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10622818 No.10622818 [Reply] [Original]

What was the point of the choice here?

>> No.10622820

Valve being hacks think cliffhangers are the only way to end games on.

>> No.10622867


>> No.10622871

>here, player, have this incredible choice!
>A: wait for a few seconds
>B: take a few steps forward
So engaging and fun.

>> No.10622887

yeah it was cool

>> No.10623530

does anyone know how to change this and its expansions to 1920x1080 rez? I don't use steam

>> No.10623574

The point was that no matter what you did the game was over (out of content).

>> No.10623581

>move around
>press buttons
>shoot stuff
Wooooow so engaging and fun.

>> No.10623605

read the pcgamingwiki, use xash3d or do both

>> No.10623608

Portal teaser.

>> No.10623609

it was just a way to finsih the story

>> No.10624073


>> No.10624167

to show you that gman made you his bitch, and that you should kneel and drink his knob and work for him or he'll send you to the cardboard alien grunt dimension to die

>> No.10625120

It kinda sucks how immediately after sending you to die, screen fades to black.
Would be cool if you could still run around and fail to stay alive, there could even be some secrets thrown in at this point.
Wasted opportunity in my opinion.

>> No.10625136

Nah the game was over. Stopping the story when it's over matters.

>> No.10625232

It aint over until I say its over.
That suit wearing motherfucker says he will give me a fight I have no chance of winning? Well, it fucking checks out as I don't even get a chance of fighting!
The sheer bullshit I've been through up to this point, ground zero, HECU, ninjas, trash compactors, alien worlds, eldritch abominations, crawling through the most ungodly of places, that room full of alien bouncers is totally something I could deal with, I may not have the qualifications, but I do have experience.

>> No.10625494

ahh another resentful zoomer incapable of experiencing joy. yep, another one of those sad husks. every day he chooses to be miserable

>> No.10627035

Look grandpa. Gaming is all about bunny hopping. If I can't hop around like a ridiculous cunt the games not worth playing.

>> No.10627084

I don't remember G-Man looking like that. Is that a mod?

>> No.10627102

Yeah I don't have an issue with the bad ending I just feel like there was a bit of missed potential there. Like they could have beat Halo: Reach to the punch by over a decade if they did something like that.

>> No.10627148

To engage your imagination about the next game
It probably wasn't even done cynically in that day and age when it really seemed like anything you could dream might be possible in a few more years.

>> No.10627168

There was a HD texture pack. It changed how all the NPCs looked.
I think HL2 actually modeled G-Man on his original appearance though.

>> No.10627380

Reinforce that the story is fully told through your real time actions as Gordon, and not cutscenes where Gordon does what the story demands automatically, or picking an option from a list in a dialogue box
the game starts with (You) dragging the xen crystal (after physically hauling yourself to work if you want to be pedantic) and ends with (You) stepping through the door

>> No.10627419

>press buttan
>thing happen
Woah, is this video games

>> No.10627429
File: 382 KB, 1920x1200, 20181108161723_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a mod called Anti-Climax, that lets you explore the option of being teleported into that impossible fight.


>> No.10628065

He took away your weapons.