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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10690712 No.10690712 [Reply] [Original]

All you nerds talk about is mm legends, or some other lame ass retread thread. Let's talk about a real man's game.

>> No.10690717
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>> No.10690719

Snake's Revenge was good, developed by the NES.
This song is severely underrated, it should've been the official Snake theme in the series.

>> No.10690732

It's good but sort of like Secret of Evermore it's a big victim of the "It's not the REAL sequel" reputation

>> No.10690810

The tank boss was so bullshit, but you can spam mines against it like a little bitch and it feels great

>> No.10690814
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>Higharolla Kockamamie

>> No.10690867

Genuinely my favourite Metal Gear, spoilers: other than it I've only played MG1 on NES and MGS

Yeah fuck that tank though, the big issue being the fact that it's spread accross two screens
>wait for the tank to come back
>it never does
>walk into the next screen
>tank was right there 2 pixels
>can't do anything
>game over

>> No.10690885

But SoE isn't trying to be the sequel to anything . . .

>> No.10691090
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I'd love to but I don't own a NES.

>> No.10691107

it's better than the nes port of mg at least. it's a shame we didn't get more overhead action adventure in the 3rd and 4th gen.

>> No.10691115

Konami did Mission Impossible for NES though it's more action oriented even though the first level makes it look more adventurish

>> No.10692293

It's time to man up, son. You need a father figure in your life

>> No.10692305

Snake's Revenge is decent, but it's not over rated by much. It's probably rated slightly negatively due to Kojima not being involved, but in reality it is merely pleasantly surprising.

>> No.10692310

>over rated
* underrated.

>> No.10692625
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>> No.10692658

Just emulate.

>> No.10692715

i just remember some game reviewer drowning constantly in this game and getting pissed

>> No.10692720

stop pretending that game is good

>> No.10692738


>> No.10694654

...how the fuck wasn't this reused at least in Smash Bros? So good

>> No.10694928

ghost babel makes it kind of hard to go back to the old metal gears, the lack of diagonal movement was really an unfortunate choice.

>> No.10695118

This game was much better than I expected it to be, most people on the internet seem to consider it total shit. Was looking forward to using the shotgun but never did find it though.

>> No.10695125

It's strange how because it's not made by kojima, it's not good. It's definitely not the same as mg2, but for a nes action game it's fine.

>> No.10695378

What's with all the avi fag posting as of late?

>> No.10695384

kojima being a big baby

>> No.10695421

hgw had to have directly referenced the beginning with the shagohod theme in 3. but still as neat as it is it doesn't hold a candle to mg2's intro.

>> No.10695435

Had that game.
Music was good.

>> No.10696471
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Kojabroni. Game was better off with him. That missile sequence with metal gear is hardcore

>> No.10696474

Without him

>> No.10696515

nah that's U