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10665719 No.10665719 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn’t the Xbox make a bigger impact? They had a graphically powerful machine, a major company fresh off having a computer monopoly and a lot of shilling from places like G4 and American magazines but still just barely made it to second place

>> No.10665726

At launch it was perceived as the sports game machine, which made it less appealing to more traditional gamers.

>> No.10665729

If they wanted more impact they should have dropped it :^)

>> No.10665730

Sold more units and games than the Gamecube

>> No.10665737

After 2003 they focused hard on the online strategy which helped push it past the gamecube as nintendo became the only competitor without an online platform.

>> No.10665746

Everyone already had a PS2, where the games were. There's no mystery at all.

>> No.10665753

By 2001 it was that clear cut? Wasn’t the first year of the PS2 a wasteland?

>> No.10665761

>Wasn’t the first year of the PS2 a wasteland?
No it had a better first year than the competiton.

>> No.10665776

Not really. It launched with games like Timesplitters and big hitters were out by the time the Xbox was. There's also the fact that the PS2 had so much hype behind it that it would have had to be a PS3 level disaster to not succeed.
Only reason the Xbox wasn't a total flop was because of its revolutionary combination of online functionality and a game people actually wanted to play (Halo).

>> No.10665802

Microsoft didn't produce many units and barely distributed it outside the US. They were losing money for each unit sold, so they were careful not to produce too many.

>> No.10665845

People were sceptical of new players in the market after the repeated disasters on that front during the 90s. It also had a perception of being the dudebro Halo/sports machine, despite actually having a pretty killer library of more niche titles covering every genre. Xbox Live also wasn't a major selling point yet, since the vast majority of people didn't even have broadband yet. It took until mid-2007 for 50% of US households to have a broadband connection.

At least it means that it was saved from the retroomer apocalypse. Original Xbox stuff is still practically being given away, and for multiplatform stuff from that gen is usually the best version you can buy.

>> No.10665859

Seems like other anons are saying this, but it’s lack of good software. Xbox was always the Halo machine to me, and just didn’t have a very interesting lineup otherwise.
Loved Crimson Skies, I remember some game called Hydro Thunder(?) that had really good water physics simulation and boat combat, but most of the other games I played were either cross platform or not super memorable. Besides Halo, even the other 2 I mentioned were fun, but when you’re stacked up against the PS2 or Gamecube’s libraries, they’d be middleware titles next to stuff like Ace Combat, FZero and so on.

>> No.10665861

It made just as much impact as it could as a newcomer in a Japanese dominated market, and it wasn't insignificant. What are you even fucking talking about?

>> No.10665904

>Why didn’t the Xbox make a bigger impact?
idk what to tell you
it did

it had online and it started the modern console shooter genre
all shit i hate, but to deny its impact is silly

>> No.10665993

The Xbox has a better software library than the GameCube, hands down. I'll take Ninja Gaiden Black over Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg any day. Most people are just ignorant of its better titles, since Microsoft did a shit job of marketing them and focused on Halo and lolsports. It's rare to find anyone who actually owned even the more well-known exclusives like Jet Set Radio Future and Panzer Dragon Orta at the time, which is why they became the stuff of myth and legend and Jewtube "TEN ORIGINAL XBOX GAMES YOU MUST PLAY!!!" videos.

Hydro Thunder isn't even an Xbox game. Technically the arcade version got a port inside a Midway classics compilation, but I doubt you played that given it came out a month before the 360 launched. Maybe you meant Blood Wake.

>> No.10665998

>still just barely made it to second place
second place against the highest selling console in history? Wow what a failure

>> No.10666003

>Why didn’t the Xbox make a bigger impact?
>they enter in the market in 2001
23 years later they are still in the market

They made a big impact.

>> No.10666009

It did make a pretty big impact, specially considering it was the first console of its family.

>> No.10666516

The Xbox didn't make a bigger impact because the systems library wasn't as good as the GC or PS2. That simple really.

