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10640976 No.10640976 [Reply] [Original]

I wish the Dreamcast was a big enough success that Sega wasn't forced to leave the console market

>> No.10640983

I'm certain Sega would be much more preferable to fucking Microsoft.

>> No.10641000

saturn was a success. but morons decided to ditch it instead of emphasizing its strengths like cartoon porn games

>> No.10641001
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>> No.10641003

>the tradeoff is the sonic franchise never recovers in any meaningful way.

>> No.10641007

Granted. Their next console is basically a weaker xbox 360 and they start making brown realistic games.

>> No.10641009

It surely did take me there. But only after its demise. That dream was bright and died so fast, like a shooting star :(

>> No.10641025

So no change from our timeline, then? Deal.

>> No.10641036

Which means we'll probably get SA3 and also that canned Ecco sequel. Absolute win-win as I see it

>> No.10641037

You say that, but sonic did get some decent releases recently. I'm talking there's not even those little bumps of decency here and there.

>> No.10641040
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Great, now most of the Sony PS2 games go to Dreamcast except they're worse versions of themselves cause the hardware is bad. No Shadow of the Colossus, no God of War, no Jak and Ratchet. Instead Sonic Adventure 3 & Cuckles, Shenmue 4 and Seaman: The Revenge

>> No.10641060

> No Shadow of the Colossus, no God of War

Thank heavens

>> No.10641079

This wouldn't have happened, Sega was the only console manufacturer left in the 6th gen that also ran a large-scale arcade business. Arcade game design is much more pronounced in their games for this reason. But IMO, this just shows that Sega COULDN'T have succeeded, at least not if trends from beyond their control couldn't somehow be reversed. The Saturn was a disaster sales-wise (in my opinion, entirely due to Sega's own mistakes), but they actually increased their total profits during the 5th gen because of how much money arcades were bringing in. Then the popularity of arcades dropped drastically and they started bleeding money. Sure, the Dreamcast wasn't a success, but it would have probably sold as much as Xbox and Gamecube had Sega decided to stay in the console business. PS2 just obliterated everything else during that generation. But say 2005 arrives, what happens then? No one wants arcade games any more and Sega is probably bankrupt. They wouldn't and couldn't have just chased trends, that would be going against their entire identity. That's like Nintendo deciding that half of their franchises are going to be first-person shooters from now on. It couldn't have happened.

>> No.10641105

I wonder if the dreamcast could've handled Dynasty Warriors 5 and what it would've looked like. Probably would've had to cut out 2 player co-op, the game already didn't run well with it, with generals and soldiers fading in and out of existence.

>> No.10641110

That all sounds fantastic.

>> No.10641262

Wonder if Nintendo deliberately set Sega up tacitly with Sony.

>> No.10641357 [DELETED] 

>more than 10 years of pure unfiltered retardation
>no, it was the competency fault

>> No.10641360

>more than 10 years of pure unfiltered retardation
>no, it was the competition's fault

>> No.10641364

Granted, but it's successor has an even worse controller than the DC

>> No.10641527

Sega would be more than welcome these days. Sony was great during the times of PS1 and PS2, but I don't care at all about their Hollywoodesque games from these last years. Microsoft doesn't appeal to me and has brought us various anti consumer practices, and Nintendo is the epitome of safeness and taking zero risks. A bigger presence of Sega would be positive for the consoles market.

>> No.10641540

No, Nintendo just fucked over Sony. Nintendo's greed actually created all their competition because they are retarded.

>> No.10641592

Dreamcast flopped because PS2's hype was crazy following PS1's success. Add to the fact that Bernie Stolar did NOT want JRPGs to the US market while PS1 got FF7 & an entire squad of Japanese killers demolished Sega in the US even more. I did not know a single person growing up in the late 90s who had Saturn, even though some people got the DC (and were selling it a year later).

>> No.10642032

>No Shadow of the Colossus, no God of War, no Jak and Ratchet.
Cheeky bastard, quite subtle.

