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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 13 KB, 434x84, 247529-3228198815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10679664 No.10679664 [Reply] [Original]

Ares is getting rid of its shitty, unsupported Quark shaders and is replacing them with librashader support, which will allow it to use all of RetroArch's slang shaders. You'll now be able to make your games LOOKIN' just as GOOD as on RetroArch, while having significantly less bloat as well as the best emulation available for many systems, including N64.


Near, I kneel.

>> No.10679734

shaders are gay

>> No.10679736

Fuck shaders.

>> No.10679752

Nowhere near all the cores RA has. If it gets them all great and I’ll switch, in the meantime I’ll use RA simple as

>> No.10679761

The N64 emulation is literally the same as retroarchs both use ParaLLEl RDP

>> No.10679793

ParaLLEl-RDP is only the graphics renderer (even Project64 can use it). Everything else about the N64 core is original to ares, and it is on the whole a lot more accurate than any of the Mupen64Plus forks, with much tighter timings relative to real hardware.

>> No.10679813

why are so many of you so fucking obsessed with shaders to the point where you won't use an emulator if it doesn't support shaders. just play the damn games

>> No.10679817

Its almost impossible to go back once youve experienced really good shaders. Pixel perfect sharp retro games genuinely look disgusting to me now I need good shaders and Retroarch has the best ones. Theres a couple clones of the RA shaders you can get on reshade to use on things outside of it but none of them look as good as they do natively and require way more fiddling for results that arent as good.

>> No.10679852

Now all ares needs is to let me set up deadzones for my analog sticks. I know I could just buy another controller but there's no reason this shouldn't be an option. RetroArch lets me do this

>> No.10679894

Cool. Keep me updated, bro.

>> No.10680030

If I compile the latest git code, will I get shader support?

>> No.10680279

I have used the best shaders, for all manner of effects. Just NTSC, composite/s-video, CRT, etc. And every time a new and better option comes along, I try that.

But I always go back because I can't stand how it looks. If you think these games look so bad they need to blurred beyond the point of recognition. Maybe you should be playing your PS5 or something?

If you can't appreciate pixel art for what it is, you don't actually like retro games.

>> No.10680369 [DELETED] 

All it needs is an Android port with a nice menu UI like RA has and I'll switch to it

Also RIP Near

>> No.10680410

I use Retroarch and I'm on an i3 with integrated graphics. So I'm not sure what bloat it has. I don't think that would work if Retroarch had bloat

>> No.10680427 [DELETED] 

He didnt kill himself, he's just an attention whore. There was no obituary or report of his death, which there would have been if he died in Japan.

>> No.10680461 [DELETED] 

This. Remember, not one shred of evidence exists that Byuu is dead. No obituary, no official data released by any government entity confirming any foreign deaths in Japan when Byuu is claimed to have killed himself, nothing.

The only """evidence""" that has ever been given in favor of the idea that he committed suicide:

-One anonymous guy said he died on the internet
-Another anonymous guy said he called the Tokyo Police and they told him "Ya that dude committed suicide"(lol)
-Byuu's employer, some foreign telemarketing company located in Taiwan or some shit(can't remember which country it was off the top of my head), said Byuu stopped logging in to work. His anonymous friends claim this is proof he's dead.
-When people brought up that Byuu doesn't show up in any foreign death announcements, the anonymous "friends of Byuu" claim that those lists aren't accurate or reliable as their defense.
-These anonymous people basically immediately disappeared and never responded to or provided any evidence that he had passed.
-The anonymous "friends of Byuu" have no explanation fo the other times Byuu faked his death for attention or personal gain.

The guy just wanted to start over and get off the radar and that was his lame way of doing it. He's fine.

>> No.10680481

I have no issues with this supposed "bloat" retroarch has

>> No.10680534

Call me once they support offline retro achievements.

>> No.10680535 [DELETED] 

It's been 10 years now, it's time to acknowledge the reality anon. You killed xer.

>> No.10680610

It would be extremely buggy.

>> No.10680639

So you don't know then.

>> No.10680647 [DELETED] 

Good luck with that, lmao.
After the AetherSX2 blunder, NO EMULATOR DEVELOPER wants to touch Android (that, and Google fucking the OS with features nobody asked for as we speak)

>> No.10680706

It's a big project.

>> No.10680868

many cores perform worse than their standalone counterparts like mednaffen saturn

>> No.10680874

Hopefully it replaces duckstation too
Fuck stenzek for not liking shaders, dumb faggot

>> No.10680886

>cant enjoy vidya without retarded post processing effects

>> No.10680897

I enjoyed vidya for 31 years now, shaders are just a new interesting way to play what I've already played on CRTs until 2011 and emulated raw until a few years ago. Not only you get to play the game, you also get to play with the way it looks, like giving your car a new bodykit or a paintjob.

>> No.10680926


>> No.10680950 [DELETED] 

>the other times Byuu faked his death for attention or personal gain.

>> No.10681076 [DELETED] 


I really feel that this is true, as well. Although until there is some proof of his continued existence it's a funny sort of 50/50... there's zero evidence pointing either way.

While i don't really respect the histrionics, i feel bad for byuu and i hope he can find some peace wherever he is. Absolutely incredible guy, all things said and done. I wish these young kids could avoid the pitfalls of online social circles, its pure poison especially for young folks on the spectrum. Feel like every kid who has astonishing talent coding emulators is also a diaper dragonkin, who's getting bullied by another set of trans-otters for incomprehensible reasons. Sad

>> No.10681126

I need my vidya to be lookin' good.

>> No.10681137

>won't use an emulator if it doesn't support shaders
simple as

>> No.10681163

they dont play games, they just eternally tweak shaders, perpetual tinkerers

>> No.10681191


>> No.10681227

barebones emulator vs same emulator but with controller centered UI, shaders and run-ahead support and is available in every platform
gee I wonder which one people prefer.

>> No.10681338

I'm all in for RetroArch competitors, but shaders are only the first step.