>Not one single Resident Evil.
>Got the first Onimusha, but none of the sequels.
>Got MGS2, later down the road, but never got MGS3
>Got SH2/SH4, but never got 3.
>Not one single Final Fantasy
>Only 1 Dragonball game
>Soulcalibur 2, but not 3. Not even a port of 1
>Not a single Tekken.

I could go on, but it's library was just gimped.

>> No.10666521

It did have a pretty big impact, though. Halo, Fable, Tony Hawk 2X, and Conker were all pretty big hits.

>> No.10666692
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it was really amazing it really kept up SEGA soul after they left.

>> No.10666701

>ps2 era ff

>> No.10666703
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Uh, it did.
Microsoft became the industry leader 5 years after original Xbox came out taking out both Nintendo and Sony.
Fuck off. From the day it launched to now, Xbawx was known as the Halo machine. Sportsfags all had PS2s, that’s why they were making madden games 11 years after the system launched.

>> No.10666713

>Why didn’t the Xbox make a bigger impact?
Nigger Halo was huge and Xbox Live, despite being priced for online multiplayer, was also huge at the time.
>but still just barely made it to second place
Oh no it's not selling a hundred million units like the PS2 what a bomb

>replies ITT agreeing with OP's retarded zoomer premise
Fuck this board is shit.

>> No.10666714

>splinter cell
>riddick escape from butcher bay

og xbox did not have a problem with its library

>> No.10666761
File: 3.96 MB, 2666x3555, xbox hueg library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, xbox library is the most underrated one.

>> No.10666780

Euros and Japanese were too bitchmade to use the classic DUKE controller.

Honestly though, they probably could have made a stronger foothold in japan if they had managed the controller properly and pitched it as carrying on Sega's legacy.

>> No.10666792

Almost every game from that list also released on PC, Dreamcast or PS2.

>> No.10666795

Tendie delusion. It's hilarious that you'd try and equate the GameCube with the PS2. The Xbox's library is better than and larger than the GameCube's. Over 340 titles larger in fact. It has a much more well-rounded selection of games and far better third party support. The GameCube has:

>No Silent Hill
>No Onimusha
>No Tekken
>Soulcalibur 2, but not 3. Not even a port of 1
>No Street Fighter
>No Marvel vs Capcom 2
>No SNK games at all (CvS2 does not count)
>No Doom
>No Ninja Gaiden
>No Far Cry
>No Oddworld
>No Elder Scrolls
>No Dead or Alive
>No OutRun
>No MechAssault
>No Bioware games at all
>No Burnout 3 (the first actually good one)
>No MGS2 or MGS3 (just a shit demake of the first game)
>Far inferior Sega offerings
>Worse versions of just about every multiplatform title due to the gimped disc size

The PS2 clearly has the best library of the generation, but the Xbox is clearly second. The GameCube is a very distant third. Trying to lump it in with the PS2 and hoping nobody notices is just desperate stuff.

>> No.10666809

>killer library of more niche titles
Thats what got me interested. I wasnt even aware of Halo when it came out. I tried stuff at a pre-launch event and games like Gunvalkyrie, Munch's Odyssey and Wreckless made it come off like a Dreamcast successor to me and I was won over.

>> No.10666813

To be fair, Japanese people are midgets & their smaller hands were more suited to the PS2 size controllers. The Duke was for 6'3 lumberjack Americans & White/black gamers who played football & could palm a basketball. Most Asians are quite small in comparison, thus negating the big Xbox OG controller.

>> No.10666814

Neither Xbox nor Gamecube have games that make them worth buying.

>> No.10666826

I think i have a madcatz xbox controller somewhete that is even bigger then the duke.

>> No.10666829
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>> No.10666839

Because X Box ain’t got games
It ain’t got games

>> No.10666948

The GameCube is supported by the fact that it has Nintendo produced titles that are exclusive to that system. The only reason to buy a GameCube or any Nintendo product is because you enjoy Nintendo games. That's it. Everything else is moot. That's the only reason those consoles sell; which is why I placed it higher than the Xbox. There isn't anything on the Xbox you couldn't experience on the PS2 or PC. I agree that the GC library lacks in comparison to PS2/Xbox, the GC wasn't aimed at the same audience, which really fucked Nintendo.

