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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1065597 No.1065597 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think about VC games on the Wii? I just got a Wii for cheap because some Wii games look neat, but I'm curious if VC games are emulated more accurately than a free 3rd party emulator (like BNES for example).

>> No.1065623

Mainly only use VC for N64 games since the emulator for n64 is kinda shitty.

The other emulators cover a lot more and work fine.

>> No.1065624

It's ok, the emulators for the wii are better. Softmod your will and get hbc + emulators and your all set

>> No.1065629

VC wads for N64 and homebrew emulators for everything else.

>> No.1065645

get Kirby 64 on there, then we can talk about emulators

>> No.1065658

Even for NES and SNES VC is better than alternatives. If it has a VC release, get that.

>> No.1065682

Since N64 emulation is pretty shit, nintendo actually provides a valuable service by selling N64 games for the Wii. Otherwise I just emulate older console games

>> No.1065713


>> No.1065727

A wii hooked up to a crt through component > Bsnes

>> No.1065730

I heard that Wii VC has smoothing filters that you can't disable or something. Is that true?

>> No.1065734

But what is that Wii running, VC or an emulator used via homebrew?

>> No.1065737

VC is the most accurate emulator. But it doesn't have every game and it costs money/hard to find .wad's

>> No.1065741

Not really, no. and if on the off chance that I'm wrong then the emulators also look and play great.

what does it matter when either one is a completely viable option to your liking

>> No.1065746

>hard to find .wads

You can literally make your own of most any game you want if you're at least semi-computer literate. Including custom banner artwork and whatnot

>> No.1065747

>emulators look...great
not if they use smoothing filters that you can't disable

>> No.1065750

But then it wouldn't be using the VC emulator, it would be using whatever 3rd party emulator you use on the Wii via homebrew

>> No.1065752

I think it does. But its subtle enough for me that I don't really care since its just an emulation anyway.

>> No.1065756

>what are injected wads

>> No.1065757


N64 games on VC look noticeably better than the originals especially if you only have a HDTV.

>> No.1065758

you can disable them, calm down skippy

>> No.1065760

Are you fucking stupid?


>> No.1065763

This, majora's mask in 480p through component is fucking CLEAN my nigga

>> No.1065776


It's a damn shame they never released the RE2 port on VC.

>> No.1065795

I don't get this. Isn't MK3 already on the VC?

>> No.1065802

I believe RE2 is on the Gamecube

>> No.1065819


Injection is not always a good idea. Compare the Injected Mario Party 2 with the VC one, the first one has several graphical glitches and freezes in one minigame, the latter runs flawlessly.

That said, sometimes injection is good, I love my custom Earthbound channel.

>> No.1065832

If you mod your wii you can put emulators on your wii. they work really well and it's nice being able to play them with a wii remote. Other than that there's a few nice N64 virtual console games. but if you mod your wii you can download those.

>> No.1065836
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>all the TG-16 titles are dropping like flies because Konami doesn't give a shit about licensing them now that Hudson is gone
Oh well, at least we still have wads. How is VC support on the Wii U?

>> No.1065839

Is it just me or does Snes 9x GX feel more accurate than the PC??

>> No.1065856

I agree. Maybe it's cuz the Wii is 8 Super Nintendo's taped together?

>> No.1065853

Don't use emulators on the Wii they are all shit, inaccurate, and slow.

>> No.1065857

Wrong. You don't know shit about modding.

>> No.1065860

can you elaborate then?

>> No.1065869

I will agree 32 bit and beyond you're taking your fate in your own hands, but anything below and you're golden. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.1065878

No real point in using the Virtual Console for anything other than N64 games. They take up too much space, are lacking in features, and simply are more of a hassle to use since they have to have their own channel, you can't switch games without going back to the main menu, etc.

Just get RetroArch, and you're set for most anything pre-5th gen. Its cores are superior to most of the standalone emulators.

>> No.1065882

16 bit emulation still isn't accurate

>> No.1065886

Is it better to emulate on the Wii or PC?

