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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 865 KB, 1124x1841, PlayStation 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10660325 No.10660325 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10660342

That's not a PC.

>> No.10660580

For a game console it had a very big library

>> No.10660680

90% shovelware

>> No.10660740

consolefags btfo will they recover?

>> No.10660767

I'd rather play a masterpiece for the rest of my life than have 1000 throwaway games.

>> No.10660817

That's every system. You may notice it more because of the size of the library, but they all have the same amount of shit. The difference is with the massive amount of games, the ratio for good games is better than the rest.

>> No.10661797

>90% SHOULvelware

>> No.10661805
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, c64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soyn lost.

>> No.10661812

thats cheating

>> No.10661920
File: 51 KB, 1080x607, fb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10662305

Several great games (all of which would be better on the xbox). The rest are shovelware.


The good games on PS2:
The Getaway
Shadow of the Colossus
Final Fantasy XII

Probably some more i've forgotten besides ports from the Dreamcast and Gamecube which should have been on the Xbox as well.

Xbox was a great console, very impressive, it's flicker filter or something, however it rendered things, it looked better than any other platform and hasn't been matched since.

It deserved more attention and a longer lifespan.

MS should have waited longer, watched Sony fail to deliver and then provided aomething that could. Kept pal & ntsc as standard. Even offered a better disc standard eg holographic.

Seeing such a shit console as the ps2 get celebrated is always disgusting. MS did it right and should have continued to do so, even if it's unprofitable. Eventually people could be weaned away for an aquired taste for shit.

>> No.10662354

Trying to remember an old game I played with my Dad when I was little. It was a third-person shooter similar to Resident Evil 4 but it wasn't horror. I remember needing to shoot terrorists (maybe?). It had the pace of RE4 but it definitely wasn't a Resident Evil game, I remember the PC looking similar to Leon Kennedy though. It was on either PS1 or PS2. Any ideas?

>> No.10662359

The polygons have aged like milk, but it has some of the best 2D JRPG titles ever created.

>> No.10662474

Way higher than that. The PS2 has over 4300 games, and there sure aren't 430 PS2 games worth playing. Only the Wii has a worse shovelware to decent game ratio.

>> No.10662476

Why are sony fags so annoying

>> No.10662554
File: 674 KB, 360x270, 1497223650518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10662602


>> No.10663248

I had like 70 second hand ps2 games and I only played with the same 5. After some years it the disc reader broke, how much of a fucking idiot I was for not trying all of those other games when I could

>> No.10663658

cold fear

>> No.10663968
File: 24 KB, 674x454, ITS OVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inferiority complex.

>> No.10664036

Most hidden thread of all time.

>> No.10664276

Cold Fear is an awesome and under appreciated game. PC port is great too and works on modern systems, pretty sure it can be picked up as abandonware these days.

>> No.10664283

Sony absolutely mogging Nintendo on home console sales despite Nintendo having a 12 year head start and releasing two entire console generations before Sony entered the game lol.

>> No.10664401

>Sony enters the market in 1983 with the MSX
>gets absolutely dominated by a humble playing card company
>licks its wounds for a decade
>41 years later and the Big N is still top dog and approaching 1 billion consoles sold
You ok there lil buddy?

>> No.10664454

Name one.

>> No.10664463

Thats not the Commodore 64.
Over 10,000 bab-eeeee!

>> No.10664505

87% of which is shovelware.

>> No.10666438

Shovelware is a term with same amount of specificity that calling someone an autist has in 2024
>It means it was pushed out the door
That's almost every video game ever
>it means is a bad game
Being bad doesn't mean it's shovelware
>It means it was some sort of cash grab to sell merch off an IP
Once again, most licensed games
>It means I don't like it

>> No.10666749

>Shovelware is a term with same amount of specificity that calling someone an autist has in 2024
This is a false equivalence.

>> No.10666804

As a corsair starting from zero,
What do I gotta do to get my PS2 going with a nice hard drive of all the games? Less important: how many TBs would I need. I've done Wii/U and 3/DS before.

>> No.10667008

Shovelware is when all of those coalesce

>> No.10667429

2x 20 tb drives should do it.