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10668235 No.10668235 [Reply] [Original]

>still nobody gives a shit
It's over xbros...

>> No.10668239

Nobody cares to emulate it because the emulators still suck and they can be acquired for nearly free and softmodded.
Console warring is for fags.

>> No.10668368

It’s been emulatable for a little while now, it’s just not even as good as pcsx2 yet outside of certain cases where some games run near perfect.
When it’s dolphin level of functional then it will be a big deal and they are definitely making big strides.

>> No.10668415

Is there a way to visualize these big strides? Like a compatibility chart over time or non playable games that became playable? Also I don’t get why cxbx and Xemu don’t just combine teams they’re already small

>> No.10668424

anyone who wanted to play xbox games already caved and just bought a console

>> No.10668430
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these attempts at /v/ type threads are funny.
What's actually going to happen is all Xbox shit will spike in price and /v/ children will complain about not being able to emulate on their potato PCs or afford an original Xbox. Calling it now.

>> No.10668435

I agree but that spike only happens today because coomlecting and scalping is insane. When the DC was cancelled there wasn’t some massive bull run on pricing. The world is a demonstrably worse place today in all aspects. Prepare for the e-celeb video essay machine to go on full blast once they announce some sort of spinning down of Xbox hardware: TOP 10 UNDERRATED GEMS, GET THESE BEFORE THEYRE GONE FOREVER, etc

>> No.10668449

I mean, a few years ago the compatibility chart was like 30 percent “playable” and now it’s 80 percent “playable”.
Their metric for “playable” is ridiculous though. You need a beefy CPU to run these properly, you really need a system to brute force (kek) the games into a playable state unless they are really simple.
I wish a hacker could leak the Xbone original Xbox emulator source code. So annoying that a perfect, hyper optimized Xbox emulator exists and it’s locked up at Microcock HQ. It’s insane how clean those original Xbox games upscale to 1080/4K. It really transforms some of them.
Microsoft had original Xbox games emulating on a 360 for God’s sake. It wasn’t perfect but like they were emulating the previous generation on a console that really wasn’t that much more powerful than it. Thats what you can do when you have the full source schematics for the architecture (I’m not that coding savvy so excuse that if it sounds stupid but you know what I mean).

>> No.10668451

>brute force (kek)
You won the thread

>> No.10668460

>Xbone original Xbox emulator
It's not an emulator, they recompile the games. That's why you have to download them even when using a physical copy.

>> No.10668463

>not the first xbox
it was over from the start

>> No.10668464

I've got a beefy PC and NGB still slows down like shit when using UTs. Pass.

>> No.10668468

>/v/ children will complain about not being able to emulate on their potato PCs

haha, i remember how every time a new system got an emulator, people cried that they couldn't run it.

visualboyadvance on 1998 hardware running at 15fps
dreamcast emus on early Athlons that did not support sse
that one saturn emu that required a p4 or a64 because of sse2
pcsx2 before dual core cpus were the norm

and so on and on

>> No.10668469

I think the problem is we now have 360 and PS3 emulators that are arguably more compatible and performant than the OG Xbox emulator. It’s not a moores law thing the emulators just suck.

>> No.10668526

Thank you.
I was under the impression, that just like Xbox 360, the games are emulated and even when you pop in an original disc, it downloads the original ISO packaged in their in house emulator.
I find it unlikely they are reprogramming these games from original source code, that’s stupidly labor intensive and there are too many third parties involved who would just let Microsoft tinker with their code. Iirc when I had an Xbox one x around 2018 or so, I remember some games being locked to 4:3. If they were being recompiled from the ground up, then why wouldn’t they go the extra mile and make them all widescreen?

>> No.10668531

That isn't true. Original Xbox on anything past that is emulation. The 360 emulator was codenamed Fusion and the Xbone/Series one is called Fission.
It's not even particularly good emulation. Many games have missing graphical effects and various other issues. Having to download the games is just a choice Microsoft made, since it allows them to package the necessary customizations for each game along with it.

Sony took the exact same approach with PS2 emulation, which is entirely software-based on anything except early fat models. You can actually track the development of how they did that, since the remnants of a global PS2 emulator that would have allowed you to use physical discs remains in the firmware (ps2_softemu). Instead they ditched that and made you download them from the store as 'Classics' which run in a different variant of the emulator (ps2_netemu).

