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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10661316 No.10661316 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this walking simulator so highly praised?
It not even good at being a walking simulator. He walks slow af and you cant even see where you are going with all the fog around you. I have to open the map to see where I am facing so I can walk in the right direction.

>> No.10661318

>walking simulator
stopped reading here.

>> No.10661319

>One of the few video games of genuine artistic merit
I fucking hate gamers.

>> No.10661326

because muh depression abuse rape story, millennial tumblrites eat that shit up
captcha: wgay0

>> No.10661332

>One of the few video games of genuine artistic merit
Saying stuff like this just makes it seem like you have to disparage everything else to make it seem better. SH2 does some things very very well. So do other games. SH2 has some gameplay flaws and it's okay to admit that too.

My first time playing SH2 I struggled to appreciate it because I thought the gameplay was too bad to let me enjoy it much. It was only after replaying it and the gameplay becoming less of a factor when some parts of it hit me. It's possible OP is the same way.

>> No.10661334 [DELETED] 

>i aM a bIg BoY i oNlY plAy bOrinG gAmeS. yOur gaMe iS fuN?? wAaA biNg BinG waHoo
Is SH like an interactive movie?

>> No.10661341

>I have to open the map to see where I am facing so I can walk in the right direction.
Agreed. They should have thrown in a GTA-style minimap with markers fr fr no cap.

>> No.10661345

>Is SH like an interactive movie?
No, it barely has any cutscenes and most of the time you're walking from locked door to locked door solving retarded puzzles.

>> No.10661350

No, there is just too much fog to see anything that is more than 2 feet from my face. If I am standing in the middle of a road, I have no idea whats around me. And if I can't see my surroundings, it's difficult to see where my character should go.

>> No.10661352
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>he doesn't know

>> No.10661353

please never post here again because you sound like a retarded faggot

>> No.10661357

Then hug the side of the road. Use whatever landmarks are available or street signs to keep track of where you are.

>> No.10661358

Fuck off retard.

>> No.10661360

That's what I am doing.

Why so butthurt?

>> No.10661362

There are only a couple of other games that go for (relatively) complex themes without bungling it.

>> No.10661363

It has a good story and elite aesthetics/atmosphere. people ultimately choose to focus on its strengths rather than eternally kevetching about the lost promise of more competent but still extremely mediocre 6th gen combat system that it might have been

>> No.10661364

Ah, thank you!
Now I can finally traverse the completely linear path down to silent hill without getting lost.

>> No.10661368

*the more

>> No.10661373

OP is clearly bait but I have to say I do think the game is pretty over rated. The first hour or so is god tier but then you realize most of the game takes place indoors in identical locations and theres only 1 type of enemy. The pyramid head boss fights are fucking trash too.

Theres a lot to like about it but the first game is way better.

>> No.10661382

>first hour or so is god tier
wtf? it took me like 40 minutes to drag the slow af character into the apartments and you are telling me that was the best part?

>> No.10661427

Even though you’re clearly baiting, if you haven’t “got” Silent Hill 2 by the apartment then stop playing: it’s not for you. I can’t believe someone can genuinely come on /vr/ and complain about fog, in a horror video game, being too thick that they get disoriented and lost without a scrap of self awareness of what they’re typing as they do it.

>> No.10661430 [DELETED] 

Do people who "get" SH2 get to keep their testicles?

>> No.10661436

The Silent Hill games were never big because of their gameplay. They were big because they did horror correctly and, for the time, were something completely new. Your options for horror back then were basically Resident Evil or Silent Hill. SH focused more on horror while RE focused more on survival gameplay.

SH2 still has a very good story but OP is too much of a retard and dickhead to get something with some nuance to it and it's clear he's already hostile towards the game.

>> No.10661465

I want to make a joke about you being “hyperbollock” but im too tired.

>> No.10661517

It really baffles me how many people are butthurt because of this series. Isn't it supposed to be popular with normalfags? And it's not like with Zelda when only /v/ and /vr/ are absolutely mindbroken by it and consider it the worst shit ever, most people on the internet outside of 4chan consider SH to be 'clunky, boring and outdated'

>> No.10661527

Why are jannies allowing obvious bait threads?

>> No.10661556 [DELETED] 

lmao you have such shit taste

>> No.10661559 [DELETED] 

>implying this is bait
Anon, the kids today have been so brainwashed by memes that actually can't enjoy games like SH2 because they're cinematic.

>> No.10661562 [DELETED] 

Silent Hill 2 came out in the same year as Project Zero which is a way better horror game.

>> No.10661569 [DELETED] 

What are some other games you think meet that criteria

>> No.10661571

What other ones are there? Name more than two.

>> No.10661573 [DELETED] 

Silent hill is one of the most emotionally powerful game series ever made. It's pure art. A simpleton like you would never get it.

>> No.10661575

anons, if you have nostalgia for sh and sh2 soundtracks, i wrote an album inspired by that era


>> No.10661576 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10661579

You wrote this? Like actually, on your own? What the fuck?

