaimer, they have changed people's perception of the content. Therefore it is not enough, and it is not the same as releasing the game raw without a disclaimer.

>> No.10691721

some of the people you murder arent white

>> No.10691740

People will draw their own conclusions anyway. Has your view of the original game changed because of this disclaimer?

>> No.10691745

There’s been notices like this on old racist cartoons for years. Did you cry about those?

>> No.10691750

I pirate them so I have never watched one of these trigger warnings outside of internet screencaps.

>> No.10691751
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The South Pacific level. But that's about as far as it went. Nothing else of note, aside from the shitty asian accents from the Tibetan monks. Even then, it's not "harmful" in the slightest, just goofy.

>> No.10691753

That's disgusting.

>> No.10691756

>they have changed people's perception of the content.
that it's based?

>> No.10691759

based on circa 1890s ideas about other cultures? yeah

>> No.10691768

Same. I want to see the ideas of other people, not what my idea of what their ideas should be. If they flashed "trigger warning" across the screen before everytime something bad happened that would be problematic.

Doubt it, at least not to the extent parental advisory stickers and R ratings did to the opposite effect.

>> No.10691769

>releases it and charges money for it anyway
It's better than censorship but I don't respect this move at all. It's contributing to the culture of calling fictional works harmful and impermissible and it makes them seem like greedy unprincipled cowards, because if they really believed their words, and cared, why do the remaster at all? I don't recall there being a demand for it.
Absolute faggots.

>> No.10691772

I mean there are still tribes like this in existence aren't there?

>> No.10691775

how about they DON'T change content and DON'T show trigger warnings? people accepting to compromise is how these wackos gain ground and end up pushing their insanity.

>> No.10691782

yes, but it's treating them as enemies the thing that's wrong in their minds.

>> No.10691796

That pushes it towards "how about they DON'T release it" which I'd be fine with because commercial remakes and rereleases are 99% cancer

>> No.10691809

The idea of comparing 1930s cartoons which showcased blackface to a game from 20 years ago is hilarious and sad.

>> No.10691814

This was put in out of spite. Crystal Dynamics are ass mad no one liked their shitty version of Tomb Raider and this is the last thing they can do to fuck with Core's property before they're broken up. When people think of them in the future they will be the guys who made Gex a million years ago, no one will remember anorexic Lara

>> No.10691816
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>Buy YOUR game
>They accuse YOU of being evil
How would you react if you were a dev of the original Tomb Raider and just bought this remaster?

>> No.10691817

They'll probably slap this warning on Gex too. I imagine most of the original people have left the company long ago.

>> No.10691831

What game?

>> No.10691832

I don't care what some kid thinks about an old game. He was going to hear the same shit from a youtuber anyway.

My post is assuming it was one or the other. In the end, it doesn't matter to me whether a game is released again or not because I could play the original at any time.

>> No.10691834

Also, this is off-topic.

>> No.10691837

Tomb Raider 1-3 Remaster

>> No.10691840

In 50 years there will be disclaimers about how stupid humans in the early 21st Century were

>> No.10691846

No it's not you idiot.

>> No.10691848

Please tell us more about the 1890s

>> No.10691849

As an Irish-American, I’m offended they didn’t include an Irish boxer in the original game.

>> No.10691854

>>10691849 (Me)
I’m sorry, I meant “Punch-Out”.

>> No.10691856

I don't doubt it. I think if you don't have any of the original team at your company anymore, you shouldn't be allowed to use their name, it would mean that a lot of modern games would have to stand on their own. I.D didn't make Doom 4, Bethesda didn't make Skyrim etc

>> No.10691859
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How many warnings does this game come with?

>> No.10691864 [DELETED] 

>fling long chop
uhhhh why were the Japanese racist against themselves?

>> No.10691868

My kid has to sit through this shit calling him a racist monster every time he wants to watch fucking Donald's Beach Picnic on Disney+

>> No.10691876
File: 88 KB, 640x768, 1707339609131014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me which customers WANT these disclaimers in games?

