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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10648235 No.10648235 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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Previous thread: >>10638658

>> No.10648374
File: 75 KB, 850x400, michelangelo:_rom_hacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?

>> No.10648412
File: 164 KB, 660x550, footjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting murcian porn: https://files.catbox.moe/apvjoh.webm
Alt link: https://webmshare.com/play/6eGmz

>> No.10648637

I looked at Everdrives for the 64 a few months ago and that shit was like 50$. Why is the cheapest I see now 100$?

>> No.10648694

>t. Dan Schneider
Are you sure you weren't just seeing the shitty old models or chinese bootlegs?

>> No.10649578


>> No.10650438

It would be cool if romhacking.net had a way to notify you when a hack comes out for a game you set to be notified by.

>> No.10650454

Summercarts are finally in stock. Can grab an open source cart better than everdrive x7 for a hundred bucks

>> No.10650745


>> No.10650759

never heard of sumemrcarts, is it just as good? I have 0 intention to devkit anything, I just want playable flashcarts for my 64. If Im going to pay the same price...

>> No.10650821

Yeah it's just as good as the x7 and even a little better in many autistic ways, like the dev stuff you mentioned. It also emulates the 64dd, which the everdrive doesn't, and it's compatible with gameshark devices which fry the everdrive. It's on the "phenom mod" shop since that's the only guy selling them in a normal way right now

>> No.10650849

thanks, you sold me on the DD inclusion. I see they only have the chips done and are working on the shells. Stupid question since I'm being recced them, but this is my first time buying such a... self managed project like this. Is it trustworthy for them to finish the job? I don't want to get Kickstarter'ed

>> No.10650878

If you want to scope it out for yourself, check the summercart discord. This guy has a thread up in there about this batch, where he's been posting lots of updates and answering questions. It looks safe to me though. The shell is printable if you have anything for that

>> No.10651363

Need help with getting swag Saturn homebrew to build on Mac - anyone able to help? Sega xtreme discord invite links in the wild have all expired

>> No.10651378

Try this one hRve79cM

>> No.10651551


>> No.10651647

>better than everdrive x7
lol here we go again.

>> No.10653879 [DELETED] 


>> No.10655031 [DELETED] 


>> No.10655071 [DELETED] 


>> No.10655072 [DELETED] 


>> No.10655073 [DELETED] 


>> No.10655137

What are the chances some fucker finishes Portal 64 and just drops it here? I'm curious of how the GlaDOS fight would look.

>> No.10655162

Slim to none, unless you're just stealthily advertising that you're doing just that and are fishing for ideas of how to make the GlaDOS fight look.

>> No.10656850


>> No.10657640
File: 76 KB, 1279x252, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't know how to pull text out of an .exe and then put it back in.

>> No.10657693

>Because I don't know how to pull text out of an .exe
Find the beginning of that chunk of text. Then write a Python script or something that pulls out just that piece of the file, replaces the NULs with newlines, and writes the whole thing to a separate file.
>and then put it back in.
See if you can find pointers to those text strings in the exe.
Then write a script that replaces newlines with NULs, saving the relative address each time, and at the end, overwrite the original pointer table and the original text.

>> No.10657708

>Then write a Python script
I was gonna write up a longer whine about "I can't find any resources on where to begin, just in-progress discussions about people who have already passed the initial hurdle"

>> No.10657756

I get that. But >>10657693 was just a rough outline, to get through it you take each piece and break it up into component parts.
So if you don't know Python, first look up how to install Python, follow the installation guides to the point where you can run a Python script. Then start writing your own scripts, hello world, go through some tutorials for loops and stuff. Once you've laid that basic groundwork, you'll need to practice working with Python's built-in functions binary file i/o. That's what I had in mind with "write a Python script or something".

>> No.10658357
File: 23 KB, 480x320, priest_room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking joints with the priest in his secret stash: https://files.catbox.moe/hdw1sp.webm

>> No.10658536
File: 2.03 MB, 1024x896, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it done

>> No.10658551

You might be able to do that with abcde

>> No.10658732

>Mallorca in Mallorca
>Maspalomas in Canary Island
What a refined taste

>> No.10659163

im told that theres compressed assets in kirby64, but i cant find them.
its supposed to be like smash bros, yet i dont see id numbers anywhere in the rom, only the decompression code...
where does the compressed data section(s) start in the rom?