>splinter cell, also on PC and PS2
>Morrowind, also on PC
>Riddick, also on PC
>Halo, also on PC

>> No.10667174

>It's rare to find anyone who actually owned even the more well-known exclusives like Jet Set Radio Future
Wasn't it a pack-in game with Sega GT 02?

>> No.10667183

>The GameCube is a very distant third
Would you say the Dreamcast is definitely dead last?

>> No.10667586

>splinter cell, also on PC and PS2
PC release was delayed and the PS2 version was shit
>Morrowind, also on PC
Fair point
>Riddick, also on PC
Delayed by 6 months
>Halo, also on PC
Delayed by two years and was a mediocre port without mods
That's 1 game that was inferior on Xbox or had a PC version released in the same time frame.

>> No.10667659

You needed to buy a remote to use the dvd player. PS2 didn't. Xbox is still awesome but it was always an uphill battle. Sony was at there Zenith, Cameras, TVs, Speakers, Computers, phones, radios but the crowning jewel was the PS2.
The real story here is microsoft had the audacity to just yolo itself into the market and do what sony did to nintendo in the next generation.

>> No.10667661 [DELETED] 

What do you mean? The impact of the OG xbox was incredible. It single shotted itself onto the console marketplace on its first try. It had better graphics than all competitors at the time it was released. The only thing that set it back wad the fact that it was newcomer on the home console scene. The precedent it set was huge. It streamlined at home online multiplayer with xbox live service menus in a way that sony's ps2 wished it could. It propelled the home console industry in so many ways.

>> No.10667671

What do you mean? The impact of the OG xbox was incredible. It single shotted itself onto the console marketplace on its first try. It had better graphics than all competitors at the time it was released. The only thing that set it back was the fact that it was newcomer on the scene. The precedent it set was huge. It streamlined at home online multiplayer service with xbox live in ways that sony's ps2 wished it could. It propelled the home console business and online home gaming in so many ways. It was just a ridiculously good gaming console all around.

>> No.10667696

>You needed to buy a remote to use the dvd player. PS2 didn't.

You needed to buy a multipad to play with 4 players. Xbox didn't.
You needed to buy memory card to save. Xbox didn't.
You needed to buy network adapter to play online. Xbox didn't.

>> No.10667798

It had a huge impact. Where do you zoomers get this shit from? The PS2 arguably was less impactful. It was just another Playstation without any features or capabilities to set it apart. It was ultimately the same experience as PS1 with better graphics.
The quality of life features of the Xbox are now basically universal. inb4 DVD player thing, yeah that sucked but IIRC my Xbox came with it and my friend's all had them too.

Yes, that guy is a dingleberry. Nearly everyone had JSRF. Standalone copies are quite rare by comparison.

As for Panzer Dragoon Orta: I had it and all my friends who had Xbox had it.

A few other games everyone had that are forgotten:
Turok Evolution
Terminator Dawn of Fate
Crimson Skies (the other game that came with Xbox)
Why make these threads? The Xbox had incredible impact. Halo is one of the largest game franchises in existence.

>> No.10667802

Even I bought an Xbox. Halo was huge. You're 12.

>> No.10667817

As someone that lived through it and isn't a fetus Zoomer, let me drop the FACTS:

-It was fucking huge and no one could fit that hunk of shit in their entertainment center
-XBOX was $299 when the PS2 had been price cut to $199, so you could get a PS2 with 2-3 games for the same price
-Nobody gave a flying fuck about online play, I knew exactly one person that ever played online. You were a turbonerd if you had XBOX Live
-Most games didn't really play or look any better to anyone but a turbo autist, the XBOX version also frequently was delayed, especially with GTA, which was an absolute sensation at the time. Even fucking Tony Hawk 3 was super delayed on XBOX, they had "wtf is this even" Tony Hawk 2x for the longest time.
-The original XBOX controller fucking SUCKED and I don't want to hear "oh, I had big hands, blah blah blah". I have big hands and that controller was just plain uncomfortable. The PS2 controller worked with big or small hands by holding it differently (small hands gripped around the handles, big hands let the handles rest where the palm meets the fingers)
-Had to buy a DVD remote for like $30 to unlock the DVD player...fucking ripoff.
-PS2 had way better exclusives.