>> No.10681361
File: 250 KB, 602x448, Demon's Crest (USA)_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know
i actually wanted to talk about this shit somehow
cause i've been away for a while and came back and wanted to see what's new on the emulation side
i thought of mesen cause to me mesen it's the most basic yet powerful emulator ever for what it does what it is
i go watch at the emu board and found out mesen now emulates snes too and i was like oh shit cool let's give it a try and it's actually alright for me but still
i looked up all the new shit so this ares shit too and finally even duckstation
i gotta say
as much as it's a matter of preference and choice overall nothing to me beats retroarch at what it does still
cause yeah i get you don't wanna get into the whole setup whole software thing i get it but you gotta do it anyway somehow really
and yeah shaders don't really get the same use as retroarch anywhere else
this ares didn't convince me literally just tried yesterday and i feel like i'm getting done with bsnes kind of thing no matter the accuracy anymore
ares still feel pretty bounded to me nothing much to offer
wanted to try the mega drive stuff tried blastem and do not like it either
also i remember on retroarch few years ago not using bsnes core anymore and moving to snes9x cone cause i experienced some issue again in the way bsnes works
sure shaders are a big part in this in fact i wanted to try some of that but i'm happy with just some ntsc filter as well from what i've seen with mesen it's still cool and light especially if they offer some customization of any sort for the pic

if i'm not going to see the effects and graphics like their supposed to there's not much enjoyment for me in it
most of this old shit was made in a way they'd take advantage of those old signals so if you're not putting at least some ntsc filter or something there might be not much point in playing that game cause you're not really seeing that

>> No.10681414

All I care about is Kreed's Super 2xSal and SuperEagle

>> No.10681449

The same reason I wasn't emulating games for the longest time. Games look terrible without CRT. I don't want to deal with an actual CRT.
I legit didn't replay some old PC games anymore because I couldn't connect my computer to my old CRT.

>If you can't appreciate pixel art for what it is, you don't actually like retro games.
Pixel art never looked liked that anon. I refused to play older games on LCD for a reason. I didn't get rid of my old CRT for a reason.
Thankfully, nowadays I don't need to deal with real CRT bullshit.

It's the most important step.
I'm tolerating it solely for shaders.
I don't care about other advantages.

>> No.10681620

>I don't care
Yes, (you) don't care. Others do. Seems like you're going to seethe with RetroArch around a little longer.

>> No.10681746

>Pixel art never looked liked that anon.

So? You can actually appreciate what they did without th tub of vaseline on the screen that you call a CRT.

People have this romantic idea that the artists wanted it to look like that, no, that was just all that was available at the time. All of the tricks still work because of sub-pixels. As a pixel artist myself who used to freelance in the early 2000s. I can tell you that the artists would have wanted you to see the art as clearly as possible. I've spoken with other artists who were in the games industry as pixel artists during the times when CRTs were prominent. So don't give me that "artists intention" bullshit. It's just not true. Artists want you to see their art.

You just don't like pixel art, and need stupid effects to play the games. If you hate retro graphics that much, maybe stop playing retro games?

>> No.10681774

You are making a lot of assumptions.

I don't care about artists intentions.
I don't even emulate composite. I use RGB CRT shaders.

I also don't care what you think regarding my enjoyment of pixel art.
Early 2000s are also past the glory days of pixel art.
Only some JRPGs comes to my mind that had good pixel art before indie boom.

There are also many articles by great pixel artists that they don't liking the way LCD shows their works.

>> No.10681872

Early 2000s and even late 2000s was the golden age of pixel art so you clearly don't know what you're talking about anon.

The GBA and DS had some of the best examples of pixel art there ever was, and that's ignoring the online communities such as pixeljoint and pixelation.

And if there are so many, why don't you link them?

>> No.10681898

compiled this on linux
games load, i hear audio, but I only get a black screen
sad face :(

>> No.10682124

For you

>> No.10682173
File: 713 KB, 1624x2048, EyePOGwWQAE4XAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a pixel artist myself
you can stop posting
you don't know shit about colors you don't know shit about electronics you don't know shit about anything
don't talk about "retro graphics" cause you don't know what you're saying
i'm definitely fucking ignorant myself but you're just a different thing
if you don't like how pic related looks like cause to you appears like "tub of vaseline" then you might be the one hating "retro graphics" cause guess why
this is how it looked like back then and this is what we actually like
pixel artist...shut up lol

>> No.10682197
File: 478 KB, 1280x1280, pixel_artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10682225

Fun fact: bsnes and RetroArch both used to share the same shaders ages ago, since RetroArch started as an offshoot of bsnes called SSNES. They both used what used to be called XML shaders, which were something like an older version of the current GLSL shaders. Then byuu, like with so many other things, one day decided he wanted to reinvent the wheel and deprecated them overnight in favor of the Quark shader model, which caused RetroArch to deprecate them as well in favor of Cg shaders, which they then dropped because NoVidya went and deprecated them, too, after which we ended up with GLSL and Slang. Turns out no one cared about Quark shaders, though, while RetroArch's shaders gained mass adoption, so it's like pottery or some shit now that ares is adopting them, too.

>> No.10682234

You've basically got every pixel isolated with a gaussian blur on it. Screen technology has improved.

If you don't like looking at pixels then you don't like pixel art.

>> No.10682239

Notice how they zoomed in and had high quality PVMs where you can actually see the pixels.

They had a consumer grade CRT so they could tell if people would actually be able to tell what the fuck they were supposed to be looking at.

Fucking retard.

>> No.10682275

ares absolutely needs per-console controller config. It's fucking retarded having to adjust my controls every time I want to play a different system.

>> No.10682296

It doesn't? There's a menu that lets you bind the control on a per-system bases, isn't there?

>> No.10682342

>pixel art
i really think you should stop saying that
you really don't know what you're saying
absolutely useless cope
jesus christ you're almost embarrassing
you're basically saying i'm right and being unaware of it
i'm giving up on you
you're one of those cases

>> No.10682356

what even is the difference between picrel and the bizhawk emulator ?

>> No.10682404

I'm pretty sure byuu had some kind of high-level OCD. He had potential, but chose to routinely walk in circles.

>> No.10682445

Bizhawk is kind of like RetroArch in that it incorporates existing emulators and turns them into cores, although some of them are original. Ares is all original cores.