>> No.10659506
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Version 3 is out

>> No.10659514

People like DK64 enough to use a randomizer on it?

>> No.10659559


>> No.10659674


>> No.10660285

That turned out pretty nice.

>> No.10661496


>> No.10663753

It's over...

>> No.10663891
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, GLideN64_GOLDENEYE_710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this be an appropriate thread to stealthdrop screens from my HD project from now on? i used to just piggyback off of goldeneye threads but i don't see many these days

>> No.10663908

i think so

>> No.10663924
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>> No.10663928

you're asking them to serve a push service which requires resources. those resources include programming the function.

>> No.10664848
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>> No.10665749

>each mook enemy is a check
Im trying to get into the DK64 scene. What do the missions like "for the hoard" in the hints mean? Im assuming the fight with KRool hints are literally for either getting through Helm or are needed for the final boss

>> No.10667143

Does anyone know a better place to keep up with romhacks than romhacking.net?

>> No.10667295
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download (56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B3313 new version

>> No.10667320

I'm thinking of making a romhack of one of my favorite gba games, but idk if it's worth the effort.

>> No.10667621

Buy an ad

>> No.10667691

My wife and I love it :)

>> No.10667806

Depends on the title and how much you want to accomplish. You might be able to rebalance a few things with a small amount of research. More comprehensive hacks benefit from decent tools and info, but you'll need solid planning and the odd bit of help to perfect your vision.

>> No.10669491

because reverse engineering the game's ROM through Ghidra is good enough for my needs

>> No.10669785

Gaming on.

>> No.10670452

is each version something different to try out or do the updates just add on?

>> No.10670453

He literally ADDED soul.

>> No.10670493

Because bigger and better hacker(s) have. I'm disassembling only a small (but extremely important) part of the engine with the goal of unretarding the completely fucked up mechanic of the which the devs fucked up sideways in the recent remake instead of properly fixing it, despite the years of the fans bitching and moaning about it.
TL;DR fuck the japs.

>> No.10671159

Why is the ROM 96MB?

>> No.10672001

it has lotsa content

>> No.10673239

Most definitive dev kit for Wii ware games. Some insane specimen ported Newgrounds Rumble on Wii, and I want to mod the game.

>> No.10673272

Not retro. Ask >>>/vg/464171434

>> No.10675826

what's the best program to bind keyboard buttons to a controller for specific games?
I'm playing Rogue Squadron 3D and I want to assign ESC and F1 to some unused controller buttons for it.

>> No.10675987

RetroArch has game-specific controller mapping

>> No.10676046

I'm playing the Steam version

>> No.10676063 [DELETED] 

Doesn't Steam have built-in functionality for that? If not you could always try joy2key

>> No.10676070

it does, but it doesn't seem to work with Rogue Squadron, because when you boot that game, you're actually launching a launcher.
I'll tryjoy2key

>> No.10676072

can joy2key be game specific, and made to launch alongside a steam game?

>> No.10676190

There might be some compatibility issues with old games but if you use Steam's built in Steam Input configurator you should be able to change the buttons on your controller to anything, including keyboard buttons.
It should also work with most controllers.

>> No.10676354

I tried it and it just seems to not work on Rogue Squadron. It may be because the game recognises the 360 controller as a Joystick

>> No.10676368

Steam version has weird broken camera glitches. Joy2key is your solution to the other stuff, but the camera issues on top of that made me just play it on the 64

>> No.10676985


>>10672001 partly true.

real reason is the lack of optimization -oh- and they didn't compress anything.

>> No.10677018

Okay, retard.

>> No.10677632
File: 20 KB, 512x448, vittu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

en tiedä luetko tämän mutta voi vittu jäbä
pelasin käännöksesi läpi ja nää on ihan ala-astetason mokia.
Arvostan ajatusta mutta äidinkieli taisi jäbällä olla M

>> No.10677879
File: 81 KB, 604x533, 1422055292043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10678507
File: 228 KB, 640x480, gliden64_smash_brothers_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10678550

This is a Uralic poster

>> No.10678586
File: 1.11 MB, 1036x1200, 1460542230242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jaa kirjotus virhe natsi iski xD

Meemit sikseen, olisit voinut laittaa suoraan yksityisviestin. Mutta loppujenlopuksi tein nuo ihan ajankuluksi, huvikseen. En ole ikinä väittänyt, enkä tarkoittanut niiden olevan mitään ammattitason käännöksiä, mikä on jo ihan oletuksena liikaa vaadittu (ilmaiselta) fanikäänöksiltä ylipäätään.