>> No.1065883

Good wii emulators are extremely satisfying in how accurate they are to the original systems. Such as FCEUGX, VBAGX and Snes9x, which are all still getting active updates to this day to help them get better still. Aside from this, VC games offer no customization , where as these emulators allow you to choose your controller, audio and video settings, and even input cheat codes. There are plenty of other perks to using a good emulator on the wii, such as being able to get screen caps of your game. Now sure, an emulator on the wii is limited in comparison to one on PC, but it's much more customizable than anything virtual console related. And emulators such as the ones I've mentioned, are extremely effective.

>> No.1065884

I made sure to get Sin & Punishment from the Wii VC as soon as I was able to, and so far the game seems to run perfectly fine. Also, the menu screens and training mode are fully translated, though the on-screen Japanese subtitles to translate the English voices are still present.

It seems that the Wii (and by extension, the Wii U) is the best possible bet when it comes to N64 emulation because it's pretty much a first-party emulator. But if you're trying to play one of the handful of N64 games that has a function for each and every button on the original controller, you might be kind of fucked. The Wii Classic Controller doesn't quite have enough action buttons, unless you want to use Select for something or you're able to map the C buttons to the right analog stick. (I've never tried, so I don't know what's possible)

>> No.1065902

>How is VC support on the Wii U?
Not much on there yet, but the Wii U can still access the Wii VC so it's all good. I remember the Wii VC starting out pretty slow, so the Wii U VC not having much now doesn't worry me. Maybe they'll start adding more if people start buying more Wii U consoles -- which may end up happening after the new Mario, Mario Kart and Smash Bros. games come out

>> No.1065904

Wii U VC adds a really shitty filter on it

>> No.1065907

>It seems that the Wii (and by extension, the Wii U) is the best possible bet when it comes to N64 emulation because it's pretty much a first-party emulator.

And you'd be wrong. There is no one "first party emulator". In reality, it's a bunch of them, and most of them cannot play anything other than the game they were bundled with.

Most N64 VC titles run on a heavily customized and speedhacked emulator tailored specifically to play that one game, which is why N64 VC game injection is almost nonexistent. Few VC titles are compatible with anything other than the game they are emulating.

In reality, accurately emulating the N64 hardware with a high degree of compatibility is far too demanding a task to ask of the Wii puny hardware. Hence the per-game emulator approach Nintendo took with N64 VC games.

>> No.1065906


>> No.1065917

then what emulator is better for N64 emulation?

>> No.1065921

There is none.

>> No.1065927

You're making it sound like it's unplayable though, it's as accurate as snes 9x on pc is, and it runs games exactly as well. And it's still getting updates

>> No.1065928

Obviously something on PC, though even there N64 emulation is kinda sketchy, unless you only stick to the Zeldas, Mario, and other popular games. It's kinda up in the air between Mupen64Plus and Project64, depending on the game.

>> No.1065930

Why bother when you can just hack the vWii

>> No.1065932

Wii VC is shut down

>> No.1065934

Wii has the advantage of relative portability and being able to easily hook it up to any TV. Its emulators for pre-SNES systems are also quite good. SNES is passable, but PC has it beat thanks to BSNES. 5th gen, PC wins, no contest.

>> No.1065940

>5th gen, PC wins, no contest.
you just invalidated your whole post. N64 emulation is rather shitty and PS1 emulation can be very shotty as well. When possible, it's best to DL the VC version of a N64 game, or PSN version of a PS1 game.

>> No.1065941

PC for the customization. Wii for the fact that you can have your retro games with your wii games, and play them with a wii remote. Pick based on what's more important to you.

>> No.1065942

Well, there's no way you're ever getting bsnes to run on the Wii, that's for sure. Hell, even Snes9x GX, which is based on version 1.53, doesn't run full speed 100% of the time, but it's no slouch in the accuracy department.

>> No.1065943

>PC for the customization
you mean adding shitty filters?