This is really goddamn impressive, anon. Ambient horror is a genre that I have a soft spot for.

>> No.10661603 [DELETED] 

Yeah, man, thank you! It took quite a while to make.

I'm a big Yamaoka fan and wanted to pay my respects with this one, his sound is truly unique.

>> No.10661610 [DELETED] 

After every property I've loved has been fucked into the dirt by globohomo and degenerate fanbases I can now only get off to accounts of zoomer mouthbreathers struggling to grasp real video games. OP please post more bad /vr/ while I'm edging. Do you suck at Ninja Gaiden? Have you played Shenmue??? THOUGHTS ON CASTLEVANIA STAIRS GO

>> No.10661617

OP here. Only played SOTN and one igavania on GBA I think. SOTN was pretty dope. Awesome soundtrack. I know you boomers like NES castlevanias more but I just didn't like how they looked.

>> No.10661620

The latest in
>What were they thinking????????????
threads about good games. Nice.

>> No.10661640 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10661654 [DELETED] 

>brainlet copy of Last Highway

>> No.10661752 [DELETED] 

You don’t need to enjoy games anon, we are doing fine without you.

>> No.10661772 [DELETED] 

Wasn't playing it for you, or for /vr/, or for SH fans. Just sharing my opinion after playing SH2 for one hour. I will complete it for sure and hopefully not become a SH stan who can't hear a simple criticism about the game without resorting to name calling.

>> No.10661776

Godspeed you, passive-aggressive kun.

>> No.10661789

nta Your insecurity is showing.

>> No.10661823

OK :^)

>> No.10661829

you have yet to post any valid criticism

>> No.10661856

Walking simulator with being shit at walking as stated in OP
Need to check map every other minute to see where you are at because can't see shit.
Shit gameplay. Collecting keys and keeping track of locked doors. WOW BEST PS@ GAME EVER
Pinata simulator combat

>> No.10662113 [DELETED] 
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Reddit Hill 2 the king of poser-core slops (right next to Earthbound)
you don't hear much about it's god awful combat, terrible bosses and long ass walking simulator segments or really anything related to gameplay becaue the majority of Reddit Hill 2 posers did not play this slop they watched a ssummarized youtube playthough skipping through shit gameplay (95% of the game) or they watched a two hours retrospective video spent jerking off to the shitty writting and Muh 2Deep4U Symbolism without covering the gameplay

>> No.10662152 [DELETED] 

>Ninja Gayden
poor man DMC for the Xbox drones
and no one would care about it if it wasn't made by the same hacks behind Coom Or Alive
the OG walking simulator slop and reason for popularizing the QTE shit that plagued and sstill contiuning plaguing gaming, thankfully the new generation are no longer falling for the bait of the Sega Shitcast contrarians because Yakuza is now mainstream and next to it Shitmue for being is a boring unfun garbage and that's why the new generation calls Shitmue ''Yakuza but bad''
i assume you are talking about classic CV, 1,3 and Bloodlines are good, Reddit Of Blood and Dracula X are okay, 4 is mediocre, 2 is bad and am not gonna bother talking about the rest because they all suck

>> No.10662160 [DELETED] 

did you play SH1 first?
>threads about good games

>> No.10662165 [DELETED] 

>did you play SH1 first?
Nope. Can't into tank controls.

>> No.10662170 [DELETED] 
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>real video games

>> No.10662172

So I see you've only played the first 5 minutes of the game and needed to make a sweeping statement about the whole game and didn't talk about much of the story, combat, different levels, mechanics, etc. What are some better walking simulators for the PS2 that you can recommend?
However, the fog effects are utilized to hide the poor draw distance that the hardware can't really handle, especially in PS2 titles. See any Dynasty Warrior games of that time.

>> No.10662173 [DELETED] 
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then you're going to hate Reddit Hill 2 and losse any desire to play the other superior titles in the series
this is what you get for starting with the worst game

>> No.10662175
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It's almost like a heavy fog IRL that you can only see a few feet ahead of you that hides a town is heavy and hard to see through...

>> No.10662178 [DELETED] 

>you're going to hate Reddit Hill 2

>> No.10662179 [DELETED] 

>didn't talk about much of the story, combat, different levels, mechanics
not even the die hard Reddit Hill 2 fags on /vr/ talk about that because they know it's shit and does not fit their narrative of ''Oh My Science! This Is Le Best Horror Game Ever!!!''

>> No.10662184 [DELETED] 

if you only played one hour of it and didn't like it so far then you're not gonna like it even after you reach the credits
brace yourself for the boss fights in this slop oh you gonna be so dissapointed

>> No.10662193 [DELETED] 

I guess every character must be a professional assassin with no recoil to be a protagonist in a game these days. It is sad that there is no "Style" rating system in the game to show how well you can swing a random rusted pipe and combo attack a character so you can show off your SSS combo attacks with QTE on "le Pyramid Head Final Form v.3 with T-Virus injected" on an exploding platform in hell where he shoots missiles from his head. Eat a dick

>> No.10662206 [DELETED] 

boo hoo faggot Reddit Hill 2 combat is worse than SH1 (a PS1 game) they have no excuse

>> No.10662216 [DELETED] 

It's almost like the combat in the game isn't the focus of the game because the focus of the game isn't about combat. hmmm....I can tell you haven't played the game. Mad cuz bad

>> No.10662219
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I would be embarrassed to ship a game with enemy AI as bad as SH2.

