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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10640318 No.10640318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*you're alienating your kid/or nephews if you're only letting them be exposed to retro vidya. they'll feel that they don't fit in with their peers* do you agree with this? I don't think my son is missing that much when hes having fun playing fzero gx with his siblings or practicing an outdoor activity like archery but maybe thats just me

>> No.10640320

What's the motivation of preventing your child from playing modern games? Seems needlessly restrictive

>> No.10640328

It's not wrong. When other kids talk about the latest games, your kid is being alienated. Before you say but muh modern games bad, it's not about good or bad, it's about a complete mismatch in what topic your kid can even have a conversation in. The Venn Diagram is two circles!

>> No.10640338

because old= good and new= bad that's basically it. with few exceptions obviously
doesn't help that modern games are so derivative its mind numbing to say the least

>> No.10640346

/v/ tier thread, kill yourself

>> No.10640350

This is sort of true. My kindergartner gets left out at recess because the other kids play “pretend Minecraft” and mine gets kicked out because he doesn’t know how the game works. He seems OK though and has other friends.

>> No.10640370

I showed my nephew both retro and modern (Roblox, Fortnite, etc) games to my nephew. while he does prefer the newer ones he sometimes played some old games too, mostly beat-em-ups. and this is especially the case when his friends are in. I guess the main takeaway here is the word "peers".

>> No.10640389

Sounds awful. It reminds me of kids I knew whose awful parents would only let them listen to classical music. It's not a good way. If you block them from playing the games of thier day you are denying kids thier own culture.
I'm sure glad no one restricted me to Atari 2600 games in the 90s.

>> No.10640390
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As long as my 15 year old son does his homework and maintains a 4.0 GPA I let him play whatever games he wants. He quite enjoys retro games, probably more than the the newer ones, but he still hits that Minecraft sometimes for an entire Saturday, but then he'll try and beat Mario64 or Oot faster than he did last time (minus cutscenes). I thought he was going to explode when he finally beat Ghosts n Goblins (the right way where you have to beat it 3 times); that last one got me a little misty eyes because it reminded me of when I did it as a kid and my dad who worked insane hours was there cheering me on.

I think it's healthy to mix the old with the new, even though I just can't get into shit like Minecraft or even GTA V even though I was pretty addicted to GTA III and Vice City when they first came out.

>> No.10640396

Bullshit. I was into retro vidya when i was in school and i had plenty of gamer/nerdy friends also into them.

Here is the fact: if your kid is already into video games enough to want to enjoy retro stuff on his own, he was never going to be the type to fall into normie tastes anyway. It just means he has a deeper interest in the medium beyond just as a leisure activity you pick up to blow time.

>> No.10640401

i grew up with a ps2 and felt alienated, but that was because we were poor. everyone else had a 360. i was also bullied for every year in school but i deserved it because im an autistic freak. i think if your kid has siblings it should make it sting a little less since they have someone else their age they can relate to.

>> No.10640403

If you give your child unsupervised internet access before the age of 10 in any way in the current year, you deserve to have your child taken away by protective services.

>> No.10640404

>but i deserved it
Bullshit. If I was your friend I would've brass knuckled their faces. I don't like bullies.

>> No.10640405

kids have thousands of ways of knowing of whatever shitty fad kids their age are into now, specially if they have a phone which 99% have. someone playing retro games with their kids is not stopping that in the slightest

>> No.10640413

>was also bullied for every year in school but i deserved it because im an autistic freak
You deserve to be bullied because of this attitude. When you are labeled a freak, you double down on it and make it a unpleasant issue for everyone else. They wont turn around and be your friend anyway if you let yourself be punished or try and "fit in", you are already marked in their eyes. You carve your niche, you grow an attitude and you be an obnoxious fuck. Thats what any kid with balls did back in elementary school or middle during that developmental period. Plus thats all kid BS anyway, your social standing got basically reset every time you moved grades requiring school switching.

>> No.10640416

Kids have no reason to own a phone until they reach their teens. Public schools failed hard not implementing a hard ban on that shit when it began.

