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File: 29 KB, 465x310, Ken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10663931 No.10663931 [Reply] [Original]

>single handedly engineers the snes sound solution, most praised part of the console
>correctly predicts the realtime 3D tools he saw 10 years ago will be cheap enough for consumers in 10 years
>btfos sony internal management
>god emperor of sony gives him his own division
>teams up with sony music
>successfully recruits namco back into console games
>completely tears down the insane nintendo pricing structure that made making games a nightmarish risk
>transforms the industry over night, gets everyone into 3D game design, modernizes everything
>nintendo takes years to catch up
>creates the greatest console known to man
>empowers britjank autism scene to make the best dev tools known to man
>implements all their autistic whims
>dominates the generation
>saves gaming after the 1993 crash
>says fuck it, I'll do it again
>releases the greatest console of all time, again
>microsoft begs sony to work on it
>sony says "no, we do not control ken kutaragi."
>proceeds to sell more than any console ever

The story of this guy is just legendary. It never ends. Live in your world, play in Ken's.

>> No.10663939

>>microsoft begs sony to work on it
what this means?

>> No.10663949

>shits out the turd known as the ps3 and destroys his legacy

>> No.10663954

Not OP, but maybe he means Microsoft trying to buy one of sony/nintendo/sega and always failing to do so?

>> No.10663964

>Hires Psygnosis to guarantee the success of the PSX
>Hires Namco to make the first great arcade port as its very first game, down to the serial number
Simply THE most based videogame console release of all time.

>> No.10663967

Microsoft wanted the PS2 to run windows and bill gates approached nobuyuki idei (president of sony at the time) to get windows on the ps2, but it was shot down because ken earned carte blanche after the massive success of the PS1.

>> No.10663971


>> No.10663983

>Microsoft wanted the PS2 to run windows
Microsoft actually destroyed Japan's operational system market by lobbying against Japanese computer systems. The logo design for the Xbox is meant to be reminiscent of a toxic hazard to remind the japs of the nukes, too.
I'm not fucking joking. Fuck microsoft.

>> No.10663987

>most sane weebtranny

>> No.10663996

>1993 crash
The what? Did I fucking sleep through this?

>> No.10663998

Video game sales declined massively in 1993

>> No.10664000

Read, quadroon.

>> No.10664004 [DELETED] 


>> No.10664007

It feels super weird to see anyone else talking about this. It's all true but for whatever reason nobody wants to believe it.

>> No.10664015
File: 51 KB, 660x574, 1693858736985092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it really happen if the Japanese don't complain about it?
Why does it come to westerners to cry about muh grorious nippon os compiled 10000 times?

>> No.10664018

It's a nuanced issue, and while the actions of Microsoft and the US government certainly had a significant impact, saying they "destroyed" Japan's operating system market is an oversimplification.

While TRON was innovative and ahead of its time in many aspects, the global technology market was highly competitive. The dominance of Windows and Intel processors wasn't solely due to lobbying or government intervention; these products also had widespread market acceptance and technological merits that appealed to consumers and businesses worldwide.

>> No.10664023

>The logo design for the Xbox is meant to be reminiscent of a toxic hazard to remind the japs of the nukes, too.
>the jap variant of "muh shoah"
Fuckers deserved worse and it's was nice of MS to remind them because they sure keep forgetting about their role in WW2.
Based Microsoft

>> No.10664048

>the global technology market
TRON was meant to be just for Japan, hence why it didn't have much english documentation, and even then it was a widely used system until the early 2000s. It's not like the automobile market situation in the 70s.

>> No.10664057

A lot of people simply don't know about it. The only people who would really know would be those who worked in mainstream electronics companies and were attached to products that had to drop support for the OS in order to not lose the American market.

>> No.10664059

> snes sound
I have never been able to comprehend why people liked the sound of an underwater orchestra.