>> No.10682458

If they had access to OLED screens, guess what they would have used to make the art? They used the best available at the time despite the fact that consumers didn't have access to it, and given the choice, they would have preferred that people could actually see their art. Thankfully, we can now, and we can appreciate the effort they put into placing each individual pixel to achieve just the right clusters to convey the shapes they wanted to convey.

I'm sorry you're too dumb to extrapolate that point. But go ahead and exclaim that you're right and then run away like a bitch, I'm sure that usually works for you. Why not try sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming at the top of your voice next time you're in an argument with someone IRL too?

>> No.10683047

and where can find these good shaders?

>> No.10683121

They come with RetroArch, and soon ares as well. The best one if you want a CRT effect is crt-guest-advanced, unless you have a 4K HDR screen, in which case Sony Megatron is supreme.

>> No.10683148 [DELETED] 

no thanks. I don't use emulators made by gay furries who fake suicide.

>> No.10683160 [DELETED] 

>gay furries
He is a homoromantic asexual furry. Get your shit right.

>> No.10683347


>> No.10683351

Bizhawk has a big focus on scripting/tas stuff.

>> No.10683352

Playing games with raw digital pixels is basically wiping away a layer of intended detail. It's akin to playing your retro games on low graphics settings.

>> No.10683354

>If you can't appreciate pixel art for what it is, you don't actually like retro games.
Ironic thing to say when you are looking at it in a way that it was not intended to be seen. Retro games are not supposed to made up of perfect little squares.

>> No.10683661

>golden age of pixel art
That's 16-bit era
>The GBA and DS had some of the best examples of pixel art there ever was, and that's ignoring the online communities such as pixeljoint and pixelation.
You were not working for Nintendo, and those systems are famous for shovelware more than anything else.
>And if there are so many, why don't you link them?
lurk more

You're most likely a zoomer as you don't sound mature.
You might need help anon. I don't mean this as an insult. I won't respond anymore.

>> No.10683670

It needs per-game controller configs too.

>> No.10683947

Not him but the ds did have some good art.

>> No.10684003


>> No.10684832
File: 319 KB, 600x591, 1707682727186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10684842

Do they have plans to add other systems to Ares in the future?

>> No.10684875

Apparently Near started very, VERY preliminary work on a Saturn core, but it hasn't been worked on in a while. I'd imagine that'll be the next big thing, but given the focus the project has on accuracy, I also imagine it'll be very hard to get to a working, playable state. The only reason the N64 core even works as well as it does is because it uses Themaister's ParaLLEl-RDP Vulkan renderer. There's nothing like that for Saturn.

>> No.10684881

And by playable, I mean in terms of speed. At one point the N64 core also had the option to use the MAME RDP as a fallback, but they removed it because it made the emulation unplayably slow even on very fast PCs.

>> No.10684929

Which is more accurate for snes? Ares or mesen?

>> No.10685072

Ares is still king AFAIK, but Mesen isn't far behind, as it's also cycle-accurate IIRC.

>> No.10685783 [DELETED] 

Didn't the guy behind this "die"?

>> No.10685784

mesen is designed in a very white manner
you'll know it when you run it for the first time

>> No.10686318

OCD doesn't work like that.

>> No.10686360

>I legit didn't replay some old PC games anymore because I couldn't connect my computer to my old CRT.
If it's a VGA monitor you can just get an adapter, you know? If it's CGA/EGA though you're sol.

>> No.10686753 [DELETED] 

Allegedly, but even mentioning his name causes jannies to come in and gut a thread.

>> No.10687207 [DELETED] 

Why? Did he do something unthinkable to the jannies?

>> No.10687219 [DELETED] 

Nah, it's just that some contend he didn't actually die and what follows is an entire thread of people arguing back and forth about it and that that point it's not a thread that's even tangentially related to retro games.

>> No.10687291

>The only reason the N64 core even works as well as it does is because it uses Themaister's ParaLLEl-RDP Vulkan renderer.
Parallel is great but another reason Ares is getting so good is because mazamars has reverse engineered the console in FPGA and contributed that knowledge to n64brew, Ares CPU accuracy and timings are way ahead of other software emulators now.

>> No.10687332
File: 132 KB, 1166x656, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They used the best available at the time despite the fact that consumers didn't have access to it
No they didn't. If they had, they'd have used LCDs. Which were present at the time, but not ubiquitous.
Nobody in the industry considered themselves a "pixel artist" because their work was never meant to be viewed as raw pixels. Good artists even used the quirks of the displays and signals to "fake" colors not supported by the hardware and even transparency. Or do you think pic related is supposed to be covered in vertical lines and dots? You don't belong here.

>> No.10687341

I could see it working my cpu just by idling, so I uninstalled and went back to RA

>> No.10687343

>Nobody in the industry considered themselves a "pixel artist"
The Japanese artists called themselves “dotters”, so they did at least.

>> No.10687353 [DELETED] 

Nah, it's just that some of the people who were at least partially responsible for the bullying campaign that ultimately caused his death happen to be jannies/mods. While they all desperately hope he's still alive somewhere, so the guilt will stop destroying them from the inside out, they realize that he's gone so they prefer not to be reminded that he ever existed.

>> No.10687430

Right. I believe some of that also went into simple64, but due to the fact that it's still ultimately based off of Mupen64, there's only so much you can improve off of that foundation without substantially rewriting the entire emulator. Ares was able to surpass it precisely because it was written from scratch and thus is free from the literal decades-worth of accumulated hacks and workarounds found in Mupen and Project64.

>> No.10687443
File: 445 KB, 916x848, retroarch user1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shaders are just the tip of the iceberg of why people use retroarch retard.

Reminder there is NO alternative for the features and customization of RetroArch, and you WILL be missing out if you get filtered and can't figure it out (you only need to learn it once; RetroArch is same across all devices/OS).