>> No.10640424

>Kids have no reason to own a phone until they reach their teens
but every other kid will have one and no matter how much you want to raise your son as mogli, if he goes to school hes going to be in contact with people who have phones and are going to show them dumb people dancing to shitty kpop on tiktok. and if you dont want your kid to have a phone till theyre a teenager playing modern or old games will be but a blip in your list of concerns

>> No.10640434

kids can play both new and old games. They're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.10640439

Kids literally have no idea how old anything is, and are generally just happy to be amused.
As a kid (I was born in the 90's) some of my favourite things were the original Star Wars trilogy, The Hobbit, Narnia, Han Barbera cartoons, Roald Dahl stories, and at one point I developed a slight fixation on the 1960's Pink Panther films.
Somewhere in the late 90's, I got one of those Chinese clone NES systems, and was happy to have it. Whenever I got to play Dos shareware games like Crystal Caves, I thought that was the coolest shit. I was always very jealous of kids who had all of that "older brother" stuff lying around, like Megadrives, or Amigas.

>> No.10640447

If I had a kid, I would try to bring them through sped-up course of gaming history. Let's say kid is 3ys old, so you can give him very basic games like Atari 2600 or NES, then gradually offer newer systems to play, slowly reaching modern era. That way kid could learn about video gaming in general and maybe have some favorites in each era, instead of just straight up diving into Minecraft and mobile shit.

Of course, that's only a sweet theory, I'd be a horrible parent and my kid would've hated me for being old and uncool.

>> No.10640453

>When you are labeled a freak, you double down on it and make it a unpleasant issue for everyone else. They wont turn around and be your friend anyway if you let yourself be punished or try and "fit in"
there's a big difference between a kid who's 'weird' for reading books and not being into the latest fad/conformity, having 'gross' interests. etc. and a legitimate spastic who can't interact with people at a basic level.

>> No.10640474

bottom line if you're going out of your way to block your kid connecting with friends that's a problem. doesn't mean you can't give him an appreciation for the classics, doesn't mean you have to let him be exposed to every disgusting modern trend or buy him every overpriced product, but if "hey dad I want to play this freeware pc game with my friends" comes up, just let the kid have fun.

>> No.10640475

>When you are labeled a freak, you double down on it and make it a unpleasant issue for everyone else.
desu, I did that, and maybe counter productive...
When you double down on being the weird smelly kid who says crazy things for years, just out of spite for the rest of the world, it's all very funny that it makes "them" uncomfortable, but it also gets you nowhere whatsoever.

>> No.10640482

No. The kid has to learn.
And he should get better friends...

>> No.10640490 [DELETED] 

Why should kids be attacked or denigrated for what they can't do?

>> No.10640491

>it also gets you nowhere whatsoever
It gets you in a position where you're having fun instead of being offended and miserable.

>> No.10640492

nowadays that shit gets you recorded and put on the internet for the whole world to laugh at.

>> No.10640494

doubling down on being a freak means you're doing it for the sake of being special/different, instead of actually being like that because it's something you enjoy

>> No.10640496

Sure, but then you're like 23, and you have no friends, because the handful you had throughout education got sick of you, and you're sitting in a house by yourself, and that's the rest of your life.

>> No.10640504

literally who gives a shit?

>> No.10640505

Not my fault other parents are asking for their kids to get groomed or become fucked in the head.

>> No.10640509

Unlike what they taught us everything on the internet is short-lived and quickly forgotten.
I've been on the internet for almost 20 years now, so many of my blunders, lost arguments and shit posts are here, but nobody reads them or cares about them anymore.

You double down to keep bad people at bay. Be yourself when you're in the right company.

Wouldn't that have happened regardless?

>> No.10640510

Yet even then your parenting revolution will always be stumped because of what other parents do (or dont) with their kids which will be interacting with yours, this is how the society works, the only thing you get trying to turn your son into the next amish superstar when they live in the middle of a modern society is a resentful kid

>> No.10640513

Autistic freaks should be quiet instead of blogging on gaming boards.