>> No.10664153

First of all, an underwater orchestra would probably sound pretty interesting. Second, the SNES only sounded as good as the samples used. Which basically means it could technically sound as good as any other other midi sampler, but the cartridge space and ingenuity of the developers limited what it was capable of.

In the hands of people like David Wise and Tim Follin it sounded fucking awesome. But the same could be said for the Megadrive, since there were plenty of farty sounding games on there, but you also had Sonic 3 and Streets of Rage 2.

This is a dumb argument you're trying to have really because both had their strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.10664158

It wasn't meant just for Japan, otherwise Microsoft never would have lobbied against it and the US government wouldn't have (as a result of the lobbying) threatened Japanese companies.

What you're spouting is pure revisionism. American officials have commented on it and said that they were legitimately scared of the OS because they genuinely believed Japan was going to surpass the US.

>> No.10664167

Microsoft wanted in on the Japanese market. Did you miss out on their technological boom?
>they were legitimately scared of the OS because they genuinely believed Japan was going to surpass the US
And this somehow makes a private company lobbying against a market competitor on the fucking US government and pushing its judisdiction on a foreign country just because they were being outcompeted somehow okay?

>> No.10664242

Lots of weeaboos in here seething. Just use linux lmao.

>> No.10664285

Has fuckall to do with your schizo headcanon about the Xbox logo

>> No.10664434

I'm arguing against Microsoft, retard

>> No.10664441

Some of this is pure revisionism. Especially the part about making games less of a financial risk.

>> No.10664541

You WILL work more hours.

>> No.10664551

Nta but do you remember the whole thing last year about Yoshi P seing the term JRPG as a slur? It directly ties to this stuff that all culminated in that infamous Phil Fish conference, and I feel some context is needed. The term JRPG was taken as offensive for Japanese developers for a number of reasons. It's not as simple as the negative connotations that sprung up at around the same time as FFXIII, though that's obviously a big part of it.

What happens is that, for the longest time (and even today), they've used the term "youge" as a derogative for western games. They didn't even consider them "games" proper (see, "videogames", according to them, were "a Japanese thing", and I'm quoting Hideo Kojima here.) I was actually shocked at how disdainful the term "youge" actually was when I went there. Well, right at the time FFXIII came out, the Japanese game industry was declining rapidly in terms of market share. They needed to sell games in the west to survive, but they weren't doing it well. They also were having a lot of problems adjusting to the change to HD.

Western developers were putting out console games, good ones, and selling gang-busters. And now Japanese developers were like "how are we supposed to compete with this? It's not fair! We don't have the budget, we don't have the sales!" And it's against this backdrop that the term JRPG began to be used as a negative. Regardless of the negative connotations it had over here, over there it was much worse, because 1) they were losing literally 90% of the market, 2) they'd always thought of themselves as making RPGs and 3) they had the term "youge" as an analog. So they automatically assumed that JRPG was as bad as "youge", and, especially as you're losing almost all of your market, that's gotta sting.

>> No.10664557

What I think is that the term was being used negatively by some people, but not all of them, and certainly it's become purely descriptive nowadays. But in Japan they resented the rebranding of the genre, and assumed it was like when they rebranded western games as "youge". The Japanese game industry narrative is this: "RPGs" were not intuitive and could not be enjoyed by a mainstream audience until the Great Yuji Horii came and made Dragon Quest; and they were a hit in Japan but not in the West, because the games were, in FF creator Hironobu Sakaguchi's words, too "complex" for Western audiences (nevermind that the genre originated in the West but prejudice is never rational). However, thanks to the cutting-edge graphics pioneered by Final Fantasy, they started selling in the West, too. "Final Fantasy" is the big Japanese RPG franchise that sells in the West, too.

Anyway, Yoshi P in particular has to have taken the JRPG classification personally, as he was one of the few Japanese gamers who actually did appreciate Western games. He played the original Ultima Online. He played Everquest. So for him to hear that term, and having "youge" as a point of reference, it must have really been awful. Its complicated. Japanese society as a whole has both disdain and admiration, both superiority and inferiority complexes, with regards to the West. I would have trouble understanding it if I did not have very specific point of reference myself.