People use RetroArch for:
>the ability to save unique bindings/core settings/video settings/shaders for each core/game; literally anything at all you can change in RetroArch, you can save on a per-game basis
>better audio/video sync, input latency, and audio latency than standalone emulators
>huge selection of shaders and filters, and the ability to tweak all parameters of these shaders
>lossless recording at exact resolution and refresh-rate for every core/game (vastly superior to OBS); also input recording implemented for every single core
>rollback netplay for worldwide co-op or PvP games
>cores that are up-to-date with standalone and you can update all of your cores with a single click
>some cores that are only on RetroArch or are more up-to-date on RetroArch
>dozens of hotkeys that you can bind however you want and remain consistent for each game/core (or you can have unique hotkeys just for one game/core)
>VRR, BFI, and sync to exact framerate (to play games at the exact framerate of a game, e.g 54fps for Raiden FJ, or 61.68fps for TGM)
>top-notch CRT support with CRT Switchres
>1000 save states for every game with screenshot previews and undo save state/undo load state
>MAME core has save state support, rewind, & run-ahead for ALL games, even those with no save state support in MAME standalone
>RetroAchievements support
>UI and settings layout is consistent for every core so you don't have to learn dozens of different standalone UI layouts
There is no reason to use anything else for Gen 5 or earlier (plus GBA, DS, and Dreamcast).

>> No.10687463

Wow all of that but they could never figure out how to make a ui that uses a mouse and isnt slow as shit to navigate.

>> No.10687469

There is a desktop menu, but wanting/having to swap to a mouse every time you enter the menu or swap games is nonsensical when you are emulating console games played on a controller. Just use the fucking controller already in your hands to navigate the menu you fucking shitbrain.

>> No.10687491

>can't figure it out (you only need to learn it once; RetroArch is same across all devices/OS).
And do the same thing again, or save a copy elsewhere because it'll get corrupted if you sneeze
>>the ability to save unique bindings/core settings/video settings/shaders for each core/game; literally anything at all you can change in RetroArch, you can save on a per-game basis
Hardly used
>>better audio/video sync, input latency, and audio latency than standalone emulators
>>huge selection of shaders and filters, and the ability to tweak all parameters of these shaders
Shaders are being added according to this thread
>>lossless recording at exact resolution and refresh-rate for every core/game (vastly superior to OBS); also input recording implemented for every single core
don't care
>>rollback netplay for worldwide co-op or PvP games
don't care
>>cores that are up-to-date with standalone and you can update all of your cores with a single click
If you upgrade it it'll destroy something. You have to reinstall it from scratch to update. False advertising.
>>some cores that are only on RetroArch or are more up-to-date on RetroArch
Ares has nearly all consoles. Saturn, PocketStation,Pokemon mini and Virtual Boy are missing. So Saturn, and PC cores are the main issue. Maybe Speccy is a start for Ares? It's not like I've used RA for PC cores to begin with.
>>dozens of hotkeys that you can bind however you want and remain consistent for each game/core (or you can have unique hotkeys just for one game/core)
don't care

>> No.10687492

holy mother of sour grapes

>> No.10687494

>>VRR, BFI, and sync to exact framerate (to play games at the exact framerate of a game, e.g 54fps for Raiden FJ, or 61.68fps for TGM)
It'll be added eventually
>>top-notch CRT support with CRT Switchres
don't care I want CRT shaders not CRT
>>1000 save states for every game with screenshot previews and undo save state/undo load state
don't care
>>MAME core has save state support, rewind, & run-ahead for ALL games, even those with no save state support in MAME standalone
MAME core has always been unstable in RA
>>RetroAchievements support
don't care
>>UI and settings layout is consistent for every core so you don't have to learn dozens of different standalone UI layouts
It's an inconsistent mess.
Controller menu is actually one another big advantage of RA.
I had issues when I used desktop menu in the past. Not every setting is available there I think.

>> No.10687504

Why are you so cucked? Why do features only matter if your shitty half-assed frontend has it, even if it's only partially implemented?

>MAME core has always been unstable in RA
completely incorrect, you fucking retard. I've been using it for years and thousands of hours with no issues

>It's an inconsistent mess
completely incorrect

>don't care I want CRT shaders not CRT
RetroArch has both, along with every other type of shader imaginable and the ability to fully customize any aspect of an existing shader

>Hardly used
It's used all the fucking time, what are you even talking about?

ANY FUCKING SETTING OR REBINDING OR CUSTOMIZATION YOU CHANGE AT ALL can be saved on a per-game or per-core basis. How is that hardly used? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10687512

Bruh retroarch has 4 uis and they all suck with a mouse. I want to use a mouse because I can then I can instantly pick the option I want out retro archs ten million menus. If it had a good ui I would probably use retro arch exclusively but its such a fucking pain to navigate menus and fine directories with a controller.

>> No.10687516

>less features are actually le good
>less customization is actually le good
>worse input lag and audio/video sync is actually le good
>completely predictable crying about how "WAAHHHHHHH ALL FIVE OF THE UI SUCK WAHHHHH!!!!"
RetroArch has utterly mindbroken you holy fuck lmao

Use manual playlist you stupid fuck. Why are you manually selecting every game from load content you absolute fucking neanderthal?

>> No.10687525

All menu navigation sucks in retroarch not just navigating directories. Did you not read what I said? Controllers were never designed to navigate long ass lists of shit. What it I have a bunch of games in my playlist? Now I have to go through that shit everytime instead of just mousing over like a normal person.

>> No.10687534

>>less features are actually le good
>>less customization is actually le good
Yes I don't use them. Who uses them? 0.1%? RA UI is too cluttered because of them. Why add features and customization that no one uses in the first place? There is a reason no other emulator implemented them. It's like adding Win95 support.
>>worse input lag and audio/video sync is actually le good
This is the only legit criticism. I'm willing to sacrifice it, if I don't get to deal with RA again.

>> No.10687535

You zoomers are so utterly fucking stupid and helpless.

HOLD A DIRECTION FOR A SECOND AND IT WILL SCROLL MUCH FASTER (this also works for shoulders, and can skip through a 1000+ entries in seconds)

I have 900 arcade games in my playlist and it never takes me more than three seconds to find and start a game. You are just a helpless fucking retard so stick to standalone where it's completely idiotproof.

>> No.10687540

Yes, it's totally only 1 in 1000 people that are using shaders, or run-ahead, or recording gameplay, or playing online, or rebinding controls, or using turbo, or removing slowdown, or adjusting the aspect ratio, or save states, etc.

Just stick to standalone, you are genuinely too fucking stupid to use anything beyond the apps on your iphone.

