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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10657981 No.10657981 [Reply] [Original]

A little 14 inch CRT like this is all you need. We used to call these "bedroom TV's" back in the day because we would put them on our bedroom dresser's. Also if your kid had a game console and you didn't want it hooked up in the living room then you would give them one of these to play it in their bedroom.

Everyone had these, and if you check old footage from inside the offices of various Japanese developers like Nintendo the devs all had these on top of their desks for play testing. This is literally what the devs were designing their games for.

If you paid out the ass for a PVM then you bought into a meme, and the same applies to any other high end luxury CRT's. Bedroom TV's are where it's at. These games were made for a fuzzy signal on a small cheap CRT.

>> No.10657984


>> No.10657986

I like bigger screens.

>> No.10657996

14" TVs are the most expensive now though

>> No.10658012
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5" Master race

>> No.10658015

the definition of cope

>> No.10658016

>early 2010's:
>Dude, get yourself a PVM, you won't see better video quality than this!
>mid 2010's:
>Dude, just get a consumer TV set, preferably a Trinitron or something else that quality, enjoy having a screen larger than most PVMs
>Dude, just get a 14-incher, who cares about video quality, this is much cheaper than paying out the ass
I notice everyone was saying PVM was the only way to go when they were all over the place. I notice everyone was saying to get basic CRTs once the PVMs dried up. I'm guessing this push to get whatever is left is a result of the decent consumer CRT sets being snapped up already?

>> No.10658018

wouldnt the picture quality be better on a smaller screen since the electromagnets arent dragging the scanlines across as large a distance

>> No.10658024

my personal CRT is a RCA 13" from 2002. it has really nice picture quality. once upon a time i had an amazingly shit Panasonic 13" set from the 70s but it died a very tragic death i will not relate on here.

>> No.10658025

I've been using my 14inch for years because PVM's look like ass and I don't want a big heavy Trinitron.
I kneel
You wouldn't be saying that if you lived in that era, zoomy.

>> No.10658026

I have a 13” PVM I got for free after they already started to get pricey. What now?

>> No.10658036 [DELETED] 

I remember the time I found a little 5" portable from 1977 in a thrift store. Plugged it in but the CRT was almost dead and had very little picture left.

>> No.10658037

No, although 240p content can look kind of stretched above 27 inches. Not enough for me not to prefer 36 inches to 27 inches. The only possible reason to want a TV under 27 inches for retro is for Famicom and pre-Famicom8 bit stuff which looks best at around the 20 inch range. Even then that stuff looks fine at 27 inches too and if I could only have one CRT I would want one in the 25-27 inch range. if I could have a second one I would want it to be 36 inch and if I could have a third I would want a 20 inch. The people who say anything under 20 inches are people nostalgic for their poorfag childhoods.

>> No.10658041

>I notice everyone was saying PVM was the only way to go when they were all over the place.
I don't think the PVM love was as universal as it seems. What happened was for a time it was a genuine exploit since you could get them for a song. So anyone into CRTs would want one because ANY CRT is "worth it" if the price is low enough. But as they started to climb now people have to calculate whether or not something that is 100x the price is also 100x the quality. And plenty of people decided it was not. Plus there were always arguments over whether they looked right. People were into arcade monitors for longer than they were into PVMs. There's a little bit of confirmation bias going on. People are just as much into arcade monitors as they've always been but it's a fairly silent community and YouTubers aren't talking about it.

>> No.10658042

Unironically, the cheapest and most available sets are the big ass ones that weigh >100 pounds. People kept them in their garages because they couldn't be bothered to carry it out, and if they put it up for money, no one will buy so they're always forced to give it away for free. They're big, so inherently they must have higher TVL, and they have amazing images across the board, as well as being more likely to have s video / component. 14 inches already got snapped up by weak armed fags, so you'll never see them, and if you do, the seller'll want you to pay out the ass for it -- and worse, someone will pay him!

>> No.10658045

I still remember finishing Final Fantasy VII on my little 14" bedroom TV with mono sound and only an RF input when I was a kid. Didn't affect my enjoyment of the game one bit.

There are still plenty of people begging for you to take away huge consumer CRTs (including Tranitrons) that they have no way to get rid of. They're not rare or expensive. Just a giant pain in the ass to move.

>> No.10658046

>You wouldn't be saying that if you lived in that era, zoomy.
We had a decent size Sony in the living room that we played games on and I'm glad we weren't confined to a small screen in our rooms.
Why can't you faggots just say, damn I have a small crt because I can't fit a big one in my room, or I couldn't lift one or whatever, or even that you just like small screens. Nope it has to be small screens are the BEST and the DEVELOPERS' INTENDED way of playing and all of you need to suffer like me. This is a literal coping mechanism.

>> No.10658047

General rule i follow:
Anything up to PC Engine looks really good on these small, monitor sized sets, preferable even.

2D stuff after looks best on a mid size set.

3D, the bigger the better.

>> No.10658051

I had a 90s mac with video inputs and it would display it on a windowed box on the desktop. Me and a friend tried playing Halo versus on it with the screen minimized to the size of a gameboy screen.