>> No.10667818

Halo is criminally underrated :(

>> No.10667867

Ignoring your uninformed sperging about price, entertainment centers weren't designed around game consoles. They were designed around VCRs and audio receivers.... which are both the same size or bigger than an Xbox.

That's how I know you're full of shit.

>> No.10667887

>As someone that lived through it and isn't a fetus Zoomer, let me drop the FACTS:
>-It was fucking huge and no one could fit that hunk of shit in their entertainment center
Is it bigger than any of the other shit that wasn't a game console from that era?
>-XBOX was $299 when the PS2 had been price cut to $199, so you could get a PS2 with 2-3 games for the same price
See, now you're just being a goon. After PS2 did the price cut, Xbox had already started bundling games. So you get those 2 games AND didn't have to buy a memory card. PS2 fags just love moving facts around.
>-Nobody gave a flying fuck about online play, I knew exactly one person that ever played online. You were a turbonerd if you had XBOX Live
Except they did lol. Everyone I knew who had one played Xbox Live.
>-Most games didn't really play or look any better to anyone but a turbo autist, the XBOX version also frequently was delayed, especially with GTA, which was an absolute sensation at the time. Even fucking Tony Hawk 3 was super delayed on XBOX, they had "wtf is this even" Tony Hawk 2x for the longest time.
There are really only those examples of Ps2 games releasing for Xbox later. Xbox had PC ports that released after the PC version but you're listing the exception, not the rule.
>-The original XBOX controller fucking SUCKED and I don't want to hear "oh, I had big hands, blah blah blah". I have big hands and that controller was just plain uncomfortable. The PS2 controller worked with big or small hands by holding it differently (small hands gripped around the handles, big hands let the handles rest where the palm meets the fingers)
Okay. They fixed it and the result became the industry standard controller to this day.
>-Had to buy a DVD remote for like $30 to unlock the DVD player...fucking ripoff.
Most stores bundled this with the console. Everyone I knew had it included.
>-PS2 had way better exclusives.
Subjective. Not everyone wants to play JRPGs.

>> No.10667894

>-Most games didn't really play or look any better to anyone but a turbo autist,
>-PS2 had way better exclusives.
In addition, while they aren't my taste, the Xbox handled sports games incredibly well. That was a huge market segment almost completely owned by the Xbox.
inb4 basketball games
The people who play those have to leave the console on all the time because they can't afford memory card, let alone an Xbox or online play.

>> No.10668014

>all these people mad that xbox got more and better games than other two consoles from 6th gen but got less games that the console with more games in 6th gen.

>> No.10668050

Nintendo had a ton of memorable first party titles for the GC. Tons of Mario games, Zelda, Metroid, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Star Fox, F-Zero, and the list goes on. Then you had third party games like Resident Evil 4 and the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron sequels.
Every one of these names carries weight. These are household names.
Xbox really only had Halo and Halo 2 as its “household name” titles.
This isn’t even getting into the PS2 library.
Xbox is mogged by both consoles when it comes to software.

>> No.10668373

>also on PC
Who gives a fuck.

>> No.10668591

Xbox, Dreamcast, Gamecube and the N64 had the one thing no playstation ever had, 4 player capabilities out of the box and 4 player games that were actually worth playing. I dont think i have ever seen or heard of someone breaking out a PS2 during a party like those first 4 frequently were.

>> No.10668630

Smackdown games had unbelievable 4 player multiplayer but you had to be a particular kind of autist.
It would wind up being a hell in the cell match with three guys with Goku hair and the ugliest thing someone could create.
Those are still the best wrestling games ever made to this day, it’s been totally downhill from there and it’s been like 20 years now.