>> No.10687542

Those are all bandaids to mitigate having a poor ui in the first place. A proper ui made for a mouse and keyboard is still faster and easier to navigate.

>> No.10687551

Ideal would be configuring emulator with kb+m and selecting games on a controller.
I'm fine with switching to kb+m for small adjustments as well. Controller UI takes too much time.

>> No.10687557

>I am retarded
Yes you are

>> No.10687562

How has noone written a frontend for retroarch thats made for a mouse yet? Can it not be done?

>> No.10687570

They called themselves that because they placed dots on screen to make art, explicitly so they could see how they were affected by the screen/signal/surrounding dots.
The process is clearly shown here >>10682197, with them constantly referencing how their sprites look on consumer displays at their native size. They're not working in pixels, they're working in phosphors.

>> No.10687585

You can do all of those with kb/m as well, and there is even a desktop menu, but when you are playing CONSOLE GAMES WITH A FUCKING CONTROLLER it just makes zero fucking sense to require you to constantly swap back and forth to a kb/m every single time you enter the menu or swap games.

Just cope about how less is more and better is worse because you are too much of a simpleton to do anything beyond "HURR!! ME SCROLL DOWN LIST AND CLICK!!"

Just like you are so much of a fucking retard simpleton that you were actually manually selecting each piece of content from the directory instead of just making a fucking playlist and using search to input a couple character and narrow down 99.9% of the search.

Meanwhile, those who aren't low functioning retards can start a game instantly by going to their most recent played game list, or find a game in seconds out of their list of 1,000 entries by simply searching for a couple unique characters in the title.

>> No.10687586

Pixel art, CRT art, phosphor art, dot art. Which one sounds best? What do Japanese call it?

>> No.10687616

Youre mixing up me and someone else. Sounds like you need to cope with the fact that not everyone likes retroarchs shit ui and that it is slower to navigate that a proper mouse and keyboard one. Even if you wave to put down the controller to change settings its still faster to change them with a good ui. Not to mention that plenty of emulators let you have your settings window open next to the running game window. I dont care how many coats of paint they throw on top of xmb. It was shit on the playstation and its shittier here. Im perfectly fine with standalones and have been for years.

>> No.10687625

These are all different things.
Why are you so upset by this?

>> No.10687636

Between custom playlists, history, favorites, search, and using shoulders for faster scrolling, it's much faster to select a game in RetroArch than scrolling through a list of games with a mouse and selecting a game. Not to mention you don't have to constantly be swapping back and forth between controller and kb/m.

The whole argument is hilarious to me though because this dude only thought it was slow because he is so fucking retarded that he was sitting there shuffling through all these directories to select each individual piece of content instead of just importing content into a playlist.

Every single time without fail the anti-RetroArch crowd shows themselves to be braindead zoomers who couldn't troubleshoot the most basic issue if their lives depended on it.

>> No.10687639

>instead of just making a fucking playlist
I already use it. That's one of the advantages of retroarch for me. Doesn't mean I like the UI.

>> No.10687648

>Between custom playlists, history, favorites, search
You can do all of that in file manager. Speaking of, why cant I use mine in retroarch? Why am I forced to navigate folders like a caveman with a controller?

>> No.10687658
File: 27 KB, 680x364, zoom zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>file manager
and there it is, zoomer fucking retard using your fucking phone

>> No.10687667

>navigate folders
you literally never have to do this beyond the very first time you set up the playlist retard

>> No.10687680
File: 24 KB, 333x358, file manager.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I think you're the stupid one here.

>> No.10687685 [DELETED] 


>> No.10687687 [DELETED] 

more troons use windows than linux anon

>> No.10687693 [DELETED] 

I've heard zoomers were computer illiterate, but holy shit.

>> No.10687695

>ive been dealing with a smoothbrain idiot who prefers using his computer with a controller
Makes sense. Are you posting from your rog ally?

>> No.10687696 [DELETED] 

By raw numbers because Windows has like 50x as many user? Sure. By percentage? Not a fucking chance.

Now go dilate tranny

>> No.10687703

meant for

>> No.10687714

If I'm using my computer to emulate console games with a controller, why would I want to constantly switch back and forth to keyboard/mouse every single time I enter the menu or swap games? Are you genuinely retarded?

Well considering you manually load each piece of content from the directory instead of just importing your games into a playlist, I would imagine a lot of things are difficult for you and you like to do them the most ass-backwards way possible.

>> No.10687715

Nah that anon's right. It's supposed to be called File Explorer.
Your computer is infected with garbage called linux.
Installing Windows would fix that problem.
You can't complain about retroarch's bad UI and use linux.

>> No.10687718 [DELETED] 

Well you're wrong. And only Windows literally puts the tranny flag on your start bar.

>> No.10687732 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 360x360, e1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to jump through 10,000 hoops and deal with all kinds of bullshit to use troonix for gaming
>complain about RetroArch's UI not being completely perfect

>> No.10687737

I don't care how much you bring up swapping between controller and mouse. In the end you still spend less time in menus using the mouse even if you have to swap. Plenty of standalone emulators have favorites lists literally right on the fucking main window.
The guy with ads on his OS is telling me about infected garbage

>> No.10687742 [DELETED] 

I'm basically three key presses away from any emulator on my system and a handful away from installing more.

>> No.10687743

RA is more convenient and byuu was an insufferable faggot anyways

>> No.10687757

>In the end you still spend less time in menus using the mouse even if you have to swap
It literally takes LESS THAN THREE SECONDS for me to find and start a game out of the 1000 games in my arcade playlist. You are just fucking retarded. Scrolling through a list and clicking a game is not any faster, and in the time you've wasted crying over this, you could have found and started about 1000 games in RetroArch.

And it's not even the time and annoyance of swapping back and forth between controller and kb/m, it's the fact that you have to be strapped to your kb/m constantly because the UI can't just use the same input that you play all the games with. When you play a controller game on Steam, you don't fucking swap over to kb/m to navigate the menus, you just use the fucking controller.