>> No.10662221

eternal darkness was better

>> No.10662223 [DELETED] 

>the combat in a game with monsters in every corner and room and with boss fights isn't the actual focus of the game!
and if you just evade and run away from the monsters then Reddit Hill 2 would be a walking/jogging simulator just as OP said

>> No.10662226 [DELETED] 

>6th gen thread
Many such cases! So glad the moderation staff cares about the quality of their site.

>> No.10662231 [DELETED] 

a shame the amerimutt developerss got triggered by 9/11 and removed a lot of the planned content for the game
it always felt unfinished

>> No.10662262

>Project Zero
Absolute Dogshit.

>> No.10662427

How do I unlock the Silent Instinct ability?

>> No.10662441

Put your level points into recon branch

>> No.10662504 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 214x302, proxy-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see more and more people coming around to what self indulgent tripe the SH games were. The best part is all the fan theories were crushed by the lead dev on Twitter, he eventually admitted he made the series up as he went along

>> No.10662546

"James! It's your cousin... let's go bowling."

>> No.10662548 [DELETED] 

RE fags are mental

>> No.10662558 [DELETED] 

The RE games are just as bad. The only thing I'll give the devs credit for is not being up their own ass

>> No.10662563 [DELETED] 

So a zoomie with no taste?

>> No.10662564 [DELETED] 

Go away tendie troll, there are other systems outside of Nintendo and Sega.
Broaden your horizon and exclusively play PlayStation instead.

>> No.10662610 [DELETED] 

No, I just like games that aren't 90% inventory management and backtracking. I like Tomb Raider which has similar tank controls and puzzles

>> No.10662626

>he eventually admitted he made the series up as he went along
not relevant to thread as SH2 was completely detached from SH1/3's story and had different "lead devs" and directors (which makes me think you didn't play it and you're just spouting kneejerk opinions)
From what I watched on SH2 behind the scenes video the director had a pretty clear vision from the start, and from what I played in the game it is pretty coherent artistically
>The best part is all the fan theories were crushed by the lead dev on Twitter
Doesn't matter - even if he did there's also the "Death of the author" angle to interpreting. Making up theories and analyzing story is fun in itself
>Muh 2Deep4U
Symbolism in the game is pretty easy to read if you're not a retard
I played the game 100% and although it is sometimes tiring to go through I think it's fully worth it - think of the movie Revenant - sometimes tiring out the audience is intentional

>> No.10662629
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>> No.10662641 [DELETED] 

i am a real SH fan unlike you a poser pretending to like the series when in reality Reddit Hill 2 is the only one you're familair with (via e-celeb and jorno shilling)

>> No.10662645 [DELETED] 

Do you like tumblr hill 3? or foreskin hill 4?

>> No.10662648 [DELETED] 

>"Death of the author"
>Making up theories and analyzing story is fun in itself
spoken like a true redditor AND a Reddit Hill 2 poser
go back to r/eddithill

>> No.10662654 [DELETED] 

you mean Facebook Hill 3 and 4chan Hill 4?
yes they are the peak of the series

>> No.10662659 [DELETED] 

ew, gross

>> No.10662670 [DELETED] 

i just looked up at the TV and my father is watching this movie right now
what a weird coincidence

>> No.10662680

You want my honest opinion instead of appealing to the oldfags? Alright, it's like I said in the other post. I hate inventory management and backtracking in games; that's why I hate RE, too.
I actually liked the story in SH2. The problem is that you could cut out the gameplay and you would lose almost none of the story. You can tell that James feels guilty for killing his terminally ill wife, and the entity that controls Silent Hill decided to lure him in and punish him for it from watching the opening and ending cutscenes. That's not good enough to be a game, a movie, or even a short story, and it only gets the level of praise it does because most gamers don't have the attention span to read a book or sit through a movie

>> No.10662706

Silent Hill 4 themes are deeper than SH2.

>> No.10662715 [DELETED] 

When will this schizo banned

>> No.10662734 [DELETED] 

Post your OoT screenshot and move on.

>> No.10662740

Looks like your average arcade AI.

>> No.10662778 [DELETED] 

>amerimutt developerss
>a-actually, Canada is part of the American landmass, so technically-
That's not what you meant

>> No.10662782 [DELETED] 

>OoT screenshot
what does Ocarina Of Tranny have to do with this thread?

>> No.10662793 [DELETED] 

They agree with you that both games are pretentious pigslop, you giant retard

>> No.10662803

You have to do slow clunky attacks and actually damage him there to end the fight and he's faster on higher difficulty levels.