Thank you for reading my blog

>> No.10664567

There was a gaming crash in 1993?

>> No.10664623

>widespread market acceptance
Thanks wholly to lobbying and government interference
>technological merits
List them, go. I'll give you from now until eternity to come up with even a single merit that set them above any of the competition. I'll save you the time however, you cannot. Computers back then were nothing like what you are used to today.

>> No.10664640


>> No.10664751

>>single handedly engineers the snes sound solution, most praised part of the console
>>correctly predicts the realtime 3D tools he saw 10 years ago will be cheap enough for consumers in 10 years
>>btfos sony internal management
>>god emperor of sony gives him his own division
>>teams up with sony music
>>successfully recruits namco back into console games
>>completely tears down the insane nintendo pricing structure that made making games a nightmarish risk
>>transforms the industry over night, gets everyone into 3D game design, modernizes everything
>>nintendo takes years to catch up
>>creates the greatest console known to man
>>empowers britjank autism scene to make the best dev tools known to man
>>implements all their autistic whims
>>dominates the generation
>>saves gaming after the 1993 crash
>>says fuck it, I'll do it again
>>releases the greatest console of all time, again
>>microsoft begs sony to work on it
>>sony says "no, we do not control ken kutaragi."
>>proceeds to sell more than any console ever
>The story of this guy is just legendary. It never ends. Live in your world, play in Ken's.
Never happened.

>> No.10664752

PS3 predicted modern hardware trends tho.

>> No.10664814

What hardware trends? PowerPC? Shitty coprocessors? Fucking Rambus RDRAM?

>> No.10664824

>saves gaming after the 1993 crash

>> No.10665047
File: 362 KB, 700x719, C003357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF you count the switch as a console, then Sony has 4 out of 5 highest-selling consoles of all time.

Microsoft barely makes the top ten, and with what was arguably their shittiest system.

>> No.10665048
File: 158 KB, 575x579, C003358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken did allow PS2 to run LINUX though.

>> No.10665086

>However, a dearth of quality English documentation was said to hinder its broader adoption.
Good, microsoft stopped the japanese from making even worse windows ports of their games and setting the japanese PC gaming environment many decades back. Operating systems should never be nationalized and written in fucking moon runes. Fuck TROON.

>> No.10665096

The SNES sound quality was utterly hindered by its measly 64KB sound RAM. You could stream music from the cartridge but the file size would be fuckhuge. The Amiga was superior because music was stored in the main RAM and the processor itself could act as a sound mixer. It reduced the clock speed by like 0.1Mhz but it was worth it. The Genesis didn't play samples, so the 8KB sound RAM was more than enough. Nintendo fucked up by not releasing the SNES CD, their sound chip was a wasted potential.

>> No.10665101

what kind of gayass fucking nerd makes a thread li!e this?

>> No.10665119

You really don't deserve this kind of effort, as you as a sniveling little nigger, but sure.

One of the most significant factors in the success of an operating system is its compatibility with a wide range of software and hardware. Systems like MS-DOS and later Windows had a vast ecosystem of software applications and hardware drivers. This compatibility was crucial for users and businesses who relied on a broad array of tools and systems.

The availability of a wide range of software applications is critical for any operating system's success. Operating systems like Windows had a vast library of software, catering to everything from business and productivity to education and entertainment. The lack of software availability for TRON was one of the hurdles it faced.

The early success and widespread adoption of systems like MS-DOS created a large user base. Once an operating system gains significant market share, network effects come into play, where more users attract more developers to the platform, creating more applications, which in turn attracts more users.

Continuous support and development are crucial for the longevity of any operating system. Companies like Microsoft had significant resources dedicated to the development, support, and marketing of their operating systems, which contributed to their ongoing improvement and adaptation to new technologies.