>> No.10640515

No. If you kiss arse, and make friends throughout life, you end up with friends. And then you end up with women and job opportunities. That's what everyone else does.

>> No.10640517

If someone thinks you're a loser and makes fun of you with his friends he's not gonna start inviting you to his party because you sucked his dick. You look for connection in the worst possible place.

>> No.10640518

>You double down to keep bad people at bay. Be yourself when you're in the right company.
What is the right company? a club of based anons fighting conformity? actual freaks don't even get included in the subcultures, they're alone.

>> No.10640524

play minecraft with him you psychopath

>> No.10640525

>I've been on the internet for almost 20 years now, so many of my blunders, lost arguments and shit posts are here, but nobody reads them or cares about them anymore.

You just don't have enough people who care enough, anon. Let's say you've became some kind of media person on internet, a youtuber of some kind maybe. Your popularity is rising, eventually you'll get some fans and some haters too. They would want to get some dirt on you to play on your nerves and they will find all of your old posts through web archive because they're autistically hate you that much.

We live in the era where people can get cancelled for 10-year old post on Twitter. You're just not famous enough yet, if you don't plan to change that, good for you

>> No.10640528

That shit is significantly reduced if your kid is going to a private school that puts a hard restriction on phones/tablets/unsupervised internet access. Its no different then your parents not letting you watch "the MTV" or R rated movies as a child. You put a hard stance on it in your household. Sure they probably will encounter it from other kids, but that lack of access to it in a frequent way isnt going to stunt their developmental growth in anyway in the same way your mom said no to M rated games. The first 10 years of a childs life should be free of shit like the modern internet, at least when not supervised. When they become a teen and become more independent and developed, then you can start loosening the reigns and if you parented properly, they wont go full retard right away.

Shits not like the internet was when we were kids fucking around on it, though even that was probably something that should have been heavily monitored. You would have to be an absolute shit parent to want to allow your pre-teen child unsupervised access to a device connected online in current year.

>> No.10640530

>Apple employee trying to sell anon a new phone
Fuck off.

>> No.10640534

yeah, but even the people who liked me initially got sick of me, because I made being obnoxious and smelly my personality, and expected them to appreciate the artistry of what I was doing, which people do not past a certain point. People decide they want girls to like them, and they need to get rid of their smelly friends to make that happen.

>> No.10640536

no but nonetheless humans are a collective species so doing what's popular is necessary for social currency even if that thing isn't very good for you. i mean, you might say people who helped the Gestapo round up Jews to take to the gas chambers were bad but at the same time you have no idea what collective social pressure is like. it's easier to be immoral and popular than popular and moral.

>> No.10640541

>it's easier to be immoral and popular than popular and moral.
*unpopular and moral I mean

>> No.10640548

People seem to act like every child is just going to shove their face with whatever is current and "hip". As a child of the 90s, you were coming off a decade arguably considered the most impactful in film for pop culture so it was still fresh in the minds of everyone and on stores shelves. You had tv channels replaying old cartoons and shows daily to the point they were just normal televsion to you. You had game tech both trying to push 3D and stuff like the gameboy still being 8bit. Yeah, there were fads of the era, but as a whole, mediums of the past were much more free flowing and non-standard back in the era of syndication.

The ironic fact with now having even more access to media, is it requires more searching for it as a responsibility of the user. Typing something in to a search bar is harder then just turning on a TV and some old cartoon playing or being out at a movie rental store and seeing the original star wars on the shelf. People need a reason so look for this stuff and when you have app type social media content as the new "in your face" medium, most wont go and look for it unless they know what they are trying to find.

>> No.10640556

sure, shit like the amish "worked" (several air quotes) because it was everyone else inside the same shit deal, not just billy bob eisenberg, but its not practical for most people to just find gated communities with several restrictions to put all their kids on. when you put several barriers around technology for your kid but they still goes to a normal school where everyone else doesnt have the same boundaries, theyre going to get curious, and the stuff you said the most that they shouldnt do is the one they will want to do the most, its basic human nature, specially when were young and stuff. the job of a good parent is to teach their offspring about the things in life and try to instill in them whats wrong and whats right, while also recognizing that youre just one human being and cant erase everything bad in the world from reaching your kid, you just trust your teachings will be enough to dissuade them from it when they eventually do. you dont build a bubble around your kid and hope bad things will fly straight over till theyre old and wise to see for themselves, because by being sheltered they will never get wise enough to do it.