>> No.10642081

Imagine how much different the history of 3d graphics could have been if the dreamcast had been successful. Imagine a world where powervr became dominant, we would have true 3d rather than obsolete 2d triangle accelerators.

>> No.10643717
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I'm glad SEGA died, to see them become pure goyslop like what happened to Sony and even Microsoft, though they always had less SOVL, would be crushing, SEGA died making the last console to ever put the arcades and their own direction of how to make video games as their priority, after that the arcade to home console scene was never the same. SEGA was amazing.

>> No.10644457
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If we got Sonic Adventure 3 instead of Heroes, Shadow and '06... maybe Sonic wouldn't be the laughing stock of the hobby like he is now... it's such a shame, I hate this timeline we're living in.

>> No.10645195

October 2000:PS2 enters the market, dies instantly due to being technically inferior to Sega Dreamcast.
November 2001: Microsoft Xbox and Nintendo Gamecube release, both are technically superior to reigning Sega Dreamcast.
July 2002: Sega leaves console market.

>> No.10645225

Why though? They still make games except now they're not locked to one platform. But even besides the fact that Sega are still making games, consoles are bad for the consumer AND the developers. They introduce artificial exclusivity, split the player base, reduce the potential for the games, and the manufacturers charge a license fee for the privilege of making a special version of the game that can only be played on their platform.

We need less consoles, not more. We should have diversity of operating systems and storefronts, not closed off PCs pretending to be something else.

>> No.10645242

In an alternative timeline, Sega could be promoting trannies and faggots.

>> No.10645369

Why do zoomers obsess over historical revisionism
>What if this thing that happened before I was born..... was a different thing that happened before I was born!

>> No.10646839
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Exactly, that'd be way worse to see than what actually happened, they died with a couple of consoles that didn't sell as much as the others, but followed SEGA's arcade style and direction through and through, if they were around the chance that they'd be just like Sony/Microsoft, promoting all of the garbage they do, shoving down on players' throats, is way too high still.

We had a good run, and a bunch of consoles in the 80's/90's that gave us video games in their purest form, arcade, gameplay density, not slop made to cater to socialist millenials in the USA.

>> No.10646847

The Dreamcast was basically just a prototype of the original XBOX so just fire one of those up to know what this would look like.

>> No.10646853

Nah. Fuck pc

>> No.10647001

We live in the worst possible timeline, so imagining better realities allows one to escape from this hell, if just for a moment.

>> No.10647006

>We live in the worst possible timeline
No we don't.
Things are significantly better for each of us than in the timelines where everyone was born in a mud ditch and died in a mud ditch, which is what happened to most human beings in history.
What we have is a miracle no matter how "bad" or inconvenient you think things are today.

>> No.10647058

>Sonic has good games
>The Sonic fandom will get bigger and more toxic
Sorry, but Sonic will always be a laughing stock.

>> No.10647436

Same reason why everyone is pissed at baby boomers, I'd assume. Knowing shit already went downhill before you were ever born and you can't do a single thing about it makes you fantasize about if the people who came before you were less retarded. Zoomers don't even have the benefit of having experienced the world before 9/11 and all of the insanity that followed, they live one hell of a sad existence.

>> No.10647457


In exchange, Sega continued to be even more restrictive in their localizing, following the theme of the Saturn and less than a quarter of the games on the Dreamcast get localized. Sony sees this and follows suit, meaning that half the games you enjoyed on PS1 and PS2 just never made it outside Japan. Sorry Final Fantasy 9 fans, it's locked away as a JP exclusive to this day.

On the plus side, XBox probably won't take off as well as it did, but that just means you're going to see PS3 Halo and that becomes the XBox Live system instead.

>> No.10647495

Dreamcast's online features take off.
PSO sequels become bigger than WoW ever got.
Sony and Nintendo quickly follow suit to get into the lucrative MMO business and all consoles end up being nothing more than MMO machines.

>> No.10647574

How is that any different from things now?
Hell, Dragon Quest X is available everywhere (even Switch) and Final Fantasy XIV is on all of them but Switch. And most of the consoles focus on online multiplayer these days anyway.