>> No.10668554

It’s definitely good emulation. I don’t recall any noticeable graphical bugs when I had a One X but I’m sure they were there, and in every case resolution or performance was increased significantly. Either 30fps or 60fps locked at 4K. I’d say that’s a pretty good emulator and you’d kill for that open source on your PC right now.
Fusion running original Xbox games on 360 hardware is nothing short of amazing because you know, it wasn’t THAT much more powerful than an original Xbox and yet they were getting solid enough emulation to make games playable.

>> No.10668557

"Xbox One" was the single most retarded branding decision by Microslop. They should've called it Xbox 720 and people would've been happy with it and kept going like that with the names. But nope they shot themselves in the foot.

>> No.10668564

won't happen because there are so few exclusives anyone cares about

>> No.10668569 [DELETED] 

Onetime I bricked a special DVD drive that I bought trying to install the hacked xbox firmware onto it to use these emulators.

>> No.10668572

Onetime I bricked a special DVD drive that I bought trying to install the hacked xbox firmware onto it to use these emulators. Think I found out about it from modern vintage gamer. This allows the DVD drive to read OG xbox disks.

>> No.10668578

I agree. I also remember all the pre rendered slop people made of the Xbox 720. Maybe these being so unbelievably shitty changed their minds.
Not likely though. Under Mattrick, he wanted to make the Xbox the “all in one” always online media device hence “Xbox One”. That fucking guy almost killed the brand but let’s be real, he was just the face for what the suits wanted because they haven’t changed direction much. Microsoft went on a buying spree and scooped up major devs and has them pumping out complete garbage like Starfield and redfall.
Microsoft is just too far removed from their core audience, like who on earth wants a game console anymore? Such a shame because original Xbox really shined when they were really trying to break in. They got comfy, greedy and lazy.
I guess if they went with the 720 naming convention though we would be on 1440 now though and that’s not the catchiest name, but still better than “Xbox Series X”. The most redundant name possible for their machine.
One final thought:
I hate the minimalist, cucky flat ui white logo on black. They should have returned back to green on black after 360 (they actually did go back to green on black in the next 360 revision). The console should be lighting up GREEN. Its such a boring sterile box, really a sign of the times.

>> No.10668704

>It’s definitely good emulation
It's not really a matter of opinion. If it doesn't run the games at least as well as original hardware, then it's not good emulation. Resolution scaling is the most basic of basics and should be expected from any emulator for a 3D console. But I'd much rather play at 480p and not have games be riddled with graphical and sometimes game-breaking issues.
>Has an issue where the light from the flashlight shines behind the character as well as in front. Textures can frequently load in wrong areas (such as door textures on the floor) or not load at all displaying only gray space. This includes the "picture" views. Later levels lose music and sound effects audio. Many "game over" events render the game unplayable, as game will not reboot once it has been shut off. One method to avoid corrupted saves is to only save to the first slot, and rewrite it on every save. Never save in more than one slot.
Yeah. As for PC, between Cxbx-Reloaded and Xemu more of the original Xbox library is playable than via official means (which stands at a maximum of 51% of US NTSC titles on a 360, and less for other regions).

>> No.10668712

I played crimson skies and morrowind on One X BC (others too but I can’t remember), and without comparing it side by side, they looked perfect and ran better than original hardware.
By that metric PCSX2 is garbage (and it is but it’s all we got) because some games you can only render in software at native res to display at all and it’s still wrong.
Show me examples of the MS in-house Xbox emulator being shit, because I’ve never seen it.

>> No.10668732

tried to play turok evolution with an overclocked i7 920 and it ran like shit, gave up half the way
yes, I'm poor

>> No.10668739

I mean Ninja Gaiden Black, Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon, HOTD3, DoA Xtreme, Breakdown, Conker remake. Not to mention the multi plats that were best on Xbox (which are still better than emulating the worse PS2 versions).
The Gamecube has had more of its exclusives ported than the Xbox.

>> No.10668760


>> No.10668763

You cannot hold any emulator by those standards dude, lol. Save a few neetbux and buy a 4th-6th gen i5/7 Optiplex.

>> No.10668775

I guess it's that time for me to load Breakdown in Xemu, watch it shit the bed again, then stare out the window.

