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10674797 No.10674797 [Reply] [Original]

this is the peak of MGS,the only thing it needed was vr missions.

>> No.10674798

btw if you played with the 3rd person camera you didnt beat the game.

>> No.10674814

I never played the subsistence version so I did beat the game in fact.

>> No.10674842

I think i should replay it because my last playthrough was in 2019. Not too long ago I replayed both MSX games and MGS1-2 and stopped
Ah fuck off

>> No.10675005

I'm not a fan of the jungle setting and camo system. 2 is the peak as far as gameplay goes

>> No.10675020

I do not understand the hate for the Camo system. you have plot out of your routes anyway. that's just another element of the stealth that keeps you engaged with the world. Also swear to god if you bitch about having to open menus

>> No.10675038

thats what i like about it,you can go full camo or just plan to be out of sight of enemy and its overall very immersive,its kind of a military solo mission fantasy.

>> No.10675048

favorite thing is the increasingly hilarious conversations you have via codec as you catch more snakes and frogs, shit is funnier than most comedy films

>> No.10675056

Glad they kept the overhead camera in subsistence. Something about it make the game more immersive to me. Wish they kept that in MGS4.

>> No.10675083

I have only played the first 2 MGS and I watched one of those ''cutscene movie'' on youtube of MGS3 to see if if the plot could intrigue me to play and the characters are disgustingly anime-tier, the first two MGS weren't this cringy and ''anime'' as far as I remember.

>> No.10675094

2 was just as anime.

>> No.10675110

MGS3 without the 3rd person camera is garbage. It makes the whole game impossible to play because you can't see shit.
They made that camera revision for a reason. Retards trying to paint the original's shittiness as "it was harder for hardcore players" is retarded

>> No.10675114
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Peak shit, mogged by a PSP game

>> No.10675118

unplayable because of frame rate
did they ever release a version that fixes this

>> No.10675119

2>1>4>3 for me, but keep in mind I consider even 3 a 10/10. So it's still GOATED.

>> No.10675132

the HD version
also it's still an unplayable movie game, but with menus now

>> No.10675181

They did, ViRtuous Mission

>> No.10676612

>the first two MGS weren't this cringy and ''anime'' as far as I remember.
Holy shit, man. Did you even play MGS2? It's second-hand embarrassment: the video game... Intentionally, of course.

>> No.10676619

Im more 2>4>3>1 myself but I agree theyre all 10s. Its too bad the PSP games and 5 had to ruin an otherwise perfect franchise.

>> No.10676687

Like Vamp running on water then running up vertically up a column?

>> No.10676702

I thought it was pretty easy. Maybe you're just bad at games.

>> No.10676705

>4 above anything

>> No.10676707
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>the first two MGS weren't this cringy and ''anime'' as far as I remember.
Only the first one was ok, it had cyborg ninja and maybe mantis, but otherwise nothing outside of the realms of a summer blockbuster flick. The more creative control they gave to the director the more retarded his shit became, but it seems he mellowed out after PW and does artsy shit now.

>> No.10676789

>vr missions
>In 1964

>> No.10676798 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 500x671, Assassin'sSolid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's not a simulation

>> No.10676903

i played the 3DS version with crouch walking

>> No.10676907

i've been playing them for the first time, i already beat msg2 and im doing the vr missions, so far my favorite has to be metal gear 2 on msx though its a lot of fun to fuck around with the guards in msg2

>> No.10676909

>didnt even played the game
why are you even bothering to give your worthless opinion? also are we really pretending metal gear hasnt always been "anime"

>> No.10676912

the first person view button exists you know?

>> No.10676915

not the same anon but, i've watched a lot of anime and played a lot of jrpgs so it didnt even faze me

>> No.10676917

i thought that game never came out

>> No.10676945

Nice. I'm curious, didn't MGS1 in particular feel like a boss rush game to you? As much as I love it , during my recent playthrough I've realised that it's barely even a stealth video game compared to the MSX games and MGS2. Like there are what, 20 guards in the entire game? And yet for some reason I still want to say I like it more than MGS2

>> No.10676961

yeah i like the game too but i was kinda disappointed about how much of a step backwards it felt compared to metal gear 2 on msx, the whole games is basically small intro stealth section-cutscene-boss-stealth section-boss-cutscene-boss etc, i did like it, on its own is a good game but compared to the previous game, is not that good, love the atmosphere though, in that regard it is my favorite

>> No.10676976

>small intro stealth section-cutscene-boss-stealth section-boss-cutscene-boss
>love the atmosphere though, in that regard it is my favorite
Yeah, that's basically exactly what I think about MGS1. Also want to say that it's crazy how literally everyone who tries MG2 says it's amazing and yet you never see it on the 'best 8 bit games of all time' lists. It's such a great game, it's mind blowing that something like this came out in 1990

>> No.10676980

>I've realised that it's barely even a stealth video game compared to the MSX games and MGS2.
MGS2 is the same things, except you defuse bombs for 20 minutes before the boss rush starts. Stealth is just as bad and new mechanics are abusable like in twin snakes. Also the bald man with a barcode made it obsolete a year prior.

>> No.10677268

4 is really good you're actually the one baiting

>> No.10677284
File: 43 KB, 714x317, zanzibar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metal gear 2 on msx is my favorite metal gear and the soundtrack is awesome


also did you guys know the game has a reference to gundam and armored trooper votoms?
there is a part in the game where your radar doesnt work and campbell tells you its because of minovsky particles and the votoms reference is in the manual

>> No.10677301

i was expecting more fights like the fight against vulcan craven where you actually needed to be somewhat stealthy. but nope the game just stops pretending to be a stealth game and turns into an action game

>> No.10677304

>inb4 le ebin meme song from mgr

>> No.10677349

its a video game anon not a documentary.