>> No.10665871

NTSLN, but it's been decided by courts in multiple jurisdictions that one of the most significant factors in the success of windows was MS breaking the law. Microsoft's lobbying in the cases is famous. Are you:
A) a turbo tard
B) a contrarian (You) whore
C) gagging to suck the cock of anyone who wants everyone else to eat bugs
D) all of the above
Enquiring minds want to know

>> No.10666146

brown corridors at 30 frames per second

>> No.10666209

early zoomers think the brown and bloom era is soulful now

>> No.10666323
File: 64 KB, 220x220, 12374643421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>sony says "no, we do not control ken kutaragi."

>> No.10666350

Sony's only mistake was launching the PS3 a year after the X360.
This gave Microsoft enough time to damage the gaming industry and alienate gamers beyond recovery.
The Blu-ray format was kinda unnecessary and inflated the final price of the PS3. Still, the price of the PS3 wasn't high considering everything it can do.

>> No.10666374

Colossal cope. Absolutely terrible architecture, awful games (muh interactive walking simulator, are you gonna blame le evil microsoft for that too weebtranny?), multiplats with serious framerate issues, it was a disaster and i will never understand how anyone who liked the ps1 and ps2 can defend that turd.

>> No.10666384

If we go like that Iwata and Miyamoto don't deserve the love they get because of the WiiU

>> No.10666596

The entire system was a mess, they had extremely grand visions for the cell architecture thanks to its high potential and then it wound up awful for games, the only thing that matters for such a system. Devs took the entire gen to get stable framerates out of the thing while easily making games for the 360.

Also, if we're talking about things that inflated the price, including an entire god damned PS2 inside the stupid thing would definitely be one of them. Blu-ray made tons of sense, the PS3 became people's main media player just like how people used the PS2 as a DVD player. It pushed the format (which they personally profited from) in general, it would have floundered much harder without the PS3 backing it.

This is all coming from someone who thought the PS3 had the best library of that gen and spent hours upon hours playing the hell out of it. I love it, but it was heavily, heavily flawed.

>> No.10666670

Yeah, terrible how the 360 alienated everyone to expect games.

>> No.10666772

PS3 was shit but so were all the HD consoles and it was the least shit (not counting the Wii which was not hd)

>> No.10666775

It's a retro gaming board titfuck where do you think you are

>> No.10667715

the article says MS backed off from it

>> No.10667724

>they genuinely believed Japan was going to surpass the US.
This was just fear mongering from jealous car companies getting BTFO by Japanese automobiles. A nation that has U.S military bases in it could never surpass America lol

>> No.10668341

MS released a system that was on par with the PS3 but retailed 1 year earlier, was easier to develop for and cost much less.
No Sony got so far stuck up their own ass with the PS3 design that they no longer knew what they were doing

>> No.10668349

no shit faggot, its a retro gaming forum not a forum about nip engineers and executives

>> No.10668493

The 360 also self-destroyed in mass quantities.

>> No.10668912

>>successfully recruits namco back into console games

Namco never left consoles, they only left Nintendo

>> No.10670325

Ps3 surpassed the 360 in sales and took a massive shit on it. The first several years of got RRoD, you have to a turbo faggot to keep buying abusted ass piece of shit yet to kike worshipping goyslop guzzlwrs went through 3 consoles each.

>muh bad ports!
Only for the first year and only for absolutely faggot nigger tier amerimutt filthy casual garbage like cawadoodie

Bluray was the best part
The architecture is great. What happened is a new wave of modern college game designers came out, who only know how to make really unoptimized games in bloated commercial engines like unreal. 99% of game designers today don't even know how to program. So in other words, your faggot ass thinks "it's bad because it's not exactly the same as a PC"
There is absolutely nothing on the 360 that comes close to metal gear solid 4 or unchartered 2. The 360 is fucking ugly. Your nigger box struggles to do 720p/30, 90% of the library is literally sub-720 being Upscaled.