>> No.10687763

>It literally takes LESS THAN THREE SECONDS for me to find and start a game out of the 1000 games
Bet you it would take me less

>> No.10687792

>strapped to your kb/m constantly because the UI can't just use the same input that you play all the games with
Why do I have to be strapped to the same input that I play games with to do stuff that I normally use a mouse and keyboard for on a computer?
>And it's not even the time and annoyance of swapping back and forth between controller and kb/m
For me it is the time and annoyance. That I'm stuck using an input method for action games to do the work of a keyboard and mouse when they're sitting right in front of me.

>> No.10687854

RetroArch provides an intuitive solution to a simple problem. When using a frontend to play games, you don't want to swap your control method while still using that frontend to play games. So you design a menu that only requires four directions and a confirm, cancel, and optional search button. That way any old controller, modern controller, arcade stick, or keyboard will all work and allow seamless integration from the gameplay to the menu navigation.

Whereas a mouse to navigate the UI really only makes sense if you're already using that mouse, which works great for a program like Excel, but not for an emulator playing controller-based console games.

>> No.10687872

>simple problem. When using a frontend to play games, you don't want to swap your control method while still using that frontend to play games
Its not a problem because I don't want to swap. The problem is forcing me into that "solution" with no way out.

>> No.10687884

*do want to not swap

>> No.10687898

*do want to swap
Oh my god guess I'm having a stroke. Anyway I'm done with this. I don't like retroarch because of the UI. Forcing people to use a controller is fine if that's the only input method you have, but if there's a better alternative it makes no sense to lock people out of it.

>> No.10687903

You can use the keyboard to navigate just as well, so your point is moot either way.

>> No.10688040

>just as well

>> No.10688742

Gotta love how a UI is enough to filter some.

>> No.10688969

Dude a shitton of retro games have "pixel art sins" like uneven linework, improper aa, etc. It's clear they made a lot of pixel art as a consideration of low resolution artwork, in addition to how they made everything with their crt monitors. Everything retards like you think when it comes to pixel art is a lot of larp made by online communities that want to pretend they know what they're talking about. Your art degree is worthless, so stop spouting your worthless opinions.

>> No.10688989

Isn't that how it is with a lot of software?

>> No.10689148

Yeah, but you'd think some of these UIs killed their dog or some shit.

>> No.10689368

I read shit like this and I realize it stopped being about playing games a long time ago for some of you.
>Spend hours setting everything up just right
>Tinker tinker tinker
>Spend a couple more hours
>Take screenshot post it on narcissism.com for all my fans
>Or just download pizzaboy and play the fucking game immediately
I wonder how some of you would cope if you had eyesight problems. Perpetual 180p forever.

>> No.10690201

Tinkering is fun for some. I've actually seen some anons say they have more fun dicking around with shaders than actually playing games.

>> No.10690503

If you've seen a couple of fags who behave like that, don't assume everyone is like that. I learned to use RetroArch mostly using the official documentation, and learning of a few features through the official YouTube channel or by reading some anons here. I have a physical backup and live synchronization (using Syncthing) of all my settings, and can rice a RetroArch clean build from the ground up in five minutes. How? Simply because I learned how to use the application, instead of coping and projecting. The rest of the time I spend playing games, almost every single day. I have plenty of screenshots to illustrate the thread, if you will.

>> No.10690578

I dont think anyone in this thread has not had a valid reason for liking or disliking the ui. Some reasons just matter more to some people.

>> No.10690584

You have to understand that you're the exception to the rule.

>> No.10690642

Completely non-rhetorical: name 1 (one) game that runs in a better state on Ares than Mupen + ParaLLEl.

>> No.10690672

>all that fancy reverse engineering (I guess)
>still fucks up the Body Harvest intro and plays Knife Edge too fast

>> No.10690741

I don't think so, but I understand why your line of thought. Some people, specially the shaders autists, are very vocal about it. A single one of them has the "internet presence" of dozens of normal users. There are quite a few of emulation newbies who use an almost vanilla version of RetroArch (with unfiltered graphics) and are at peace with it. You see a lot of them across more popular websites and social media, but not in niche places like 4chan. Sometimes, an autist will reply to their posts saying that "it's not authentic"; if the newbie is weak-minded, he'll ignore his previous satisfaction and persue an unreachable ideal.

That's the lesson, anons: tweak a little bit, reach your satisfaction and be at ease. If you let compulsion take you hostage, what was fun and reinvigorating will become work and tiresome.

>> No.10690753

Donkey Kong 64. As funny as this may sound, Mupen plays it too well at too consistent a framerate. This fucks with the physics engine, which is programmed to give your Kong a boost in speed and momentum proportional to in-game lag. Now, this doesn't make the game unplayable or anything, but it does make some shortcuts and sequence breaks impossible to perform. Ares is far closer to real hardware, so while this does mean the game is more laggy, it also means you can do tricks and exploits that you cannot do on other emulators.

>> No.10690754

I meant youre the exception among those who tinker not all of everyone who uses retroarch. The urge to turn tinkering into a bottonless pit is stronger than the necessary will to be content. Look at people who mod skyrim.

>> No.10691021

You can use the keyboard too.

>> No.10691146

Oh, I finally understood. Sorry for taking too long. In that sense, yeah, you might be right; the "authenticity" argument drives some people insane. I've been emulating since 1999, so I had plenty of time to learn the new stuff one by one, as they were released, while also emulating games in a rather crude manner and still having fun (despite knowing they were *not* like in real hardware). Look, accuracy is fine, I like it too, but only until it's practical enough. Living with a compulsion of perfection (which isn't reachable yet) only demans time, computional power, anxiety and the lingering feeling that something's not right. I learned that with personal life experiences, and it applies to many other things as well, including emulation.

>> No.10691396

Quite a few people get more tied up in the _meta idea_ of doing a thing, rather then actually doing the thing.
I can understand it when it happens with important things that have consequence, but its humerus to watch it happen with silly shit like video games.

>> No.10691663

Perhaps it's one of "chasing your own tail" moment we humans tend to (but should not) do. However, if the person is having fun (like another anon noted), then who am I to judge? I only find it ridicule when there's some authoritative intent behind it all, almost caveman-like, "Grug toy better than Grog toy". This very thread is like that, created by someone incapable (or unwilling) to see how multiple options to achieve a given goal is a good thing.