>> No.1065946

VC versions are better than emulating on BSNES

>> No.1065951

Okay, so I was wrong when I said the Wii is a first-party emulator. However, my main point still stands: the Wii VC still seems to be the best option for emulating N64 games, because -- even if it's been heavily customized -- it's still first-party emulation by a company who seems to practice far more quality control than, say, Sony when it comes to this sort of thing.

If there's one benefit for Nintendo making the N64 hard to program for, it's the lack of anyone else knowing how to emulate it properly. I wonder if the expiration of certain patents will make things any easier for people.

>> No.1065960

>N64 emulation is rather shitty

Indeed it is, but considering almost all of the games on the VC are popular titles that emulate just fine on PC, the Wii has hardly much of a leg to stand on. Only a few like Mario Tennis and Pokemon Snap are better emulated through the VC. But there's no Rare titles to play. Hmm.

>and PS1 emulation can be very shotty as well

You speak as if we were still stuck with ePSXe as being the "best". Xebra and Mednafen are extremely accurate and compatible. PS1 emulation is far from bad these days.

>> No.1065961

Fuck, really? That must have just happened in the past month, or so, because I got my Wii U during the first week of August. Good thing I got Sin & Punishment when I did, though now I have 300 Wii points that have pretty much gone down the shitter.

>> No.1065974

How can it be the best option when only a grand total of 21 games are currently available, and of those, only a select few play better than on PC emulators, which are on the whole vastly more compatible?

With N64 emulation, there is no such thing as a "best" platform or emulator. All you can do is pick and choose the best emulator to play certain games. For games like Mario Tennis, it just so happens that the best way to play it is on the VC, but you aren't play Conker, Banjo, or Perfect Dark on it any time soon.

>> No.1065978

Yeah it was recent as fuck

>> No.1065979

>than, say, Sony when it comes to this sort of thing.
oh fuck off if you are just going to be like a /v/ shitposter and think everything Sony is evil

>> No.1065985

Wait no they shut down Everybody Votes, Bulletin board, Mii Plaza, weather and news, etc. VC is on the chopping block though

>> No.1065991

Also, even among the N64 VC titles, the emulation isn't always accurate. For instance, the vanishing cap effect in Mario 64 isn't that accurate on the VC. The PC emulators using Glide64 get it right.

>> No.1065998

Struck a nerve there big boy?

>> No.1066002

Oh, and lest I forget, no rumble or controller pak support on the VC.

>> No.1066003

yes, I don't like immature children on /vr/. they belong on /v/.

>> No.1066005

but it's a totally valid point. Sony is terrible about backwards compatibility and emulation.

>> No.1066008

Sony does have a history of kinda being lax at times with this stuff though, just look at the ps3's backwards compatibility debacle. Just because you're a fanboy of Sony doesn't make them immune to criticism man, take a chill pill.

>> No.1066010

I would say removing a feature that was in a console (ps2 on ps3) and then charging for ps2 games later on psn is a pretty evil thing man

>> No.1066012

The PS2 was backwards compatible. PS3 was too but they cut it out to cut costs, but it is still backwards compatable with PS1.

The PS1 and PS2 releases on the PS Store are emulated highly accurately, so I have no idea what you are even talking about there.

>> No.1066013

Actually, I'm recalling a thread from a few days ago where someone was complaining about the slowdown he experienced when playing PSN versions of PlayStation games on his PS3.

Pardon me for criticizing you favorite company based on an observation. I can't believe anyone would do such a thing that would hurt other people's feelings.

>> No.1066014


BSNES can also be output in component with relative ease.

>> No.1066016

And RGB easier so.

>> No.1066017

Have you even attempted to play a PS2 game on a PS3 before? I think not, because if you had you wouldn't be saying that

>> No.1066019

>believing everything you read off 4chan

you are going to have to be specific there if you want to be taken serious. I have never had any such issue, and any slowdown experienced was also experienced when playing the source material on the original console.

>> No.1066026

>PS3 was too but they cut it out to cut costs

Sony has clearly demonstrated that ALL ps3 models are capable of software emulation of ps2 with the "ps2 classics" crap, my jailbroken slim can run ps2 games off disc just fine, and the ps2 emulator is built into all ps3 models. It was literally just a jew move.