>> No.10668786

The great strides though bro, they’re coming just wait on them

>> No.10668787

Film yourself doing this in 4:3 in high contrast black and white film stock with Aphex Twin’s Avril 14th playing in the background and release it as an art film called:
>Le Millénaire NEET

>> No.10668795

two more weeks

>> No.10668796

Last Xemu release was 2 months ago btw, super active nightly development

>> No.10668802
File: 2.12 MB, 2611x1747, ''playable''.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stinkin ass, not with those issues it ain't. It's distractingly broken.

>> No.10668804

They might give a shit now that apparently Microsoft is killing the Xbox off. Get ready for every eceleb on YouTube to start talking about how awesome it is and prices sky rocket for og xbox stuff.

>> No.10668812

I will do you one better and play a MIDI of it through Win3.x OPL3 patches.

>> No.10668813

It’s hilarious that emulator comparability wikis saying things are playable is the exact same energy as people saying dude the economy is fine when groceries are price gouged to hell. What’s your definition of playable/fine again?

>> No.10668815

I'm playing red dead redemption on yuzu and it runs perfectly fine

>> No.10668817

I could even handle an occasional weird light flash or vertex fuckup but 90% of the time, in a first person game, the graphics are ALL fucked up and occasionally occlude the action

>> No.10668818

I haven't used XEMU in a while, have they added controller mapping, or does it still have that retarded keyboard layout?

>> No.10668821

>defends his shitbox and refuses to change instead of socking away ~$100 for a better way to spend his NEET time
Ah I see. Just take dad's advice and buy a better computer, sonny.

>> No.10668830


>> No.10668834

They put RDR on switch? But it's still not on PC?

>> No.10668837

Oh damn that’s brilliant. Someone’s trying to win a César award.
The reason I brought it up is because I too have found myself in the exact same position with that same exact game and I feel your pain.
I owned it back in the day but never appreciated it for all I could have.
Loading it up on this shitty emulator knowing it isn’t going to run to recapture a fleeting memory of my youth just as an apathetic gesture in memoriam to our dying world.
Oh, I’ve been there.

>> No.10668846



>> No.10668883

I'm not a neet, I'm Argentine
I don't have dollars or access to dollars
and if I had, I can't import either
electronics here cost three times as much, if I spent 1000 dollars I would end up buying a gpu with less memory than the one I'm using now (1060 gb)
and to be quite honest, I can't justify a new one, 90% of my playing time is spent on doom and quake maps

>> No.10668887

I hope somehow you can take your government stipend and find a used office machine like what I posted above. I believe in you.

>> No.10668895

Are you telling me there's no craigslist or FB marketplace or any local equivalent with used computers? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.10668907

I don't receive any government social plan, in fact, for the government I don't exist because I tax evade like a deranged sick fuck
>FB marketplace
that's the fastest way to get scammed and/or shot, I'm not memeing
the only safe e-commerce site here is MercadoLibre
anyway, I wasn't complaining about this shithole, I really think that emulator should be 10 times faster

>> No.10668927
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to put it in perspective, this is what 1000 dollars can buy
>Intel Core i5 12400F LGA1700
>Asus Prime B660M-A D4 LGA1700
>PNY XLR8 2x8GB DDR4 3200Mhz RGB
>Corsair 470T RGB Black TG
>Silverstone ST600P 600W 80+
>Kingston NV2 500GB M.2 Pcie
>Gigabyte RTX2060 6GB
well, I thought it was worse

>> No.10668935

Well, I guess it is what it is, I hope you're happy with what you've got or can get better if the opportunity comes up bro. Argentina is actually more interesting than the same ol topics here honestly. Thanks for humoring me.

>> No.10668936

>Xbox means "Direct-X box"
>can't run the games in Direct X in Windows, need to be emulated like some japanese moonman computer
What the hell is wrong with the people making this shit?!

>> No.10668951

What they allow you to play on X/Series is solid and I don't think anyone's arguing that it isn't. However, it's a small selection, runs on specific shitty hardware, hard/impossible to crack and play backups on. If one doesn't have an Xbox and wants to play Xbox, one's money is better spent on a modded OG. Xbox emulation on a Series/One is a bonus, unless one can find one DEEPLY discounted and it runs whatever games they want.

