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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 173 KB, 1280x713, Screen Shot 2024-02-01 at 3.40.15 PM Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10653491 No.10653491 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.10653496

Nice, even Texas based techno time traveling space wizard Carmack shows his face.

>> No.10653507

Go advertise somewhere else.

>> No.10653513

i like how everyone else is in a room with things in it, meanwhile carmack is in that white room at the end of space odyssey

>> No.10653515

What is this

>> No.10653516

so who would win in DM?

>> No.10653520

thats the power of turbo autism

>> No.10653525

based carmack

>> No.10653527

So did they finally settle their differences and shit?

>> No.10653528

Your house doesn't need a story. It's just a pod you live in.

>> No.10653531

This. Literally Carmack mentality.

>> No.10653535

>hey, Carmack, why are there copies of the style section all over the place? Do you have a dog, a little chow or something?

>> No.10653540

Carmack is a based autist, this is known. I want a testa just like his (except white). Or maybe a Koenig specials lookalike...

>> No.10653541

didnt carmack throw his cat away because he didnt thought it was effective for his productivity to keep one or some retarded shit like that

>> No.10653549

Makes me realize I might be autistic. Friends always commented how I have zero art, decoration, or gadgets beyond white blocks of furniture and electronics. If it has no utility, it's hidden away. The more stuff you have, the more items you have to dust and takes up mental space.

>> No.10653551

>guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue

>> No.10653553


>> No.10653561

Yep, he's the perfect kind of autistic "polymath"

>> No.10653632

He's an empty man.

>> No.10653635

if you have friends youre not autistic

>> No.10653652 [DELETED] 

not /vr/ related, zoomer

>> No.10653660

they're talking about the 1993 classic "DOOM"
Would you prefer another AI generated top 10 retro games list thread?

>> No.10653858
File: 2.41 MB, 640x480, idcat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That story is questionable.

>> No.10653862

god romero is such an insufferable faggot

>> No.10653896

Just like how Doom 3 is an empty game.

>> No.10653931

is John romero a troon now?

>> No.10653947
File: 87 KB, 1024x728, john-romero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, why? He's had long hair for ages if that's what you're referring to, it's just no longer in mullet form.

>> No.10653969

the nails

>> No.10653975
File: 56 KB, 399x611, na_61c1d836edfb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's styled himself as a heavy metal guy for a while, that used to be a thing with rock stars back in his day

>> No.10653983

nigga is 50+ and just looks like some retard that wont grow up with it

>> No.10653987

he has more money and access to pussy than you ever will, he has no reason to care

>> No.10653996

The man never fully grew up. On the metal thing, I think that's based.

>> No.10654004

Not too different from other old ass rockstars who are even older and still do shit like that.

>> No.10654005

I feel like he’s the opposite, he knows exactly what he wants and gets immense fulfillment out of it. I have way more “soul” in my house but unfortunately I’ve never found something I love as much as carmack loved coding.

>> No.10654024

he doesnt really need to desu
he made doom

>> No.10654035

He did give away his cat because it was a distraction.

>> No.10654098

>normal people
>all have backgrounds harboring an atmosphere of game shelves or retro hardware

>Giga-autist Carmack
>Blank empty white room with a door in the background and a lightswitch

>> No.10654104

I have tons of stuff and I don't dust anything.

>> No.10654114

I heard he killed it.

>> No.10654164

i heard he ate it

>> No.10654172
File: 48 KB, 400x438, pussy-snorkeling-world-champion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might have misunderstood.

>> No.10654217

does the sound work on the stream /??

>> No.10654358
File: 269 KB, 1546x446, Mitzi was having a net negative impact on my life. I took her to the animal shelter. Mmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carmack's cat 'Mitzi' had urinated on his new leather couch so he took it to an animal shelter. Romero was shocked and exclaimed that they'll kill the cat. Carmack didn't care because he had concluded that Mitzi was "having a net negative impact" on his life.