>> No.10677351

oh yeah i keep forgetting rising is from the same series, love the game but it barely reminds me of metal gear

>> No.10677353

>minovsky particles
Damn I guess I missed that. Well, an obligatory Gundam reference in an /m/-related game

>> No.10677360

apparently the removed that reference in more modern translations so dont feel bad anon, be angry at modern translators

>> No.10677393

Damn I was in a very weird situation now that I think about it. You know what version I chose for my replay a ~month ago? The WiiVC one (because my Wii was hooked up to the TV at the time so it was just easier), what's interesting about it is that it literally runs on M2's MSX emulator and is obviously untranslated due to being a JP release only BUT the character portraits are still modern. All of the versions feauturing said portraits are actually 2004 mobile ports, not the MSX originals. So because I don't know Japanese I was watching this
playthrough during cutscenes and it's weird as well. I don't know what translation this is but judging by the intro and the portraits the guy is playing it on some MSX emulator

>> No.10677514

this. I played the xbox360 version and it is the game on easy. And I played and beat it that version in 2013.

>> No.10677619

Maybe use the 1st person view? Or the motion detector? Or the sonar? Or throw a magazine/rat/ration to check for guards? Or go around the sides with camo? Or peek around corners/tree trunks? Or maybe not suck so much shit?

>> No.10677637

Shut the fuck up, pleb, the game is piss easy anyway

>> No.10677646

seems like you werent able to fully utilize the games mechanic ?!
>first person view
>motion detector
>anti-personel sensor
all these tools are great and going full rambo can also work sometimes if you are good as the guards arent infinite theres a limited number of them.

>> No.10677672

>all these shitters mad they like a bad version of a game, that even konami agrees is bad and re-released because it needed to be fixed

>> No.10677694

What the fuck are you retards arguing about, MGS3 is way easier than the previous games anyway. If by 'easy' and 'casualised' you mean 'more enjoyable to play' then yes, I agree. I mean, yeah, you are sort of correct, I'd say I had a harder time fully beating Drakengard 1 than the original FDS version of Mario 2 or I don't know, Mega Man and Bass

>> No.10677714
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the majority of people are the shitters,they always have the worst opinion possible like MGS3 needing a 3rd person camera when the game was just fine without it,i bet you complain about out of camera angle enemies in games like resident evil.

>> No.10677726

post european extreme times, buddy
you... did... beat it in EE, right anon?

>> No.10677735

>they always have the worst opinion possible like MGS3 needing a 3rd person camera when the game was just fine without it
It wasn't even meant for the main game, it was made for MGO and hacked into the first disc later lol

>> No.10677738

the game is better with the behind the back camera, seeing what's in front of you is good.
you could make a case about MGS1-2 since they're industrial environment, but a jungle? and the enemies are in camo? let me fucking see

worth noting also that the game came out for PS2 in 480i, so no, your emulator and HD versions are not the thing being discussed

>> No.10677741

I found MGS3 really frustrating.
The game barely let's you do actual "tactical espionage action".
You only get to sneak around for like ten minutes until you get interrupted by another cut scene or another gimmicky boss fight, or some other gimmick section like the cave or rail shooting.
All I want is to sneak around more.

>> No.10677742
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, _dd1c1d00-ee8e-4719-ab8c-90e9a1265528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me fucking see

>> No.10677746

>You only get to sneak around for like ten minutes until you get interrupted by another cut scene or another gimmicky boss fight, or some other gimmick section
Welcome to MGS.

>> No.10677754

It was never that bad in MGS1.

>> No.10677761
File: 237 KB, 2048x1536, vr setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i played it on PS2 the first time,beated it with both camera (overhead view first and 3rd person second)
and the game also looks better in overhead view since they were made to be seen that way.

>> No.10677763

It feels pretty rare to have played that specific release and the online, the top player in Europe who played 1vs8 was Finnish btw but didn't know him or wasn't a great player myself.

>> No.10677768

>and the game also looks better in overhead view since they were made to be seen that way.
i meant the environment instead of game ^^'

>> No.10677770

MGS1 has a 4 enemy limit, as much as I like it, it's not a stealth game even on PS1

>> No.10677772

It's pretty silly gameplay in retrospective that you can change camo and cure wounds even while in Alert or Boss phase without any penalty or hinder, but sure while playing normally you don't really NEED to change your camo to be 80% instead of 75% most of the time.

>> No.10677781

4 enemies is good enough for a stealth game
Hell, sneaking around just a single enemy can be extremely challenging depending on how the map is designed.

>> No.10677782

The camera could look more north where you are headed 90% of the time but otherwise.

>> No.10677846
File: 265 KB, 1600x2136, The graveyards are full of indispensable men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 enemies is good enough for a stealth game

>> No.10678101
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>the first two MGS weren't this cringy and ''anime'' as far as I remember.

>> No.10678123

I also know somebody that likes anime. That doesn't make my life like one, though.

>> No.10678434

>the first two MGS weren't this cringy and ''anime''
I guess I've been playing some heavily animefied rereleases for my whole life

>> No.10679439

my weaboo friend wanted to try mgs after he saw me play them a bit.

>> No.10680264

>2 is the peak
This nigger fucks

>> No.10682035
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>> No.10682216

>you didn't beat the game if you didn't play it with the camera meant for the previous games radar system and at a whoping 15 frames per second even though the previous games ran at much higher

>> No.10682394

mommy issues the game

>> No.10682527

so MGS3 is freudian ? even more based.