>> No.10668963

It is a little funky that despite using what should be a standardized API, it's quite dependent on that particular flimsily documented GPU. I guess Direct X kinda sucks or Xbox implemented it in wack-ass non-standard might-as-well-not-be-DX ways.

>> No.10668979

Three sixty was already dumb. Anyway an emulator without save states is pointless.

>> No.10668981

But why? Fust FTP that bitch over to the PC.

>> No.10669071

this is me with dead or alive 3.

>> No.10669095

Dead or Alive 3 works close to flawlessly in Cxbx-Reloaded. The sound is a little busted in the cage fighting stage, but other than that it looks and runs great.

>> No.10669315

Xemu project must be dead. Last update was like 3 months ago, and Xemu is still shit.

>> No.10669327

Bro just get a fucking real Xbox OG... And mod it

>> No.10669653

I care but I don't care *that much*. Emulation's great for such things.

>> No.10669829

CXBX-Reloaded VS Xemu!
Battle of the emulators!

>> No.10670030

>"Xbox One" was the single most retarded branding decision by Microslop
They assumed people were going to shorten it to "The One" since they shortened Xbox 360 to "The 360".

>> No.10670065

It was the Direct-X box, It's prototype was literally just off the shelf hardware running cut-down windows.But don't forget that they brought in SEGA refugees to help make it an actual console.
>They assumed people were going to shorten it to "The One" since they shortened Xbox 360 to "The 360".
One of my friends used to work in the Xbox division and confirmed as much.

>> No.10670667

You or someone else claimed the Xbone Xbox emulator was shit because it wasn’t “perfect” and would rather emulate “perfectly” at 480p. So yeah they were claiming it was bad.
We don’t know how their in house emulator works on the entire library because we don’t have access to the emulation wrapper those ISOs are in.
From what can be parsed from the 50 or so games you can use on it, it’s perfect or near perfect, at least in my experience.
If someone got their hands on the source code for this emulator, Xbox emulation would therefore be perfect on Windows. It would most likely dethrone dolphin as best 6th gen emulator.

>> No.10670905

are there even any xbox exclusives worth playing?

>> No.10670956

Xbox 360 games are recompiled from PowerPC to 64-bit x86. OG Xbox games are recompiled from 32-bit to 64-bit x86.



>> No.10670972

The Xbox has nothing worth playing that I can't run natively on my PC today

>> No.10671006

If your definition of "worth playing" just happens to exclusively consist of "games with PC ports" then yeah. What a truly startling revelation, thanks for contributing.

>> No.10671038

>still nobody gives a shit
yea cuz they all still work
you could beat a man to death with an OGbox and itd still run fine

>> No.10671109
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Its so insane we went from "This system will never be emulated" to it working pretty damn good. It definitely still needs some work, some of my favorites like Splashdown and Breakdown(weird coincidence they both have down in the name lol)have rendering issues that ruin the game, but most of the real classics are already working perfectly.

Im really glad I can finally play the Xbox version of Shenmue 2 without digging out my old system, I like it a lot more than the Dreamcast and HD remaster versions. It has this beautiful exaggerated colored lighting thats basically exclusive to it(The dreamcasts is missing it in a lot of spots and is pretty flat and the remaster tones it down too much and also ends up looking flat)and creates my favorite gaming atmosphere of all time.

>> No.10671140

Ninja Gaiden Black is supposed to be bretty gud

>> No.10671185

I played NGB and Genma Onimusha on emulator, that's all I need from the Xbox.

>> No.10671285

Phantom Crash and Kung Fu Chaos.

>> No.10672683

What are some Xbox games that are must try?

>> No.10672735

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x, Jet Set Radio Future

>> No.10672789

You really do need a fast PC. I have 8700k overclocked to 5.1 ghz. I was able to play Ninja Gaiden Black at 60 FPS easily, but other games like Panzer Dragoon Orta ran way too slow. Unless xemu improves, I think you might need a 7000/x3d to get full speed on all the compatible games.
That said, for the games that do work well, xemu feels much better to me than PCSX2. There's NO noticeable input lag and the sound quality is excellent. I have high hopes for it. I've already played most of the xbox games I want to on my xbox, but it would be nice to play some of these on 4K or have them on a laptop in the future.

