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File: 23 KB, 294x340, Rb6box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10659280 No.10659280 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, what a rush. Never knew FPS games could be this intense.

>> No.10659361

decent game. i really enjoyed turning to elite or whatever the max difficulty is and going super soldier on a map for hours.

>> No.10659479

i could never get into this because of how fucking awful the controls are on ps1

>> No.10659492

It's sure subjective, but, for me, maps in original (and Rogue Spear) are more atmosheric in general than in Raven Shield.
Also it's huge plus for original R6 and Rogue Spear that they didn't have ragdoll nonsense.

>> No.10659702

Is it possible to play this game the way it was intended? Like they give you a default plan where all 4 teams are supposed to work concurrently to accomplish the mission, but this would never seem to work for me. Without fail one of the teams I was not controlling would fuck up and either get murdered or stuck against a wall. I always ended up doing everything myself.

>> No.10659716

Retards like you never check the other controller types. The second option plays like any Dreamcast or PSP fps

>> No.10659728
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, R6Plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never managed with the default plans. I ended up redoing all the planning, and it was possible to finish it with some operators getting killed.
I wouldn't do it today, I guess it's only worth it if it's your only game and you are autistic.
Now, Raven Shield is bullshit even with the 'tism excuse.

>> No.10659746
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, extremely nervous man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one operator left and this starts playing

>> No.10659863

There has never been a clearer case of the console ports being worse than with the case of Rainbow Six.

>> No.10659886
File: 314 KB, 641x481, missile silo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, although like you said, the AI (specifically for the terrorists) would always do something slightly quirky or be somewhere slightly different on each playthrough. You really tend to notice this if you're going for a 100% officer survival rate for the mission, and you reset if a single one dies. Sometimes the AI will hear something and rush somewhere, sometimes they won't. Sometimes the enemy is patrolling a certain area, sometimes they aren't. Sometimes the AI will rush to go ambush a certain door, sometimes they'll open the door.

>or stuck against a wall
I've never had that happen, but yea, timing is very key in this. I think the game expects you to rotate through the teams once you see the "waiting for go-code X", so you can make observations at the next phase of the plan.

There's also another helpful tool I use sometimes in which I use the "Toggle Hold" command (usually H) to freeze all teams in place, then use the individual "Toggle Team Control" (usually R) in order to unfreeze just the team I am controlling, which allows me to methodically move through the map and execute each team by themselves.

It's not always the best option, but it does help significantly on some maps.

>> No.10659956

Just like real life.

>> No.10659961
File: 1.67 MB, 3872x3236, 1511292066824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll never see a remaster of Rainbow Six 1-3 ever because Ubisoft hates their old games.
>Tom Clancy's name is in the dirt because of them and we get shit like pic related

>> No.10660020

I have a feeling like having Tom Clancy as a consultant on a lot of the early games put the writers in check.

Listening to his commentary on some of his movies is hilarious.


>> No.10660037

You can see the quality nose dive the more the new operators began to release. It started out as a genuine assessment of the operators, and gradually turned into someone's deviant-art page for operators, with details that they would never possibly know, written as if they were writing up a profile for a fiction book on them.

>> No.10660196
File: 139 KB, 782x1474, Red_Storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tom Clancy as a consultant
He was actually the owner of Red Storm, which made the first two Rainbow Six.
Ubisoft bought them only in 2000.

>> No.10660768

Only played the N64 version
Why have stats in a game if you can't improve them.
Why have roles like bomb specialist, assault, electronics, recon etc if everyone can do every job the same?

>> No.10660829

>max difficulty
>going super soldier
Shouldn't max difficulty make you more vulnerable?

>> No.10660831

I remember it being impossible to accomplish some of the objectives if you tried with the wrong specialist. Like defusing a bomb would be prohibitively long with the wrong person. You could mitigate this with proper equipment but it would take up limited inventory slots. Also the n64 version was complete shit.