>> No.10658052

I've seen plenty of CRTs on the curb and not one was smaller than 24". It's actually kind of annoying because I don't have the space and it's not easy leaving them for the junk heap.

>> No.10658058

If someone leaves their CRT on the curb, thats a CRT that they can lift. I'm talking about the CRT's that some old mom posts a vague picture of in a facebook marketplace listing and refuses to tell you what the model number is because she's too weak to turn it around and take a look.

>> No.10658062

jumbo-sized CRTs of 20" and up weren't really a thing until the 90s. most 8 bit and 16 bit hardware was designed for smaller displays. by the mid-90s when you had 27" and up TVs was right around when 3D consoles came out.

>> No.10658074

a ZX Spectrum would look like rubbish on a 27" display nor do any contemporary photos from the '80s ever show them with more than a tabletop-sized display.

>> No.10658076

you can't even see scanlines unless it's at least 27''

>> No.10658079
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I used to play nintendo on a 72'' rear projection tv

>> No.10658083

yeah big displays are needed for 3D to make it seem like you're actually in the game. imagine Battle For Bikini Bottom on a 13" set. that would look smushed and retarded.

>> No.10658092

I once tested out an IBM XT with a CGA card by plugging it into a 19" GE TV. Didn't look too good, the graphics were very coarse and diffuse. It should cue you into how stuff of that vintage wasn't designed for a display that big.

>> No.10658094

$799 USD + $499 SHIPPING


>> No.10658104

the general guidelines would probably be that 13" is the ideal display for 8-bit stuff, SNES and MD games are best on 17"-19" displays and 3D is best on big stuff like 27" displays.

>> No.10658107


>> No.10658109

For me, its more like 8 bit is better on 27"+ displays, so is gen 6, but somehow gen5 looks better on a lower tvl and smaller 20" tube that I have...

>> No.10658110

>A little 14 inch CRT like this is all you need.
No, it isn't.
>We used to call these "bedroom TV's" back in the day because we would put them on our bedroom dresser's.
From the age of 12 I had a 19" TV in my room. So did most of my gaming friends in the 90s. We sought out them out. Some had bigger than 19".
>Also if your kid had a game console and you didn't want it hooked up in the living room then you would give them one of these to play it in their bedroom.
And why exactly should I give a fuck about that? I'm not trying to recreate my childhood anyway. I have way more nostalgia from my college days of retro gaming with shitloads of cheap high end professional video equipment I had to leave behind when I moved. I gamed on a fucking 36" CRT in my living room. I had a god damned arcade machine in my apartment.

>> No.10658112

my normal modern DD is a Bravia 42" which i guess in flat panel terms is equivalent to a 27" CRT

>> No.10658118

>For me, its more like 8 bit is better on 27"+ displays

I used to play NES games on a 27" set as a kid and it looked generally fine though a little coarse and had visible scanlines.

>> No.10658119
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>> No.10658120

someone should make little 2'' mini crts to go with those faggy mini consoles

>> No.10658121

zoomers want everything to be small and "low key".

>> No.10658123

All I know is that IBM XT I tested didn't look very good on a 19" set, well it was an RF only TV but even so...

>> No.10658126

That could be because Gen 5 games are relatively coarse-looking and still use 240p video so they don't look as good on a 27" set while Gen 6 games use 480i video.

>> No.10658160

Yep. Thats why i love these little shitter sets for anything from the 80s like microcomputers. I do have some pre nes stuff hooked up though to an 80s living room big wooden console tv.

>> No.10658196

480i looks terrible regardless of the display

>> No.10658220

you’re hands are brown

>> No.10658238

My bedroom TV was 26 inches.

>> No.10658323

I see a lot of those for 20 EUR or less, but they are always monochrome. It's apparently impossible to get color ones by now.

>> No.10658326

Bigger screens were nice. But heavy.

>> No.10658330

I always had a 27" TV in my bedroom. Can't imagine playing on anything smaller.

>> No.10658494

The problem with tiny CRTs is that as far as Europe is concerned, they remained 50hz only even well into the 00's.

>> No.10658521

But we've had SCART RGB before Americans had component so it's easy to find a cheap CRT that supports it. 5th gen was the last with broken 50Hz ports. It's not a problem if you're mainly going to play 6th gen games.

>> No.10658534

>5th gen was the last with broken 50Hz ports.
Plenty of sixth gen games had shitty 50hz ports. Especially in the earlier days.

>> No.10658537

B&W and monochrome are different

>> No.10658541

bedroom? we had 27 inch tvs in our bedrooms. that's a shitty kitchen tv so mom can watch oprah while she cooks us pork chops and mashed potatos

>> No.10658543
File: 54 KB, 800x600, 20ZA374GB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be talking about mainland Europe, because 60Hz support was pretty much universal for anything with a SCART socket here in the UK. I had a Zanussi TV from the 80s (pic related) in my room during the 90s (after my mother upgraded the living room TV) and even that had 60Hz support. I used it into the Dreamcast era, where 60Hz modes first became common. Sadly, it died a couple of years later. Even my grandmother's TV supported 60Hz, because I distinctly remember that being the first place I tried my newly-chipped PS1 out, which I got done to be able to play the US games that my aunt who lived in Florida brought over for me.