>> No.10691706

For me it was more of a learning experience rather than tinkering. One simple question would lead to doing a ton of research. Like the setting of which aspect ratio to use between 8:7 or 4:3. Or which CRT shader to use, and then you go into the different types of CRTs and which is best. Or about bilinear sharpening. Or just tons of time spent researching different games, different regional or version differences and which is best. About how much pixels to crop off from a game. About autofire and the legitimacy of it depending the year and the platform. Slowdown removal, and which games benefit from it, which games it's necessity, which games it causes issues. All kinds of latency optimizations and testing different settings to see if it makes a difference.

Yes, you could just press play and accept the default settings, but this tinkering is really making you more aware of the history, background, norms, and tech behind these games.

>> No.10691724

valve sells a dedicated gaming device for gaming that's running linux out of the box.
Just admit you have low iq

>> No.10691743

It has to use a custom compatibility layer developed by Valve themselves and even then support is still extremely spotty and inconsistent with devs having to manually implement support for many titles.

You're a fucking dumbass.

>> No.10691762

It runs on wine, 95% which has nothing to do with valve brainless fucking idiot.
that layer also allows you to run games at the same speed or faster than windows. In a recent benchmark, windows placed last in every single test against 3 linux distros.
80% of the most played games on steam run perfectly fine, with most of the issues only being tied to games that are against linux support because of anti cheat related reasons.

>> No.10691784

also to be clear, I'm not a linux shill and i don't give 2 fucks if someone wants to use windows, but ur a retard if ur writing someone's complaints off because "hurr durr you need to jump through hoops on libux"
explain to me exactly what loops I need to jump through to download retroarch from my software repository and then run it.
you know retroarch has native linux support with the devs themselves using linux?

>> No.10691787

More like 50% has nothing to do with Valve. Linux support was dogshit before Valve kicked developers into fixing support.

That 80% is just the top 100 games, it's even lower for the top 1000 and will only get worse as more games implement anti-cheat and DRM incompatible with Linux. That 80% also includes games that requires numerous tweaks to run properly, so it's a lot of tinkering and headache, with a much smaller percentage just working out the box.

Maybe in 10 years Linux will actually be worthwhile for gaming, but certainly not now. It's poor compatibility and a lot of jumping through hoops for some negligible performance advantage in select games.

>> No.10691792

We're not talking about RetroArch you fucking retard, we are talking about gaming in general. RetroArch devs are very pro-linux and have designed the software to run on basically any platform or OS imaginable.

>> No.10691803

you brought up le hoops for loonix if it had anything to do with him not liking the retroarch ui kek.
and I do agree with him, the retroarch ui is really shit. I mainly use lutris as a front-end for my games and you can use runners on here, which are kind of like retroarch cores. You can also use it to launch standalone emulators with the games loaded up already, and it has a very simple ui.

>> No.10691978

>this tinkering is really making you more aware of the history, background, norms, and tech behind these games.
If you can conciliate tinkering with playing, then it's alright. Compulsion is the main issue.

>> No.10692059

>anti-cheat and DRM
I wouldn't want to play that shit anyway.

>> No.10693410

>Maybe in 10 years Linux will actually be worthwhile for gaming, but certainly not now
Haven't people been saying this for like the past 20 years?

>> No.10693867

Indeed, such an easy and intuitive AI too.
I suppose most people really are brainlets.

>> No.10693914

I don't know. I game exclusively on Linux for the past seven years and I'm completely fine with it, no headaches whatsoever. Although I'm not part of the "omg an 1fps drop completely unplayable" crowd.

>> No.10693980

Fortunately games which implement DRM are dogshit anyway.

>> No.10694540

only non-linux users that always have some convinent excuse when they're asked about why they won't switch to loonix after bitching about windows 24/7.
The vast majority of the steam library works perfectly on linux, at most you need to throw in a launch option for some games every now and then. It's good enough where valve sells a linux gaming device and normies all love it. Hell, most of them probably don't even know it's running on linux.

>> No.10694557

"what it is" is a graphical technique that was only acceptable at the time because of the low resolution screens it was intended for. if video games looked pixel-perfect then the way unshaded emulation looks today nobody would buy them. it's ugly by itself because the CRT screen is part of the tooling.

>> No.10694564

Do you hear yourself? Why do you think there is someone intended to receive the art other than the consumer? Why do you believe that having a consumer-grade CRT sitting on his desk to check what the final render will look like somehow is a "compromise" or degradation of the "original"?
>we can appreciate the effort they put into placing each individual pixel to achieve just the right clusters to convey the shapes they wanted to convey.
Right - but if it didn't look right on the consumer-grade CRT, they would return to their high-quality artist's station to fix it until it looks the right way. As a result, CRT is rightfully regarded as part of the technique of pixel art.
>I'm sorry you're too dumb to extrapolate that point.
It's weird - you're unable to extrapolate your own point!

>> No.10694631


>> No.10694690

>Grinding the Kickflips
What's the matter, kid? Too afraid of falling down the skateboard?

>> No.10695090

>55 fps on snes with runahead on
My processor kneels ares sama.

>> No.10696071
File: 34 KB, 1075x513, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 404
well done, op.

> Linux support was dogshit before Valve kicked developers into fixing support.
valve did no such thing. you faggots need to stop simping for these failures and making up lies. people have taken it upon themselves to making gaming a better experience on linux because valve, created by a FORMER MICROSOFT EMPLOYEE, doesn't give a fuck shit about linux. his ill-fated attempts at steamos and the poorly selling steamdeck should have rang alarm bells for you low iq monkeys about the absolute state of linux gaming under their watch. but no. you just continue sucking on their diseased genitals.

>> No.10696074

>well done, op.
It worked fine when OP made the topic.

I think they renamed the branch:


>> No.10696080

thanks, anon.

>> No.10696087
File: 17 KB, 1349x148, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NP, I think they just merged it into their shader branch actually

>> No.10698301


>> No.10698918 [DELETED] 

Byuu is still alive and updating it, isn't he?

>> No.10698921
File: 385 KB, 800x434, ppi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing games with raw digital pixels is basically wiping away a layer of intended detail.
You wouldn't say this if you had a 10000PPI display
Remember, that is where we are headed

>> No.10699027

Raw Pixels =/= Blocky NN scaling to today's pathetic low pixel density screens.

