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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10636287 No.10636287 [Reply] [Original]

>play for hours
>save frequently
>game crashes
>load game
>lose all progress
I try not to use save states to emulate the feeling of playing on console

>> No.10636324

>I try not to use save states to emulate the feeling of playing on console
>load game
>lose all progress
Yeah, I'd say this is pretty accurate to the feeling of playing on the original hardware. Younger me would have killed for Retrode technology to exist back then.

>> No.10636697

Quicksave all you want when it comes to Fire Emblem.
Those games are too mean to their players anyway. They deserve it.

>> No.10636716

>playing FE without savescumming
Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.10636753

Missing the point of playing FE if you use savestates. It's about adapting when things don't go right.

>> No.10636912

Genealogy (the game pictured in OP) literally lets you save every turn. Admittedly each chapter is the equivalent of 3-4 chapters in the other games, but still.

>> No.10636919

Why not save state when you save normally?

>> No.10636942

Yes but that is the only exception until the lame rewind shit in the new games. Idk why OP didn't just use the autosave function in FE4.

>> No.10636976

Like the other poster said, Genealogy has built into quicksaving basically where you can restart any turn without penalty. It expected you to save mid chapter because they're so long. It's not cheating to just quicksave at the start of turns as long as you aren't cheesing it so hard that you're eliminating all strategy.

Always create saves. You don't have to use them if you don't want to, but they're useful precisely in case something like this happens. At least you learned your lesson now to always save.

>> No.10638423

>use one of the few retro pics I have for the OP because it also doubles as an appropriate reaction image
>thread starts off derailed
my bad…
I beat Gaiden that way like a decade ago and it wasn’t rewarding, like at all. (I would reload until I stopped missing attacks at 90+% accuracy.) looking back on it, I don’t even consider it a legitimate clear.
I’m gonna have to do that from now on. losing several hours of progress is too devastating just because the emulator had a random brainfart.

>> No.10638789

I'm not a fan of permanently losing unique units.
I would prefer if the game was much tougher but had generic units that you can recruit before/during missions or at least if uniques were hospitalized for a few missions.
Otherwise permadeath does nothing but waste time especially in a game where you can get fucked over by RNG.

>> No.10638819

>I'm not a fan of permanently losing unique units.
then dont play a game where the point is that permadeath exists and youre supposed to care for your units, not let that happen and adapt if you do

>> No.10638829

I save scummed the shit out of these games on real hardware so I personally don't see a problem going a step further

>> No.10638838

>Otherwise permadeath does nothing but waste time especially
The thing is, FE games (at least the earlier ones) are in a lot of ways designed around the idea that you *will* be losing units. There's a reason that they throw one or several new characters at you almost every single chapter, even up to the endgame. Your roster gets way larger than you can ever feasibly field, but that's to compensate for the fact that you'd be losing units that need to be replaced. The late-game joins also tend to be powerful units, to make up for the fact that you weren't able to level them. Not as strong as your 20/20 maxed out Paladin, sure, but still strong units.

Moreover, it gives you an actual reason to use the 'bad' characters, to plug up holes in the line. It also adds in an additional layer of decision-making: is it worth putting a unit in a very dangerous situation, or straight-up sacrificing them, in order to enable the rest of your party to survive and beat the chapter? Playing FE with resets just turns any death into a failure condition, and removes the tactical option of sacrificing party members entirely.

>> No.10638843

you raise very interesting points you see but i pretend my game waifu will want to have sex with me if i dont let her get hurt all game so permadeath bad

>> No.10638853
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I don't.
I play Langrisser or Advance Wars instead.
I enjoy minimizing losses but I don't like preventing them completely, adapting is part of the fun but FE doesn't allow that because losing a character I like, kills any motivation I had to continue so I end up restarting and just re-doing everything I did up until that point.

>> No.10638859

>hey guys i like this game
>well i dont like how the game does this id prefer something else
>ok then go play that game
>i do and i dont play your game because i dont like it
Why did you even come? Do you just like monologuing or something?

>> No.10638867
File: 225 KB, 1073x952, 1688745388661584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I initially thought it's going to be a thread about save states, not FE.

>> No.10638884

Yeah to be fair I don't think this thread is really about anything at all. I don't even really what the OP image is supposed to be. The reason expand dong is funny is because it says expand dong and he makes a funny face. This is just a neutral expression with a random phrase

>> No.10638946

then back up your saves without save states

>> No.10640883

That's true for most FE games, but FE4 was the first that actively discouraged losing units due to the mid-game time-skip hinging on unit supports:
>Everybody you recruit can be deployed at once and most have personal reasons to join (as opposed to just being various mercs who join you at random like in the previous games), so you're expected to build up some attachment to at least most of them
>You can save at the start of every turn and are encouraged to do it often in the event of bad moves costing you units
>The Arena isn't a schmuck-trap like in most games as units can't actually die in it (they just get reduced to 1HP when they lose) but it's also where a lot of their EXP and gold needs to be grinded
>The replacement units you get for any kids who don't get born in the second half just plain suck ass
Unfortunately, that mentality ended up being what FE got rebalanced around starting with Awakening.

>> No.10640959

God I'm glad I stopped playing this series at the third game, it just looks to get worse and worse. Literally zoomer mentality "nooo I'm not allowed to lose!!"

>> No.10642463

How fucking hard is it to use savestates as a backup, but also have the willpower to not abuse them?

>> No.10644297
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I don't know, maybe some people are just more OCD about them, I personally avoid using them at all, or only use it to keep track of passwords, or simply take a break, as if I was leaving my old console turned on as a kid while I had dinner or went to school, but there have been a few times where I used it to "beat" something I couldn't do otherwise, just to experience all levels and end it.

I suppose the trick is to have well defined rules in your head as to what you're alright with doing or not, and then just following them, where to draw the line. It's about fun at the end of the day still.

>> No.10645263

I literally don't care about what you do except when it comes to posting dumb shit on /vr/.
You don't have to ask permission to use "save states".
You don't have to seek approval from anonymous retards over your lEgIt gAmEr cReD.
I don't care about you or how you play video games. It literally does not matter. Find a better way to spend your time than dumping every retarded thought that pops into your vacuous brain onto this board.