>> No.10673731

GCN also has about ten times as many good exclusives as the Xbox

>> No.10673749
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Did you read your own article? They are describing how they built their emulator in the entire article. They are “recompiling” the games likes ZSNES “recompiles” games.

>> No.10673759

I would imagine they tethered it this way to keep basement coders from creating a simple program that could run Xbox games on PC. That would have really cut into hardware sales badly. I’m sure this is still very possible but like you said, next to hopeless without the documentation. With the documentation you can get original Xbox games running very playabley on even Xbox 360.
The first Xbox emulator was an attempt to turn Xbox xbes into exes to run directly on PCs but it went nowhere because they couldn’t reverse engineer it.

>> No.10673779

jet set radio future

>> No.10673789
File: 81 KB, 734x268, xbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you read your own article?
Did you?

>> No.10673803

Idiot, do you not understand what they describing here?
What do you think VGPU stands for?
Virtual Graphics Processing Unit. Then he’s saying they are running the 360 operating system on top of that, that’s the “stack”.
When they say they are “recompiling” the game, they means they are running the ISO on their virtual GPU. The data on the iso is being translated by the virtual GPU for the Xbox One to be able to read and display.

It’s an emulation layer, they end the article saying it’s emulation. They are not rebuilding each individual game to run natively on Xbox One because that isn’t possible without fully reengineering the source code.

>> No.10673816

“One” is too plain to catch on.
“I got it on one”
“I got it on 360”
Stark contrast between those two statements.
Microsoft’s marketing department went to absolute shit around 2009 or so, not that it was ever great but at least they got original Xbox and 360 launch spot on.

>> No.10673832

Emulation is involved especially on the GPU side but they've recompiled the executable code to run on the different CPU architecture.

>> No.10673880

>Microsoft’s marketing department went to absolute shit around 2009 or so
I'll have to Bing this for more examples

>> No.10673908

There's zero chance of the Xbone fully emulating a 360 or Original its CPU was insanely underpowered even at release.

>> No.10673932

>It has this beautiful exaggerated colored lighting thats basically exclusive to it(The dreamcasts is missing it in a lot of spots and is pretty flat and the remaster tones it down too much and also ends up looking flat
Is it still there on remaster? They just lowered the intensity?

>> No.10673954

Its possible the lighting is still there but doesn't scale correctly at higher resolutions. I've seen that happen on a number of ports.

>> No.10673993

Xemu is nowhere near as bad as /vr/ makes out (neither is PCSX2 for that matter).
I swear most of you must be on AMD Athlon-tier PCs, my Intel is ancient and it runs fine enough on the games they label as Playable.

>> No.10674006

I'll use it when it can replace the console, there's still a lot of issues.

>> No.10674018

Even the most mature NES emulators still have issues so you'll be waiting decades.

>> No.10674034

It doesn't need to be perfect for me but there's major graphical and audio issues in a ton of games still.

>> No.10674224

Many games of that era had shaders, geometry, and effects approximated, cut, or simplified for the PC port because they couldn't be fucked to get it working properly or they wanted it to work on lesser hardware without issues.

>> No.10674232
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>> No.10674235

Here is one of the leads on the OG Xbox emulator for Xbox 360 telling you it’s an emulator.
You can make emulators this efficient when you have top of the lines coders and full documentation + Microsoft resources.
If the Xbox 360 can emulate original Xbox, then Xbox One, even the first model, can emulate Xbox 360.
I think it was 2009 when they tried to push the 360 as a media hub and introduced the new interface. This mindset carried on and multiplied into the xbone era. It all goes back to the decision to discontinue the blades UI.

>> No.10674243
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>they can be acquired for nearly free and softmodded

>> No.10674273

>Here is one of the leads on the OG Xbox emulator for Xbox 360 telling you it’s an emulator.
Read the thread

>> No.10674326

Worthless response. Read your own article and read the sourced information literally telling you it’s emulation.

>> No.10674343

Works in Cxbx

>> No.10674361

graphics look really broken

>> No.10674410

Just like with PS2 emulation, If it's good enough for third worlders to play on their toasters, then it's good enough for everyone else.