>> No.10691880


>> No.10691881

I mean more or less. That's what Warner Brothers did with those old WW2 cartoons rather than altering them.

>> No.10691882

I'd rather have a trigger warning I can ignore, than them changing the game because they think my sensibilities cant handle the content.

>> No.10691885

minorities who will probably never play these games anyway and white leftists some of which will play them

>> No.10691887

I understand the feeling of compromise, but it doesn't answer the question. Which customers WANT these, in their own right?

>> No.10691890

Notice how, again, you did not actually justify the existence of the warning, just said that it "wasn't so bad"....

>> No.10691892

No, the Tom and Jerry DVDs has an UNSKIPPABLE Whoopi Goldberg intro talking about how racist and offensive old cartoons are

>> No.10691893

Yeah nobody wants it, much like how nobody wanted the Parental Advisory Warning on albums that said fuck, but guess what we don't make the rules and they do.

That's Hanna-Barbera.

>> No.10691896

That makes it even more retarded. There is LITERALLY NOTHING about the game that ANYONE who isn't literally insane could even potentially be "offended" by.

Literally nothing. They're clearly only putting it there because some of the villains aren't white. These are the same type of psychopaths that were calling Resident Evil 5 "raysis" just because it had black zombies.

>> No.10691905

>minorities who will probably never play these games anyway
They never cared about things like this in TV shows and games until white people started telling them it was added specifically to attack them. It's a retarded take from people too stupid to remember what the world looked like before the internet. It wasn't always possible to make direct contact with other cultures to get their perspective, or to even get bilingual voice actors to read lines for your game

>> No.10691906

>much like how nobody wanted the Parental Advisory Warning
People want it and the fact that indie artists put self-elected parental advisory warnings on their digital album cover proves it. Everybody knows that customers want mature content, publishers even specifically try to make their games receive M-ratings in order to bring in more YOUNG players

>> No.10691912

I was actually talking about the stuff like the Bugs Bunny Slap a Jap cartoons. I mean let's be real, they were. They were hilariously, unbelievably racist and I don't think you will find anyone who will look at it and say they weren't. Do I like that the intro on such a thing is unskippable? No and it shouldn't be, but the intro aint fucking lying to me on what the cartoon is.

>> No.10691917

Desiring things with a certain age rating is different than desiring the creation of an age rating system. No kid was hoping the ESRB system would be created before it existed. That's the point the guy was trying to make.

>> No.10691943

What makes you think minorities don't play these video games?

>> No.10691964

It's almost whiplash how you can be watching something as benign as "Goofy tries to play golf" and then it might jump cut to a Japanese naval vessel and the boat is drawn with buck teeth and thick glasses for a "oh yeah this is still the 40s" moment

>> No.10691968

Huh? What was offensive about Tomb Raider? The only thing I can think off is "objectifiying" Lara, but even most women in my experience don't care. She was an actually strong snd independent woman instead of a torture porn victim with the personality of a wet towel.

>> No.10691970

Parents wanted the warning labels. THEY were the customers

>> No.10691983 [DELETED] 

>white people started telling them it was added specifically to attack them
Jews aren't White, they're plenty open about that especially in light of recent events. They do this shit because of their cultural and religious belief in something called tikkun olam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikkun_olam

>> No.10691990

If it’s inexcusable why are they willing to make money from it? Let’s see what the board of directors looks like.

>> No.10691996

Your logic is inexcusable but you can still use it, that's the great thing about freedom of expression

>> No.10692012

wew I’ve never seen a janny delete a post that didn’t involve porn so fast before

>> No.10692016

It could be that certain aspects are inexcusable but the overall product isn't ruined by them.

>> No.10692024

I know, right? People bitch about racism today but man, we used to be so much more racist than we are now. If you can make even me say "that's a bit much" then you're really fucking racist.

>> No.10692048

Better than having the "problematic" content censored.