Ja toki, mikäli ei kelpaa niin voit aina tehdä ite paremman :). Toki paskapostaaminen nyyminä on aina helpompaa kuin se, että tekee asialle jotain.

>> No.10678604

Wew, another one.

>> No.10678678
File: 21 KB, 512x468, 56c601ebce0869ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mikäli ei kelpaa niin voit aina tehdä ite paremman :).
Teenkin. Se ottaa aikansa ja aion tehdä oman käännökseni kunnolla - ei pelkästään perustekstien suhteen mutta myös muiden; et esim. kääntänyt ollenkaan lopputekstien vihollisten nimiä saatikka "THE END" -ruutua.

Arvostan yrityksiäsi mutta kielioppi ei ole minulle mikään leikin asia.
Jos aiot jatkaa käännöshommia niin sinun on ehdottomasti hankittava oikolukija! Monessa käännöksessäsi on ihan naurettavia yhdyssanavirheitä.
Sanon tämän täysin vilpittömästi ja ilman sarvia, mutta olen varma että pystyt parempaan.

Käydään kaljalla joskus jos Tampereella päin liikut.

>> No.10678812

Might I have a little request about NES Metroid?

Someone on this thread (https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=24821.0)) updated mOTHER under the subtitle of Galactic Edition and it's quite good. However, unlike the original/older version, the pause menu gives you the entire map instead of you uncovering it slowly, which makes navigation confusing. Could someone make the pause map work just like the older version?

>> No.10678994


>> No.10679274

I find the hardest part to make games for old games is the "how to get started part". A lot of information are way too old and they many of those software don't even work anymore. NESDev wikia page already assumes you have a working set up to make NES games and only need to understand the NES hardware and the same for many other consoles. Sure you can find youtube videos helping you get started in something like NES, but not for many other consoles, though.

>> No.10680506

anything super metroid related in the works atm that is going to release soon other than fusion-x (release 2040). been like a year since the last good sm romhack (subversion).

>> No.10680559

visit metroidconstruction forums/Discord, there's always some cool shit cooking up

>> No.10681269
File: 29 KB, 1920x1440, ratngoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been like a year since the last good sm romhack (subversion)
Hey, man. Super Junkoid was no Subversion but it was still good.

>> No.10682130

Discord is overrated and doesn't care about your privacy. Telegram, Mumble, Session and Signal are better.

>> No.10682149
File: 357 KB, 456x630, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a shame that it didn't have an entirely new custom soundtrack like Junkoid before it. Especially considering damn near everything else is original. But still damn good.

>> No.10682432

>Telegram, Mumble, Session and Signal are better
the romhacking communities aren't on any of those platforms

>> No.10682568

Well its time for a big change to dive in. Take chances. get messy.

>> No.10682616

Why can't I get this to work? I select the file and the game just crashes

>> No.10682734

The original Junkoid felt more transformative in general. Except the blood level, that shit was nuts

>> No.10683314

Why did CDromance remove all the download links?

>> No.10683327

They got heat on them right now. There's another thread covering CDromance right now that'll give you some useful info on what to do next.

>> No.10683678

fuck forgot about that one, my bad. yeah it was beatiful to bad it was rather short but maybe that was just me after playing subversion before that.

>> No.10683793

>Well its time for a big change to dive in.
It's not. Most people are fine with using discord and until that changes there won't be a massive migration to other platforms.

>> No.10684564


>> No.10684573
File: 2 KB, 256x240, Eno's Dark World_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are other ways to distribute your works without using discord, common than other.
There is Reddit, Youtube, Romhacking websites, Varis, Neocities and many, many more.
Stop listening to e-boys and get back to work.

>> No.10686109


>> No.10687452

Look through here >>10683386, and browse the catalog next time.

>> No.10689047
File: 1 KB, 320x288, bgb00005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would talk about pokemon hacks on /vp/ but they don't even bother making generals for them over there any more. I've been playing sour crystal and am really enjoying it. If I was going to make my own crystal hack I would probably beg the maker of this to let me use the disassembly as a base, it's perfect.