>> No.10674454

>Here is one of the leads on the OG Xbox emulator for Xbox 360 telling you it’s an emulator.
Yes the Xbox 360 used an emulator to play OG Xbox games. The Xbox One used a combination of recompiled code and emulation to play Xbox 360 and OG Xbox games. This is why you have to download a repackaged version of the game even if you have the original disc. Nintendo did something similar to get Mario Galaxy running on the Switch by recompiling the code for the ARM CPU and emulating the GPU.

>If the Xbox 360 can emulate original Xbox, then Xbox One, even the first model, can emulate Xbox 360.
The Xbox 360 couldn't perfectly emulate the OG Xbox. This is why not every game was on the back compat list and even though that were often had performance or graphical issues.

>> No.10674475

>This is why you have to download a repackaged version of the game even if you have the original disc.
Because it’s packaged…in a pre-tuned fucking emulator…oh my fucking god you are thick headed.
The reason it’s not running every single disc you put in the Xbone is because they don’t WANT you buying old discs or using your old library, they want you buying them from their store or subscribing to their bullshit.
There are third party games on BC, do you think these companies are giving Microsoft full access to their source codes to “recompile” these games? My god.

>> No.10674506

The article is about the 360's emulator for the original xbox, you're responding to a post telling you that the Xbox One doesn't rely on traditional emulation.

>> No.10674510

Yes it fucking does. The article is literally stating it is emulating the architecture of 360, running the 360’s operating system, and playing the game through it. It’s an emulator within a virtual machine.

>> No.10674565
File: 33 KB, 719x195, back compat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Digital Foundry: The existing Xbox 360 Gears titles come to Xbox One via backwards compatibility - is this essentially the exact same code, or is there any kind of conversion or optimisation process involved?

>Mike Rayner
It is essentially the exact same code. The Xbox team converts the 360 game and 360 flash PPC executables into native x64 executables, packages those up with the 360 game assets, 360 flash and emulator as a regular Xbox One game, and publishes it.


>> No.10674601

What do you think he’s saying here in his PR marketing speak?
Rich asks him if they are changing the code.
PR guy says “no, it’s the same code converted into a native 64 bit executable”.
That is purposely vague, and could mean a lot of things, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say they are converting the original executables…
Which are then put through an emulator.
Its emulation. It’s pure emulation.

>> No.10674649

>Some PR guy
Mike Rayner, The Coalition Studio Technical Director.

>they are converting the original executables
>Its emulation. It’s pure emulation.
Then its not pure emulation if it requires modifying the original. Its a combination of recompiled executables and emulation.

>> No.10674658

So they built a tool to convert the executable to x64 and the emulator they built is what is actually playing the game…
So it’s emulation with an extra step.
It’s not being run natively. An emulator is running this 64 bit executable. That means it’s purely emulation.
He says it right there. They convert the executable to x64, then repackages it with the game assets on the iso, and they run it through the emulator.
It’s emulation. It’s all emulation.

>> No.10674663

Mechwarrior 2 (exclusive on OG-Xbox) doesnt even get past the intro.
Jet Set Radio Future has a super annoying audio bug that makes your ears bleed.

>> No.10674670

You mean mechassault? Both 1 + 2 are exclusive. I played the OCM demos for them so much but never bought them for some reason.
This emulator needs another year or two to be actually useable but they have made a lot of progress.

>> No.10674673

>Jet Set Radio Future has a super annoying audio bug that makes your ears bleed
A bug which isn't present on Cxbx-Reloaded
That emulator also won't play MechAssault 2 though

>> No.10674676

OK retard

>> No.10674678

yeah sorry i mean mechassault 2.
Progress is super duper slow.
And they dont allow hacks that fix bugs because they only want actual accuracy changes, but then that never happens and 10 year old bugs still remain

>> No.10674681

it is present, i checked yesterday. the sound glitch that happens every time your charachter stops moving still happens but the sound is less harsh on Cxbx-reloaded.

>> No.10674682

>Progress is super duper slow
It really isn't, Xemu's development has been exponential over the past 2 years. This is an opinion you've based on nothing at all.

>> No.10674686

I'm just looking amount of pull requests that actually get merged.

>> No.10674692

Yeah that’s what I fucking thought, enjoy kissing the brick wall you just ran into.

>> No.10674714

I see no point in arguing with someone who has a single digit IQ and keeps arguing despite being provided with multiple sources of evidence to the contrary.

