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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10618359 No.10618359 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever intentionally play worse versions of games for the novelty of it? I'm playing pic related on my Xbox right now and the controls feel stiff, the menus are a little awkward and the framerate is very inconsistent which in turn makes the controls feel even stiffer. I have a PC that could easily run it with far better performance but yet I find myself drawn to this port.

>> No.10618374

If I ever replay a game, I like to do it on a different console than I did the previous time if I can, so sometimes I wind up doing this. Like the last time I played Tomb Raider was the Saturn version because I've already played the PC and PS1 versions, next time I replay Rayman 2 it'll probably be the N64 version because I've played every other version aside from PC etc.

>> No.10618378

I will gladly put up with any broken dumbed down shitty port than to touch anything on PC ever again, I feel my soul draining out of my body whenever I'm forced to play something there, it's the absolute worst piece of shit soulless experience I can think of.

>> No.10618406

well yeah, how many arcade ports came out for the NES?
>this is what consoletards actually believe

>> No.10618638

I had this game on my backlog for years and finally ended up playing it again. Arx Fatalis is, at best, a 7/10 game.

>> No.10618831

Yeah, all the time. My latest playthroughs have been of DOOM, Duke 3D/Total Meltdown, and Lemmings' PS1 versions. They've been fun.

>> No.10619048
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Simpsons Hit & Run, Gauntlet Dark Legacy, Battle for Bikini Bottom, Spongebob Movie, etc. I find myself playing the Gamecube version. I own a PS2 and an Xbox now, but these games I all played on the Gamecube as a kid. It might not be the "best" version for those but they hold a significant nostalgia factor for me on the cube.
I've also recently played the GTA trilogy on the Xbox, and I'm surprised people have constantly stated that these are objectively worse than the PS2 versions. The revamped vehicle controls alone should be enough to justify giving these a playthrough over the original release.

The Xbox port performs very well given the time. A modern PC (with Libertalis installed) will get the game running flawlessly in HD with no issue, but back then you needed higher-end components in order to get that kind of performance.

>> No.10619061

It has a lot of good ideas and a cool setting.

But it definitely pales in comparison to better, more mainstream games of a similar vein.

>> No.10619236

Correct . PC is for grown up software. Play your games on consoles like a real man

>> No.10620179

I play Saturn version of Battle Garegga because it's comfy to play on an actual console

>> No.10621875
File: 621 KB, 480x270, dropped pen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm constantly tempted to play Deus Ex on PS2 as my first playthrough

>> No.10622179

That's how I first played through the game in 2007, I found it playable then but I don't know if I'd be able to tolerate it now

>> No.10622283

yeah, i usually rotate between the 3 dkc games on snes, gba and gb (i know the gb games arent ports, but 2 and 3 feel like they are)...also with megaman x1-3, i like to rotate between the snes and gbc xtreme ports (again, not direct ports but same feeling)

>> No.10623839

strider on pc engine
its extremely disappointing but has a number of unique aspects to it

>> No.10623857

there's definitely a certain novelty factor to the ps2 splintercell games. chaos theory should not exist on that system.

>> No.10625307

Very dubious here, as many of them became something different on NES for better or worse.

>> No.10625927

I used to have Deus Ex the Conspiracy on PS2 and it was boring as hell. It made cyberpunk look like cyberpoop. It made Wolfenstein look like Perfect Dark. It made the Fairchild look like a PS7. It made Joe Biden look like Donald Trump. It made Canada look like America. It was so boring it made the Game Awards look like the Source Awards....back when Pac and Suge attended!

>> No.10626107

>7/10 game
I think that's a fair judgement, but for me the good aspects overshadow all the jank and shortcomings. I had so much in the crypt and the troll/goblin towns.

If there were more games like it I would rate it lower than I currently do.

>> No.10626110

so much fun*

>> No.10626118

>Do you ever intentionally play worse versions of games for the novelty of it?
Not yet, but I am curious about a few lesser ports like Super Street Fighter II on Genesis or vanilla SFII on TurboGrafx-16. Parodius on TG-16 looks surprisingly good even if it's not as nice as the SNES or PS1/Saturn ports

>> No.10626128

>Do you ever intentionally play worse versions of games for the novelty of it?

Sometimes I prefer the lower resolution the game was originally designed for. Some UI elements were not meant to be viewed in HD and it clashes horribly with the rest of the game. Or they don't scale up at all so you have to have your face right up against the screen to see some tiny UI elements. Also on occasion a game might have some fun bugs you can abuse which are patched out on any modern release with older versions being incompatible with modern hardware

>> No.10626591
File: 502 KB, 2048x1536, console-sega-master-system-2-master-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of the Master System, so I do this all of the time... jokes aside, the Master System had a ton of ports of stuff that was better on Genesis and SNES, but a few times it actually had a better version than those, and especially to the NES lots of the time, so it's a stellar console and library to me even today, I can't recommend it enough, it's got a ton of subpar ports, but lots of good ones.

>> No.10626730
File: 236 KB, 1361x1057, kickmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing holding the Master System back compared to the NES was that much worse soundchip. The NES' sounds had so much more variety and punch to them. Graphically and feature-wise the NES couldn't compare at all to the Master System, though there are still many games on the NES that exhibit great artistry. One of my favorite examples is Kick Master.

>> No.10626739

Based Master System race.

>> No.10628219

I love the look of this one, had never heard of it, I'll give it a shot this week.