>> No.10670329

I knew multiple faggots who bitched for years when they removed ps2 backwards compatibility from the ps3. Gamers expected BC back then

>> No.10670340

What games?
Halo 3 and.......... Nigger ball 2003?
Gears of war is pure fucking garbage btw. One of the worst games ever made, only played by faggots who never played quake or unreal, and every one of you faggots plays goyslop like fortnite today, because you've never had any taste. I also noticed most of you 360 niggers were N64 fags before that.

>> No.10670343

Oh I'm well aware that it was THE thing to include, but when you're weighing the absolute laughing stock that was "five-hundred ninety nine US dollars" against some consumers that may be mad at first but eventually buy it anyways, I think they should have started looking for a workaround to the issue before cramming a PS2 into the thing.

>> No.10670345

Japan has a higher standard of living than the USA by every possible metric.

>> No.10670356

>on par
>500p games
>hard drive so small you can't fit a fucking mp4 on it
>extra $100 for a fucking wifi adaptor
>controller takes batteries
>No hdmi
>99.99% nigger games
>100% failure rate for launch consoles
>50% failure rate for all subsequent models
>scratches rings into your disk if the console is touched

>> No.10670357

Eh, I like the PS but I still prefer the 4th gen better.

>> No.10670360

americans aren't overworked

>> No.10670361

The price bitching was a forced meme. Adjusted for inflation there were several consoles that were far more expensive

>> No.10670364

Yes they are. The white ones anyway. Some of the most hours worked per week of any developed nation. Higher than Europe.

>> No.10670374

>Some of the most hours worked per week of any developed nation.
not even close

>> No.10670393

No it really wasn't, that was obscenely high by anyone's standards at the time it released. You could buy a 360 for half that. Yes, it was the shitty version, but tell that to the average consumer looking at one versus the other. Even the proper 360 model was fucking TWO HUNDRED dollars less.

>> No.10670608
File: 99 KB, 373x695, Screenshots_2024-02-07-00-17-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up faggot
It's only the 7th most expensive launch console

>> No.10670678

Your list shows exactly how completely fucking insane $599 was as a launch price, inflation or not. Especially from the same company that dropped the legendary "$299" that was part of what made the Saturn flat out not exist in the US.

From your very own list, the PS3 was more relatively expensive at launch than ANY mainstream console other than the Atari 2600. By hundreds of dollars, in most cases. No one owned a 3DO or Neo-Geo for several reasons, but the price certainly didn't help.

>> No.10670716

So, argumentum ad populum

>> No.10670748

>uh muh fallatical argument
Popularity is an advantage of its own. Nobody dares to make a piece of hardware that doesn't work on Windows. Even Apple Magic Keyboard. Linux, what's that, sounds like a kind of dinosaur.

>> No.10671104

>the snes sound solution, most praised part of the console
you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for bait

>> No.10671113

people definitely didn't praise the slow ass CPU

>> No.10671117

$40 more expensive than launch ps1

>> No.10671118

>Muh inflation corrected numbers!!!
Cope harder Snoy
Doesn't even work like that, elektronics in general were more expensive in the early years since even getting a bare minimum up and running was super costly

>> No.10671120

Linux is more popular today than ever.
Android has gobbled up much of windows audience.
Microshit is an evil company bigger than ever other gaming company combined. Take the jewish cock out of your mouth.

>> No.10671123

And only $250 more expensive than an inflation corrected 360 (and 1 year later, without even providing any better performance)

>> No.10671187

The ps3 ran 720p games Upscaled to 1080, with some being native 1080 like Wipeout hd.

The 360 ran games at 500p Upscaled to 720p. With no hdmi. No wifi. A hard drive with less storage than a fucking sd card. It used dvds.



>> No.10671192

The true cost of the 3shitty was easily over $1000 because you had to buy 3 of them.

That's not counting having to pay for peer2peer networking over the internet you already have.