>> No.10640564

i'm not even debating your point that the internet of today is fucking toxic and some young mind diving in it with no guidance is going to get out more fucked than sasha greys vagina, but complete forbiddance of technology is not the way to do it, its going to have the opposite effect, push them even harder into what they shouldnt be doing, just for curiosity. a kid with no tech in the middle of a school full of kids with tech is only going to be an outcast and more likely than not a target for bullying. you dont cut games and internet from them till theyre old enough, you try to put them on a good path and trust they will learn and grow from there on their own, based on your guidance.

>> No.10640565

Depends how you go about it. I was a pee-hole wearing Mario t-shirts and talking about Atari games when retro gaming was not a known thing in the public eye. No one ever talked shit to me though outside my friend circle, despite me knowing they probably wanted to, because I had hairy arms and a beard going by middle school, was taller then 95% of everyone and had some actual muscle mass on me. I took a Wario personality approach in those days to not giving a flying fuck about the opinions of others. I also basically just looked down on anyone of my age group as being shits that didnt know anything, so it helped in that regard to not care. I was like the ring-leader of my network of weirdos into gaming and nerd shit of that era by the virtue of being built like a middle aged truck driver.

>> No.10640569

If you are doubling down, it means you refuse to change who you are and get the bonus of amusement from the discomfort it causes others.

>> No.10640573

Who the fuck keeps their high school/school age friends? Most people dont. After high-school, your social standings get reset.

>> No.10640596

>i'm not even debating your point that the internet of today is fucking toxic and some young mind diving in it with no guidance is going to get out more fucked than sasha greys vagina, but complete forbiddance of technology is not the way to do it,
I never said this. I said UNSUPERVISED access to the internet is something no parent should allow for their child up until a certain age when they start developing some logic and common sense. Your child can have access to the internet, but you need to monitor what it is and how long they are on it. You let them watching something on a screen for a set period of time if they ask, only after you see what it is that they are looking at and make sure they are not using that to look up horse impregnation fecal incest or whatever a friend as school told them about. You dont give them a free access device and let them hang out all day in their room on it and you dont throw them a phone to keep them shut up. You monitor it just like how good parents monitored TV time or video game time.

Yeah, your kid will see shit from the kids of shitty parents, but that is no different then the kid allowed to watch gory movies and then told everyone else in class about it. They come home and ask if they can watch it and you say no. Preferably, if your kid asks to see something, you look into it first and decide if its acceptable or not. Its the same rules that have always been there, but most parents choose to ignore. No one said a kid has to live completely tech free and yeah maybe they will try and rebel and seek it out on their own, but that in no way gives a responsible parent the free pass to just stop giving a shit and stop trying to raise a kid with a healthy mind set and development.

>> No.10640604

>you try to put them on a good path and trust they will learn and grow from there on their own, based on your guidance.
This I agree with, but that point of letting loose the reigns is not when they are before the age of 10. By the time they reach middle school, thats what you could start giving them more independent freedom, bit by bit, but thats also as you said, the point where the restrictions you made and the reasons you gave them why you restricted it, should start to be paying off.

>> No.10640607

Fuck, not Godwin's Law.

>> No.10640623

There's so many different media IPs to learn about that they will be alienated from some groups either way. It's better to first show them proven classics early so they won't end up as "name?" and "gib sauce" anons.

>> No.10640649

Just let your kids be normal please.
My mom was religious and forbid us from watching many movies or playing games she deemed as "bad", even after we were older than the age rating.
Also I was the youngest of a big family. My parents knew how to raise kids in the 80s and 90s but they were hesitant to adopt any new technology that came out in the 2000s.
I felt really alienated from the other kids at school. Idk if I'm actually autistic or if I developed symptoms by not having anyone to talk to and being infantilized at home.