>> No.10689093

They're probably too busy playing Palworld or Digimon now

>> No.10689136
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, Inflatuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are model rips acceptable discussion topics in these threads?

>> No.10689171

Is there an easy way to figure out which memory addresses correspond to specific levels in a gba game? I've been poking around in mgba's memory viewer and searcher and can find various text strings and numeric values (e.g. high scores) but want to do something a little more impactful like changing the level order.

>> No.10689201

The usual way I do this is by setting a write breakpoint on something that gets loaded differently based on the current level (e.g. the current tileset). Once you find the code responsible for loading part of the level, the rest of the level-coding code is usually somewhere nearby. Then just keep going up the chain until you find whatever level-related data you're looking for.

As for tools, I recommend using no$gba for its debugger and ghidra or IDA for disassembly+decompilation (IDA is better imo, but ghidra is good enough and free). A decompiler is strongly recommended for GBA games. It makes the process so much easier. With some basic knowledge of C-like languages, you can get by without knowing much (if any) assembly.

>> No.10689513

Does anybody have a rom dump (or even just the demo) of Dottie Flowers? https://www.timeextension.com/news/2024/01/new-snes-game-dottie-flowers-is-getting-a-physical-release-this-year

Also, here are the latest versions of some pre-patched games that are not on CDRomance (ie, at least not in in the latest versions of their respective patches):

BS F-ZERO Deluxe v. 1.0 (NA ver.)
(see here for details about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDcrM706gws

F-ZERO Hybrid v. 1.0 (a similar take to the previous hack, focusing on the restored BS content from January 2024)

Star Fox EX: Exploration Showcase v. 1.08.2

Super Mario RPG: The Bob-omb Mafia +: The Five Shells v. 1a (or The Bob-omb Mafia Plus)

The Glory of Heracles - The Snap-Story: The Olympus Offensive v. 1.01 (new 2021 translation by Pennywise & aishsha)

Faceball 2000 GBC v. 1.0

Snowboard Champion v. 1.1 (original title: Snobow Champion)

The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Dungeon v. 3.1 (randomly-generated dungeon simulator of Zelda 1)

Salaryman Mario v. 1.0 (or Salary Man Mario)

Portal 64 v0.15.0

>> No.10689516

Why should I, when you'll do it for me? :)

>> No.10689526

I might not always be here for you, my /vr/o.

>> No.10689554


>> No.10689608

Thanks anon. That website was a bit of a pain to navigate (it wouldn't let me sign up with my main email, and made me agree to terms I wasn't given to read), but no problem. Here's this obscurely difficult to obtain game for everyone else:

Dottie Flowers Demo (~424 kb)

>> No.10689727

NP. Thanks for posting it here.

>> No.10689759

The guy who made it is pretty chill so I'm sure he'd be more than happy to let you use it.

>> No.10690063

How enforced is the "no anonymous submission" rule on RHDN? Do I need to create a fake account with another IP?

>> No.10690118

It means the dev can't be listed as "unknown" or "anonymous".

>> No.10690521

My pleasure, friend and fellowhelper. And while I'm at it, here's Goldlocke's other two games from his itch page before he removes those, too:

Dottie dreads nought (J) V1.1 (either a prototype of or possibly a prequel to Dottie Flowers)

Supercooked! (J) (v1.2)

Undertale 1989 by CZeroTwo (not by Goldlocke, and I have very little interest in trying Undertale in the forseeable future, but I randomly came across this and seems interesting in any case)

>> No.10690901

And here are a couple of other goodies not on CDRomance:

Lupin the 3rd/Lupin III: Pandora's Legacy (English 1.00 by Vice) patched to work on Everdrives and other emulators without graphical glitches (fix created by BomberMD)

CDFix (a small program that allows you to merge bin files if you want to, like with split-bin Sega CD games: just throw all the bins and cue file into the CDFix folder, start the program, and hit Enter)

>> No.10691439
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>> No.10692238

Hi, what are you calling this project?

>> No.10692507

The Legend of Zelda - Trial of Courage (Zelda 1 hack)

>> No.10692603

Mario vs. Russia

>> No.10692837

>vs. Russia
Reddit detected.

>> No.10692952

>Marioro from Japanese MK64