>> No.1066025

>Have you even attempted to play a PS2 game on a PS3 before?
Yes, I have been playing the PS2 GTA games, and they run perfectly. God Hand and Odins Sphere also run perfect. Maybe it is you who hasn't tried before.

>> No.1066030

back when they released it PS2 emulation was not good, thus you needed the original PS2 hardware to run them.

But now it is 2013, not 2008, and crafting a PS2 emulator on the cell is now easier, just like making a PS2 emulator run on PC chips is easier than it was years ago.

>> No.1066032

see >>1059724

Even if that's the only game with that issue, it's a problem that still exists.

>inb4 you conveniently don't get around to checking out that thread until after it dies

>> No.1066035

This is novel. I don't usually see this blind fanboyism outside of YouTube.

It's funny you mention GTA because San Andreas is specifically one of the PS2 games I've played on my PS3.

>> No.1066042

then you should know that it runs just like it did when it originally released. sorry that it doesn't run up to modern standards. I thought /vr/ of all places would appreciate a game being ran exactly like it did when it first released

>> No.1066047

dont even know what that game is but this is the first time Ive heard of such an issue. maybe he is just forgetting that the game always had some lag at certain points, or maybe it's just a flawed version. either way, I have played tons of PS1 classics DLed off the PS1 and never had any issue whatsoever.

>> No.1066049

So you're going to sit here and tell me that instead of improving the backwards compat. that was there and giving your customers a good value and just charging for individual games isn't somehow a total jew move on sony's part? Jesus christ kid

>> No.1066057

Let's not forget giving the Vita its own proprietary memory cards when they already had a perfectly fine storage medium available in the memorystick pro duo, and I would say SD cards even, but we all know how sony operates... Meanwhile the 3DS can use any SD card and even comes WITH one

>> No.1066061

keep putting words in my mouth and calling me kid. it really shows your maturity.

sure it's a 'jew' move but they did it to cut costs so the PS3 could be competitive with the 360. when they cut the emotion engine chip back then they probably couldnt make a proper PS2 emulator run on the muscle of the PS3. but now they can, because technology advances.

PS2s are dirt cheap anyways and only fools would have sold their original PS2, so honestly it's not that big of a deal unless you want to grasp at straws as to why Sony is such an evil company

>> No.1066064

But it doesn't. The color is desaturated and there are more framerate hiccups

>> No.1066067

>acting like a child and bringing this console war faggotry to /vr/

for shame. anyone who isn't a child and likes games would be able to enjoy both Sony and Nintendo and Microsoftr and PC games and Sega and whoever else. Who gives a shit about the company or hardware its the fucking games that matter

>> No.1066069

Exactly. The only one in this thread bring console war faggotry in here is the one who denies that PS3 backwards compatibility is shit simply because he worships sony

>> No.1066070

your gonna have to provide sauce for that, because I don't notice any difference compared to the original PS2 version. Maybe if you are comparing it to the PC release, but surely you aren't this stupid to do such a thing.

>> No.1066072

But is it shit or are you just being a biased console war kiddo from /v/? Right now it seems both of you fuckers are being shitheads. Neither of you are providing proof, just "hurr what I say is true durr"

>> No.1066076

You are being just as bad

>> No.1066078

If you can just pretend the stuttering and the desaturation aren't there then there's nothing I can do about that. I don't have any 'sauce', because this isn't something I've read about but merely something I've experienced myself. Play SA on a PS2 and then play it on the PS3. The lack of color is very apparent
How? Criticizing a video game company for doing something shitty is the exact opposite of console warring.

>> No.1066082

>implying console wars weren't a cornerstone of the 90's

It's kinda comforting to see that the Snes vs. Genesis rivalry is still in full swing

>> No.1066083

It was cancer then and it is cancer now. I don't give a flying fuck what company makes what game on what system, I just care if the fucking game is good or not.

