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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10679053 No.10679053 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of NES Remix?
What are some really fun concepts they could use in a Snes Remix?
This counts as retro, right?

>> No.10679106

>This counts as retro, right?

Not sure.
I only played Ultimate NES Remix, and while I had fun with it, I feel like the potential of idea wasn't fully realized. It's basically just "do X under Y conditions" and there are only few genuinely funny/creative challenges.

They can do much more than that. Especially after decades of WarioWare games

>> No.10679116

I thought it sucked balls. It's like a glorified collection of demos and tutorials. Only a small part of the game is actual remixes, usually uninspired, or multiple games in a row, somewhat like warioware, which was sometimes interesting.
You basically do tutorial chores to unlock the good parts, and unless I'm quite mistaken, you never actually get to play the full fucking games. What stingy cunts. This was definitely a low effort period in Nintendo's history. It should have been a free download to get you interested in the old ass roms they still find ways to sell to this day, not a regular priced game. It did get me interested in some of those older games to be fair, no way would I try something like NES Open Tournament Golf normally.

>> No.10679130

I played some of the 3DS version and it was alright. I wish they would expand on the concept and bring it to switch.

>> No.10679185

>paying for romhacks
>paying for mods
>paying for games

>> No.10679629

>you never actually get to play the full fucking games
You completely missed the point of what the game even is.

>> No.10679689

Well go on and tell the class what it is then, besides a tedious gamified series of tutorials with occasional babby's first romhack ideas and feeble sequences that make warioware's 9volt look like god's gift for experiencing retro gameplay by comparison.
Why shouldn't someone want to play the real games after putting up with that drudgery and seeing just how little they have to add to the classics being pimped?

>> No.10679763
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It's literally for people who can't be bothered to finish the original games and just want an abridged version of them.


>> No.10679789

Good idea for ADHD zoomers but it's not enough, 2D graphics remain an insurmountable barrier

>> No.10679791

I guess no one told them that Lets Play videos existed. They also left out some pretty good parts of some of those games, so they didn't even accomplish that very well.

>> No.10679801

>They also left out some pretty good parts of some of those games, so they didn't even accomplish that very well.
True, they could have had a boss rush mode for each game.
I think the concept is good but the execution was sloppy. The tutorial stuff should have been optional.

>> No.10680072
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It's technically not retro but at this point who cares lol

It was probably one of the last cool things Nintendo did along with the NES Classic, SNES Classic, and those Game & Watch Famiclone handhelds. Wish they would do more like this but who needs that when they can just make more BotW and Pokemon games, etc. etc.

>> No.10680082

These would have been a fun thing to do yearly or for anniversaries. A Fire Emblem one with the two Famicom titles. One with the entire Mother trilogy. Metroid. A legit fucking game&watch collection, you fucking god damn bastard retards.

Anyway, fun, harmless idea to keep the G&W brand alive.