>> No.10654468

Yet the cat is there four years later >>10653858

>> No.10654483

nothing important, consolefags

>> No.10654542

why? ive watched a ton of his modern content/interviews and haven't got an impression like that. if anything he seems pretty reserved

>> No.10654667

Being a rock star, and especially a metal star, is at least partially about never growing up

>> No.10654680

There's nothing in Carmack's room. The heck?

>> No.10654683


>> No.10654695

He's a brain on legs. No need for decor.

>> No.10654803

Glad to see Carmack hasn't changed at all in the last 20 years. Dude is still a code wizard autist

>> No.10654975

i heard he launched it into space

>> No.10654981

>story is not important in a video game
>decor is not important in a room
Just like his philosophy.

>> No.10654986

all his furniture and decor is in virtual reality. This interview was the first time he'd left the virtual realm in several years

>> No.10654995

He lives in the Matrix.

>> No.10655826

I wish to have even 10% the fulfillment he has

>> No.10655829

what growing up means to you?

>> No.10655836

Carmack did, romero just rides the coat tails

>> No.10656218

He might as well be with the sort of stuff he posts on social media. He was always a loser.

>> No.10656342

Story in games is just like furniture in a house; it is expected to be there, but not really that important

>> No.10656380

it's true

>> No.10656383 [DELETED] 

being some boring faggot that works a 9-5 and watches goyslop on the weekends

>> No.10656693

Yeah, the floor is essentially just a giant table without legs.

>> No.10656749

t. bald fat cunt neckbeard.

>> No.10656817

He's a world famous video game designer. He gets a pass to look a bit childish and whimsical in his fashion choices.

>> No.10656820

Carmack programmed a great game engine.
The other guys made a great video game.

>> No.10656870

Part of growing up is not giving a shit about the petty thoughts other people might have about you. Why would he give up the style of dress/hair he likes because some fag online is seething about it

>> No.10656882

>Romero became some kind of twitter tranny that still tries to squeeze money off Doom.
>Carmack sold himself to Facebook and wasted literal years developing a dead-on-arrival technology that nobody would even care about in the short term.

Too bad. Well I guess they contributed a lot to videogames in the past, but watching them on a 30 year celebration stream with 7K views is just depressing.
Carmack is still the GOAT though.

>> No.10657028

>but watching them on a 30 year celebration stream with 7K views is just depressing.
You realize that the people who grew up on Doom, most of them do not care about hanging out on Twitch in the middle of the day, right?

>> No.10657064

previous stream hasn't even reached 100k.
It's time to move on, Romero.
You can still do some cool retro stuff without having to be attatched to doom.

>> No.10657971

there it is

>> No.10658115

Why don't you gentlemen just ask him? He'd be the type to reply

>> No.10658229
File: 78 KB, 860x739, John_Carmack_GDC_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things in a room is like story in a porn movie

>> No.10658230

Lmao based

>> No.10658474

anyone archive the stream?

>> No.10658508


>> No.10658509

The council of irrevelant boomer shooter developers has gathered

>> No.10658525

metal guys painted nails black to hide coke addiction. read a book

>> No.10659029

the tips of his fingers are black because they're dead from playing so much daikatana multiplayer

>> No.10659036

John has it on his youtube channel. Carmack isn't there at the start but materializes at about 48 minutes in

>> No.10659050

>let me hide my coke addiction by drawing attention to my painted nails
solid reasoning there

>> No.10659068


>> No.10659098

does anyone know if that bootleg DOS mario 3 they made still exists?

pretty interesting how in a different timeline doom never happened and all these guys just made DOS conversions of NES/SNES games until retirement
if they actually got that contract with nintendo it wouldve been enormous money, but theyd likely never have made an original game

>> No.10659252

Afaik they've never released it

>> No.10659395

John released it on his website about 10 years ago or so. It's called Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement. You might be able to download it here, i'm not sure if the download link works. I don't think his planetromero website works anymore

>> No.10659436

Are you some kind of fucking moron?