You may not like what's happening in the world but it's the world your kids have to grow up in. Let them be curious and be a part of it. Sheltering them too hard will fuck them up later in life.

>> No.10640660

The rules are much, much different now. Your mother would be absolutely in the right raising you as a child now and you would be better off at the end of the tunnel because of it.

>> No.10640678

your kids arent going to troon out if you let them play fucking minecraft. they're more likely to do it if you force them to live a childhood of isolation and bullying and start fetishizing their own misery in their teens.

>> No.10640763

they SHOULD be alienated from the rest of the world, though.

>> No.10640790

>>10640649 idk man. seeing teens on tik tok stating that they got preggo by their brother while saying "just let people enjoy things" is kinda unsettling
i'd be terrified if my kid has to interact with these people
hell I didn't even know this was possible when i was being told to believe pelicans were delivering babies by the age of 11

>> No.10640867

>your kids arent going to troon out if you let them play fucking minecraft
They might if you dont monitor WHO they are playing with.

>> No.10640963

Ooooh there's a secret cabal turning kids trans on Minecraft because... reasons.
Nobody monitored me when I was 10 and the worst I've been up to is consooming. It's not that scary desu.

>> No.10641080

The early 00s Internet was a far more wild and uncivilized place than today and I wasn't broken by Web 1.0 Simpsons R34 sites or insane leftists and Stormfags on Usenet calling for the assassination of George Bush or the genocide of all Jews. Didn't become a serial killer, terrorist, or child rapist from it.

>> No.10641091

If they're ONLY playing retro games, then it's very much true. Kids need to be able to play what their peers are playing to have some common ground to socialize and bond with.
Reminds me of how i only had a toaster PC growing up that could only pretty much play old games and emulators. And when someone brought up gaming i'd unironically try to talk about shit like vib-ribbon, total annihilation, and pokemon silver at school, fucking embarassing

>> No.10641095

No they're not

It still beats the new stuff anyway

>> No.10641107
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There is some irony to this post. I bought new games for some of my friends and neither of them seemed as interested in them, but then I bought some retro handhelds for them and they both had a blast, even with the Famiclone handhelds. And one of them was born in '03

>> No.10641115

The idea you NEED to know the same things and have the same experiences as someone else to talk about things with them is incorrect. I'm an anxious sperg myself and I've found that the easiest way to go about a conversation is to ask them a bunch of questions I find interesting about that thing and try to relate it to other things myself and also explain some things that only I know to them.

>> No.10641118

>If they're ONLY playing retro games, then it's very much true. Kids need to be able to play what their peers are playing to have some common ground to socialize and bond with.

Wannabe sociology majors (ie. you) aside if you only play stuff from 1989 then Microsoft doesn't make any money off you. Microsoft does want to make money so they need to convince you to cons00m and have the latest thing.

>> No.10641124

If your kid can only connect to other people based on the video games they consume then you did a fantastic job on raising your kid to be a good goysoomer.

>> No.10641132

wouldn't go that far but theres certainly are secret ingroups prying on unsuspecting young folk to try to join their cult talking about how wonderful of an experience it was them *laying eggs* and shit like that. at least from mine using the app to contact emulator developers

>> No.10641930

Surely some of you remember when you were a kid, right? The kid who had the Master System, when eveyone else had the NES? The kid who still had the NES when the SNES/Genesis, or even the PSX and N64 were the hottest shit? The kid without a gameboy?
You're just turning your son into that kid and stunting their growth socially. You can educate them on predatory aspects of modern games, like microtransactions, but you shouldn't stop them from playing Fortnite every now and then.

>> No.10641952

those games sound far more interesting than the mobileslop kids play today

>> No.10642142

No matter what game he’s playing your kid is a faggot. End of story.

>> No.10642245
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I actually grew up playing retro vidya and didn't play any modern stuff of my generation, which was PS3/360. I think me and my friends bonded over other things, and I don't think gaming was our main focus. One of my friends played almost exclusively NES and SNES era final fantasy games but outside of that he didn't really associate with gaming all that much.