>> No.10668654
File: 1.31 MB, 1770x1464, xbox hueg huge backwards games gaems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is amazing that xbox one and xbox series x can play some of original xbox games from 20 years ago for free.

>> No.10669013

The reason more people bought a ps2 was for the dvd player, perhaps if microsoft wasn't such a jew they could have got better sales.

>> No.10669060

The OG controller was dog shit, the video output was blurry and dark over scart.

>> No.10669627

The fact that you're a stupid redditor?

>I had to buy a multitap to play 4 players! NOT A RIPOFF!!!

>> No.10669964
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On paper the Xbox was about 3.5 times more powerful than the PS2 in raw processing power and they were offering it for the same introductory price of $299. If you couldn’t go all in on the latest graphics card and cpu for your 2001/2 rig, Xbox was an amazing value.
I think the DVD dongle being a separate purchase was some media tax thing they wanted to avoid and the dongle was I think 30 bucks with a remote.

I can’t find the post but someone else said Xbox had bad video output…they never played one. Xbox easily had the cleanest video out, GameCube was second and PS2 was dead last.

>> No.10671630

nobody cared about 4 player games in europe between 1991 and 2023

We only care about fifa and two (2) joystick to play FIFA, F1 games, Rally games and other sport and racing games.

>> No.10672281

dreamcast got the same amount of games in 2 years that the gamecube did in 5

>> No.10672284

Peter Moore clearly took his Sega of America and Dreamcast experience to lay the foundation for the Xbox.

>Was released right after the Dreamcast was discontinued
>Literally uses the Dreamcast controller layout minus the VMU
>Sega offered backwards compatibility for Dreamcast games
>The Dreamcast was a testbed of sorts for Microsoft, with some of the console's games running on a custom version of Windows CE
>Peter Moore who worked for Microsoft on the Xbo was the president and COO of Sega of America
>The ESPN games, Gunvalkyrie, Headhunter Redemption, The House of the Dead 3, Jet Set Radio Future, NBA games, NCAA games, NFL games, NHL games, Otogi, Outrun, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Phantom Crash, Puyo Pop: Fever, Rent-A-Hero No. 1, Sega GT, Sega Soccer, the Sonic games, Spartan: Total Warrior, Spikeout, Super Monkey Ball: Deluxe, and Toejam & Earl 3 were all released on the Xbox
>Hell, Jet Set Radio Future was even bundled with it
>It went for the same audience of cool, hip, eXtreme jock gamers that the Dreamcast did
>It fully realized the online gaming feature Sega ambitiously set out to popularize despite lacking the resources

>> No.10672290

The only reason Halo is considered good is because it released on Xbawks.
It would have been mediocre on PC.

>> No.10674390

Maybe, Halo did release on PC as well. Halo CE online with modded maps is fun. Halo is kind of a stepping stone between old fps and new fps in my head cannon. But the xbox was a Halo 2 machine for sure, halo was the killer app you had if you had an xbox but you went out and got an xbox for Halo 2.

>> No.10674534

It's worth mentioning that around 2000/2001 was still the time that Microsoft was vehemently hated by younger people, the company itself looked at as the epitome of corporate greed, and Bill Gates as an uncool poindexter and frequently the target of Barney-like hate and vitriol.
Not that any of that has changed much, but I remember as a teenager there was a slight undercurrent to that. It took a while until around Halo 2 where Xbox started to have some identity as the dudebro machine

>> No.10674718

The PS2 was hugely anticipated, the hype machine behind it was even bigger than the incredibly substantial amount of anticipation for the PS1. The Xbox had some stuff going for it but it was really just an alternative to the PS2, it's amazing they sold any at all. The Xbox 360 succeeded practically entirely on Sony's early-stage failures on the PS3, and like the PS2, the 360 got there first. The PS3 ended up outselling the 360 in the end but that just goes to show you that the "console wars" part of the cycle is decided early on.