>> No.10659442

I found it here https://archive.org/details/msdos_Dangerous_Dave_in_Copyright_Infringement_1990

>> No.10659462

lol he actually showed a floppy of it on the vid, like right after i posted that, so he definitely has it

>Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement
its funny towards the end carmack brings up that during the facebook v zenimax trial he was brought up on stand and grilled over his involvement with its development
zenimax lawyer mustve scrolled carmacks wikipedia page, saw that title, then thought he had a total gotcha with that one

>> No.10659465

why does romero always look like he is in a numetal band

>> No.10659482

he doesnt really
he just looks like a generic aging metalhead desu

if he was in a numetal band hed have a really stylized beard, possibly dyed a garish color. also at LEAST a facial piercing SOMEWHERE
i feel like long hair is the opposite of numetal. dudes were always like buzzcut and wearing a flat brim ime

>> No.10659632

needs more dreads and tattoos and depression

>> No.10659648

Stop it, Romero.
You need to change your style.
You're the one supposed to lead your image, not your brainwashed problematic daughter.
Stop using nail polish and get some dreads.
With some luck you can achieve a Jonathan Davis from Korn style.

>> No.10659669

i think it's more of a black/death metal thing than a numetal thing. Lots of metal musicians do the painted nails thing. Kirk from Metallica even does it

>> No.10659926

going solely off the fact he looks like a generic metalhead, im willing to bet he thinks numetal is fucking gay it is
liking numetal is like the metalhead equivalent of saying cowadoody is your favorite video game

>> No.10660014

God, you zoomers don't know shit about metalheads.

>> No.10660119 [DELETED] 

a conversation between these 4 would be priceless, ecks dee

>> No.10662529
File: 76 KB, 960x720, 1676290268827093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10662615

Business idea: romero and carmack collab on a first person shooter, need it or keep it?

>> No.10662618 [DELETED] 

Half Lifes better

>> No.10662932


>> No.10662937

Are they teaming up again?
Will we see the magic once more?

>> No.10663014

>immediately thinks of troons when seeing black nails
Dear lord go outside you fucking chud. That shit use to be common with goths/emos in school in the 80-2000's, especially with rockstars.

>> No.10663019

>of saying cowadoody is your favorite video game
You're already called a zoomer if you dismiss CoD these days as a casual FPS, it's fucking unreal. /v/ is such a shithole.

>> No.10663442

>Hey bro, your nose is bleeding.
>No it's not. Look at my nails.
Works every time.

>> No.10664779

Eh honestly with modern guys I mostly think they're faggots or troons.
It looks very effeminate and faggy when they don't have the rest of the outfit to go with it.

>> No.10665790

On the contrary, your house is like porn; it needs a story even if it's not important.

>> No.10665894

>forced comradery
>pretty much all of them have been revealed to be total faggots and/or middling talent riding on Carmack's autism.
Hey! I'm good! Thank you, though. Thanks.

>> No.10665907

>no Bobby Prince
Probably the only one who wasn't mid-ass except for Carmack.

>> No.10666486

>middling talent riding on Carmack's autism
lol carmack would've lived his life in obscurity without romero and hall

>> No.10666490


>> No.10666793 [DELETED] 

>h-he's a a m-metalhead!!! r-right Romero ?
fucking zoomers

>> No.10666914

With his talent and drive? He would have ended up somewhere else eventually.

>> No.10666940


>> No.10666959

To be fair, this thread has been more about people than video games.

>> No.10667089

It's devs talking about a really famous game they made once. Compare to Miyamoto talking about Super Mario games, or Sid Meier talking about his Civilization series, seems pretty board relevant to me.

>> No.10667125

Probably his VR room

>> No.10667748

Wow Tom Hall is just as insufferably cringe as described in Masters of Doom.