>> No.10662808 [DELETED] 

oh you're right about the developers, makes ssense leafs are hyôcrite faggots like that time they changed their plans for Syphon Filter PS2 game because the idea of a terrorism plot on Canadian soil by Quebec separatisstss triggered them, but it's okay when it's in foreign countries
also Eternal Darkness was published by Nintendo branch in the US they had a role in censoring the game

>> No.10662824 [DELETED] 

That's a lot of words to try and save face! Not reading 'em tho

>> No.10662826 [DELETED] 

i accept your concession corporate bootlicker

>> No.10662928

>I actually liked the story in SH2. The problem is that you could cut out the gameplay and you would lose almost none of the story.
I'd argue that you would lose a big part of it, James's journey IS part of the story, and your actions actually influence how guilty or not guilty he feels and what he decides to do in the end (endings are all determined by how the player feels about Maria and Mary) - the entities you see, the dialogues with characters you encounter do serve to explain and expose the plot.
>That's not good enough to be a game, a movie, or even a short story, and it only gets the level of praise it does because most gamers don't have the attention span to read a book or sit through a movie
Have to agree, but this is the case for ALL games - No matter how good a story in a game is a book/movie with the same story will always be better, it's always a compromise between gameplay and story which always ends up hindering one or the other - if you really want to focus on a story, just make a book/movie.
My favorite game of all time would be Deus Ex, which I feel has a decent story and manages to balance it out well with the gameplay - but the praise story of DX1 gets always makes me laugh because books/movies made 20 years before it blow it the fuck out of water - hell, those books even crush modern 100% QTE games from Naughty Dog - no matter how innovative a game's story is books already did it ages ago
DX1 in fact is just a mash of conspiracy theories that only feels good because it feels alive in the game - you can uncover the lore at your own pace through newspapers, datacubes, eavesdropping on characters - it just meshes well with gameplay - if you took the gameplay out it's a shitty sci fi flick that would be published in a pulp magazine and be forever forgotten.

>> No.10662981 [DELETED] 


>> No.10663013


>> No.10663028

you gotta jump off a bridge irl
thatll give you a bunch of extra lives and turn the game into dev mode
my cousin told me

>> No.10663746 [DELETED] 
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crazy how the Reddit Hill 2 guy has kept it up for over 3 years at this point

>> No.10663780 [DELETED] 
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Ninja Dog spotted

>> No.10663809 [DELETED] 
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everything he says is true Reddit Hill 2 is overrated goyslop, pic related is the real Silent Hill worthy of praise

>> No.10663841

it’s genuinely scary in a way where you can feel dread from the sounds or the threat of pyramid head or the unknown of going out into a dark area. few games have ever been able to pull this off as well, and so effectively that t can make you feel afraid even playing it a second or third time. i was freaked out playing this during the day when it came out. played it repeatedly over the years and still get creepy vibes. that in itself is a thing that can make a game memorable, that it has a real effect on you. scarier than any movie i’ve seen. not for everyone. just a game. whine elsewhere, dork

>> No.10663854

Why do insufferable faggots make retarded threads?

>> No.10664078

Your cousin is a retard.
You are also a retard for believing him.

>> No.10664126

>it’s genuinely scary
Nowhere in the OP did I say it wasn't. I only criticized the gameplay.
And if the gameplay is shit on purpose, to make you more scared, it is like admitting the game isn't scary on its own.
I was playing STALKER before starting SH2 and that feels more scary even if there is broad daylight, no fog, inventory better than the military, and your character being able to see clearly while having full control of camera and walking at normal speeds.

>> No.10664157
File: 877 KB, 900x1000, __heather_mason_silent_hill_and_1_more_drawn_by_miichinori__16ae61cc5b7ed5cc016a57327ca3187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it a walking simulator is bullshit. Combat might be clunky but exploring, fighting enemies, solving puzzles, and conserving and managing healing and resources is all functional and fairly enjoyable.

The real draw is of course the atmosphere, the story, the music, etc.

>bUt whY iSN't iT A MOviE tHEn?????

Because the "decent" gameplay servers to immerse you in that atmosphere. It's something only games can do.

Semi unrelated but personally I think Silent Hill 1 had the best gameplay. I really like all the "running away from hordes of monsters in the open town" areas. The tank controls feel more natural and make more sense in those scenarios where you're just jogging to save your life, and Harry has some nice nuances to his movement like stumbling if you hit a wall, which both makes it feel very kinetic and also adds to the gameplay. That being said I don't think any of the Silent Hills are bad gameplay-wise, though the gameplay is never quite as good as Resident Evil's resource-management dungeon-routing or Fatal Frame's actually twitchy but still scary combat.

>> No.10664169

having seen one of lynch's lesser films doesn't make you elite, you know

>> No.10664174

>"Death of the author"

>> No.10664181

>walking simulator

Are you from /v/? Because only /v/ is stupid enough to call EVERYTHING a "walking simulator".

>> No.10664183

>artistic merit

You also sound like you're from /v/.

