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10619095 No.10619095 [Reply] [Original]

Quake 1 or Quake 2?

>> No.10619112

neither, it's blood/rott or die for me when it comes to shooters

>> No.10619142


>> No.10619150
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Quake 1 had a cool aesthetic (or mix of aesthetics I suppose)
Quake 2 was the beginning of the boring sci fi shooter path the rest of the series took

>> No.10619214

Quake 2 soundtrack > Quake 1 soundtrack

>> No.10619421

>cool weapons
>everything is brown
>cool aesthetic
>good music

quake 2
>good music, but repetitive
>crappy weapon sounds
>strogg are cool
>most environments are generic scifi but the strogg processing facilities are cool

eh, i like both for different reasons. a gripe i have with these old school shooters is they're designed in such a way that the level layouts and how you're supposed to solve the levels probably made sense to whoever made them, but not necessarily other people. so the result is you have to backtrack when it doesn't make logical sense to do so, or you have to play find the switch/keycard in order to proceed. they're the kind of levels where you're more likely to find secrets than the exit. but whatever, nothing a quick youtube search can't fix.

>> No.10619637

Based ROTT enjoyer.

>> No.10619650

quake 1

>> No.10619656
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Both are great games but I personally choose Quake 1. Quake 1 had a really unique aesthetic and atmosphere with this bleak Lovecraftian world while Quake 2 just felt like a basic sci-fi star ship troopers-esque world. Quake 2 just lost the mystery of Quake 1. Also, the Quake 2 engine just feels more floaty than the Quake 1 engine. I don't know how to really explain it but the original Quake engine felt more sturdy and punchy. Every game I've played that used the Quake 2 engine just feels floaty to me.

>> No.10619657

Quake because Q2 was just bland and dull, had mostly subdued enemies, shitty level design, ooh endless corridors, the open nature of sections seems cool in practice but just leads to aimless backtracking between levels and so on. Quake 2 was just a step back in every way that was simply not technical.

>> No.10619659

Never really enjoyed Q1 or 2. Always found the aesthetics of it dull and ugly and so on...

But even so, I can recall most of Q1 easily while I don't remember almost anything about Q2. Levels, enemies, nothing... and the multiplayer felt off as well.

>> No.10619715

they both have lopsided consistency in terms of lvl design but the warehouse in quake 2 is so fucking boring and early in the game so much of it it is mind numbing square shaped room-rooms and it doesnt consist with the sophistication of the opening section of the game. in every foa the demo-section (first section of set of levels) is always the moast effortful and thoughtfully designed though ironically its what designers planned to distribute for free. think about those original maps in counter strike that nobody ever played, when somebody says they like counter strike they arent talking about those maps, are they, cs is another lopsided game but you arent forced to play those predictable maps

>> No.10619887

>everything is brown
that's all that they could fit in when they were done; they were hurting for space bc games back then needed to be small to fit on CDs

>> No.10619908


gratuitous gibs

>> No.10619910

Still not boomer culture, by demographics alone

>> No.10620409

for me, it's Quake 1

>> No.10620460

1 has the better setting while 2 has the better guns. Nothing in 1 feels as good as dumping all your chaingun ammo in a couple of seconds.

>> No.10620469

fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off

>> No.10621428

Stop spewing insipid and unrelated buzzwords like the toddler you are.

>> No.10621431
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I like both.

Those are also really good.
ROTT and Blood I mean, not so much the death part.

The color palette has little to do with disk space. Muted earth tones were a deliberate design choice and one which is suitable for the gothic horror locales they were going for. That said, Quake has a lot of color at times.

>> No.10621435

splat splat splat splat splat

>> No.10621447

Quake 1 for the campaign and TF, Quake 2 for the deathmatch.

>> No.10621452

Quake 2's Deathmatch was so fucking fun, loved the variety brought on by the weapons and items.

>> No.10621482

damn thats a hard one. i fucking love both. its like choosing between my dick and my balls. i really need both if i can honest. fuuuuuck. this is thr first question that i dont know if i can answer. can we first agree that they r both great? i am inclined to say quake 2, buts its tough. i dont like picking ill tell u that. quake 2 makes me feel immersed in that world a little moreso than q1.

>> No.10621486

ooo... i dunno man. r u saying q2 is boring? i find that hard to believe.

>> No.10622463

wet smacking noises intensifies

>> No.10622467 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10622486

1, but 2 is also good for what it is.

>> No.10622492

console wars have nothing on quake vs unreal

>> No.10623062

i like both but for me it is quake ii
>real soundtrack rather than ambient
>cool designs like the pyramid and the strogg
>awesome final boss fight vs the anti climactic one of the first
>more weapons that pack a bigger punch
quake i is fun, but i prefer the second one. ive never been able to get into lovecrafts stories either so maybe thats part of it.

>> No.10623151

never been a fan of Lovecraft inspired shit so quake 1's style didn't do anything for me
it was enjoyable enough gameplay wise but I just prefer quake 2
ut99 is still king though

>> No.10623258

Tastes will always differ, but what parts do you dislike or fail to find appealing?
Quake doesn't really have characters or much of a story, so the Lovecraft stuff is pretty surface level, being more just the wallpaper for the shooting action and exploration.

>> No.10623276

idk, I like bleak atmosphere but the weird demonic/alien creatures and stuff like that never really clicked with me, it's not just quake
I can't really put my finger on it
maybe it's just a slightly oversaturated genre of horror for me the same way people get sick of zombies

>> No.10623858

quake 2 - n64 campaign

>> No.10624895

Q1. Q2 is good but feels rushed.

>> No.10624940

>Quake 1 or Quake 2?

Quake II was really more of the 'go to' for multiplayer death match back in the day. Quake 1 for the mods.

>> No.10625059

Ps1 Quake 2 with the dual analog patch

>> No.10626531

2 for sure. Better music too.