>> No.1066086

But all the complaints against sony in this thread are valid and true, it'd be different if we were screaming sonygger, but seriously name one thing against sony in this thread that isn't truthful. Especially the Vita memory card jewery, how can you possibly defend that?

>> No.1066089

I notice no difference, so maybe you are using bad cables or your settings on the PS3 end aren't set up right. But whatever, if you are so dedicated to hate on sony for this, I guess I can't stop you. Console war fags gonna console war no matter what.

>> No.1066091

>But all the complaints against sony in this thread are valid and true
you mean about the PS3 emulating PS1 games terribly? How is that valid and true? because hurr I said so?

>> No.1066095

I personally never made that post and find the PS3's psx backwards compatibility to be quite decent. Everything else that you failed to mention, yeah it's valid and true.

>> No.1066097

It's funny how it's ok to say Sony is terrible at emulating older games, yet it's not if you were to say the VC games for Nintendo are.

>> No.1066102

You can say it, but then you'd be supplied evidence to the contrary

>> No.1066104

What else has been mentioned? PS2 emulation? I never bothered since I still own a working PS2, but didn't sony take out backwards compatibility to cut costs? I see no prolem with that.

>> No.1066105

You 'notice' no difference because you're in denial.
Play any PS2 game on a PS3, and the colors will be less vibrant. Reds become light brown and blues and greens become greyer.

Either you haven't played your PS2 in a while, you are partially color blind, or you're in denial, which would indicate that you are the console warrior here

>> No.1066109

It be great if you could provide proof to your claim. It would really make him look like a jackass.

>> No.1066113
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PS2 games have always looked washed out, even on the PS2.

>> No.1066118
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The only reason sony did that was to combat the piracy that happened on the psp to not happen on the vita, still a jew move though, 32gb cards shouldnt be 100 bucks

>> No.1066119

after some light searching on youtube this is the only video I could find demonstrating the color difference. According to the description the purpose of the video is apparently to address upscaling issues which were fixed in a firmware update, but I swear to god the issue with the colors still fucking exists. I feel like some of you guys just haven't played your PS2 in a while. I'm really serious about this shit
No they have not, PS2 was colorful as fuck

>> No.1066121

No, it wasn't to cut costs, every ps3 has a software ps2 emulator installed, you can jailbreak you own if you like and use MultiMAN to explore the ps3's file system. There you will find "ps2emu.elf (or whatever exectuable format it is)" which is exactly what it says. This has been utilized to restore ps2 backwards compatibility in jailbroken ps2s. It wasn't to "cut costs" it was to repackage them as "ps2 classics" and sell them piecemeal on psn. This literally cannot be denied.

and see:


For more examples since you can't seem to read the thread

>> No.1066127

>2gb cards shouldnt be 100 bucks
and they aren't, so tone down that biased sony hate a bit

>> No.1066132

older PS3s literally had a PS2 inside it, or at least the emotion engine chip.

>> No.1066136

that video has some mad rendering issues at least on my end. its unwatchable.

anyways you could just use a cell phone camera to demonstrate the color differences, but I don't even care really. its you and the other guy that cares

>> No.1066140


>> No.1066143
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well 79.99 now for a 32gb card, but its still a bum deal when i can get an sd card for 20 bucks, also when did i say i hated sony? I bought a vita the first day it came out, i just dont like the direction they are going with it.

>> No.1066145

do you think that chip was cheap? they took it out in order to cut costs.

>> No.1066147

I would rather have colors slightly washed out but the emulation is perfectly accurate otherwise, than emulation that has various glitches in it and requires speed hacks, etc.

>> No.1066148

and that is entirely beside the point that the later models of the PS3 are capable of running PS2 games

did you even read his post?

>> No.1066159

It's not. Why are sony fans this blind? holy shit

>> No.1066156

you mean the models that can do software emulation? I believe sony took it out because it was incredibly flawed anyways.

>> No.1066158

>The only reason sony did that was to combat the piracy that happened on the psp
Bullshit, sony has pulled this plenty of times in the past, and they'll keep doing it as long as they can. And piracy on the psp had nothing to do with the produo being good or bad, and it wouldn't have been any easier if it just took SD cards.

