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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10672629 No.10672629 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10672632

>The worst mistake Squaresoft ever made!

>> No.10672646
File: 105 KB, 252x184, Penny_Racers_(Nintendo_64)_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NUS-NCRE is the serial code for a game called Penny Racers. It sucks

>> No.10672651

Jesus Christ dude, get a life!

>> No.10672693

Don't start a thread just to fling shit, this isn't /v/.
If you want to talk about FF7, make a thread about it, if you want to start a talk about the n64, pick a game to talk about.
Don't talk about companies though, especially long dead ones like squaresoft, what's the point?

>> No.10672747

Nintendo did it twice with Sony and then Philips, I am not even sure were 64mb cartridges profitable at all

>> No.10672756

You know it wasn’t that bad, the psx version had a lot of padding anyway.

>> No.10672775
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>Having a developer-friendly format that's 30x cheaper and holds 20x the memory is a bad deal because of 2 seconds of loading

Hatred of CD's is completely baffling.

>> No.10672778

>2 seconds
bump that up a bit

>> No.10672790

It's still stupid, whatever fake exaggerated number you pretend it is. The only reason Nintendo didn't used CD's was to epicly own Sony, and it was retarded. It's difficult to downplay how big of an advantages CD's truly have. I like good games. The N64 is clearly the superior system. So the fact that it was crippled so horribly makes me sad.

>> No.10672803

Not releasing FF7 on N64? Why would they do this?

There are three big red flags for this idea:
The N64 audience was too young for something like FF7.
N64 failed in Japan.
Too many man hours and downgrades for an N64 version to become a reality when Squaresoft was already working on several games (just search “all Squaresoft games for PSX).

>> No.10672821

nintendo was always bad at designing hardware

>> No.10672828 [DELETED] 
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N64 owners

>> No.10672835

>2 seconds
Have you actually played a single ps1 game?
I played FFVII a few years back on an emulator so I could reduce load times, and it gives a counter of how many battles you have had, so I did the math in how long it takes to load in and load out, it came out to over 7 hours of load times.
And that was only battle load times and not location changes, saving, loading cutscenes, menus, etc, all that extra loading screens.
You can fit a whole RE game, minimum in the time I would have wasted had I played on original hardware.
Playing an rpg on the ps1 wastes a whole game's worth of time for every one you play. I you don't value your time then it's not an issue but if you do, it's a time sink because of x1 read times.
No one should ever have to suffer playing playstation games on actual hardware, it's an emulation only console.

>> No.10672992
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>The worst mistake Squaresoft ever made!


>> No.10673001

>please insert cartridge 20

>> No.10673054
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Game cartridges are better for the RPG genre, is that simple.

>> No.10673062
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>please insert cartri...
>Oh no...

>> No.10673138

NTA but cope, lmao. >>10672646 is beyond based for verifying stuff like this and sharing the knowledge with other frens

ur just angry bc ur gay

>> No.10673189

>both are emulated

>> No.10673227
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while the RE2 port is a work of black magic, it filled N64babbies with unreasonable expectations and gaslight them to believe every single PS1 game could've been easily ported to it forgetting the concessions the RE2 port had

>> No.10673236
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At least use real hardware to capture shots

>> No.10673470
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An absolute MISTAKE

>> No.10673473

Yeah that was real dumb the way they made one of the best selling games of all time

>> No.10673676
File: 2.81 MB, 960x720, RE2 N64 res.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Having a developer-friendly format that's 30x cheaper and holds 20x the memory is a bad deal because of 2 seconds of loading

It was never about the loading. It was always about owning the medium and making money off of it. In the NES days, NOA controlled cartridge manufacturing and made a shit ton of money off it. Japan wanted to do the same for the Famicom which led to burn bridges with Namco, one of their most prolific and best selling third party publisher. Eventually they did control cartridge manufacturing on their consoles. Now imagine they drop that in favour of CDs, not only they lose the revenue from that, but on the contrary they have to pay someone else for those CDs.

Now, guess who they would have had to give money to.

Both these comparison use close up shots in rooms devoid of any enemy. In those cases the N64 uses higher resolution. Add a couple of enemies and suddenly the resolution will be just like on the PSX version. Add more than 2 enemies and suddenly the resolution will be lower than on PSX; all while all the assets are lower quality. It's a mess of a version with resolution changing at every single camera angle change.

>> No.10673705
File: 18 KB, 322x409, Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 02-55-56 Penny Racers (1998 video game) - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 = 0 on the game review scale. 0-5 are never used.

>> No.10673710

games like Mario Kart 64 would not have been possible with CD. The characters aren't polygons

>> No.10673765

It didn’t really have that many concessions. The biggest concession was were the cutscenes playing back a lower resolution and 15fps and they still look great on a CRT.

>> No.10673772

It was also an anti-piracy measure. Proprietary carts were far harder to duplicate than CDs. That’s why you never saw an N64 multicart until 2015 or so.
PSX was pirate city once the first mod chips came out.

>> No.10673854

Sub-5 scores exist, but they are only given out when the reviewer has a personal vandetta against the series or concept of the game.

>> No.10673973

Holy shit, fucking brutal.

>> No.10673983

While that's a factor, I don't believe it's a primary one. When Nintendo tried to make everyone switch to FDS, they knew piracy would be much easier on those disks (hence the anti piracy attempts), but they manufactured the disks so publishers had to come to them for that which made it worth it.

>> No.10674241

Clearly bait, as FFVII was an enormous commercial success.
That said, what was Square's biggest mistake? They haven't really put out a worthwhile game for a while, and aren't the powerhouse they used to be. When did they go wrong?

>> No.10674272

>emulator reduce load times
I never realized that. So, you are saying I didn't beat the game.

>> No.10674305

>despite the jaggies PS1 has more detail and charm than the Lego Leon on N64

>> No.10674341

CDs were tried for consoles before and they failed miserably. Piracy was rampant, and people complained about the load times. It’s not like they had no reason whatsoever to think it wouldn’t work.

>> No.10674364

Nothing will ever top the Famicom's


Load screens. It's not even masking it, it's just telling you to fucking wait a second.