>> No.10692049

So am I getting an inexcusable content discount for it or are they still charging full price?

>> No.10692064

It's about the aggressive tribesmen

>> No.10692071

Games don't usually give players discounts for flaws unless they're game-breaking bugs.

>> No.10692084

Just seems strange that certain aspects are deeply harmful and inexcusable, which are extremely loaded terms, but they’re charging full price. If something inexcusable occurred during business at most any place you’d be entitled to a refund, discount, or at a minimum talking to a manager. Here it’s just words words words that’ll be full price plus tip. Maybe it’s not as inexcusable as they’re pretending it was?

>> No.10692085 [DELETED] 

Most americans still see the japanese that way and genuinely hate them, they just tend to hide it.

>> No.10692105

No excuses, full price. Not hard to understand.

>> No.10692171

If you're offended by this game, they'll probably give you a refund if you ask for one in a timely manner. And you'll definitely be able to contact their customer support.

>> No.10692271

I get your point, but what's next after changing it? They could only make this seem preferable in comparison to changing it which is worse. So what's worse than changing it that it would make changing it seem preferable? The only thing I could think of is banning it/destroying every copy. Which is basically impossible since anything notable enough to receive such a treatment is on so many hard drives around the world that a new copy will pop up somewhere else.

So yeah, given the choice between putting a trigger warning and making all the characters latinx pansexual trannies who criticise colonialism with quirky upbeat humour. I know which one I'd pick.

But that's not the choice, since I have the games on my hard drive and I can play them for free. This is only a problem for shitty re-releases and the only people dumb enough to buy those are the same people incapable of realising what's wrong with this in the first place.

>> No.10692308

This is just the beginning. Soon you will have to kneel, apologise for the holocaust, and swear allegiance to Israel before your game will start

>> No.10692314

customers? stop being so antisemitic

>> No.10692549

Imagine being a good marketing drone, being outraged and for free informing people some game exist, just because you took the bite.
>b-but this is not marketing
Sure, kiddo, tell that to yourself while being constantly angry at shit that doesn't matter and exist solely to trigger retards, so they can talk about the game online and providing free buzz. It's 2024, and you animals still didn't learn how this shit work. Zoomers are the worst.

>> No.10692930

Every time I see this I will say the n word. See what you made me do? If you didn't do this I wouldn't have had to say the n word. I bet you feel kinda silly now, don't you?

>> No.10693002

None that say “no Irish boxers”. I know I’ve said this before, but as someone of Irish descent, I feel a little bit offended and excluded by the fact that they didn’t include any Irish boxers, especially given the stereotype of Irish people liking fighting and that the only cultural representation I had growing up were basically just the Lucky Charms guy and Mr. Krabs. We DID get O’Chunks in “Super Paper Mario”, but my question is why they chose some random Irish boxer to be a villain instead of someone with actual superpowers like the rest of the bad guys. At least they tried.

>> No.10693005

Then why don’t they include a similar warning for the “Indiana Jones” films? Or even the “Tomb Raider” ones?

>> No.10693075
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It's not about customers it's about getting people off their backs.
Crystal Dynamics made Soul Reaver.

>> No.10693203

It acknowledges different races are a thing that exist

>> No.10693220


>> No.10693301

It's over

>> No.10693373

>why don’t they include a similar warning for the “Indiana Jones” films?
They'd have to get through Spielberg and Lucasfilm first
>Or even the “Tomb Raider” ones?
Matter of time

>> No.10693468

Right. People in this thread don't understand that this is a way to avoid content being cut.

>> No.10693658
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It's no wonder modern video games are awful, it needs to cater to women and faggots now, what a shame, at least I can still emulate the old stuff.

>> No.10693685

Games in the past were cut up and stitched together with half of the content altered or removed to appease to hysterical, sexually repressed catholic moms

>> No.10693707

they didn't mention all the animal being killed by Lara

>> No.10693812

Moral of the story: self-righteous angloids ruin everything

>> No.10693819

It never got this bad back then.
