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10684747 No.10684747 [Reply] [Original]

pure snes kino. challenging and fun. the lightsaber rules. i wish there were more games that let you ride a tauntaun.

>> No.10684898
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I was just thinking about playing this game again today! I love it. Super Star Wars was a huge favorite then a kid in my class offered me a trade for my red lands Magic deck for his Super Empire because he couldn't get past Dagobah. Best trade I ever made.

>> No.10684937

How much harder than super star wars was empire? I was too burned out after SSW as a kid to want another kick in the teeth

>> No.10684964
File: 13 KB, 256x224, Hoth_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I remember most about this game is how not only were the first stages among the most difficult (sorry to tell you >>10684937), but fucking EVERYTHING on Hoth wanted you dead! Not just all the flora and fauna, but even things that should be non-sentient like icicles and stalactites, kek. It was fun finding all the hidden powerup caches though , and you'll need them on the higher difficulty levels.

>> No.10685012
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I've been playing some again now and it is pretty hard, but not unforgiving I would say. You really have to pay attention to cues to falling platforms / traps etc and you need to make use of Luke's abilities a lot when you have him. These things for instance will rape you if you just try shooting or lightsabering, but reflect it back and they're easy.

Over all I would say it's a little harder than Star Wars but not by a ton and mostly because the levels are longer.

>> No.10685032

i think it’s easier than star wars because of the lightsaber and it’s slightly more fair. it’s also more fun.

>> No.10685046

>"pure snes kino"
>it's complete fucking garbage
Every time, like clock work.

>> No.10685143

Super Star Wars trilogy are some of the best action platformers on the fucking console you retarded dickhead.

>> No.10686568

What I remember of this game is basically the side scrolling run and gun equivalent of what shmup autists call a "euroshmup": IE a game more focused on throwing lots of cool shit on the screen and forgets to balance it all or expect players to dodge or avoid everything consistently. I remember the hit detection and feedback in particular always felt really fuzzy and muddy and you'd often take grazing hits while trying to slash enemies or inch near to traps, and the lack of real damage states on the player or most things and how you just sorta get rubbed back when colliding with damaging things.

I beat The first two games as a kid, and I think I stopped playing at the very last millenium falcon chase at the end of ROTJ for some reason lmao.

>> No.10687385

Double jump in Empire and Jedi.make.the game much easier than Super star wars

>> No.10689079

I've played all 3 games on Jedi multiple times and I'd rank the difficulty in this order
1. Super Empire Strikes Back. The shrapnel damage alone from exploding enemies makes it super difficult. The platforming is the hardest in this game despite the double jump being good. Also the snow speeder level when you're approaching the AT-AT on Jedi is absolutely insane in terms of difficulty and is one of the most unfair things on the SNES.
2. Super Star Wars, which is the best game IMO. The game is mostly fair, except for the cantina boss. He alone can ruin a run because he's nearly impossible to beat without upgrades.
3. Super Return of the Jedi. There's so much broken powerful shit in this game that you can cheese it to death. Leia in general, Chewy invulnerability, Luke being Luke, and Wicket's amazing bow and small hitbox.

All three games are really fun on easy and normal and I'd recommend those difficulties before Jedi.

>> No.10689392

How much does difficulty matter with these games?
I've played the first two a shit ton as a kid, but I always played on easy.

>> No.10689406

easy is easier. there’s no special reward for beating it on harder difficulty. i think you just have a bigger health bar and takes less damage

>> No.10689467

I wish these games were played a little more low key, serious. way too much random bullshit assaulting your senses.

>> No.10689480

Weren't these eurojank?

>> No.10690175

Super star wars lack of double jump makes it the hardest platformer of the three (They have a super jump that you can pull of wit up + jump but it isunweildly) but empire has a constant bombard of tiny enemies, enemies that can freeze you, and shrapnel explosions. The fact that the 10 jedi powers get unlocked mid-late game make it far harder than jedi where Luke has his 5 force powers from the start of jedi. Wicket's 2nd stage is probably peak difficulty in Jedi outside of the escape from the death star mode 7 level.
>They are all hard games
>They are all really, really really good games

>> No.10690184

>Anon I have three people for you to fight
>Prime Ken Shamrock, Prime Don Frye and Prime Brock Lesnar
>Don Frye is probably the easiest win
This is what judging the super star wars difficulties is like

>> No.10690185

Jedi Academy lets you ride a tauntaun but it is no longer canon :(

>> No.10690272

most accurate post, agree 100% after playing these games continually for decades. last two stages of jedi require insane skill but you’ll feel like a god if you pull it off. overall, a new hope is a bigger pain the ass. empire is the best of the three

>> No.10690276

>The game is mostly fair, except for the cantina boss.