>> No.1066162

>It's not.
whats not? And fuck you go back to /v/ if you are going to talk to me like that I dont even like sony but Im not some biased console war kiddo.

>> No.1066161

>Bullshit, sony has pulled this plenty of times in the past
uh like when? I can only think of the PSP and Vita. 2 times isn't really plently

>> No.1066167

Sony doesn't just make video games, you know. They've pushed proprietary formats plenty of times before. Some were shit, like betamax, minidisc, and some were good like bluray.

>> No.1066170

pretty good just as long as you stay away from rereleases of pre-bluray movies

>> No.1066173


Well just think of it this way

SD Card>SD Card Reader = Access to psvita root files

PSVita Card>Psvita>cma manager =/= Access to ps vita files

Makes it alot harder to find a way to upload custom firmware

But like i said, still a dick move to price the cards so damn high

>> No.1066175

why are we talking about Vita cards when the issue is about how well the PS3 emulates PS1 and PS2 games?

>> No.1066179

Yeah, but that's not the format's fault.
You can just plug in a psp in usb mode and it shows up like any other drive in windows. Can you not do the same thing with the vita? There has to be some way by now.

>> No.1066183

I hear the vita is great for PS1 games.

>> No.1066182

Wait a god damn second, what is wrong with playing PS1 classics DLed from the PSN store on the PS3? I can't tell if there is an actual issue here or if it's biased Sony hating.

I haven't been in touch with PS1 emulation recently but I always assumed it was shit, or at least shit to the point where it was better to DL the PS1 classics from the store.

>> No.1066186

Not really a dick move as they want to sell the Vita for a price competitive with the 3DS.

The dick move is not including any internal storage on the Vita, since some games literally need a memory card to play, despite the game being a physical copy. They are fixing that with the Vita 2000 though.

>> No.1066190

if the Vita is great for PS1 games then wouldnt the PS3 be even better?

>> No.1066191


You have to go through a program called CMA manager, has to be on the internet all the time, slow as hell and sucks ass.

there probably is a way, but I haven't seen anything about it

>> No.1066192

>since some games literally need a memory card to play, despite the game being a physical copy
How the fuck is this possible? I get games needing installs when they're on disc since that has a slow read speed, but why the fuck would you need to do that for a game on a memory stick? You're just copying data from one card to another.

>> No.1066193

True. As critical as I am of PS3's backwards compatibility it's certainly better than PCSX2 (for now)

>> No.1066196

Thank you

>> No.1066198


because sony hate

>> No.1066201

I don't know the details as to why you literally need a memory card to play the game but it caused quite an uproar all the way back then.

>> No.1066202 [DELETED] 

sony shill pls go

>> No.1066205


seriously, please leave. no one that truly enjoys all video games would ever make a post like this

>> No.1066206
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please respond.

>> No.1066207

You can like video games without being a shill.

>> No.1066208

not when you are a /v/ shrill like yourself.

>> No.1066209


>> No.1066212

I find it hilarious that we had like an hour long argument over PS3 emulating PS2 games, and it all ends with this post saying that PS3 PS2 emulation is still the best.

>> No.1066223
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Sega Genesis
>Genplus is a really good sega multi emulator. It plays genesis/megadrive games ad the correct resolution and looks identical to the original. I shit you not, I have trouble telling this emulator from the real thing. Only one problem... NO SMB SHARES! other than that perfect, would recommend. 9/10
> vbagx is a port of another emulator and uses the same interface as the NES and SNES emus I recommended. It's not that great. Some games run beautifully, mostly early GBA games like Super mario advance and also all the pokemon games run very well. Other games are very stuttery and jittery and the sounds all wrong. 5/10
> Old shit works, new shit don't. stuff up to about 1993 starts giving it trouble. ?/10 I never use it.
Also while your hacking your wii, get DIOS MIOS runnin and have at some gamecube games!
Also there's some good wii games, mostly nintendo made, but also stuff like Monster Hunter 3 and the Metroid prime collection