>> No.10671208

Are you being thick on purpose? All multiplat games ran at the same res or stronger on the 360 and it had a similar up scaling solution for 720p to 1080p.
The 360 never ran its os at 1080p so only select games ran at it. Sometimes games would run at slightly below 720p so they could put the frame buffer in the 10mb Edram like titanfall iirc

The og 360 did fail regularly because of the solder and a strange cooling choice but the only reason the ps3 didn’t was Sony knew they had to design a cooling solution for a 380 watt internal psu vs the 360s external 230 watt

>> No.10671234

Damn that explains the working one I have.

>> No.10671235

>single handedly engineers the snes sound solution, most praised part of the console
The SNES soundchip is overrated

>> No.10671240

one thing does not contradict the other

>> No.10671259

Triggered (and wrong)

>> No.10671296

>Launch Playstation according to that chart
>Launch PS3 according to that chart
One HUNDRED and forty dollars.

>> No.10671356

You did not buy a 360 within a year or so of it releasing. ALL of them failed given enough time, it lead to a completely insane amount of product replacements by Microsoft... up until they stopped replacing them for free as soon as the bad PR about the RRoD stopped, of course.

>> No.10671653

How many years until we can make threads about PS3 vs XBOX 360?
This board needs to evolve!

>> No.10671770

I had two. The orginal and the black slim one. It was a waste of time trying to get the original fixed as it cost too much. People forget that the PS3 had free online too.

>> No.10671992

What? First I’ve heard of this. Source? Why? High cartridge and chip prices? 1993 was full of banger releases.

>> No.10672098

>ALL of them failed given enough time
all physical things fail given enough time you gigasnoy fanboy
>y-you just didn't use it enough! just wait and see you filthy whitupiggu gaijin! Any Day Now™!

>> No.10672126

True, it's an S model.

>> No.10672190

>all physical things fail given enough time you gigasnoy fanboy
Every single bit of gaming hardware I've ever owned still works. EXCEPT my 360, bought 6 months after launch. It red ringed in 2010. That was considered it lasting a long time, if anything.

Why do you think I was mad about it?

>> No.10673092

>successfully recruits namco back into console games
Namco never stopped making console games

>> No.10673103

Shut the fuck up kike

>> No.10673142

If I had to guess it's less about games and more about every big company releasing a console which confused consumers and pissed them off when they dropped it it months later, just think about it
>Virtual Boy
>Sega CD
>Jaguar CD
>Amiga CD
all released close-ish to each other

>> No.10673143

>The dominance of Windows
Windows wasn’t popular until 95 you dumb cunt
Most people were running DOS

>> No.10673150

>The Genesis didn't play samples

>> No.10673156

Nobody cares

>> No.10673865

nothing offensive about the term 'jrpg'. if anything it implies a game being more hardcore than the near-meaningless, bargain-bin catch-all term 'rpg'.

do you think a third one would fix things over there? just spitballing.

>> No.10673871

delicious profits, goyim

>> No.10673878

Ching ching ping pong

>> No.10673887

Lol agree bro!
As an OFFICIAL U.S. American, I can honestly say that when my father picks me up from Karate class in his Subaru Forrester, that Japan is a no factor, lol. So he might have to dodge a few bullets and homeless on the way to Walmart to pick up my Nintendo Wii? Lol videogames! Japan will never surpass U.S. steel! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to read Demonslayer and watch One piece again.

>> No.10676158


>> No.10676384

>Microsoft actually destroyed Japan's operational system market by lobbying against Japanese computer systems
They did not, they adopted DOS and Windows out of convenience and compatibility with overseas markets. Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.10676624


Ah yes, of course they did. It totally wasn't the whole trade sanctions thing.

>> No.10677038
File: 29 KB, 600x733, 1701876209059453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Genesis didn't play samples

>> No.10677060

>we can shit on western games all we want with our faggy label

Why are they such fags all the time? They sure don’t mind taking American money though.

>> No.10677085

1993 saw a sharp decline in game sales on 16 bit consoles.

>> No.10677090

> I also noticed most of you 360 niggers were N64 fags before that.
I mean, considering both consoles were dudebro shooter consoles....