This is my only gripe with Super Star Wars, overall I think it's quite fair but unless I take Chewie and get at least a health upgrade or two that Cantina Boss just out DPSs you no matter what.

I think I disagree withit having the hardest platforming, the other two are designed around that double jump so they thriw a lot more at you. I don't find the super jump too bad to do though.

>> No.10690310

the only SW game I had for the SNES, and I loved it. could only manage on easy though

tried SW and Jedi once at a store but didn't like them very much. could have been just me

>> No.10690336

The hit detection is precise. You just, as you said, still take damage while sabering enemies if they touch you, which they can do very easily so it feels a bit weird.

>> No.10692401

you’re continually collecting health from slayed enemies so it evens out

>> No.10693103

>I don't mind the super jump
Can I ask anon if you played super star wars first? I got Empire for Christmas 93 and jedi 94 but didn't get super star wars till college. Playing the other two might have trained me to be shit with the super jump

>> No.10693136


>> No.10693782

Different anon, but I played Super Star Wars first. I always had trouble with the jumping until I realized that the super jump is specifically for vertical platforming. The regular jump is for horizontal platforming.
He's right though, Super Star Wars has far fewer segments of jumping over bottomless pits/long falls. The platforming is more reasonable because you don't have a double jump.

>> No.10693957

>i think it’s easier than star wars because of the lightsaber
You get the lightsaber in super star wars too dude, you get it when you meet Obi wan

>> No.10694082

you can’t double jump flip with the lightsaber in star wars which makes it less effective than the blaster pistol

>> No.10694086

Hell fucking yes. I'm about to play this or Rotj later today.

>> No.10694114
File: 139 KB, 1024x902, Super-Star-Wars-The-Empire-Strikes-Back-Snowspeeder-Hoth-AT-AT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's awesome how this was the foreshadow (no pun intended) of Shadows of the Empire

>> No.10696039

SotE was such an amazing thing to witness back in '96.

>> No.10696052

>no pun intended
Because there was no pun?

>> No.10696053 [DELETED] 

these games suck
best lucasarts games are on pc

>> No.10698275

I think he meant because of foreshadow -> shadows of the empire

>> No.10698863
File: 109 KB, 540x473, 1687851980025329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I love the original Super Star Wars but I remember both sand crawler levels being an absolute pain, the outside is a very annoying platforming level with blind jumps on moving platform and the inside had those instant death pit.
Doesn't help that you basically had to go through the whole level without dying because losing your blaster upgrades made killing the boss basically impossible.
I should go back to it, see if I can beat it now that I'm an adult.

>> No.10700643

It's just the same battle from the same movie
There are no original elements foreshadowing particular aspects of Shadows of the Empire

>> No.10700661

these games are no less fun than they were back then, and they’ve got the wonderful snes renditions of the film music. revisit it, you’ll have a blast

>> No.10700665

That boss is quite easy to beat on recovery, you'll return to it with the level 3 seeker. What is not easy is recovering from dying to the Cantina boss. That's a reset as far as I'm concerned. Can't do it.

>> No.10700675

janky jank jank

seriously pick something else than your dumb fucking buzzwords

>> No.10700719

That's not a pun. That's just another word with "shadow" in it.

>> No.10701484

That game was better than the entire franchise deserved. Tougher than h*ck though

>> No.10701514
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90’s-2005 was the golden era of Star Wars games.
90’s was all about building hype for Star Wars special editions so we got endless OT masterpieces back to back through the biggest evolution period of the industry so we got games of every variety on a breadth of different hardware.
When the prequels came out, they caused controversy, so we kept getting kino OT games up until around the time Battlefront 2 shipped.
Even some prequel games were amazing like Podracer.
There are so many good Star Wars games from the period of 1992-2005 I don’t even know where to begin.
My personal favorites were:
Rogue Squadron 1/2/3 (the best of the best)
Rebel Assault 2 (it’s not a great game but I love the gimmick of it, like being in a side story of the original movies)
Shadows of the Empire
Dark Forces/Jedi Knight (especially once it hit quake engine, still the best real time combat a Star Wars game has ever seen)
And of course Super Star Wars, as hard as they could be.

Even the shit ones were memorable, like Masters of Teras Kasi. Hoar!!!

I wish that one was good, and I’m pissed they never fixed it up and made a sequel because I really like the concept of fighting as OT characters in a fighting setting even if it makes no sense.

>> No.10702786

After visiting this thread this week, I looked up how people beat the cantina boss on Jedi and it seems that you can sometimes lock it into place before he walks up too close by constantly shooting it. If the boss gets close, you can slide into the boss to push him back into the other corner during certain animations.

Who would ever think to slide into it.