>> No.10664190

there’s still hope if someone can think this and write this. thank you. made my night

>> No.10664956 [DELETED] 

Nice double standard, janitor.

>> No.10664991 [DELETED] 

Maybe they agree that SH2 has shit controls and combat

>> No.10665010
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the state of /vr/

>> No.10665013 [DELETED] 

yeah the janny around here needs to an hero

>> No.10665039
File: 999 KB, 1171x893, forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't hear much about it's god awful combat
the combat is supposed to be limited and shit. You're not supposed to go around the town killing everything with ease, many games fall down this path and it diminishes the horror aspect. You're mainly supposed to avoid combat and only use it when you need to, that's also why ammo is pretty limited from what I remember.
>terrible bosses
what about them is bad?
>long ass walking simulator segments
the entire game is a walking simulator, that's literally the point. You're supposed to explore the town and take in the atmosphere while searching for things. This is like complaining a point and click adventure game has too much clicking.
The story is also unironically kino and I prefer it much more over the generic le evil cult aspect of the other games.
There's no cult, just your thoughts and the town.

>> No.10665060

The combat is worse than it is in 1 because 2 has pretty much the same enemy type throughout the entire game.

>and I prefer it much more over the generic le evil cult aspect of the other games.
I don't know why fans of 2 can find depth and symbolism in everything but not see past the cult in the other games. The cult just ties everyone and everything together. 1 has just as much symbolism and depth to it. Alessa's story is tragic and barring the obviously supernatural stuff not impossible.

Summing up the other games as le evil cult is the same as someone saying 2 is just magic therapy town. Both claims are stupid and just make you seem like you have a grudge against the other games for daring to take away attention from your personal favorite of the series.

>> No.10665074

I don't hate the other games, I just prefer horror where the threat isn't something you can properly conceptualize. That's why even in movies like the first alien, the threat is off-screen for 90% of the film and it's mainly your imagination running wild. The second game is very similar, but there's no actual larger threat other than the town itself your thoughts. This is also why 2 is very much a standalone game. It's more of a spin-off type situation than it is an actual part of the larger story.

>> No.10665076

What an abhorrent garbage thread. OP needs to be executed by firing squad for making such trash.

>> No.10665082

>I don't hate the other games
Saying that 2's story is kino and the rest are "le evil cult" is disparaging and dismissive. It's fine to have a favorite and I know the Reddit Hill 2 shitposter stirs up trouble but you don't need to put the other games down to have a favorite either.

Anyway, the cult is there and present in the other games but there's still so much other stuff happening that it's more of a personal problem if you can't see anything else. If so many fans of SH2 didn't need to put down the other games for daring to have something different about them then maybe more people would be able to appreciate that. All of the characters in the other games go through things that mirror real world tragedies and not being able to see that is a shame.

>> No.10665093

For having an opinion about something?

>> No.10665113

sh2 was the best sh game of any sh. It was a good game and could be beaten bing bing wahoo in one night's play through. That game provided untold inspiration to other developers.

>> No.10665116

Never forget. Pyramid head can only kill himself. You cannot.

>> No.10665121

ooooooo soo spoopy

>> No.10665126
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He factually added spooky to the game and I think when the game gets 2spooky4u that's when people get put off by le walking simulator.

>> No.10665141

.....There are puzzles in the game. In fact some of them are really good. I remember good ones in SH3
Fuck outta here m8

>> No.10665171
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>Pyramid head
What's next, skibidi toilet?

>> No.10665175
File: 14 KB, 219x265, 1588634518506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely love walking around in the dark with a flashlight. Flashlight simulators are one of my favorite genres.

>> No.10665232

Fleshlight simulators are one of my favorite genres.

>> No.10665273

/v/ thinks they killed Pyramid Head with bullets and defeated mental illness! WEEEEE!!

>> No.10665278
File: 29 KB, 546x546, 1557181066759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha he said flashlight so I will say fleshlight

>> No.10665303

>Have to agree, but this is the case for ALL games - No matter how good a story in a game is a book/movie with the same story will always be better
I disagree. I think it's because people defend mediocrity like the Silent Hill series and utter garbage like Uncharted that the standards keep getting lower.
What post apocalyptic story or movie is like Fallout 1? I've read quite a few of them and I've never seen one that focuses on society rebuilding

>> No.10665476 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 480x498, Gaymes Soyderland.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the combat is supposed to be shit
the infamous cope by Reddit Hill 2 posserss
>what about a boss fight in a tiny room where you can't even kill the boss and there iss a time limit before he just leaves you!
spoken like poser who watched a twitter whore play the game and did not experience the game himself to comprehend how shitty the bosss fights are
>i prefer the generic meleodrama about bullying, abuse and LE SEXUAL FRUSTRATION over a ludokino about mythological, religious and psychological esoteric themes
good, i want faggots like you to stay the fuck away from the actual good SH games, ypu can keep jerking off to Reddit Hill 2 as much you want tho and make sure to pre-order the Bloober remake and buy all the paid DLC day one!