You niggers will shit your pants when you actually see a retro game uspcalled to a 20000 PPI screen in the future.

So called ''raw pixels''(NN scaling) are only blocky because today's PPI cannot upscale curves and diagonal lines well compared to straight lines.
It is the exact same logic as text rendering(which is why ClearType is still needed).

>B-bbut muh color bleed, muh dithering
You can upscale RF/Composite too

>Emulatortards assume that games were meant to look like blocky garbage. These are some of the same retards which went on to produce hideous indie games.
>Oldtards who keep calling NN scaling ''Raw Pixels'' not realizing that 240p output is the actual raw pixels and that the blocky ''Raw Pixels'' are just a result of today's resolution not being high enough to upscale shit correctly

>> No.10699034

>No they didn't. If they had, they'd have used LCDs.
LCDs were complete dogshit in the early 90s
CRT was the best in the early 90s and was the only display anyone ever had

>> No.10699038

I kind of want a "dogshit LCD" shader now. Something that replicates that insane ghosting you'd get out of those early passive matrix LCDs.

>> No.10699042

Does area have a simple playlist functionality? Just a list of games per system, nothing fancy.

>> No.10699050

So, they'll come with a magical upscaler to fill up all those tiny empty pixels?

>> No.10699052
File: 332 KB, 938x507, 1701474100163594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry sweatie, i'm not gonna read any of your bullshit

>> No.10699064

Pretty sure it exists

>> No.10699085

You simply do not understand how raster graphics or upscaling works
When you get to extreme pixel densities the pixels become so small that you can render curves and diagonals correctly

To dumb it down for you: You basically will get the desired effects of bilinear/bicubic interpolation without the undesired side-effects(the blurriness)

>> No.10699264

That's not the point that was being discussed.
The point this retard (>>10682458) attempted to make was that they're pixel artists, so they'd have used the best technology available to show raw pixels. All CRTs interpolate the image purely based on how they work, and regardless of how you feel about them, even early 90s LCD panels will show a sharper distinction between two pixels.
Yet everyone used CRTs and expected pixels to blend together. The person you replied to even showed a concrete example of that being accounted for and used to their advantage.

>> No.10699453

I think you meant "sweetie".

>> No.10699474

Hello newfag.

>> No.10699517

I shower every day.

>> No.10699550

go back

>> No.10699753

lol so much pretension for someone who doesn't even know Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf.

>> No.10700746

Came to post this, thank you for your service

>> No.10702176

now kiss

>> No.10702253

Not before marriage.

>> No.10702281
File: 66 KB, 736x1130, 655cb29300e5893923bb63eac5834051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man who the fuck gives a shit about shaders. Just buy the console and an old samsung crt tv if you're so sperging out about muh accurate shaders and expeepeerience.

>> No.10702343

What if I can easily find all the TVs ever made, except for Samsung ones?

>> No.10702351


>> No.10702513 [DELETED] 

>Near, I kneel.
I thought he died?

>> No.10702515
File: 224 KB, 1433x1573, a59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10702563 [DELETED] 

Yeah for retroarchs sins.

>> No.10702615

Those are different sprites on the left.

The right sprites don't have the highlights, CRTs don't magically add highlights. The colours are also different, and the shapes are wrong. The sword holding hand of the bottom one has completely different details.

The vast majority of these pro CRT images are doctored. Get a real CRT, check it for yourself.

>> No.10702695

Also you can absolutely have sub pixels on LCDs and even OLEDs. How do you think anti-aliasing works?

>> No.10703237

I'd post something like that. If there's a CRT as good as >>10699052 pic, then tell me the model. I'd like to pick one for myself.

>> No.10703326

>All CRTs interpolate the image
Not a single CRT interpolate the images(besides later digital set which may upscale lower resolution like modern TVs)
You don’t seem to know how CRTs work

>> No.10703331

>Those are different sprites on the left.
It’s the same sprites

>CRTs don't magically add highlights
Of course they don’t
It’s Composite/RF cable trickery
If you play that same game on a NES/Famicom plugged via Composite/RF on a modern LCD/OLED screen you get the same effect

>> No.10703423

No they're really not the same sprites. Composite/RF also don't add highlights, and if they did they wouldn't act as though they're coming from a lightsource.

>> No.10703429

hell even 6th gen needs some fucking shaders

>> No.10705272

Which one where I just turn it on and play the game?
I use a GB/GBA flashcart and modded Wii and a hacked SNES mini sometimes.

>> No.10705324 [DELETED] 

Does Ares have a non-dogshit UI?

Not according to the US State Department's Citizen Death Overseas list.

>> No.10705390

>Does Ares have a non-dogshit UI?

>> No.10705578

>Does Ares have a non-dogshit UI?
No, it's as lame as everything else these days.

>> No.10706028

Perhaps people who like retroarch have stockhome syndrome since they and their shaders are being held hostage?

>> No.10706101

Perhaps people who dislike retroarch have stockhome (sic) syndrome since their favorite emulator sucks ass, but they somehow can't use something else or just be glad with what they have.

>> No.10706124

Most standalone emulators are great at this point.

>> No.10707642
File: 3.73 MB, 320x240, kinamania.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ares always ran quite poorly for me, I suppose it uses up more resources since it focuses on being accurate as can be, but I don't feel it's worth it at all, unless you have higher end hardware, which I don't, so I'll stick to RetroArch as I have so many cores to choose from, I'm always bound to find a core that works best for me, it's always good to have options and RetroArch gives me so many.

>> No.10707851

Yeah ares is generally accuracy first. Though not all of its emulators have the same requirements. SNES is harder to run than n64.

>> No.10707857

>Near, I kneel.
Isn't he dead??

>> No.10707970

He's alive... In our hearts. ;)

>> No.10708241

Displaying square, digital pixels as an analog point of light is, by definition, interpolation. And not a single CRT uses pixels to display an image.
You don't seem to know what "interpolation" means, nor how CRTs work. Pick up a book sometime, you fucking invalid.

>> No.10708585

>you fucking invalid
Fuck you! You don't know how hurtful it is having no legs.