>> No.10658572
File: 115 KB, 815x265, 1698048769224685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I just joined the pvm club!

>> No.10658785

This is sadly the only pvm i have, a black and white one i found from behind a dumpster. Neat for gameboy stuff atleast.

>> No.10658867

it's nice to have at least a little amp and bookshelf speakers to go with it, if not headphones so you don't annoy your bull

>> No.10658872

g*mers don't live long, so watch out for estate sales to rescue tubes as their second owners kick it

>> No.10658878

What happens to the gaymers? How do they die so fast?

>> No.10658882

One big high end consumer CRT TV.
One smaller PVM, slot mask.
One 22 inch high end VGA CRT.

That's the bare minimum I need, all of course hooked up to a PC for emulation.

>> No.10658897


>> No.10658943

The sorrow of knowing the IRL world will never be as cool as the world of Floigan Bros makes them will themselves to perish sooner to stop the drawn out suffering.

>> No.10659120
File: 2.37 MB, 3588x2816, 20240127_173716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 consumer TV > small PVM
28 PVM > 28 inch consumer TV however
simple as that.

>> No.10659125

Picture looks the same as my 28" consumer though
also clean your fucking screen

>> No.10659130
File: 629 KB, 3984x2988, 20240131_121339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22" VGA for emulation
What a waste.
But thick scanlines on PC can lok pretty nice i guess

>> No.10659136
File: 364 KB, 3984x2988, 20240127_172105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

800TVL PVM does look alot sharper then consumer TVs.
If you cant get a big PVM for free or very cheap the consumer TV is worth it more though

>> No.10659218

>he doesnt keep it tuned to channel 69 at all times

>> No.10659237

>22" VGA for emulation
>What a waste.
Great for 6th gen emulation and some 5th gen. Later consoles aren't /vr/ and better on a nice decent size OLED already.

>But thick scanlines on PC can lok pretty nice i guess
They look horrible. The "visibly separate scanline" meme is retarded. Hence why I also use slot mask for older gens, 15kHz/240p and related.

>> No.10659243

yeah that's nice
*gets crushed to death by my 36'' crt''

>> No.10659246
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Imo you don't want things to be too sharp, ruins the effect and the only benefits you get from the CRT is motion and latency.

>> No.10659249

inactivity and poor nutrition

>> No.10659250

>All you need
No. You also need a +27"+ living room CRT and a +15" CRT computer monitor. Now you have all you need.

>> No.10659257

Dunno, PVMs are still easy to find and cheap here.

>> No.10659259

>Top shitty looking consumerist garbage
>Bottom nice sharp PVM

>> No.10659260

Both are PVMs.

>> No.10659261

for higher res interlaced you def want high sharpness

>> No.10659264

these kind of games look way better on on lower end VGA monitors.
On 22" you will get scanlines even in 720p

>> No.10660384

well, all I can say is my consumer set looks exactly the same

>> No.10660413

Yeah, it's mostly just sour grapes.
>NOOO you see, I actually WANT to have a small chink brand CRT, instead of a 20 inch PVM

>> No.10660436

Then I'd rather take progressive already.

I'm emulating though, I run multiple of of internal resolution usually, at 960p there's no visibly separate scanlines.

>> No.10662897

That is cute

>> No.10663002
File: 113 KB, 960x647, 0nvnkctxajo51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you check old footage from inside the offices of various Japanese developers like Nintendo the devs all had these on top of their desks for play testing.
>This is literally what the devs were designing their games for.
Tendie delusion.

>> No.10663007

>it's PVMs and VGA monitors

>> No.10663291

anon those are programmers

>> No.10663330

>Everyone had these, and if you check old footage from inside the offices of various Japanese developers like Nintendo the devs all had these on top of their desks for play testing. This is literally what the devs were designing their games for.
why couldn't nintendo design their games to display well in 4:3 format then?

>> No.10663876


>> No.10663897

I used to have one of these and would watch VHS anime on it

>> No.10663909

They do anon
Not everyone has your specific brand of aspect ratio autism

>> No.10663934

These guys are working on the FMV's
They want them as clear as possible
If you play on real hardware you'll notice a lot of dithering used because of lower colour depth on the actual console

>> No.10663941

>They do anon
ah yes, I love all those non-round circles in nintendo games that display on my TV, in opposition to most third parties which got it right

>> No.10663982

>I love all those non-round circles in nintendo games that display on my TV
as I said, not everyone has your specific brand of aspect ratio autism

>> No.10663985

ok, but don't say they designed their games for 4:3 because they clearly aren't.

>> No.10663991

Yeah they are, play them on a CRT and you'll see they play perfectly to 4:3
CRT's don't have a horizontal resolution

>> No.10664583

They could
What does your autism have to do with how PVMs were or were not used in game development?