>> No.10665508 [DELETED] 

SH mindbroke zoomies lol

>> No.10665518 [DELETED] 

>(((noticing))) = mindbreak

>> No.10665539 [DELETED] 

Mental illness

>> No.10665585

>>the combat is supposed to be shit
Since James is an ordinary man with no special weapons training, his skill is marginal. His accuracy with weapons is questionable, especially with long-distance attacks.

>> No.10665624 [DELETED] 

what's next poser? the braindead monster AI was also done on purpose
what's ''realistic'' about this slop >>10662219

>> No.10665654

That's a quote from the game manual of Silent Hill 2.

>> No.10665664

James is a special forces guy like Chris Redfield and should run around killing everything with precision

>> No.10665673

>Since James is an ordinary man
Why does he walk so slow? Is he a cripple as well?

>> No.10665682

A dude who sucks at fighting might make the game more tense but the monsters would have to be smarter than your average 8 bit platformer enemies for that to work. They're all just as retarded and gimped as James though.

>> No.10665687

>the braindead monster AI was also done on purpose
h-he's just afraid of women legs!!!!! monsters are imaginary!!!!!!

>> No.10665701 [DELETED] 

why does silent hill buckbreak adhd zoomers so hard

>> No.10665707

Silent hill 2 is great, I enjoy it a lot

>> No.10665710 [DELETED] 

They grow up with garbage like Reddit Evil 4

>> No.10665741

You're yawning because you need to breathe more. Behold - your intention no longer matters under subjective interpretation.

>> No.10665742 [DELETED] 

they have a short term memory they can't get into slow games like SH unless it's a youtube review of Reddit Hill 2

>> No.10665743 [DELETED] 

>the infamous cope by Reddit Hill 2 posserss
it's not cope, there's many horror games where there's no combat at all. Silent hill 2 has combat but it's something you do as a last resort, just admit you're a retard that wants to go fighting everything and killing it, in which case horor like this isn't for you.
>spoken like poser who watched a twitter whore play the game and did not experience the game himself to comprehend how shitty the bosss fights are
all you can do is post memes and accusing everyone of not playing the game kek. Yes i have played it, quite a few times on original hardware and then later on pc too. The boss fights are fine, you still didn't give a reason why what you just stated was bad. You're literally not supposed to be able to kill pyramid head, which ties into the first point I made and you're too autistic to get.
The fact that you don't kill him at the end of the game either is further proof of this.
the rest of ur post is still u coping without being able to give any actual reasons other than being a retard basedbot while accusing everyone else of being one.

>> No.10665783 [DELETED] 
File: 440 KB, 350x262, whatafaggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he went from the ''combat is shit on purpose'' to ''Ackshually! you're not supposed to fight them''
kek no wonder Reddit Hill 2 posers love PT the walking simulator demo, go play Amnesia or some shit SH is not for you
>a boss fight you go against blindly shooting all your ammo on him to kill him only yo find it was just a gimmik boss with a time limit and you wasted all your ammo for nothing it actually fine!
what kind of a retarded faggot thinks...
>You're literally not supposed to be able to kill pyramid head
ah thank you for confirming you never played the game and you just watched a playthough
because anyone who did play the game blindly was exteremly disappointed and felt letdown by the shitty Reddit Head boss ''fights''

Reddit Hill 2 posers are subhumans the lowest of the low

>> No.10665795 [DELETED] 

What a garbage thread. Also someone summoned the reddit-schizo. Complete subhuman worthy of a trash thread like this.

>> No.10665796 [DELETED] 

I love how I mentioned you're not supposed to fight in my first post either >>10665783
yet you accuse me of moving the goalposts haha, nice goldfish memory brainlet.
the rest is still pure cope and you're still struggling to actually explain anything in an objective way and stick to your plebbit memes.
It's a shame how your brain development was stunted considering you can't have a conversation without bringing up reddit or some zoomer memes

>> No.10665801

meant this post I made >>10665039

>> No.10665819 [DELETED] 

OP is the schizo

>> No.10665827 [DELETED] 

How am I a schizo? I never have hallucinations of SH2 being a good game

>> No.10665834 [DELETED] 
File: 3.32 MB, 320x214, 845512254763255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you went from ''you're not supposed to kill everything'' to ''you're not to supposed to fight at all'' all these pathetic excuses to avoid admitting the gameplay is shit
>b-b-but it was shit on purpose
Team Silent members would laugh their ass at your poser ass if they heard you saying this
Reddit Hill 2 posers are deranged cocksuckers who will go tom embarrassing lenght to justify and make up ''excuses'' for every flaw and trivial shit with the game like that whole ''James in the bathroom was looking at the player'' meme or the Le secret audio playing in the apartment that turned out to be gibberish
speaking of sshit gameplay go ahead poser and explain to me how the boat rowing was shit on purpose too because James had no experience with rowing

>> No.10665835

He walks at a normal pace.
You can make him run, but he gets winded and slows down.