>> No.10674750

Nigga go to Chile or Urgay and Buy dollars there, or change your argie pesos for UwUguayan/Maligno pesos.
If you're desperate, go to Paraguay if You can, and Buy them there, paraguas sell electronic shit cheap.
If everything else fails, just buy a 360, mod it with RGH, and download the Xbox OG Isos and put them in a 128GB USB Stick.
Hope it helps You, that's kinda how i do it here near the Frontier
>T. Veneco with a Play 3 who sees good PCs with everything, sold in 350-400$ in the Frontier, while in mi city, a Refurbished Optiplex cost 130-150$

>> No.10674767

100 percent of BC on Xbox One is emulation. 100 percent. Converting the xbe to x64 bit with some in-house tool doesn’t magically make it some hybrid method, it’s 100 percent emulation because the new executable they use is being… emulated.
Do you even know what point you’re trying to prove anymore?

>> No.10674795

Next you'll be calling WINE an emulator

>> No.10674802

>a newly compiled binary is an emulator

>> No.10675012

You are both right and wrong. Static recompilation is used to translate the games binaries to x64 ahead of time. Note that this is not the same as recompiling the games source code. Many emulators that use dynamic recompilation to perform this function at runtime. While this is still emulation it requires the newly compiled binaries be packaged in with the game. Given the Xbox One's rather weak CPU this was likely the more performant solution.

>> No.10675019

brown people problems

>> No.10675040


>> No.10675235

AFAIK the only problem NES emulators have outside of shit like input lag (which isn't a core emulation issue) is imperfect mapper support, which is understandable given there's literally a gorillion of them, and that's only if you care about pirate games. That is, unless there's an obscure legitimate release that has some kind of bug on something like Mesen or Nestopia.

>> No.10675254

And instead people called it the Xbone.

>> No.10675627

They may be doing something similar to how RPCS3 works, with all the statically linked modules being precompiled. Anything that can be done ahead of time will be, for the sake of performance. However these recompiled modules still have no use outside the emulator. It's not like playing a game on RPCS3 is equivalent to playing a PC port. Even older emulators like Dolphin have precomputed shaders floating around. It doesn't stop being emulation because it's not entirely real time.

>> No.10675792


>> No.10675827

Define exponential other than you feeling like it’s exponential

>> No.10675884

I think it is a resolution thing like >>10673954 said, increasing the resolution in Xemu also makes it look flatter but even then its still more colorful and saturated than the other versions so Id still say its better

>> No.10676496

>forza motorsport still in unplayable state

>> No.10676515

That wasn't the case for OG on 360.

>> No.10676793

WINE never used to be an emulator. It was a reimplementation of win32 and later directx and various other dlls. But there comes a time when you just can't do anything about stuff like 16bit on 64bit kernels and people still want to run those programs. so you include a special x86 16-on-32 interpreter to emulate a virtual 8086 environment in a 64bit OS. And then you have to question stuff like DirectX. You aren't providing a DirectX compatible implementation that speaks to the GPU, you're reinterpreting DirectX high level functions and translating them to OpenGL and Vulkan to the point of emulating, yes EMULATING, DX specific quirks in an API that doesn't support such things. Not to mention how Crossover is running x86 windows programs on ARM macs. The ship has sailed, WINE is an emulator with native code when it can.

>> No.10676891

microsoft used the "one" name for other products like onenote and onedrive, but the branding is so bad that nobody even realized it was supposed to be a theme at all

>> No.10676918

I'm going to collect every single exclusive original xbox game, make a hugely successful youtube channel hyping the system and its games up and then dump off my collection after prices have risen.

>> No.10677305

Why is xemu so fucking bad? Why don’t they make any progress on it? More importantly why do RPCS3 and Xenia perform better when they’re newer consoles?

>> No.10677368
File: 14 KB, 345x246, billg-burger.md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody give a shit about the original Xbox. Just another overrated and overhyped burgerland product.
If I want to play PC games, I play on PC, not on a subpar PC like the xbox.

>> No.10677392

The GPU code is all guesswork as it's undocumented.

>> No.10677419

Every other emulator has GPU documentation besides this one?

>> No.10677565

Not all but Xemu doesn't have enough dedicated autists to make it a non issue.

>> No.10677863

kek definitely feels like the kind of thing some dumb schmo over in marketing came up with and some equally retarded suits greenlit.