>> No.10628671

It's a flawed game but still a blast. The music is excellent, one of the best OSTs on the NES. The game is wildly unbalanced and comes with some nasty difficulty spikes, you'll breeze through some parts and burn through all your lives in others. The mid-air knee drop (unlocked in level 2 I think) and the handstand kick (unlocked from the start) are your best friends, though you may find the game too much of a cheese-fest with those options. Just fall back on those options when you find the game is cheesing you.

It's also pretty short like most NES games. You'll burn through it a bit faster than any given Mega Man title.

>> No.10628681

I guess some folks will do anything for proper gamepad support. This is your sole reason isn't it?

>> No.10628698

Deus Ex on PS2 isn’t a fun bad port, it’s an excruciating chore. They chopped the open levels up into corridors with added loading zones and the controls are unfathomable.

>> No.10630335

Quake 1 bores me to tears on PC, but on the N64 it was one of my favorite FPS experiences. I know this is heresy, but the PC original has the floatiest controls and shittiest feeling guns of any shooter I've ever played. The N64 version, with the controller, the rumble and the stiffer movement, made the weapons and controls feel chunkier and more weighty. On top of this, it has a way, way better HUD, and the levels actually benefit from this version's slight architectural simplifications. It also has colors other than brown, got rid of most of the shitty levels and the pointless welcome to quake hub, and I prefer some of the music. The PC version is also way too easy if you're good at PC shooters, so playing it with limitations makes the game more difficult. I fully recognize that it's the shittier version of the game by every objective metric, but the small differences were enough to turn a stale game into one of my all time favorites. I used to sit in my basement in the pitch blackness listening to Dirt by Alice in Chains, playing this on my old CRT while smoking pot and drinking, with this orange aerosol spray and an open window to help hide the smell from my parents. I got so good at this version that I eventually started trying to beat it one sitting on nightmare without ever dying. I don't think I ever managed to actually do it, but I got pretty far a few times.

Any time I smell orange, I think back to the smell of the spray, the weed in the air, the cold draft coming from the window, and the sound of the Aubrey Hodges soundtrack murmuring in the background. Very nostalgic.

>> No.10630340

I have played Half Life on PS2 and it's a solid port

>> No.10630341
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>> No.10630345
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>> No.10630361
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Ok baby brain Nog. Keep on kissing up to Rolfe's every word as fact. Bye, ya retard.
Take your stupid baiting fuckwad ass, and fuck off back to plebbit, shitbreath normalfag.

>> No.10630527

>not thinking that playing Quake 64 in a dark basement while getting high and listening to AiC is kino
kill yourself

>> No.10630539
File: 246 KB, 600x615, 1672330115283633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, redditor. Go zone out while high on smoked Marijuana or Opium back at your turf,dear dipshit fagtron.

>> No.10630575

>doubles down with a poopjak
peace man

>> No.10630587

OK redditor. Call them what you fucking please, it's on you if you can't handle the PC version of Quake. If given the choice between official console versions of Quake 1 and Quake 2, I'd choose the Sega Saturn version first, and for Quake 2 the N64 version, respectively.

>> No.10630690

Kill yourself, corn syrup swilling mongrel.

>> No.10631613
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, PS1 Q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason it's hard for me to play the N64 and Saturn versions is because of the HUGE input latency both of them have, even on real hardware! I have a very difficult time dealing with input latency (skissue) which makes these versions unplayable for me, but I do enjoy their look and would love to play them if only the delay could be reduced.
I wish the PS1 version of Quake 2 weren't so cut down compared to the N64 version, because the PS1 version is REALLY pretty. Much better colors than any other version of Q2.

>> No.10631624

low IQ zoomzoom moment
>computers are haaaard how do i play this on my phone

>> No.10631637
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Q1 Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't handle
Reading comprehension, anon. The guy you're spazzing about said he found the PC port boring, not that he "can't handle" it. But yeah, those are the two best console versions far as I can tell. That pretty lighting on Q1 Saturn...

>> No.10632148

>Sega Saturn Quake
>playing quake on the controller
i understand when games are made for consoles like cod or goldeneye but quake ?

>> No.10632153

I played the GBA port of Earthbound because I wanted to play the entire series on the GBA, just to say I did. It's honestly not that much of a downgrade.

>> No.10632234

Quake 2 on PS1 is fun, and the colors are nice yeah, the tech is absolute dogshit though. There's no skybox, no moving liquids, explosions look like a joke, no stainmaps for enemies, no muzzle flash, etc. Very rudimentary version graphically. They also made some weird alterations like making the BFG weaker, movement slower, jumps shorter, and they removed almost all instances of powerups except quad damage and a couple invincibilities. Gotta go with N64 version overall, that game legitimately improved on Q2 even over the PC version in many ways.

>> No.10632916
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I miss 90's and early 2000's handheld ports, it's a shame these worse, but often unique, versions of video games pretty much died out when classic handhelds died with the PS Vita and 3DS, now we only have the Switch, which is more of a hybrid, and those emulation handhelds from China that have nothing original made for them, only ROMs, I don't dislike them though, they're good to have.

>> No.10635158
File: 170 KB, 283x414, 1681065761193672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is hairline

>> No.10635219

Have you played the PS2 version?
Rayman Revolution?

>> No.10636560

nta but cut bimmy some slack he's like 80 years old.
He should shave it off tho he looks ridiculous