>> No.10665854 [DELETED] 

brainlet please read my 2 posts, I said the same exact shit in both.
>You're mainly supposed to avoid combat and only use it when you need to
this is in the first post I made
the rest is once again cope because you're a retard that can't actually articulate anything and can only post memes.
>how the boat rowing was shit on purpose too
actually let's start with this, explain to me why it's shit.

>> No.10665858

>but he gets winded and slows down.
no, team silent would laugh if you said this, it's clearly just badly designed, he was never meant to slow down!
- the schizo poster probably

>> No.10665869 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 1075x1210, 104287527075306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said the same exact shit in both
if by shit you mean pathetic excuses to defend Reddit Hill 2 shit gameplay then yes
imagine blaming the player for wanting to kill a monster he encounters in a video game, only a braindead Reddit Hill 2 poser will do this
it's obvious a retard like you is not in a position to give his opinion of ''combat gameplay'' because horror games with combat are not for your kind, what's for you is walking simulators like Amnesia and this why you like Reddit Hill 2 because it's a pseudo-walking simulator with shit gameplay thrown into it forcing the player to avoid it due to how bad it is and play the game as the walking simulator it was intented to be
>explain to me why it's shit.
ho no no no the poser keeps exposing himself!
play the game poser and you'll know why it's shit, the same goes to why the Reddit Head boss fights are shit too

>> No.10665872 [DELETED] 

>imagine blaming the player for wanting to kill a monster he encounters in a video game
you just outed yourself as an actual retard hahaha
thanks for outing yourself and your low iq.

>> No.10665874 [DELETED] 

I mean i know you're not very smart, but this is beyond parody. Please go fucking play a combat game or a shooter.

>> No.10665882 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 500x500, 75128643115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero arguments
i accept your concession poser-kun
see you in the next thread about SH3 or 4 when you will be criticizing the combat for being shit but not on purporse unlike your beloved Reddit Hill 2
maybe i will even see you in a Rule Of Rose thread and i'll be laughing at the irony of a Reddit Hill 2 poser calling it's combat trash

>> No.10665886 [DELETED] 

I can totally understand why you don't like the game. Some people just want flashy lights and want to go around killing everything.
Check out the remake that's coming out, I hear they completely reworked the combat and even added ak47s along with fortnite dances.

>> No.10665895 [DELETED] 

and some people (read: posers) just want never ending cutscenes with chessy dialogue and want a survivor horror game to be a like a walk in the garden with no challenge or threat
i suggest to download that new SH game called Short Message on your PS5 i hear it's a PT style walking simulator and even added LGBT pandering for homos like you

>> No.10665908 [DELETED] 
File: 2.96 MB, 854x480, 1663855284116619 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry, I already enjoy the current game.
Check this out, the remake is looking very good for you. You can do fortnite dances once you shoot pyramid head and can even drive around the town running everyone over, that's totally scary and rad!!
they even added a minimap because being lost is bad game design.

>> No.10665916 [DELETED] 

Welcome to the circus that this thread is!

>> No.10665932 [DELETED] 

>I already enjoy the current game
enjoying watching someone else (preferably a female streamer ) playing it that is lmao

>> No.10665937 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1700939665033115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>''James in the bathroom was looking at the player''
No one believes this, he wasn't looking at the player, it doesn't make sense for the character and story overall, stop obsessing over random twitter posts
>the boat rowing was shit on purpose
HAHAHAHA it all makes sense now, now I know you're just a butthurt faggot who was too much of a brainlet to smoothly complete the game and now blames it on everything else but himself - I completed the boat segment in 2 minutes without much effort on first try, but seeing as you now try to force people to think it's a shitty part of the game I'm pretty sure you spent 2 hours on it drooling, unable to think of a solution - the reason why you keep overexaggerating the tedium in SH2 is because your iq was too low to complete it in the pace that majority of players completed it in, which is why nobody understands your retarded opinions and the problems you had with it - the game buckbroken your brain and for some reason you believe it did the same to everyone else
>maybe i will even see you in a Rule Of Rose thread and i'll be laughing at the irony of a Reddit Hill 2 poser calling it's combat trash
This board is anonymous, the fact that you imagine in your head cliques fighting over your favorite and least liked games is telling of your mental illness, reddit is living in your head rent free, suicide is your only option
kek, the schizo won't admit it but he'd eat that slop up if it was named differently

>> No.10665942 [DELETED] 

>enjoying watching someone else (preferably a female streamer ) playing it that is lmao
>obvious joke with a blatant parody webm goes over schizo's head

>> No.10665950 [DELETED] 

fun fact: you can look up review scores from back in the day and it was positively received
The fact that he said you can't go around killing everything was a bad thing already gave away his IQ. I mean he didn't seem too bright in the first place, but this was confirmation.