>> No.10642275

2/2 Also I owned an iPod touch and had a 3DS so I was somewhat in touch there. I mostly hung around the Nintendo kids too so none of them really played on 360/PS3 anyways.

>> No.10642278

to have an actual appreciation for games. when we were kids, we had FUN playing simple games with simple objectives. we didnt NEED ultra realistic graphics, movies, and ten tons of customization bullshit. we played a GAME and enjoyed it for what it was. theres no reason any kid today shouldnt be able to do that.

however, consider the n64 and the advent of 3d gaming. early 3d games seemed phenomenal. realistically, almost everything on the n64 is actual dogshit. clunky controls and gameplay, ugly, bad camera, etc. but when we were kids, it was new and fresh, and we loved it. anyone that plays modern games and old n64 games (WITHOUT being blinded by nostalgia) will instantly recognize how bad the old ones really are.

when it becomes so apparent that old=bad, classic 2d stuff also get categorized as old, so it gets the same treatment. its pre-judged. while 2d games are generally simpler due to a more focused scope and design, they get reduced to "its too simple. therefor, its bad" as an additional judgement. they arent given a fair shake, even though they actually still hold up today because they were actually well crafted for their medium. thats not to say ALL retro games are that good, there are certainly still bad ones, but at least give them a fair try.

if i were a parent, i wouldnt let my kid touch modern gaming until they were at least 10-12. it would be snes/genesis stuff until 8, and then break into ps2/xbox, with MAYBE a few curated ps1 games if they actually hold up. it gives kids an appreciation for actually enjoying games for what they are, instead of judging things based on whatever fotm mainstream bullshit is out. there are more mediums than just 3d with shooting or survival/crafting, and/or movie games, and they should learn how to enjoy them and what makes them actually good and worthwhile.

>> No.10642291

I would not promote video games to my children

>> No.10642334

>Public schools failed hard not implementing a hard ban on that shit when it began.

That's actually insane to me because my schools banned flip phones and other electronics like gameboy and shit while I was growing up and when iphone came out while I was in high school it was still banned just like everything else. You could have it with you but if you were using it during school hours theyd take that shit away. Wonder what changed.

>> No.10642345

No I don't agree with that. If you allow your children to something just because other children are doing it, that's going to create a follower mindset. I see my nieces and nephews watching shit TV/films, listening to shit music, playing shit games, all because my siblings allow them to do things just because that's what their peers do. They're going to grow up with shit taste. If they're not playing all the latest shit because it's new and trendy, they'll pick for themselves what seems interesting to them. This will develop individuality.

I played retro games when I was a kid, and I introduced my friends to all the cool free games I could play on emulators. Your son will be the trend setter, not the follower.

Having said that, they also need to see the new stuff so they can see for themselves that it's shit by comparison.

>> No.10642357

>Your son will be the trend setter, not the follower
People have been playing games on the Famicom since 1986. You're the ultimate follower. All of these retro shits were new and trend setting at some points.

>> No.10642385

I was exposed to old music, books and movies and shows simply by living in the same house as my parents. It was what was around and I just cherrypicked.

Gaming never was a big deal. My dad bought me my first console, I never asked him why. He tried to play it as a father-son bonding experience, but he gave up n it pretty fast.

I wouldn't know how little or how much to expose my kid to the internet or gaming.

Probably impose time limits or some shit like that.

>> No.10642410

You're hurting your kids if you let them go to public school.

>> No.10642418

Actually, for me it's the opposite situation. My son and two daughters like retro stuff. Sometimes I can sense that they have a sort of elitism over their friends as if retro gaming is some obscure hobby only certain people can enjoy. Most of their friends are always talking about modern games like Call of Duty or Fortnite while my kids are on about old school stuff. They read from my old GamePro magazines and like to reiterate the opinions of the reviews teaching their friends about these games. Honestly, I don't know how to feel as a father except participate when they play games and enjoy this phase of their childhood.