>> No.10661780

This was one of the more original shooters in that era. I played it on N64 and it was cool planning/mapping out the squad's trajectory. You die in like one hit. It was a cool game for the time.

>> No.10662370

the original r6 game is so gud

>> No.10662406
File: 24 KB, 253x350, Anne Lang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why? You want to know why? Ha hahahaha! Isn't it obvious? You don't treat the symptoms; you treat the disease. There's only one real solution to problem of pollution, and that's to get rid of all people.

>> No.10662523

Are the AI operators more dependable in the original? I'm enjoying Raven Shield but I hate how often the team I'm not controlling gets fucked randomly even after planning it through.

>> No.10662694

Yes, I don't remember getting constantly 360noscoped from half a kilometer with a gun in the first R6. Raven Shield is kinda bullshit in that respect.

>> No.10662806

nuts to see this thread, as I just decided to reinstall the game + its expansion. I'm really enjoying it so far, although 'Elite' difficulty is too tough for me, so I play on 'Veteran'. When the game was originally released, it was a bit too advanced for me, but I did enjoy messing around on the first map, which was included on the demo.

>> No.10662819
File: 236 KB, 1024x768, ShermanScreenShot0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many times I've rescued this lil' nigga.

>> No.10663016
File: 379 KB, 1920x1200, you came to the wrong alley terrorist shits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw some dumbass tangos think they can take on the Ding

>> No.10663143

Sending a team into the tunnels of the dam to clear it out and defuse the bomb on elite was one of the tensest experiences I’ve ever had in gaming - watched them from the map in over watch. Hugely luck based but so satisfying

>> No.10663142

Does anyone know how to fix the lag for Windows 10? If not I'll just boot up my xp machine.

>> No.10663150

Can’t say I’ve noticed and I’m running it on integrated graphics on an i5 with dgvoodoo. Where’s it lagging?

>> No.10663176

I think you've misread.

>> No.10663231

"If they have a KGB guy with a cell phone watching the airfield from his car"
They absolutely did, and this is the kind of activity all "sleeper" agents were tasked with in the cold war. The idea that they were making homes in America as a prelude to sabotage was usually bunk. The intelligence value came from them filing reports about trucks entering/leaving bases, or leaking other logistical data from their workplaces. Aircraft departure monitoring is entirely reasonable. I mean, the Taliban were doing it, and they didn't even have an intelligence service.

>> No.10663290

haven't played it but I loved the original ghost recon, except for the fact that you don't actually see your own gun. What was with that?

>> No.10663345

>tfw there was a korean-only stand-alone expansion released specifically for South Korea

>> No.10663353
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pic related

>> No.10663484

Black Ops (on ModDB) has them included, they’re very surreal as everyone’s barking at you in moonspeak.

>> No.10665341

I really liked how they did their urban maps. They also felt like a step-up from Black Thorn, which had very wide open and sprawling level design. A lot of the maps in it also just felt very generic and "by the numbers". Urban Ops and Covert Ops both had higher quality map design.

>> No.10665545

What's only worth it? Using the default plans? The only time I've ever had difficulty using the default plans was on Opera House, since they would kill the hostages on stage so quickly. You REALLY had to make sure you nailed those flash bangs then rushed out there with your team, and that was AFTER you cleared all the snipers on the upper levels. Overall I would say it's worth trying out the default plans to see what the developers intended, but it's by no means necessary. In fact, the developers sort of "intended" for you to create your own plans. The default is just a back-up really.

>> No.10665940
File: 80 KB, 423x509, Tacticool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's only worth it? Using the default plans?
No, making your own for all missions. I don't know if I would enjoy all that trial and error today.
But yes, I felt you are supposed to make your own, considering that you are given the tools.

>> No.10666410
File: 63 KB, 640x480, RainbowSix_PC_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always loved that kind of tv crime series feel the music and aesthetic the games (before 3) had