>> No.1066221
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I use my wii for
NES - fceugx
>Damn near perfect NES emu, can do 240p, wii controller has the right amount of buttons, using virtual console to emulate games is a waste of space, use your computer, just set up an SMB share in windows and your wii can pick up your library off your wifi. 10/10
SNES - snes9x
>This isn't a perfect port of snes9x, though it is very good, there seems to be some sort of audio syncing problem, every now and then I hear a skip in the music and sound effects, I think this may have been corrected in an update recently. Still good emu, does 240p, SMB shares work, not bad, would recommend. 9/10
N64 - Virtual Console
> I tried a few n64 emulators and they all worked like crap, granted that was about a year ago, but the fact is there just aren't enough good n64 games to recommend making a whole emulator, if you're a fan of the n64 (As I am), just install whatever games you want to play from the virtual console wad list, your wii can hold a few on its internal nand, and you can install them to an sd card or a flashdrive using mighty channels. 10/10 (VC)

>> No.1066243

Is it too clunky to play Sin & Punishment 1 on the Virtual Console with a Classic Controller Pro?

I've tried with a Gamecube controller and almost gave me carpal tunnel.

>> No.1066248

It's a lot fucking better on CC, I beat the game with it no problem

>> No.1066247

why do you have that gay deviantart bullshit saved to your pc?

>> No.1066258

seems fair enough. I haven't download any other N64 aside from F-Zero X and the controllers works like a charm.

Never tried either Sin & Punishment or Ocarina of Time.

Sin & Punishment 2 it's fucking nice

>> No.1066287

It has rather shit scaling.

Use Wiimednafen's GBA core. Will even do 240p("windowed" so the resolution is 1:1

>> No.1066296

neat, also I just tried Hugo, some TG-16 emulator I'd never heard of, quite good.

I saw this in the homebrew browser but had no idea what it was. Wiimednafen's is better than vbagx?

I haven't tried retroarch on the wii, is it better than snes9xgx?

>> No.1066324

And Nintendo doesn't do proprietary? Or where you too young to remember the N64 using outdated cartridges to avoid piracy and GCs proprietary discs?

>> No.1066340

On the PAL VC they use the PAL versions of games, which would be fine except that NES games run at a slower speed due to differences in televisions.

I played through Mega Man and never realized the music was slower until I looked it up online, now whenever I play it it feels like Mega Man's on the moon that wasn't a Legends reference i swear

>> No.1066370

Shame there is still no banjo / conker on the wii yet.

>> No.1066371

wiimednafen is alright, saving judgement for it, really wish 240p mode was full screen, I'm sticking with full screen 480i

>> No.1066390
File: 1.12 MB, 3280x2460, 100_3042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order for it to be fullscreen, you'd have to scale the image, which would result in shitty stretched pixels;

Example of said stretching on VBAGX.

I'm pretty sure that this is the reason that both the SGB and GBPlayer windowbox the game.

>> No.1066559

that's an excellent theory, I can't wait until I get a GBA flashcart, then I can just play on my tv using a controller and my said neglected gamecube

>> No.1066761

I wonder why they never put Yoshi's Island on VC, especially when it emulates just fine on snes9xgx.

>> No.1066775

Good luck getting a gba flashcart I've been looking and it's like they don't exist anymore. (I may just get a ds and a flashcart as those are easier to find.)

>> No.1066778

They will never be one because Microsoft owns Rare.

>> No.1066779

Fuck, now I'm scared of mine breaking

>> No.1066790

Treat it kindly sir.
And for those of you googling where to buy a gba flash cart DO NOT buy one from here:
I've wait almost 3 months and I'm probably gonna get a refund.

>> No.1067021

Like thats stopped me playing banjo on my PC...

This thread is about emulation.

Shame the wii Injection WADs never worked with banjo

>> No.1067028

That's why I still have both banjo games and conkers bad fur day and a n64.

>> No.1067051

We were talking about sony
>the N64 using outdated cartridges to avoid piracy
That's not why