>> No.10665987 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1702829270874455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one believes this
Reddit Hill 2 poserss still do
>defending the shitty boat level
i don't even need to ask what you think of the Reddit Head boss fight lmao
>imagine in your head cliques fighting over your favorite and least liked games is telling of your mental illness
but enough talkig about Reddit Hill 2 posers imagining everyone slightly criticizing their golden cow is part of a dicord raid or some shit
>he'd eat that slop up if it was named differently
i wouldn't touch a bloober game with a ten feet pole i have standards unlike Reddit Hill 2 posers celebrating the rape of the series at the hands of the biggest horror developer hacks in modern times
see this poser >>10665942 he proves my point, Reddit Hill 2 posers are mentally broken by the criticism of their turd slop they think we're all linked and have the same folder of memes
>it was positively received
and so was Movie Game Slop 2 the worst game (just like Reddit Hill 2) in it's series so now what?
>you can't go around killing everything was a bad thing
don't put words in my mouth lying poser, SH1 had a decent gameplay and yet killing all monsters (mainly the ones in the open world) was a drag and not worth it, in Reddit Hill 2 it's still drag but it's even worse because the gameplay is fucking trash so even killing the monsters infoors is boring and annoying even the monsters indoors

come at me Reddit Hill 2 poser i will BTFO all of you by stating the truth and shinning light on your lies of mental illness

>> No.10665990 [DELETED] 

What a retarded schizo, worthy of this retarded thread.

>> No.10665995
File: 1.96 MB, 540x300, tumblr_843c447ab97d5c22b8573b7913a8145d_3a1e9e76_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 has always been my favorite SH game so I don't really mind the "reddit hill 2" meme, but what bothers me about this thread is the arrogance and sheer retardation of the OP. This kid reeks of /v/ brainrot, typing in nothing but 4chan memes while arrogantly claiming that something is or isnt a game based on his own personal shit tastes. I genuinely enjoy walking around in the dark with a flashlight, only fighting when necessary, but to OP that is bad gameplay, and is somehow a reflection of my tastes and IQ. I don't understand why enjoying flashlight simulators is a bad thing, when they are mostly about atmosphere. If I want to shoot stuff I will play a shooter, if I want to play an action game, I will play an action game. If I want to wander around in the dark with a flashlight, I will play a flashlight simulator. OP you would do yourself a big favor by getting off the internet for a while.

>> No.10665996 [DELETED] 

just let him schizo post in peace desu
it's like those crackheads you pass on the street talking to themselves.
He lives in some weird reality, meanwhile everyone enjoyed sh2, even if they don't like it as much as 1 or 3.

>> No.10666002 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 819x745, 17025866920439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and an OP are two different posters you false flagging Reddit Hill 2 poser

>> No.10666014 [DELETED] 

No one believes it

>> No.10666018 [DELETED] 

>no Reddit Hill 2 poser believes it
good, only keeps proving how deranged you losers are kek

>> No.10666019 [DELETED] 
File: 2.50 MB, 270x238, takeem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds, now!

>> No.10666024 [DELETED] 

Auster should seek help

>> No.10666060
File: 86 KB, 736x890, sh2chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring supernatural cultfags be seething over chad kino oneiric horror of SH2
I like em all actually

>> No.10666065

Didn't he kill himself? lol

>> No.10666094
File: 2.96 MB, 854x480, 1694900381505949.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they refuse to update it for modern gamers like SH2?

>> No.10666120

I was just gonna call OP a faggot and move on with my life but I thought I'd try to be funny instead. Thanks for the kind words anon.

>> No.10666135

OP here.
In your long ass paragraph, you yourself called SH2 a walking simulator several times but you were ok with it and loved it. Why did you think me calling SH2 a walking simulator was a blasphemy while you are perfectly ok with calling it the same.

I am not the guy who is calling SH2 "reddit hill 2". I just said the gameplay was shit. I haven't finished the game so can't really comment on the story or the "artistic merits" you stans have been raving about. I have a hunch he is right.

>> No.10666192

Kys ban evader

>> No.10666318

Catboy if you are seeing this on your pee cee you need to lay off the white claws.

>> No.10666469

>long ass paragraph
>adhd zoomer status: confirmed
SH2 is a flashlight simulator and I love it. I just don't like your tone you dumb fucking nigger retard.

>> No.10666552

why do you type like a n-word?

>> No.10666554
File: 279 KB, 540x446, zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said
sh2 is not bussin no cap frfr!

>> No.10666594

I was listening to this last night before I even saw this post. It's good stuff.

>> No.10666812

Not bad.

>> No.10667530 [DELETED] 

In other words, they're interactive movies for pseuds that hate video games? Good to see where the pinpoint origin for the absolute state of modern gaming is; people shitting on platformers like Mario Sunshine and DK64, and putting trash like Silent Hill and Fatal Frame on a pedestal.

>> No.10667543

Fuck off zoomer

>> No.10667576


>> No.10667828

>artistic merit
Do you fucking kids only play videogames?

>> No.10667871

>1 line
>>long ass paragraph
kys phoneposter

>> No.10668331


>> No.10669068 [DELETED] 

>Why is this walking simulator so highly praised?
Only redditors like Reddit Hill 2